#contrast to how much I talked about rollo. azul remains my number 1. but if I talked about Azul this post would be thousands words long
jovieinramshackle · 6 months
hi hi jovie!!
i'd like to throw in 7 and 30! since 30 is supposed to be a made-up question, i want to ask:
What made you like Rollo? (or you can do this with azul instead or both hdklsfj)
HIII HIII Ty for the ask!!! 🙏
Oh boy the perfect excuse to ramble about Rollo and Azul
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7. Is there an SSR you really wanted but never got?
It wasn't one....but two
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If I remember correctly, BOTH cards came right after his birthday. And I wanted all of his birthday cards...
Azul stop having your event cards come after your birthday I DON'T HAVE THE GEMS OR KEYS FOR THIS SHIT.
And since I missed the first glosmas event (was on a break from twst) I doubt I'll get his card because I'm desperate for Rollo's 💔 (I actually want all 3 but only in my dreams)
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30. What made you like Rollo? (Or Azul?)
I'll answer for both characters because once I'm asked about my faves I can't shut up. Ahem.
When I first saw Azul he was immediately the first character to catch my attention. There's something about fancy-vintage-dressed motherfuckers that are clearly not what they present themselves as that really gets me (I just like guys in fancy suits).
Plus Ursula has always been one of my favourite Disney Villains, so I was extremely curious to see Azul's character. And oh boy was I not prepared for it.
Now I love Azul mainly because of how relatable he is to me. Ever since I witnessed his breakdown before his overblot. Not just his backstory and struggles with bullying and weight, but the way he is in the present.
We're not the same obviously, but I can't help but see myself in a lot of the things he does and likes.
I also like small cozy places, I like collecting one specific thing (for me it's funko pops or pins), I tend to calculate and think ahead of how something will go down and the possible outcomes etc. (I also love money)
Ofc it's not exactly like him, he's a fictional character created for entertainment, and I'm just some 17 year old lmao.
Rollo.... honestly I did not expect to love Rollo this much. It's actually hard to explain why (I lied, this ended up longer because I couldn't shut up. Sorry, it kinda turned into a Rollo analysis lmao 😭).
Thinking about it, I think I love Rollo because he wasn't what I was expecting. I don't even think I was really expecting anything, I was just curious about what Yana Toboso did with him, considering he's twisted from Frollo of all characters. And oh boy was I not prepared for him.
(obvious glosmas spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't read the event.Here is the rest of the twst ask game)
I believe the point I really leeched myself onto this rat man is during his break down in the bell tower due to Idia's speech. It's devastating seeing him lash out as his world view crumbles right in front of his eyes. It's sad, it depressing, I can't help but feel pity for him.
His actions made a lot more sense to me then. He lost his brother to Magic, and he assumes that his brother would have also wanted Magic gone for this exact reason. Only thing is he can't know that for sure, his brother's dead, we can't know what his feelings regarding his death are. And Idia even calls him out on that!
Rollo is the one that wants Magic gone, I do think he believes it'll make the world better, but I believe he also does it out of revenge, for his selfish reasons. He's angry with the Mages that did nothing to help, he's angry with a world that allows Magic to be used so carelessly, he's angry with himself for being weak, for not doing anything, and then hates himself for being a Mage.
All of that results to him holding an intense hate for Magic, finding it completely dangerous and hates mages for using it carelessly. He's so devoted in his views, he even projects it onto others he thinks will agree with him. It's what he did with MC, they're magicless, so of course they'd agree with him, and when they didn't, he immediately jumped on the defensive and said it's sad they're used to the chaos, dismissing their answer completely.
But he also punishes himself. He doesn't let himself properly grieve and move on, to heal from the trauma, to the point I believed the death happened recently, until I realised he got his magic after the death, and assuming before getting into NBC, so he couldn't have been older than 15-16. And he's 18 now.
We see he's clearly struggling with depression thanks to his SSR card story. Sleeping very little, eating very little, outright refusing to have any social interactions with his peers. It's the things I, and many others, could relate to, to an extent.
He hates magic, the world that favours magic, the people that wield it and himself, for doing nothing to save his brother and then possessing the very thing that took him.
And I just...find all this super fucking interesting and cool???? LIKE it's such an interesting twisted from Frollo's character, because Rollo's rage is justified and understandable (even tho his actions cannot be excused).
Rollo isn't a villain, none of the characters are, he's an extremely confused, lost and damaged kid that needs help ASAP. He doesn't need to like or use magic, but he needs to learn to stop projecting his ideals onto others and start moving on with his life. To get new, realistic goals for himself, and stop obsessing over a goal that's not attainable, at least not for him. (Fire lotuses felt like a "holy fuck I can actually do it??" moment to me, instead of something he can repeat again).
Idk man I just want him to be happy, maybe while looking after a garden, make him a flower shop owner or something. He deserves a peaceful life.
I hope we see him again... imagine a new event where he's forced to work together with Malleus. Oh the potential...in both comedy and tragedy.
Twst asks game can be found here
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