deb-is-breathing · 5 years
I've been calm about the virus since it started, and I am even right now. Even if my entire country is locked, even i'f i'm in forced quarentine, even if I can't leave my house till april third except for buying food.
Really, I'm calm.
But yesterday I had to go to the grocery.
So I signed my permit, to show to the cops in case they stopped me to the street, and i went.
There was this long line, because we have to stay 1 metre apart from each other, and the security guard let us come in ten at time. And all of them was wearing mask.
Seeing that scene with my own eyes hit me so hard. And we don't even have lots of cases in my small town (about 100 i think).
I can't even imagine how's the situation in Milan, in China, in Wuhan.
Again, i'm still calm, but those are not scenes you expect to see in your life.
I know plenty of people have been (AND STILL ARE) racist agaisnt Asians, and Italians are not excludes.
But right now i can't stop thinking about the hospital system who's blowing up. Who can't accept patients anymore cause they are full (even though we have a free insurance system). Who have to decide who put in intensive therapy and who not. Who to cure, and who let to die.
China is giving us a massive help, they are an amazing comunity.
And as much as about other countries... you are still in time to contain the spreading.
Please stay safe, stay home and follow all the sanitary rules.
I don't want any other person to be in this situation.
I don't want to hear about another country in forced quarentine like us.
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deb-is-breathing · 5 years
From a person whose country is now in a critic situation (and not bacause of the virus itself but for the hospital system)... Keep calm.
As i said multiple times, the virus is letal for those who have a weak immunite system. If you are young and you don't have that kind of problem, it won't kill you. BUT you could still infect the people around you. So it would be for the best if it doesn't spread. Because those who are weaker gonna need more hospital care, and if there's no enough space in hospitals, they'll have to decide who cure, and who let die. As is happening here.
If your country gonna reach more of 3000 cases, stay at home as much as you can. Avoid place with too much people and if you can't, mantain distance. Leave home just for work, going buy food and medicine, or visiting your doctor. Study at home if you can, wash you hands a lot, don't touch you nose, mouth and eyes with your dirty hands, and use a masks if you have symptoms.
We could have contain it here, but people have been to stupid to do things like escape from quarentine and stuff like that.
Don't be as stupid as we were, now all of us italians are locked in house foe a government decree because our president had to remidy at people selfishness who couldn't remaine in fucking quarentine when they were sick.
We are going to get out of it, just think we are doing this to avoid they going to cancel Prides at june. It will be an amazing summer!
From Italy, and from quarentine, that's all. Take care folks! 🇮🇹❤
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deb-is-breathing · 5 years
A plane full of chinese doctors landed in italy to help us. And i seriously can't stop crying thinking about how wonderfull they are. I'll never stop thanking them.   🇨🇳 💞 🇮🇹
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