coraxmanagement · 11 years
Just a little update with regard to why NOTHING HAS BEEN HAPPENING for Corax Management.
One of our board members, in particular Kaos, has been ill for the past couple months due to a gall bladder infection. He has successfully come out of surgery and is doing fine.
This required us to go on hiatus until just recently. Prior to his falling ill, he planned a shoot to take place, involving the board members, prior to the official launch of CM. As well as all of us going through Hell Week, and dealing with irrelevant issues, I hope you understand our situation.
Following this post, I will re-post an article I wrote on my personal tumblr with regard to the fashion industry. I guess you could call this our re-introduction to the art community of UNCG.
Recruitment will start before Winter Break at the latest.
- Deus
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coraxmanagement · 11 years
Hello, again.
In lieu of recent personal events, including a housemate and myself being robbed at gunpoint, we have decided to continue this project. I understand that a month of classes starting is quickly approaching, but our staff photographer (Kaos) have seen quite the number of prospective models for our company.
In a personal vein, I have been approached by a photographer and plan to work with her as a model within the coming weeks. This spurned a sort of initiative plan for us and we will expedite the process of setting up a meeting time and place. I know, I know, we have promised this same thing in the past; however, we are quite serious this time. We have begun conceptualizing business cards and I have consulted with a graphic designer to commission a raven-esque logo for our recognition.
Most likely, starting at the beginning of the week, Corax Management will begin our scouting process. I do hope you all are as excited as I am. This will be quite the journey.
Deus @ Corax Management
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coraxmanagement · 11 years
This is taking longer than anticipated. I have been quite caught up in my classes, as well as personal life. I am also the Event Director for Rendez-vous, UNCG's official French Club, so that will also take up a chunk of my time.
However, do not fret! I will be taking the spare time I have this week to create some fliers and have the board members post them. They will include a small amount of information (mainly the meeting time and place). We are not an official UNCG club, so reserving rooms and spaces is not really in our game plan. However, we will set something up in an area near or around campus with which most, if not all, students will be familiar.
Business cards will come later, as will any sort of event planning with regard to Corax Management.
Do forgive us, we are all quite bust with this year's curriculum, so updates won't be as frequent, at least for now.
If anyone is interested and would like to know more about what we plan to do, feel free to ask questions and check out our earlier posts.
Deus @ Corax Management
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coraxmanagement · 11 years
Impromptu meeting for those interested in Corax Management will be held at Coffeeology on Tate Street starting around 8:00pm and ending whenever appropriate or necessary.
Deus @ Corax Management
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