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realhealthline · 5 years ago
What are The Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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What are The Symptoms of Coronavirus and How was spread. Last December (2019) and early 2020, coronavirus outbreaks began in China. After that, the outbreak of this virus started spreading rapidly all over the world. The World Health organization then identified a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The virus originated in Wuhan city of China. Wherever this virus has reached all the countries of the world. This virus (SARS-CoV-2) Millions of people are getting infected globally and thousands of deaths have also occurred. The United States is the most infected country with this virus. The disease caused by infection with a virus called SARS-CoV-2 of the coronavirus is called COVID-19. What is The Corona Virus Coronavirus is a common type of virus. They are of many types but not all coronaviruses are more dangerous. There are a total of seven types. Total human coronaviruses 229E (alpha coronavirus)NL63 (alpha coronavirus)OC43 (beta coronavirus)HKU1 (beta coronavirus)MERS-CoV – (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus)SARS-CoV – (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus)SARS-CoV-2 – (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 – Novel coronavirus COVID-19) But it has the most dangerous (SARS-CoV-2), called coronavirus (COVID-19). (SARS-CoV-2) coronaviruses include serious illnesses such as (MERS) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and (SARS) Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Read the full article
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newscontinuous · 2 years ago
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hcnnews-blog · 3 years ago
20 हजार ज्यादा हुये Corona से सक्रिय मामलों का आंकड़ा, Delhi में पिछले 24 घंटों में 1,656 नए Covid Cases
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drsapnasharma · 5 years ago
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Self-reflection in any relationship is much needed. An ongoing lockdown is the good time to do it. Sharing some points On ‘How To Find Own Self In A Relationship’ through infographic to help you with it.
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saakaarconstruction · 5 years ago
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Let's defeat the darkness of despair and light our lives with hope. We request all citizens to come out in their balconies with a light of hope ( candle, Diya or flashlight ) to show their support for our frontline workers. #indiafightscorona #lockdown #lockdown21 #activity #covid19 #prayer #power #light #coronadisease #coronawarriors #salute #saakaar #unity #together #patna #bihar #india (at Patna New City, Bihār, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-j5x0lhwwS/?igshid=wf9xyfgxe5k5
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thecanadiancomedian · 5 years ago
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#canada #covid19 #corona #covid19numbers #covid19testing #testingnumbers #corona #coronadisease #nocanadian (at Kitsilano) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-P94T9hsFF/?igshid=3z839u8f4719
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realhealthline · 5 years ago
What are The Risk Factors for COVID-19 Infection
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Covid-19 is an abbreviated form of coronavirus disease in 2019. Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that are common worldwide. They can cause respiratory disease in people and animals. It was specifically originated in the city of Wuhan in China in late 2019. Over the last two decades, outbreaks of coronavirus have caused global concern, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and most recently in 2012, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Covid-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 that can trigger what doctors call a respiratory tract infection. It can affect the upper respiratory tract, ie. Sinus, nose and throat or lower respiratory system, ie. Windpipe, and lungs. Severe respiratory disease can occur in severe cases, and may even cause pneumonia. On January 30, 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared it a global epidemic.
Risk Factors
The following are the risk factors that make people prone to Covid-19 infection.
Age 65 and Above
People, who are 65 years of age and above, are at greater risk of Covid-19 infection due to their reduced risk. They are also likely to have some associated co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, the course of the disease becomes more severe in them resulting in higher mortality. However, its transmission among the elderly population can be reduced by taking appropriate preventive measures. Chronic Lung Disease and Asthma People with asthma are more likely to catch Covid-19. Hospital data suggest that respiratory patients are more likely to experience serious complications. As there is still no cure for it, the best action that can be taken is to protect people from infection. The same is true of other chronic lung diseases. Severe Heart Condition Covid-19 directly damages the lungs and triggers an inflammatory response, which puts pressure on the cardiovascular system in two ways, ie. Due to the inflammatory effect of the virus, affecting the lungs reduces the level of oxygen in the blood and also lowers blood pressure. In such cases, the heart has to beat faster and harder to supply oxygen to larger organs. According to the European Society of Cardiology, patients with heart failure, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, erythema right ventricular cardiomyopathy and congenital sinusoidal heart disease are most at risk. Read the full article
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svd-v1b3zz · 5 years ago
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allin1guide · 5 years ago
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Corona virus safety precautions https://youtu.be/INREpyb0K1I Watch This full video on YouTube #corona #Coronavirus#SafetyprecautionsofCoronavirus#Whatiscoronavirus#coronayoutuber#Coronanews#CoronaPrecautions#CoronaDisease#CoronaTreatment#Coronacare#CoronaIndia#Curfewindia#LockdownIndia https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CzwGFpnzBEBZUCU-e9RT2x70Hto0q5l8WKGc0/?igshid=7xcgv4vs3h7a
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creditqworld · 5 years ago
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Pray for Doctors, Nurses and other medical staff🙏. They are the ones on the front line of this Battle.
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hcnnews-blog · 3 years ago
20 हजार ज्यादा हुये Corona से सक्रिय मामलों का आंकड़ा, Delhi में पिछले 24 घंटों में 1,656 नए Covid Cases
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livenewshmtv · 5 years ago
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indian-news-network · 5 years ago
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A paper published by the researchers from South China University of Technology said that the coronavirus may have originated a laboratory in Wuhan. The paper further stated that animals with this disease are kept in laboratories in Wuhan Centre for Disease Control including 605 bats. Deaths due to coronavirus reached over 1,868. #CoronaOutbreak #coronarvirues #wuhan #wuhanchina #bats #coronadisease https://www.instagram.com/p/B8s5rdJJ7Ye/?igshid=wzo1ea7kptgq
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updatecinenews · 5 years ago
அலறும் அமெரிக்கா- மீண்டும் ஒரே நாளில் சுமார் 2 ஆயிரம் பேர் பலி, corona d...
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sadgurufacility · 5 years ago
The Deadly Coronavirus Disease Outbreak
The Deadly Coronavirus Disease Outbreak
Coronavirus, with its origin in Wuhan, has now been declared as a global health emergency by WHO. What exactly is a coronavirus and how did it all start? Coronavirus or CoV belongs to a large family of viruses. The symptoms of the virus are illness which could either be like common cold or some severe diseases like MERS-CoV which is Middle East respiratory syndrome and SARS-CoV or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. nCoV is the novel coronavirus that is a new strain and this was not identified in humans before. Coronavirus has a crown-like shape and this is how the virus got its name
Coronavirus is zoonotic
Zoonotic means transmission from animals to humans. As per the latest investigations Coronavirus got transmitted to humans from animals that were being sold in China in the Wuhan market. SARS-CoV got transmitted from the civet cats and MERS-CoV was transmitted from dromedary camels to humans. Many other known coronaviruses are present in animals but have not infected humans yet.
How did it all start?
Experts are still searching for the source of this virus and how it started to affect humans. Its origin is being traced to Wuhan in China. The coronavirus disease started in the Wuhan seafood market. This is where wild animals like rabbits, birds, snakes, marmots, and bats are illegally traded. Coronavirus gets transmitted from animals to humans and thus as per studies the first people who got infected with this virus were a group of people who had stalls in the Wuhan seafood market. They contacted this virus when they came in contact with animals that carried coronavirus. There is still analysis going in to understand how and when the infections started and began to spread and how coronavirus got its initial route and infected humans.
Types of Coronavirus
The human Coronavirus is of different types and they vary in how far they spread and the severity of illness that they can cause. At present, seven kinds of coronavirus can affect humans. The common ones are:
Alpha coronavirus – 229E
Alpha coronavirus – NL63
Beta coronavirus – OC43
Beta coronavirus – HKU1
MERS-CoV is responsible to cause MERS or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and SARS-CoV causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. These are the more dangerous but rare kinds of the virus. There is another virus called novel coronavirus (2019 – nCoV) that is circulating. This is the dangerous strain that started affecting humans in 2019. However, there is still no official name for this virus.
Symptoms of Coronavirus
Coronavirus starts to show symptoms of flu or cold in two to four days’ time after one gets infected. The symptoms are usually mild and it varies from one individual to another. Some virus forms are fatal.
The common symptoms of Coronavirus include:
Runny nose
Sore throat
Fever in rare cases
There is no available treatment for Coronavirus. Taking rest, drinking lots of water, avoiding smoky areas and taking over-the-counter pain and fever relief medications are the only solutions that are offered.
It is not possible to cultivate human Coronavirus in the laboratory and this makes it difficult to understand what impact coronavirus can have on public health and on the national economy.
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thecanadiancomedian · 5 years ago
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#canada #covid19 #corona #covid19numbers #covid19testing #testingnumbers #corona #coronadisease #nocanadian (at Kitsilano) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-P94T9hsFF/?igshid=3z839u8f4719
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