#contrary to popular belief i do like lars a lot
allmoshnobrain · 1 year
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Handwritten letter to Lars Ulrich signed Momo, Japan, 1993.
The letter describes handmade gifts of a small t-shirt and a Danish flag.
From the Collection of Lars Ulrich
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cleo-somers · 3 years
Garnet, Greg, Alexandrite, Kevin, Lars
Garnet: What are your relationship goals?
My ideal relationship is one where the person I'm with is someone I can truly count on, someone I can call my best friend. It's a relationship where we feel like home to each other, where we feel safe and loved, and where we'll find comfort even - maybe especially - in silence. It's a relationship where we can truly be ourselves, voice our thoughts and opinions, without fear that we're going to be judged. We can trust each other, no matter what. I don't know. I didn't see this with my parents when I was growing up, but I've been fortunate enough that both relationships I've been in have been this way; my relationship goals.
Greg: The most supportive person in your life just now?
I don't really know that I could name just one person as the most supportive in my life. I, again, consider myself to be very fortunate to have so many good people in my life that I can count on. I have my brother Stephen, who has always been very supportive of me, even when we were in a fight and not talking. My boyfriend, Riv, always has my back and has supported me even at times where I maybe shouldn't have been encouraged. Savannah, my sister, basically, has never left my side, and she knows I support her too, no matter what. There's Momo, who I literally wouldn't have survived moving out on my own without. I don't know. I have a lot of very good people in my life.
Alexandrite: What do you think you’d be like/are like as a parent?
I'd like to think I'd be a cool mom. Like, I want to imagine that I'd be the kind of parent my kids are comfortable talking to. I couldn't talk to my mom about absolutely anything when I was growing up because she was always busy, or - I don't know, she was very private, even with us, so it was a little hard to approach her. When I grew a little older and we still lived together, I did have a lot of very good conversations with her, but I don't want my kids to look back on our relationship the way I do with my mom. It was turbulent. It was rough. So I'd like to think my possible future kids would consider me a friend, always, and could come to me for advice, or with gossip (especially the gossip, please!). I want to think that they'd want to hang out with me. That they'd brag to their friends about how awesome I am. Is that sad? I don't know. I just - I want to have a better relationship with my kids than the one I had with my parents growing up.
Kevin: Last person who made you uncomfortable?
My landlady. I went into the office to ask about painting my apartment because the white walls are making me sad, and she asked me for sex advice. And I would be okay with it if her apartment wasn't so close to mine. Like... oh, god, I don't even want to imagine if she's heard anything.
Lars: Name a few of your insecurities.
Contrary to popular belief, I do have insecurities! Like, okay. I like myself, I like who I am. I think I'm pretty fucking great. But if I’m being super honest, my biggest insecurity is my personality. Like, I know myself; I know I can be annoying and loud, and I'll occasionally talk a little too much and I like that about me. But other people don't, and that means they don't like my personality. It means my personality is something people can HATE. It means it makes me intolerable to some. I don't know! It bugs me. Because I can't change that. I am who I am! But I'll sometimes find myself acting different in front of people so that they don't, uh, judge me. I don't know. Anyways. That’s honestly...pretty much it. I love myself and I know I’m pretty hot, so. yeah. Just that. Just my personality (I say, as if that wasn’t everything).
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