#convo svein
sanson-laurent · 9 months
Sanson had no doubt Svein would arrive exactly when he said he would. Despite the letter saying that there was no need to prepare, Sanson did so anyway. Perhaps it was still his life as a human pushing him along, but he procured some wine and light snacks, as well as some blood. With Remus gone, he had been stuck in his own head for a long time. Maybe, just maybe, being with Svein would help. The sexual implications, though, were not happening. No, never.
Turning to the door, he opened it. "You have your own room."
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taryn-bannon · 2 years
The more Taryn read, and studied, the more he learned about himself. His species. Inugami were shapeshifters. Celestials were healers (or egregiously egotistical as another master once said). Someone called him a half-breed while trying to explain, and another said he was quite a rare mix of two. Still, learning intensified his curiosity. But he also knew his place. He understood he was bound until someone deemed it fit to let him try to learn more. He would have to remain patient, and do his best to be as good a candidate to bring home as anyone else. As he was reading, he felt eyes on him and glanced up. “... I’m sorry... did you wish to read this?”
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I have realized that I'm horribly and terribly lonely. I don't have any real connection with any of my so called "friends".
Once upon a time in 8th grade (I'm in 12th now), I met a guy behind a container named Svein. We got to talking and it turned out we were both on our way to meet a friend. Said friend had planned to introduce us to each other.
We became fast friends, constantly talking and hanging out. This kept going till our confirmation in the middle of 9th grade. After that we sort of fell out cause he moved school quite far away + he got some new friends.
Skip forward to 1VGS (11th grade) we both ended up taking media at the same school, and media has only one class per grade here so we're in the same class.
At this point prostitution pit (group of friends throu out 10th grade) had not yet been broken up, so I was kind of okey (not really, but I was surviving) about not being able to connect with Svein. Or you know talking to anyone at all. There is one girl Cami, she's a friend of Svein, we used to hang out quite often at one point. I was bearly abel to speak with her too.
It got better at the end of 11th (and thank fuck for that), I don't really know how or why, but it got better. I talked with them dayly.
And then the two last weeks before summer came and prostitution pit went up in flames. It ended because I broke up with my boyfriend who was apart of the group, and so did Falcon. (My boyfriend was kind of abusive and shit, it took me months to build up the courage to break up whit him.)
I'm still good friends with Falcon and The Lord, well they are my only friends really... Wow that's sad.
Anywho, back to present. Today I had a half convo thingy with Cami and that is all I've talked. It's how my days usually looks like now. And I'm lonely.
I feel like the worst part is that Cami kind of tries I think, but it's it more like a second thought... I don't know. I've given up at this point. Only one and a quarter year left of this shit and then I'm off to study VFX.
If I don't kill myself first that is...
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sanson-laurent · 11 months
Sanson very much wanted to not be at this party. However, he knew he wouldn't hear the end of it if he skipped. Thus, he hovered around the edges, making sure to keep out of the way. His costume was period appropriate, mostly because they were actually clothes from his human life. That time had been peaceful before chaotic and even though he knew the country had needed change, he still held a great many memories of that life and wasn't going to give them up.
Keeping his head down, he nursed a drink. Earlier, he had seen Svein enter and was just hoping that the other wouldn't notice him. However, he doubted he would be so lucky.
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sanson-laurent · 2 years
Really? Why was this his problem? Sanson sighed as he stared at his ‘older brother’. A party was the last thing he wanted, especially when he had work he could be doing. Why was this man insistent on interrupting him? “What is the point of going out? I could be far more productive here.”
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sanson-laurent · 4 years
Why should he do this? The younger vampire sighed as he walked over to his ‘brother’. They needed to bond, very much, and this seemed like as good an opportunity as any other. Sighing to himself, he sat down beside the other man. “Is this another one of your ridiculous ideas?” He could be reading or doing anything else that was more productive than this.
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sanson-laurent · 3 years
"I hope you liked the gift I sent you. I'm actually on your doorstep right now. May I come in?" - Svein
"Yes, it was an adequate gift. Come in if you want."
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sanson-laurent · 4 years
Ever since meeting his ‘older brother’, Sanson had been less than enthused about the prospect. However, if Remus was going to order him to play family, then he would do so. To clear his thoughts of all of this, he had decided to head into town and explore the shops. So far, nothing had caught his interest aside from one bookseller where he had gotten a new notebook. The leather was nice and stamped with a diamond pattern that he found almost relaxing to stare at, something he would not be admitting to anyone.
Despite the fact that he technically did not need to eat, he slipped into a cafe, interested in at least tasting some of their coffee. However, as luck would have it, once he had gotten his drink, there were no seats left. Aside from one. As his eyes landed on the other occupant of the table, he sighed. Fate was cruel today. Without a word, he sat down across from Svein. “Brother,” he drawled, “I hope you’re well.”
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sanson-laurent · 4 years
@kvorsremus​ @masterxsvein​
Seated in his creator’s room, Sanson was pouring over the book he had received. The large volume would give him a few days worth of material to get through and he was grateful that Remus had allowed him to stay here while he worked through it. This way, he could ask about anything that he found needed clarification. On the table next to him was a smaller notebook where he wrote shortened versions of the most important details. Having a bulleted list as a secondary to the original source was necessary for him. The sound of approaching steps pulled him from his thoughts and he turned to the door. “Are you expecting someone?”
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sanson-laurent · 4 years
Sanson stared down at the device. Honestly, he had not expected his ‘brother’ to give him anything. The object in the box was one he recognized as a laptop. However, he had yet to actually use one. Computers had never been something he sought out, not for any large objection but simply because he found writing things down in his notebooks to be easier. With a sigh, he walked to his brother’s room and knocked. This would be the most efficient way of learning how to use the device, not that he was very happy about having to ask.
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sanson-laurent · 4 years
continued from here
“I said that someone would call me predictable and you obliged. You could have said anything else. For someone who hates predictable, you perfectly encapsulated it.”
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