#coronavirus vaccine latest news
krazyshoppy · 2 years
मॉडर्ना ने फाइजर और उसकी पार्टनर कंपनी के खिलाफ मुकदमा किया दर्ज, ये है पूरा मामला
मॉडर्ना ने फाइजर और उसकी पार्टनर कंपनी के खिलाफ मुकदमा किया दर्ज, ये है पूरा मामला
Moderna Sues Pfizer-BioNTech: अमेरिकी फार्मास्युटिकल और बायोटेक्नोलॉजी कंपनी मॉडर्ना (Moderna) ने फाइजर (Pfizer) और उसके जर्मन पार्टनर बायोएनटेक (BioNTech) के खिलाफ यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स डिस्ट्रिक्ट कोर्ट में मुकदमा दायर किया है. मॉडर्ना ने कोविड-19 वैक्सीन (Covid-19 Vaccine) के विकास में पेटेंट उल्लंघन (Patent Infringement) के लिए इन कंपनियों से नुकसान की मांग की है. बता दें कि मॉडर्ना ने फाइजर और…
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avantimedia · 1 year
वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना ने साल 2019 में अपना भयानक रूप दिखाकर कई परिवारों को खत्म कर दिया था। कोरोना संक्रमण ने जहां कई बुजुर्ग माता-पिता से उनके बु़ढ़ापे की लाठी का सहारा यानी की उनके बच्चे को ही छीन लिया। तो कई घर ऐसे से जिनके छोटे बच्चे अनाथ हो गए। जिनपर बीती है वो लोग आज भी करोना नाम से खौफ खाते हैं। लेकिन ऐसे में राहत की खबर भी सामने आ रही है। जिसमें विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) ने डब्ल्यूएचओ के महानिदेशक डॉ टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस ने शुक्रवार की देर शाम कोविड-19 और वैश्विक स्वास्थ्य मुद्दों पर बातचीत करते हुए मीडिया ब्रीफिंग के दौरान घोषणा करते हुए कहा कि-  “मैं बड़ी आशा के साथ कोविड-19 के विश्व से खत्म होने की घोषणा करता हूं. हालांकि, इसका मतलब यह नहीं होगा कि विश्व पर कोविड-19 का खतरा बिल्कुल नहीं होगा।”
30 जनवरी को आपातकाल घोषित कि गई थी वैश्विक महामारी
डब्ल्यूएचओ के महानिदेशक डॉ टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस के मुताबिक हम सब जानते हैं, दुनिया भर में हजारों आज भी इस महामारी के कारण जिंदगी से जुझ रहे हैं। लाखों लोग कोविड-19 के बाद की स्थिति के प्रभावों के साथ जी रहे हैं। गौरतलब है कि डब्ल्यूएचओ द्वारा ही साल 2020 की जनवरी में Covid-19 को वैश्विक आपातकाल घोषित किया था। टेड्रोस ने कहा, 30 जनवरी 2020 को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य विनियमों के तहत अहम बैठक बुलाई थी, जिसमें आपातकालीन समिति की सलाह पर के आओधार पर ही मैंने कोविड-19 के वैश्विक प्रकोप हुए आपातकाल को घोषणा करा था। बीते 3 सालों में कोविड-19 ने हमारी दुनिया को पूरी तरह से पलट कर रख दिया है। डब्ल्यूएचओ रिपोर्ट की माने तो दुनिया में मौतों का आंकड़ा इतना ज्यादा रहा की अंतीम संस्कार और दफनाने के लिए भी जगह नहीं मिली।  
सार्वजनिक आपातकाल है अभी भी
दरअसल शुक्रवार को WHO द्वारा वैश्विक महामारी के रूप में घेषित की गई कोविड-19 महामारी अब खत्म हो गई है। एस बुरे दौर से गुजरने के बाद दुनिया में कोविड-19 से पीछे छुड़ाना बेहद ही चिंताजनक है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन WHO का कहना है कि यह अंतरराष्ट्रीय चिंता का विषय बना हुआ है। लेकिन विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने चेतावनी देते हुए कहा है कि कोविड-19 अंतरराष्ट्रीय चिंता का एक सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य आपातकाल बना हुआ है। 
क्या कहा डब्ल्यूएचओ चीफ ने?
डब्ल्यूएचओ महानिदेशक टेड्रोस अदनोम घेब्रेयसस का कहना है कि "कोविड-19 का खतरा अभी भी सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य पर बना हुआ है चिल न करें ...सतर्क रहें।" डब्ल्यूएचओ ने ये भी कहा है कि कोरोना महामारी अभी भी अंतरराष्ट्रीय संकट और आपात स्थिति है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने हालांकि ये भी स्वीकार किया है कि वायरस शायद एक संक्रमण बिंदु पर है, लेकिन इस संक्रमण के सावधानीपूर्वक और संभावित नकारात्मक परिणामों को कम करना जरूरी है।  
यह भी पढ़ें- 
यूपी सरकार ने निजी कृषि विवि के वीसी,निदेशक पर धर्मांतरण का हलफनामा किया दायर 
UP STF का खुलासा, विदेशों से मंगवाएं थे माफिया मुख्तार अंसारी के बेटे ने आर्म्स
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gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
China Covid News: चीन में लगा लाशों का अंबार पर अभी नहीं थमने वाली कोरोना की तबाही, तीन नई लहरों से नए साल में मंजर होगा दर्दनाक!
China Covid News: चीन में लगा लाशों का अंबार पर अभी नहीं थमने वाली कोरोना की तबाही, तीन नई लहरों से नए साल में मंजर होगा दर्दनाक!
हाइलाइट्स चीनीी अस्‍पताल कोविड-19 के मरीजों से भरे हुए हैं और लाशों का अंबार लगा है कुछ दिनों में देश में कोविड की तीन नई लहर आने वाली हैं इन लहरों की वजह से देश का पूरा हेल्‍थ सिस्‍टम टूट सकता है बीजिंग: चीन में विरोध प्रदर्शनों के बाद राष्‍ट्रपति शी जिनपिंग ने लॉकडाउन को हटाने और जीरो कोविड नीति में ढील देने का फैसला किया था। इसके बाद देश में स्थितियां बेकाबू हो गई हैं। अस्‍पताल कोविड-19 के…
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Corona cases in the country cross 21 thousand again, the number of active cases is close to the figure of 1.5 lakh
Corona cases in the country cross 21 thousand again, the number of active cases is close to the figure of 1.5 lakh
Covid-19 Update in India: The increasing cases of corona across the world have raised concern once again. In India too, the number of patients infected with carona is increasing rapidly. Once again more than 21 thousand cases have been reported from Corona in the country. In the last 24 hours, 21,880 new cases of carona were reported. At the same time, 60 people lost their lives. The number of…
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kwttoday · 2 years
Natural immunity 97% effective against severe COVID-19 after 14 months
Natural immunity 97% effective against severe COVID-19 after 14 months
Natural immunity 97% effective against severe COVID-19 after 14 months The protection against severe illness from so-called natural immunity remains superior to the protection bestowed by COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new study. People who survived COVID-19 infection and were not vaccinated had sky-high protection against severe or fatal COVID-19, researchers in Qatar found. “Effectiveness…
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nomorerww · 1 year
this was being reported back in September but Jones is unmoved. He has one follower who is obsessed with the whole COVID thing and who constantly tweets at him about it which he's been ignoring as he goes to a crowded kweer festival or a crowded party or a crowded bar and club maskless almost every day and takes pictures to share online with strangers.
He's spent god knows how many hours making videos on COVID, by the way. Exploiting a crisis is fine when it helps your """career""" but ultimately, he will only believe what he wants to believe. He's performed the most ridiculous mental gymnastics to convince himself that no one's priorities are as important as the transes' (because they get attacked with the same shit that gays historically have been!).
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contrast: 2022 vs 2021
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"It's not COVID, but I'm NOT telling you what it could be! Nor am I listing resources. I may or may not have shown a good understanding of this shit in my latest clickbaity crap show but you'll have to increase my pitiful view count if you want to be the judge of that! Don't forget to help subsidize my degen lifestyle by keeping the algorithm in my favor by liking & subscribing!!! ;)"
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
It has been reported that a Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) between Finland and the United States could be ready for signing at the civil servant level as early as this week. Under its terms, it would, for example, allow for the construction of US military infrastructure in Finland, advance storage of materials, and for US soldiers to arrive at shorter notice for training and exercises in Finland.
Helsingin Sanomat reported that Jussi Saramo, the chair of the parliamentary group of the Left Alliance, and a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, says his party is not yet ready to support the agreement on the basis of the information it currently has.
"We don't know anything about it, as far as what is being concretely agreed upon," Saramo said, referring, for example, to the areas that will be made available for use by US troops in Finland.
According to Saramo, the Left Alliance is also interested in information about the weapon systems that could be placed in Finland. He told the paper that weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons should be banned in the text, even though Finnish law already prohibits bringing nuclear weapons into the country.
"I am most pessimistic about legal jurisdiction on Finnish soil. In any case, we are going to give up some of our sovereignty regarding US [military] people who are here," Saramo stated.
The Left Alliance was in government when the DCA agreement negotiations began last year.
Saramo added that he does not oppose or support the agreement.
"Of course, since we're in Nato it's good that we created structures with which Nato's undisputed largest military power can more smoothly help us if necessary, and we can train together here," Saramo said.
It has been speculated that many of the US forces that will train in Finland under the terms of the DCA will be stationed in the far north of the country.
Helsingin Sanomat interviewed locals in Rovaniemi to find out how they feel about the prospect of a regular American military presence in the area.
The paper summed up the responses by writing, "US soldiers are welcome in the north just like other foreigners. Local businesses will get more customers at the same time, but they'll have to know how to behave themselves when enjoying the nightlife."
Covid risks
The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) has recommended a new coronavirus booster for anyone over the age of 65, people 18 and over who belong to medical risk groups, and anyone over the age of 12 who is severely immunocompromised.
Aamulehti writes that the latest booster became available in the Pirkanmaa region on Monday. Tero Harjuntausta, the assistant chief physician of the Pirkanmaa welfare county, told the paper that hundreds of shots are being given daily, but that there may be a wait of several weeks to get an appointment, and in some locales the next free slots for a booking are not until December.
Harjuntausta, said that everyone in recommended groups should now book an appointment for a booster vaccination. "Now we are at the point where the number of coronavirus infections has started to rise," he pointed out.
On Monday, there were 39 patients with Covid in specialised hospital care in the Pirkanmaa region, with some in intensive care.
Harjuntausta noted that for the average person, a coronavirus infection is much like a regular bout of flu. Vaccinations are primarily intended to protect risk groups.
Migri hiring more staff
The Finnish Immigration Service Migri will be expanding staff by about 150 next year, the Uutissuomalainen news group reported.
According to Migri Director General Ilkka Haahtela, the additional resources will be allocated to speeding up permit processing, primarily for international protection, students and employees.
In addition to that, more resources are to be channelled into supervision and removal from the country.
Haahtela also said that Migri is undertaking an efficiency programme and organizational reform.
"We definitely need to make our own operations more efficient. The permits that are granted should be handled quickly, reliably and securely. If a person receives a negative permit decision or a permit is revoked, then the return from Finland should take place quickly," he said.
Waste and pay
Ilta-Sanomat tells readers that Suan Aahaan, a Thai restaurant in Sipoo, is battling food waste with a nearly 12-euro surcharge levied on customers who throw away food they take from the buffet table.
"I have signs everywhere in the restaurant that I show them before they pay. If they don't like it, they can leave," says restaurant owner and chef Vaw Myllynen.
Regular customers are already familiar with the practice, and Myllynen makes sure the policy is quite clear to first-time diners in the restaurant, as well.
"In addition, I explain the problem very loudly to those who look intent on wasting food. When I talk to them loudly, they start to feel embarrassed when the other customers look at them," Myllynen explained.
Myllynen said that the amount of waste from the buffet has clearly decreased and in practice the extra charge has only been imposed two or three times.
Ilta-Sanomat added that a few other restaurants in Helsinki have started the same practice, as has at least one in Tampere where diners may end up paying as much as 30 euros extra for a meal if they waste food from the buffet.
Myllynen thinks that many buffet restaurants may be afraid of bad reviews or comments online if they start charging customers for wasted food.
"It doesn't worry me. I would say that 95 percent of our customers have been satisfied and understand it."
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daltongraham · 1 year
Well lads, it's unofficial, but I think I'm going to start saying I have long COVID.
My IBS-C started around the time I got over my COVID infection this past summer. I thought it was due to a medication change, but maybe not.
From the SF Chronicle 7 March 2023:
Long COVID linked to an increase in gastrointestinal problems, study finds
People who experience lingering symptoms of COVID-19 after 30 days exhibited an increased risk of a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues a year after their infection, according to a new study. Researchers compared the medical records of 154,068 COVID-19 patients in the Veterans Health Administration system with about 5.6 million patients of similar age who did not test positive for the coronavirus.
Patients with COVID-19 were 36% more likely to have long-term symptoms — including acid reflux, ulcers, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating — that they did not report before their infection, according to the study published on Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications. About 9,600 experienced issues affecting the digestive system and vital organs. “The constellation of findings suggests that people with SARS-CoV-2 infection are at increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders in the post-acute phase of COVID-19. The risks and burdens are not trivial – suggesting that post-acute covid care strategies should include attention to gastrointestinal disease,” the authors wrote. 
Also, now that I'm not drinking 6+ cups of caffeine a day, I'm exhausted. DRAINED.
Also, and I don't know if I can attribute this to long COVID or not, I've been having bad brain fog. Is it cuz I'm off the caffeine? Is it aging (ie is this permanent, am I permanently stupid)? Is it because I just don't care about striving any more? Or is it actually from my damn COVID infection? No idea.
I thought you had to have like a constellation of 10 or so symptoms to call it long COVID. But I don't think that's true. The CDC says: "People with post-COVID conditions may experience health problems from different types and combinations of symptoms happening over different lengths of time."
When I can, I'll talk to my new GP about it, but for now, I'm going to start saying I have long COVID.
Oh. Also, in the SF Chronicle today, they reported that the latest bivalent vaccine wears off after 2 months in older people. I'm getting on a plane at the end of this month. With no vaccine protection. Yay. I tell you, if I get the damn rona again, I'm taking Paxlovid, I don't care what other medications I have to stop for 5 days. Fuck that shit.
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tearsinthemist · 2 years
Fauci says U.S. 'certainly' still in COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, said on Sunday news shows that the nation is in a "much better" situation than last year, but the coronavirus pandemic is "certainly" not over. "I think the idea that forget it, this is over — it isn't," Fauci, a leader of the COVID-19 response under President Biden and former President Donald Trump, said on NBC's Meet the Press. Fauci noted that 300 to 400 people are still dying every day from COVID-19. The White House last week launched a campaign to get more people to get the latest vaccine booster. Fauci's message seemed to contradict President Biden, who said in September that COVID was still a problem but the pandemic was "over." [CNBC, The Hill]
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kkkkoreo · 9 days
The Power of Crowdsourcing in a Crisis: Crowdsourcing in China
(week 12)
Whether it is a natural disaster, a public health event or a social upheaval, the power of crowdsourcing is widely recognized. In China, the application of crowdsourcing in crisis response has been particularly prominent, especially during the 2020 New Crown epidemic outbreak, which demonstrated a strong mobilization and organizing capacity. In this blog, I will explore the role and significance of crowdsourcing in crisis, using the practice of crowdsourcing during the New Crown outbreak in China as an example.
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At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, Wuhan, as the outbreak center of the epidemic, quickly became the focus of national and global attention. In the face of the sudden outbreak, the Chinese government and all sectors of society acted swiftly to mobilize national resources using the crowdsourcing model to fight the epidemic.
Information pooling and sharing
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In the early stages of an outbreak, accurate information dissemination is critical. In this regard, the crowdsourcing model plays a huge role. Medical experts and researchers across the country shared the latest research results and outbreak information through online platforms, which facilitated the rapid development and implementation of epidemic prevention measures (Xu & Tang 2022). For example, researchers in China have accelerated the development of vaccines and drugs by sharing viral genome sequences through crowdsourcing platforms.
Mobilization of medical resources
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After the outbreak of the Wuhan epidemic, local medical resources were rapidly running out. Medical supplies and human resources were urgently mobilized from all over the country to support Wuhan through the crowdsourcing model. Through the crowdsourcing platform, hospitals, enterprises and individuals from all over the country quickly responded to the demand by donating urgently needed materials such as masks, protective suits and ventilators. Crowdsourcing not only realized the efficient deployment of resources, but also demonstrated the strong cohesion of all people in the fight against the epidemic.
Volunteer organization and participation
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In epidemic prevention and control, the role of volunteers cannot be ignored. Thousands of volunteers have signed up to participate in community epidemic prevention through crowdsourcing platforms (Nian 2020). From medical support, material distribution to psychological counseling, all aspects of epidemic prevention and control are covered. The crowdsourcing platform not only improves the efficiency of volunteer organization, but also optimizes the distribution and scheduling of volunteer services through data analysis.
Popularization of public health knowledge
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During an epidemic, it is crucial for the public to understand and master the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control. Under the crowdsourcing model, media, experts, and the general public participate together to widely disseminate epidemic prevention and control knowledge through social media, live broadcasting platforms, and online courses (Sun, Chen & Viboud 2020). This model of information sharing not only raises public awareness of epidemic prevention, but also enhances the overall response capacity of society.
Overall, crowdsourcing, as a flexible and efficient coping strategy, has shown great potential in the crisis. In the response to the Xin Guan epidemic in China, crowdsourcing not only improved the efficiency of resource deployment and information sharing, but also enhanced social cohesion and the spirit of mutual assistance.
Nian, Q 2020, 武汉志愿者的‘摆渡’生活-新华网, www.xinhuanet.com, viewed 18 June 2024, <http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2020-02/10/c_1125553350.htm>.
Sun, K, Chen, J & Viboud, C 2020, ‘Early epidemiological analysis of the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak based on crowdsourced data: a population-level observational study’, The Lancet Digital Health.
Xu, S & Tang, D 2022, ‘[Progress on the development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and antibody drugs].’, 新型冠状病毒疫苗及抗体药物研发进展, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1059–1064.
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
कोलकाता के बाजारों में लगाए जा रहे फ्री वैक्सीनेशन कैंप, जानिए- आज कहां लगाया गया है कैंप
कोलकाता के बाजारों में लगाए जा रहे फ्री वैक्सीनेशन कैंप, जानिए- आज कहां लगाया गया है कैंप
Kolkata Corona Vaccine: मध्य कोलकाता के थोक और खुदरा बाजारों के व्यापारियों ने कोविड वैक्सीनेशन अभियान शुरू किया है. इसके तहत प्रिंसेप स्ट्रीट स्थित ऑटोमोबाइल पार्ट्स मार्केट में शुक्रवार को 450 से ज्यादा लोगों को वैक्सीन दी गई. गौरतलब है कि कैंप हर रोज अलग-अलग बाजारों में आयोजित किया जाएगा ताकि सदस्य व्यापारियों को अपने कार्यस्थलों पर ही शॉट्स मिल सकें और उन्हें किसी अन्य बाजार या मेडिकल यूनिट…
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screenshots123 · 4 months
📆 14 Feb 2024 📰 As U.S. COVID-19 Winter Wave Recedes, CDC Tracks New BA.2.87.1 Variant 🗞️ U.S. News
Meanwhile, as is always the case with COVID-19, there’s the possibility a new variant could change everything.
Globally and in the U.S., JN.1 dominates. It’s an omicron subvariant that is closely related to BA.2.86, or “pirola.”
JN.1 was responsible for more than 9 in 10 new COVID-19 infections in the U.S. in recent weeks, according to CDC estimates. The agency said JN.1 contributed to the burden of COVID-19 this winter, but added that its spread “does not appear to pose additional risks to public health beyond that of other recent variants.”
As of last week, the CDC was tracking and analyzing a new variant that hadn’t yet appeared in the U.S.: BA.2.87.1. The strain had only been found in South Africa so far.
“The fact that only nine cases have been detected in one country since the first specimen was collected in September suggests it does not appear to be highly transmissible – at least so far,” the CDC said in a post about the strain.
So why is the agency keeping an eye on this variant? Because it has highly mutated, with more than 30 changes in the spike protein of the coronavirus compared with XBB.1.5, which is the virus variant targeted by the latest vaccines.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
At this time, no further orders will be issued for anti-epidemic measures against Covid-19, given the decrease in the spread and severity of the new coronavirus infection in Bulgaria, the country’s Health Ministry said in a statement on November 16.
For many weeks, Bulgaria’s caretaker Health Minister Assen Medjidiev has renewed a limited set of measures, such as mandatory mask-wearing in hospitals, with the latest extension expiring on November 16.
The Health Ministry said that as of November 16, the 14-day morbidity in Bulgaria is 69.62 cases per 100 000 population, and the decline in the number of newly registered persons reported since mid-October was continuing. To date, the number of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 is 541, with 59 of them in intensive care.
The ministry said that it was not held that there was a burden on the health system, as 4.8 per cent of the hospital bed capacity was occupied compared to the hospital beds designated for treatment during the previous pandemic waves.
There was a 20 per cent drop in the number of newly hospitalised people on a weekly basis since the beginning of November. In view of the entry into the autumn-winter season and the increase in the incidence of acute respiratory diseases, the regional health inspectorates should inform the medical facilities and strictly monitor compliance with the measures for the prevention and control of nosocomial infections. The Ministry of Health said that it was continuing to monitor the development of the pandemic, and in the event of a noticeable rise, the introduction of anti-epidemic measures would be discussed again with a view to protecting public health and reducing the impact of the coronavirus infection on the health system, as well as to prevent the simultaneous epidemic spread of two pandemic diseases – flu and Covid-19. “Vaccination against Covid-19 and influenza remains the safest way to protect against severe illness, hospitalisation and long-term health consequences,” the Health Ministry said.
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GP Vaccination Market to Get an Explosive Growth
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Latest Global GP Vaccination Market study with 100+ market data Tables, Pie charts & Figures is now released by HTF MI. The research assessment of the Market is designed to analyze futuristic trends, growth factors, industry opinions, and industry-validated market facts to forecast till 2030. A significant region that is speeding up marketization is used to split the market study. Some of the leading players covered such as AstraZeneca Plc (United Kingdom), Johnson & Johnson Inc (Canada), Novavax (United States), BioNTech (Germany), Moderna (United States), Glaxo Smith Kline Plc (United Kingdom), CSL Ltd. (Australia), Abbott Laboratories (United States), Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd (Japan), Astellas Pharma Inc. (Japan).
Download Sample Report PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) 👉 https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/sample-report/global-gp-vaccination-market
According to HTF Market Intelligence, the Global GP Vaccination market to witness a CAGR of % during forecast period of 2024-2030. The market is segmented by Application (Hospitals, Clinics, Vaccination Centres, Academic and Research Institutes, Others) by Type (Whole-Pathogen Vaccines, Subunit Vaccines, Nucleic Acid Vaccines) and by Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, MEA).
A GP vaccination is a vaccine meant to grant received immunity in opposition to extreme acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that reasons coronavirus disorder 2019 (COVID19). A vaccine is an organic coaching that affords lively received immunity to a precise infectious disease. A vaccine usually consists of an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is regularly made from weakened or killed types of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its floor proteins. The agent stimulates the body's immune machine to understand the agent as a threat, smash it, and to similarly apprehend and smash any of the microorganisms related with that agent that it might also come upon in the future. The COVID19 vaccines are broadly credited for their function in decreasing the severity and loss of life precipitated via COVID19. Many international locations have carried out phased distribution plans that prioritize these at very best chance of complications, such as the elderly, and these at high danger of publicity and transmission, such as healthcare workers. Market Trends:
Growing demand for Low-priced Vaccines
Rising Focus on the Development of New and Improved Vaccines
Market Drivers:
High Prevalence of Diseases Requiring Administration of Vaccines and Emerging Use of Vaccines for Different Infectious Diseases
Market Opportunities:
Increasing Healthcare Expenditure
GP Vaccination Market Competitive Analysis:Know your current market situation! Not just new products but ongoing products are also essential to analyze due to ever-changing market dynamics. The study allows marketers to understand consumer trends and segment analysis where they can face a rapid market share drop. Figure out who really the competition is in the marketplace, get to know market share analysis, market position, % Market Share, and segmented revenue. Have a question? Market an enquiry before purchase @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/enquiry-before-buy/global-gp-vaccination-market
Players Included in Research Coverage: AstraZeneca Plc (United Kingdom), Johnson & Johnson Inc (Canada), Novavax (United States), BioNTech (Germany), Moderna (United States), Glaxo Smith Kline Plc (United Kingdom), CSL Ltd. (Australia), Abbott Laboratories (United States), Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd (Japan), Astellas Pharma Inc. (Japan)
Additionally, Past GP Vaccination Market data breakdown, Market Entropy to understand development activity and Patent Analysis*, Competitors Swot Analysis, Product Specifications, and Peer Group Analysis including financial metrics are covered. Segmentation and Targeting: Essential demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral information about business segments in the GP Vaccination market is targeted to aid in determining the features the company should encompass in order to fit into the business's requirements. For the Consumer-based market - the study is also classified with Market Maker information in order to understand better who the clients are, their buying behavior, and patterns. GP VaccinationProduct Types In-Depth: Whole-Pathogen Vaccines, Subunit Vaccines, Nucleic Acid Vaccines GP Vaccination Major Applications/End users: Hospitals, Clinics, Vaccination Centres, Academic and Research Institutes, Others GP Vaccination Major Geographical First Level Segmentation:
• APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and the Rest of APAC; the Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka)
• Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania)
• North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico)
• South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America)
• MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa) Buy Now Latest Edition of GP Vaccination Market Report 👉 https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=3&report=1943
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worldofwardcraft · 5 months
MAGA mania.
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February 5, 2024
In 1841, Scottish journalist Charles Mackay published a book with the impressive title Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. In it he described how, at various times, masses of gullible people believed the most inane foolishness. Like witches consorted with the Devil, alchemists changed lead into gold, or Dutch tulips were inherently valuable. Wrote Mackay in his introduction to the 1852 edition:
We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds on one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.
He could well have been referring to the subset of our population that today is willing to accept as true patently ridiculous absurdities. This nation within our nation consists entirely of the denizens of MAGA land. And, in fact, they may be even more delusional than the people Mackay wrote about.
After swallowing the QAnon nonsense in 2017 about a worldwide Democrat cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic child molesters that Donald Trump was secretly fighting against, the MAGA deplorables are now primed to believe anything — no matter how preposterous, crazy or just plain silly.
They are certain, for example, that the coronavirus is a deliberately concocted Chinese bioweapon. But also that it's a hoax. That COVID vaccines will kill you. But also that they contains mind-controlling microchips. They're positive the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol was planned and directed by FBI agents. But also that it was the work of the imaginary militia, Antifa. Or, they'll insist it was simply a peaceful protest.
MAGA wackos believe immigrants (all of them illegal, of course) from Latin America are being recruited to replace white Americans. But also that these same immigrants are smuggling fentanyl into the US and are child traffickers. They're convinced that public school teachers are sexually grooming students. And that these busy teachers are forcing kids to become transgender. And brainwashing them with critical race theory.
But the latest MAGA theory making the rounds may be the nuttiest of all. Apparently — and stay with us now — the NFL and the Pentagon have secretly colluded to have the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl because Travis Kelce plays for them and his girlfriend is pop mega-star Taylor Swift, who is hated by the MAGAs because (get this) she encourages young people to vote and she endorsed Joe Biden in 2020.
Clearly, were he still around, Charlie Mackay could easily write another entire book simply about the delusions of the addled Trump cult. He could call it The Extraordinary Madness of MAGAs.
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