xormxail · 3 years
Breaking Point || Peter & Remus
When: Present Day - Game Time Where: London - Peter’s Apartment  With: Remus @lvpinremvs​
His hands trembled some as Peter looked over the parchment, he had to keep wiping his eyes, not wanting tears to fall and smudge the ink. He just... couldn’t think of anything else. The attack in the World Cup, the attack on Hogsmeade... the attack in London. So many dead and he as well have been party to it. He wanted to live, so badly, but he couldn’t handle living between both words, forced to walk the line or be damned either way. 
There was no good ending for him by now... Better to just, leave quietly. It seemed fitting, he’d never had a spine in life, why should this be any different? Not that he knew what he’d do. Hide out as a rat for the rest of his life? But even then the Dark Lord knew what he could become... He’d find him. God. Peter wiped at his eyes again and jumped up off the chair in shock when there was a knock at the door, sliding a book over most of the parchment he went to answer, wand in shaky hand. 
He peered through the peephole and let out a breath when he saw Remus. But even friends weren’t safe now. He could know. 
Peter cautiously opened the door, just enough to poke his head out and see the other man. “R-Remus. W-why are you here?” he asked quietly, sniffing and looking down to try and hide his puffy eyes.   
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wxrmtxil · 3 years
When: Present Day (Game Time) - Evening  Where: London - Peter’s Apartment With: Remus Lupin @remloopin​
It wasn’t much, but it was a damn sight more than what he’d had before. There was enough money left in his vault to see him through for a while, he’d never been a frivolous spender, and the Ministry was compensating him for his ‘information’ so he had security, a roof over his head, a bed, a damn bed. Despite that the first thing he’d bought had been a hamster cage complete with a wheel, water bottle and bedding. He’d spent the better part of the last five years as a rat, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep comfortably as a human anymore. 
He kitted out the cage, luxury compared to what he’d endured, and had just finished setting it up under the bed when there was a soft knock at the door. He frowned, spiked of fear jabbing at his heart, and made for the door. He wasn’t a fool; there were plenty of people from both sides of the finished war who’d want him gone, these first few months would likely be just as dangerous as his time on the run. 
Luckily, his place was warded, and there was a peephole. Creeping with a stealth he’d harnessed over the years, Peter reached the door and his breath caught at the man on the other side; no matter how man years passed he’d recognise that scarred visage. Letting out his breath, he lowered his wand and unlatched the door. 
He swallowed, pulled it open, and was face to face with Remus for the first time in half a decade. 
“Hello Mooney.” he whispered. 
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catprofessor · 5 years
No Different || Remus & Minerva
It was the first official day of a new term and after only a handful of years her herself she liked to think it was all rather simple to her now. This year, though, was already proving to be something of a special one; she’d never questioned Albus’ decisions in the past and to her mind it was brave of both he to invite a young affected boy to the school and even more so that the boy agreed to come. She thought, with some pride, that it was no doubt he’d been sorted into her house. Now came the time to ensure he was perfectly aware of his position. 
She’d sent an owl to the breakfast table that morning asking young Mr. Lupin to come and see her once he’d finished eating and she’d scarcely sat in her chair when a small knock sounded upon her door. “Come in.” she said briskly, watching as the boy entered her office, “Have a seat Mr. Lupin.” Minerva gestured to the chair opposite her desk, “As you’re within my house now I thought it best you and I have a wee chat regarding some matters.”
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silenciorosier · 5 years
Good For What Ails You || Evan & Remus
The Leaky Cauldron was a marvellous hang out for Witches and Wizards operating on a slightly... lower, scale than those he was usually able to charm. Some, like his dear Narcissa, might think such places unworthy of their time, yet there was so much to learn and so many more people to win over. This eve he’d spend just over an hour talking with a teller and Flourish and Blotts and found out a specific customer had been buying many books exotic creature rearing. If someone was trading in such beasts getting access to that menagerie could be very useful for some plans down the line. 
Little things, that was all it was. A dozen little things could work as one to open doors without the need for attention-drawing spells or even actions on his behalf. Working crowds like this had gotten him where he was just as much as his exceptional duelling talent and (hidden) vicious streak. He’d learned all he wanted to though and sent the teller on her way with a subtle mention of her partner no doubt waiting at home. He could’ve had her himself should he wished but woman, while delectable, were often far too easy.   
Scanning the pub, he saw everyone had paired off or was in small groups, chatting, laughing, or in some cases consoling with one another. All except a singleton half cloaked in shadows in the corner of the room. He tilted his head and a wry smirk flitted across his face. Now, there seemed a fun little challenge. He elegantly rose to his feet and plucked his firewhiskey from the table, meandering between the groups still he reached the shadowy area. 
“You look like a man full of mystery and depth.” he said lightly, sliding down across from him, “I like that. So I thought I’d do a little more investigating for myself. Care to chat with a new friend?” Or, perhaps more if he had his wicked way. 
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The Beginning {Flashback} || Peter & Remus
When: September 1971 Where: Hogwarts Express With: Remus @lvpinremvs 
Peter had never wished harder that he was invisible. 
Bad enough his Father hadn’t said anything about magic (he was still working very hard to digest that fact) but now he wasn’t going to the small local school down the road in his small hometown but instead had been dragged wide-eyed through London in baggy robes (that he still thought were a little too much like dresses) and bundled onto a train without so much as a goodbye before his father took off, not even waiting till the train left. 
He’d toed off his shoes, they weren’t all that comfy, and tucked his legs under him, all but hidden as a pile of clothing in the smallest carriage at the back of the train and hoped no-one would come down this far. The train had only been going for a little while and he’d busied himself looking out the window when the door opened and he jumped, looking over wide-eyed at another boy who... Holy heck... those scars were scary... He couldn’t help but stare for a few moments before looking at the floor instead. Would he want him to leave? Kick him out? He’d go without a fight. 
Peter swallowed and couldn’t help but be tense, unable to speak a word in greeting or apology, his hands clasped in his lap and his gaze boring into them as though they held the secret of the universe. 
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pettigrewwhiskers · 6 years
Pieces to be Picked Up || Peter & Remus
Where || Hogwarts Infirmary
When || 1975 
With || @patchycoat
Peter sniffed as he shook his head at a concerned Madame Pomfrey. He’d walked in with red-rimmed eyes, an obvious sign of a few shed tears, and she’d assumed the worst. “I’m sorry, I-I’m fine, Madame Pomfrey,” his voice soft and shaky. He wiped his nose and looked at the woman, knowing he’d need to give a little more info if he wanted to be left alone. “We were making a waking drought in potions and the fumes hit me a little.” he added hastily, and she seemed convinced. One of Peter’s unsung strengths was to lie so convincingly, though most of the time it rarely got them out of trouble.
However it did the job and he asked if he could see Remus. After finding out what had happened Peter’s gut felt as thought it had shot down to the dungeons and still hadn’t returned. He’d been on edge all day, Sirius studiously not speaking with James who’d grown tenser and tenser as Peter tried to talk about it until he’d yelled at him between classes. Now finished for the day he’d legged it straight to the hospital wing (avoiding the seventh year Slytherins on the way) hoping at least Remus would be willing to talk to him now.
He gulped as he made his way over to the bed, head hanging low, shoulders hunched and his fingers wringing nervously like devils snare capturing prey. “H-hi mate.” he said quietly, hurrying on so he could at least finished before Remus told him to get out... he probably would, it wasn’t like Peter had anything to offer anyone. “I-I know you probably don’t want me here but, please- It’s just... I didn’t know anything had happened, I swear I didn’t! A-and now Sirius isn’t talking and James h-he got mad and yelled at me and I promise I won’t say anything unless you wanna, just please... Can I stay here for a little bit?”
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
@swearwolfremus liked for a starter
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Recognizing the man in front of him, Zane couldn’t help but grin and say hello.  “If it isn’t the my partner in moving people that one day at the cauldron shop.  How have you been?”  
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evansslily · 10 years
Mr Remus Lupin, you are late. Mas existe uma grande possibilidade de eu esquecer esse pequeno detalhe se você tiver uma boa quantidade de doces com você. Tenho a ligeira impressão de que os elfos domésticos simpatizam mais com você e te dão os melhores bolinhos. Uma injustiça sem tamanho, é claro.
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xormxail · 3 years
When: April 22nd 1981 Where: Peter’s Apartment With: Remus @lvpinremvs​
The kettle clicked off and Peter poured boiling water into two mugs, careful not to spill any on his bare arms. Misleading as it was, he was taking the opportunity to wear short sleeves and show he had nothing to hide; other Order members couldn’t know even Dark Marks had faded in this mad time. While everyone else was scrambling, Peter couldn’t recall a time in ages he’d felt so peaceful. The Death Eaters were so desperate to fix the current situation he’d been all but forgotten. 
Remus had come around to check on him again and it wasn’t until he registered the other looking at him in surprised that Peter realised he’d not stuttered once in greeting him. In fact, he’d not stuttered at all since their magic had vanished. Now he was making them some toast and tea, bringing the latter to the table while the former was cooking. “I can’t think when this will be fixed, or how.” he said quietly, “Does it make me a bad person for not exactly minding it?” After all, he’d been raised muggle, the world was no stranger to him. And no magic meant, for however long this lasted, no war. 
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sunflowers-and-lilies · 10 years
Who would have thought...
That squid is really sweet. I mean, as sweet as a life sized krackon could be.It helped a first year out of the water. I think it winked, as well. That's really creepy. 
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@vetuslupus. Eight-Year-Old Harry (Ask limit sucks man)
Harry grinned and tugged him a little more forcefully towards the ice-cream shop. "I think double chocolate chip," he nodded. "Can I get two scoops, Uncle Remus?"
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Lies, all of it. That ointment you smear over your hair smelled horrid and made me tear up the whole time.
Liar. My hair is naturally this perfect. Try again.
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