#copperhead eyes supremacy
souplover-69 · 2 months
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copperheads are gorgeous snakes they’re my favorite venomous snake. saw this one at work today
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ramrodd · 6 years
Why do the intelligentsia denigrate President Reagan although he ended the Cold War and triggered the dissolution of the USSR?
The difference between Reagan and Trump is one of degree and not of kind. Reagan set loose the first pebbles of Deplorables that have become the Trump Deplorable avalanche
Personally, I voted for him knowing that he believed body and soul in Supply Economics because it was so kind to the members of his country club. On that basis, he was a totally useful idiot for the Deplorables in California politics whose careers profited considerably by Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn and the Black Lists. My dad was working for Ridgeway during the Army-McCarthy hearings and I have no fond memories of Joe McCarthy or Roy Cohn or the people like William F. Buckley, Jr., who admired McCarthy and considered him a National Hero and True Patriot. I define “Deplorables” by those metrics and we now know how the world works when the Deplorables are in charge: No Wall, No Christmas.
Well, these people have been in the Republican party since before I started voting and they have been nothing but ugly my entire life. You ought to be able to connect the dot’s between Tucker Carlson and Richard Spencer directly. I mean, come on. Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham just called off Christmas in DC because they are the cool kids, the Bret Kavanaugh crowd of 1955, Pat Buchanan and George Lincoln Rockwell and 1972. Pat Buchanan and Nixon and 1992, “Pitch Fork Pat” Buchanan and Grover Norquist. These people have been actively sabotaging Nixon’s Affirmative Action agenda since Reagan came to town. These are the people who have been fight the war to save Christmas longer than Birtherism and now, they pull the plug.
But, as they say, Politics makes for strange bedfellows. I voted for Nixon before I went to Vietnam and I voted for him after I got back and, as a veteran in dubious battle, he, Nixon, over-delivered on my expectations. Nixon is why there is no Soviet Union, today, and China is a player in Marx’s version of Capitalism, and mine, for that matter, but, for the orthodox Marxists, it’s engaged in heresy that Nixon planted while I was in Vietnam.
So, I voted Republican on general principles. I’m a hard-wired, born, bred and weaned an Eisenhower Republican, and, as a Hoosier, a Will Rogers FDR Republican, like Dick Lugar. Progressive, eyes on the horizon and distinct from the Dan Burton Copperhead Republicans that are the Hoosier tribe of Deplorables. In Indiana, Dick Lugar Republicans and Lee Hamilton Democrats got the roads built and the schools providing quality education tied into the land grant colleges and universities that sound very Socialist to day and the Dan Burton Republicans stood, like William F. Buckley, athwart the wave of history, shouting “Stop!” That’s why I call Buckley the Patriarch of the modern Deplorable.
So, I was voting Deplorable because I’m not a Democrat and I don’t understand their thinking. I live in DC, where everything that works at all works because the Democrats in Congress and the District are able to keep it running in spite of the Deplorables in Congress and, to a far lesser degree, in the District, dedicated to fucking up anything that requires the white Deplorables in town from paying for the services they receive, so I am a registered Democrat so I can vote in the primaries. Virtually every problem Mayor Bowser faces is a direct result of the obstructionism of Deplorables like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, the people who can’t figure out some way to make it clear to the Deplorable who convinced Trump to pull the plug on Christmas that Trump’s promise for the Wall is total bullshit at virtually any level of human self-organization and inquiry. It’s Newt Gingrich’s “Leadership by Tantrum” politcs as national policy.
These are very stupid people. I mean, it goes way beyond “stuck on stupid”. I mean, going back to Phyllis Schlafley’s obstruction of the ERA, these people have been pulling the plug on Christmas in the name of saving Christmas since Joe McCarthy inspired William F. Buckley to create a farm system for aspiring Deplorables that has produced Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Rich Lowry and Tucker Carlson so they could grab Trump by the balls and force him to pull the plug on Christmas.
Now, is that collusion or conspiracy or what? I don’t know, but that’s the shit Reagan brought to town with him and gave Pat Buchanan and Roger Stone a second bite at the apple and they haven’t missed a meal, since.
Nixon ended the Cold War in Vietnam: Reagan was there to facilitate Gorbachen pulling the plug on the Soviet Union and joining out side. Reagan should have shared a Nobel Prize with Gorbachev but he was betrayed by Donald T. Regan, who exploited the Alzheimer’s that was far more advanced than anyone could imagine. Edmund Morris captured it by inference with his fictionalization of blank spots in Reagan’s oral history. The assassination probably accelerated the process, but I suspect no one noticed because he was a martini a day man and the effects of the gin over time resembles late stage Alzheimers. The Juniper berries so something visually that becomes progressively introverted. As a bartender, I used to watch it happen in gin drinkers: they’s sit and stare towards the end on the night and you had to sort of wake them up so they could return to the present. That’s what it sounded like was going on between Reagan and Morris. Regan noticed this same phenomena and exploited it to run his own agenda out of the Oval Office, until Nancy saw it for herself and fired his ass just like Melania fired the Recardel women. Recardel is part of the Deplorable elements in the GOP Deep State. Her agenda is an element of Regan’s agenda now associated with the friends of the Russian enemies of Putin in the Deplorable leadershp of the GOP Deep State.
The thing Charley Sykes doesn’t seem to understand is that he’s a career Deplorable: Trump is a clone of Reagan, politically, only not nearly so intellectual. Reagan’s “New Federalism” was actually a useful reform based on his experience as a Governor: it was never financed. I may have coined the phrase “unfunded mandate” as the reality of Reaganomics began to emerge in the economy and that, at a very fundmental level, Reagan didn’t fully understand his own program. As a capitalist nation, it was easy to fix and implement, but, as capitalism is defined by the Deplorables, any public investment that didn’t directly benefit the members of Mar-a-Lago is a non-starter. And that’s besides the fact Reagan had everything he needed to put a permanent colony on the moon by 2001, just like the movie, but immediately began dismantling the federal apparatus he needed to implement his New Federalism and return to the Moon. The Soviets stayed in space and we have benefited from that, but people like Charley Sykes and the editorial board of the National Review and Weekly Standard have been pulling the plug on space in the name of growing up Deplorable.
So, I had been around Deplorables during the 60s as a fraternity member. The argument can be made that I am a Deplorable, because. like Rush Limbaugh, I’m as big a bigot as Woodrow Wilson. Unlike Limpdick, who considers white supremacy as a divine right, while I am ashamed of it and do what I can to mitigate my moral rot.
But, until they got here, it was impossible to anticpate the pure emotional density of their collective racism. In the 70’s, DC was the most racially mellow city in America, for a bunch of reasons. The only bigots of any consequence in DC was the Nixon Plumbers, good old Pat Buchanan, a native white bigot who misses the good old days before Martin Luther King and a whte boy could get a little rowdy in a Bret Kavanaugh kind of way and leave the cops to deal with the Democrats.
As an Eisenhower Republican, Deplorables fall into the catagory of“strange bedfellows” . I quit voting Republican in 1988 when it clear that the Deplorables were determined to pack the courts with Fascists, beginning with Scalia and running through Kavanaugh.
But, when I voted for Reagan, the Democrats were out of ideas, but all they had to do was to continue to implement the Nixon-Moynihan-Carter “Affirmative Action” agenda and we would now have a permanent United Nations colony on the moon and not be fucking around with some asshole alt-right wet dream of a Berlin Wall south of El Paso to go with their Prison-Industrial Complex that’s a big money maker for Jeff Session’s patrons. The Wall is a typical Deplorable piece of shit idea to go along with the War on Drugs, the invasion of Iraq, Trumpcare and the 2017 Tax Reform bill that has begun to snuff out the Bull Market. All Reagan had to do was to double down on Affirmative Action. The introduction of electronic trading and the explosion of the internet would have created a Reagan Economic Miracle 4 to five times greater, globally, than the parasitic mechanisms of Supply Side Economics ever contemplated, much less totally undelivered.
I would say that the intelligensia got it about right regarding Reagan: Trump is just a logical progression of who and what Reagan represented, going in. All in all, Reagan ended up being better than going in, but, if either Carter or Bush the Elder had been reelected, a moon colony would be yesterday’s news. Reagan had absolutely no vision for a horizon that included space: he was lost doing color commentary by telegraph.
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