tvshowfanfics12 · 3 years
Running from the mob
Chapter 1: 
Lucy’s POV: 
“Tim,” I said, looking up for the stack of paper that was covering my office space. Tim and I have been working on a case with the whole team, but it seemed Tim and I was the only ones at the office this late. 
“Anything?” Tim looked up, rubbing his temples as he tried to wake up. 
“No,” I sighed. “I think we should call it a night.” 
“Are we sure? I mean, this is an important case against the mob. It’s not like we can’t stay a few more hours and try to help Nolan.” His words said one thing, but his body said another. 
“Tim,” I stood up and grabbed my coat from the back of my chair. “Come on. You look like you are about to fall over. When you get some sleep you can come back and we can try it all again in the morning.” 
Tim was about to speak, protesting probably, but he stopped himself. “You are right. No use arguing.” 
“Smart man,” I smirked and waited for him to stand up. “You can walk me to my car then.” 
“Sure,” he shrugged on his jacket. “It is past midnight so I wouldn’t want you wandering the streets by yourself.” Tim teased as we walked out the door into an empty precinct. The second shift was already out on the streets so the precinct was like a ghost town. 
“Are you worried about me? I am a qualified police officer,” I glare at him. “I can handle myself just fine.” 
“Oh, I know that,” Tim chuckled. “I am more worried about the other guys.” 
“Oh, you little…” I shove his shoulder playfully, smiling up at Tim’s large frame. 
“I am just saying,” Tim chuckled before we turned into the parking garage. 
“You are the worst,” I shake my head but I can’t help but smile (though I try to hide it as best as I can). Just then I look up to unlock my car when I notice the windows were broken in and dents all over. I rush over, looking over the car. The tires are slashed, the paint is messed up, and there is a letter pinned to the hood of my car. 
“Lucy,” Tim’s hands rest on my shoulder as he looks around for any sign of who did this. But of course, whoever is responsible is long gone at this point. “Lucy, what does the note say?” 
I open the letter and take a deep breath before reading the contents of it out loud. “This is only a warning. The next time it will be your apartment in Wilshire. Heed our words. Stop looking into the case.” 
“Shit,” Tim said, already pulling his phone out. 
“They know where I live,” I repeat to myself in shock. “How do they know that?” 
“Lucy, calm down,” Tim says as he is waiting for the other line to pick up. “Let’s go inside while I call the others. We should make sure no one else got a note like this.” 
“What about your car?” I look around as if expecting to see Tim’s truck in shambles. 
“I park in the Sargent’s lot,” Tim’s hand went to my lower back as he started to guide me towards the exits. “I think we should get inside.” 
Tim makes his phone call as we go back up to our floor. I don’t really listen, as all my worries are mainly focused on my car and the threat to my life. When Tim is finished we head to his office and he closes the door behind us before helping me to his couch. 
“Hey,” Tim’s voice was soft and full of concern. “Care to share your thoughts?” 
“Not really,” I say in all honesty. 
“Lucy,” Tim repeated my name with such a tone that I felt he was scolding me for not speaking. “Come on. Your mind has to be going a hundred miles an hour right now. And you and I both know that keeping that in will just make you spiral.” 
“I just need a moment,” I leaned back into the couch and closed my eyes. Somehow I feel both sleepy and restless at the same time. 
Tim pull a chair to sit in front of me, and we sit in silence for a few minutes as I let my mind run through all the facts. I take one last deep breath before finding the courage to speak. “They knew my apartment. I don’t think it will be safe to go back there.” 
“Agreed,” Tim nods. 
“How they found it out is another thing. I don’t share anything on social media, and the only place that would know my address would be here.” I looked around at the office, trying to find anything to distract me. Of course, Tim’s only decorations were a football and a plant I gave him to spruce up his desk. 
“What are you thinking?” Tim leaned forward to hear more. 
“That you need to decorate more,” I blurt out without thinking before covering my mouth with my sleeve. “I am sorry. That was rude.” 
“It’s alright,” Tim cracks a smile. “I would be more concerned if you didn’t say anything, actually.” 
Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door, causing both Tim and I to look up and see Nolan and Angela standing outside and Nyla walking forward with cups of coffee. Tim stands up and unlocks the door to welcome everyone while I make room on the couch beside me. 
“Hey,” Nolan’s concern shows. “How are you feeling?” 
“Spooked,” I stand and hug Nolan. “Sorry about calling you so late.” 
“What are you guys even doing here so late,” Angela comes over and takes me into her arms for a hug. “I mean, it is past midnight.” 
“We decided to stick around,” I shrug it off. 
“You are just lucky I wasn’t in bed yet,” Nyla gives me a one-handed hug as the others take their coffee orders out of her hand. “Otherwise I would not be here right now.” 
“I understand,” I nod, knowing that Nyla is being truthful. 
“Where is your car then?” Angela clapped her hands, ready to start her investigation. “Let’s get to work.” 
“Nolan, stay with Lucy,” Tim ordered before turning to walk out of the room. 
“What a minute!” I stood up and rushed to stand in front of Tim. “I don’t need a babysitter. You don’t have to order Nolan to stay with me.” 
“Just explain everything to Nolan. Fill him in and start brainstorming,” Tim tried to play it off like he wasn’t actually trying to get me to stay in his office. 
“I can just tell him while we look at my car,” I stand up straighter, showing Tim that I wasn’t going to take his crap excuses. 
“For crying out loud…” Tim ran his hand through his hair in frustration before looking to the others for help. 
“Hey,” Nolan stepped forward and pulled my arm so I would look at him. “Stay here and let's get everything written down and in the file for the case. We will need this information if we want to build a good case.”
I let out a sigh before standing down. Tim also sighs in relief before turning and giving Nolan and nod of thanks. I glare at Tim as he and the others left, and only when I could no longer see him, did I turn back to Nolan. 
“Let’s get this over with,” I said, slumping back onto the couch and getting ready to tell Nolan everything that transpired tonight. 
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tvshowfanfics12 · 3 years
Running from the mob
Chapter 2: 
Tim’s POV: 
“What was that?” Anglea asked as we made it down to the parking garage. They had just come to help out after Lucy and I happened on her wrecked car. Someone was violent enough to slash Lucy’s tires and smash the hood of her car. And they had the gull to leave a threat letter. 
And somehow this stupid police department doesn't have the money to get working cameras in the parking area. Though we don’t really need to have a video because we know who did it. 
“What was what?” I said, preoccupied with looking over the inside of Lucy’s glove compartment. Of course, it is a mess of papers and there are empty cups of coffee all over, but I am more than used to this by now. I have grown accustomed to Lucy’s hectic storage techniques. 
“You know what I am talking about,” Angela pops her head in the car so I can see her. “You were totally ordering Lucy to stay behind because you didn’t want her out here.” 
“She was very freaked out,” I turned to Angela with a shrug. “I just didn’t think she needed to be out here to look at her car. It would only serve as a reminder.” 
“Sounds like you care,” Nyla came over to my door and bent down so both of the girls were now watching me with a knowing look. 
“I just don’t want her to freak out,” I grumble, not feeling like talking about this any longer. 
“Tim,” Angela gave me a stern look, holding my gaze. “It sounds to me like you are trying to lie to yourself. But as you closest and dearest friends, it is time for us to lay some truth on you.” Angela said with confidence. 
“You like her,” Nyla gave a cat-like smirk. “And don’t try and hide it. It is clear as day to us that you have feelings for her. And more than just ‘friend’ feelings.” 
“What are you guys talking about,” I rolled my eyes, playing it off because I didn’t need to hear any more of this nonsense. “There is nothing between Lucy and I. We are just old partners.” 
“Partners? You were her T.O. All other people you have trained have been trainees to you. But Lucy is different. She is your partner,” Nyla nudges me. 
“You are reading too much into my words,” I said, moving Nyla aside so I could get out of Lucy’s car. “Angela, can you grab the photo from the driver’s side mirror? There is a rip in the fabric, so you have to look inside of it.” I said without thinking, though I know I made a mistake as soon as the words left my mouth. 
“And how do you know that?” Nyla asked as Angela goes into Lucy’s car to get the photo. 
“Lucy and I talk,” I shrug. “We have many shifts together, so of course, I know a thing or two about her.” 
“Lier,” Angela said as she handed me the photo. “This photo was hidden inside the fabric of the mirror. She would have had to tell you specifically. Or you would have had to be in her car when she put the photos in there. So which one was it?” 
“Guy, you have it all wrong,” I shook my head. “We are getting off track.” 
“He is avoiding talking about this,” Nyla whispers loud enough that I could hear. 
“Of course,” Angela whispers back. “He doesn't want to let us know he has feelings.” 
“I can hear you,” I turn back and glare at them. 
“Oh, we know,” Nyla smirks, walking over to me and grabbing my upper arm. “You might be ‘Tim the Tin man’ but you have a heart. And it seems to me like it only beats for a certain someone.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” I shout, harsher than intended. 
“Excuse her,” Angela comes to the other side of me. “She is running on zero sleep, so you have to take what she says with a grain of salt.” 
“Does that mean this whole conversation?” I roll my eyes. 
“No,” Angela shakes her head and steps in front of me so I can’t walk. “Listen, I have been your closest friend. You were my man-of-honor for my wedding. I know you and you know me. Would I be lying about this?” 
I didn’t have anything to say. Some part of her was telling the truth, while the other part of me didn’t want to admit that she was right. It was wrong to have feelings for someone like Lucy. She was so pure and full of hope and so… opposite of me. 
“You have it all wrong,” I shake my head. “Now, we should head back before Lucy comes looking for us.” 
“And if she does…?” Nyla smirked. 
“Let’s not think about it,” I start walking towards the elevators. “Are you guys coming?” I said without looking back at them. 
“Yeah Yeah,” Angla says, following close behind. Nyla comes along too and I order the elevator down to our floor. We get inside and press the button for the top floor, but that only means there is more time for talking. 
“What are the photos of?” Nyla asks, grabbing them from my hand without giving me a second to think. Nyla and Angla huddle together, and though I try to grab them back, the both of them are enough to hold me back. 
“Is that…?” Angla takes the photo and spins to look at me. “She has a photo of you and here with Cujo.” 
“Yeah, so?” I grab the photo from her, remembering that day without having to look at the photo. Lucy and I went out on a run one morning after a tough day at work, and she insisted on taking a photo with Cujo and I. 
“When was this taken? It looks recent.” Angla asked, pointing at the photo. 
“None of your concern,” I narrow my eyes in frustration. “Can we plase talk about Lucy’s car? We spent all this time talking about Lucy, but we haven’t discussed anything about the actual case.” 
“He is avoiding you question,” Nyla smirks. 
“Oh shut up,” I roll my eyes. 
The elevator dings and suddenly the doors open. I turn to both of them and give them a final glare before I leave them behind and head back to my office. Nolan and Lucy were talking and they didn’t even notice when I opened the door. 
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