#corocoro shadow spoilers
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eldritchgriffin · 3 months ago
Spoilers for chapters one and two of the Shadow manga!
Okay, to start off, I don't know if the manga is meant to be mainline-canon. However, based on what we've seen of it so far, I'm reading between the lines a bit, and have come up with a theory of sorts.
So, part one is set entirely on the Ark, ending with Maria being shot. Part two is where things start connecting to Generations more, and get a bit interesting:
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The way this is framed makes it seem as if Shadow went directly from the Ark to the White Space. Which could just mean that the events on the Ark were some sort of flashback due to the time-traveling stuff. My theory takes a different approach though.
See, based on the way Shadow's been acting, it doesn't seem like he was just having a flashback. He hasn't given any indication of that, and the way he reacts after he arrives in White Space stands out to me. His first thought is that he needs to return to the Ark, and his second is remembering Maria's death.
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But the Ark hasn't been his home in a long time, and he's known that Maria's dead for years. Comparing that to his reaction at the end of chapter one of Dark Beginnings:
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He immediately clocks that it wasn't real, and he doesn't make any comment about Maria's death.
Theory time. Now, I know this almost certainly isn't what happens, but I want to put it out there before the game drops. What if Shadow from the manga is "Classic" Shadow? Shadow who has never been to the planet, who hasn't even had an hour since Maria died, and who hasn't yet found any reason for his existence beyond saving Maria?
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This line from the orb-guy stands out to me as well.
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What do they mean by "the second one?" What if the first "red and black" one was also Shadow, but modern Shadow?
It might be a bit of a stretch, but I think it's an interesting idea at least. The concept of past Shadow meeting his present-day counterpart. "Modern" Shadow has already come to terms with Maria's death, and is prioritizing stopping the Black Arms/Time Eater/Mephiles/whoever is trying to destroy the world. "Classic" Shadow only cares about saving Maria; nothing else matters.
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kaialone · 7 years ago
Yokai Watch Corocoro Leaks (March 2018)
Corocoro leaks have been coming out, so I will translate under the readmore.
Beware of spoilers, naturally!
This month’s issue of corocoro does not have much on Yokai Watch,
it mostly shows off the new toy version of the “Yokai Watch Eruda” that will be released in 2018, the “Arcs” that will work with it, being something like new versions of the familiar Yokai Medals, and a reminder that the new Shadowside anime will begin soon.
As usual I’ve tried to translate as much as possible from the snapshots I’ve seen, and I do think it’s interesting.
First we have this page:
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This one is just a little intro, showing us that this segment will be about this toy version of the Yokai Watch Eruda.
The Eruda is called エルダ/Eruda in Japanese, which can also be romanized as Eluda, Elda, and Erda, among other things. But since I’m personally not sure which is the intended meaning, I stick to a direct romanization for now.
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古のウォッチが An ancient Watch...
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今、開放される- ...will now be unleashed-
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妖怪ウォッチシャドウサイド 新生ホビー開発スクープ!! The scoop on the development of the Shadowside's rebirth as hobby merchandise!!
Don’t read too much into them using big words like “rebirth”, or “unleashed”, this is mostly to sound cool.
Next is this page:
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Here we get a bit of a look at the new Arcs, which seemingly function similar to Yokai Medals. In Japanese they’re called アーク/Āku, which can be romanzed as “arc”, but technically also as “ark” or similar things.
On this page there is a small decription for Natsume that I can’t read, but I presume it’s nothing we haven’t heard before?
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DX妖怪ウォッチエルダで シャドウ&ライトサイド妖怪を召喚!! Summon Shadow & Light Yokai with the Deluxe Yokai Watch Eruda!!
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「映画妖怪ウォッチ」第4弾で大活躍し、 アニメ・シャドウサイドでも重要な役割を担う新ウォッチ誕生!! Having been a huge success in the 4th "Yokai Watch Movie", a new Watch that will also play an important role in the Shadowside Anime is born!!
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現在開発中!! 2018年発売予定!! Currently in Development!! Scheduled to be released in 2018!!
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アークを集めて ともだち妖怪を増やそう!! Try collecting Arcs and get more yokai friends!!
1本のアーク裏表にシャドウ&ライトサイド妖怪が宿るぞ。 The Shadow & Lightside yokai appear on the front and back of a single Arc.
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コマさん Komasan
ライトサイド シャドウサイド Lightside Shadowside
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各地を放浪しているコマ犬妖怪。 シャドウサイドのギャップが大!? A komainu yokai what wanders all across the land. There is a huge gap to his Shadowside!? (1)
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ジバニャン Jibanyan
ライトサイド シャドウサイド Lightside Shadowside
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おなじみのネコ妖怪。 シャドウサイドになると戦闘力が急激に上昇!! A familiar cat yokai. When he turns into his Shadowside, his battle power rises sharply!!
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新妖怪は コイツに注目!! New yokai take note of this one here!!
ぞくぞく登場する新妖怪の中でも 得に注目なのがジュニア!! ある妖怪と深い関係が!? Even among the exciting new yokai, Junior is one you'd better pay attention to!! Has a deep relationship with (a) certain yokai!? (2)
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ジュニア Junior
かわいい姿のライトサイド。 シャドウサイドになると姿が激変!? The adorable Lightside form. Changes drastically when turning into Shadowside!?
早くもホビー化 アークも登場!! Will become hobby merchandise and appear as an Arc as soon as possible!!
4月20日 放送で 判明!? Set to be revealed during the broadcast of the 20th of April!? (3)
I’m fairly sure this refers to the gap between his Lightside and Shadowside, but it’s unclear if it means a gap in power, or another kind of gap.
Since there is no clear plural in Japanese, its unclear if this line refers to Junior having a strong relationship/connection with one or multiple yokai.
I’m unsure if this refers to Junior himself appearing on that day’s episode, or the Shadowside form of Junior, or maybe just a reveal for the Arc toy.
And then we have this page:
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This shows how the Arcs will work when used together with the Eruda.
It also features a tiny bit on the new anime, but most of it is what I already translated before, regarding when it will start, and that it will begin with a 1 hour special.
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エルダを開いて アークをかざせ!! Open the Eruda and hold out the Arc!!
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謎のキー アイテム The Mysterious Key Item
「アーク」が召喚のカギに!! "Arcs" become the key for summoning!!
ともだち妖怪の力を宿した鍵型のニューアイテム「アーク」。 これをエルダに差し込み回すと、 カバーがオーペン!! ウォッチの盤面に 「アーク」をかざすと、妖怪を召喚できるぞ!! Arcs, the new, key-like items that house the power of your yokai friends. If you insert one into the Eruda and turned it, the cover opens!! If you hold an Arc over the Watch's clock face, you can summon yokai!!
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回す方向で シャドウかライトかを 選べるぞ。 With the turning direction you can chose between Shadow and Light
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左なら シャドウサイド If you go left, it's Shadowside
アークを左に 回すと出現だ!! It will appear if you turn the Arc to the left!!
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右なら ライトサイド If you go right, it's Lightside
シャドウSとは 召喚音がちがう。 The summoning sound is different from the Shadowside.
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ともだち妖怪を 呼び出せ!! アニメの中でも同じような動き (?) 妖怪たちを召喚するぞ!! Call your yokai friends!! Summon yokai with the same movements as in the anime!! (1)
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アニメの新シリーズがついにスタート。 今までにないバトルが展開!? The new series of the anime will finally start. Will unprecedented battles develop!?
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映画の続きが 毎週観られる! You can watch the continuation of the movie every week!
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ナツメとウィスパーのコンビが大活躍!? The combination of Natsume and Whisper is a huge success!? ()
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You can tell there is some text next to this screencap of Kēsuke, but it’s so blurry I can’t make it out at all.
Because this text is partially obscured, I had to guess a bit on some kana, so my translation might be off.
“Combination” here refers to a combination in the sense of like, them acting as a team.
In addition to all of these, this issue of Corocoro also had something on the Yokai Watch manga (the one by Noriyuki Konishi)
Note that I don’t know much about the Yokai Watch manga, but from what I understand this one by Noriyuki Konishi is currently serialized in Corocoro, which means each Cororoco issue has a new chapter of this manga (and later those get collected into actual Volumes).
It seems that this manga has now either started it’s Shadowside storyline, or at least teased it, but not many snapshots were taken of it. This does make sense though, as generally people tend to refrain from leaking complete chapters like that.
But yeah, so I don’t know much about the context about these, but there is some details I’d like to go over.
First is this shot:
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It’s cut off a bit, but based on the context, I believe the text here says:
新”妖怪ウォッチ伝説”、 始まる!! A new "Yokai Watch Legend" Begins!!
I can’t help but note how this is the first time I’ve personally seen a picture that clearly shows adult Kēta/Nate without his face being obscured, alongside his wife, who, in the manga at least, is confirmed to be Fumika/Katie
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And more importantly (?) we see that Kēsuke himself might be getting a Watch
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It’s a bit hard to see, but it looks at least similar to the Eruda, featuring a slot to insert Arcs into. But to me personally, it doesn’t looks identical to the Eruda, but who knows.
Note that the events of the manga will probably not be exactly identical to other media either.
And lastly, there’s this page:
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The text on it says:
さよなら… ジバニャン!? Goodbye... Jibanyan!?
Edit: More snapshots of these manga pages have since been posted, giving a better understanding of the future of the manga, which I translated here.
And that’s it for things from this month’s issue of Corocoro that I am able to translate. I hope you’ve found it interesting/useful?
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kaialone · 7 years ago
Yokai Watch Spoilers (Busters 2) under the cut.
Mastertag for pre-release Busters 2 information.
This month’s issue of corocoro has been leaking, so I am going to try and translate at least some of the information on Yokai Watch included in it.
For now this will only be the information on Busters 2 contained in it, translations for information on Movie 4 will hopefully follow later this week.
The first bit unveals a new form (?) of Enma, and technically contains some Movie 4 stuff, too:
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I can’t read all of this, but I will try to translate as much as I can.
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宿命の ライバル Fated Rivals
蛇王カイラと 融合して 至高の妖怪誕生!! Through merging with Kaira the Snake King, a supreme yokai is born!!
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映画 「妖怪ウォッチ」第4弾にも登場する蛇王カイラ。 王の座を争う最大のライバルと波長を合わせた結果、 エンマ大王が新たな最強の姿へと生まれ変わった!! Kaira the Snake King will also appear in the 4th "Yokai Watch" movie. As a result of matching wavelengths with his biggest rival as they fight over the throne, the Great King Enma is reborn as his new strongest form!!
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闇エンマ 蛇王カイラの妖気によって、 闇の力 が増大したエンマ!! 圧倒的な強さで、 あらゆる敵をねじ伏せるぞ!! Dark Enma Enma, whose power of Darkness has increased through Kaira the Snake King's yōki!! With his overwhelming strenght, he can hold down any enemy!!
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エンマ大王 ご存し妖魔界の王。 バスターズの手助けをしてくれる!? Great King Enma The king of the Yōmakai we're familiar with. He will help out the Busters!?
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蛇王カイラ エンマを倒して妖魔界の王に取って 代わろうと企む妖怪。 Kaira the Snake King A yokai who plans to defeat Enma and replace him as the king of the Yōmakai.
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このオレが 最強だ!! I am the Strongest!!
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PKG版 特典Tメダル 連動で出現!! Appears in conjunction with the T medals included with the package version!!
両バーションの数量限定特典Tメダルを読み込むと、 闇エンマが出現!! 戦って勝てば仲間になる!? When you scan in the limited bonus T medals included with both versions, Dark Enma will appear!! Will you become friends with him if you defeat him in battle!?
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秘宝妖怪を上回る大注目妖怪を発見!! 「バスターズ2」で、 史上最強の ”王”が姿を現す!! A brand new Yokai who exceeds the Hidden Treasure Yokai has been discovered!!
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コロコロ独占 スクープ A Corocoro Exclusive Scoop
闇エンマ 降臨 !!!!! The Descent of Dark Enma!!!!!
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特別なエンマ& カイラも出現!! Special Enma & Kaira also appear!
ソードのTメダルを読むと特別な剣を 持つエンマとカイラ、 マグナムのTメダルで 特別な銃を持つエンマとカイラが登場!! If you scan in the T Medal included with Sword, Enma and Kaira wielding special swords appear, and if you scan in the T Medal included with Magnum, Enma and Kaira wielding special guns appear!!
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映画 「妖怪ウォッチ シャドウサイド 鬼王の復活」 にも闇エンマが現れる!? Movie - Will Dark Enma appear in "Yokai Watch Shadow Side: Revival of the Oni King" as well!?
映画の中で争い合う エンマ大王と蛇王カイラ。 対決の果てに2人が融合し、 闇エンマが登場するのか!? In the movie, the Great King Enma and Kaira the Snake King fight. Will the two of them merge at the end of their confrontation, and Dark Enma will appear!?
(Note: I can’t read the last paragraph here)
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闇エンマの真の実力は次号、 新聞ふろくで判明!! The true power of Dark Enma will become clear with the newspaper appendix of the next issue!!
The biggest thing is probably this 2 page spread:
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Let’s go through this bit by bit, starting with this one:
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ガイド 1 Guide 1
伝説のお宝が眠る ダンジョンを攻略!! Seize the dungeons in which the legendary treasures sleep!!
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バスターズ存続の危機を脱するてめ、 お宝を探しにカラクリ島へ!! 危険なダンジョンに挑め!! In order to escape a crisis that threatens their existence, the Busters head for Karakuri Island to find treasure!! Challenge dangerous dungeons!!
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バスターズキャンプ から出動!! Depart from the Busters' Camp!!
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バスターズがピンチ!? The Busters are in a Pinch!?
バスターズが 1億円 の借金!? 払えないと 追い出されちゃう!? The Busters are 100 million yen in debt!? They will be kicked out if they dont pay up!?
Komasan: もんげ〜〜っ!? オラたちがこの基地から出て行くって…? Mongeeeee!? We're gonna have ta leave this base...?
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宝の地図!? A treasure map!?
借金を返すため、 お宝 をゲットする冒険。 An adventure for the sake of getting treasure, to pay off the debt.
(unfortunately I can’t read Indy’s dialouge here.)
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ヤバイ妖怪が! Dangerous Yokai!
島では次々トラブル が発生! お宝はどこ!? One the island, trouble after trouble keeps happening! Where is the treasure!?
Doyagari tribe member: 「ワザワイ」が復活���たべ! ぶっちゃけ お前らが島を動かしたせいだべ The "disaster" got revived! Not gonna lie, it's you guys' fault for moving the island
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ボスも出現! Bosses also appear!
見たことのない ビッグボスも登場だ!! 激しいバトルの予感が!! Big Bosses you've never seen before will also make appearances!! A premonition that fierce battles will unfold!!
(Note: it appears this new boss is called “ViKING”)
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お宝を ゲットだ!! Get the Treasure!!
Next is this part:
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ガイド 2 Guide 2
バトルで役立つ 2大新要素!! 2 Major New Elements that help in Battle!!
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バトル中に突然発生する嬉しい新要素だ!! They are pleasant new elements that occur suddenly during battle!!
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バンバラヤー Banbarayahh
この声が聞こえると敵味方が 強化されたりアイテムが出現!! When you hear this voice, friend and foes will get stronger, or items will appear!
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スーパーチャンスタイム Super Chance Time
発動すると敵がスローモーションに!! 大量の鬼玉も出現!! When it's activated, enemies will be in slow motion!! A lot of Oni Orbs will appear, too!!
Next part:
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ガイド 3 Guide 3
新妖怪を多数発見!! Many New Yokai have been discovered!!
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未知のカラクリ島には、 まだ見ぬ妖怪がいっぱい!! On this unknown Karakuri Island, there are many never seen before yokai!!
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ナーガラージャ 2つのことを同時に行う、 ”ながら” 妖怪!! Naga Raja Does two things at the same time, "while being" ("nagara") a yokai!
(Name pun: Naga Raja + "nagara" ("while") )
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しょうりん爺 アクション映画のマネが 好きな拳法妖怪!! Shōrinjī (or Shàolín Jī) A martial arts yokai who loves to mimic action movies!!
(Name pun: Shōrinji (Shàolín temple) + Jī (old man) )
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ちょうせんしゃ 誰もが恐れる危険に 挑戦する命知らず妖怪。 Chōsensha A daredevil yokai, who challenges dangers that everyone else fears.
(Name pun: Chōsen-sha (challenger) + sensha (tank) )
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らいせガール 来世でガンバレと、 ヒドイ応援をする妖怪。 Raise Girl A yokai that cheers you on terribly, telling you "You go!" on your way to the afterlife.
(Name pun: Raise (afterlife) + girl; there might be more to it)
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島の原住民 ドヤガリ族!! The island's natives, the Doyagari Tribe!!
(name pun: taken from "Yadogari" (hermit crab) )
ヤドカリのような見た目の新妖怪!! 「ぶちゃっけ スゴイべ?」と、 自分たちの自慢ばっかりしているぞ!! New yokai that look like hermit crabs!! They really proud of themselves, saying: "Not gonna lie, we're really awesome, yeah?".
(Note: I am unsure, but I believe these crabs speak in a Tōhoku dialect, using "-be" and the like as their sentence endings. I have heard that this is sometimes seen as a coastal accent, which might be why these guys are speaking it?)
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バスターズが島に災い をもたらすと考え、 They believe the Busters have brought a disaster to the island, so will they turn them into living sacrifices!?
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ドヤガリ族の衣装を着たジバニャンと コマさんが登場! 他では手に入らない!!
There's yokai limited to the Download versions, too!!
Jibanyan and Komasan, weaing Doyagari clothing, will be appearing! You cant get them any other way!!
(Note: D Jibanyan is exclusive to Magnum, D Komasan is exclusive to Sword)
Next part:
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ガイド 4 Guide 4
バージョン限定 妖怪出現だ!! Version-exclusive Yokai Appear!!
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ソード/マグナムの各バージョンにのみ出現!! 人気妖怪だけでなく、新妖怪の姿も!! They only appear in Magnum and Sword respectively!! Not just popular yokai, but new yokai, too!!
Exclusive to Sword:
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かてんし Katenshi
(unsure about the name pun, but it contains "tenshi" (angel) )
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あきらMEN AkiraMEN
(Name pun: "akiramen" (dont give up!) + men )
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ヤミキュウビ Yami Kyūbi (Darkyubi)
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ミーフー Mīfū
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ダークコマー Dark Komar
Exclusive to Magnum:
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モノマネキング Monomaneking (Name pun: momomane (mimicry) + mannequin + king)
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ふてくさる Futekusaru (Name pun: might be "futekusareru" (to sulk) + "saru" (monkey) )
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ヒカリオロチ Hikari Orochi (Illuminoct )
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フウ2 Fū2
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ヒーローニャン Heronyan
I didn’t fully translate the next two parts, but I can still talk a little about them.
First one is this:
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A few more Treasure Medals have been shown. Unless I'm wrong, theyre called "Great Fortune Medals", with the individual ones being called something like:
King Fortune (Enma and co.), Oni Fortune, Boss Fortune, Old Fortune (Arachnus and co.), Popular Fortune (Casanuva and co.), B Fortune (Jibanyan B and co.), and Warrior Fortune (Snartle and co.)
Unless I'm completely misunderstanding, it seems these are exclusive to some campaign, but I feel a bit of the text is missing, so I'm not sure.
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Adding to that, from what I can tell, this part is talking about how you can have the medals be read by Busters 2 and get coins you can sue to get rare yokai.
And that is all I got on this topic for now, I hope you enjoyed it?
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kaialone · 7 years ago
Yokai Watch Spoilers (Movie 4) under the cut.
Mastertag for pre-release Movie 4 information.
This will be translations of information on the fourth Yokai Watch movie, mostly taken from this month's issue of corocoro.
(If you're looking for this month's news on Busters 2, check here and here)
Now, while this is Movie 4 news, it does mostly talk about a new item/toy that will be related to it, just so you know.
First we have this page, showing off this new item:
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It’s actually a set that includes both a new Watch, and a little sword that comes with it.
But yes, let me translate all the text from this page.
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映画「妖怪ウォッチ」の キーアイテム!!! A Key Item to the "Yōkai Watch" Movie!!!
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DX妖怪ウォッチ 「オーガ」誕生!!! DX Yōkai Watch "Ogre" comes into being!
(Note: This watch model is called オーガ/Ōga in Japanese, which is pretty much always how the English word “ogre” is written in Japanese, hence why I translated it as such. )
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映画のカ���を握る闇から生まれた新ウォッチ!! A new Watch born from darkness, which holds a key to the movie!!
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その正体は、 最強の妖怪を呼ぶ奇跡のウォッチだった!! It is in fact, a miraculous Watch that calls forth the strongest yokai!!
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主人公の 一人 One of the Protagonists
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トウマがあやつる ”憑依” ウォッチ!? A "Possession" Watch, controlled by Touma!?
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トウマが鬼まろから与えられた「鬼眼ギア」。 それが変化して生まれた新ウォッチが、 この「オーガ」だ!! メダルで妖怪を呼び出すのではなく、 自分自身に憑依させ (とりつかせ) るという新しい機能で姿を変えるぞ!! Touma was given the "Kigan Gear" by the Onimaro. And the new Watch that is born from its transformation, is this very "Ogre"! Rather than calling yokai with medals, It will change your appearance, with a new feature where you yourself get possessed (inspirited)!!
(Important Note: I am unsure if this actually refers to you yourself getting possessed and changing your appearance... or the Watch getting possessed and changing its appearance? I can't be sure which is it until I see it in action. Both seem equally possible to me, so please keep this in mind.
Also the Kigan Gear, or “Oni Eye Gear” was first shown of back in august.)
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ベゼルを回して決定! Turn the bezel and decide!
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特定の位置に回して 本体右のボタンを押せ。 Turn it to a specific position, and press the button on the right side.
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盤面を押しこみ憑依! Push in the clock face and begin the possession!
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ウォッチの中心を押すと妖怪が憑依する!! Press the center of the Watch, and start the yokai posession!!
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鬼眼ギアが 主義の心で変化! The Kigan Gear changes with feelings of principles! 
(Note: I'm unsure if I got the "feelings of principles" part right.)
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12月上旬発売 妖聖剣とセット で4536円 Will be released in early december as a set with Yōsei Sword for 4536 yen
(Note: Included this or those looking to purchase it, I guess)
The person who's taking these photos didnt take a full shot of this next page, so I edited the seperate shots together, so that hopefully you can see how the layout of this one works better?
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(image source)
While I can read most of the text on this page, there does seem to be a little text missing in the “blindspots” which I can’t read. But it doesn’t seem to be anything major.
So, here’s more translations:
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You can possession-summon
the Four Genma!!
(Note: I have seen the term 幻魔/Genma be used in other media before, but I am unsure if it’s a term from actualy mythology, or if it’s a more modern thing people sometimes use cause it sounds cool. It feels more like the latter, but I don’t know for sure. it is made up of the kanji 幻/gen and 魔/ma, thus you could probably translate it as something like “phantom demons” among other things.)
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4体の幻魔が4つの時刻に宿っているぞ!! 憑依したい幻魔の時刻に、 ウォッチの青い印を合わせよう!! The Four Genma reside in different times of day! Match the Watch's blue mark with the time of day of the Genma who you want to do the possessing!!
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五右衛門 戦闘力が高い、 攻撃型の幻魔!! Goemon An agressive Genma with high combat power!!
(Note: This one is, or is based on  Ishikawa Goemon.)
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弁慶 鉄壁の守りで 仲間たちを守る!! Benkei Protects his companions, with iron-clad defense!!
(Note: This one is, or is based on Musashibō Benkei. You might recall that there is already a yokai based on him, I am unsure if they’re supposed to be the same guy, and like a lot of yokai, he just looks different in this movie’s era, or if they’re different peope based on the same guy?)
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義経 知恵を活かし ピンチを脱出!! Yoshitsune Escapes predicaments using wisdom!!
(Note: This one is, or is based on Minamoto no Yoshitsune.)
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お松 癒やしの妖術で 仲間を回復!! Omatsu Makes companions recover with healing sorcery!!
(Note: This one is, or is based on Omatsu no Kata.)
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妖怪の中でもとくに能力が高い正位の存在。 「オーガ」でのみ呼び出せるぞ!!
Who are the Genma!?
Beings whose abilities are of an especially high level, even among yokai!! You can only call them with the "Ogre"!!
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各時刻の位置に、 幻魔の顔のマークが描かれている。 A Genma's mark is drawn on each time of day position.
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零時 Midnight (This is for Goemon)
三時 3 o'clock (This is for Omatsu)
九時 9 o'clock (This is for Benkei)
六時 6 o'clock (This is for Yoshitsune)
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さらに!!!!! Furthermore!!!!!
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我の力を 与えよう!! Receive my power!!
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不動明王召喚!! Summon Fudō Myōō !!
(Note: Fudō Myōō is the Japanese name of a protective deity called Acala, primarily revered in Vajrayana Buddhism. His Japanese name can be broken up into 不動/fudō or “immovable“, 明/myō or “bright”, and 王/ō or “king”, with the明王/myōō or “bright/wise kings” being a certain type of deity. Therefore, one could translate his name as “Wisdom King Fudō” or even “Immovable Wisdom King”.)
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不動明王 最強の戦闘力を持つ妖怪!! その実力は、 エンマ大王すら凌ぐ!? Fudō Myōō The yokai who has the strongest combat power!! Do his abilities even surpass the Great King Enma!?
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本体に付属の妖聖剣を刺すと召喚準備完了!! 引抜いた剣の柄でウォッチの盤面を押し込むと、 不動明王出現を完全再現だ!! If you stab the main device with the Yōsei Sword that comes with it, the preparations for summoning are complete!! When you push in the clock face with the handle of the pulled out sword, the appearance of Fudō Myōō is perfectly recreated!!
(Note: The Yōsei Sword  is called 妖聖剣/Yōsei Ken in Japanese with 剣/ken meaning “sword”, and 妖/yō being the same kanji as in “yōkai”, and聖/sei meaning something like “sage”. I am also not sure what exactly that last line means. Guess I’d have to see it in action.)
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妖聖剣に封印された、 最強の妖怪が姿を現ぞ!! Sealed within the Yōsei Sword, the strongest yokai will appear!
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剣をさして盤面を押しこめ! Push in the clock face with the sword!
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フドウ雷鳴剣をゲット! 付属の妖聖剣のQRコードを3DSソフト「妖怪ウォッチバスターズ2」で読むと、ゲームで フドウ雷鳴剣が手に入る。 激強の武器だぞ!! Get the Fudō Thunder Sword! If you read the QR code of the Yōsei Sword Accessory in "Yokai Watch Busters 2", you will be able to obtain the Fudō Thunder Sword in-game!! It's a powerful weapon!!
(Note: This sword is called "Fudō Raimei Ken" in Japanese, which would literally translate to "Immovable Thunder Sword", but the "Immovable" part clearly is a reference to Fudō Myōō, hence my current translation of "Fudō Thunder Sword". I am unsure if the Yōsei Sword is supposed to be the same sword or a related sword. Maybe that'll be a plot point?)
Before we go onto the next page, note that you can see this “Ogre” model and the Yōsei Sword in slightly better quality on bandai’s website right now.
This next bit appears to be a large poster sized two-page spread, but again, there does not seem to be a full shot of it, this is about the best I can manage when trying to piece them together:
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(image sources: 1, 2, 3, and 4)
Sadly, there is a lot of text on this one that I can’t quite make out, and likely some missing text too, but I will translate what I can.
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史上最大の 豪華さ!!
The greatest luxury in history!!
Vistors get
Fudō Myōō
as a present!!
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映画を観に来た人(中学生以下)限定でQRコードをプレセント!! 「妖怪ウォッチバスターズ2」で読み込めば、 史上最強の妖怪を仲間にするチャンス!! People who go to see the movie (Junior High School Students or younger) will get a limited QR code as a present!! If you scan it into "Yokai Watch Busters 2", you will get a chance to befriend the strongest yokai in history!!
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「妖怪ウォッチバスターズ2」で仲間に!! Befriend him in "Yokai Watch Busters 2"!!
(Note: I didn’t translate it, but this bit also says that when Busters 2 comes out on the 7th of December, it will cost like 5184 yen.)
Little interlude, the official website of the movie has also udpated slightly, showing off the bonuses you will receive when going to see the movie (if you’re the right age):
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This seems to mostly just say the same thing, so I didn't translate it, too.
Unless I’m mistaken, this seems to be a "first come first serve" kinda deal, which is likely why they're limiting it to children.
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みなさんに さしあげますよ〜 We're offering it to all of you~
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This is a part I sadly can't really translate, because of how incomplete the text is, but from the parts that I can read, it seems like it just goes over similar stuff as the previous segments on the Four Genma.
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世界を破壊する 究極の悪!! The Ultimate Evil destroying the world!!
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世界を守るため 共闘!? Fighting together to protect the world!?
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史上最大の敵!!!? The greatest enemy in history!!!?
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鬼王羅仙復活!? Revival of the Oni King Rasen!?
(Note: I translated this based on the idea that Rasen/羅仙 is his name, but I am not 100% sure? This might be a preexisting term, but if it is, I haven't been able to find out its exact meaning.)
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人間の「悪意」を食らう鬼の王!! 何者かにより封印が解かれ姿を現す!! その力は絶大で、 強力な妖怪が相手でも、 その者が持つ「闇」につけ込み支配下に落としてしまう。 The king of Oni, who devours the "malice" of humans!! Released from his seal by someone, he shows himself!!
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This is another part I can't make out, thus I can't translate it, but based on the image, I presume it is possible that this part talks about the information that was already included in an update of the official website in septermber, which I translated at the end of this post. Though it is still possible this includes some new information, but I can't be certain.
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ナツメ 妖怪を召喚し、 シャドウサイドに変身させる 妖怪ウォッチ・エルダに選ばれた少女!! Natsume A girl who has been chosen by the Yokai Watch Eruda, which can summon yokai, and transform them into their shadow sides!!
(Note: The Yokai Watch Eruda is a new Watch that was first shown off back in July.)
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出てこい! わたしのともだち!! Come out! My friend!!
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��ウマ 心を奥の“闇”を見抜かれ、 鬼まろリーダーに操られてしまう。 “闇”を克服できるか!? Touma Seeing through the "darkness" in his heart, he is manipulated by the Onimaro leader. Can he overcome the "darkness"!?
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うなれ フドウ雷鳴剣!! Roar, Fudō Thunder Sword!!
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I am sad to say that because of how much text is cropped of, I can't translate the text talking about Akinori here.
This is it for actual translations, but there is one more thing I want to mention. An image of the group shot shown in the part I translated above can now also be seen on the official website, so here is the actual full group:
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And if you are completely lost right now and have no idea who any of these people are, I can give a little roll call of who everyone is, so keep reading if you want to know:
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This is Touma, a 13 year old boy, one of the main protagonists of the movie.
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This is Natsume, a 13 year old girl, one of the main protagonists of the movie.
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This is Akinori, a boy who is a member of a family that  appearently uses yōki  (yokai energy) for divination, and one of the main protagonists of the movie.
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These are Ogu, Togu and Mogu. They are "Onimaro", which is apparently some kind of "yokai virus".
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This is Whisper, the way he will appear in this movie.
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These are Kaodeka Oni, or "Huge Face Oni", humans who have been inspirited and transformed by Onimaro.
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This person has been labelled as "Onimaro Leader", not much else is known about them.
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This is Kyubi, note that this image is the first time he has been shown off, so not much else is known.
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This is Komasan, the way he will appear in this movie, specifically while he is in his "Shadow Side" form.
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This is Jibanyan, the way he will appear in this movie, specifically while he is in his "Shadow Side" form.
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This is Papa Bolt, the way he will appear in this movie, specifically while he is in his "Shadow Side" form.
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This is Blazion, the way he will appear in this movie, specifically while he is in his "Shadow Side" form.
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This is Blizzaria, the way she will appear in this movie, specifically while she is in her "Shadow Side" form.
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This is "Micchii" who, according to early magazine information, is actually Slimamander while he is in his "Light Side" form.
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These are the Four Genma who where shown off in this magazine.
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These are the Great King Enma and the Kaira the Snake King. Enma is known to us as the king of the Yokai World, and Kaira is appearently someone who is fighting him for the throne.
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This is Nurarihyon, who is Enma's aide.
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This is Fudō Myōō, who was shown off in this magazine.
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Going by this magazine, I'd say this is the titular Oni King, who may be called Rasen, if I didn't translate it wrong. Not 100% sure here.
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These are Kitarō and his friends, from the popular series GeGeGe no Kitarō, which will crossover with the Yokai Watch universe in this movie. The extent of that is yet unknown.
Okay, now that's definitely it from me, for now. I hope you enjoyed this/found this to be helpful?
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kaialone · 8 years ago
New Yo-kai Watch Movie Information
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The new Yo-kai Watch movie now has a website.
In addition to it, this site has some new information on its story and the like, some of which I will translate below.
Of course this will contain spoilers, so head under the cut for more.
First is most of this text:
This mostly talks about the game’s story and why they chose to make it, kind of.
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(Translators note: Gonna paraphrase a bit of this first part)
(...) but, just like in the TV Anime, the protagonist (of the previous movies) was consistently the fifth-grader Keita. However, in this forth installment, the protagonists are three people, boys and a girl, that are different from him. Furthermore, it is said that this work will depict a story that takes place 30 years after the story of the generation of Keita and the others.
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Furthermore, familiar yōkai such as Jibanyan and Whisper also appear, slightly different from before, as yōkai with two modes called "Light Side" and "Shadow Side." The creator of the 'Yo-kai Watch' series, Akihiro Hino, who is also the excecutive producer, original author, and writer for the 4th movie (Translator’s Note: I am not 100% sure about all these things Hino supposedly does for the movie, as I am not super familiar with industry terms in japanese, dont take these titles literally) had this to say about this huge change: "With this movie I am challenging new possibilities for Yo-kai Watch. All of you who have been enjoying Yo-kai Watch until now will be confused by changes such as "Shadow Sides". However, I am confident that you will enjoy this new view of the world."
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With this movie, more than ever before, be prepared for scary things that will give you chills, laughing heartily, and heated, fierce battles. Moreover, Hino stated: "Using Yo-kai Watch as a theme, we have created a 'completely new horror-comedy' that both adults and children will like.", revealing his aim for a work of entertainment that won't just be enjoyed by children, but adults as well.
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The main characters of this work are planned to be three people, Natsume, a carefree 13 year-old girl, who remembers being saved by "something" when she almost drowned in a river. Touma, a 13 year-old boy who feels lonely, always being alone since both his parents are busy with work. Akinori, the eldest son of the 'Arihoshi Family' that has used yōki for divination for generations. 
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Movie Yo-kai Watch Shadow Side Resurrection of the Oni King, Story: Once, there was a boy who possessed a mysterious bracelet (Watch) that could control yōkai. However, when the boy became an adult, he became unable to see yōkai. Having fulfilled its role, the bracelet (Watch) was buried beyond time and space. Thirty years later... With the end of a calm everyday life, and the approaching of a comet, the day of destiny begins. A terrifying yōkai virus "Onimaro" is infecting people's malice (translators note: or maybe "infecting people with malice") and keeps on growing indefinitely... With a new Yo-kai Watch in hand, can the bonds between humans and yōkai be returned!?
Next, specific Character Information from the Gallery:
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【ジバニャン】車にひかれて死んだネコの地縛霊。かつて、多くの人間と接触し、妖魔界でも一目置かれていたが、人間と別れてから、放浪の妖怪に。※左がライトサイドの姿、右がシャドウサイドの姿 "Jibanyan" The Jibakurei of a cat that died after getting run over by a car. Once, he was in contact with many humans, and was even recognized in the Yōmakai, but he has since parted with humans and become a wandering yōkai. *Left is his Light Side, right is his Shadow Side.
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【ナツメ】世話好きな13歳の女の子。幼いころ川に溺れたとき、“なにか”に助けられた記憶がある。 "Natsume" A carefree, 13 year-old girl. She has memories of being saved by "something" when she almost drowned in a river when she was younger.
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【トウマ】13歳の男の子。両親は共働きで忙しく、いつも一人で孤独を感じている。 "Touma" A 13 year-old boy. His parents are both always busy with work, so he is always alone, feeling lonely.
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【アキノリ】代々、妖気を使った占いを行う家系��有星家」の長男。ひょうきんなところがある。 "Akinori" The eldest son of the 'Arihoshi Family' that has used yōki for divination for generations. He has a sense of humor.
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【ウィスパー】かつて「妖怪ウォッチ」をもつ人間に、妖怪について教えていた妖怪執事。エンマ大王の使いとしての役割を務めている。 "Whisper" A yōkai butler who once taught the human that possessed the "Yo-kai Watch" about yōkai. He now has the role of the Great King Enma's servant.
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【コマさん】神社でいきなりコマイヌが倒れて下敷きになり��怪に。いつもじっとしている。 "Komasan" A Komainu who was at a shrine, when it suddenly collapsed and buried him, turning him into a yōkai. He's always completely still.
(Translator’s Note: a bit unsure about this one)
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【ミッチー】アクティブな人型タイプに憧れる妖怪。正義感は強いが、見た目によらず実は弱い。 "Micchii" A youkai who adores active humanoid types. His sense of justice is strong, but despite his appearance he's actually rather weak.
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【エンマ大王】妖魔界をおさめる妖怪たちの王。妖怪たちと人間たちが、ともに手を取り合うことを推進している。 "Great King Enma" The king of yōkai, who rules over the Yōmakai. He supports yōkai and humans joining hands as friends.
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【ぬらりひょん】エンマ大王の側近。沈着冷静で、妖魔界や人間界に対して、幅広い知識を持つ。 "Nurarihyon" The Great King Enma's aide. Gentle and calm, he possesses vast knowledge of both the Yōmakai and the Human World.
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【鬼まろ(オグ・トグ・モグ)】トウマに取り憑く鬼まろ。トウマを闇に引き込もうとするが……。 "Onimaro (Ogu, Togu, and Mogu)" Onimaro that inspirit Touma. They try to pull Touma into the darkness, but...
And that’s all I know about this movie as of the writing of this post, except for some minor details from the corocoro leaks.
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