#coon will go curl in bed naow
moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Fem 30s ignis headcanon pleasee >
I am so sorry for taking so long, dear anon. Racc had technical difficulties. :((
I’ve been wanting to do yours for a while, I adore Fem!Ignis! I literally have nothing particular in mind for this, so it’s all going to be random and as it appears in my head. Let’s see what happens!  ヽ(・∀・)ノ
Apology in advance for typos, this is not second-read/corrected.
Thanks to yuu-be-good and expectogladiolus for giving me a hand; some headcanons are theirs, some are really just addition to them. Not tagging so none feels forced to read, but giving recognition for the help. ( ´ ▽ ` )
Fem! Post journey, WoR and 32 y.o. Ignis random headcanons:
32 y.o. Fem!Ignis wears sport bras on a daily basis.
They’re easier to put on.
Fem!Ignis doesn’t need sight to put on a normal bra, but they do offer a little more struggle, and she’s tired of struggling with everything, so, sport bras for the everyday.
22 y.o. Fem Ignis was already used to sport bras, but she only wore them along the journey when there was long walks and battles ahead. On a casual gear, she wore normal bras (it’s etiquette).
But WoR Fem Ignis does this switch for practicality.
Besides, she feels a little more secure in them; they cover more than normal bras, so while normal bras don’t show off too much and she knows that, it’s the blindness what makes her insecure on it at first and makes her feel more comfy in that switch.
Fem Ignis keeps the hair short (relatively).
Satan @yuu-be-good​ had this terribly heartbreakting pretty darn awesome idea where Fem!Ignis cuts her hair after going blind, go read that stuff.
So, after that, Fem Ignis rarely lets it grow.
It’s practicality, on a side.
On another side that she rarely speaks about, Fem Ignis feels insecure of letting it grow again only to figure she’s still “useless” to comb it.
At some point during WoR, Fem!Ignis is encouraged by Cor and Aranea (individually) to let it grow again.
Even though none talked about it together, both Cor and Aranea feel like having Fem!Ignis let her hair grow again may give her some needed confidence.
Fem!Ignis agrees.
Fem!Ignis is constantly having her hair combed by Aranea.
Fem!Ignis eventually cuts it again, but in a much less painful (emotionally speaking) way.
This time she’s not cutting it out of anger and the sensation of being useless, rather for real practicality.
“When Noct comes back, I’ve got to be ready to fight at his side. I think I prefer to spend my time re-learning how to fight than combing my hair. Besides, I look fantastic with short hair.”
That last part of “I look fantastic” was definitely a joke.
Welp, there you go, Fem!Ignis gained confidence again.
So now you know; 32 y.o. Ignis keeps the hair relatively short, I guess down to the shoulders is fine like in this pretty jewel I ain’t ever stopping to share lmao.
You better not be disgusted by me touching these matters because you asked for Fem!Ignis and really the differences are mostly biological because it’d be the same if I was talking about normal Ignis if I didn’t include this stuff so:
Her period.
Post Altissia Fem Ignis is majorly insecure about her period.
If the rest of the gang are boys, she has twice the reasons to feel insecure.
She hadn’t thought about it until it first happened after her injury, but after it there’s the same subject haunting her:
‘What if I stain my clothes and don’t notice?’
‘What if I didn’t put the pad correctly and the stain goes through my clothes?’
‘I cannot let the others see that. It’ll be embarrassing for me and for them. They won’t tell me because it’ll make them uncomfortable, and with good reasons. Not like I can help my nature, but I understand they will be uncomfortable. And so I’ll walk around all day with the blood stain on my pants. Better not wear any skirts, not anymore, what will I do if a drop…? Gods, this is a mess. Ignis, you’re just putting a pad on your underwear. It’s not like the world will end. It’s not difficult. Just put it on…it’ll be fine, it’ll be fine.”
It sounds a little stupid, but really it’s a new and pretty big struggle for her, being so reserved and such.
When she had her period during the journey to Niflheim, she couldn’t stop being paranoid about being stained all the time; she had no one to ask that wasn’t the boys and she didn’t want to make them uncomfortable.
Not knowing if she was clean or stained almost drives her crazy every day.
It was Gladio who first approached her.
‘Iggy?’ now it’s a whisper to her ear. ‘You’ve got a little stain. Don’t worry, I’ll walk behind you to the room so you can change.’
Talking about her period and pads wasn’t a stranger subject before Altissia, but hearing it after it is a little…different.
The way Gladio’s handling it just like before, so calm and understanding, reassures her.
It’s even more reassuring, even though it’s also a little painful, that Prompto too started handling that matter.
He and Noct weren’t as used to those subjects as Gladio, or didn’t show themselves to be; the journey was constantly filled of “Ew” comments about those biological girl things from the youngest ones, never as a serious disgust, but still.
However, after Altissia, Prom starts talking about it if needed.
He’s not flinching or making the ‘Ew’ comments when Gladio mentions Iggy needs a new pad; Prompto just asks where they are and unpacks it for her.
Fem Iggy felt ashamed of thinking the guys would be disgusted; of course they’d be this supportive, dammit.
These boys love their Iggy, will want her to be as comfy as possible in those days.
During WoR, and after parting ways with Prompto and Gladio, Fem!Ignis takes years to wear a skirt ever again.
It’s being in double darkness and in a world where everything is in chaos when humankind either goes full smart to survive, or, on the other side, full animal, and…well, she was never scared of that before because she could stab anyone, but the double darkness and living among so many strangers and away of her friends is a bit frightening to think about. Considering her looks.
I mean, she knows she can still stab anyone that tries to force her to anything, it’s not what they try to do to her.
It’s that they would try.
It’s the fact that she’s visually scarred and noticeably blind what makes her fear it will make bad men think she’s vulnerable and try to harm her in some way.
She’s not scared of men, she could murder five all on her own, but it’s the mere fact that one could even dare to try what frightens her.
The world is bad enough as it is already, no need to remind her there’s bad people too.
Biggs and Wedge become good friends to her; they grew up with Aranea since teenagers, so they’re pretty fond of befriending women.
It seems like these two have a passion for befriending women who could murder them using only a nail, really.
Don’t worry, both are fantastic friends that never mean any harm or second intentions.
Speaking about nails, Older Fem!Iggy stopped attending to them.
At least during WoR.
She didn’t use to paint them, but she did use that polish thing girls and some guys use to make them sparkly and resistant, but after going blind she just stopped.
Sometimes, if she gets to see Cindy or Iris during WoR, they may paint her nails just for fun.
Tbh Fem!Ignis enjoys those little moments; makes her feel like a relatively normal teenager discovering make-up at a sleepover with friends, and not the blind woman in a world with no sunlight and filled of daemons and danger.
When Fem!Ignis, just like normal Ignis, started re-learning to do all that she knew before her injury, she had constant breakdowns during the first months of it.
You know, like any other person beginning something that they struggle with; to try and try and try and give your best but really you don’t see any progress, so it’s frustrating.
It includes cooking (as suggested by yuu-be-good).
Even though she re-learned mostly with Monica, she too asked Takka to help her start cooking again. 
It once happened that, after weeks and weeks of thinking she’s not progressing, she found she had overcooked a dish and had to leave toanother side of the bar to try to contain herself, but started silently crying anyway.
It’s not just a failed dish. It’s this immense, terribly huge sensation of being useless and this horrible sensation of not progressing in this terrible world after losing her dear friend and brother Noctis for who knows how long, all concentrated in the goddamn fucking overcooked meat. 
She thought she’d be ignored, the restaurant was mostly empty.
Wrong; these hunters saw her and, instead of pity, they were rude and made mean comments.
They had no idea about all the things listed above and they thought Ignis was jsut crying for that failed dish, so they started commenting.
“See, this is why women should stay indoors and behind the safety fences; they’re too emotional and too fragile and sensitive to be hunters. They say she’s trying to be a hunter, but really she’s just weak. Crying for a piece of meat. I’d tell her to stay in the kitchen, but she’s useless there, too.”
[[[It’s very rare for this kind of comments to be ever heard in any part of Eos in these modern days (we in the real world should learn from them, huh), so hearing a troglodyte speak this shit is like seeing a shooting star. Except it’s ugly and disgusting, but eh.]]] 
Fem!Ignis heard them.
Fem!Ignis is so triggered.
Fem!Ignis is so stopping the tears, calmly exiting, and returning with a dead Anak an hour later.
The hunters just look at her without a single scratch and lance in hand and suddenly she’s cooking some of its meat and serves it to them.
“Enjoy your food, gentlemen. And an apology for taking so long, but seen as none of you have been able to get a single good hunt in the past two weeks, there was nothing to cook and had to get my useless arse out of the kitchen to get a decent hunt myself. I hope it doesn’t taste like sensibility and fragilness.”
You don’t call Ignis by Useless, she’s triggered.
Enough about WoR Fem!Iggy, let’s see how our post-game 32 y.o. Fem!Iggy is doing.
32 y.o. Fem!Iggy has mastered braiding hair again.
It took a couple years, but now she’s gotten it.
She still keeps her hair short, but she enjoys to braid her friends’, Gladio included (and if the man lets her…which really isn’t any difficult to get).
Post-story Fem!Ignis sometimes likes to let Iris “pretty her up”; whether it’s some formal party or just a random occassion (not to speak about the anniversaries’ to Noctis’ birth and death, which have become formal celebrations in Lucis), Fem!Ignis likes to meet with Iris so both dress together.
Even though Ignis’ hair is much shorter to what she used to have it when younger, Iris will find ways to make some bun out of it.
“How do you do this when you’ve had the hair short yourself for most of your life?”
“It’s magic, Iggy.”
Iris is in charge of Ignis’ make-up.
Fem Ignis has stopped to ask for “something very subtle” because Iris will anyway do whatever the fuck she wants. 
Don’t worry, Ignis is comfy with her work.
“Not like I can see it, anyway.”
Don’t be so rude, Iggy.
(she’s not, don’t worry. She loves Iris, but does feel a bit embarrassed thinking of the things Iris could have done to her face, because, whatever Iris does, it always drags so many stares to Iggy. She doens’t need to see to feel them).
Speaking of which; 30′s y.o. Ignis is embarrassed about make-up (only with time and a lot of a stubborn Iris insisting every time there’s an special ocassion to dress up could fix it…is still fixing it. But in reality Ignis feels embarrassed about it).
It’s not that she doesn’t like that but…
“I feel…when you can only put shadow and mascara to one eye, I feel a little ugly, Iris. Asymmetrical.  And if you tried to put some to the scarred one, I’d just feel even uglier. Burnt, wrinkled, scarred skin with make-up. Not the most…enjoyable of sights.”
She doesn’t find herself to be ugly all the time, but she thinks that when everything is dressed and decorated to look five times the prettier and then you add to it the left side of her face, it’s just making the ugly much more outstanding too.
Goddammit, Ignis, you’re a radiant woman, stop it. 
It’s why, whenever there’s those kind of parties or events, Ignis really likes to be accompanied all the time by any of her friends, Iris, Gladio or Prompto as preference, thank you very much, just for some confidence.
As suggested by expectogladiolus, 30′s y.o. Fem!Ignis doesn’t like the idea of owning a pet.
She’s got an amazing independence to herself, but she’s still blind, nonetheless, and can’t do some stuff; hence, she feels that taking care of a pet is a responsibility she shouldn’t take.
“I get your point about how it would keep me company, Prompto, but really, this precious dog would be attended much better with a sighted person. I don’t want any pet to struggle because I struggle with them.”
But, Fem!Ignis loves Prompto’s dog, and Gladio’s.
Whenever the three meet and the dogs come along, the doggos forget about their owners and tackle Iggy.
She’s always petting and scratching them.
Btw, Prom’s doggo is Umbra. 
30 y.o.’s Iggy still wears gloves most of the time even though she doesn’t have to drive or fight anymore.
Her sensing skills are very developed, and not just in hearing or smells; touching can get a bit overwhelming, because not only doees she feels more when she comes in physical touch with something, touching is also the most most of sensing.
So, gloves that is.
30 y.o.’s Fem Ignis owns and enjoys of audio books (as suggested by yuu-be-good).
Tbh she feels a bit embarrassed/shy about ahving someone reading to her……unless it’s Gladio or Prompto.
If it’s any of her boys, then she greatly and very dearly enjoys to be read to. She feels comfy with them, and when any of them reads to her it doesn’t feel like they’re doing it mechanically, like reading machines, no; Gladio is enjoying the books himself, sometimes Prompto too, but what Ignis really likes is that it really feels like they reader fo her. That they understand what they’re reading, not just reading it, and that they’re doing it only and just for her.
Anon, do you ship Fem!Ignis and Gladio?
Because damn hell I DO and you cannot stop me:
30 y.o.’s Ignis and Gladio have gotten back together post-game.
Whenever there’s those parties or minor events in which Iris likes to put make-up on Fem!Ignis, it’s Gladio, at nights, who helps clean it off.
Parties and some events tend to end late at night, so Iris has long left somewhere else (at her own place, perhaps, now that she’s 25/older?).
Besides, it’s not like Ignis would like anybody else to take her make-up off.
Gladio’s often kissing her head as a way of, with time, make Iggy comfy about her hair.
I should explain, back in younger days, Gladio liked to take locks of her hair and kiss them, sonow that they’re back together, Fem!Ignis spoke about letting it grow again.
Gladio simply kissed her head instead, and insisted no matter what haircut Iggy has, he loves it; that kissing her hair was never meant to show love for it, it was a way of showing love for her.
Even though it was never a subject they talked about in younger years and even though it’s not something they’ve talked about now post-story, Fem!Iggy has given a lot of thought on whether she’d like to be mom or not.
On a side, she’s scared at the idea of being mom because of her sight (as suggested by expectogladiolus).
At some point she asks Gladio if he’d like his own family.
“I’m not telling you what I want until you tell me what you want, Iggy. Knowing you, you’d give up your own dream, whether it’s having kids or not, just to please mine, and no way am I letting you do that, Scientia. You tell me first, then I tell you what I want, and I won’t lie about it. Promise. But you first.”
It took a while, but soon she opened to him about it.
“On a side…I do kind of wish to. It’s you. It’s us…but, on another side, I’m insecure on it. I don’t want to put the pressure of a blind mom on a child. It’s supposed I take care of them, not them having to help me.”
You’d think Gladio is going to feel pity? Nah man, he’s going to laugh lowly and kiss Iggy on the scarred eye.
“And since when do you need help with anything, Iggy? You can’t see, true, but you don’t even need to. Iggy, you fought and killed an ASTRAL like this. A child is no troubles.”
“To be sincere, a child frightens me most than any Astral.”
Fem!Ignis is a bit insecure, but eventually admits she’d like it.
“You know, Iggy” Gladio whispers, “I’d like it too.”
And that leads us to this from long ago: http://moonraccoon-exe.tumblr.com/post/161893118378/idk-about-but-i-do-really-like-to-think-that
30′s y.o. Iggy is fantastic, okay.
Goddammit, I love Fem!Ignis.
I hope this gets close to what you wanted, anon? And I dearly hope you see it! If you can, I’d be grateful if you let me know that you saw this.
I had fun with this. Thank you! ( ´ ▽ ` )
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