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emmaameliamiaava · 1 year ago
Tech in Roofing - Corrugated Cement vs Non-Asbestos Sheets - Everest Industries
Explore the realm of roofing with a focus on technology. This insightful overview compares "hi-tech" roofing options such as corrugated cement roofing sheets and non-asbestos corrugated roofing sheets. We dissect their composition, attributes, and applications, revealing how technology is reshaping roofing materials. Whether you're a homeowner, contractor, or simply interested in roofing advancements, this examination provides valuable insights into how these modern roofing choices deliver both durability and versatility for construction and renovation projects. Uncover the unique features and practical considerations of these roofing solutions to make informed decisions that align with your specific needs and preferences.
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bewitchingbooktours · 4 months ago
Black In White by JC Andrijeski - Haunted Halloween Spooktacular
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Halloween Fiction - The Chair
by JC Andrijeski 
Devon fights…
She fights at first just to be there. Just to…
Keep her eyes open.
If she closes them…
Well, if she closes them for too long, she’ll die.
That should motivate you, Devon…
One of them doesn’t really open, though. Not anymore.
She can hear it.
A steady drip, drip, drip under the bolted down chair where she sits.
She’s… tied. Tied up…
Ankles handcuffed to the front legs. Wrists handcuffed behind her, the chain wrapped through the metal back support of a heavy chair with no padding. She hears the sound, like a light, tapping hammer against her skull.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Each drop hits more liquid.
More liquid every minute.
…a growing pool. It lays below her, mostly under her seat where it drips down from her sliced thigh and the larger gash in her abdomen. It’s already soaked through her black pants. She doesn’t look at the pool…
She doesn’t look at it.
Her elbows touch behind her, trembling.
Well, shaking maybe.
Shock. She must be in shock. The body kind of shock. Some part of her wants to fight or flight… at least until she collapses in front of the sliding glass doors of an emergency room.
They left her here.
Bastards just left. Didn’t even bother to finish her off.
Devon’s eyes drift up, to a metal shop light hanging on a long, half-chewed wire from the ceiling. The ceiling lays high above. Cross-beams with rivets, a broken catwalk. Corrugated tin roof with holes and sheet-metal walls. Cement floor. The expanse and size of it are clear to her suddenly, even in the dark… even with only one eye. It’s a modern-day cavern. An empty, rusted-out ruin.
Jeez… cliché, much?
The smile doesn’t linger on her swollen lips.
Where, though? Where is she? Should she try yelling? Is it worth it, spending time and energy trying to get the gag off to yell?
She doesn’t have a lot of time. Has to choose wisely.
The warehouse is empty… vast.
She hears doves somewhere. Pigeons? They fuss and coo and rustle feathers against metal and more feathers. The sound comes from up high, echoing down to her. She imagines she sees them, huddled next to framed, dirty, dust-covered windows. Shafts of broken sunlight slant down, illuminating dancing dust motes. None of that light touches her.
It’s quiet. Really damned quiet.
No cars. No voices. No footsteps to echo.
Would anyone hear her, if she yelled?
Probably not, she decides.
Why would they have left her here, alive? She tries to think about this, to make sense of it, then realizes the answer is simple. She doesn’t matter. She is nothing to them. It amused him to leave her alive, so he did.
She’s probably not in the city at all, not anymore.
Her mind finds and scuttles other possibilities. She wastes more time, trying to remember the ride out here, in case she gets a chance to report in. How many of them took her. What they looked like. She didn’t see shit on the drive here, or as they dragged her inside. She tripped a few times. On metal edges, steps, maybe. She didn’t see anything that could help her now.
She’d been terrified.
They whipped the bag off her face…
Nothing but the hanging light, those tools, rough hands…
It went on for a long time.
Questions. She won’t remember those, either.
…she tried to listen. Before that. She tried to…
She hadn’t been trained for this. No one told her this might happen.
First job. Big deal first job, working for the president.
Just a noob. A rook.
A red shirt.
She tries to make a report. To herself. A report on what happened…
…three men forced a black bag over my head at approximately 7:15 am. I’d just reached the edge of the perimeter on our secondary check, at the southeast corner of the UN building on East 42nd and 1st. I was overpowered, drugged, then blindfolded with a bag before being marched down the emergency stairwell I’d been patrolling. They took outside the building through a lower access door, where I was almost immediately shoved in the back of an unmarked van…
Well. Her mind said “unmarked van.”
She remembers a sliding door, the grating sound before it slammed shut with a muffled bang and the snick of a lock. In the movies it’s always an unmarked van...but it could have been some suburban minivan, for all Devon knew.
Maybe with a “My Kid is an Honor Roll Student” bumper sticker…
Distraction. She doesn’t have time for distraction.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
She doesn’t know much about the human body, but she knows it needs blood.
Hers is running out. Too fast.
No one is coming.
They’d cut her…
Christ. How did this happened?
Wrong place, wrong time.
…but she can’t think about that anymore, either.
Her one, good eye scours the space again.
Heavy wooden table. Dirty, covered in tools.
Devon doesn’t want to look at those tools, given that most are covered in her blood. She makes herself stare at them anyway. Some are sharp, sure...most are sharp, rusted, like a horror movie or something from the Tower of London. A few blunter things. She can’t say for sure, but doesn’t think any of them would help her get out of the chair. Not with no hands. Not fast enough.
A spark ignites somewhere in her mind.
He’d snorted, staring at her with those hard, slate-like eyes.
He’d been finished. Worked up a sweat. Probably a calorie deficit day for him. Like going to the gym.
Orange-tinged blond hair sweated to his forehead and neck. Face, neck and upper body speckled with small and large red dots, larger patches of the same fluid on the sleeves of his blue t-shirt and his hands. He made a show of wiping those thick, hairy hands on a dirty rag before he left.
She’d already been counting down the minutes.
Maybe he had been, too.
Or maybe the clock had already stopped, from his perspective.
He’d left the keys.
Well… sort of. He’d thrown them across the empty warehouse.
He did that casually, too, tossing them in a high arc, like tossing a bottle opener to a friend at a party.
They went far, though.
Devon heard them land. She hears it again now, a distant thunk in her head as she fights to remember. She hears them skitter across the cement a few feet...or maybe a few yards...like a distant replay.
That bastard grinned at her after he did it. Teeth yellow from smoking. Face broken with a darker scruff than that pale. Blond hair. Between that and his darker roots, he must have bleached his hair, come to think of it.
He threw the keys… that was right before he left.
She thinks she remembers the direction. She thinks…
Devon bites down on her lip. Hard.
The pain forces her eyes (eye?) open once more.
It brings her mind briefly, sharply, back into focus.
You’re not going to just sit here and die, Devon.
You’re not going to play some stupid wait-and-see denial game… like some fatalistic ass, waiting for angelic intervention…
That time, she doesn’t think.
She starts to rock the chair.
She starts to rock it for all she’s worth.
  * * *
  It’s difficult at first.
Side to side. Baby steps.
Then wider swings.
The legs teeter a few times, chunk down. Make her flinch.
It takes a few, good seconds to get her rhythm down...
Then it’s a little scary. The chair starts to sway for real. Those legs chunk down harder. Land less steadily.
Some part of her still winces back.
Some part of her doesn’t want more pain.
Death, Devon.
Death is worse than a little pain, damn it…
…she makes herself do it, anyway.
When that final rock tips her over the edge, she’s startled. Like some part of her still doesn’t see it coming.
Her body tries to catch it in reflex…
It can’t.
She lands, hard, exhales in a pain-filled grunt.
Moaning, she gasps. Winded. She lays on her side, panting, wasting oxygen, moaning, feeling like she just wants to die. She’s sure she’s broken her arm. It feels like she just hit it with a hammer.
She did, more or less. On purpose.
It feels like an eternity of time she’s wasted.
She can see it now, though. She’s half-laying in it.
That pool of blood. It’s big.
Scary big.
It motivates her.
She starts to writhe inside the bindings of the chair. She tried to pull the chair with her, across the cement floor.
On her side, she can move her body, like a snake. It hurts her abdomen. It hurts enough to distract her from her throbbing leg, from her arm. She can even move the arm under her, but hit hurts like hell.
All of it hurts like… well, it hurts a heck of a lot.
More than anything she cares to remember.
She does it anyway.
She’s going to get across the floor. No matter what.
If they find her dead, she won’t just be sitting in a chair.
She won’t just be sitting over a pool of her own blood.
* * *
At first, she thinks she’s not getting anywhere.
It’s slow. Really slow.
She looks back though, when she has to rest. She sees a smear of blood, coming mostly off of that cut he made in her leg. A lot probably off that hole in her abdomen, too.
She looks forward again, moving.
Writhing. Gasping.
Nothing ever hurt so much.
She’s tired.
She doesn’t want to think about being tired.
She doesn’t want to think about what it might mean.
She’s really damned tired, though.
She fights to see through the one eye. It’s fogged a bit now, not really working right. She blinks, fighting to clear it. It works, but not really.
She can’t get tired.
She can’t...
The first time she snaps out, she realizes she’s been lying there. She doesn’t know how long. Dozing...
Time for a nap, Devon? Really?
…but it scares the shit out of her.
She’s fading. She has to hurry.
She writhes faster across the cement floor, groaning a little from the wounds that have stiffened just enough to remind her she’s been lying there.
She makes it a few more feet.
A few more.
She’ll stop, just for a second.
Needs to rest.
Needs to…
* * *
“Hey! Hey, lady!”
Devon’s head lolls on her neck.
The ground hurts. Something sharp there. Glass?
A nail.
Light in her face.
Really bright.
It’s dark in here. Really dark.
She’s still tied to the chair.
“Whatcha doin’ down there, lady?”
The voice slurs, then laughs. The laugh echoes, a hollow pinging against the metal insides of the cavernous space.
Devon blinks up, unable to shield her eyes from that light. Her wrists are still cuffed to the back of the chair.
She’s still tied to the chair.
Panic fills her.
A memory of that drip, drip, drip…
She fights to speak. “Help,” she whispers.
“Lady, you’re bleeding a lot. Damn. A lot… that’s really fucked up…”
“Help me…” she whispers. “Please… help me…”
She fights to move. Maybe to plead with him.
Maybe just to show him she can’t.
“Hey,” he says. “What you doing in here, lady? What happened to you?”
She has the absurd desire to laugh.
Then to scream at him.
He laughs again, maybe at the look on her face.
Devon feels sick, dizzy. Is this real? Is someone really here? Is she dead? Dreaming on a gurney in some emergency room?
But no. The chair. The chair is still there.
She wouldn’t dream the chair.
He doesn’t seem right, either. High, maybe? Maybe he has a phone.
Then she sees it.
He’s using the phone to look at her. Using the light on the phone…
Hope turns into anxiety, clutching at her chest.
“Please,” she whispers. She fights to make more noise, to speak. She clears her throat, swears she tastes more blood, then fights away the image. “Please,” she says, a little louder. “Please… call someone… please…”
“Call someone?” That off-key laugh. “Who you want me to call? Who done this to you, lady?”
She fights to see him through the bright light. She stares at the phone…
It is maddeningly out of reach.
“Please,” she whispers. “Please… call someone. Please…”
Another voice startles her.
It is louder, deeper.
“What the hell?” it says. “Who are you talking to…?” A longer pause. Then new voice gets close enough to see past the light. “Jesus Christ… Rudy! What the fuck are you doing? Don’t touch her!”
 He sounds disgusted. Afraid.
“What are you doing, man?” he says, angrier now. “Get away from her. Seriously, man. That is gross…”
The first one crouches down, so that he’s closer to her.
Devon smells alcohol on his breath, smoke.
The face she sees is young, shockingly so. Younger than either of the voices she thought she heard. She sees rounded cheeks, large eyes with dilated pupils. She can’t make out many features.
He’s like a happy ghost. An apparition.
“Leave her alone, Rudy,” another voice says. “You don’t want to piss off whoever did this to her…”
“Fuck, man!” the first one says. “Chill, okay? She’s bleeding!”
“I know she’s bleeding,” the deeper, angrier-sounding voice says. “Just leave her alone, okay? Leave her there… and don’t touch nothing.”
“We can’t just leave her,” the first voice says. “Can we?”
Devon hears doubt in his voice.
That doubt scares her.
Terrifies her.
“Please,” she says. She fights to make her voice louder. “Please… I have money. I can pay you…”
“Money?” A note of interest grows in the first voice. “How much?”
“A lot…”
“Here? You got it here, lady?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “No. In my bank. But I promise, I––”
“See?” the angry voice says. “She doesn’t have shit. She’ll say anything right now...you can’t believe her, man!”
“No,” Devon pleads. “No… I promise. It’s true…”
“Come on,” the angry voice says. “I ain’t calling no cops. No way.”
“You can call after you leave,” Devon says. “Secret. Won’t tell. Don’t tell them your name…”
“No!” the second one snaps.
He seems to be looking at her, but she can’t see him past that ring of bright light. She can only feel the weight of his stare.
“I’m on parole, lady,” he says. “No offense, but you’re already dead. No one can help you now but God.”
“Keys!” Devon blurts. “Do you see keys? On the ground? Anywhere?”
“Keys?” the first voice pipes, interested again.
Devon realized only then that he’d fallen silent.
“Yes.” Devon nods. She turns back towards him, away from his angry friend, fighting to speak. “Yes. Please look. Please. I’ll say I found them. I promise I will. I won’t tell anyone about either of you…”
“On the floor?”
“No!” the angry voice says. “Come on, Rudy. Let’s go. She’s giving me the creeps.”
“I can look for a minute, man. Chill.”
“She’s already dead.”
“One minute. Chill, man.”
Devon sees the first one, the one with the phone, wandering around the empty space. She cranes her head and her right eye towards the flickers of light and reflection on random metal surfaces as he shines his phone screen around, aiming it at different spots on the cement floor.
A few seconds later, he lets out a jubilant laugh.
It echoes up to the metal rafters, bouncing against the walls of Devon’s head.
“Hey! I see ‘em! I see your keys, lady!”
“Here,” she manages. “Please… bring them here, Rudy… please…”
Angry guy mutters.
Clothes rustle somewhere over where she lays, like he’s folding his arms, or maybe shoving his hands into his pockets. The material is light, noisy, like a windbreaker or maybe a nylon jacket.
“Bitch knows your name, man,” he says.
“Whose fault is that?” Rudy says cheerfully.
Devon hears a jangling sound as he scoops up the keys. Like music.
She listens as he brings them over to her.
She hears footsteps…
Then his face is near hers again, grinning like he just won a prize.
“You want ‘em by your hand, lady?”
“Uncuff me. Please.”
“No, Rudy!” the second voice snaps. “Leave the bitch her keys, and you did your good deed. Let’s get the hell out of here. Now. Before someone sees us and figures what you did.”
The first one leans down, placing the keys clumsily in her fingers behind her back. Devon reaches for the slick ring. Grasps hold of cold metal with all of her might. She gasps, fighting tears, even as the kid whispers in her ear.
“Sorry, lady,” he tells her. The smell of his breath still makes her wince. Pot smoke and cheap booze. “Sorry. I hope you get out of here okay…”
“Call,” she begs him, whispering back. “Please, when you get out of here… just… call someone. Even with the keys, I won’t have time, Rudy. I won’t get out of here in time… please call someone for help…”
He grins at her again.
Devon only sees emptiness in those hazel eyes.
She never gets a good look at his face. All she sees are those hazel irises blackened by too much pupil. Teeth that glow nearly florescent behind the blue-white panel of his smartphone.
“Please, Rudy,” she pleads, her voice a shadow now. “Please. Help me. Don’t leave me here to die… please… I don’t know where I am…”
But it’s dark inside her cave again.
They’ve already gone.
  * * *
  She loops the key ring through two of her fingers.
Grips it there. Wills it to stay.
Using her free fingers, she feels over the surface of the cuff, looking for the hole. A notched opening, a tiny square merged with a tiny rectangle. She finds it on one cuff. Holds a finger there.
How much time does she have?
An hour? Maybe two?
When did they pick her up?
When did he ask the last question?
How long had it been since he stuck that knife in her thigh? He left it there, for awhile. It might have bled less then, with the knife in it. He left it sticking out of her, until he was ready to leave…
She gasped, gripping the key with all of her strength as she fought it closer to that tiny, odd-shaped hole.
There are other keys on the loop of metal, though.
Three keys. One for each set of cuffs.
Is she holding the right one?
33.333% chance that she’s holding the right one.
She prays. Like a child, she prays it’s the right key. As if that will solve all of her problems. As if that’s going to end it.
She won’t drop the keys.
That much she knows.
She won’t drop them.
Adrenaline, feeding her blood. Maybe killing her faster. Maybe giving her just enough for a last try at life.
She positions that first key over the hole. It goes in. She could cry with relief. She grips it, though. She grips it tight. She twists. She twists it… carefully. It won’t unlock. It won’t move.
Her hands are slick. Wet. Hot. She’s doing it wrong.
Wrong? Or is it the wrong key?
She fights with it. Wills it to open.
Wrong key.
Her mind screams it. It screams it in the dark, pointing at a ticking clock, at the drips of blood she can no longer hear coming out of her thigh and out of that wound in her belly.
She bites her lip again, tasting more blood.
Next key.
66.66666% chance that this one is right.
Process of elimination. Odds keep getting better.
Better for one.
Worse for the other.
She’s out of time.
* * *
It is the third key.
100% chance of being correct.
Even so, when the lock twists, she almost cries out in delirious relief.
She’d half-convinced herself it would be wrong. She’d half convinced herself it would be the match that fell in the snow…
To Build a Fire.
…but it turned, and she felt the metal fall away, and let out that cry, waking the doves in their high rafters.
She felt the cuff fall open and then she could move her arms.
Not broken, after all. Just hurt a lot.
Still gripping the keys, she moved like a geriatric. She didn’t pull her arms. Even with her hurt abdomen, she pulled her body forward, dragging her arms after her.
She still held those damned keys.
She might never put them down. Ever.
No time to waste.
She dragged her arms forward, crying, in spite of herself.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
She leaned forward. Fumbling in the dark. Dark like no light ever existed.
But that’s not quite true, either.
She can see an orange light… through those dirty windows above the sheet metal walls. She can smell the dirt on the cement floor, and piss, and she can see that light.
She’s not dead yet.
Left leg first. Maybe because it feels urgent. It’s the leg that got stabbed. She has to get it free. Now. Right now.
She fumbles for the hole. Finds it.
She kept the key in the lock of the cuffs that had locked her wrists to the back of the chair. It dangled from her wrist on the hand that didn’t look for the keyhole that still held her to the metal chair.
66.6666% chance of being correct on the first try.
That time, it worked on the first try.
She freed that leg and groaned, holding onto the last key, key number three, the one that would finally free her from the chair. She gripped it tightly in her fingers. She held it as she gripped her free ankle, tears running down her face.
Thinking. How to move her body. She fell apart from the chair strangely that time, still tied to it, but at a weird angle now.
She tries to think her way through where she is.
She tries to rewind her way back through the dark.
Wrists free. Fall forward.
Left leg free, fall to the side.
She wraps around herself, dragging the chair. It makes a hollow, scraping sound as it grates across the cement floor. The sound echoes. She pants, and that echoes, too. She feels a nail there, something she shouldn’t step on.
She’s still gripping the key.
The last key. The final key. She holds it like the holy grail, gripping it with fear in her wet, hot, throbbing hand.
The answer to her final problem.
She may never let it go.
100% chance of being right.
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Black In White
Quentin Black Mystery 
Book One
JC Andrijeski
Genre: Urban Fantasy Mystery Romance
Publisher: White Sun Press
Date of Publication: September 9, 2015
ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1545436714  
ISBN-10: 1545436711
ASIN: B01554ZHH6
Number of pages: 268
Word Count: 76,755
Cover Artist: Damonza
Tagline: Meet Quentin Black: Private Investigator. Psychic. Possible murderer.
Book Description: 
Gifted with an uncanny sense about people, psychologist Miri Fox works as a profiler for the San Francisco police. When her best friend, homicide detective Nick Tanaka, thinks he's finally nailed the serial murderer known as the "Wedding Killer," she agrees to check him out, using her gift to discover the truth.
But the suspect, Quentin Black, isn't anything like Miri expects.
He claims to be hunting the killer too, and the longer Miri talks to him, the more determined she becomes to uncover his secrets.
When he confronts her about the nature of her peculiar "insight," Miri gets pulled into Black's bizarre world, and embroiled in a game of cat and mouse with a deadly killer--who might just be Black himself.
Worse, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Black, a complication she doesn't need with a best friend who's a homicide cop and a boyfriend in intelligence.
Can Miriam see a way out or is her future covered in Black?
THE QUENTIN BLACK MYSTERY SERIES encompasses a number of dark, gritty paranormal mystery arcs with science fiction elements, starring brilliant and mysterious Quentin Black and forensic psychologist Miriam Fox. For fans of realistic paranormal mysteries with romantic elements, the series spans continents and dimensions as Black solves crimes, takes on other races and tries to keep his and Miri's true identities secret to keep them both alive.
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/jcKdbAYADcY
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I tilted my head, still smiling, but letting my puzzlement show.
“Why are you talking to me at all?” I asked finally.
“Why shouldn’t I talk to you?” he said. “I’ve already told you that you’re the first person to walk in here that I thought might be worth my attempting to communicate.”
“Because I’m female?” I said.
“Because you seem to be less of a fool than the rest of them,” he corrected me at once.
“But you said Nick had a mind?”
“I said he had a mind of sorts. Not the same thing at all. Although, given the nature of his intellect, he has undoubtedly chosen the right profession for himself.”
I smiled again. “I’m sure that will be quite a relief for him.”
I heard laughter in the earpiece that time, right before Nick spoke up.
“See if he’ll tell you his name,” he said to me.
“Certainly, if you really want to know,” the suspect said, before I could voice the question aloud.
“My name is Black. Quentin Black. Middle initial, R.”
I stared at him, still recovering from the fact that he’d seemingly heard Nick give me an instruction through the earpiece.
Clearly, he wanted me to know he’d heard it, too.
“You heard that?” I said to him.
“Good ear, yes?” he said. Smiling, he gave me a more cryptic, yet borderline predatory look.
“Less good with you, however. Significantly less good.”
He paused, studying my face with eyes full of meaning.
I almost got the sense he was waiting for me to reply—or maybe just to react.
When I didn’t, he leaned back in the chair, making another of those graceful, flowing gestures with his hand.
“I find that… fascinating, doc. Quite intriguing. Perhaps that is crossing a boundary with you again, however? To mention that?”
I paused on his words, then decided to dismiss them.
“Is that a real name?” I said. “Quentin Black. That doesn’t sound real. It sounds fake.”
“Real is all subjective, is it not?”
“So it’s not real, then?”
“Depends on what you mean.”
“Is it your legal name?”
“Again, depends on what you mean.”
“I mean, could you look it up in a database and actually get a hit somewhere?”
“How would I know that?” he said, making an innocent gesture with his hands, again within the limits of the metal cuffs.
Realizing I wasn’t going to get any more from him on that line of questioning, I changed direction. “What does the ‘R’ stand for?” I said.
“Quentin Rayne Black?” I repeated back to him, still not hiding my disbelief.
“Would you believe me if I said my parents had a sense of whimsy?” he asked me.
“No,” I said.
“Would you believe that I do, then?”
I snorted a laugh, in spite of myself. I heard it echoed through the earpiece, although I heard a few curses coming from that direction, too.
I shook my head at the suspect himself, but less in a “no” that time.
“Yes,” I conceded finally. “So it is a made-up name, then?”
The man calling himself Quentin Black only returned my smile. His eyes once again looked shrewd, less thoughtful and more openly calculating.
Even so, his weird comment about “listening” came back to me.
Truthfully, he was looking at me as if he were listening very hard.
The thought made me slightly nervous.
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About the Author:
JC Andrijeski is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of gritty, character-driven, “real”-feeling paranormal mysteries and apocalyptic fiction. Her books have strong romance subplots, found families, and often a metaphysical bent. JC has a background in journalism, history and politics, and loves hiking, people watching, yoga, meditation, weird tourist destinations, the beach, coffee, birds, snails, and tacos. She grew up in the Bay Area of California, but travels extensively and has lived abroad in Europe, Australia, and Asia, and from coast to coast in the continental United States. She’s now living and writing full-time in Hollister, California.
Website: https://jcandrijeski.com 
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 Amazon: https://geni.us/JCA-Amazon
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rankexpert · 5 months ago
How to identify asbestos?
Identifying asbestos in your property is crucial to ensure safety and avoid the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. However, asbestos is not always visible to the naked eye, and its identification typically requires professional testing and inspection. Below are the methods to identify asbestos in a property:
1. Age of the Building
If your property was built before the year 2000 in the UK (or before the 1980s in many other regions), there is a chance that asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are present. Asbestos was commonly used in construction materials such as insulation, roofing, and flooring due to its fire-resistant properties.
2. Common Materials That May Contain Asbestos
Asbestos was widely used in various construction products, so identifying where these materials might be located in your building is a critical step. Some of the most common materials that might contain asbestos include:
Insulation: Asbestos was frequently used in pipe and boiler insulation.
Ceiling and Floor Tiles: Asbestos was often included in older vinyl tiles, linoleum flooring, and ceiling tiles.
Roofing and Siding: Asbestos cement was commonly used in roof shingles, siding, and corrugated roofing sheets.
Textured Coatings: Decorative coatings like Artex, commonly found on walls and ceilings, may contain asbestos.
Asbestos Cement Products: These are commonly found in drainage pipes, water tanks, and roofing.
Fireproofing Materials: Spray coatings and fire blankets often contained asbestos for added fire resistance.
3. Signs of Asbestos in Materials
While you cannot visually confirm asbestos content without proper testing, there are some indicators that may suggest the presence of asbestos:
Damaged or deteriorating insulation around pipes or boilers in older buildings.
Old vinyl tiles that may have a black adhesive underneath, which could contain asbestos.
Textured coatings that appear old and brittle, especially in properties built before the 1980s.
However, these are only visual clues, and asbestos can only be confirmed through testing.
4. Asbestos Surveys
The most reliable way to identify asbestos is to have a professional asbestos survey conducted by licensed experts. There are two main types of asbestos surveys:
Management Survey: This is a non-intrusive survey conducted to locate asbestos-containing materials in buildings that are still in use. It aims to identify any materials that might release asbestos fibers if disturbed.
Refurbishment and Demolition Survey: This is required if you are planning major renovation or demolition work. It is more invasive and is necessary to locate asbestos in hidden areas that may be disturbed during the work.
5. Asbestos Testing
If you suspect asbestos, you should not attempt to disturb or remove the material yourself. Instead, you can contact licensed asbestos removal professionals to perform asbestos testing. The process involves:
Taking Samples: A trained professional will carefully extract a small sample of the suspected material, following strict safety protocols to avoid disturbing the fibers.
Laboratory Testing: The sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results will confirm whether the material contains asbestos and what type of asbestos is present (chrysotile, amosite, or crocidolite).
6. Air Testing
In cases where there may be airborne asbestos fibers, professionals can also conduct air testing. This helps to determine the concentration of asbestos fibers in the air and assess the level of contamination in the property.
7. Hiring Licensed Asbestos Surveyors
Identifying asbestos requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Hiring licensed asbestos professionals ensures that:
Safe sampling procedures are followed to prevent accidental exposure to asbestos.
Detailed reports are provided, outlining the presence and condition of asbestos-containing materials.
Recommendations are given regarding the need for removal, encapsulation, or management of asbestos materials.
At DM Asbestos Removal, we offer comprehensive asbestos surveys and testing services to ensure your property is safe from asbestos-related risks. Our team of experts is licensed and trained to identify asbestos accurately, providing you with a clear plan for managing or removing asbestos from your building.
If you are concerned about asbestos in your home or workplace, contact us today for professional testing and survey services. Your safety is our priority.
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anjani07 · 6 months ago
        Istika The Best Online Construction Material Supplier for All Your Building Needs
In the ever-evolving world of construction, having access to reliable and high-quality materials is crucial. Whether you're building a small home or managing a large-scale construction project, the quality of your building materials will directly impact the strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal of your structure. This is where Istika comes in—a leading provider of construction materials online. As one of the best construction material suppliers, Istika ensures that builders and contractors have access to top-notch products, delivered with ease and efficiency.
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Why Istika Stands Out
Istika is not just another name in the construction material supply market; it is a company committed to providing excellence. As a building materials company with an expansive inventory, Istika takes pride in offering a wide range of building construction materials online. The company caters to both residential and commercial construction needs, ensuring that every customer finds exactly what they are looking for, whether it’s for a small renovation or a significant infrastructure project.
High-Quality Materials for Every Construction Project
One of the most important aspects of Istika's business is its dedication to quality. The company has partnered with leading manufacturers, ensuring that every product meets the highest industry standards. From foundational elements like cement, steel, and bricks, to finishing touches like tiles, paints, and insulation materials, Istika provides the full spectrum of building products.
By sourcing materials from trusted and recognized brands, Istika has earned its reputation as one of the best building materials suppliers in the industry. Builders trust Istika because they know they’re investing in materials that enhance the durability, safety, and sustainability of their projects.
Convenience of Buying Building Materials Online
One of the standout features of Istika is the convenience of purchasing construction materials online. Gone are the days when contractors and project managers had to visit multiple physical locations to procure materials. Istika’s user-friendly online platform allows customers to browse through a comprehensive catalog of construction materials from the comfort of their home or office.
The online construction material suppliers model is particularly beneficial for project managers working on tight schedules. Orders can be placed online 24/7, with detailed product descriptions, pricing, and specifications available at a glance. Moreover, Istika’s efficient delivery system ensures that materials are shipped quickly and arrive at the construction site in perfect condition, saving both time and money.
Comprehensive Product Range
Istika offers a wide array of products under different categories, making it a one-stop-shop for construction materials. Whether you're looking for:
Structural materials like steel beams, cement, concrete, and bricks.
Finishing materials such as tiles, flooring, paints, and plaster.
Plumbing and electrical supplies.
Roofing materials like shingles, corrugated sheets, and insulation.
With such a diverse catalog, Istika can meet the requirements of any project, big or small. The construction material suppliers at Istika also provide expert guidance on product selection, helping customers make informed decisions based on their project’s unique requirements.
Competitive Pricing and Transparent Processes
In addition to offering high-quality materials, Istika is committed to ensuring that customers get the best value for their money. The company provides competitive pricing on all products without compromising on quality. The online platform allows for easy comparison of prices, helping customers find the best deals for their construction projects. Istika’s transparent pricing policy means there are no hidden fees—what you see is what you pay.
Unparalleled Customer Support
At Istika, customer satisfaction is a top priority. The company’s customer support team is always available to answer queries, offer recommendations, and ensure a smooth purchasing experience. For customers who may be unsure about the materials they need, the support team provides professional advice to guide them through the selection process.
When it comes to purchasing building materials online, Istika is the go-to choice for many contractors, architects, and DIY enthusiasts. The company’s commitment to quality, convenience, and competitive pricing has made it one of the best building materials suppliers in the market. Whether you need bulk supplies for a large construction project or specialized materials for a smaller job, Istika offers everything you need in one place, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free purchasing experience every time.
For the best in building construction materials online, look no further than Istika—your trusted construction material supplier.
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trendingrepots · 6 months ago
Fiber Cement Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Fiber Cement Market Overview
Fiber Cement Market size is forecast to reach $20.5 billion by 2026, after growing at a CAGR of 4.8% during 2021-2026. Fiber cement is a composite materials compound with lignocellulose reinforcement that is composed of sand, Portland cement, silica sand, and cellulose fibers. The demand for fiber cement can be credited to the growth in demand for fiber cement products for construction activities, with the escalation in government rules on consumption of asbestos, across the globe. Factors such as excessive demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable building materials are influencing the demand for fiber cement products like slates, Corrugated sheets, false ceilings, flat sheets, and others. The Fiber Cement Market can hit upon an extensive range of applications through the residential and non-residential applications which mostly include exterior wall cladding, roofing, and building facades. Fiber cement producers are enduring to generate innovative techniques for customers to purchase their products further effortlessly.
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COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immediate impact on the world economy and that impact goes across all industries, including Fiber Cement. The construction sector was one of the sectors that had to carry the most terrible impact of COVID-19, as it was previously fighting a liquidity crisis as an outcome of the non-banking financial institutions in the financial sector for more than a year. Many projects endured in the unfinished stages because of the lack of funds. Those that were finished, remained unsold, because of changing buyer preferences which has indirectly impacted the Fiber Cement Market growth. Although, the COVID-19 pandemic remains highly volatile and continues to evolve, and the full impact of the pandemic on the Company’s business and future financial performance remains uncertain.
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Fiber Cement Market Report Coverage
The report: “Fiber Cement Market- Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Fiber Cement Industry.
By Raw Materials: Sand, Portland Cement, Cellulosic Material, Silica, and Others By Product Type: Slates, Corrugated sheets, Flat sheets, Planks, Partition walls, Window sills, and Others By Application: Roofing and Façade, Exterior (Cladding, Siding, Soffits, others), Interior (Acoustic panels, Mezzanine floor, others), Fences, and Others By End-Use Industry: Building and Construction [Commercial (Hospitals and Healthcare Infrastructure, Educational Institutes, Hotels and Restaurants, Banks and Financial Institution, Airports, Office Buildings, Others)], [Residential (Independent Homes, Row Houses, Large Apartment Building)], Infrastructural, and Others By Geography: North America (USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, Netherlands, Belgium, and Rest of Europe), APAC (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Rest of South America), and RoW (Middle East and Africa).
Key Takeaways
Asia Pacific dominates the Fiber Cement Market owing to a rapid increase in the Automotive and construction sector.
The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to understand their impact on the forecast period.
The report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats.
The other key areas of focus include the various applications and end-use industry in Fiber Cement Market and their specific segmented revenue.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the countries have gone under temporary shutdown, due to which operations of Fiber Cement related industries have been negatively affected, thus hampering the growth of the market.
Fiber Cement Market Segment Analysis - By Raw Materials
Portland Cement dominates the Fiber Cement Market growing at a CAGR of 4.2% over forecast period. Portland cement is manufactured by combining various elements including calcium, silicon, iron, aluminum, and other ingredients. Portland cement is of two type’s namely Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and white Portland cement. Increasing demand in making fiber cement is expected to contribute to the demand over the next seven years. Moreover, the low cost and easy availability of the materials required for manufacturing Portland cement including limestone, naturally occurring materials, and shale is expected to spur market growth.
Fiber Cement Market Segment Analysis - By Product Type
Corrugated sheets dominated the Fiber Cement Market holding share of 34%. They are a trendy siding and roofing best for agricultural and commercial buildings, due to their strength and durability. Corrugated sheets are generally used in the residential sector in prominent amounts in the form of roofing and siding options. They are durable, weatherproof, and will not rot or decay. Currently, this type of roofing is used as an alternative for asbestos sheeting, being safer and often more affordable in comparison. As per the pollution levels prevailing where they are installed, corrugated sheets have to be maintained every 5-10 years. Completely durable and eco-friendly, these roofing sheets are ideally used for protecting garages, porches, and sheds. As the consumers being dissatisfied with the available conventional options and looking for more value from their investments in corrugated sheets. This, in turn, has created a higher demand for corrugated sheets in the Fiber Cement Market.
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newtechroof · 2 years ago
What is a roofing sheet and what are some common types of roofing sheets?
A roofing sheet is a sheet that covers and protects a roof and wall from corrosion, extreme weather conditions, and other external factors. Roofing sheets are the modern form of roofing tiles.
Why choose roofing sheets?
•             Versatile
•             Best visual appeal
•             Protect roof from extreme weather conditions.
•             Prevent leakages
•             Insulation
Types of roofing sheets
There are many types of roofing sheets in the market based on your requirements and needs. Some common roofing sheets are
1. Aluminium roofing sheets
2. Polycarbonate roofing sheets
3. Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) Roofing Sheets
4. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Roofing Sheets
5. Bitumen roofing sheet
6. Corrugated roofing sheets
7. PUF Roofing sheet
1. Aluminium roofing sheets
Aluminium roofing sheets are made of the best quality aluminium. It is a very popular roofing sheet in Chennai. Aluminium roofing sheets are low maintenance, low cost, anti-corrosive, weather resistant, and energy efficient. Aluminium roofing sheets are available in different colours, patterns, and styles.
2. Polycarbonate roofing sheets
Polycarbonate roofing sheets are mostly used for large-scale commercial and industrial buildings because of their strength and durability. Polycarbonate roofing sheets are made from high-quality polycarbonate resin. These roofing sheets are available in different styles and thicknesses. It absorbs maximum sunlight and filters harmful UV radiation.
3. PVC roofing sheets
Because of their durability, PVC roofing sheets are preferred by the majority of people.PVC roofing sheets are made of polyvinyl chloride. It is resistant to weathering, chemical rotting, corrosion, shock, and abrasion.
4. UPVC roofing sheets
UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) roofing sheets differ from PVC in flexibility because they don't contain plasticizers.
5. Bitumen roofing sheets
Bitumen roofing sheets made from bitumen-impregnated fibres create waterproof and lightweight roofing sheets. Bitumen roofing sheets are commonly used for sheds, stables, and garages. The name bitumen implies rolling; these are layers that arrive at the site in the form of rolls.
6. Corrugated roofing sheets
The most common type of corrugated roofing sheet is galvanised steel. Because of the special corrugated shape, flimsy and lightweight metals like aluminium can also be equipped to undergo decades of weather beating.
7. PUF
PUF or polyurethane roofing sheet is made from prefabricated sandwich panels of polyurethane foam. PUF Panel surfaces are made of steel, aluminium, cement, or MDF boards.
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gkindustries · 2 years ago
corrugated sheet in coimbatore
Corrugated sheets are commonly used in construction, roofing, and packaging industries. They are made of lightweight materials like metal or plastic and have a corrugated or wavy pattern that adds strength and durability to the sheet. Corrugated sheets are widely used because of their low cost, easy installation, and high resistance to weathering and corrosion.
GK Industries is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Corrugated sheet manufacturers in coimbatore . The company offers a range of corrugated sheet products, including
Metal corrugated sheets: These are made of galvanized steel, aluminum, or other metals and are ideal for roofing and cladding applications.
Plastic corrugated sheets: These are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene (PP) and are used for packaging, storage, and transportation purposes.
Fiber cement corrugated sheets: These are made of a mixture of cement, cellulose fibers, and other additives, and are ideal for roofing and siding applications.
GK Industries' corrugated sheets are known for their high quality, durability, and reliability. The company uses advanced manufacturing techniques and quality materials to ensure that its products meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Additionally, GK Industries' corrugated sheets are available in a range of sizes, colors, and designs to meet the diverse needs of its customers.
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qldasbestosremoval · 2 years ago
What are Some Areas of the House that Demand Asbestos Demolition?
The use of asbestos has been banned in Australia since December 2003 due to the numerous health hazards related to it. But buildings built before the 1990s contained this harmful substance in abundant amounts, right from wall cladding, ceiling, and vinyl tiles, to window caulks. Well, there is no harm in residing in such houses, unless there is damage to the structure and risk of releasing asbestos fibers into the air. Here are some common areas that require Asbestos demolition.
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1. Asbestos cement sheet cladding
Asbestos cement sheets were used as a popular roofing material due to their durability, cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and fireproof properties. For removing these sheets, it is important to hire professionals who have experience in the removal, demolition, and disposal of asbestos sheets.
2. Asbestos cement shingle roofing
Shingles are smaller sheets or planks of asbestos that were laid in an overlapping pattern. It is highly possible that the shingles used in old houses contained a considerable amount of asbestos. Therefore, it is important to get them demolished and removed on time.
3. Asbestos cement eaves lining
Asbestos-containing eaves lining is a commonly found feature in residential properties in Brisbane. They were mostly used in internal and external walls containing wood stud frames.
4. Commercial asbestos vinyl floor tiles
We all are aware of the fact that vinyl floor tiles contain an abundant amount of asbestos and it is also used for joining and fixing them. Therefore, its removal should be dealt with accordingly.
Apart from all the above-mentioned areas, cement fencing, cement roofing and many other areas of the house might require asbestos removal by a licensed company. If you looking for an expert in corrugated asbestos removal in Brisbane, then ZKL Asbestos demolition is worth considering.
For More Information:
Asbestos Testing Service Brisbane
Asbestos Roofing Removal Service Brisbane
Asbestos Wall Service Brisbane
Ceiling Removal Service Brisbane
Asbestos Demolition Service Brisbane
Source URL: https://medium.com/@qldasbestosremoval001/what-are-some-areas-of-the-house-that-demand-asbestos-demolition-160b52098824
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emmaameliamiaava · 1 year ago
Tech in Roofing - Corrugated Cement vs. Non-Asbestos Sheets - Everest Industries
Explore the realm of roofing with a focus on technology. This insightful overview compares "hi-tech" roofing options such as corrugated cement roofing sheets and non-asbestos corrugated roofing sheets. We dissect their composition, attributes, and applications, revealing how technology is reshaping roofing materials. Whether you're a homeowner, contractor, or simply interested in roofing advancements, this examination provides valuable insights into how these modern roofing choices deliver both durability and versatility for construction and renovation projects. Uncover the unique features and practical considerations of these roofing solutions to make informed decisions that align with your specific needs and preferences.  
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hilowroofingwintergarden · 2 years ago
Business Name: Hi Low Roofing
Street Address 1: 13330 W. Colonial Dr.
Street Address 2:
City: Winter Garden
State: Florida (FL)
Zip Code: 34787
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (407) 287-6171
Business Email Address: mailto:[email protected]
Website: https://hilowroofing.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hilowroofing
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hilowroofing/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiyw18kgm50KNxp03u4b2uw
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Hi-Low-Roofing-106635311076507
Instagram: https://instagram.com/hilowroofing
Description: From new construction to skillful repairs to preventative maintenance, all your roofing problems in Orlando can be resolved by Hi Low Roofing. We are a team of professional roofers that can handle roof repair and replacements on residential roofs, commercial roofs, or specialty roofs. We are one of the top roofing companies in the greater Orlando area, and we have experience working with a wide variety of products, including composition shingles, asphalt shingles, metal roofs, tile roofs, PVC, and TPO. We can also work with flat roofs, roof coating, PVC, and single ply roofing, and there are many more options available. Be sure to consider us when you’re choosing a roofer for your next project.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=18248258872784820150
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-5:00pm Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Services: Roof Coating,TPO Roofing,Shingle Roofing,Modified Bitumen Roofing,TPO Roofing,Metal Roofing,Tile Roofing,Shingle Roofing,Roof inspection,Roof installation,Roof repair,Attic venting,Gutter installation,Gutter repairs,Roof damage repair,Skylight installation,Skylight repair,Commercial Reroof,Commercial Shingles,Free Quote Roofing,General Contracting,Installing New Roofs,Minor Repair,Modified Bitumen Roofing,New Construction Building,New Construction Project,New Construction Roofing,Prime Roofing,Remove Shingles,Replacement Roofing Problems,Residential And Commercial Roofing,Residential Shingle Roofing,Roof Leaks,Roofing Created,Roofing Design,Roofing Jobs,Roofing Metal Roofing,Roofing Options,Roofing Projects,Roofing Specialists,Roofing Tile Roofing,Shingle Roofing Tile,Small Roofing Repairs,Temporary Labor,Tile Roofing Metal,Tpo Roofing,Cement Roofing,Ceramic Tile,Chimney Caps,Clay Roof,Commercial Flat Roofing,Commercial Shingle Roofing,Complete Roofing Installations,Concrete Tile Roofs,Drip Edges,Energy Efficient Roofing,Flat Roofing Systems,Free Roofing Quote,Full Roof Replacement,Heating And Air Conditioning,Leaking Roof,Metal Sheet Roof,Minor Roof,New Roof Replacement,Periodic Maintenance,Residential Flat Roof,Residential Roof Replacement Services,Residential Roofers,Residential Roofing Systems,Residential, Commercial, And Industrial Roofing,Resin Coating,Roof Coating Applying,Roof Membrane,Roof Sealer,Roofing And Siding,Roofing Modified,Roofing Repair Work,Roofing Solutions,Shingle Roof Maintenance,Siding Panels,Slate Shingle,Sloped Roofs,Structural Engineering,Water Damage,Asphalt Shingles Roofing,Commercial Roof Coatings,Commercial Roof Systems,Commercial Roofer,Commercial Roofing Maintenance,Commercial Roofing Solutions,Corrugated Sheets,Epdm, Tpo,Flat Roofing Materials,Foam Insulation,Home And Commercial Roofs,Missing Shingles,Other Roofing Systems,Project Installation,Residential Roofing Projects,Residential Roofing Replacement Service,Roofing Leaks,Roofing Structure,Single Ply Roofing Systems,Specialty Roofs,Standing Seam Systems,Tile And Shingle Roofing,Tpo Roof Systems,Water Leaking
Keywords: roofing,roof repair,roof repair near me,roofers near me,residential roofing,residential roofers,residential roof replacement,commercial roofing,commercial roofing contractors,commercial roofing company,roof contractors,tile roofing company,roofers,roofing companies near me,roofing repair near me,roof replacement,winter garden roofing company,roofing contractors winter garden,roof repair winter garden,roofing winter garden
Payment Methods: Cash, Debit Card, Credit Card, Visa, Master, Amex, Discover
Number of Employees: 02-10
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Ben Benkiran, mailto:[email protected], (407) 287-6171
Service Areas:
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credibleauomotive · 3 years ago
Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market 2022-2030, By Top Key Company Profiles – Midland Galvanising Products, UFCC, EEC Group, Safintra Roofing, HRS Roofing Solutions, UTAP Egypt
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The Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market report is a perfect foundation for people looking out for a comprehensive study and analysis of the Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market. This report contains a diverse study and information that will help you understand your niche and concentrate of key market channels in the regional and global market for Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets. To understand competition and take actions based on your key strengths you will be presented with the size of the market, demand in the current and future years, supply chain information, trading concerns, competitive analysis and the prices along with vendor information. The report also has insights about key market players, applications of Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets, its type, trends and overall market share.
To set your business plan into action based on our detailed report, you will also be provided with complete and accurate prediction along with future projected figures. This will provide a broad picture of the market and help in devising solutions to leverage the key profitable elements and get clarity of the market to make strategic plans. The data present in the report is curated from different publications in our archive along with numerous reputed paid databases. Additionally, the data is collated with the help of dealers, raw material suppliers, and customers to ensure that the final output covers every minute detail regarding the Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market, thus making it a perfect tool for serious buyers of this study.
Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market: Competition Landscape
The Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market report includes information on the product launches, sustainability, and prospects of leading vendors including: (Midland Galvanising Products, UFCC, EEC Group, Safintra Roofing, HRS Roofing Solutions, UTAP Egypt, Suez Cement, GI Sheets, Corr-line, Arabian Cement, Group Five Ltd, Etex Group)
Click the link to get a free Sample Copy of the Report @ https://crediblemarkets.com/sample-request/non-asbestos-corrugated-cement-roofing-sheets-market-124397?utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market: Segmentation
By Types: PVA Fiber PP Fiber Others By Applications: Residential Commercial
Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market: Regional Analysis
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Key Benefits of the report:
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market share.
The current market is quantitatively analyzed from 2020 to 2027 to highlight the global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market growth scenario.
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market.
The report provides a detailed global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market analysis based on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in the coming years.
Direct Purchase this Market Research Report Now @ https://crediblemarkets.com/reports/purchase/non-asbestos-corrugated-cement-roofing-sheets-market-124397?license_type=single_user;utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
Major Points Covered in TOC:
Market Overview: It incorporates six sections, research scope, significant makers covered, market fragments by type, Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market portions by application, study goals, and years considered.
Market Landscape: Here, the opposition in the Worldwide Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market is dissected, by value, income, deals, and piece of the pie by organization, market rate, cutthroat circumstances Landscape, and most recent patterns, consolidation, development, obtaining, and portions of the overall industry of top organizations.
Profiles of Manufacturers: Here, driving players of the worldwide Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market are considered dependent on deals region, key items, net edge, income, cost, and creation.
Market Status and Outlook by Region: In this segment, the report examines about net edge, deals, income, creation, portion of the overall industry, CAGR, and market size by locale. Here, the worldwide Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market is profoundly examined based on areas and nations like North America, Europe, China, India, Japan, and the MEA.
Application or End User: This segment of the exploration study shows how extraordinary end-client/application sections add to the worldwide Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets Market.
Market Forecast: Production Side: In this piece of the report, the creators have zeroed in on creation and creation esteem conjecture, key makers gauge, and creation and creation esteem estimate by type.
Research Findings and Conclusion: This is one of the last segments of the report where the discoveries of the investigators and the finish of the exploration study are given.
Do You Have Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask to Our Industry Expert @ https://crediblemarkets.com/enquire-request/non-asbestos-corrugated-cement-roofing-sheets-market-124397?utm_source=Kaustubh&utm_medium=SatPR
Key questions answered in the report:
What will the market development pace of Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market?
What are the key factors driving the Global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market?
Who are the key manufacturers in market space?
What are the market openings, market hazard and market outline of the market?
What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market?
Who are the distributors, traders, and dealers of Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market?
What are the Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Non-Asbestos Corrugated Cement Roofing Sheets industries?
What are deals, income, and value examination by types and utilizations of the market?
What are deals, income, and value examination by areas of enterprises?
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Credible Markets is a new-age market research company with a firm grip on the pulse of global markets. Credible Markets has emerged as a dependable source for the market research needs of businesses within a quick time span. We have collaborated with leading publishers of market intelligence and the coverage of our reports reserve spans all the key industry verticals and thousands of micro markets. The massive repository allows our clients to pick from recently published reports from a range of publishers that also provide extensive regional and country-wise analysis. Moreover, pre-booked research reports are among our top offerings.
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ualindustries-blog · 6 years ago
This post highlights the features of corrugated fibre cement sheets. You will also get to know the benefits of the same as well. Read the post to know more about what corrugated fibre sheet does and so on.
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usagcc · 4 years ago
How To Choose The Right Roofing Material Type?
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Roofing materials are varied so their choice largely depends on the purpose of the building (residential building, industrial premises, warehouse, extension) and the specific architectural solution laid down at the design stage. The project defines such key parameters of the roof as the slope angle, the permissible load on the roof, and others that directly affect the possibility of using a particular material. Therefore, when choosing a roofing material, roof contractors NJ recommend to consider the following factors:
The durability of the material. The final service life of the roof directly depends on the durability of the material from which the coating is made.
Waterproofing properties. A particularly important characteristic of roofing.
Roof shape. Many roofing materials are designed to be used only on certain roof shapes.
Aesthetics of the material. They say that tastes differ, but the appearance of some roofing materials traditionally wins over others. The appearance of the roof, taking into account the color and texture of the roofing material, should be in harmony with the appearance of the building as a whole.
Value for money. The most universal characteristic of the material, which must be taken into account, focusing on the cost per meter of the roof and its consumer qualities.
Types of roofing material
Sheet roofing is produced in the form of rigid sheets with specified parameters of length, width, thickness. This simplifies production and makes installation on the roof easier and faster. They are relatively cheap, so sheet roofs are very common. In the form of sheets, such types of roofs as asbestos-cement slate, bituminous corrugated sheets or European slate (ondulin), corrugated board, metal roofing, seam roofing, composite tiles are produced.
Asbestos-cement slate is the most traditional and cheapest roofing material. It consists of cement and a small amount of asbestos fibers, which give corrugated sheets the necessary strength and fire resistance. Such slate is quite durable, frost-resistant, waterproof, chemically resistant, does not conduct electricity, and does not change its properties under the hot sun. Slate roofing does not require additional sound insulation and is easily repaired. The disadvantages of asbestos-cement slate are its fragility, significant weight, the ability to partially absorb water, a uniform gray color and the presence of asbestos in the composition, which has a strong reputation as a carcinogen.
Ondulin, or euro slate, also available in the form of corrugated sheets, but is more aesthetic, lightweight and environmentally friendly material. The composition includes pressed cellulose impregnated with bitumen with the addition of mineral components. Due to the use of natural dyes, the sheets have different colors. The surface is pleasantly velvety. The material is frost-resistant, moisture-resistant and does not emit unnecessary noise during rain. Ondulin is easily cut with a hacksaw and, due to the flexibility of cellulose fibers, can be used for complex roof structures. Its sheets are relatively light, however, when installing the roof, it is undesirable to step on them, which somewhat complicates their installation. The disadvantage of the material is flammability, it is reduced with the help of special impregnations and refractory paints, as well as the low resistance of the dye to ultraviolet light. In the heat, the sheets can soften,
Profiled sheeting - thin profiled metal sheets, usually made of galvanized steel. They can be of a wide variety of colors, providing a pleasant appearance; quite lightweight and easy to install on the roof. With proper installation, the service life of the corrugated board is up to 50 years, however, damage to the surface of the sheet leads to its corrosion. Cons of the coating: high noise level during rain, which requires additional sound insulation, as well as the ability to quickly heat up in the sun. It is an inexpensive material especially often used for roofs of outbuildings and industrial premises.
The metal tile gained popularity due to its excellent appearance and high performance properties. As a rule, this is a profiled galvanized steel sheet, shaped like a tile, with a special protective polymer coating on the surface. Instead of steel, aluminum can be used - which is more expensive, but reduces weight and increases resistance to corrosion; or copper - which increases the reliability and aesthetics of the solution. However, the most modern and successful in terms of the aggregate of consumer qualities among sheet materials are metal tiles and seam roofing.
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studiotomemersonfs20 · 5 years ago
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FS20, Arena, Project, by Group 27
Basketball’s Canvas
Pick-up basketball games are being played at playgrounds and courts all around the world. So much so, that for many, not only has it become a daily routine, but also a way of life. Rather than being a simple pastime, there are those who consider the court as a means to prove themselves and their skills. Others find joy in the sport and use these spaces as epicenters for a larger community. Through this interaction, many courts have become spaces for creativity, design and street-art.
Although it is common to find these fruitful atmospheres in big cities across Europe, basketball hasn‘t had this influence on the cities and people in Switzerland.
With our project the existing target building would be transformed into a place that births and fosters a new community in the area of Friesenberg and inspires people to be part of the new canvas for the sport.
The existing concrete architecture serves as a spatial and structural spine with the different playing grounds, the roof structure and viewing spaces extending to all sides. While the interiors provide spaces for changing rooms, facilities and act as the main movement area for visitors, players and sprayers, the outside levels form different informal streetball courts which are adapted to their immediate surroundings. To enable the happening of official games, a standardized court on the center level shapes the new arena where viewers are able to witness game time from the concrete beam, underneath it and the new stand stretching out from one of the towers.
Concentrating on the hoop as the focal point in these images, the context changes as its juxtaposed in the different streetball courts, where people from various age groups, ethnicities and backgrounds intermingle and contribute to the open, casual and playful atmosphere. Yet, the two main themes of colors and reusing-recycling-readapting remains present, which becomes clear when looking at the backboard and the court surface.
This reuse of existing materials creates challenges and opportunities. After a thorough analysis of all the objects on site different interventions further shape the arena and its bricolage and complex character. While the wood planks which create the current facade of the structure are reserviced and reused for supports for the roof structure, the newly accessible viewing level and the seating area of the new stand, the existing steel beams are relocated to form the truss roof and supports for the hoops. To ensure games on the frequent rainy days in Zurich, the current system of moving corrugated metal sheets is rethought to create a retractable roof. Comparatively, very few new materials are added – like glass for roof windows and cement for foundations.
For the court surfaces a new material cycle was introduced. Through the processing of used shoes, in detail their rubber soles, new playing surfaces are created. The soles become granules, the granules are compressed into rubber plates and these construct the top layer of the courts. Through this procedure the colorful sprinkled floors create a transition from the natural predominant colors to the vibrant design.
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This color scheme based on the analysis of the present colors in the background generates different scenes and atmospheres from each point of view and simultaneously the first layer of the legal street-art space. Shades of orange, blue, pink and red form a vivid backdrop for games. The colors allow the place to reveal an aesthetic and cultural movement that is taking place, even when the courts are not in use.
In conclusion the design should paint a new portrait of the neighborhood, while reflecting basketball's universal appeal and its ability to create a space far more interesting than just to play ball.
For further reading, here is the link to our process booklet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lHDhW2r47EnlcK5W5PIWzDqBLLVt4fLy/view?usp=sharing
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emmaameliamiaava · 2 years ago
Advancements in Hi-Tech Roofing Solutions - Everest Industries
Explore the world of innovative roofing with hi-tech roofing sheets. Discover the latest advancements that are reshaping the roofing industry. From non-asbestos corrugated roofing sheets to modern corrugated cement roofing, these roofing solutions prioritize safety and sustainability. Learn about their features, benefits, and how they are transforming residential and commercial roofing projects. Stay informed about the cutting-edge developments in hi-tech roofing, ensuring that your roofing choices are in line with modern construction standards and environmental considerations.
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