#copy-pastad her description from the art fight site and just noticed that
elektroyu · 3 months
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Managed to get a simple Yu ref sheet done in time for Art Fight! :D Here's her link: https://artfight.net/character/4719544.yu
Somehow I always used to feel that a proper saddle pattern was too dark for her, but now that I actually did it I think it fits her pretty well! Maybe I can stick to this design for a while. I wanted something that was genetically possible irl, so all her previous iterations bugged me a lot.
Her hobbies are all the cool dog things that I can't do irl (for the time being at least): everything that lets her run and/ or use her little brain in addition like sledding/ bike-joring/ dog scootering/ etc., agility, also playing with friends. She's pretty fast! And like me, she's reserved around strangers.
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