rpsocsandcanonohmy · 2 years
Stella (Baby) Blue || Closed
Stella really, really, really didn't want to have this conversation with her dad. But ten positive pregnancy tests and her non-existent period didn't lie. She'd even gone and checked with her regular doctor to make double-extra-sure.
She was pregnant.
As she approached the farmhouse, Stella wished she had Colton by her side as support. But, he was taking care of telling his parents right now. And she wasn't sure how Dad would react to the news; it was probably better for her boyfriend's (fiance's?) life expectancy that he steer clear of the Walker property for a while.
She knocked on the door as she entered. "Dad? Are you busy right now?"
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thesoulbound · 2 years
Name: Cathrine
Pronouns: She/her
Muses: currently, I have: Sam Winchester and Cordell Walker (cordellxwalker)
Preference Of Communication: Tumblr, discord (only close friends)
Experience: Been rp’ing for a long ass time. There’s been... oh so many.
Best experience: I’ve met and made friends with an old rp partner some years ago. That was a lot of fun. Also @rebelliousfamily and @wemadeemc0c0a are rare cases of rp partners from another fandom I still chat with (mainly discord) and I love them <333
Platforms You've Used: Tumblr obvs, livejournal, googlesomethingyearsago...
RP Pet Peeves and Deal Breakers: Dramaqueens, people who don’t read the rules, i’ve had someone plot me years ago and once we started writing, they would literally tell me immediately whenever she had replied. If I didn’t immediately reply she would continue to point it out. Let’s just say that thread didn’t past five replies lol. Just, I completely understand being excited for a thread, but there’s one thing asking about how a reply is going - a completely different thing to go mental on your chat two seconds after replying.
Plots or Memes: Both, but plots obviously tend to survive way longer. Meme’s a good ice breakers.
Fluff/Angst/Smut: Fluff and angst. My smut tend to be watered down. Sexy is nice, but porn is... eh. Too much. 
Long or Short Replies: Both. I’m adaptable, but some replies can be too long. Some can be too short. I need enough to build a reply on. Certainly not just one sentence. 
Best Time To Write: This differs so much. Usually morning is too ugh to write, but again sometimes evening is too ugh too so... depends on the mood, not the time.
Are You Like Your Muses?: Nah not really. I mean I guess there’s relatable things about both characters, but overall not really.
Tagged by: @armandlucienduval
Tagging: @rpsocsandcanonohmy, @rebelliousfamily, @tohealandtomend, @righteouslysin, @wemadeemc0c0a, @storiesofthenight
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Shuffle My Playlist and Tag 10 people
Tagged by: @frostysfrenzy
Hollaback Girl- Gwen Stefani
Looking for a Showdown- Dagames
Die House- Cuphead
Freak Like Me- Halestorm
Freeze Your Brain- Heathers the musical
Five Long Nights- J.T. Machinima
You and Me- Descendants 2
Gotta Be Me- Teen Beach 2
Greedy- Or3o
Jump the Gun- Halestorm
Tagging: @hitchell-mope, @jack-of-ash, @laf-outloud, @small-scale-majestic, @do-these-eyes-look-human, @cordellxwalker, @dv-samgirl, @fandom-hoarder, @armandlucienduval, @chronicleofthingssupernatural, and anyone else who wants to play!
(Repost not reblog)
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ “ did i step on your moment? “ (Post s5AU Dean, from cordellxwalker) [X]
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Dean had been hunting, there was a werewolf loose in the city, or town, whatever this was really. He didn’t really care much anyway, only about the monster, and about planting a silver bullet in its heart. So when a voice had come from behind him, he had instinctively turned on his heel, gun raised and ready to fire until he spotted the face of the person before him. 
Narrowing his eyes at the face of his brother, he lowered his gun just a little. “That depends on what you consider my moment. But if you’re wise, you’ll back off. This gun holds silver bullets. Even shifters like you are weak to that, right?” He asked, the hostility in his voice very audible. 
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fidelissimi-moved · 2 years
“  do you want me to go?  ” (from cordellxwalker - surpriiise lol)
morning after starters.
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"hm? go?" she turns from her belly to her side, eyes squinting to find the face to go with the voice that she remembers very well from the night before. she hadn't really... thought he'd stay, usually they didn't, but waking up to someone isn't quite as bad as she thought it might be. "oh uh, nah i mean, you can stay. sleep a little longer if you want. i'm not moving for at least another hour."
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 2 years
What is your guiding principle?
Tagged by: @armandlucienduval
My result:
Hell hath no fury like you. You're guided by your fury. Yours is the righteous path, at least as far as you are concerned. You are driven to achieve your goals, and to hell with who ever gets in your way. But be careful that you don't take your feelings out on friends.
Tagging: @jack-of-ash, @hitchell-mope, @do-these-eyes-look-human, @cordellxwalker, @heldheart, @wind-the-music-box and anyone else who wants to try it!
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 2 years
Tag people you want to get to know better!
tagged by :@armandlucienduval
Fave colors: Purple and black
Fave flavors: Chocolate and honey
Fave genres: Mystery, drama, horror (in small bites)
Fave music: Rock, showtunes, Johnny Cash
Fave series: Supernatural, Doctor Who (most of it anyway), Walker, Walker: Independence, Torchwood, Letterkenny
Last Series: Walker
Last Movie: X-Men: First Class
Currently reading: I'm starting "The Last Party" soon but I've also got some non-fiction books on the docket for research purposes
Currently Watching: I need to catch up on The Winchesters soon, then probably The Boys
Currently Working On: I've got the next chapter of Walkernatural (main) open, then I've got some historical articles to write and then I want to put together an outline for a book..... I've got too many ideas....
Tagging: @jack-of-ash, @do-these-eyes-look-human, @hitchell-mope, @heldheart, @cordellxwalker, and anyone else who wants to!
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ continued from [here]
A half year, ... half a year long Dean had struggled with himself. Since the very moment he had blinked back into reality after a particularly nasty nightmare, to see Cordell’s face, his hands locked around the man’s throat. It had been a terrible wake up call, a reminder that a life like this, a normal life, wasn’t made for him. He had left so quickly, not even packing the things he owned and just getting into the Impala to disappear and never come back.
And at first, he’d been fine, or so he believed. He had drowned himself in alcohol and hunts, not allowing himself the time to even think of the ranger or his family. For he had come to care for them so much. But caring, ... it just lead to pain. After all, hadn’t there been enough pain and suffering because of him? Because of his mistakes? He couldn’t hurt them, he couldn’t let them get more attached, knowing it would only bring them more pain than they deserved. The kids, Cordi, ... he couldn’t bear the idea. So it had been best to just walk away, right? 
But six months was a long time and as time passed, he hadn’t been able to run anymore. Everywhere he looked there were things that reminded him of the man he had slowly fallen for. His dreams shifted from straight out nightmares, so dreams that would cause him to wake up crying, his heart aching from how much he missed the man. It was making him sick, it was ... making him lose his mind. 
So even while he believed that his best option was to stay away, after six long months, he had somehow found himself driving up to the farmhouse. Sitting in the Impala for hours as the sun rose, his heart racing and his hands shaking as he wondered if he had the heart to do this. Seeing him again, seeing the kids again, ... Dean truly wanted nothing more. But was it worth the risk? Was it worth bringing them into a world like his? He had lost everyone to the supernatural, his parents, brother, Bobby and Cas, his friends ... 
Even after he got out the car, his mouth dry, tears gathering in his eyes as he contemplated what his best options were. He didn’t even know how long he stood there, stepping closer to the farmhouse only to step back again over and over again until he eventually gave in and turned away from the house. But even as he did, he had heard the door behind him open, causing him to freeze where he stood.
What could he possibly ever say? How was he ever going to find the words to explain what had happened? To open up and share just how deep his own hurt went? Did he have it in him to admit that aside from them, he had nobody left in his life? That he was entirely and utterly alone in a way that it made him lose his mind a little with every single passing day. 
Slowly he had turned and his eyes had locked with the man in the doorway, no words spoken but he could feel himself break into a billion pieces. The walls he had so carefully build up throughout his life. The walls made of pain and loss and self-hatred that somehow kept him doing despite the fact that he had felt empty for so long. They cracked the moments his eyes locked with those eyes he had so often lost himself in. And for a moment, he was certain Cordell could see right into his soul.
It had been a rather silent reunion, the kids seemed to know there were things that had to be said between him and their father so when they left, he had simply swallowed and gathered his courage to close the distance between them a little. When their eyes locked, he was surprised by the tears in Cordell’s eyes. And even the hug had seemed to come out of nowhere. Nonetheless, he had simply returned the hug, unable to find any words at the realisation that somehow, for some crazy reason, the ranger had missed him as much as he had.
I’m glad you came back.
The kiss they shared was soft and sweet, the taste of tears on their lips as they parted and rested their foreheads together. Slowly he had done the one thing he did have the guts for, and he brought the man’s hands to his lips and gently kissed his fingertips, not quite trusting his voice even at that moment, not while he knew he was holding the door wide open for the supernatural to come and mess these people up as well. 
Even after minutes, though it felt like hours, it took everything he had for him to finally speak up. And while he didn’t have it in him to say everything he knew he wanted to say, he slowly pressed another kiss to his fingers and looked up. “S-So am I, ... and at the same time, ... I’m terrified.” He could see the questions in those beautiful eyes and simply shook his head. “I want ... nothing more than to be here, with you. I ... I just can’t bear the thought of anything happening to any of you. I’m dangerous, Cordi, ... my life is dangerous. The monsters will come, and I ... I can’t lose anyone else ...” His voice broke as he spoke those words, oh so softly that they were just a mere whisper. 
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ asked: 🪑 (Cordell to Dean) [X]
Dean had been away on a hunt for about a week, vampires that had once again gone all out and he had taken care of all of them, ending up with a few scratches here and there, but it was nothing he couldn’t take. And he knew that at home, he’d be greeted by a boyfriend that’d love him even despite arriving rather bloody. 
However, when he arrived at the ranch, he’d noticed things were off from the beat. There was no light whatsoever in the farmhouse and even before he got out the car, Stella had come running toward the Impala. She informed him that they’d come home to find the farmhouse empty and the livingroom showing signs of a struggle.
There really hadn’t been the need of any more information, Dean had gone into hunting mode almost instantly. Telling Stella to stay with her grandparents, and reassuring her he would do everything he possibly could to find her dad, he had set out to gather information. 
But in the end, it had still taken him weeks to eventually locate the abandoned house. Armed with a silver blade dipped in lamb’s blood, he had made his way through the house, not spotting the djinn he suspected to be behind the attack at first. Even when he reached the basement and found Cordell tied to a chair, a familiar blue handprint on his arm. 
It pissed him off to see that they’d done this to him. While he hadn’t dealt with these kind of djinn all that much, he knew enough about them to realise it was a dangerous situation they were in. Cordell would be living his worst fears, he knew that much. 
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ asked: 💋 from Cordell to Dean [x]
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Dean hadn’t ever experienced a Christmas like this before. During his youth, Christmas had always been a matter of improvisation, and later on ... it had watered down to nothing at all. So now, spending Christmas at an actual party, he wished that Sam could’ve seen this. This was the kind of holidays they’d deserved, the ones they had never had. 
He was reminiscing like that when Cordell spoke up, causing him to blink and turn to him curiously. “Hm? What?” Staring at the ranger, he noticed the other man pointing up. Glancing above them, Dean raised an eyebrow at the sight of the mistletoe. “Oh ...” Needing a few moments to actually connect the dots, he suddenly smiled. “Ooooh~” 
With a smile on his lips, he let Cordell pull him into a kiss, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “This is perfect~”
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
It was a cool morning, the flowers in the meadow that Dean passed on his way to the smithy were beginning to bloom and it made him smile. This was one of his favourite times of the year, when everything began to blossom and colour returned to the world around them. And for Dean, it wasn’t only just a beautiful time, it also meant a good time. Because now were the moments that his work began to get busier. 
People simply seemed to buy more weapons during these brighter days of the year, perhaps because during the dark ones they were more likely to linger in the safety and warmth of their houses, and now was the moment people went out for adventures. But ... he wasn’t all too sure about it. Either way, he loved it and so, before walking into the smithy, he glanced at the big moons in the sky that seemed visible almost all day long, he took a deep breath. 
“These are the best days ...” He muttered to himself as he hung his vest on the coatrack before grabbing his leather apron and starting to stoke up the fire. Knowing that by the time that the fire was roaring and ready to work with, Cordell would probably be heading this direction to get to work as well.
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ asked: (To Demon Dean from Cordell) *waves*
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Dean smiled, bringing his glass to his lips and taking a sip before waving back at him.
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ asked: [ KISS ]:     after having kissed the receiver, the sender gently rests their forehead against theirs, still holding them as they do so. [X]
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With a soft smile on his lips, Dean chuckled and gently played with Cordell’s hair as their foreheads touched. “I suppose that means that you liked the song?” He asked with a somewhat shy blush on his face as he watched his fiancé curiously.
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ continued from [here]
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Cordell knew Dean so well, so as soon as the ranger kissed him, Dean melted into him, easily letting him back him up against the wall. A soft groan leaving his lips as he clutched at the other’s shirt. “E-exactly like that.” He whispered softly against his lips. 
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storiesofthenight · 3 years
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@cordellxwalker​ asked: (Cordi to Dean) tucks Dean into the front seat of the Impala and straddles his hips while pulling the backrest down so they fall back a bit.
Dean chuckled softly and raised an eyebrow at Cordell’s actions, about to tell him that this was going to be uncomfortable if he was going for that, when suddenly the back of his seat dropped back, causing him to fall back. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist the urge.” He mused, pulling him into a kiss. 
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storiesofthenight · 2 years
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@cordellxwalker​ asked: 'scar' (Cordell to Dean) [X]
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Dean had never actually talked about the scar on his arm before. He’d just left it unspoken, and Cordell had never asked. But now, after just another perfect night, he was half asleep when he felt fingers gently train the outline of the scar. It was big, he knew that, and he was glad the question hadn’t risen before, but now he supposed he had to say something about it. “It’s ... from an angel.” He muttered, shrugging it off. “On orders of the big boss, he pulled me out of Hell, ... left me with this ... used to hurt like hell.” 
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