#corlys x rhaenys persuasion au
backjustforberena · 2 years
Please, give us some more headcanons for the persuasion au!!
Okay, so let me use this to give a bit of a brief recap of how I see it going, from the moment they meet etc. Some will be old news, but some will be decidedly not:
First off, it's been six years since the private engagement was broken off. I think it's eight years in Persuasion, but I'm sure you can see why I'd change it. Aemon died a few months prior to the reunion. Baelon has been installed as Heir to the Iron Throne, despite common thought prior to that being that Rhaenys would follow her father. She was passed over; dismissed. So when Corlys and Rhaenys reunite, he has experienced an elevation in status, she a diminishment - though, of course, as a Princess, she is still classed higher than he is so the feeling of social imbalance that tore them apart in the first place is still very much there. It also means that Rhaenys has been surrounded by eyes on her ever since her father's death, and finds it increasingly hard to let her walls down. This will be no different with Corlys, to begin with.
Corlys comes home to a massive welcome. Like, a full-on, monumental entrance, with many gifts to present to the King and it's all a bit show-off and ostentatious. He's kind of giving a massive middle finger to the royal family that rejected him all those years ago, and wants everyone to know how well he has done. His purpose is to bend the knee to the King and take his place as Lord Velaryon (something that was in a bit of limbo bc when Daemon passed, Corlys was at sea). Etc. Etc.
Rhaenys knows NOTHING about Corlys coming to court until he's announced. She goes to that feast just knowing that it's for The Sea Snake, and only puts two-and-two together about The Sea Snake = Lord Velaryon = Corlys, when the bloody announcement is being made. They meet. It's cordial. It's formal. No more. She has the advantage of being at the High Table; watches and considers him all night. He ignores her.
All the court think both of them are getting ready to get married to others. Or, I should say, are looking for marriage. For Corlys, it's because the next part of cementing his legacy would be to produce heirs. For Rhaenys, it's a rumour that the King wants to circulate, so Rhaenys cannot become a potential political headache and be seen as a legitimate option against his chosen heir now. He's this close to organising a marriage tour of all the Kingdoms just to get her a husband and farm her away from Court. It'll take a while for Corlys to see that. When he does, he's furious, but immoved. He knows what his Rhaenys would have thought about it, six years ago. But he has barely spoken to this Rhaenys. And she entertains it all with a smile.
The first drop of formality: a tiny, minuscule moment. One Corlys starts, and sort of regrets as soon as. He calls her Rhaenys. Offers condolences about her father. She doesn't drop her guard. Walks away. He watches, then chides himself. As soon as he's not looking, she glances back. They're both flustered by the encounter.
At some point, they will be sat together at a tourney. Cue small talk. And a discussion about affection when they oversee a knight ask for a lady's favour etc etc. Not fleshed that out yet, just seemed like a cool parallel to the show.
Maybe Corlys leaves for a little while? Just to see to some things at Driftmark. Time apart for them both to consider feelings. That they miss one another. Him being on her mind as she goes to Meleys to clear her head, only to have had it timed with his ship leaving.
Maybe, instead of Mr Elliot, the perception by all is that Viserys seeks to make Rhaenys his wife, in order to placate the Baratheons etc etc. In reality, it is no more than friendship and a desire for company. But for Corlys, it's the worst thing because Viserys is something he will never be: a Targaryen. So he feels threatened by it and keeps his feelings to himself. He befriends... maybe Aemma? As she's very nice and honest, which he appreciates, and he can keep close to royal gossip. However, Rhaenys feels the threat at that. But also befuddlement because Corlys could never love Aemma... surely?
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Consider a Persuasion AU of Corlys x Rhaenys. Years ago, when Corlys was not a Lord or Ser, and the Velaryons had no wealth, they fell in love and wanted to be wed. But he was deemed unfit by her family, and she too young, and must focus on her duty to the realm and a crown she hopes to one day wear. Is persuaded that he cannot love her sincerely, or enough, and it's just an ill match: a princess and a penniless sailor from a small island. Breaks the engagement even though she loves him. BAM, Corlys becomes rich and ascends to the Driftwood Throne and comes back to court. Cue mutual pining.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
OMGGG all of your fic ideas have me in a chokehold i swear, your mind is truly something and i like that something a lot. any other ideas for the persuasion fic you’d like to expand on? i’m dying to hear more <3
Something that's come to me tonight is about Rhaenys's dresses. When she and Corlys first fell in love and got engaged, she would mainly wear red for her house. A bit of gold. A little black, but never all black. But she would wear elaborate gowns, embroidered gowns, colourful gowns.
When they reunite, Rhaenys only wears all black gowns. It had begun as mourning attire due to her father passing. Then it became a colour to help her fade into the background when she is passed over for Baelon. It's the least aggressive of her house colours. And it feels protective; she's not making a fuss, she's no threat etc. However to everyone else it also says to leave her alone. It makes her seem formal, harsh, unfeeling. A grown woman.
This is something Corlys feels as well. A dancing girl in a dress as red as Heart Tree leaves now altered, six years, to be poised and false in unfeeling black. It'll take him a while to see past it and past rumour.
When they have a small exchange about Rhaenys's father, it shifts something in her for various reasons I won't go into now.
She comes to the next feast all in red.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
"Lord Velaryon." Her voice speaks. Her heart cries Corlys. He nods. She replies with her own.
He calls her Princess, as he always had. Yet it causes a peculiar pain underneath her ribs. She wants him to call her Rhaenys. but that never will be again. It never can. Perhaps, even, it never should have been in the first place. And perhaps that is the cause of such acute, peculiar pain.
He makes no move to take her hand and kiss it. But neither does she offer it to him. They are perfectly formal. It is agony.
Aka the Persuasion AU has me in a grip this evening.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
How do you see the story progressing? I can see a lot of angst (which we love) but do you naturally see them giving in and attempting to be in each other’s orbit? Will they actively attempt to heal old wounds? Because rejection isn’t easy but when your dealing with a man as prideful as corlys it’s even worse. Bruh he can hold a Damn grudge. It’s legit a personality trait at this point and would be interesting to have some insight into how you would navigate that.
It's a personality trait for BOTH of them, let's be honest. They're both full of pride, full of judgement and confined and conformed to the scenario life has placed them in. It's also worth saying that, in this AU, they're at their most... I don't want to say vulnerable, nor do I want to say hurt, because that's not right. But perhaps... irascible? They're both coming into the story at a point in their lives where they are prepared for backlash and discrimination within the court. The fact that they have to reunite is just the icing on the cake!
For Corlys, he is braced for drama. He's preparing for it and he's even sort of inviting it a little bit. He's returning to a place he hasn't been for six years and totally loathes. He's got to engage with it, charm it and achieve his goals whilst he’s there. I like to think that he’s striding into court, he’s not even going to look at Rhaenys, he’s going to ignore all of that, he’s over it, he’s over her. He’s going to keep his eye on the prize except he totally and utterly doesn’t because as much as he like it, he’s confronted by something that makes him intensely emotional and intensely insecure. And Corlys is an emotionally-driven man, I think, which is why he thrives best on situations where a gut instinct is the right one, like battle.
Specific to Rhaenys, Corlys can't pretend to be apathetic, and cannot afford to appear as anything but that, to the wide world. And I think there are some really complex feelings towards Rhaenys. I don't know when the last time they saw each other was, my AU isn't that certain, but I do believe he gives some portion of the blame to her. To think otherwise would give the impression he thinks she is easily swayed or manipulated, which would undermine the very foundations on which he loves her. So that’s not an option. Rhaenys had to have had a logical reason for casting him aside, and that had to have been worth more than his love. But he was never told what that was, or given the chance to fight it all, I don’t think. I think it probably all happened very quickly.
Meanwhile, for Rhaenys, this is her at her most politically vulnerable, even more so than during her engagement to Corlys as this is in full public view whereas her relationship with Corlys and all the events of six years ago happened in private. Her mind is already full before the love of her life shows up. This is happening at a time at which her every movement is being watched. Where her birthright has been stripped from her, her father is dead, her family who means so much and for whom she sacrificed so much (Corlys) has largely cast her off. She’s very fragile. But totally determined to weather the storm, to make no noise, to carry on as normal and like her world hasn’t shattered. 
And then her ex walks in... and she’s totally thrown. She’s surprised, and both simultaneously off her guard (because it’s an emotional arrow she wasn’t expecting, and he undoes her so) and on her guard (because she’s so done up and protective of herself during this political environment.  
Luckily, in terms of them being in each other's orbit, we have the wonderful trope called: forced proximity. It all happens in the Red Keep, which is fairly austere and Machiavellian and oppressive. So that’s psychologically pushing them together. They will hear whispers and gossip about the other, they could forever be going down corridors ad fear that the other might just round the corner and they’d be stuck! And then grand events; balls, tourneys, court drama, feasts, ceremonies etc etc etc. If they wanted to avoid each other, they couldn’t!
As for that being active on their part, I think it would be. Unconscious to start with perhaps. There's the opportunity for them to think they are simply being courteous or helpful when actually it's a bit "above and beyond" and a bit, sort of, unusual. Even just defending the other or playing devil’s advocate - Rhaenys smoothing over political waters for him or Corlys complimenting her conduct to others. And then when they interact together, I imagine there are moments that just spark a light, that make them think of things in a different way. And it’s not just about their love story or them coming back together, but just about the different perspectives and yet complimentary partnership. It’s them both suddenly having an ally and wanting to be an ally. It’s slow going. They do just want to be together, and they do care about one another. The love hasn’t gone. The pride is in the way.
I’ve spoken about it before but I’d love a moment where, during their original courtship, Rhaenys was so happy and so colourful in her dress, it’s a bit of a shock when Corlys comes back (months after Aemon has died and Baelon been declared and court is essentially back to normal) and Rhaenys is in black. Head to toe. For various reasons that I won’t go into because this answer has become long enough, but there comes a moment. Where Corlys, in a quick, private exchange, gives condolences for her losses and says something like (writing off the top of my head) “You are still a Princess.”, “Do not bow” or “Let them know your mind.” - and anyway, it just gives Rhaenys that little push to reclaim that space, hold her head up high and she comes into the next feast wearing red. And all they do, at that feast, is make eye contact once. 
So, yeah, it just builds up and up and up. The cure for defensiveness is empathy. And they are both, finally, slowly, in a position to know the other’s mind and what the past six years have been like and who they are again. As well as that natural attraction pulling them together. As hard as it is, it’s almost too easy.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Corlys befriending Aemma would be so interesting because she is legit the diametrical opposite of Rhaenys. I know in her mind she would be questioning that if that’s the type of woman he likes now, it would mean that it is unlikely that he would ever be interested in her in that way again. The implications are huge.
It would be interesting! And a bit more like Emma than Persuasion (given that Viserys and Aemma would end up together) but that's irrelevant, I suppose. I think Corlys would like Aemma enough to be friends. Aemma wouldn't put up a front, she's honest, with good conversation. Corlys would appreciate she'd have no agenda. She's close enough to the royal family that she would know things but not so close that it would impact Corlys's role as an outsider. Not that he'd use her, per se, but it's something to think about as he does want to be close to the inner circle.
And yeah, Aemma is so unlike Rhaenys. She's far more biddable. In Westerosi terms, she's the ideal wife. She's kind, courteous, with good family ties and is very motherly and so I'm sure would make a good match if what Corlys was wanting was someone of his station to pop out heir after heir. Rhaenys's political mind and her position as Aemon's daughter, even her status as a dragon rider, would mark her out as someone far more formidable and uncontrollable.
I'm not even sure that Rhaenys would believe Corlys capable of loving Aemma, given the differences. However, that might be worse. It shows his indifference to love, to what they once had... it shows what he prioritises now. It's actually quite sad.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Omg your ideas are so good I highkey need more. Do you think throughout them getting closer they will slip up and have more physically intimate moments?
Awww, thank you so much! In the Persuasion AU? Heck yeah! Full Austen vibes of longing stares, mutual pining and heavy subtext on brief physical contact. All that good stuff.
I don't think it'll be major things. It's set at court, it's full of propriety and as much as both Corlys and Rhaenys are outsiders, they do very much conform to the rules of that as well. So no getting hot and heavy in a hallway just because they've snapped. They don't snap. And it's a slow burn so... slow is key.
Thoughts I have at the moment are like, when they first meet, Corlys doesn't kiss her hand, and Rhaenys doesn't offer it to him. So they're very physically apart, and remain that way for their initial time together. For some events, they are on completely opposite sides of the Throne Room or else there is a table in the way, or people around them or whatever.
BUT then we can have the build-up. The outliers. When formal occasions to merit him to kiss her hand in fealty or whatever. When she puts a hand on his arm to stop him from leaving for some reason. When he offers her his arm as they walk, out of politeness, in a group setting. Or helps her into a wheelhouse. Or they have to dance together because they can't think of a good excuse to get out of it and no one else knows their shared history.
OMG maybe there's something where she's coming back from Meleys and they're friendly again, although there are jealousies and misinterpretations on both sides because it's a Persuasion AU. So she's coming back from Meleys and she has no idea but she's got soot on her cheek and he bumps into her and they engage in usual formalities except he just looks at her and can't take his eyes off of her and they go silent and awkward and he just sort of says that she has something and then HE BRUSHES THE SOOT OFF HER CHEEK.
And that's the most intimacy they've had. And then they have a moment or whatever that's obviously then rudely interrupted and probably interrupted by either Alysanne or Viserys.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Pls this persuasion fic is eating? Pls can we find out more? Do you see rhaenys ever seeking him out and his not being receptive? Would there be any jealousy?
I think yes to both. Not sure what the situation might be for the first, I shall have to give that a think, although as I type this, I'm thinking it would be fun to sit them next to one another to watch a tournament...
As for jealousy, the book "Persuasion" both feature cases for both parties to be envious or at least think the other has moved on. So it would be natural for this AU to have such moments as well. Perhaps King Jahaerys, now that Rhaenys has been stripped of her claim, and Baelon favoured, wants to start looking at arranging a quick and quiet marriage for her?
And no doubt, it would be known throughout court that Corlys has stopped his voyages to get married and have a family. Maybe Queen Alysanne entreats him into a conversation about his aspirations and his perfect wife, which Rhaenys can overhear...
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backjustforberena · 2 years
This persuasion corlys x rhaenys idea has me gagging?
What would be Rhaenys reaction to his return? And with Corlys being a prideful man would be resentful of her decision and give her the cold shoulder once he returned?
It's quite the intriguing premise, isn't it? I'm quite proud of thinking it. Although, I don't believe Rhaenys is much like Anne Elliot at all! But we do know how she reacts when brokenhearted, and forced to endure above all else, don't we? So I think some inspiration could be taken from there. They are BOTH very prideful, though both would have regrets. I'm pondering, indeed...
Imagine if Rhaenys only knew of a banquet in order to welcome "The Sea Snake" to court. So that when it is him, she's surprised, but it's all in public view as well, though the court hasn't a clue about an engagement. But it would allow the reader to see her but reaction rather than a locked, performative one. That, and Corlys would have his MASSIVE entrance, with treasures from his voyages to present. And he would KNOW that she'd be there. So he could, courtesy permitting, blank her.
Imagine Corlys being at court, already resentful of his peers for their entitlement, but now that's added to by believing the royal family cost him what his heart wanted. And that tainting Rhaenys, as he believed her, of not complicit, then tainted by association now.
Imagine if this was set soon after her father died. Rhaenys at her most fractious, her most shamed, her most guarded. Baelon named heir, her own right stripped away... how might that colour things?
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backjustforberena · 1 year
List of started/incomplete Corlys x Rhaenys drabbles and fics I have in my Google Docs in the hopes someone might shame me into finishing them:
Rhaenys and Corlys discussing Laenor joining Corlys at the Stepstones
Laena and Rhaenys discuss TQWNW nickname
Corlys arrives in King’s Landing after Baelon is named heir
A continuation of the 1x10 reunion scene
Aemon and Rhaenys ride their dragons (an add-in to the wonderful “Ex Libris”)
Corlys and Rhaenys saying goodbye before he returns to the Stepstones, after Laenor and Laena’s deaths.
Corlys and Rhaenys hear of Laena’s passing.
AU where Corlys receives Otto at Driftmark, as Rhaenys is still a prisoner of the Greens.
Corlys bestows a dragon-saddle to Rhaenys as a wedding gift.
Rhaenys visits High Tide for the first time.
Rhaenys visits her dying grandfather. She tells him all she thinks and all she has kept hidden from the world - that it will be her actions that will alow for Viserys’s succession. Her actions prevent war, not his. He mistakes her for Alysanne. Rhaenys leaves.
Corlys and Rhaenys’s wedding celebrations at Driftmark; a feast at High Tide.
Modern AU extravaganza; divorced Rhaenys and Corlys are brought together after six years after Corlys is caught up in a boating accident. Full on exes-to-lovers stuff, with angst and granddaughters. 
Persuasion-inspired AU; Corlys returns to King’s Landing after a broken engagement with Rhaenys years ago. She broke it off after listening to talk that it would undermine her claim. But when Corlys returns as the newly-minted Lord of the Tides, it’s in the aftermath of her father’s death and her disinheritance. Can they bridge the gap and get over past hurts?
AU where Corlys dies and Daemon confronts Rhaenys at High Tide as she refuses to leave the island.
AU where Corlys refuses to pledge for Rhaenyra, but Rhaenys does.
AU where Rhaenys is kept a prisoner and forced to bend the knee at Aegon’s coronation. Includes a lengthy description of her dress and a face-off with Otto.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
A very brief excerpt from a Corlys x Rhaenys Persuasion AU that is in the very, very early stages:
They said love was the death of duty. Duty had been the death of hers. And now she was left with neither.
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Absolutely love your corlys x rhaenys Modern AU ideas! If you need more persuasion to write it, here it is haha. Any more headcanons?
Aw, thank you so much! I’m writing a chapter-by-chapter outline and I have a few scene snippets written but I’ve no proper time to really write it at present. Headcanons such as these will have to do...
Rhaenys when she first sees Corlys again is wearing a black blazer with silver details, as a nod to her riding habit we see in the show. But it’s very modern, maybe the silver details are a belt around the blazer, or just the buttons? IDK. But a big thing is that it’s not with trousers. It’s with a pencil skirt. 
She never wears trousers when she’s being professional or going to a public event or going out at all. Her wardrobe is all skirts and dresses: She wears silk, full length nightgowns. I really want to keep that classically feminine silhouette as I know it’s important in canon. The fabrics are all very expensive. She does have a leaning towards wearing blue. Would this give me an opportunity to have her needed at a gala and wear some wonderful navy evening gown? Yes. Yes it would. 
Trousers for weekends. She wears jeans (expensive jeans, but still jeans) but only when she’s off the clock, allowed to relax. When she’s with her granddaughters and when she’s on a boat. She also has a running outfit with a red and black lyrca jacket and leggings.
Corlys is less formal. He’ll wear suits, but they are not his go-to. He’s more shirts and a jacket (he so has a brown leather jacket in his wardrobe). It’s because he’s used to being hands-on with the business. But either way, whilst he’s recovering, it’s all comfort: t-shirts, cashmere jumpers and chinos. His pyjamas are a white t-shirt or vest and patterned trousers. Not a full length, we want Rhaenys to be able to admire his arms...
There will have to be a scene where they first see one another in their pj’s. Like, middle-of-the-night, house is silent, the only two people the world kind of schtick. Corlys coming down for some water and maybe Rhaenys is already at the kitchen island with some because she has had bouts of insomnia for the last six years.
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