#convinced it was 2pm. I'm not even sure WHY I thought that bc I had dnd at 1:30pm and then had dinner at 6:30 so like...
morrigan-sims · 4 days
How tf do people light outdoor renders???? Especially at night???? Someone save me. I'm dying over here, and it looks terrible.
#morrigan.txt#delete later#I'm so mad that this one is being a pain in the ass because it was SUCH a cool idea too.#(ty angel. who will never see this post bc she doesn't have tumblr.)#also my blender has been being SUPER weird today.#first 3.6 randomly adds squiggles to carrion that stay even after I delete all of his materials and he's just a white shape with squiggles.#then I start working in 3.3 and for SOME UNGODLY REASON the lights are super fucked and I have to turn them up to 1-4k watts#to get the them to show up. Which is insane because usually my lights are at 73-300 watts.#and then I open the 3.3 file into 3.6 and the squiggles problem is fixed but the lights are still being weird.#and I don't know how to light outdoor nighttime scenes so this render looks like ass right now.#I'm gonna go to bed and hopefully I'll make more sense tomorrow... [*sigh*]#probably for the best that I get some sleep tho bc I've gotten less than 5 hours of sleep for the past 3 or more nights in a row.#it's to the point where I fucking forgot it was nighttime and I saw a discord timestamp saying 11pm and I was like ''wait what.'' bc I was#convinced it was 2pm. I'm not even sure WHY I thought that bc I had dnd at 1:30pm and then had dinner at 6:30 so like...#my only guess is that I'm so exhausted my brain is starting to play tricks on me. But I don't *feel* tired.#as my Sunday dnd group would say I'm just getting into character to play Rook tomorrow.#but the funny thing is that he's actually going to have gotten more sleep last night than he has in a WHILE.#I mean it's bc he was on the edge of death and unconscious for a really long time but... it counts right?????#the sad part is that he can't wake up tho so he can't escape the demon lord haunting his dreams.#and then when he DOES wake up he has to deal with an arcanaloth woman that the entire party forgot about except for me and the DM#even though she literally told us the exact date she would come back on.#so that's gonna be fun. God I can't wait. I should go to bed so tomorrow comes faster lmao.#well ''tomorrow''. it's already sunday here technically. just past midnight.#okay that's enough tags rambling for now lmao.
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