#cooking up some truly stupid fic hopefully! once finals are done i hope i can actually work on it
suterbuyout2024 · 2 months
im so glad someone else on wildblr watches jet lag! ben and brock faber have the same vibe. to me
omg yes they share a very specific Little Guy Shape. i like to imagine that if ben ever for some godforsaken reason got buff they'd be nigh indistinguishable. but yes !!! so good to know other ppl on here like jet lag, it's such a fun show :3
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dulharpa · 4 years
this is for hayley! @whistlingwillows a dear friend <3333
it’s meant to be a birthday present haha. i just want to shower you in love;;; so thought maybe i could go through as many of your fics and comment on them :^)))
(TO EVERYONE ELSE: please go to @whistlingwillows blog and read her fics!!! they are SO FCKIN GOOD AND AMAZING AND UGH HER MIND (it’s a lot of mcu and her bucky and steve fics are a*. i DEFINITELY RECOMMEND))
i wish you a VERY happy birthday and i hope we stay friends for many more years <3333333333 
i’m going through your masterlist heehee ;)))
ah first off, nice theme! i never could rlly see it before because i’m always on mobile heehee. also sorry for not reviewing them before??? i don’t usually read fics on tumblr as you’ve probably guessed;;
far from home -  bucky x stark sister!reader
firstly, i like how youre introducing the reader from buckys pov, like you can sort of already gather what shes like from them
‘Bucky can hear Tony’s soft inhale, feel the intensity of the man’s glare directed at Steve. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but a twitch of muscle would be enough to alert both men that he’s here. With the amount of tension crackling in the air, a brush against the wall would be equivalent to a thousand cymbals crashing in cacophony.’
IM CRYING ALREADY. the imagery in here is GLORIOUS. your tone here is so fitting! oo and the alliteration here is perfecto
ooooooo!! the backstory coming in  👀👀
‘despite what some people think that Steve and Captain America are two different personas, there will always be parts of Steve in the Avenger, and parts of the Avenger in Steve. They both want to believe in something good. They are, after all, one in the same.// Just as how Bucky and the Winter Soldier are the same man despite everything. HYDRA simply amplified the hate, fertilized the seeds of rage, curated the quiet thunder within his soul, within James Buchanan Barnes so that the Winter Soldier could thrive.’
yIKES! lol this is very character study like! nICE. it hurts tho, my poor children, i love you both 
oo ‘starlight eyes’ that is a very nice way of describing them
‘“Then what was London?” The protesters. “São Paulo?” The earthquake. “Vancouver?” Freezing cold water.//“Look, I care if Stark’s gonna run us over trying to find her. I care enough because she’s part of our team. Come off it, Steve. I know she can take care of herself. I’m gonna take a nap. Dr. Cho said no partying post-Singapore and what do you know, we throw the biggest party ever.’
ooo singapore uwu and london? (coincidence? haha jkjk) and the hints abt reader and buckys background are so good?? but so annoying??? like i just wanna KNOW yknow?? 
‘The water runs copper and the sting bites at his palm as he tries not to think. Tries to focus on the numbing cold that runs over his skin.’ 
your imagery is so vivid?? im actually in awe??? i am so regretful i havent kept reading your fics. like i know they are amazing, i just keep putting them off??? idk man. hopefully this makes up for it (gd tho, im still not done with commenting on one fic. this is what im doing with my motivation teehee ;)
‘ He feels weak. Tired. He wants to go back to bed but he also wants to stay out in the sun for a few hours more. The sun kisses his skin through the windows and he squints against the blue sky, wondering ‘
mood during this quarantine lol
‘“Oh, right.” Your voice is flat, uninterested, cold, as you stare at him. “You killed my parents.”Shit.‘
ooo robin as a nickname noice. very much gives me batman vibes lol
oh! and the way of doing the ‘flashback’ is neat! very original. it both tells us what happened AND buckys reaction to it again. he can re-analyse himself and reader. very cool
‘If you walk away now, don’t bother coming back!” Silence. Bucky can hear his own strained breathing, your soft sigh as you soaked in his ultimatum.’
👀👀 yikes that ultimatum. :// not good bucky. tbf theyre both trying to hurt each other but Yikes
eyy!!! readers pov!! finally! and the switch after we find out the outsiders pov? brilliant
oh no :(( more angst
‘When’s the last time you saw your therapist?”“Don’t have one. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”’ they BOTH need therapists;;;;
very good fic!!! :DD they rlly do hate each other! i definitely like how you went back and forth with the timeline! it gave me a v strong idea on what yn was like even before we rlly got introduced. i am now very curious on where reader is? i love your characterisations! 
i will read the 10k+ fics but heck the last one took me ages lolol (i will comment in the future tho!! i promise <3 ) (that took me over an hour jjhghgdjh)
slipping away- amnesiac modern bucky x reader
‘ Put your fucking seatbelt on’
oh no, istg theyre going to have a car crash arent they (’ doesn’t put the seatbelt on to spite you.’ NO PLEASE PUT IT ON U DUMBASS)
ok,,,,, at LEAST he put it on before he got hit, thank heck. but still. youre so cruel to your poor characters lmaoo
oh gosh
‘You fall apart slowly, like pieces of you peeling away until you’re nothing more than your broken heart. The sobs that wrack your body are relentless and you shove your forearm into your mouth to muffle your cries. You want to bite into your skin. You want to distract yourself from the agony tearing you to shreds. You want to feel anything but the pain.///Tears sweep into your hair, cloud your vision and your whole face floods with heat as you try to breathe through the pain. You’re cleaved into pieces on that bed, eyes squeezed shut as the tears keep flowing, and your throat burns’
this hurts damn, it is so vivid?? i can really feel it 
i am so glad you got into writing yk?? so glad
NO PLS, TELL HIM. TELL HIM :((( ‘shes nice once you get to know her?? shes known nat for years now!! years!!
oh god ‘he looks younger without the burden of your time together’ this is so angsty omg
‘Well, he was stumbling through his apology and I just let him finish.” Your body fills with warmth as you remember his embarrassed smile, the way he shoved his baseball cap farther down his head, chin tucked to his chest, trying to hide that face. “When he was done, I opened my mouth to say something polite but what came out was ‘You look like someone I’d very much like to kiss’.”
this is so soft i stg im crying in the club
OH SHITTTTTTTTTTT , you left it off like that!!! thats so cruel!!!! i can’t!!! how dare you!!!! :””””””((( im typing this with tears in my eyes ill have u know!!
anyway!!! very good fic!! you could honestly make that into a longfic very easily lol. i felt too many emotions :(( 
i was just about to say where is the fluff!! where is it!! when i saw the next one and yay :))) pls i cant have more angsty stuff rn
cookies and rings and things bucky and reader
‘how much do you love me?’ ‘count the snowflakes, multiply by a million’
did you have to start the fic off with such a SOFT line? its so soft! so TENDER 
‘He wonders what kinda insane person wears socks without any clothes on, but then decides that it’s the kind of person who’s fallen in love with him.’  jesus, the soft moments filled with love are the greatest <3
you can write fluff so well, whyd you have to pain me with all that angst ;””””) (1/10 hurt, 9/10 comfort is the way to go lolol) (jkjk ill read the angsty ones too when i have the spoons) (gonna reread that hydra steve one and ik thatll fuck me UP)
‘ Then, he can feel the cold metal of the ring she slid onto her own finger less than twenty-four hours ago and realizes that he had thought a lot of things shouldn’t be possible, and yet they still are. ‘
you literally brought me to tears reading this softness, you have truly found my weakness
‘ She’s so damn gorgeous with flour on her face and eye bags beneath her eyes that he’s sure she will inevitably make his heart burst ‘
he already likes her so much! i can’t believe this is affecting me so much :’)
‘Bucky is quite sure Sam is in love with his girlfriend in the fact that he’s in love with the fact that his girlfriend is possibly in love with Bucky’
this is so soft??? sam loves reader bc reader loves bucky sm. pls my hear <3333
you do fluff SO WELL DAMN 
‘F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice echoes in his small little perch and he still thinks it’s weird without having the side effect of Stark in his suit chasing after him to hear the A.I. but he shoves that uncomfortable feeling of the dead man out of his head. That is too much regret to unpack right now on a mission. ‘
yike bringing back that reminder oof
but thats so soft??? (i am def overusing soft but,,,,, i love it and the vibe) she sent him cookies! god i can feel the love  
‘She expresses her feelings through cooking, which Bucky has learnt the hard way. One time, they got into an argument over something stupid—he can’t even remember what started it—and came to the kitchen at 2AM to see her sitting at the kitchen island crying her eyes out and surrounded by baskets of muffins.’
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 my hEART
you show how much they love each other in so many ways??? i am dying
“Alright, I like it.” Rolling his eyes, he pecks her forehead and she smiles victoriously. It’s so adorable that Bucky, with less than three hours of sleep, adds, “God, I want to marry you.//”“What?”//Oh.Shit.
oh my god! i am literally tearing up!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!
oh shit o am literally crying
your fluff got me crying harder than your angst i hope youre happy
I really hope you enjoy reading this?? i keep forgetting to like text you but i wanted to do something for your birthday. especially in quarantine when everythings gone crazy. one year i swear ill do something REALLY good for you. not making promises bc i hate if i dont. but ill like, learn how to podfic because you D E S E R V E  I T 
ive spent like three hours doing this lolol 
thank you so much for everything hayley!
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anxious-vigil · 6 years
Misunderstandings (Pt 2)
Summary: Virgil needs someone to help him through panic attacks, and Logan seems to be the perfect solution. However when he approaches the other side, assumptions are made and soon he’s left alone and confused, trying to track down Logic just to ask him where things went wrong. Romantic identity angst fic with like a paragraph of crack at the very end. I’ve since realised it’s also heavily inspired by Platonic by @randomslasher so you should go read that as well if you haven’t already. On Ao3 here
Trigger warnings: Graphic descriptions of panic attacks, mentions of self harm, discussions of sexual/romantic identity, some aro-phobic language, lots of arguing and self-deprecation
Pairings: Analogical, background Royality
Chapter 2
Recognising that maybe he started off a little strong, who'd wanna spend an entire evening with Anxiety? Virgil passes the next month or so trying to spend time with Logan. Not that it's easy or anything, in fact he thinks he's actually seen him less than he used to before this whole thing started. Logan's even stopped attending group movie nights with any regularity. He might think he was driving the other away but he's made efforts to be as little of an annoyance as possible, so much so that it's a bit of a stretch, even for the literal embodiment of Anxiety himself, to see himself as the problem.
He's been asking Logan once or twice a week to do a small activity with him, a jigsaw, a crossword,to see if they can identify the bird Patton keeps seeing out of the window above the kitchen sink when he's washing up. Nothing but an expression that gets more and more pinched every time he shows up. He's even done some in-depth research on aromanticism to make sure he's not doing anything horrifically offensive. He doesn't think so from the information he's seen, and he got to the fifth page of Google. Logan would be proud, well, maybe if he could just track him down to tell him.
One week he tried to casually show up at mealtimes when Logan would be there. Nada. He's starting to think it might just be his presence Logan dislikes, what if he affects the other sides like his room does and he's just making the other more and more nervous each time he shows up? Logan surely would have said something by now but Virgil just doesn't know why he's being avoided so much. It's starting to really hurt and it's showing in how anxious he, and by default Thomas, is getting. It's awful to say the least and it doesn't help how Roman and Patton keep making strange comments about how it'll all work itself out in the end and how there are bumps in the road to true love, always accompanied by a wink or occasionally a lewd comment from Roman and Virgil doesn't understand that either. They must know Logan's aro and he's talked to Patton about how stressed the idea of dating makes him, so what on earth are they getting at? Still, as horrible as the last week's been, he's going to make one last ditch attempt at getting to know Logan before he gives up.
The idea of having someone to soothe him through his panic attacks, someone to tear apart Roman's choice at movie night with, someone who he can just spend time with... it's addictive and he doesn't want to let go of the idea yet. He just wants a friend who doesn't spend half their time with their tongue down Roman's throat. Is that too much too ask? Who is he kidding. It's Anxiety we're talking about. Of course he's gonna fuck this up.
The next time he feels anxious, Thomas is about to start writing the script for the next Sanders Sides video and is staring down a blank page. If he starts affecting Thomas now, he knows the anxiety about starting off will hound his host for a week, making him procrastinate on everything. He doesn't want to put Thomas through that. All he wants to do is have Logic tell him everything's gonna be ok. It's been about three days since he tried to cook lunch for everyone and one portion sat in the fridge with a post-it note until the pasta started to look mummified and Virgil threw it away with tears pricking in his eyes. Patton helped him scrub away the cheese crusted onto the plate and the mindless chatter was somehow worse than all the silence he's been enduring these past weeks.
He grabs a random book from the common area, not really planning on reading it, his thoughts are spinning too much, but hopes Logan will accept it as an excuse to intrude on his space. With Virgil reading quietly, Logan won't even have to look at him if he doesn't want to. It's not until he's halfway up the stairs that he realises it's an Agatha Christie. Logan's gonna think he's such a suck-up but he's hyperventilating slightly and the idea of turning back to get another book seems insurmountable. He's not really expecting much when he knocks on Logan's door but this is a last line of defence against his scattered panicking thoughts. He needs a calm presence even if Logan does hate him like he seems to.
The door swings open with a crash and Logan appears in front of him, glaring. Virgil startles, his nerves too shaken for him to keep still. “Well?” Logan snaps, as he raises his book like a shield and opens his mouth to ask if he can read in his room. Logan's gaze sweeps across the title and his eyes roll. “Yes, ok.” He steps back to let Virgil in but he's rooted to the spot. This isn't calming. It's making everything worse. What has he done to Logan? “IN!” Logan barks, obviously fed up of his dithering and he scurries past the threshold, aiming fir the window seat, clutching the novel tight as if it could protect him. He doesn't make it to sit down before Logan's yelling.
“No, you know what, Virgil?” he sneers. “I don't owe you my time. It's not my fault you're incapable of putting two and two together. I'm not interested in you.” Virgil's staring at him in shock, eyes quickly overflowing. He was so stupid, thinking Logan would want to help him. He's the villain for god's sake. Seeing his dumbstruck face, Logan explodes. “Was this a surprise? Are you really that STUPID? I TOLD you I'm aro! I don't LIKE you and I NEVER will! So you can stop asking me on dates like some lovesick fool! I've made it as obvious as possible that I'm NOT INTERESTED!”
Barely aware of dropping the book, Virgil raises shaking hands to try and block the sound buffeting around him. His brain shut off as soon as the yelling started and now he's in full panic mode. The second there's a gap in the noise, he bolts.
Logan stumbles slightly as Virgil rushes past him. He sighs and adjusts his glasses. It is... regrettable that he blew up like that but hopefully now they can move past this little misunderstanding and Virgil can move on from his crush. He hopes they can be friends now, he has missed having a truly platonic friendship with Patton and Roman, things have been slightly awkward ever since the incident. Maybe this will finally stop their clowning as well, but he doubts it. As the romantic and emotional sides, they've always struggled to understand his identity and, as his friends, they are invested in what they perceive as his 'happiness'. He was surprised when the anxious trait shared their desire for a partner but still, he feels he dealt with the situation as best he could. He'll give Virgil some time to himself to sort out his feelings and then see if they can discuss things rationally and come to an agreement.
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