#cookware sets sale
traditionalproduct · 4 months
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flixbloom · 1 year
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A great hammertone finish pot that is attractive yet sturdy and a multipurpose tope. Buy Today via Flixbloom shopping webiste
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obsolescent · 1 year
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Talkin’ Foolish
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Pairing: Leon x Reader
Summary: You reminisce on some memorable moments with Leon
Content Warnings: No gendered language used for reader, adult themes, mentions of sex and sex toys, pure corniness and Leon being awkward and goofy as hell.
Author’s Note: This is so…I don’t know what this is but I wanted to have a break between the angst I’ve been writing. This is inspired by things my fiancée has said/done to me, lmao. I hope you enjoy it!
Words: 1,022
Read on Ao3
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You’re used to it by now. Well…Maybe not.
There’s still some things that Leon says that makes your brain feel like it’s buffering, dial up tone and all, stuck on a loading screen as you try to catch up to what he’s said. You’re still surprised at what his mind conjures up.
He’s always had some cheesy, corny jokes he likes to use, but sometimes there’s some outta pocket, off the wall, quirky phrases and sentences he’s strung together, that you wonder how anyone could think of. Though you quickly realized it’s best not to underestimate Leon and his beautiful, unique mind.
There’s a few times that stick out more so than others.
Like one time, it’s late at night. You’ve eaten dinner, cleaned up the kitchen. Cookware, plates, utensils all put up. You’ve both settled down on the couch to watch whatever’s on, finding a movie you’ve both settled on. 
You’re snacking on some candy, a sour kind, ones with those sugar crystals. Unfortunately, a few of those crystals stick in the back of your throat, causing a coughing fit. You’re quick to get it under control, sipping on some water until it starts to die down. Leon leaned towards you, patting your back.  “Sorry, just got something in my throat,” You tell him, able to finally get the words out. Now that he knows you’re out of harm’s way, Leon’s concerned expression turns into a smirk. You raised an eyebrow at the change, a silent question. “Damn, baby…Would love to be in your throat.” Your jaw drops, cheeks turning redder than they did while you were catching your breath. “Excuse me?” You splutter, trying hard not to show that you did, in fact, find the joke funny. He throws his head back and guffaws, tears forming in his eyes. “Sorry honey, I couldn’t resist!” He gets out, before pulling you into a hug, kissing your scarlet cheeks. 
Another time, it’s when you two are bare in bed, his hands exploring every inch of your body. You’re on top, pussy rubbing against his cock, from base to tip. Your head is thrown back, enjoying the sensation until he suddenly grabs your hips and lets out a pained grunt. Snapping your head upright, you look at him with concern and ask, “Everything okay, darling?” “F-fuck. It’s…Everything’s alright, baby, keep moving for me.” You raise an eyebrow, but do as he says, continuing your movements. Falling back into the feeling, you begin to moan and grab your chest, while involuntarily clenching down on Leon’s cock. “Damn, baby!” He chokes out, grabbing your hips again, this time lifting you up from his lap. “Grippin’ my shit like Loctite!” You just stare at him for a breadth of time, wide eyed, before cackling with laughter. He soon joins in, both falling into a laughing fit.
You’re thankful for times like these during sex, being able to laugh whenever a mishap or something comical occurs. 
Another moment you can recall, you had received a package, a new sex toy. A vibrator you had been eyeing for some time, waiting for a sale to occur since it was quite pricey. Finally purchasing it, you were eager to get it out of its packaging and see it in person, excited for the time ahead where you would be using it. Pulling out and plugging the charger into the wall, setting the toy on your nightstand to charge. At this time Leon decides to enter the room, curious about the box, himself. Looking at your form bent over the nightstand, he comes up behind you, seeing you fiddle with the toy. “Ah, I see you finally got that cooter buzzer you’d been looking at.” “A what?!” You shrieked. Spinning around, mouth agape with face ablaze. “What? Don’t like the name I’ve given your toys?” He asks, smirking. “You are not calling them that!” You retort, jabbing a finger into his chest to emphasize. He grabs your wrist and pulls it up towards his face, kissing your knuckles. “Well…Can I call them whatever I want as long as I use them on you?” He questions, grinning now. “N-no! I mean…Maybe…” You stutter out, wondering how he can be so awkward and yet so seductive at the same time.
Now, the last thing that comes to your mind isn’t really something he said, but did. 
You had grabbed some dirty laundry out of the hamper, taking it to the laundry room to begin a load for washing. You toss the pile into the washing machine, going to check the bin in the bathroom for any more clothing. That’s when you noticed you had dropped a shirt in the hallway, the piece falling out of the rather large pile you held. Bending down to pick up the article, Leon walks into the hallway. “Heh, my turn,” he says, thinking about earlier that day when you had swatted him on his ass as he bent over to grab a pan from the cabinet. His hand pulls back, giving you a firm smack on the behind. You squeal, the momentum from his slap tipping you forward, causing you to lose balance and topple over. “Leon!” You screech, trying to find purchase albeit none around. Leon tries to catch you before you fall over completely, unfortunately, he isn’t fast enough.
“Oh shit, baby! I’m sorry!” He says as he’s pulling you up from the ground. “Are you hurt?” He asks, moving your hair from your face to search for any abrasions. Your eyes like daggers, you glare at him, gritting out, “No…But you’re about to be!” “Oh, fuck.” He mutters, before escaping and dashing off, you hot on his tail. A chase ensues, ending with him turning around and grabbing you. He picks you up and takes you to your shared room, you squealing over his shoulder. Tossing you onto the bed, tickling you until you’re both laughing and panting for breath. He sighs, leaning down to give you a kiss. “Love you, you little rascal,” he says. “Love you too, rapscallion.” You chortle, kissing him back.
There’s never a dull moment in your house.
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werewolfnightwalker · 11 months
It wasn't much, at first.
In fact it was nothing at all, just an empty one bedroom apartment and a mattress on the floor. But for Hawks, who never had anything that truly belonged to him, and for Touya, for whom this was a fresh start, it was everything.
Touya worked his ass off at his new job at Hawks' new agency; it was smaller than the first had been, the dozens and dozens of sidekicks reduced to a select few teams, who found themselves actually able to help their boss instead of just cleaning up his mess. Touya only had a desk job, days filled with filing reports back and forth, but when his desk was literally in Hawks' office and gave him free access to the hero's snack stash, he had no complaints.
Eventually, when they were able to pocket their first paychecks, they bought a table and chair set. It was secondhand, but it fit perfectly into the corner they designated the dining room. They even had enough left over to order takeout, which they got to eat at their new table.
At the next check, it was a bed frame. Some slats were missing, one leg wobbled, but Touya solved that with a quick venture to a cheap crafts store. They managed to find a couch, a recliner, and even an end table just by taking night drives through neighborhoods and whisking the furniture off the curb where it had been left out for trash. A handful of nails and duct tape, and a 24 hr rental of a steam cleaner did wonders for the old junk.
Mirko gave them their first TV.
"We don't want charity." Dabi scowled.
"It's not. I lost the remote and was gonna toss it anyways." She rebuked. They took it, and Hawks found the remote for five bucks online. Friday night was spent curled up under a shared blanket, watching a show on a streaming service they paid for themselves.
Bit by bit by tiny bit, their apartment came together. Soon they had a bookshelf, that they filled with books and knickknacks from garage sales and secondhand shops. They bought posters and paintings and flags and neat things to decorate their walls, until the apartment was colorful and alive. They found a desk and chair set at a flea market, and suddenly Touya had a place to do artsy things and try out hobbies he'd never had before.
Hawks won a laptop in a giveaway at another hero's agency, and found that he really liked online puzzle games in his downtime. Their Friday nights in front of the TV started to include playing games and knitting together. Eventually, they had enough to replace their cheap and plastic cookware with actually decent stuff. Touya, admittedly, cried a little when he bought his very own rice cooker.
It took months, maybe even years. But one day Hawks- Keigo, he wasn't at the agency right now, he was allowed to be Keigo- stopped and took a look around at his little apartment, at the coat rack he put together last weekend and the new curtains Touya had picked out, at Touya sitting on the couch with a book and the cat they took in from the streets, and realized he was home.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
So Mrs Barber had said that she loves Bed Bath and Beyond. How is she doing with the company going bankrupt and the stores doing their closeout sales?
She was very upset at first because she couldn't fathom the possibility of being forced to live without one of her premier happy places.
And then came the sales.
Just like that our Reader went into boss mode. After a brief conversation with her Mr. Andrew Barber, who also doubles as her Life Partner as well as her Partner in Crime, she marched on BB&B armed with a generous budget and a credit card before laying siege to their domestic offerings.
When she was finished, every member of the family had new bedding. She had a shiny new cookware set, coupled with a stand mixer and food processor.
Baby Girl also upgraded their selection of towels. Which is something Andy didn't quite understand. Especially their current towels had suddenly gone from being just fine to scratchy, threadbare rags in the span of her hours-long shopping trip.
But Andy didn't complain. Because when his Baby Girl is happy, the entire house is happy. Which is really all that matters to him. Besides, she was more than willing to show her appreciation the best way she knew how once they shipped the kids off to grandma's later on that same week...
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devirnis · 1 year
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
tagged by @panbuckley MWAH
trying to shift gears and focus more on the holiday au since holy crap we’re halfway through August already so winter will be here before I know it
Wednesdays are Buck’s favourite day at Kelly’s Department Store.
There’s not a lot of joy to be found in the soul-crushing world of working retail, so Buck seizes onto little moments of happiness wherever he can find them, and the Wednesday morning sales demonstrations that Buck gets to put on as head of the cookware section have been some of the few, consistent bright moments in his ten years at Kelly’s. Under the guise of showing off the new pots and pans to a handful of regular attendees, Buck gets to try his hand at the newest Chef Nash recipes – and gets paid to do it, to boot. Working retail after dropping out of college at nineteen might not have been part of Buck’s ten year plan – not that he’s ever had a ten year plan – but he supposes things could have turned out a lot worse. He’s been gainfully employed for a decade, he can pay his meagre bills. It’s not exactly the American Dream he heard about growing up, but it’ll do.
“Hey Buckley, you save any for me?”
Buck looks up from where he’s packing up leftovers from the demonstration to see Lucy Donato leaning against one of the kitchen displays, staring hopefully at the tupperware in Buck’s hands.
“Of course I did,” he says, handing it to her. Before he can even offer her a compostable fork, Lucy’s shovelling the food into her mouth with her bare hands. He grimaces. “You couldn’t go be an animal in the break room?”
if you wanna @dijkstraspath @bigfootsmom @homerforsure @alyxmastershipper @honestlydarkprincess @try-set-me-on-fire @spaceprincessem @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @prince-buck-diaz @shortsighted-owl @wildlife4life @starlingbite @jeeyuns
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auraismoonstone · 3 months
you dont understand, this is my dream cookware set and i cant afford it and its going to sell out soon bc its so fcking pretty and its on sale
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I find it really hard to believe she would be jumping into those respective industries without any pre-launch/set up. She's not known for her makeup, and the industry as it is right now is overly saturated with every celebrities brand because its a quick cash grab. and they're known for their beauty!!! (hello rihanna, selena, kim k) They also have massive fan bases that continually support them. Thats not meghans situtation, her podcast barely charted (I don't think it was renewed for season 2) and her book sales were abysmal. I dont think she has the financial capital to start it up herself. The kitchenware thing is also an entirely different ball game. But she has no back story in the kitchen, no youtube channel where she cooks. It doesn't make sense and it won't want to make people buy. It will just bring back that horrific video of her and hailey duff where she was beyond awkward.
If she doesn't relaunch the tig around the coronation i think she 1000% re-evaluating her brand being married. As it is right now, the tig will never be as famous as it could have been. There's a lot of people that dislike them both and if they proceed with the divorce, its going to get ugly.
You can create a makeup brand pretty easily with those incubator companies, no? And if she partners with the one with the Sephora link, she could get into retailers. However, she has no insider credibility and no real youth pull. Even Lady Gaga had trouble making it work.
Ditto with housewares. She could do a capsule with a big retailer, but then what? How does she keep it going? Who is her customer?
Carole had a pretty solid upper middle class customer base that liked the royal-adjacent glamour and a supermarket chain that catered to that base she could partner with. I don’t see the came kind of setup for Meghan in the US. She’s a bit too snotty for the Target/Sephora crowd.
Maybe William’s Sonoma for a cookware line with a charity component (WCF?). But she doesn’t have enough foodie cred for that either.
I’m drawing a blank. 🤷‍♀️
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hinnyfied · 2 years
Some Order era Jily!
Thanks for the suggestion! I meant to answer this with a drabble or ficlet and ended up with a one-shot instead lol!
I've got it on AO3 or below. :)
Lily was 18 years old when she lost her father. As she stood in his bedroom a few weeks later, overwhelmed by the piles of stuff on the bed and empty cardboard boxes on the floor, the only remotely comforting thought she could muster was that he was at peace with her mother now. He had been so very lonely these last few years with Mum gone, Petunia off in London, and Lily at Hogwarts.
The guilt of her prolonged absences following her mother’s death started to creep up, threatening to eat her alive, but she couldn’t go to pieces, not now. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, breathing deeply, then grabbed the box nearest to her and started piling books inside. She knew it would be faster with magic, but even with Petunia working separately down in the kitchen, Lily didn’t dare take her wand out. It had been hard enough getting along through funeral planning and working through the logistics of settling Dad’s affairs.The last thing she needed as they worked to sever the last, fragile thread that tied them to one another was a row about her abnormality.
Downstairs, she could hear the clanking of pots and pans as Petunia organised the cookware in solitude. Vernon and James were in the back garden, working on clearing out the old tool shed. They had both seemed rather reluctant to admit that it was a two-person job, but Lily was grateful that they set their feelings aside to work on it together.
Lily had yet to pack up her own room and move out, though it wasn’t for lack of options. Following her father’s accident, several friends had reached out to offer not only their condolences, but a place for her to stay until she found a place of her own. Even Sirius had suggested she take the spare room in his flat. The thought of being flatmates with him had struck her as such a ridiculous idea that his offer had actually been the first thing to make her laugh again after Dad’s death. Of course, the laughter hadn’t lasted long. She nearly immediately burst into tears and hugged him tightly.
“Is that a yes, Evans?”
“Absolutely not,” she had responded with a watery chuckle. “Thank you, though. It means a lot.”
“Probably for the best. I don’t need to start finding long red hairs tangled up in my–”
In the end, it was Marlene who she was planning to stay with for a while. Her flat only had one bedroom, but Lily was more than happy with a spot on the couch if it meant not waking up in her parents’ quiet, empty house every morning. Besides, it was only temporary; after the sale of the house, she’d be able to move into her own place.
The pile of books was nearly all packed now, but as she reached for the last one, her heart sank. It was Gulliver’s Travels – her father’s favourite book. He must have read it at least a couple dozen times, and judging by the bookmark that sat near the back of it, he had almost finished doing so again. Tears prickled at the corner of Lily’s eyes, brought on by the realisation that he would never finish it again.
Lily held the book tightly to her chest, hugging it as if it would somehow feel like hugging Dad. Ultimately she put the book not in the box for donations, but in her bag. She couldn’t bring herself to part with it.
“The shed is all taken care of,” came James’ soothing voice from the doorway. Lily wiped her eyes and looked up at him.
“You and Vernon didn’t kill each other then?”
“No,” James said with a tiny, temporary smile. “Wouldn’t complain about a break from him though. Do you want some help up here?”
Lily looked around the room, taking in the sheer volume of items that remained to be packed, all the pieces of Dad waiting to be shoved into a box and sent away. She wanted to answer James, to tell him she didn’t need help demolishing the remnants of her father’s life, but she was afraid that if she were to attempt to speak, she’d unleash her grief in full force and be reduced to nothing more than a puddle on the old rug beneath her feet.
James seemed to understand, walking over to her without another word and pulling her into a warm embrace. Tears leaked out from Lily’s eyes, settling into his shirt as he rubbed her back.
“Marlene’s going to get so sick of me, moping and weeping all over the place,” Lily said with a sad laugh as she pulled away from James and wiped away her tears.
“First of all,” James said both tenderly and sternly. “You’re not moping. You’re grieving, as you are well within your right to do.”
“Secondly,” he continued “I’ve been thinking about your living arrangement.”
“Have you?”
He didn’t answer her right away. James was usually one to blurt out his thoughts and feelings, especially to Lily, to have an idea or a whim and immediately want to tell her about it. It was peculiar, the way he was looking at her now, as though he were thinking very carefully and deliberately about what he was about to say.
“I don’t think you should move in with Marlene. I know she’s your best mate, but a couch is not a home, Lily. You’ll give yourself back problems for one thing.”
His concern was rather sweet.
“Well I’m certainly not moving in with Padfoot, if that’s where this is going,” she smirked.
“Having shared a dormitory with him for seven years, I think that’s very wise of you.”
There was that look again – the tentative, serious, not-at-all-James-Potter face.
“I want you to move in with me,” he finally said.
That was not what Lily had expected. James lived at Potter Cottage with his parents. Monty and Effie were wonderfully kind, and Lily had grown to love them very much in the year that she and James had been together, but they were a touch old-fashioned.
“You think your parents are going to be ok with two unmarried teenagers shacking up in their house?”
“Not exactly,” James said with a soft smile. “They are, however, more than happy to have you move into one of the spare bedrooms. There’s the one at the end of the hall that has its own attached bathroom, so you’d really have your own space.”
Lily nodded, taking in the offer. She had always felt at home at the Potters’, who had embraced her from the first moment she set foot in their home. She thought she ought to feel far more apprehensive than she did. Surely, she should be fretting about whether she and James would break up and how awkward that would be – moving out of his parents house. She should worry, but frankly, it didn’t worry her one bit.
“Even if you don’t live with us,” James continued, keen to fill the silence, “I’d want you to be at the house a lot anyway, you know, dinners and holidays and all that. You’re my family, and my parents think of you that way too.”
Lily’s heart swelled, and her throat felt unexpectedly thick. Her family had slowly disintegrated before her eyes; her sister’s condemnation, her mother’s illness, her father’s accident. She had feared she’d be left with no family at all in the end, but as she looked into James’ hazel eyes, full of love for her, she felt a glimmer of hope.
“Ok,” she managed. “If you’re sure they don’t mind.”
James beamed at her. “Not at all. They love you. Not as much as I do, of course, but they’re close.”
It was comforting, Lily thought as she and James kept working on the bedroom, the idea of waking up every morning in a house full of people who loved her. She would never fully recover from the loss of her parents, but she took solace in the fact that there was still family to be found – in James and the Potters, in their friends, in the Order. Perhaps even a few children of their own someday, their own little family.
Lily’s heart still ached as she started packing up her father’s jumpers, but it felt the tiniest bit easier to breathe.
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thejoyofseax · 1 year
A brief account of Pennsic 50
TLDR: Fantastic event, pity about the climate zone it's in.
Let me get that negative bit out of the way: I don't handle heat well, and Pennsic has absolutely punishing heat and humidity. I was basically unable to do anything useful between 13:00 and 17:30 on any given day (and right through the evening in the lower-lying lake-adjacent parts of the site). I tried to tough it out, but that didn't work, and I ended up sitting in the air-conditioned internet café for many of those hours through much of War Week. I didn't as much as see the battlefield, let alone the opening ceremonies, field battle, etc, because I would have just passed out on the field. As it was, I pretty much passed out on the day we were packing down because I was lifting and moving stuff in the heat, and couldn't go sit in the aircon. It was quite frustrating, and there was absolutely nothing that could be done about it.
So what I did do was go to classes in the mornings, do shopping at hours when I was able, and either hang out at our own camp, or go to various parties in the evenings.
The array of classes was downright incredible. There was no topic, as far as I could see, that was not touched upon at least. I went to about eight or ten in total, plus the sizable Arts & Sciences display. All of the classes I went to were food-related, and one of them, given by Magister Galefridus Peregrinus, jumped one of my longer-term projects forward by, I estimate, about two and a half years (it was about non-baking use of Fertile Crescent grains in Medieval Europe, and is relevant to my pre-Norman Irish Cooking stuff). I have good notes from many of the rest, too, and a raft of things to look up.
The shopping was also unbelievable. 200 stalls or so, and while some of them were more LARP or gamer-oriented, most were relevant. for myself, I got a basket-backpack of a kind I've been looking for for years, a pair of turnshoes, two small cast-iron pans, a new tooled leather belt, about six different kinds of smoked salt, various bits of Pelican bling, many metres of Drachenwald trim, and (appropriately) a very nice seax as a kitchen knife. Probably a lot of other stuff, too - I haven't unpacked yet - but those are the things that come to mind. I also bought a veritable pile of stuff for other people, and have taken note of a host of merchants for online buying later. There were some interesting gaps in the market, too - I would have thought that pre-strapped or bossed shields would be commonly available, and saw essentially none, and that there would be more period-ish cookware and camp equipment for sale (there was some, but not very much).
Speaking of cookware, it was notable how few camps had any period cooking arrangements. I saw some very impressive modern camp kitchen setups (the East Kingdom State Kitchen was essentially equivalent to the best indoor kitchens I've cooked in), but I saw precisely two period-ish kitchens, out of hundreds of camps (although I didn't see them all; that was just not possible). Given there were more than 11,000 people there, it was essentially not a thing that was done.
Some of the camps and buildings were terrifyingly fine, though. The Pleasure Pavilions were a set of absolutely beautiful tents, and Casa Bardicci is an actual miracle of construction. There were a varierty of other buildings, as well as gatehouses, ships, and so forth.
The social side of things is a slower burn. Putting faces to names, and meeting many of Nessa's fighting family was excellent, and there've been a number of conversations started that I think will go on for years (and a plot to try out various porridges on people with Baron Cormacc Mac Gilla Brigde). I also caught up with a number of people I haven't seen in years, and decades in some cases. I was particularly pleased to get to spend time properly with Duchess Qamar al-Nisa and Lady Alina Rose, who are two of my favourite people.
I expect I'll have some more thinking on various aspects of the event in time, and how some of the things there can be transferred to events here. I'd like to particularly note that climate aside, the site is fantastic, in terms of both geography and facilities. It also had fireflies and crickets, which made up for a lot.
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thessalian · 8 months
Thess vs The Unexpected
I mean, the work day wasn't unexpected. I got left with the lion's share of the fiddly annoying bullshit, which I finished ... well, more or less on time, since the grand finale for the afternoon was a seventeen-minute monstrosity by The Breast Guy. I was just about to start that off and praying I'd finish at least more or less by 5pm when my mobile rang - my stepfather. He's been at the other flat a lot lately, which means hey, great, maybe something's going to happen and this one will start getting renovated soon! (Though watch; I'm going to end up living back at the other flat for another three-plus years while he procrastinates. But at least he's doing stuff and I might be able to have an actual shower and non-leaky faucets sometime before 2025.) Anyway, I probably sounded frazzled, since his first response was, "Sorry to disturb". Then he asked if he could drop something off and I was like, "...Okay, sure", while wondering what the hell he could possibly be wanting to drop in my general direction.
The answer? ...Cutlery, apparently. They got new cutlery for themselves and thought I might like their old set (or, well, part of their old set, because I am highly unlikely to ever need more than four place settings at a go).
No, see, as may have been gathered by this point, the parentals have a lot more money than I do. This is why I tend to ask for things like cookware as Christmas and birthday gifts - they can afford the good stuff and understand this stuff as an investment. You know, better to have a really good pot that you may not have to replace in your entire lifetime than have a cheap piece of crap that'll be unusuable in a couple of years. The "Vimes 'Boots' Theory of Socio-Economic Unfairness" as applied to cookware. Now, when I was first living on my own, I had cheap crappy aluminium cutlery with about the heft of the average chewing gum wrapper (and almost the same ability to bend). But I graduated from that, in a sense - really good sale on a cutlery set at Habitat. So I have some pretty solid cutlery but not ... you know, The Best. The parentals, however? Probably not The Absolute Best either, but I have always been rather admiring of their cutlery. It is some solid shit, lemme tell you. So I guess they remembered how much I liked theirs and thought I would give it a good home. Which I obviously will, because if there's one thing my ongoing cookery kick has taught me, it's the benefits of having good shit in the kitchen.
Long story short, that cheered me up enough to get through the seventeen-minute monstrosity with ... okay, I was only really tempted to fling the laptop at the nearest wall once. So that's a win. I still hurt like hell, mind, and I'm counting the days to my week off (a little under two weeks and counting - my birthday present to myself every year), but there was a bright spot. New kitchenware has that effect. I got myself a wok recently, and my next purchase is going to be a 9" by 13" baking tin, which I need for a specific Baking Yesteryear dessert. (Actually for a lot of Baking Yesteryear desserts. Also brownies.) Also, bright spot in that the workday is over and after a little bit of time to let some of the OW fade, I will be making gluten-free fish fingers (well, technically cod goujons, but that's a wee bit pretentious) and relaxing with a little bit of Baldur's Gate 3 or something.
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doorstoplord · 2 years
In two more work days, I will be handed the keys to my apartment. I will shower in my shower and make dinner in my kitchen on the pretty cookware I bought on sale.
In three more work days I will sleep there. I will set up my desk and my bed and my laundry machine. I might install a security system. Might start shopping for a loveseat.
It’s so close. It’s so close I’m almost home.
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omgfloofy · 1 year
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I’m doing this as an image since I don’t want to drag anything down on the meaning that’s being presented in the original message nor do I want to bring hate on the people posting it. But at the same time I want to add something on this.
My most creative time with cooking came from when I was unemployed, and barely able to afford the roof over my head and to keep the bills running. I had a really really old Kitchenaid (I think retailed at like $150?) cookware set that I got when I was living with a roommate. (And I still have and use it to this day, while it’s like 14 years old now.)
I couldn’t afford to eat out a lot at that time, so I experimented and played around with making dishes that I really liked. This often meant playing around with boxed items from the store, or just making things from scratch. I learned to make several portions of tonkatsu for less than $7 or $8 total. It would give me 3-4 meals out of the week. I also recreated several restaurant dishes for a cheap cost.
You don’t need fancy equipment to recreate flavors you like. I had a partially busted electric stovetop that had an unevenly cooking oven and no fancy appliances in my kitchen - I lived in a dirt cheap apartment at the time that was in a low income area.
I can’t argue on the large city part, being that I had a grocery store nearby, but I also knew when to go to said store - based on when they were removing meat from the butcher counter and discounting it to get rid of it. I bought that frequently and kept freezer bags to freeze it in parts since it was just me. Even if you don’t live near one, learn that time for where you get food on your own.
The most unique thing I ever bought for my kitchen was an oven thermometer, but those aren’t expensive. You can find those for less than $10. I needed it to find the hot spots for my
Look up Dylan Hollis and his videos. He doesn’t use stand mixers or anything, to show that you don’t need that stuff to make the things he makes.
Another online source for recipes that makes things easy to follow, no matter what you have available to you: Food Wishes. His stuff is great and some of his recipes are now staples in my lineup.
If you want to get better cooking equipment, look up estate sales or garage/yard sales and buy them second hand. Good brands will last you a very long time. (Case in point with my kitchenaid stuff.) Also look up cookbooks at your local used bookstore, or even just get them from estate sales.
Another thing to remember: if things aren’t purchased at an estate sale, it usually just goes into the trash, so you’re basically saving something from the landfill in that case. Estate sales are always your friend,and they almost always happen at least on a semi regular occurrence, regardless of where you live.
And one of the recipes I made during that period is very much my own and one of the favorites my friends enjoy me making. You never know what you can and will accomplish when you’re forced to be creative in the kitchen.
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mizufae · 2 years
If anybody is currently looking to improve their cooking and part of the issue is crappy pots and pans, macy’s is having hella sale on some very sturdy and Mizu-approved cuisinart cookware sets. This is the one I’ve had for ages now and have put through hell, it’s currently over $200 off. Things I enjoy about these pans: dishwasher safe. Lids can be put in the dishwasher like plates because they are thin. Edges of pots and pans are tapered so you can actually pour liquid and not make a huge mess. Heavy bottoms that retain heat. Handles long enough to not get super hot. All of it can go in the oven. Have stood the test of time and much idiocy. Apparently cuisinart has some kind of replacement guarantee but I’ve not yet had to utilize it. Anyway, after I got used to these pans my cooking was noticeably better, because I could know what they were hot enough, what would and wouldn’t fit, how long to take something off the heat, etc. If you find them secondhand, grab some, but this is the cheapest I’ve seen this set for a long time.
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antara93 · 1 year
What is the difference between steel alloy and cast iron?
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To begin with, steel alloy and cast iron are both types of metal alloys that are widely used in various industries. Although they share some similarities, there are significant differences that set them apart. Steel alloy is made by combining iron with other elements such as carbon, manganese, and chromium. Steel typically contains less carbon than cast iron, making it more ductile and malleable. Its tensile strength is higher, and it's more resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for use in building structures, machinery, and automobiles.
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Cast iron, on the other hand, is formed by melting iron and adding carbon, silicon, and other elements. Cast iron contains a higher percentage of carbon, making it harder and more brittle. It is generally used in applications where high compressive strength is required, such as in the production of engine blocks, cookware, and pipes. Cast iron is also more prone to cracking under pressure or impact than steel alloy.
In conclusion, the differences between steel alloy and cast iron are based on their composition and properties. Both materials have distinct advantages and disadvantages, and their suitability depends on the specific application. By the way, after talking about it, only one company name comes to my mind that is Datre Corporation Ltd, is a leading manufacturer of high-quality steel casting products that meet the highest industry standards in Eastern India. So you can confidently utilise their products for your industrial needs.
Company name: Datre Corporation
Address: Falta Industrial Growth Center (F.I.G.C), Sector — III South 24 Parganas, Pin — 743 504, West Bengal, India
Phone No: 7605087010, 7605087007, 7605087008
Landline No: +91 7605087008
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your-dietician · 2 years
Volkswagen's New ID Buzz EV Van Already Has a Slide-In Camper Unit
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/volkswagens-new-id-buzz-ev-van-already-has-a-slide-in-camper-unit/
Volkswagen's New ID Buzz EV Van Already Has a Slide-In Camper Unit
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Ququq is based in Germany and actually makes five different versions of its camperbox modules for many types of European SUVs and vans, as well as some Japanese and American makes. These modules include a camper bed, kitchen, and storage in a single, typically slide-in unit that give owners a place to cook—including a gas stove—and to sleep while camping without breaking the bank with a full camper conversion.
Essentially a box containing the kitchen items forms the basis for a 3.9-inch-thick foam folding mattress that is between 43.3 and 52.75 inches wide depending on which version you get and folds out to 76.77 inches long when fully deployed. The best part is that you don’t need to rip out the vehicle’s rear interior to make it work. If you have a vehicle that has a third row seat (all U.S.-spec ID Buzzes will), it needs to be able to fold flat or be removed, but the second row doesn’t have to. For vehicles that have fold flat or removable second row seats, the bed’s forward end can be supported by chains or straps attached to either the grab handles or the upper seat belt anchors, or by its integrated folding legs on the bed. For vehicles with non-removable, but foldable second row seats that don’t fold completely flat with the cargo floor, you can use foam blocks to support the forward section on the folded-flat seat backs. Using those two handles on each side of the box, a set of lashing straps hold the box in place inside the vehicle while a smaller strap holds the folded bed down while in transit.
When everything is set up, you have a fully capable camper with a cooking stove; a place to store food, water and other items; and a small table to work with that pop out from below the bed.
The water storage is made for those rectangular water jugs with an integrated tap, and the bin below it can hold a small container to let you clean your dishes and silverware. The cooking stove is on a slide-out cabinet that has a wind protector and another place to store those dishes, cookware, and silverware. Push everything back in when you’re finished cooking, and the ID Buzz is good to go on an electric excursion without having to break down an extensive camp.
Done camping generally for a time, or need to use either the cargo hold or those third-row seats? You and a friend can remove the 140- to 195-pound assembly (depending on which version you get, but the BusBox is typically the heaviest of Ququq’s camping modules) out of your vehicle and store it away until you’re ready to use it again.
Ququq has already shown off the BusBox 4, which is made specifically for the upcoming ID Buzz, but that’s not the only version that Ququq has. These BusBoxes are made to work with the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter and Metris vans, the Ram ProMaster, and the Ford Transit for European vans built for sale here in the U.S. They also offer the Flat Box camping modules for the Land Rover Discovery 3 and 4, the Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Sienna, Chrysler Pacifica, Lexus GX, and Honda Odyssey; the Kombi Box for the Ford Transit Connect; the D Box for the Defender 110 up until 2018; and the G Box for the 1979-2018 Mercedes G-Class, but only for the long-wheelbase version. Despite being built in Germany, these modules are sold in the U.S. by RRE, a company in Nevada that specializes in Overland Vehicle and Conversion Van parts and accessories.
While we know that there are many DIY conversions out there that might do this same basic task for very little cash using wood, it looks like the Ququq camper modules are a perfect solution for those who who just want a plug-and-play way to take their van camping. The modules start at $3,990 while the BusBox tops out at $4,490 for the version 2 that includes a pedestal to allow the bed to be fully folded while the rear seats are folded down.
We asked VW if the BusBox for the ID Buzz would be available at U.S. dealerships and for how much, but unfortunately, it hasn’t disclosed the ifs or whens by saying, “We are looking at offering a kitchen/bed module in our market and looking to leverage an established manufacturer. However, it’s too soon to say what the final features, pricing or sales channels would be.” In the meantime, we can’t wait to see if the classic Westfalia pop-top treatment makes a comeback for the ID Buzz. But such a creation would surely cost silly money, which is all the more reason to get excited for the Ququq BusBox.
Read the full article here
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