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zoragrace · 2 years ago
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@corferox  has entered. 'look at me' 🤭
send   “ look at me. “   for my muse’s reaction to yours grabbing mine by the chin and forcing mine to look at them during a tense / highly emotional moment. 
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The brushstrokes of oranges and purples of the sky surround Ruta, only bringing the rather calm day to a perfect end. At least, the Princess had thought it to be. This would be their last chance for such a private moment, and all she could feel was the blood flushing her face in shame. It wasn’t as if she wanted to look so wounded. (Pride was something she had little of, and now it was in shambles.) Yet, while she stumbled over her words, the knight took the initiative and try to soothe her worries.  He was being rather kind about this all, which she could appreciate. But his touch was like fire, and she wanted to recoil.
Gold hues can only glance back up at the Hero, only to return to the landscape sprawled around them. He’s asking for too much; even the smallest of shared looks have her enveloped in a cascade of embarrassment. Instead, her hand meets his wrist, gently guiding his hand from her face to his side. “We’re out of time, my friend.”
Towards the entrance of the reservoir, her handmaidens stand, peering rather intently. Subtly was not their specialty in any capacity. The Zora Princess shakes her head disapprovingly and rises from her spot. 
The last time she manages to look in Link’s direction is when she turns to take the armor into her arms. “I’ll be okay. Do you need help getting down?” 
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hyliacursed · 2 years ago
it's over . we're done here . hyrule will burn . each statement of defeat is accentuated by the tugs of their fists as they hastily unfasten the slate from their stallion's satchel ⸻ it's their one object of comfort these days , so it's only right to keep it close , trust that it will save them from the grappling claws of the next bokoblin mob . stomping back toward a clearing where a smattering of silent princesses blossom 'neath a verdant canopy , they momentarily lapse into ruining fine specimen when they rip one unfortunate flower from the ground ⸻ as if they could find some answer in its roots that they couldn't find in their veins . your people need you , it pleads with its lolling head , stem crooked like a divine sword bent by sheer will . [ it can beg all it wants . you know the truth , caged little bird : your people don't need somebody who can't help . ]
❛ i can’t pretend to understand all this stuff you’ve got going on . but i do promise that i’ll be here to help you through it all . alright ? ❜ said @corferox .
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right . they're not alone . they almost , almost forget to stay mad , wordlessly remarking on the shattered silence with two slow blinks . ❛ you managed to be right for once . you can't . ❜ the half - hearted admonition trips clumsily past her quivering lip as she desperately tries to smooth the deepening crease 'tween her brows ⸻ but alas , a rivulet of sweat only slips through the cracks and widens the canyon to match the splitting headache . ❛ if you wish to be of any help to me , then i suggest you turn back around and ... and tell my father i won't be returning to the castle . ❜
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protectrule · 2 years ago
@corferox liked! / link & sonia!
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"And you must be the hero she spoke so highly of."
Her voice is all warmth, easy and contented, as she looks to the boy. Zelda had felt so much like a daughter to her, those many, many years in the past — to see someone that the girl loves so much makes something shift inside the old queen's chest.
"It's good to meet you properly, Link."
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askganondorftobadragmire · 2 years ago
[ HELP ] !!
Rarely does he step in front of another trying to save their life, but he knows who that man is. He can't let the hero die a second time, particularly not to a Yiga member. (He should've tried disbanding them before they even got this close.)
With lightning speed, the male Gerudo manages to intercept the Blademaster's attack with his own sword, a massive zweihänder he holds almost effortlessly in one hand. For once, he's grateful for his size, especially when he practically blocks the hero's body from view.
"Leave," he growls at the Yiga, pushing the other back. The man jumps back, holding his blade as he seemingly stares the Gerudo down. Without a verbal response, he teleports away, leaving the hero and his apparent savior alone.
He lowers his sword before glancing back and down at the Hylian. "Are you alright?"
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luxdea · 2 years ago
     SHE TRIED TO keep her head held high as she approached, but she still wore an expression that was far too similar to a scolded child. she refused to be caught pouting, & yet her nose wrinkled & there was clear pink in her cheeks as she made her way through kakariko in search of link.
     ❝ impa has...banned me from restoration work for the rest of the day. ❞
     TO IMPA’S CREDIT, zelda didn’t particularly disagree with her decision. she knew she had been working hard–––– with support from the leaders of the other races finally achieved there was so much to do. if she was not reading correspondence then she was writing some, if she was not studying potential construction plans then she was coming up with ones of her own, if she was not discussing ruins then she was visiting them herself. everyone everywhere wanted to be the first candidate for restoration, &, while they were still far off from anything too major, she had to consider them all.
     KAKARIKO’S MATRIARCH HAD finally seemed to have enough of her working. apparently the last straw was going to bed after impa & rising long before her. she had been reprimanded as if she were a child, & a day with absent of work was her punishment. 
     ❝ in her words, she had relinquished me into your care, & she has given you the ask of ensuring that i take a proper break. ❞
     ON ONE HAND, it was a bit frustrating to feel as though she was being treated like a child instead of one of hyrule’s leaders. but, on the other, she knew impa was concerned for her, & this was just her way of showing that she cared. 
     &, OF COURSE, she would never say no to getting to spend more time with link.
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     ❝ so, it would seem that i am at your disposal, hero. ❞
                                                                                        ( starter call! | @corferox​ )
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luxdea · 2 years ago
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     THERE WAS A heavy, nervous feeling stirring in her stomach as she watched link finish the preparation for their journey. she had agreed to a trip back to the castle. she knew it was best they go sooner rather than later.. she had helped plan for it, written & re––––written lists of supplies they would need for both the journey there & the potentially still hazardous trek through her former home. she wanted to go. & yet, there she stood, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth & wringing her hands as the preparations finished. she did her best to let her expression settle into neutrality at link’s statement. the last thing she wanted to do was worry him.
     ❝ why wouldn’t we go? ❞
HER HAND REACHED up to absently pet storm's mane, though she didn't even turn her head to look at the stallion. she hoped it would be enough to calm him.
     ❝ now that ganon is gone, it's only a matter of time before others become brave enough to venture towards the castle. there are things that i would prefer not fall into the hands of others. ❞
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❝ THIS ... SHOULD BE ... THE LAST OF IT, ❞ link announces through a grunt of effort, hoisting the last of his and zelda's travel supplies onto epona's back. as he fastens the bag securely into place, his gaze shifts towards his travel companion and the anxious energy he's pretended not to notice since the two of them began planning this trip. it permeates off her now in a constant wash, more noxious than the fumes of a hinox. he frowns. ❝ we don't have to go, you know. ❞ / @luxdea
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uneasedregrets · 2 years ago
Some Notes
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There are some things I've changed in my interpretation of the Hero of Time. I figured it would be a good idea to expand those ideas a little bit.
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There, quite frustratingly, isn't a calendar used in-game to any significant degree. We can assume or are told that years have passed between games, but insofar as months and days go? That becomes much harder. I utilize the general structure of the BotW calendar made by corferox and luxdea, and can be found here. The way I do years is different, as there wouldn't be a Calamity to base epochs around. To fill that gap, I based it around the biggest historical event preceding OoT; the Hyrulean Civil War. I suppose I could've tried to make it the founding of Hyrule as a kingdom following the Interloper War but that would require a lot of guesswork so I'm going with Before Unification and Post Unification. Link, as stated in his about, was born in -9 BU, or nine years before the end of the Unification War. I can't remember if anything in the game contradicts this idea; if there is let me know. Technically the largest & bloodiest battle of the Civil War was fought around the time of Link's birth, but it didn't officially end until many years later.
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The Hero's Shade isn't a stalfos. Stalfos are skeleboys, Hero's Shade is a ghosty boy. I would hesitate to call him a poe; I think there's a difference in Hyrule between poes and ghosts. Either way I do not agree with the statement that he is a stalfos and I hate that Nintendo just makes shit up even if it contradicts what's come before like please I'm begging you make things consistent...
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I also include H.yrule W.arriors and S.oul C.alibur 2 in the canon of my Link. H.yrule W.arriors has Y.oung L.ink as a playable character, with plenty of references to M.ajora's M.ask and O.carina o.f T.ime. While he doesn't play a role in the story of that game, I still like the idea that he showed up sometime after M.ajora's M.ask and it was incredibly cathartic to just decimate thousands of monsters... he probably doesn't talk about it.
S.oul C.alibur 2, however, is more because the Link in that game largely references the Era of Time, with some earlier games thrown in for flavor. It's implied to not be the H.ero of T.ime, but I'm making it him because S.oul C.alibur 2 rules and he was the best part of it ( maybe not competitively but shush ). The story in that game claims that S.oul E.dge was somehow causing Evil™ in Hyrule which Link promptly puts an end to. He discovers that it was because of S.oul E.dge, travels to the game's universe ( 1590 Europe ) using the Ocarina, proceeds to slap the shit out of that game's fighters, prevents the resurrection of S.oul E.dge, and then leaves. This restores peace to Hyrule and that is the only recognition my Link gets in his lifetime that he is, in some measure, a hero. It's a bittersweet moment for Link, but that'll probably be a drabble later.
Side note: most of Link's weapons in SCII are references to the Z.elda franchise, including some that the Hero of Time never got. My Link got them. However, the only original weapon he got was a version of S.oul E.dge. I'm unsure if I'd make it that Link still has this weapon or not, as it would obviously be a problem for the world of S.oul C.alibur that their big bad could never be complete because a piece is in another universe. On the other hand, it would kinda defeat the purpose of his journey to not take every precaution to ensure he, or any future hero, would have to go back. Hmm... many Thoughts™
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unblot · 4 years ago
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there’s a slight discomfort in his gate, reptilian eyes narrowing as his gaze flits between the iron sword & the hero wielding it. ❛    unless i am the beast you plan on slaying, i’d advise you put that blade away young one.   ❜  malleus holds their ground as they speak, remaining composed despite their growing discomfort.
@corferox​  //  i’m too lazy to write that action starter so have this
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zoragrace · 2 years ago
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@corferox has entered. 🧍
"You know, Father is going to reward you for your help."
They've been walking on the water's edge for some time now. The Knight's courage had brought peace to the Zora's home once more. With the Lynel defeated, Mipha was allowed to roam the Domain only accompanied by her Hylian companion.
He brushes the idea of receiving compensation away. Stopping in her tracks, Mipha puffs her cheeks. "Will you not accept gifts of thanks?" Again, a similar response. It wouldn't be a gift, it would be a payment for a job, which he would never accept. Her hands ball into fists, ready to protest. Only, instead, before the Knight could counter her again, the Zora abruptly turns towards Link and presses her lips against his.
She's no expert by any means, and she almost fumbles from standing on her tiptoes. Not to mention, she most certainly caught him off guard. The Zora steadies herself by placing her hands on his shoulders, only further deepening the kiss.
When Mipha finally begins to pull away, she is almost certain he follows her path, as if to not let her go. (Oh, just a girl's fantasy! No need for her to think such a way!) She opens her eyes only to turn her gaze away from him. Something heartfelt and meaningful, indeed. (Though she will neglect to tell him that this was her first real kiss.)
"Well then, consider that my expression of gratitude."
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revaeli · 4 years ago
❝ well, if you’ll excuse me, i need to go save the world. ❞ ( i hope me sending multiple asks is okay ! obvi don't feel the need to respond to them all, i just got excited slkfjklsjfd )
breath of the wild sentence starters
“i thought you weren’t going to let that get to your head, mister hero,”   the rito scoffed. just because revali had said he had been a little too hard on the knight didn’t mean that he’d thrown all of his snark to the crows.  just because link had freed him from the scourge of vah medoh didn’t mean that he had to play nice.  certainly not now,  the young knight (how strange,  to see another alive and yet like himself hadn’t aged a drop) scraped and bloody,  bokoblin gore littering clothing and once-lush grass.
the truth was that while he had had plenty of time to think through the war and what he had put the young knight through,  waiting hadn’t been his strong suit.  he had been one to do,  to act,  ---  not wait.  too many hours had he spent on the deck of the divine beast,  dead and yet hideously alive,  shuddering from the blight which tainted his surroundings.  too many hours,  days,  months,  decades,  forced to flee.  not enough time fighting.  hylia must have had a twisted sense of humor,  that one who swore he would die fighting would be forced in death to flee and wait.
“because,  from where i’m standing,  looks like you’ve gotten a bit rusty.”  
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protectrule · 2 years ago
@corferox liked! / link & yona!
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"Link! Welcome!" She's easing into the role, and it's easier, now that the world is not under such seige, to be casual, light; not to feels, as much, that she must be perfect. Or a perfect echo. She moves closer, taking the other's hands in her own, however briefly, and squeezing quickly. Then her hands fall. "It's so good to see you! I suppose you're here to see Sidon — my love is out scouting at the moment, trying to better understand how our kingdom fairs, after everything. Is there anything I can do for you in his absence?"
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regnantlight · 4 years ago
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|| @corferox​ || Plotted Starter || 
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     He was following her. Of course he was. 
     It would have been impossible to tell had Zelda not glanced over her shoulder to be certain. Link’s footsteps made nary a sound, stepping lightly over fallen leaves and broken twigs, and their pristine silence made it all the more infuriating. They should have crunched. Should have snapped a twig, rolled a small pebble, something, anything to show that even his walking wasn’t absurdly perfect. 
     But no. Of course it was. 
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      Zelda took a slow, quiet breath as she turned her chin forward, her contained frustration slipping through in clenched fists as she walked. Let him follow, then, she thought. Let him waste his time. Link had not studied Ancient Sheikah text since he was a child. Link would not have the slightest idea of what to do with the ruins she was determined to analyze. He could stand awkwardly by all he wanted, and perhaps, for once, have a small taste of what it felt like to be able to do nothing. 
     “Sir Link,” Zelda said, an icy drip to her strained calm as she came to a graceful stop. Finally, she turned to him, thick brows and green eyes narrowed. “As I told you before, these ruins are sacred and are not meant for meandering around. You will remain here from this point on, Sir.” 
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    She did not expect it to work— but if Hylia was kind... 
    Ah, well. 
    Zelda knew the answer to that.
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bransles · 3 years ago
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@corferox​​​ said : hush !!    //    accepting.
funny that octavo often prided himself as a lone bard,  protecting himself in the volatile wilds of hyrule,  yet follow the first chance of a companion like a wounded dog  —  admittedly,  it was a lonely way of life.  having consistent company was a welcome change of pace,  regardless of how much octavo put on this aggravated display.  so here he was,  with the hero . . . wannabe  ( that wasn’t a bad thing  —  octavo fit into that mold,  as well! ),  sneaking around in the overgrowth along a bokoblin camp,  swarmed with the pests  —  and it would be their luck that there would be a moblin among them.
even in their short time together,  octavo had quickly learned that the two of them had very different approaches to conflict.  he would,  however,  chalk it up to link’s lack of experience with magical prowess such as his own  —  there was no call for so much caution when just a few pluck of his lute strings would sink his claws into their minds,  like a pied piper making puppets of rats,  leading them to their demise. 
“ ah,  let me take care of this  — ”    he stood from the bushes.
only to crouch back down when he saw link harshly raise a finger at him to urge his silence.  how rude!  octavo audibly scoffed,  fingers tapping impatiently against the frets of his instrument.
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“ please,  i can handle this!  such a pathetic - looking bunch of bokoblins is nothing for me! ”
perhaps hissed a bit too loudly  —  the bokoblins ceased their mindless activities and set their beady gazes upon the bushes they waited in.  suspicious of the voices seemingly coming from the leaves,  their tiny minds slowly grinding the gears together to come to the conclusion it was not the chipmunks conversing among the plants.
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luxdea · 2 years ago
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( breath of the wild sentence starters | @corferox​ )
❝  you certainly are cute when you’re blushing.  ❞  
     HIS COMMENT ONLY served to worsen the red in her face. though she tried to look as though the comment didn’t affect her, the change was obvious in her cheeks as she pouted. the urge to cross her arms almost overtook her, but she was determined not to look more petulant than she already did.
     ❝ i am not cute. & i am not blushing! ❞
      & YET, SHE knew that he meant it. he was never one for wasting words –––– even less so, it seemed, when the words had a high possibility of getting a reaction out of her. she had known him long enough to know that him saying so meant that he thought it was true, & that realization did nothing to help her will away the already prominent flush on her face.
    ❝ &, if i was, it would be because you––––! ❞
     SHE PAUSED LONG enough to reach forward & prod him right in his shoulder. his over––––dramatic stumble was almost enough to break through her playful frustration. for a moment, she couldn’t help but smile, & the rest of her sentence came out on the end of a laugh.
     ❝ are an incorrigible flirt. ❞
     HER SMILE FINALLY won over, & she found herself leaning on her sword. she would not lament a delay on their training, especially if it meant she had a bti more time to turn things around & gain the upper hand in what had originally seemed to be a losing battle of a conversation.
    ❝ perhaps i should tell impa of your true nature. surely she deserves to know just what sort of man she’s promised her army to. perhaps she ought to be concerned for some of her soldiers! ❞
     ANY OF THE remaining blush on her face would surely work in her favor as she asked her final question. zelda’s head tilted as she regarded him. her smile was steady & her eyes bright–––– though, admittedly, also curious. her question may have been intended to tease, but there was a part of her that wanted to know ( &, perhaps, hoped the answer was in her favor ).
     ❝ or is that a side of you reserved for only me? ❞
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albrich · 4 years ago
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        ❝ your form is fascinating, ❞ kaeya always enjoys happening across wayward adventurer’s ——— though THIS ONE doesn’t quite seem to be your run of the mill adventurer / even in comparison to the most experienced adventurers that they had ever met / there is something about this link that speaks of shadows of knighthood. shades and gentle hues, the metallic scream of blood in the air. it’s the way he moves, the way he fights / that form of his. they smile at him, looking for all the world AMIABLE from their comfortable sprawl, replaying the motions in his head again / again / again. ❝ refined yet instinctive... where did you pick up your skills? ❞
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decoresca-archive-2021 · 4 years ago
-ˏˋ @corferox​    /     sc
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❛ Link, My father           he said no. ❜ The brave Hylian had ventured so far to ask for their aid and her father decided he didn’t want to take the risk. She was disappointed in him, especially when Fungoso and Hyrule had been on such friendly terms. It was wrong, Peach knew it. She couldn’t let things end this way, she couldn’t let him leave back into danger with no one to help him.
❛ But I don’t believe that’s right, ❜ she said in a hushed tone. ❛ I don’t... I don’t know how much I can do, but I will help you. ❜ 
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