utepbc-blog ยท 5 years
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What's just so exciting about searching in the middle of the night for lizards? You just never know what you'll find! Graduate student Josh led Biol 1108 on a midnight hike to Prospect Pits, where students found wolf spiders and a greater earless lizard! . . . #wolfspider #spiders #arachnids #entomology #lizard #earlesslizard #Cophosaurus #texanus #Cophosaurustexanus #herps #herpetology #education #herpsofinsta #vanhorn #itsallgoodep #instaeptx #elpaso411 #wildlife #nighttrips https://www.instagram.com/p/BxUzvcNBpRt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qw9hlxb3894w
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