#corrilian of skywatch
primanoctis · 4 years
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deleted scene from my active fanfic on A03; Larina learns the dark past about Markarth’s Justiciar from Aicantar. 
Corrilian of Skwatch’s past.... | The Flower of Markarth Fanfic
“Your past was just as traumatic as his Larina and yet you turned out the opposite, you couldn’t be cruel if you tried” Aicantar’s sighed with annoyance. 
Larina shook her head, “you keep telling me that he’s dangerous and that I should stay away, how we both share such as tragic past yet you won’t tell me anything at all. You both studied together didn’t you? You must have spent years together” echoing his own exasperation. Sitting beside the small Breton, Aicantar explained, 
“For a while we were friends yes, until he was expelled from the college” at his words Larina raised her eyebrows. If he had been removed from his studies before they were complete why did the Thalmor employ him? Sensing her confusion Aicantar began.
“I suppose in a way you can blame his father for his adoption by the Thalmor. There’s a reason why the people of Skyrim assume all altmer look down upon them, people like Corrilian’s father believed in the inferiority of other races before the Thalmor came to power, and supported them wholly. My uncle told me after the Oblivion Crisis there were many who were skeptical of how involved they were in destroying the oblivion gates, but anyone who questions them were exiled, and killed. Many groups led purges against anyone they thought were unworthy in our society, supported fully by the Thalmor: many people did nothing incase they would be targeted next, some like Corrilian’s father were actively involved” the anger in Aicantar’s words was palpable. 
“But even by their standards his father’s position in society was somewhat looked down upon, and it was taken out on Corrilian at the college. His father, Kardyrian, rose to prominence in the Aldmeri Navy for his prowess and his cruelty. Something happened that forced him to step down, whether Corrilian knew what he never said and with his experience and power, Kardyrian became a ruthless merchant in Skywatch. The East Empire Company had to work with him in order to trade with Northern Summerset, he had obliterated his competitors. 
Knowing that he would need an heir to continue on his legacy, Kardyrian used his power and money to buy the hand of his mother, Irinwe. Their relationship never made sense to him, he said it wasn’t one built on love, clearly with only a monetary gain. She wasn’t a noblewoman either, apparently his father despised them at first, until he was forced to share his life with her. 
His mother wasn’t fond of those balls and those people, said his mother was much quieter and prefered to stay at home with him, much to his father’s ire. Anway, a few years after their marriage, Irinwe gave birth to her first son, surprisingly slow even by our standards --”
“Corrilian has never mentioned having a brother” Larina impulsively interrupted him. Aicantar raised an eyebrow and she silenced herself, allowing him to continue. 
“His brother Astirian was what my people call the hulkynd, broken children, children abandoned because of deformities or imperfections. These children are usually cast out by their families, but Irinwe convinced her husband to raise him, evidently his imperfections were not that bad. They raised him hoping that he would join the Aldmeri Navy until it was time for him to take over his father’s work.  But something happened, his father had been informed to his son being involved in some pretty shady stuff, most likely illegal. Corrilian never really explained what, but it was enough for their father to disown him and pretend he never existed. 
His father still wanted an heir of course and along he came. He said his mother was overly affectionate of him, perhaps to make up for the fact that his father kept his distance, whatever attention he gave him certainly wasn’t good. He never knew he had an older sibling”. 
As he paused for breath, Larina asked, “So how do you know all of this?” wondering what his involvement was.
For a moment Aicantar looked uncomfortable before responding, 
“When we first arrived at the college, there were a few days to settle in before the teaching began, with each one of us having to individually prove to the mages our skills. Most of the students interacted together but Corrilian remained on the sidelines, he was worse than he is now, silent and aloof. At the time I thought it was shyness, only to realise how bad his superiority complex was. After his test he came returned to our rooms smug that he had impressed the mages through fear. Most of us would cast simple spells that showed off our power, after all our magickal capabilities were not unquestionable, it was only harder for the very few non altermis students.
For his test Corrilian deliberately slit the throat of a goat he had brought from the village and reanimated it for a surprising amount of time, with sentience” necromancy, Larina shuddered at the prospect. She was aware that it was more openly performed amongst the mer but the dark magick scared her. 
“The other students were slightly afraid of him, some worried that he might summon a dremora lord to slaughter them in their sleep” Aicantar continued, rolling his eyes. “I found him interesting and asked him why he had been sent to the college, and he revealed he had been forced to attend by his family. 
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primanoctis · 4 years
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“for a mere second he placed his hand on the small of her back, gently pushing her to return to the others and followed after. As quickly as his hand was there, it was gone again, Larina instantly missed the warmth of it on her back. If she had turned around quick enough to glance at him, she would have seen him flex his hand before quickly dropping it to his side.”
got a penchant for angsty, tall elf boys with daddy issues who fall in love with humans they shouldn’t? My active fic “The Flower of Markarth” focuses on Justiciar Corrilian, the newly appointed Justiciar of the Reach and the niece of Jarl Igmund, Larina. As her technical superior, Corrilian has the power to free her from Markarth at a small price, and as she begins to unravel more about the aloof Justicar, Larina wonders if it is really worth the risk....
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primanoctis · 4 years
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“ Calcelmo said his nephew should never have said it, but Aicantar spat back at him that the Justiciar is hardly a superior mage when he was excluded from the college before finishing his studies” at her words Larina’s eyes widened, wondering what he could have done that elicited that result.   
“That’s when Estormo rose to his feet shouting that Aicantar was jealous from being stuck in a laboratory all day, of how he was attempting to sully the Justiciar’s honour” Mina continued, “which was when Aicantar shouted back that if Estormo really wanted to know about true honour, he should ask Corrilian’s father.....”
Excerpt from Chapter 29: The Flower of Markarth
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