#cookie cat theory but saying bismuth’s treatment was anti black is a stretch please
starlooove · 3 months
2 me besides the fact that su didn’t handle colonialism and genocide well at all; the real issue with rose quartz is that she didn’t get that other ppl were tied down by promises obligations and commitments. This is where the colonialism issue comes in; but I saw a vid of someone saying ppl are mad but rose quartz wanted freedom and got it and that’s not a bad thing which is true EXCEPT for that she is a pillar of a colonizing planet and she provided the fuel for them to try and actively exterminate the planet she found refuge on. It’s true that ur allowed to cut ppl off who hurt you but rose also started a rebellion which others joined under false pretenses and got damn near everyone killed. Like ppl are mad the diamonds didn’t have any teeth but that HAD to happen bc the show shifted from the homeworld destroying earth plot to dysfunctional family and that’s why it sucked sorry
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