#corbyn besson snapchat stories
lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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keepseaveyweird · 5 years
This might sound really dumb but I’m trying to make this trip to California tomorrow as funny/entertaining as possible since it’s probably gonna be a bit lonely at times SOOOO I’m making a private Snapchat story to basically vlog my trip and I’m gonna add videos from both concerts or if I meet the boys at EBENS vip thing and random stuff like that so if wanna be snap friends and watch my wanna-be-YouTuber story add me and lmk and I’ll add you to it it should be a wild time 😂😂
Sc- b_whitelock22
Tagging people so it doesn’t get lost in people’s time lines:
@coolkidcorbyn @katie-avery @youngbloodseavey @yo-its-prettymuch-woohoo @0totally-tubular0 @seavey-siren @kvd963 @thisgrlrocks03 @stars-in-ur-blood @talyamarias @smolboiseavey @bessonbear @besseavey @seqveydaniel @zachheroin @annabseavey @corbyn-m-besson @coffeemarais @daniel-darling
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bessonbitch · 7 years
Just a Ghost Now ♡ Corbyn Besson Imagine
Request: “An imagine based off of Gabbie Hanna's 'out loud'” -from @jazzyjonah
Title: Just a Ghost Now
Pairing: Corbyn x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 980
Summary: Songfic for Out Loud by Gabbie Hanna
Warning(s): Heartbreak, kind of angsty
A/N: Thank you so much for helping me with the last four imagines I needed to write! The fic kind’ve didn’t end how I wanted it to, but I think it’s good? Idk. If anyone would like to request an imagine, you can do so here: x
Also, this is the sixteenth of EIGHTEEN imagines that will be posted today! Why eighteen, you may ask? It’s because today is my eighteenth birthday, and I’m feeling extra af! I hope y’all enjoy!!
You hated that you took so many pictures. You hated that you had an obsession with capturing every moment, wanting to ensure that you could remember everything in twenty, thirty, forty years. You hated it. You hated it more than anything you could possibly think of. Your pictures only brought you pain now. You wanted to burn them all. You wanted to rip them into pieces, throw the remains into a firepit, and set it ablaze. You didn’t understand how someone could hurt another person like that. You didn’t understand why anyone would want to do that to another person. You thought Corbyn was in love with you. You thought you loved him, too. Now? Now you weren’t sure anymore. You weren’t sure of anything anymore. 
You didn’t want to believe the rumors. You really didn’t. People lie—it was a part of human nature. But, as time went on, Corbyn no longer seemed to be the loving, devoted boyfriend he once was. He was always gone, but you couldn’t blame him for that. His band was becoming more and more popular. He was always on the road, touring and promoting his music. You were proud of him, so so proud of him. But you missed his voice and his warm embrace, his stupid jokes and the stories from the road. You missed him. He didn’t miss you.
You talked to Corbyn whenever you could, but he was a ghost. He never answered. He never texted. You wondered if he even remembered you existed. You didn’t want to believe the rumors, but with each passing day, you wondered if there was another who took your place.
You saw on his Snapchat story that he was back in L.A. He never even told you. You found yourself driving to the boys’ house. You didn’t know why you were going there. You didn’t know what you were expecting. You walked into the home, and nearly turned around at what you saw. Corbyn, the one who was supposed to love you but didn’t say it out loud anymore, sat on the couch, his arm wrapped around a girl, leaning in so close that their lips were almost touching.
“Oh.” They pulled apart before their lips ever touched, and their heads snapped towards you. “I’m sorry. I’ll go.”
“Y/N!” Corbyn shouted as you shut the door walked to your car. He was jogging to keep with you. “Y/N, wait!”
You ignored him and tried to get into your car when he slid in front of the door. Your hand, which was moving to open the door, hit his stomach.
“Y/N, please. Don’t go.”
You shook your head. “Apparently, I’m not wanted anymore.”
“That’s not true!”
“Oh really? Is that why you were about to kiss another girl?” You didn’t want to look him in the eyes, but you felt as though it was the only way to get your point across. “I just...I just wish you would’ve told me. I wish you would’ve told me that you didn’t love me anymore. I thought I’d at least deserve that. I guess I was wrong.”
Corbyn reached out to brush your hair out of your face. You jerked away from him. “I’m sorry.”
“No. No, you’re not, Corbyn.” You took a deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts. “I need to go, and you need to get out of the way. Enjoy that new girl, ‘cause there’s nothing holding you back from going after her now. Just, promise that you’ll treat her better. She doesn’t deserve it anymore than I did.”
“Y/N...” “Goodbye, Corbyn.”
He moved out of the way and you got into the car. You pulled out of the driveway. As you drove down the road, you saw Corbyn watching you for a moment before going back into the house.
You now stood in front of your bed, staring at all of the photos you had of the two of you. It hurt you to think about destroying them. It hurt you more than him hurting you. You gathered them all into a pile and stuffed them into an envelope. You wrote a letter, pouring your feelings into a page, and put it into the envelope. You sealed it, and put a stamp in the corner. You’d mail it in the morning.
Later, Corbyn found an envelope addressed to him in the mail. He opened it when he got back inside, finding all of the pictures you ever took of him and you. The pictures fell onto the table in front of him, and a small, folded up piece of paper landed on top of them. He unfolded them, his eyes glazing over as he read your words.
He wished he could take everything back. He wished he could’ve said the things he never did out loud. Maybe you would still be his.
Dear Corbyn,
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for whatever I did to warrant your behavior. I’m sorry for whatever I didn’t do to warrant your behavior. All I ever wanted was for us to be happy, for you to be happy. If you’re happy with someone else, that’s fine. I understand that. I’m not the best person in the world. I’m needy, I’m overbearing. I’m a handful and a half, and I’m sure you didn’t need that in your life. I’m sorry that you felt like you couldn’t tell me you didn’t love me anymore. I don’t know if that’s because of something I did or not, but I’ll take the blame. I’m sorry.
Don’t feel like you need to take me back. If I’m not what makes you happy (and it’s clear that I’m not), then don’t take pity on me. I don’t want it. Forget me, and I’ll try to forget you. 
I’m sorry.
A Ghost of a Girlfriend
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crystaleyedgirl · 7 years
Six minutes- Ch.3
Pairings: Daniel x Ophelia
Warnings: swearing
WC: 1.4k
Monday, August 6th 9:30 a.m: A stream of sunlight hit Daniels face as he rolled over in his bunk. He could hear the hushed chatter of his bandmates in the back room. Daniel lazily rubbed his eyes yawning slightly as he did so, he reached to the end of his bunk picking up yesterdays crinkled t-shirt and slipping it over his head. He swung his feet over the edge of his bunk; they dangled over the side as he grabbed his phone and slipped it in his pocket. Daniel jumped down from his bunk his feet colliding with the cold ground of the bus. As he walked to the back room he ran a hand through his soft brown hair trying to somehow make it a little more presentable. He slid open the door that separated him from his bandmates, the boys of course all sat together huddled over their x-box controllers. Their eyes lifted from the screen to land on Daniel then back at the screen once again. “How long have you guys been up?” Daniel asked his voice raspy from just haven woken up moments ago.
“That depends, what time is it?” the boy with platinum blonde hair responded, that boy was of course Corbyn Besson. Daniel pulled out his phone revealing a mass of notifications “Its only nine forty-five in the morning.” he said as he deleted all the notifications from his phone, he jammed it back into his pocket and went to sit beside the youngest member of the group Zach Herron. 
“Well me and Jack have been up since like eight and then Corbyn and Zach got up like what, a half an hour ago?” the tall boy in the corner said, Jonah had always been the mature one in the group maybe it was because he was the oldest maybe it wasn’t. Daniel nodded his head in response and proceeded to watch the boys get slaughtered in Call Of Duty.
“You guys suck.” he chuckled to himself as he rolled his eyes at the boy seated beside him.
“Like you could do much better Seavey” Jack said scoffing at the boy.
“Well pass me a controller and we can find out” he said holding out his hand, he opened and closed it waiting for someone to hand over a controller. Zach rolled his eyes as he dropped the controller in Daniels’ hand, holding onto it a little longer so that Daniel had to yank it from his grasp. “Now we’re talking” he smiled flashing the boys a toothy grin. After countless matches, the boys finally decided to call it off. “I told you I was going to win dude” Daniel said smirking at Jack “You stood no chance” He chuckled as he cracked his knuckles, the sound causing Zach to shiver and grimace at the boy.
“Whatever” Jack mumbled under his breath as Daniel pulled out his phone snapping a picture of Jack and putting it on his snapchat story.
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“You’re such a sore loser Jack” Daniel said chuckling to himself.
“Am not” Jack said grabbing a near by pillow and launching it at Daniels’ head. However of course with Jacks terrible aim it ended up flying and smacking Zach square in the face causing him to throw his phone halfway across the room.
“What the hell man” Zach said shooting Jack a death glare as he got up from his spot on the couch and went to grab his phone. 
“Sorry… it uh slipped?” Jack said as the rest of the boys burst out into fits of laughter.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Jack” Jonah said patting Jack on the shoulder lightly. Jack in response rolled his eyes at the tall boy and shot up his middle finger, which only caused the boys to laugh more. The boys hadn’t seen Daniel so happy in a long time and Daniel himself hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. 
Daniel shook his head and looked back at Jack “Round two?” he asked as he reached back out for his controller. The boys all smiled as they engaged in countless more rounds of Call of Duty.
Monday, August 6th 9:15 a.m: Scarlet told Ophelia to be at her house at nine o'clock, it was now nine fifteen and Ophelia was desperately trying to put on her shoes as a piece of half eaten burnt toast hung out of her mouth. She grabbed her backpack and her skateboard as she ran out the door, forgetting to lock the door in the process. Scarlet’s house was a fifteen-minute walk from Ophelia’s house or a five-minute skateboard ride, being on a time crunch she decided to the later was the best option. Ophelia had no time to soak up the sun as she rode down the street she was late… again and Scarlet was going to be beyond pissed. As she made her way in the drive way of Scarlet’s house she decided to catch her breath, she hopped off her skateboard and carried it to the door. Ophelia didn't bother knocking knowing both of Scarlet’s parents would be at work, as she opened the door she noticed Scarlet sitting on her staircase. “You're late again” she said looking at her watch.
Ophelia rolled her eyes “I don’t think there is ever going to be a time where I’m not late.” Ophelia giggled.
Scarlet nodded her head “True” she said agreeing with Ophelia. “Are you hungry?” Scarlet asked knowing that in Ophelia's rush she probably didn’t eat much for breakfast.
“Starving” Ophelia declared looking at Scarlet “All I had time to eat was a piece of burnt toast.” Ophelia said as she gathered her hair on the top of her head tieing it into a bun.
Scarlet giggled “Come on then” she said as she walked into her kitchen. Ophelia took a seat on one of the bar stools in the kitchen, the seat squeaking and she spun around in circles. Scarlet went to her fridge and pulled out some eggs and a mixture of vegetables “Omelette or Scramble?” she asked Ophelia.
“Suprise me” Ophelia said as she popped a blueberry in her mouth, the juices exploding as she crunched down on it. Scarlet nodded her head as she proceeded to make breakfast.
“Okay I have a question” the two friends said at the same time, Scarlet turned her body around to face Ophelia as they both giggled. “You go first” Scarlet said as she grabbed a mushroom and started chopping it into small bits.
“Okay.” Ophelia said grabbing another hand full of blueberries. “Who the fuck is ‘Daniel Seavey’” She said using air quotes. Scarlet in response started laughing “What am I missing?” Ophelia asked confused as to why her friend was laughing at her.
Scarlet shook her head “Daniel is in a band called Why Don't We” Scarlet said shaking her head.
“Wait, why does that sound so familiar” Ophelia asked trying to figure out where she knew that from.
“It’s Jacks band Oph” Scarlet said her eyes catching Ophelia’s but immediately looking back down at her cutting board.
“Oh” was all that could leave Ophelia’s mouth. You see Ophelia knew Jack, she knew Jack plenty actually and so did Scarlet for that matter. Let’s just say that they don't have the best of relationships at the current moment.
“Anyway I was going to ask if you wanted to go and see their show with me tonight.” she said looking back up at Ophelia.
Ophelia continued to chew on the blueberries in front of her. “And why the hell would I want to do that?” she asked not bothering to look up at her Scarlet.
“Oh come on Ophelia, this would be good for you guys.” She said pleading “You haven’t seen each other in what two years?” she said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Two and a half actually and I intend on keeping that record alive” Ophelia said spinning herself around slowly.
Scarlet rolled her eyes “What’s it going to take for me to convince you to come with us.” she said placing butter in the pan letting it melt slightly.
“Us?” Ophelia questioned her eyebrows raising slightly.
“I knew you wouldn’t come if it was just me, so I convinced Kai to come too” she said giggling lightly.
“Oh, well in that case let me think…. still not happening” Ophelia said looking into Scarlet’s eyes.
“Come on Oph, stop being unreasonable” Scarlet said letting out a heavy sigh.
“Fine I’ll come, but I’m borrowing your clothes and your makeup” Ophelia said groaning 
“Done and done” Scarlet smiled as she passed Ophelia an Omelette and a fork.
“You know I hate you sometimes right?” Ophelia said as he took a bite of her omelette the heat spreading to her stomach as she swallowed it.
“I know” Scarlet said ruffling Ophelia’s hair.
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queen-karen-3 · 7 years
No Matter How Much It Destroys You
Corbyn Besson
You sat in your dressing room, getting ready for your big day. Your wedding day. Technically, your characters wedding day. You were the main actress for an upcoming movie, she fell in love with someone but she wanted a marriage and he didn't. They broke up and she moved on, but not entirely. She still loved him. And she was getting cold feet at her own wedding. Because she's marrying the wrong man.
You were getting your make up done when Janice, your makeup artist, brought up Corbyn. Your boyfriend.
"So, you guys still fighting?" Janice asked as she did her thing.
"This is the biggest fight we've ever had." You sighed, looking down, afraid you'll start crying.
"You guys love each other too much. You wouldn't break up because of your career. So what you kiss dudes in movies, it's not real. He has legit fans holding him and grabbing him and flaunting themselves at him and you're okay with it, but he can't handle you doing what you love?" She asked, getting a tube of mascara from the vanity.
"I don't think he can get over this. It took him months to even look at me when he saw the first movie of me and Logan kissing. And we weren't even together at the time. We were just talking. But I get it. His ex-cheated on him for months. And he never knew." You were on the brink of crying but you held back tears, knowing that if you did, you wouldn't stop. You felt like everything was falling apart and you can't do anything to stop it.
Finally, after a long day of shooting, you were back in your apartment. Dirty and exhausted. You quickly showered and got ready for bed. However, when you laid in bed all you did was think and worry about Corbyn. He had left for the tour a few days ago and you hadn't spoken since he left after he found out about the role you just landed, having to be Andrew Garfield's love interest. You lost count how many texts you've written but never sent. You lost count of a number of times you watched him and his bandmates Instagram and snapchat stories.  Just looking out for him. He looked happy. That's all you wanted for him. For him to be happy. And if that meant you weren't his girlfriend or even his friend, then that's okay. It destroys you inside but you love him. If you could, you would move mountains for him. By the time morning came, you hadn't slept a single second. You stayed up all night, fighting the tears and thinking of Corbyn.
You went onto the set, with a fake smile and a fake pep in your step. You got to hair and makeup and then went to wardrobe and started filming. When the day ended you found yourself not sleeping again. You found yourself thinking of how happy he must be, touring around the country. Meeting his fans. Playing music. His dream was coming true. But little did you know is that he was miserable without you. He hated the fact that he left when you two were in the middle of a fight. He barely slept. Barely ate. The only reason he was smiling and looking happy was that he has an obligation to his fans and his bandmates. He stayed up late stalking your Instagram posts. As the weeks go by he noticed you didn't post as often. You didn't do your weekly rant on your snapchat story. Or your daily dance videos on your Instagram. Or you didn't tweet your daily 'Good Morning Everyone!'. You were distancing yourself from your social media. And you never do that. You didn't do that when your grandmother died and you were mourning. You didn't do that when you were forced to only 20 minutes on your phone a week because of a shoot. You didn't do that when you were sick with the flu. You didn't do that when you promised your mom you would focus on work rather than social media. You never missed those videos, because your fans loved them.
The fans eventually started to noticed your withdrawal and tweeted at you asking whats wrong. You never tweeted back. You went Social Media AWOL. It wasn't like you at all.
Corbyn had asked his best friends to text you or tweet you asking how you were hanging in, or how the movie is coming along. But all they received was radio silence. Which was crazy because the boys were like your brothers. They all began to worry about you, but they couldn't do anything for the next couple of weeks because of the tour. Because they have priorities. To you, you weren't on that list. But to them, you were number one.
"Corbyn, whats wrong? Worrying about Y/n?" Zach brought Corbyns attention away from his phone to the 16-year-old.
"Uh- yeah. She didn't post her rant story again. I'm getting scared. Something is wrong." Corbyn's voice raspy and breaking. All he wanted to do was cry and hold you in his arms. But you were miles and miles away. He's never regretted anything more than what he said the last time he talked to you.
"One more show and you'll see her," Jonah reassured the heartbroken kid with a pat on the back. But Corbyn just nodded and went back to staring at your recent Instagram post. It was a picture of you on the set of the new movie with the whole cast. 'Excited for the next couple of months working with this great cast' was captioned under the photo. That was 2 and a half months ago. You hadn't posted anything since.
After performing the show, he had the meet and greet. He had met so many fans. Some of them asked about you, others didn't bring you up. Then this one girl asked him how he was doing being separated from you for so long.
"How are you doing with the distance from Y/n?" She asked, pushing up her thick glasses on her nose.
"Uh, not good. It's killing me, being away from her for this long." He admitted, almost wanting to cry. He began to breathe heavily, trying to stop the tears from cascading down his face. "God, just saying this is making me want to cry. I miss her so much."
"I would have imagined her here. Since she lost her role in the movie and all." She brought up, not realizing he didn't know you quit the movie. You hadn't slept or ate. You looked terrible. You felt terrible. When everyone began to notice the fake smiles and laughs, they questioned you about it, but you brushed it off. You began to be late to work and forgetting your lines and having random panic attacks because you felt unresolved. Eventually, you realized you were only holding back the movie, and you quit. But you quit on good terms with the director. When your agent came to visit you after quitting she realized how skinny you were. And how bad you doing since your fight with Corbyn. She had requested for you to go to a clinic to help you. But you refused. You pushed everyone away and locked yourself in your apartment to wallow in self-pity.
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, I read online that she was fired or she quit? I don't really know what happened but she's no longer in that new movie with Andrew Garfield." She stated, not realizing how he began to choke on air.
"Corbyn, are you okay?" She asked, noticing he was struggling to breathe properly.
"Yeah. I just... Why can't I breathe?" He asked, going into complete panic mode. He was panting like crazy, tears clouding his vision, his legs giving up on him. He leaned onto the fan for support but eventually fell to the ground. The boys immediately running over to their best friend.
"Corbyn?!" They all shouted, getting to him as well as the guards and other important people.
"What's happening?!" Corbyn asked frantically. He couldn't breathe and he felt like he was going to pass out any second now. Which did happen. A few second after speaking up he had passed out. Making everyone freak a little. But a stage manager had called an ambulance. They drove him to the local hospital in Denver.
"I'm calling Y/n." Jonah shrieked from the passenger's seat in an uber to the hospital.
You were sitting on your couch watching the news when your phone blew up. You normally ignored it until it died but something in your gut was telling you, something is wrong. You turned your phone over, a picture of Jonah making a monkey face popped up. You answered the call, hesitantly.
"Y/n! You picked up!" Jonah sounded astonished that you picked up.
"Yeah?" You asked, your voice breaking. You rarely spoke now and days. All you did was watch videos of Corbyn and the band and stayed in. Not ever really going out or talking to people.
"Corbyn is on his way to the hospital! We're in Denver, Colorado. I know we're a little far, but if you get on the next plane out here, you won't regret it. We don't know what happened." Jonah shouted into his phone. His adrenaline kicking in again.
"I'm on my way!" Your eyes doubled in size and quickly ran to your room. You pull on a pair of leggings, converse, and one of Corbyn’s sweatshirts on and grabbed your bag running out of your apartment. You quickly made it to the airport and bought yourself a ticket for the next plane to Denver.
By the time you arrived at Denver, Corbyn was still in the hospital. They kept running tests to see if it was just a panic attack or something more serious. The boys had never left the hospital, not caring that it was almost 2 in the morning. You took an uber to the hospital, surprising all of the boys of your presence and how you look. No makeup on, hair in a messy bun, and looking skinny as ever. You didn't look too good. But all you felt was a worry, a worry you've never felt before. You still had no idea what happened. The second Jonah called you, you hadn't gone online. Wanting to hear about the events from the boys rather than fans.
"Where is he?" You asked, causing the boys to look over to you, clearly, they were shocked.
"Y/n-" Jack started but the doctor interrupted him.
"Are you all the family of Mr. Besson?" The man asked, scanning over the crowd of people.
"Yes, he's our brother," Jonah spoke up, pulling you in to listen what he has to say.
"All of you?" He asked, looking over to you.
"His girlfriend." Zach interrupted you, you wanted to cry hearing him say that, but you knew not to.
"Okay." He nodded at you before continuing. "Mr. Besson is going to be just fine. It was merely a panic attack from the stress, most likely. We'll be releasing him within the next half hour."
Everyone had let go a breath they didn't know they were holding him. Tears began to crawl down your face, feeling relieved he was going to be okay.
"Miss, you can go and see him if you want." He guided you to his room. When you walked in you realized how bad he looked too. He was skinnier, his hair was flat, his eyes didn't sparkle the way they used to. The nurse was sitting on the side of his bed, telling him how not sleeping and eating is bad for anyone and that no matter what is going on in life, you need to take care of yourself. But when he heard the curtain move, he looked at you and his heart rate went up. Alarming the nurses and doctors.
"Y/n?" Tears welled up in his eyes, as did yours. All you wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was going to be alright.
"Hi." You whispered, afraid that if you spoke any louder you'd wake up from some dream.
"Please tell me you see her there too?" Corbyn asked the nurse. She turned and saw how bad you looked as well. She nodded her head as Corbyn.
"You both need to eat and sleep." She said before giving you time alone. His heartbeat still going crazy. You smiled for the first time in what felt like years!
"Get over here Buttercup, I'm all connected to machines." He spoke with tears going down his face, his voice breaking a little.
You quickly walked over to the bed and held onto his hand.
"You always had to be so dramatic." You made a small joke, looking down at your connect hands.
"It's the only way to get your attention." He whispered, looking at you, waiting for you to look up at him. When you didn't he brought his fingers to under your chin and made you look at him. Tears started to stream down your face.
"I'm so sorry for everything I said when you left." You sobbed, climbing into the bed with him, his arms wrapping around you. He ran his fingers through your hair, trying to calm you down before you pass out too.
"I'm sorry too. Damn, have I missed you." He said, trying and failing to hold back his own tears. He kissed your forehead.
"I quit the movie." You whispered after having calmed down.
"I know." He whispered back. His fingers never stopped from playing with your hair. "What happened?"
"If you couldn't tell, I stopped sleeping, eating, I was always late to work, I was forgetting my lines. I had a couple of mini panic attacks. I was a mess. So I quit. I couldn't put the cast through having a terrible actress." You explained, cuddling closer to his chest. Inhaling his scent.
"What happened to you? How'd you end up in the hospital?" It was your turn to ask him.
"I- uh. I was talking to a fan. She brought you up and your split from the movie. I couldn't breathe. I was worried sick because I noticed you went completely AWOL on social media. You never texted or called the guys back. My mind had only one thing going through it, and it was you. I was worried about how you were. Because I was terrible. I was a complete mess." He explained. You smiled, closing your eyes, feeling sleep taking over.
"We can be a mess together." You sighed, officially falling asleep in the arms of the love of your life. Corbyn had already been drifting off to sleep, but he stayed awake until he knew you had fallen asleep too.
"I love you Y/n." He whispered to you before falling asleep, hold you closer than ever before.
Can I just say, this is one long ass imagine.
I was watching How I Met Your Mother when Ted Mosby gave this huge speech on what love is. I legit cried... and not because I'm about to go off to college and I just worked my last shift at my job.
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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