ask-copsworld · 2 years
hows evryone doi n g!!!!!!!!! yeah!!! thats the question
Laurel: Pft- I'm doing well, thanks!
Mark: As am I.
Jon: Us too! Well, me and Todd, I mean-
Todd: Ja.
Eduardo: I'm doing pretty good as well
Edd: Good, I'm just a little tired.
Tom: I'm fine, I guess?
Matt: Oh, and I'm good, too!
Tord: Uhm... I'm ok, I guess?
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ask-copsworld · 2 years
Question for the criminals, do you guys have a favourite choice of weapon? Kekke
Jon: I’ve always preferred classics, like a good old AR-15 or an AK-47
Todd: I’m more of an MP5 man, myself. They get the job done just right. Unless, of course, you count Jon as a weapon.
Jon: ... I-I don’t know whether to be offended or flattered by that.
Mark: A good old-fashioned baseball bat or revolver never let me down.
Eduardo: F l a m e t h r o w e r. I’ve always wanted one but we’ve never been able to get our hands on one.
Laurel: I prefer M32 Grenade Launchers. Quiet... until the grenades go off, of course.
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