#corey shun
milesfan472 · 1 year
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michaun · 4 months
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13th (2016) - Filmmaker Ava DuVernay explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans.
Jenin, Jenin (2002) - Documentary about the 2002 deadly confrontations between armed Israeli soldiers and Palestinians in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.
Three Identical Strangers (2018) - Identical triplets become separated at birth and adopted by three different families. Years later, their amazing reunion becomes a global sensation, but it also unearths an unimaginable secret that has radical repercussions.
Titicut Follies (1967) - Filmmaker Frederick Wiseman exposes conditions at a Massachusetts hospital for the criminally insane.
Unrest (2017) - When Harvard Ph.D. student Jennifer Brea is struck down by a fever that leaves her bedridden, she sets out on a virtual journey to document her story as she fights a disease that medicine forgot.
Dear Zachary (2008) - In 2001, 28-year-old Dr. Andrew Bagby is found dead in a park in Pennsylvania. He had been shot by his ex-girlfriend, who then fled to Canada, where she was able to walk free on bail, pregnant with Andrew's child. Andrew's enraged parents campaign to gain custody of the child and convict their son's killer. Filmmaker Kurt Kuenne pairs this story with home movies and interviews with those who knew Andrew, hoping to give his best friend's son an opportunity to discover who his dad was.
The Act of Killing (2012) - Filmmakers expose the horrifying mass executions of accused communists in Indonesia and those who are celebrated in their country for perpetrating the crime.
Tell Me Who I Am (2019) - When Alex loses his memory after a serious motorcycle accident, he trusts his twin Marcus to tell him about his past, but he later discovers that Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.
Paris Is Burning (1990) - This documentary focuses on drag queens living in New York City and their "house" culture, which provides a sense of community and support for the flamboyant and often socially shunned performers. Groups from each house compete in elaborate balls that take cues from the world of fashion. Also touching on issues of racism and poverty, the film features interviews with a number of renowned drag queens, including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija and Dorian Corey.
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viaviv124 · 2 months
To specify I mean I want to know about the one where the lamb is friends with the yellow cat like what is the deal with that one and what tf happened also why is the lamb friends with yellow cat?(I can’t for the life of me remember their name)
Ohh, Unity AU! I've made a post summing down the entire plot but in short:
Narinder is the third prince in line and is suddenly engaged to someone. He doesnt know who and he's not allowed/able to break it off. When his fiance moves in like a week or so later, he learns it's a commoner. Nanda (lamb) comes from a small village called Venzor and is responsible for making a lot of people there religious*, despite having no training as a priest. This among other feats made Shamura (acting monarch on the throne) go in contact with Ratau (Nanda's adoptive father, effectively) and arrange an engagement. Nanda also knew nothing about this until the day they had to leave.
Aynway! Corey, the yellow cat, is originally from Venzor as well and was effectively saved by Nanda's teachings. Back then they werent exactly close but Corey admired Nanda and Nanda faced everone in the community with respect. Around 2 years before the main story happens Corey decided to leave Venzor in order to try and reach bigger things in life. Somehow they ended up as a gardener in the palace, where they met Leshy, the youngest prince in line. These two got closer and by now have a not-so-secret relationship.
When Nanda had to come to the palace because of the engagement they were happy to find Corey, because it's at least one familiar face in a new environment, especially since Nanda isn't exactly popular in court even a few months down the line, so it's nice to have someone who doesn't gossip about them and who they can trust. They've become somewhat close to Corey, they chat a lot and allthough Corey still calls them "Leader", they see eachother equal.
Funfact: Leshy is still blind. It wasnt because of an attack or anything traumatic like that. As a kid he messed around, tripped als fell head first into a bush with sharp thorns. Of course when others ask he bulshits an epic or tragic tale about how he lost his sight.
*Religion: basically, the royal family owns the crowns and is seen as gods. They're not exactly gods but extremely powerful so close enough. Devotion and faith keeps their influence up and makes sure no one dares to start to revolt. The area Nanda's from had a lot of non-believers or people who would even shun the gods/royals because their lifes were so miserable. Nanda found Venzor while traveling and Ratau and Nanda settled there. They taught the people in Venzor and a bunch of travelers, that, because of this, ended up staying in Venzor. A miserable, small, non-believing village blossomed into a flourishing community, that worships its local church, in pretty much record time, and that's what had caught Shamuras eye.
Funfact: Nandas teachings actually include "Don't worship the royal family if you don't believe in them." Nanda tends to use specific things from the holy scriptures to reassure and guide themselves. They come from a darker background as well and therefore also strongly believe the royals cannot be true gods, but they've learned that the holy scriptures are still useful to them even without worship. That's what saved their life and that's how they wanted to save Venzor.
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veryqueermovies · 1 year
|| Paris Is Burning (1990) 5/5🌟 || Documentary || "This documentary focuses on drag queens living in New York City and their "house" culture, which provides a sense of community and support for the flamboyant and often socially shunned performers. Groups from each house compete in elaborate balls that take cues from the world of fashion. Also touching on issues of racism and poverty, the film features interviews with a number of renowned drag queens, including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija and Dorian Corey."
This is a rewatch for me.
Seeing the lives of just some of the Queer people that lived before so many of us, seeing how Drag has evolved. Balls are where you can be yourself, be anything you want.
These incredible Queer and Trans people that paved the way, the fight that they fought for us to be here.
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Queer Film everyday of June 7/30 🏳️‍🌈
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deanmonlover · 2 years
Cookies and Cartoons
a/n: this is for @livsterriblesecret they requested a one shot of "Corey and reader where they're at readers house and they make a little blanket fort and eat the cookies they made earlier and watch cartoons together" I hope you enjoy and I'm so sorry it took forever 😅 just a lot of fluff in here and implied smut
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"Let's throw that blanket on top and then put that pillow over it so it won't fall down on us and suffocate us in our sleep." You directed, arranging some of the blankets as well in order to make the perfect pillow fort for you and your boyfriend.
Corey laughed and put his hand to head in a swift motion, "Aye, aye captain! I'll get right on it. Anything else you need your majesty?" He teased, leaning down to put the final touches on the fort before standing back with his hands on hips to admire his handiwork.
"Well if you're asking I'll have some wine, some cookies and maybe a back massage." You grinned at him, feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet. It didn't matter what other people thought about Corey, you knew who he was on the inside — it was only you that ever decided to get to know him instead of shunning him off the face of the planet like everyone else in Haddonfield did.
You couldn't imagine ever doing such a thing, Corey was your whole world and you were his. Suddenly the beeping of an alarm in the background called you back to reality.
"Oh damn it's the cookies!" You squeaked, running frantically towards the kitchen all the while slipping around on the hard wood floor in your fuzzy socks practically busting your ass on the floor if it hadn't been for Corey's fast reflexes. His arms jutted out to catch you, pulling you close to him.
"You literally almost broke your leg for some cookies. I don't think they're that important." He shook his head at you, pulling you onto your feet as you both made your way into the the kitchen where the cookies were ready to be pulled out of the oven and decorated for your cartoon marathon.
"Cookies are most definitely worth loosing a leg over. I will stand by that statement." You grabbed an oven mitt and reached in the oven to check the slightly burnt cookies before turning off the oven, placing them on the glass stove top. "Alright I take that back, these cookies are not worth loosing a leg over but they'll do." Corey grabbed one off the pan not realizing how hot they were and dropped it on your foot.
"Fuck, fuck hot hot!" He whined, you started jumping around because of the hot cookie on your foot all the while laughing at your boyfriend who was currently chugging chocolate milk to down the cookie that had burnt his tongue. "Well duh they did just come out what did ya expect?" You teased, reaching down to pick up the remains of the culprit cookie before tossing it in the trash. You gathered the rest onto a pumpkin cookie tray and grabbed some more snacks to go with your array of goodies. Corey grabbed some drinks and helped you back into the living room.
Finally settling onto the couch, you pat your lap for Corey to lay on because honestly he deserved to have his hair played with while you both relaxed and watched 'Courage the Cowardly Dog'. It was a favorite of yours and Corey had gotten hooked ever since you played an episode idly in the background while cooking dinner. "I still can't get over this poor dog being stuck in the middle of nowhere just to be tortured by the old man. I say we adopt Courage, babe." He pressed play on the remote and laid down in your warm lap, pulling the blankets on top of you both. You ran your fingers gently through his curly locks, giving a little massage here and there.
"Yeah poor Courage has it rough but he has Muriel to take care of him so it's not so bad." You point out, leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead. The sound of the rain beginning to fall outside getting a little louder so you turned the TV up a little, snuggling beneath the blanket as Corey leaned up and pulled you down into the blanket fort.
"We have to watch it in our fort, I worked too hard on this thing for us not to use it." A glint of mischief shown in his eyes. "Yeah it would definitely be a shame if we didn't use it however I'm not sure if it'll stay up the rest the night." You tapped your chin looking up at the blanket structure over your head. Corey snickered, pulling you on top of him, he grabbed your chin to pull you down for a kiss.
"Guess we'll just have to see, won't we."
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lovecorey · 4 months
location: eros cabin
Corinth slept through the night upon his living room couch. Communal in size, it was the sort you'd want to collapse in after returning from a quest, following a much needed shower at least. It had been at least an hour since he woke and Corey sat up to be close with Winter. Exhausted as they'd arrived, Cor was grateful Winter had the foresight to remain with the healer. The weight of his very alive body shunned any nightmares, or even doubts now that Corey was awake.
He could focus only on Winter, his best friend who he saved. His best friend who nearly downed a dragon and brought their final unconscious comrade back to life. There were still aches at Cor's once shattered ankles, deep cuts made thin bore into his skin, and his muscles weren't willing to support much right now. Still, the latter managed to do their job somewhat. Cor held Winter's wrist and soothed across his dark skin with his gentle hand. "Not to change the subject, but... 'you wanna talk about yesterday?"
For once... Corinth was willing to open himself. Speak honestly. Share something deeper, because what could be deeper than what happened back in Carmel?
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akumu-in-a-bottle · 1 year
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Okay so here they are! (Yes I fucked up their nose when I was inking, no you will not mention it.)
So as it says their name is Corey Cookie, they’re non-binary and bisexual, and they are run the bakery/coffee shop. I know it’s a 70s show but I kinda drew them more modern for reasons. Just imagine what they are wearing now but make the shirt a button up or a blouse and the jacket a sweater(cardigan?) like Wally’s. Also they’re an amputee for two reason, the show was told to be more diverse and accepting of that sort of stuff ( I was going to give them diabetes type one like me and put a glucose monitor on their arm but it’s the 70s) and I can’t draw hands for shit- They lost their arm when they were on a hike, they had an encounter with a bear got mauled and had to have it amputated. So backstory, since once again, it’s the 70s people didn’t take too kindly to the whole being queer thing so Corey got kicked out of their house by their mother and was shunned by society. Then Wally appears out of no where one day and goes “hey kid. Wanna join a cult?” And tells them that there’s a place where you can go that you’ll be safe. So here they are. Frank and Eddie let Corey live with them and treat Corey like their kid because they know what it feels like to be rejected. Corey calls Frank ‘Dad’ and Eddie ‘Papa’.
I basically just gave Frank and Eddie a love child-
I’m working on a fanfic story about when Corey arrives to the neighborhood I might post it on ao3 or Wattpad or both. Whatever I do I’ll post the link here so whoever wants to read it can.
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flock-of-cassowaries · 10 months
I’m having a deep think right now about the overlaps and the differences between the appeal of fascism, and that of libertarianism.
On one level, this is because I am writing a Sucession fanfic, and trying to get into Roman’s head.
But on another level only reason I’m even writing Succession fanfiction is that I identify with Roman, and that is in large part because he is a queer person who is philosophically in the thrall of his terrifying conservative father, whose love he desperately craves.
And once upon a time, that used to be me. And I feel deep and abiding shame about that.
(Not the sexy kind of shame. The devastating kind.)
But as I delve into philosophical discussions of fascism and conservatism (and honestly, I have not yet delved the deeply), I’m starting to realize that maybe I have less in common with Roman, and more with Connor (if we leave out his weird S3 white-nationalism dog whistles about the evils of onanism).
I’m basing a lot of this on the first chapter – which is all I have read so far - of “The Reactionary Mind” by Corey Robin; which I came upon via the source list for the linked YouTube video.
[link to “Endnote 2: White Fascism” by Innuendo Studios, on YouTube.]
Robin (if I’m understanding him correctly) posits that the end goal of conservatism is fundamentally Fishstick fascistic, and that the real animus driving political conservative movements is always the desire of the privileged to remain above those the existing social order oppresses.
I have certainly voted for, and carried water for, conservatives (a fact of which I am, again, deeply ashamed), but I don’t think that was ever the real appeal for me.
I’m not saying I didn’t internalize beliefs that were (I now realize) racist, classist, ableist, and elitist; but I don’t think that was ever the main draw, so much as a side effect of reading the goddamn National Post every fucking day
But for me, I think the main appeal of conservatism was the illusory promise of total self-sufficiency, and of being impossible to further hurt. It was the libertarian lie, bound up in the same nihilistic appeal as the Nine Inch Nails song whose hook is “Nothing can stop me now, cause I don’t care anymore.” (‘Piggy’ is the song.)
In this respect, I think I had more in common with Connor; I was also the discarded child who grew up to think of themself as “a flower that grows on rocks and feeds on the insect that land inside of it.”
Honestly, that soliloquy (from S4E2) could’ve been me at thirteen.
I felt rejected and shunned by the world, but I was also rapidly becoming aware that I could use my looks and intelligence as currency (just a Connor uses his literal currency as currency).
It was only when I was 21, and ended a long relationship, and found myself with no one to turn to, and no idea who I was, that my father swooped in to be my new best friend; and that’s when I became more Roman-like in my fawning attempts to appeal to him.
But I think Roman truly believes that his father is better than him, whereas a much more significant part of me always knew my own dad was a false prophet.
I think the world reaffirmed this belief in Roman, because his father has been so successful, and I think his father, concerned with legacy, has been much more active in fostering this mythology than my own father was.
(My dad would tend to just willfully ignore that l existed for several years at a stretch, if I was acting too cringe [i.e. not stereotypically conservative-lady feminine enough] for his conservative sensibilities; something I am assuming that Shiv could probably relate to.
The scene where Logan tells her he wants her back in the fold was very similar to what my father did with me when I was 21, and I glowed just the same way she did.)
But yeah, I think an internalized belief on Roman’s part that his father truly is better than him, and a desire to “be as good” as his father in order to redeem himself and overcome this inadequacy in his person, really feeds into Roman’s affinity for fascism / conservatism.
And I think that belief structure is with him in that bathroom with Mencken, unacknowledged and subconscious, and even more insidious than his conscious priorities of wanting to win points with Logan, and maaaaaybe wanting to be pushed to his knees and have a fascist phallus (a fascllus? I’m going to hell) thrust upon him.
Anyway, if anyone ever reads this, feel free to suggest some books / essays / videos to my reading list.
So far, in addition to the above-mentioned Cory Robbins tome, I am planning to actually finish “The Ur-Fascist” by Umberto Ecco, and to at least dip into “The Dialectic of Enlightenment” by Horkheimer and Adorno, and “The Authoritarian Personality” by Adorno.
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doctorguilty · 2 years
Actually I have more to say about why Corey's sadboy backstory is shit elaborating on my reblog earlier, like, I can level with accidentally killing a child and the whole town shunning you and viewing you as a murderer fucking you up, but like. The way it affects him is literally all about himself. It's just "everyone sees me as a monster it sucks they don't get it!!!!" While like, any decent person, even if they felt angry at being ostracized, would show a lot of remorse like "i wish i never lashed out i can't believe that child is gone because of my careless behavior it haunts me it didn't have to happen it's my fault and every day I wish I could go back i wish I was kinder" but Corey's just like. I'm so tragic because everyone hates me over the kid dying but like it totally wasn't my fault my life is so unfair!!! And then the whole plot of the movie being Allison being The Only Person who has sympathy for him and loves him becuase she's a survivor and views Corey as some kind of survivor?????? Which again, absolutely fucking not unless he was plauged with regret and remorse like then I could see the tragedy in that for sure, acting recklessly in one single moment that leads to an accident that can never be undone, wishing you could, but no. -_-
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
i mean i get where y’all are coming from but like… he doesn’t have to say anything in public. Corey doesn’t owe you that. he could’ve said something in private, could be texting and supporting colby continuously (tho i personally doubt that last part) but he doesn’t have to do it online because you all want him to. there are enough reasons to dislike corey on their own, tbh. like i personally think he reached out once or twice privately and that was it. if Colby doesn’t mind/isn’t offended, i don’t understand why people would be offended on his behalf. he’s got enough people on his corner, he doesn’t really need corey tbh
i'm just gonna have to agree to disagree with you on this.
bc while i get saying he doesn't have to say anything…. yes he does. he's a social media person who's been online since like 2014. everything he does is public knowledge, whether he likes it or not. him not saying something is noticeable, which is why if he actually did care about colby he should have said something. it's the bare minimum thing to do. and like i mentioned, it takes two seconds to write out a comment.
and of course colby himself isn't gonna make a fuss about it online. colby never talks about being upset online period, let alone in a situation like this. he shuns drama to the best of his ability, and that's what this would turn into.
my whole thing is it's the kind thing to do. and while colby doesn't need corey to say something, it would be nice to do so regardless. you shouldn't be asked to show support for someone. corey lived, travelled, and collabed with this man for years. they were close, called each other brother, and while i get that that isn't the case anymore that doesn't take away the fact that they were close. and if corey gave a shit, he should say something. privately reaching out, while polite, doesn't reflect how he looks online. when you have companies reaching out to colby, like fucking hottopic and fanjoy, but not corey….. he just looks bad and like a shit ex-friend.
something as serious as cancer should make him realize that this is the time to push petty grievances aside. i'm not asking for him to become besties with colby again. but like… reach out to him and leave a comment. it ain't rocket science.
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outstandingmenshair · 2 years
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‘K, so you may or may not know, or have noticed - you may or may not care (and why should you!) that I have a few particular penchants;
Probably the most prominent in my posts - a red hot, handsome ginge gets me every time, whether they rock a full red mane, or a lovely pale skinhead with a gorgeous ginger beard….
A crisp white tailored shirt, or even a white tee does it for me. Don’t ask why, cos I have no idea!
I have an occasional and inexplicable, irrational attraction to some cartoon characters from the 80s & 90s - Lion-O (Thundercats) I’m looking at you as the lead candidate! (Ok, so that one is likely the wild red hair again….)
And following that, blonde boys from the same era; Corey Haim (no longer within us 😞), Mark Paul Gosselaar (aka Zack Morris) and Jason Priestley (Brandon, BH 90210) are 3 examples that come to mind.
But pretty sure I have yet to highlight my twin thing. Two for taking on one, yes please. Doesn’t have to be twins necessarily (I mean it’s not like I would knock back Chris & Liam Hemsworth (sorry Luke… yes, there is another one if you didn’t know) - and who in their right mind would?) or James & Dave Franco (are we still shunning the former, I don’t know anymore! And yes, there is also another Franco fact fans, by the name of Tom). But twins would be the golden ticket (Harrisons, Pletts, Patriota…. um, Jedward, hi, yeah, kinda busy right now, *ahem* can I get back to you?)
So the above pair probably aren’t even related, but are looky likey enough for me and worth a post, post confessional. The fact that one has a lovely boxy pomp and the other has a terrible tall, straight up and unflattering flattop (which instantly makes it, and him, hot as… hair, done brilliantly badly, that would be the bonus round No.6 to the above list! Broccoli heads that means you too, crazy hazes and rookie initiates welcome aboard!) just makes it a pairing worth sharing, for a rowdy round of throuple trouble. After all, three is the magic number!!!
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
'so i got this jewel lore'
agents to act like each other are eating and collecting marble souls
i say focus blood gymnastics
they say, distract everyone enough that they unwittingly join and participate in human trafficking
i said, blood gymnastics
they say, jew Elementary scoot Lore
debauchery: de base bought cherry
disciple: de psy side wind pools
these are the two primary words used before and after, mutilation
Decide, Pool.
Denial Ate Cherry Starbursts
Blame a 'Bot'
Blame a 'Cotton Tail Rabbit Cot'
Blame a 'Potato, Taught Tot Tow'
mental blood clot
the main to words used in backdoor Knight or gnat body dysphoria
Suck on Euphoria
Suck on Rainbow Sherbet
Purposely get high off the blood and soul of victims.
Say Uncle Sammy
Say Captain Steve
Say Cut their veins and Sleeves
The words "debauchery"
used to say panic attack Bot Tea
used to say panic attack Bot DeDe
used to say panic attack Side Pool
used to say panic attack Ex Psy Mint
experiment, stay "shun"
experiment, stay "ch ch chicken"
desperate ROPE
desperate ROD
this may sound odd, but I heard agents discussing treating bodies like a blended COD
"ch ch ch ch ch ch ch"
"china rodeo"
and "witch witch"
code word "With Cher"
code word "With Chair"
code word "covert Lair"
code word "covert Fan Fair"
chicken lair
blood apple
blood pizza
blood chicken
coverts blame; Bull Shit
coverts blame; Ox Oxogen Harvest
coverts blame; "Halloween came early this year boys!" as discussions of excitement extraction techniques are openly passed around as food resources
Main words that obligate and obliterate american background forces,
"Ch" chicken for china
"Ch" power to witches
cover ups in america,
america loss: Knight Honor
america gain: infestation of global white rats and sauerkraut burgers
Knights. Lords.
Temple Brain Doors.
Reports and Statements,
that completely recale the american nation, during the active mass fallout of white privacy backdoor honor
"Favorite Emporium"
Debauchery: death
Disciple: backdoor lordships
Disciple: Disc Psy Pull
Ch, channel
Ch, church
Ch, chicken
Ch, short change
Ch, slam someones head
Dr. Seuss Horton hears a who
Blame China
Blame Witch
america death que ditch
Bull in Betty Boop
Bull in Make Kashmir Sweater poop
Oxford Brandon
Oxford Bridget
Oxford Whisper Potato Midget
Protect Bridget.
Torey and Corey
palestine mage.
Twine Sage
Twine Rage
Twine Old Bubble Ass Age
Twine Agenda
Twine Be A Pretendaauh
Twine, 5 and 5 makes 10
shake ur ass while ur hands are on a wall.
A, Wal.
Not Knights.
Only Rats
sauerkraut chicken burger chunks,
where america's history damn stunk
snitch? or witch?
Wienerschnitzel exposây
exfoliate skin care cosmopolitan
fake code words; "america's favorite museum, Emporium"
say, ch ch ch ch ch ch ch
say, cheese zit white sauerkraut
Ch Ch Ch,
worse than Sh Sh Sh Sh
know the difference between hydras that snake pit each other
Snakes, Yes.
Scorpions, No.
Scorpion: Scoop Poop and Piss
Snake: simply hiss 666
if talks of "skits soul fan ticks"
if talks of "skits sky ski discs"
again discussions of premeditated mass murders 'skillfully assaulted'
and Blown Bunks
Enemies sounds:
Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch
Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk
Sip Sip Sip Sip Sip
Allies sounds:
s s s s s s
sh sh sh sh sh sh
Slip Purs
Cur Civ
escalade german coo-laid
Favorite Sex Add Dick Words
"Temple Ram"
"Raman Noodle"
spec tree
command inspector gadget
command gridlock
command peg gay sas griffin
america's death war hall industry
Duces Bro Jeffery Star Wart Bubble
enemy summary america Jasper Knight's
America's Summary:
Goosebump Boxes
Churches Chicken Shits
throw away car, Fiat, Do Pre
"thats if they get ur "ten and 2"
or "5 and 5""
Play a game called
Count to Ten,
Count to Two,
Put Two Fives
and Shake ur Ass
now only speak Hissssss america Oil and Glass
now only speak Drug Sim Needle Strike To The Throat.
Learn How to Empower New Tele Remote
Now only speak Hive
Now only speak Hive+
now say Spec.
now say Special.
now say My name is Court Marshall
Red Marshmallow
Rainbow Death Strike from Soul Crush Crum
Crum Bells
Crum Bills
Crum Bulls
Crimson, Red
Jasper, Red
Red Deer
Red Bull
Red Ox
Hurricane Temple
Judah Babysitter
Manny, Male Nanny
But Lore
Rainbow Temple Coo-Laid
Judah, BabySitter
Destiny, Destination
Eternity, Eternal
Nit, Nat.
Bits, and Bats
Say Temple Bat
Say Temple Cat
Say Tombed,
Say Tomb,
Tom Tom Pilot.
America's favorite food and sex crimes
Red Roma Tomato
fix english language with Slow,
not Speed.
Say, Temple Steve
Say, Temple Stefani
Now say,
"do ray me fa, so la ti"
Now say the two primary differences in English shit,
"Potato or Poe Taught Tow"
"Tomato or Two May Tow"
american's cyber space deathborg costs of life.
Activate Tom Tom Pilot ProLife99%
Keep 1% crimson needle
america’s disgrace
Now only speak Hive
Now only speak Hive+
now say Spec.
now say Special.
now say My name is Court Marshall
Red Marshmallow
Rainbow Death Strike from Soul Crush Crum
Crum Bells
Crum Bills
Crum Bulls
Crimson, Red
Jasper, Red
Red Deer
Red Bull
Red Ox
Hurricane Temple
Judah Babysitter
Manny, Male Nanny
But Lore
Rainbow Temple Coo-Laid
Judah, BabySitter
Destiny, Destination
Eternity, Eternal
Nit, Nat.
Bits, and Bats
Say Temple Bat
Say Temple Cat
Say Tombed,
Say Tomb,
Tom Tom Pilot.
America's favorite food and sex crimes
Red Roma Tomato
fix english language with Slow,
not Speed.
Say, Temple Steve
Say, Temple Stefani
Now say,
"do ray me fa, so la ti"
Now say the two primary differences in English shit,
"Potato or Poe Taught Tow"
"Tomato or Two May Tow"
american's cyber space deathborg costs of life.
Activate Tom Tom Pilot ProLife99%
Keep 1% crimson needle
america health hell ultraviolet altar Notari Atari video game systems backdoor ass cord burgers
catches every criminal activity order within only focus Hospital and Jails.
Agents back door willy
Clown hospital play ground
Circus jail fruit loops
win oooooooVerrrrrrr crimes at
Transexual, pussy marbles
and say Atari Health Addict
and say Hell Ultra Basilisk
now say oregano oil
now say red wine oh spaghetti
now say mass honorless america
Atari Glutamate receptors dick berry heart failure
america's favorite Rep Tar Mat
gutter ball, guitar string
fixed at Gluten Free,
Zero Church Bread
now read agents who are excited to arrest and detain, and propane tank
as they talk of Bank
Bankruptcy and Hipsters with Hep C
america's naked mole rat station
america's molest station fanatical enjoyment
International War Lords
Religion War Lords
america's war crimes
War Crimes 'amerixa'
america's deathborg que, industry analysts translations
only animals:
1) rat
2) cow
3) chicken
4) goat
5) bull or ox
6) turkey
7) giraffe
8) snake
9) scorpion
10) sick mallards, geese
11) worms crop circles
12) mosquitoes daddy's blood bank
only instruments
1) harmonica
2) guitar
3) saxophone, jazz
4) tuba
5) ukulele's
only objects
1) balloon animals Wienerschnitzels
only foods
1) pumpkin
2) potato
3) tomato
4) M&Ms
5) skittles
6) jolly ranchers
7) pixie sticks
8) twizzlords
save Wicca
save Wit, intelligence
say History TEch; 70's Slurpy
Period, Dot, Look What I Cot
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0 notes
cfgcdsandmcnsters · 2 years
Marilyn, what's your relationship with Corey like? How do you feel about him being from a family of psycho killers?
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"Our relationship is wonderful, he's very sweet. He's the first person to ever come into my life and not run away...not counting my family, of course. And its not like his family can help it, they're cursed. Why should I shun him for something outside of his control? My uncle taught me better than that."
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thrill-addict · 3 years
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get someone who will look at you the way corey looks at asuka
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candyjem · 3 years
Corey : Are you okay?
Charles : *trying out coffins* Why do you ask?
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