#contagious ink au
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after a whole year
i finally..
convinced keith/ @k31t8 go continue contagious ink
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How would Motti relationship/friendship with Ink be like? Would she find him endearing but yet weird?? I wonder if she would be annoyed by Ink's social inept behaviour and forgetfullness...maybe she would engage in his interest AU's too?? since he's described as an au fanboy and having a hyperfixation on them. So many possibilities....
When they first met Motti was off put by him and he kinda scared her. He just had an air about him that just felt ominous and his lack of concern towards some things irked her. Not to mention he smiled at her so much that Motti was far from comfortable.
But the more he started showing up frequently, she saw him as an oddball mainly because he could never get her name right, And he puked when she complimented his artwork He would sometimes forget he met her all together in the beginning.
Motti's pov of him started changing when she was at her lowest from breaking a sculpture. Ink encouraged her to try again and even suggest how Motti could create something new. Motti had never seen Ink like that before, his energy was contagious.
When Motti started sharing more of her creative works it was like a click happened and Ink was around constantly. He started sharing more of his thoughts and showing her AUs. His excitement inspired her and she tried her best to get to know him better.
He was a goofball, and given her own social ineptitude and forgetfulness, it was easy for Motti to start understanding him more.
Ink becomes protective over Motti because she creates and she showed an interest in his dedications.
Motti, unfortunately, develops feelings for him because someone encouraging your passions and believing you, could sway anyone's heart. However, Motti doesn't think Ink is capable of a relationship and she fears she will end up in tears if Motti told him.
Ink has some curiosity when it comes to relationships so it he doesnt help that he flirts with her for fun.
She's....content with her friendship and wants to keep his passion for AUs and creating alive.
#mothie talks#honestly#had a whole story about them#but it just ends in one sided feelings#and my heart couldn't take it#WHEEZE#i couldn't figure out how Ink could fall in love
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Infection au stages!!!
Backstory is here
After careful observation, we’ve managed to gather information on what we believe to be the six stages of the illness.
•Days 1 - 6: Stage 1 - Contraction
This stage starts from the moment the virus begins to infect the host.
In this stage it’s possible for the host to recover by themselves, but only if they haven’t taken any medication.
Stage 1 patients have permission to access the whole school.
-Infection is obvious if the patient is bitten or came into contact with ink, which soaks through the skin, or contact with the infected, where it will manifest in the form of a black stain. This has been dubbed category A.
-If the patient caught it from sharing fluids, the first symptom, hives, will show up an hour into catching it. Unlike regular hives, greyscale hives appear in greyscale blotches, hence the name. These hives quickly go away by themselves. This is known as category B.
Other symptoms include:
-Loss of appetite
-mild discomfort of infected areas (A)
-showing symptoms similar to anaemia such as shortness of breath, dizziness when moving quickly and mild fatigue.
-Using magic while infected is incredibly unwise as it only progresses illness.
-Taking painkillers may alleviate symptoms temporarily but are not recommended as they extend the period of the first stage and deny chances of recovery.
-Should the patient recover, it’s unlikely they’ll catch it again. Lasting effects are being studied on the surviving handful.
-Category A infections are treatable via amputation if possible.
•Stage 2 - Spreading.
After roughly a week, the patient becomes contagious. Time periods of stages from here are irregular and vary wildly. They can no longer recover by themselves, but could recover with a cure, or amputations for category A.
Patients are conscious and retain their personality, though may act out of character at times, occasionally behaving violently. Stage 2 patients must reside in either Octavinelle or Diasomnia for quarantining, but are permitted visitors.
Those altering their bodies using potions such as merpeople, or fae hiding their features will be forced into their usual forms.
-Bodily fluids contain ink. Any tears, vomit or coughs will be riddled with infectious ink.
-infected areas will become irritated, black blotches spread and surrounding skin is greyscaled.(A)
-Fingertips start going black and hair will begin to go grey
-recurring stomachaches (B)
-skin will start to go ashy
-extreme fatigue and weakness
-any food or drink consumed will end up getting thrown up.
-their memories begin blurring. They forget things quickly and will get things wrong that they never usually would.
Stage 3: Takehold
At this point, there’s nothing more we can do so far because we have no cure. The patient will only get worse from here. The patient is still conscious, but will sometimes act out of character, generally behaving on their negative traits. They still have humanity, though, so friends will be allowed final visits to say safe, proper goodbyes while they matter.
-entire limbs are stained black.
-skin is significantly paler or ashier.
-prone to biting and other hostile behaviour at times.
-beastmen and merpeople will show animalistic tendencies.
-memory becomes significantly worse, often forgetting things they just did or things they’d never usually forget, even their names.
-starvation due to inability to eat.
-near inability to leave bed.
-eyes lose colour, vision deteriorates.
-internal ink buildup, manifesting as drool, vomit or cysts on the skin.
-infected wounds will start opening, both from category A and other injuries infected with ink.
-bad stomach and gastrointestinal pain (B)
Stage 4: mutation
Originally confused as recovery after stage 3, due to regaining appetite and being able to move properly again. On the contrary, at this point, the body of the patient is half dead, the disease being what keeps them alive for the most part. From the beginning of this stage, patients become dangerous, generally hostile and should only be taken care of by the professionals. They are kept locked away at all times. The patient is fully conscious and has humanity left, but almost nothing remains of their original personality, as the illness is puppeteering their body a lot of the time. This stage would theoretically still be curable to an extent.
-will frequently try to attack others
-skin and eyes are left completely monotone, any new hair is grey.
-patients’ bodies will regain ordinary functions but continue to get thinner.
-near constant leaking of ink
-old, even uninfected wounds open up.
-beastmen and merpeople’s animalistic traits become especially pronounced, both physically and in behaviour.
-the body will show ‘mundane’ disfigurements such as hunching and scoliosis.
-muscle deterioration occurs.
-flesh starts to rot.
-The patient becomes especially sensitive to pain. Painkillers can be used at this point to reduce inevitable suffering.
-the patient starts losing the ability to speak properly
-magic no longer works on the patient
Stage 5: disfigurement
At this stage, the body has died completely. It is past any hopes of curability. The patient is not who they once were. They are still semi conscious but completely locked out of their body, which is controlled by the illness. Patients are generally and ideally terminated at this.
-flesh is mostly rotten.
-patient is unable to speak more than a few words.
-the body goes completely numb.
-the patient no longer listens to commands.
-the patient is now completely blind.
-levels of hostility vary from person to person but generally act violently towards the uninfected.
-patient becomes unnaturally thin.
-entire body parts, generally limbs, may deteriorate.
-most of the internal body other than bones are turned to ink.
-skin becomes very thin and easy to puncture. Bones will often break through skin.
Stage 6: final stage
The final stage of infection.
The patient is not curable. The patient is no longer human. Even if they were once your friend, they won’t remember it. Kill them if you have the chance. Otherwise, run.
-their internal workings are entirely replaced with ink.
-any deteriorated or generally cut off limbs grow back, often in the wrong place.
-puddles of ink form wherever they step.
-patients with unique magics are especially especially dangerous.
-Cannot speak. Some exceptions may repeat words or simple phrases.
-hostility level varies but they are now focused on spreading the infection.
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if hanahaki in infectious in your war au,,,, and killer carried it,,,, but is VACCINATED (ew the liberals got to him 😒😒😒) then how does hanahaki spread. intrigued by this very small insignificant fact for no particular reason at all 🙂 i like horrorkiller a normal amount. Normal
it's war so hanahaki is essentially a biological weapon artificially mass produced by the scientists in the omega timeline. all the people in the omega timeline is vaccinated against the newest strains all the time, but that doesn't necessarily help them not contract it of course. hanahaki disease is usually stored in pollen form and dropped into flora in certain universes, so it's almost undetectable until too late. and it's contagious through air too, so if you're in contact with someone with hanahaki then good luck lol.
as for horrorkiller, teehee hanahaki angst for them :3 horror is obviously infected with it and being grilled incessantly by ink as to what happened. and killer is wallowing in jail where he slowly develops the symptoms too. they're so fucked <3
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Hadal blacksite: An AU.

Note: @minnielvrr @itzsana-kiddingmenow
T/w: mentions of violence, gore, blood, death.
Lee: .--. .-. . ... ... ..- .-. .
Ler: -... -.-- / .-. --- -... .-.. --- -..-
Subject 251: Success. The green letters were painted onto the enclosure, as the sounds of banging glass ensued. Dark brown hair that nearly covered his eyes with a pure pale white skin covering his body, wrapped up in a thick fabric that prevented his power from taking place. Cries and wails echoed throughout the facility, you could faintly hear the sounds of concrete melting in the background. Leave it alone.
Subject 811: A somewhat success. The creature doesn’t like exiting his enclosure, preferring to keep to himself as a black ink spreads throughout, enshrouding him and the area into darkness. Guards who enter are to wear night vision goggles at all times, those who do not heed will pay the price of their life. An ear piercing scream sounds as light peeked through the exit of his enclosure, before two large tentacles slammed any guards in a nearby radius, velvet blood dripping onto the walls. Proceed with caution.
Subject 159: Success. The creature appears to be more soft hearted, and doesn’t cause any harm less provoked by guards. Its blonde hair and pure blue eyes give it an innocent appearance, but do not be fooled. Proceed into enclosure with a gas mask and company, never enter said area alone and without any protection. The heavy green gas it produces is highly poisonous and can induce multiple side effects such as loss of consciousness, anxiety or drowsiness. Do not provoke.
Subject 149: Huge success. It obeys orders without a fight, but guards are to always wear a blindfold or night vision goggles when entering. The creature tends to become ‘bored’ of its enclosure quickly, and soon you will be its next toy. It enjoys playing with its prey, paralysing them in place with its hypnotic gaze; ripping them apart limb by limb ever so carefully with almost sadistic intentions. The creature is to be immobilised whenever a guard enters, and never alone. Stock up on entertainment.
Subject 28: A near fail. Do not ever enter the enclosure, even with protection and guards. The purple-black liquid it produces is highly dangerous, and a slight change in the creature’s mood could take out at least a quarter of our stock; even if it is locked away. It gets along with subject 811 very well, they tend to mingle together in the darkness; you can hear the sounds of static and unintelligible language as they communicate with each other. Do not try to disrupt them, lest you feel the need to lose your life today. The creature doesn’t like to be alone, and tends to get into a very…sour mood when he is. To proceed with much caution when this happens, as it can and will eliminate you in seconds, suffocating you in the sticky void-like goo. Schedule daily meetups with subject 811.
Subject 203: Fail. Originally, It was meant to have the DNA of an angler fish, but the creature had ended up denying said DNA and instead refused to transform. We had afterwards injected the DNA of , ███████, a blue whale, a great white shark, a silver spiny fin, a mantis shrimp and a sea snake. It had turned out subject 203 had only taken a delayed amount of time to absorb in the samples of the sea creatures. It caused the creature to undergo a painful transformation, giving him three enlarged arms, the extra on its bottom right, along with a long shark tail. Its skin had turned a pale blue, and when nearby humans, its gills and angler lure would twitch in agitation; its hatred for humans runs deep into its veins. It's sleek, long and luscious black hair and baby blue siren-like eyes are just a ploy to lure you in, never fall for it. Stay clear unless with protection.
Subject 310: Somewhat successful. It tends to follow guards around, and is quite the passive creature. In the late hours of the night, you can hear its obnoxiously loud, yet contagious giggles roaming through the halls, stalking your every move. Should you be up too late, whispers fill your ears, coaxing you to head to bed soon; almost as if it was acting like a concerned care taker for you. Still, if you refuse to listen, the ghost comes to life, dragging you away and up into your room whether you like it or not. It stays outside quietly, shoving you back into bed when you try to get up even by an inch; sticking around till you fall asleep. However, as passive as it is, when other subjects are provoked, it tends to come into an overprotective, enraged state, killing anyone who dares to hurt the other enclosures, like a caring father. Assign a certain subject to it.
Subject 229: Successful, but at a cost. Subject 229 is made of multiple fishes combined together, allowing his arms to be larger than an average human by at least two times. The creature takes home in the vents, and claws or chokes anyone against the metal surface should they try to get it down from the system. Contrary to popular belief of workers here, it actually doesn’t disrupt the flow of ventilation in the systems, thus it has been allowed to stay in its newfound ‘enclosure’. However, should you find one of the doors that you had walked into suddenly blank out or its number makes a disappearance, CALL THE OTHER GUARDS IMMEDIATELY. But if you find yourself without reception, or without a nearby communication device, you have resigned your fate. It has found you, and you will be its prey. Keep a close watch over at all times over the cameras.
The lights flickered harshly, doors slamming shut as alarms wailed throughout the entire facility. It had gone into code red lockdown. Subject 28 had managed to sneak itself into the electrical room, deactivating everything in the facility with its goo. The sounds of metal doors opening sounded, fresh air cooling its surroundings as the subjects were let loose. The ‘hour of joy’, a reference to a game as someone would call it, occurred at that very moment. Guards were disappearing left and right, paralysing in a dark hallway before melting into the walls, sunken into the dark before being consumed by the void; no one could hear their screams.
Only one subject tried their best to calm the killer rampage, subject 310. It floated around the halls, desperately trying to cool the rest of them off, to no avail. The hour passed by as quick as it arrived, the entire facility coated in red, thick blood; no one had survived at all, torn to shreds or their body mysteriously disappearing. The subjects grouped together, huddled in a bundle, almost scared. They shivered, they wailed, wailed for their family back, they knew they weren’t going back. After a long comforting and empathising session by subject 310, the group settled on finding their documents, how long had they been cooped up here?
Opening the files they had earned, their eyes widened. 20 years. They had lost 20 years of their lives being here, being some kind of plaything and having to succumb to their fate. Despite this, they had no energy to even be angry, passing out on the cold metal ground. Subject 310 sighed, reading through their files to get to know them better, even going so far as to memorise all their names. Maybe it could lead these poor kids, running a hand through subject 811’s hair, smiling fondly at how its tentacles twitched in happiness.
It would have to reprimand the rest later for their reckless actions, but who was he to blame? They, it- no, he, had finally earned their righteous freedom, and formed the start of a lifelong bond.
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꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ colors . ft. enji todoroki , natsuo todoroki
synopsis . you turned your head to look at the todoroki boy, a contagious smile gracing his features. seeing a flash of his father in him from the soft stubble he was growing, you turned away, face flushed
warnings . college ! au , quirkless ! au , age gap , hinting , sfw .
words . 1.3k
notes . inspiration : colors by halsey ; this has been in my drafts basically since i started this blog..so i think it’s about time to write it .
you lifted your camera, smiling back at your mom before turning to mr. todoroki and his second eldest son, natsuo.
the todoroki’s were very well known. mr. todoroki being founder of one of the hottest brands of food and his son going to one of the most prestigious schools in the prefecture.
click! you snapped the photo. pulling your bottom lip as you waited for it to develop. you watched for a little while longer as the boys played tennis.
“ let’s go down, hm? ” your turned to face her, offering her a smile before nodding, “ yeah sure ” you picked up your backpack, smoothing out your white tennis outfit, your mother next to you in white as well, sunglasses over her eyes. you pulled on your cap, the cool one that didn’t cover your whole head but allowed room for the top of your head to breathe.
the two of you walked down the stairs, sitting at a table with a clear view of the todoroki’s playing. click! you took another, turning to listen to your mother’s conversation. the boys wrapped up their game and came over to chat with you both. you and your mother stood, offering hugs to the todoroki men. you hugged natsuo, and your mother, enji. smiling widely your mother started a conversation with mr. todoroki. you played with a tennis ball as natsuo and you engaged in conversation, you smiled at him and glanced at his father.
“ why don’t you both join us for dinner? ” you heard your mom say, you and natsuo turned your heads. faces showing shock. mr todoroki was speechless, jaw slightly agape from the bluntness of the question, unsure what to do, he looked down at his son. smiling at natsuo he indulged in your mother, “ okay ” you smiled at the older todoroki, pulling a napkin from the table and writing your address and the time your mother chose with a blue inked pen. she handed him the napkin and gave him one more farewell hug before leaving, naturally natsuo followed after him. you waited a moment, watching the todoroki’s figures draw smaller and smaller.
“ i’m going to use the bathroom before we leave. i’ll meet you at the car. ” you gave your mom a rushed kiss on the cheek and pulled your bag over your shoulder, polaroid in hand. you walked on the lower level, head on a swivel. you looked to your right and found what you were looking for: the changing room. you pulled your polaroid up to your face, click! you pulled the photo from the camera and shook it as you made your way to the other changing room to change out of the white collared shirt your mother bought for you before leaving to go home. you laxed in your room, snapping photos of yourself to hang on your wall and finishing up some homework from uni.
your mother in her room, rubbed lotion onto her porcelain skin while thinking of the older gentleman whilst hoping you knew how to make his son fall for you.
and unintentionally you did. the next day, you made your way to the bathroom between classes, indulging yourself in sinful activities your mother would never agree to. you and your friends piled in the bathroom, one of them pulling a box of cigarettes from who knows where and lit one. you finished the short stick and flushed it down the toilet, rushing off to class as the bell rang.
gym class was mandatory, as if you were all 12 again in 8th grade. you sat on the bleachers, completing the mandatory work out for that day’s credit, to catch your breath.
last class of the day you were in english with natsuo. the projector way behind you at the back of the class. you turned your head to look at the todoroki boy, a contagious smile gracing his features. seeing a flash of his father in him from the soft stubble he was growing, you turned away, face flushed as you doodled in your notebook waiting for the end of class. after long enough, the bell rang and you all were released. you sat in your car, in your own little world, you admired the photos that you took. smiling at the moments that replayed in your head.
knock, knock. you whipped your head to the side to see natsuo smiling down at you, nervousness flooded you, flushing your cheeks as you moved the photos and put your backpack on top of them.
“ dinner at your place tonight still? ” you pushed your hair out of your face, taking a moment to replay his words in your head before replying.
“ yep, see you then. ” you smiled softly at him, watching as he walked away. thinking to yourself briefly, you started the car and made your way home to clean up before the dinner.
doing your bleached hair pretty, you finished your face with a solid red lip. dressing yourself in blue, and a beige sweater, topping it off with a sweet perfume you walked down the stairs. natsuo was the first to look, that contagious smile gracing his features. the four of you ate happily, engaging in short but meaningful conversations as you did. you looked at the candles in the middle of the table, bored as you blankly listened to the conversations around you. your eyes refocused on mr todoroki, who pointed just under his lip, silently sending you a message.
embarrassed, you picked up a blue towelette and wiped the mess he was talking about. looking back up at him you offered him a shy smile as a thank you, to which he responded with a quick wink. your heart pounded and your mother proposed you take a photo. begrudgingly, you got up to retrieve your camera, click!
returning to school the next morning you went in the bathroom with your friends again, lighting a cigarette when you pulled out your photos to show to them. picking the best ones that you found the most attractive.
“ oh em gee, there’s no way, how did you get these? ” you all giggled, taking hits of the cigarette before leaving to go to your classes.
enji invited your and your mother to watch them play tennis often, however this particular time you dressed in the pretties white outfit that you could find, along with your weird hat. you leaned on your hand, watching the todoroki’s pick the tennis court that gave you and your mother the clearest view. enji, while talking to his son, looked up at you, eyes smiling to not be obvious. click!
at school, you fiddled with the lock on your locker, not moving too abruptly to make your scrapbook fall out from under your arms.
“ y’n, hey ” you jumped, looking up to see natsuo. “ sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you, here let me help. ” you dropped to the ground faster than he did in an attempt to pick up the photos before he could see them. you picked them up, hoping that you did it fast enough and stood up, looking to him to continue what he was saying when your heart plummeted. he had a photo in his hand, one with a blue drawn on heart on the back. you couldn’t find words, no words would come out of your mouth, as hard as you tried, they wouldn’t come out. he looked at you in disbelief with a hint of hurt.
“ n- natsuo.. ” he pushed the prized photo into your chest,
“ save it. ” he gritted through an angry expression and slammed a tightly closed fist on the lockers beside you, muttering profanities as he stormed off. you looked up, a desperate attempt to keep the tears from falling down your face. pulling the photo that might’ve just ruined your life from your chest you stared at it’s contents:
mr todoroki, lockers behind him, and shirt draped over his shoulder.
you were red..and you liked me cause i was blue. but you touched me and suddenly i was a lilac sky..and you decided purple just wasn’t for you.
published . august 27 , 2023
#enji todoroki x reader#endeavour x reader#endeavor x reader#enji x reader#mha enji#bnha endeavor#bnha endeavor x reader#mha endeavor#. character // enji todoroki
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keep painting me with more memories - sashentra (flower shop au)
here’s a little birthday gift from me to all of you for all the support i’ve received over the year 🥰
Sasha wouldn't call herself a nervous person and yet, she could feel an unusual jitteriness as she waited for Anetra to prep everything for their tattoo session.
Perhaps, it had to do with Anetra's hands gently adjusting the stencil over her thigh, her gloved hands carefully patting it against her freshly shaved skin.
Just, maybe.
"Got this bad boy up," Anetra let out once she removed the paper, revealing the vibrant purple lines, "You can check it again to let me know if the placement it right for you".
Sasha gave it a quick glance over the floor length mirror, she was still in love with the stencil as she had been with the sketch. She appreciated the addition of a few leaves behind the hibiscus' flowers to frame it around her thigh.
"Looks perfect to me," she simply replied, earning two thumbs up from Anetra.
"That's what I love to hear!" She walked back up to the saran wrapped leather chair and went to sit down next to it on a smaller stool, "Get yourself comfortable, and we can start".
The sun illuminated just across from behind Anetra, giving her an unintentional halo.
Sasha wished she could snap a pic to relive this moment.
She laid down, careful not to mess up the stencil as she took a deep breath.
"I know the first tattoo can be a little scary, but I know you got this.
"Oh," Sasha swatted her hand, "I'm not scared, just... nervous, yeah".
"And that's cool too," Anetra said as she dipped the pen in the ink, "You know... I almost punched the dude who gave me my first tattoo".
"Yeah, Sixteen-year-old me thought it would be really cool to get a massive rib tattoo as my first one..." she continued with a laugh, "Let's just say sixteen-year-old me was a fucking dumbass".
"How is that supposed to help me with my nerves?" She raised a brow, but the smile on her face was contagious.
"Well, are you nervous now?" Anetra replied without missing a beat.
Sasha shook her head, "Alright, you got me there".
Anetra threw her a little wink before reaching to rest her hand on Sasha's thigh.
"Okay, giving you a heads-up, I'm about to go in," Anetra warned her as the buzzing of the machine took Sasha off guard, "I'm going to do a few strokes, and you tell me how you feel, okay?"
Sasha nodded, she turned a bit on her side - the thigh with the stencil on fully facing Anetra.
"So, let's get this pretty flower on a pretty girl," the tattoo artist muttered before zeroing her focus on the job in front of her.
Sasha inhaled sharply when the needle touched her skin, expecting it to hurt, but she was met with just slight discomfort.
"How is it?" Anetra asked with a soft tone, "All right?"
"I'll be honest, I thought it was going to hurt much more," Sasha let out a chuckle, finding herself relax under Anetra's knowing touch. She could get used to that.
"I'll remind you of that when I'm doing the white ink touch ups at the end, then we'll see!"
Sasha let Anetra work for the next few hours without much trouble. Her skin felt sore, but she had felt worse in her life.
She loved the way the conversation just seemed to flow flawlessly with Anetra. She felt as if they could talk about anything and everything without getting tired.
It felt refreshing, new, exciting.
The conversations only briefly stopped when Anetra passed over her sensitive skin but overall it didn't impact their discussions.
"So, who else works here? Just you and Loosey?" she asked just around four-hours into the tattoo
"So far, yeah, I've been advertising around for any apprentice. I've yet to hear back from most of them though".
Anetra lifted her head from her work to glance up at Sasha, "Why? Are you already looking for a new tattoo artist?" she joked.
Sasha's cheeks reddened for a brief second, but long enough to not go unnoticed by Anetra.
"I'm just curious! I don't know much about how to run a tattoo shop, as you can tell".
"I'm just messing with you," She chuckled, lowering her head to get back on working in the color.
"Have you known Loosey for a while?"
"Yeah, she helped me out when I was first starting tattooing, she's kind of a mom to me, making sure I'm not too focused on work to skip lunch or that I'm not staying up too late trying to make a sketch work. Don't let her know this... but I'm really thankful I got her annoying ass around".
Sasha smiled softly, "I promise I won't tell. Still, that's really sweet you got someone like her around"
The room felt silence for a moment before Anetra's stomach made a loud noise as it got reminded of food.
"Wait, what time is it?"
"Almost 8PM," Sasha checked her phone, noticing a few messages coming from Marcia.
She fired a quick reply over text as Anetra spoke up.
"Ah, that explains it, this is taking longer than I had planned for" Anetra sighed, "I think I can finish it up in an hour. Is that okay with you? I can order food for us in the meantime, anything you want, I wouldn't want you to get hungry on me".
"That sounds good to me" Sasha replied, as if she would mind spending more time with Anetra.
"Alright then, the final stretch it is. Time for the white, baby. This is going to be a bit of a bitch, I'm sorry in advance".
"I'm sure it's not going to be that- Fuck!" Sasha let out as the pen went against her skin, already sore from the past four hours.
"You can't say I didn't warn you!"
Sasha let Anetra work in silence, watching as the tattoo artist zoned into her work, determined to finish everything impeccably.
After a few more strokes, she got accustomed to the new pain, occasionally letting out a few curse words.
The last hour flew by as Sasha started to doze off, the comforting buzzing from the machine lulling her to sleep.
Before she realized it, they were done.
"And... that's a wrap!" Anetra lifted her hand from Sasha's leg and went to turn off the machine before setting the tattoo pen down, "Go check yourself out in the mirror while I get the stuff ready to seal that bad boy away".
Sasha fought the urge to stretch out as she tentatively got up from the tattoo chair but still taking a few moments to assess herself after having laid down for the past five hours. She carefully made her way up to the mirror to finally get a full view of the piece.
Her mouth opened in a gasp, it was even better than she could imagine, despite the expected reddened skin around the lines.
The way Anetra had perfectly captured the different shades in the flowers - it ended up being even better than the sketch had promised.
"So? Worth all the whining from earlier?" Anetra teased as she admired her work through the mirror, smiling at the colorful language Sasha had adopted when she broke out the white ink.
"It's perfect," Sasha managed to let out, "I... I can't thank you enough for this".
Anetra's heart skipped a beat when their eyes met through the mirror, "You're always welcome".
"I'm just..." she turned around, "Can I hug you?"
Anetra seemed taken aback by the request, her heart beating faster. She didn't master a reply, but she opened her arms, letting Sasha slot in perfectly.
They stood there for a moment, taking it in - neither of them wanting it to end.
"About that dinner..." Anetra was the first one to speak up, "How does pizza sound to you?"
"Sounds just perfect".
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Salutations! Welcome to the blog for all things AUs! Here, the AUs of ours will be displayed, along with their respective co-owners, designers, writers, amd helpers in general!
Note that some AUs shown here may belong to others, and they will be properly credited as such!
With that out of the way!
Facądetale - Owned by @thelunarsystemwrites. Summary: After the monsters were banished underground, they discovered a magical book, one that preassigned monsters a fairytale destiny the day they were born. Complete? No.
Tea!Lust - Owned by @thelunarsystemwrites. Summery: Is an Underlust based AU. After a post pacifist run by Frisk, Sans managed to put himself through psychology school, just to throw traditional therapy sessions out the window. Now, he runs a café that specializes in trauma survivors. Complete? No.
DoneTale - Owned by @rockydonetale and @thelunarsystemwrites. Summary: Monsters won the war, leaving humans as second class citizens. The further a human village is from the grand monster kingdom, the less resources it has. All humans born with a red soul, are thrown into the mountains. But Frisk, AKA Rocky, wants to change that. (Note: The author of DoneTale has chosen to decline joining the blog.) Complete? No.
CressaTale - Owned by @thelunarsystemwrites. Designer: @inkcat1987. Summery: A MerLust, and Sailor Blue AU. In this AU, Nightmare, along with his gang, are powerful pirates. And technically, NM is royalty. Extremely protective of his younger brother Dream, Blue and Ink are assigned to keep him protected. One day whilst fishing, Nightmares gang catches a Mermaid, Lust. When Dream finds out, he begs his older brother to spare the monster, so NM instead keeps him captive, and Blue is now in charge of guarding him. Thus, begins a LustBerry story. Complete? No.
ArchiveBeast Tale - Owned by @leartistickarma. Summary: (I'm working on it, I lost my notes for it ;-;
Infectious Love Tale - Owned by @thelunarsystemwrites. Summary: Lust isn't like the other infected, he's seemingly mentally unaffected by the virus. However, still as contagious, Blue is the only one willing to show him mercy. Complete? No. (Also has a masterpost here!)
Rune!Tale - Owned by @kiyo-void. Summary: Unrevealed.
Mourning Dew tale - Owned by Lunar. Summery: After the player took genocide a step further, Killin every single monster that should've been safe—For whatever reason, it spares Sans, then kills Asgore and Flowey... Sans is left entirely alone, with only dust (the literal kind) as his friend.
With that out of the way, here's the list of Mods/Admins, which will be updated with Time!
Admin Lunar - @thelunarsystemwrites
Admin Karma - @leartistickarma
Mod ink - @inkcat1987
Mod Kiyo/Void - @kiyo-void
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Funfact about InvertedVerse:
There's 2 possible timelines of the multiverse; InvertedVerse and InvertedVerse Lust,
Here's the thing, the lust syrup (from fanatically underlust) and it's symptoms are contagious, so if the underlust folks doesn't use their masks they can contaminate other aus, in a level where it can be the whole multiverse.
The most impressive is that it would be Hope's fault (that guy is a hurricane), because he brought the lusts out of their AU in the first place, and also in that alt timeline he didn't even know about the dangers of underlust, in the original Ink warned him, but that was because he read the script of underlust, he didn't know either, if he didn't read the script the InvertedVerse Lust would happen easily.
So InvertedVerse Lust is like, the free for ships version, i mean, there's so many ships i wanna make canon but considering the true canons about the characters it doesn't make sense, but in InvertedVerse Lust it can come true.... aaand it worries me a lot.
Anyway, have a good day and stay safe 💖
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Tee hee
#koibito's art#contagious ink! au#your turn to kill! au#kappu kurayami#cuphead#<3#inky mystery#Babtqftim
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Me and noodle are working on this together! :D. (It's original their idea, I take no credit, just the name and helping but this is their au)
Also, no I'm not abandoning my own au
Go support Noodle rn/pos
Planning on doing a Babtqftim au which I'll be called
Contiguous Ink! Au ( credits to jvstk0ib1tooo-mp33 for the name idea)
This au is where the ink illness is contagious (kind of like COVID)
Bendy dies in this au and Boris completes bendys dream to heal himself and all the other people with the ink illness.
There will be new characters that are Not part of the original comic and just fun add in's
I'll start the comic once I have motivation.
Thank you for reading
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After the Ink
This is a story taking place in the Step Right Up AU. It’s going to explore Susie and Norman’s relationship, from how they met to how they reconciled post-ink.
Thank you to Bertrumstrousers for looking over this for me, and for starting this AU!
A strange sensation ripped through Susie’s body. She felt as though the flesh was being loosened from her bones, and yet it didn’t hurt in the slightest- it was like taking off a too-tight jacket. And then, it was over, and she was reborn.
Susie tumbled from the ink machine, managing to land on her feet. She felt herself over, making sure that the golden ink hadn’t ruined her scars- she needed those for her Half-Angel Half-Devil act. Once she was sure they were untouched, she couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t full of rage, jealousy, hatred and fear anymore. For the first time in months, she felt normal.
“Susie... how do you feel?” Henry asked. He was watching alongside Lacie, Joey, and Norman. Norman had volunteered to go through first, but Susie had felt that it was only right for it to be her. First one inked, first one save for Joey to be cured- and this time, it would be a transformation that she chose.
“Better,” Susie replied.
Henry smiled. “I think it works!”
“Oh, I know it does!”
Norman got up and eagerly headed for the machine’s entry nozzle, taking off his mannequin head in case it would jam the machine.
“Sure,” Henry said, “you can go next. It won’t take more than a couple days to get everyone through this thing.”
Norman waved the tentacles that made up his natural head in something resembling a nod, and crawled into the machine.
Susie was on the edge of her seat, waiting to see Norman emerge from the roaring ink machine. It was probably silly to be this nervous, right? Lacie had left to get Buddy, so it wasn’t as though she was in bated breath.
Norman came out head-first and fell onto his hands and knees, looking just as he had before his transformation, save for some new golden markings on his back and arms. He looked up at her.
“Norman!” Susie squealed. She ran over to hug him. Norman half-heartedly returned the gesture, and the two of them sat down to watch as a few more people went through the machine. It was a joyous occasion.
As they left, though, it quickly became obvious that something was bothering Norman. “Somethin’ on your mind, love?” Susie asked once they were alone in a car together.
“Nothing,” he said. His voice was so hoarse that the single word seemed painful for him to form.
He seemed distant over next few days, but Susie could mostly chalk that up to not wanting to strain his voice. Then, they saw Bertrum changing back into his true self. Lacie hadn’t hesitated to forgive him with love in her eyes- never mind the ears and fangs he’d kept from his beast form, never mind all the trouble he’d put the whole circus through. She would have kissed him if not for the worry of golden ink being contagious. Of course, Norman was overjoyed to see his friend again, but shortly afterwards, he asked Susie to meet him in private.
“I think,” he started, his voice still pretty painful-sounding. “I think I need a little time. To think... about us.”
Susie was stunned. She got out of the way and let Norman leave the cramped train car. Does he mean he’s thinking of breaking up with me?
The fact that they ate separately at dinner seemed to suggest so. Not that Susie didn’t have other people to talk to. In fact, Sammy seemed like the perfect person to talk to about this. She asked him to visit her in the observation car to talk later.
“I don’t get why you wanted to talk to me of all people,” Sammy admitted, “Just because I’ve managed a relationship with Joey and Jack doesn’t mean I know how I did it. But go ahead.”
“Well, honestly, I don’t trust anyone else to be blunt with me. And I get that I screwed up a lot while I was Alice. There’s just... gotta be a way to fix this.”
Unsure what else to do, Sammy nodded. He knew how important Norman was to Susie. She’d already told him the story of how they met.
Tonight was Susie’s first show, and she was killing it in practice. Everything- the outside noise, any performer she wasn’t syncing her motions with- had faded away. She was solely focused solely on keeping rythm to the music and on the bends and twists she was putting her body through. From the outside, it looked graceful and relatively easy, but a dancer knew how much strength it took.
She might have just been a background character for some of their little skits, but now that she’d gotten her foot in the door, it was only a matter of time before she figured out an act of her own and was taking to center stage.
After their practice, Susie emerged from the performance tent and wandered into the not-yet-fully-set-up fairgrounds to see where she could help. She caught eye of a man trying to rob Bertrum and nearly ran off to find help, but Bertrum caught the man by the shoulder. Must be nice being so big, Susie thought. Honestly, what kind of idiot would try to rob a giant, anyhow?
It wasn’t until that night that Susie gave it another thought. That was when she saw him again, eating dinner with Bertrum. And in the morning, Bertrum made the announcement.
“Everyone, we have a new member. Meet Norman Polk.” Norman stepped up and gave everyone a wave. Susie finally gave him a good look over. He was a big man- tall, had a fair amount of muscle on him- but one could have missed that when he was next to Bertrum and barely face-level with his chest. The gruesome scarring on half his face Susie had seen the previous night- it was like half of his face had been melted like candle wax. This was a rough, dangerous person with a opportunistic glimpse in his eye, and Susie wondered why Bertrum was letting a thief amongst them.
The worst part of was, as Susie found out, that Norman would be sleeping in the same bunk car as her. They made eye contact as he was settling in, and seeing how cold she looked, Norman turned away.
“So, what are you doing here?” Susie asked. “I saw what you did yesterday.”
Norman was still turned away from her. If he was the slightest bit disturbed by Susie’s attitude, he didn’t show it. “Just labour for now. But Bertrum said that he’d give me an act if I found one I’m good at.”
That made Susie prickle up. He had no skills. There had been no audition, like Susie had gone through. And yet, he was here. “Well, don’t get your hopes up. Most of the performers here have been practicing for years.”
Norman ignored her entirely.
Susie, figuring that the conversation was over, looked under her bed. Her little chest of belongings was untouched. Good- there was a lot of things in there she didn’t want stolen, and a few, like the golden necklace given to her by her mom, that a thief might take interest in.
He’s going to figure out where all the good stuff is and make a run for it before this train is on its way again. I can just feel it.
They didn’t speak again until a few nights later, when the train was once again on its way to a new destination. Norman was, to Susie’s surprise, still there. Still there, and apparently fast friends with Bertrum.
“So, what did make you want to join us?” Susie asked one night.
Norman shrugged. “Needed a place to stay.”
“Does that mean you’ll leave us the second you’ve saved enough money to?”
“No. I like it here. The people are nice, and no one looks at me weird because of the scars.” Susie could have almost forgotten about the scars, honestly. Amongst circus folk with various abnormalities, they barely stuck out at all. “You know, I’m not the first person Bertrum’s adopted, either. It’s a beautiful thing he’s doing.”
“It is. You know, I’ve always wanted to get closer to him. But he’s a little intimidating.”
“Really? Well, he and this Lacie gal are going to practice some whip tricks at the next stop and they’re letting me join them. I could ask them if they’d mind your company as well.”
Susie smiled. “I’d love that.”
The two ended up wandering the town together at the next stop as well- Susie hadn’t wanted to go through a strange place on her own, and Norman was available to take her.
“Thanks for agreeing to this. You know, I’m really enjoying seeing the sights of the United States. I’m really new to the circus, too, and I basically lived in one place my whole life before- oh my God, look at those!”
Suddenly, a knife store had captured 100% of Susie’s attention.
Norman chuckled. “You’re into knives, huh? You know, my parents were butchers. I know a whole lot about knives.”
“Yours, too?”
“Yeah. I mean, I left my hometown pretty young, but one doesn’t just forget. I used to have a whole collection of these things.”
“Really? Well, I was working as a butcher until a couple weeks ago! Wanna see how rusty you are? I bet I could name more of them than you can.”
Norman smiled back at her. “Loser has to buy the winner a knife.”
In the end, Norman had to buy Susie a knife. He bought one for himself, too, and they brought them to the stunts session with Bertrum and Lacie. Various objects were whipped. While all four of them took turns with it, it was very clearly Bertrum and Lacie’s thing. It was the act Bertrum was working towards, after all. And Bertrum really was less intimidating than Susie had imagined.
After they’d been at it for a while, Norman spoke up. "Hey, we don’t have a knife-thrower yet, do we?”
“We do not,” Bertrum said.
Norman took out his knife and threw it at a nearby tree. It hit, but didn’t sink in and clattered to the ground. “Okay, well, maybe not right away, but once I get good at it, would you like one?”
“Well, I don’t see why not!”
“That was the moment I fell for him. I’d been too nervous to ask about working towards my own act, or talking to Bertrum much at all, but Norman just does what he wants. Like he doens’t feel that hesitation. And he was nice to me. And he’s good at making the best of bad situations.” Susie thought to Norman figuring out that he could use almost anything as a head and fitting himself with a projector to play movies, and that mannequin head so he could emote. Fate told him to be a spotlight, but he didn’t listen.
Susie knew that the story didn’t paint her in the best of lights, but Sammy was nodding in understanding. “So, what do think made him like you?” he asked. “That might clue us in to whether he’s thinking of breaking up with you.”
“I think it built over time as I recovered from the bad first impression, especially once I became his assistant for the knife-throwing act. He saw me welcome other members of the troupe and heard me talk about wanting to inspire little girls with my dancing, and it just happened. I kind of learned from my experience with him to be good to the newbies. And it was hard being nice to people as they got beloved acts while I was stuck in the background, but...”
“Yeah, I’m gonna call bullshit. I mean, you were nice enough to me, but I saw the way you treated Allison. Hell, you were jealous of a homeless kid because he got Bertrum’s attention.”
“Well, I-” That’s when Susie realized it: Sammy was new. He’d been in the circus for at most a year before Susie had transformed, and before her transformation, she’d mostly been invisible to anyone she wasn’t friends with. So he’d only seen how she’d acted as the half-angel half-devil... and that hadn’t been the greatest of impressions. “It was the ink. But I can see why that would change the way you look at me.”
On the other side of the train, Lacie heard a knock at her door and answered it to find Norman.
“Can we talk?” Norman asked. His voice was still pretty hoarse, but it was good enough for a few painless sentences now. “About how you forgave him.” Norman had picked up the tic of communicating in few words.
“Of course,” Lacie said. She went back in to her and Bertrum’s car to get a pen and a pad of paper to make it easier for Norman. “What’s on your mind?”
How did you forgive Bertrum? Norman wrote. I want to forgive Susie. But the fact that she supported Bertrum right to the end, even after he turned Buddy against his will is weighing on me. I don’t understand how she could be so blind.
Lacie put an arm around him. “Well, I understand that it’s not all his fault. Bertrum wasn’t in his right mind, and neither was anyone who was inked. And for the record, you weren’t, either.”
“I wasn’t?” Norman said aloud. Emotional shock tended to make him forget that his vocal chords weren’t quite back yet.
Lacie nodded. “You were just as single-minded as her. Your biggest concern for most of your time as a tentacle-headed ink beast was that no one- and especially not Susie- would know how fucking terrified you were of the way things were going. That was your one thing. And her one thing was convincing herself that the transformation that was forced upon her was a good thing.”
And it couldn’t be a good thing if she didn’t wish it on others, or if it didn’t make her special. Norman wrote. And the ink’s influence does get stronger over time, and she was the first.
He remembered her becoming more insistent over time that this was the best thing that had ever happened to her, until she was trying to convince others- both the untransformed and those who’d had transformation forced on them. It had seemed like the height of cruelty for her to tell these people who were mourning their old bodies that they ought to be grateful, but he supposed that she was only trying to convince herself. And Norman hadn’t exactly been himself while inked, either.
You’re right. And even through all of that, we still didn’t want to hurt each other.
It had been the circus’ darkest hour. An icy fear had hung in the air for days. Ink creatures were waking up to the fact that their minds were fragmenting, and that the same could be said of their ringmaster.
When Bertrum transformed himself into a giant flaming lion with the ink machine, some ran away to hide while others stepped in to try and bring it under control. There was only one- Susie- who was still on his side.
When Norman had run into the tent in which the battle was taking place, Susie was on Bertrum’s back, wrestling with Lacie. By then, Norman knew which side she was taking, but he couldn’t let that distract him. He got ready to throw one of his kinves, aiming to hit Bertrum on the shoulder as he rampaged around. But he couldn’t.
It had been one of his knives that had started this. He’d hit Susie after the lights had suddenly gone out during an act, and they’d used the ink machine to save her life. And even though she was an ink creature now and it wouldn’t meaningfully harm her, he just couldn’t bring himself to risk hitting her again.
It turned out that that was the right move. Lacie shoved Susie off of Bertrum’s back, and she fell past his shoulder and towards the ground. Norman ran to catch her, but then they were immediately back to fighting.
Susie punched him in his mannequin head, bruising the tentacles that were holding it in place. “Why won’t you see that this is for the best!?”
Norman caught her arm and threw her to the side, but she got right back up and came after him again.
“We’re going to be a big, inky family, and it’s going to be GREAT! Why can’t you see that!?”
The two tussled for a while. Norman was holding back- he only wanted to defend himself, not hurt her- but he was still leaving prints in her face and arms. They’d both need a damage-repairing trip through the ink machine when this was over.
And then, Susie stopped dead. “I don’t want to hurt you anymore,” she whimpered. “Everything’s gone so wrong...”
Norman’s mind wasn’t what it had been, either, at that point. In the middle of the tent, with the lion rampaging around them, he hugged her tight. The words, “Let’s get you to safety,” sounded through his speaker. He escorted her out of the tent before returning to help fight Bertrum.
The two of them didn’t have to arrange to meet that night- they bunked together, after all. The second they were alone together that night, Norman passed her a letter. This wasn’t something that could be communicated in the two or three pain-free sentences he was capable of.
We both acted badly while we were on ink. I probably don’t have to tell you now that I wasn’t fond of beign transformed, and that’s why I took the speaker and the mannequin head at the first chance I got. I’m sorry for lying to you. I think we both should have just admitted that it was a terrible situation instead of trying to convince ourselves otherwise.
Our minds aren’t frayed to bits anymore, and I know that you’re a kind person when you’re not under the ink’s influence. Let’s just try to forget about all of this and start anew. I love you and I would hate to let the people we were while inked put an end to that.
Once Susie had finished reading the note, she gave Norman a hug. Even though she was still a half-angel half-devil, she was warm now. It didn’t feel like hugging a wax statue anymore. Frankly, she appreciated the lack of gooey ink and hot electrical wires on his body as well. “Thank you,” she said.
#Bendy and the Ink Machine#Step Right Up#AUs#norman polk#susie campbell#my fanfiction#norman x susie
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and some fics from the discord!
inkling by alltimecharlo
Clay feels like he’s been living his life leading up to this very day, his eighteenth birthday, waiting impatiently for black ink to scrawl across his skin.
George feels like he’s been living half of his life, not having heard a word from his soulmate through their bond since his eighteenth birthday almost three years ago.
August 12th, their worlds finally collide.
[a dnf soulmate au where words written on the skin are shared between a soulmate pair]
Second-Degree Burns by FutureHeart [dreamnotnap]
Nick wakes up to sobbing. Long story short, it was a rough morning.
The Wind Outside by invisible_slytherin
He would rather his friend think he was just tired than think that he was sad and feeling stupidly left out.
Or, the one where George is sad because his best friends met up and he couldn't.
they say love is contagious by hari (okanus)
George is sick. Dream wants to help him feel better. And when push comes to shove, maybe there's a confession he's been waiting to make.
days under my moon by lazy_kitkat
“George,” Gold eyes dip into a familiar fondness, one built over centuries of knowing each other, “Hi.”
“Dream,” He nods, looking away when his heart starts to hurt for a reason he doesn’t want to understand, “Hello.”
“Ready for a new day?” The other gestures to the light sky above them.
“Here comes the sun,” George murmurs, vowels dripping with slight teasing, “So warm and bright. Make the sky green for me today.”
“Green?” Dream looks at him curiously, “You can’t see green. That’s why I make the sky blue.”
(In which George is the moon and Dream is the sun.)
#dreamnotfound fic recs#dreamnotfound fic#dreamnotfound#dnf fic recs#dnf fic#dnf#reccommended by mod
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Knitting You a Home - 6
Pairing: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Human Reader
Word Count: 1,551
Genre/Rating: Hybrid AU - Established Relationship - Angst - Fluff - Smut - PG-13
Overview: Things have changed for you and Namjoon. It’s been a year since the two of you got together, and despite a rocky start, it was impossible to deny the bond and love you shared for each other. But ever since Hoseok had been separated from his Mate, Namjoon has been withdrawing himself from you and doesn’t come home until late at night.
With questions far larger than either of you imagined, you can’t help but wonder if he’s let his past and old fears come back to haunt him. You had shown him that it was possible to have a home and be loved once before, but will you be able to do it again?
Warning: None.
Main Master List:
Knitting You a Home Master List:
Mated Love is Never Easy Series Master List:
Sneak Peak - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - ?
©thatmultifandomhoe Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
Tugging on his baseball cap, Namjoon pulled out the folded-up flyer once again, making sure he had the right address. The overhead purple neon light flickered once but continued to light up the dark as packs of people entered and left Lotus at the same time.
He was tucking the paper into his back pocket when he suddenly heard laughter. Looking up only to see a woman with both her arms around two friends who were laughing just as hard. Their smiles were contagious and for a moment, Namjoon felt himself smiling, wondering when the last time he had felt that relaxed was.
After meeting you, his life had fallen into a familiar routine. It was exactly what he needed and he loved it, but sometimes he found himself wanting to do the unexpected, to just go with no real plan or idea and stumble upon something different.
Which was why he was walking through Lotus, the most popular night club in town. Eyes adjusting to the sudden darkness, strobe lights bounced around the room as the bass thumped out of the speakers. Sweat and liquor hung in the air but nobody appeared to give a damn. The other Hybrids that Namjoon spotted as he made his way to the bar were either used to the sounds and smells, or they were too drunk to care.
Before Namjoon reached the bar, he managed to stumble his way over to the restrooms to catch his breath. It wasn’t as crowded as the dance floor, allowing him to relax his tail. He was looking around the club, watching the bartenders toss glass bottles and shake up mixed drinks, one even filling about seven shot glasses with amber liquid in a straight line at once.
Out of the corner of his eye a door opened, a man stumbling back to the bar with a shit eating grin and he thought nothing of it. But when the door didn’t close right away, Namjoon’s ear twitched in its direction, hearing different music coming from there than what was being played in the club.
It was faint, but in seconds he was able to detect the rap music coming from behind the door underneath the sound of EDM.
The flyer suddenly felt heavy in his pocket, and as he pulled it out once more, the paper clenched in his grip. Behind that door was where he wanted to be.
Not thinking twice, Namjoon opened the door to find a hallway leading to a staircase that went down. The rap music grew louder as he walked down the stairs, his heart beating in unison as his steps were drowned out. Following the music, the stairs only went down one floor before breaking out into another hallway, and halfway down there was a door that at the moment, was open, allowing red light to stream out into the grey hallway.
There wasn’t anyone guarding the entrance like he thought, and nobody stopped him when he walked through the door. Instantly he was transported to another place, one that he hadn’t expected to exist underneath Lotus.
The room opened up into a large underground basement, cinder-block walls encasing the several hundred people that were occupying the space. Red strobe lights danced around and in the middle of the room was a large stage that was being used. Only there were regular white spot lights being used to highlight the stars of the show. Amps were set at the sides of the stage, but with music seeming to be coming from everywhere, Namjoon assumed they had installed several in the ceilings or on the walls.
Up on the stage were two groups. On the left side were a group of nine men, and on the right was a group of about thirteen who were currently dancing. The crowd screamed as one of the dancers flipped, twisting his body and spinning around on his shoulders.
Namjoon smiled as he walked further into the room, not quite entering the crowd but absorbing everything that he saw. Despite the numerous strobe lights, he had to take out his cellphone and hold it above the flyer. He didn’t recall there being dance battles advertised as well.
“Hey newbie!” a voice suddenly called out.
Startled, Namjoon looked around him, wondering if he had misheard or if they were looking for someone else. But he was off to the side with no one else around him, and the blond-haired man was coming straight towards him. Namjoon straightened up, watching as he came closer. The stranger was wearing a black tank top that showed off his muscular arms while piercings decorated his ears.
He nodded towards Namjoon’s phone, gesturing with his hand across his neck. “If you’re gonna be down here, first thing you need to know is to kill the light.”
“Sorry,” Namjoon murmured, double tapping the screen.
The stranger grinned though, coming to a stop once they were close enough to hear each other without straining their voices to shout. “It’s alright. Boss prefers there to be no phones so none of the artist get caught.”
“But they’ll hang up flyers at recording studios?” Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Studios are always looking for new talent,” he pointed out. “They’re willing to look the other way. Officers however, would love to break this up. I’m Jackson by the way. What’s your name?” Jackson held out his hand, waiting for Namjoon to shake it.
“Well, Namjoon, how the hell did you find the Underground?”
The flyer was still in his hand, so instead of answering, Namjoon simply held it up. Jackson shook his head, glancing at the stage before looking over his shoulder. Following his gaze, Namjoon spotted a lounge area that was further away from the stage.
“Come on,” Jackson called out. “Let’s go over there and talk. It’ll be easier than over here.”
Without waiting, Jackson headed over to the lounge, leaving Namjoon no choice but to follow after him. There wasn’t anyone else when he joined Jackson, but empty glasses littered the large square table as well as crumbs.
It wasn’t as loud this far away from the main attractions, and he was still able to see the performance going on. “I thought this was for rap battles?” He asked Jackson, finally tearing his eyes away from the dancers.
Jackson nodded, sinking into the black leather couch. “It is. We have a high demand for rap and dance battles, but not everyone does both. So, we alternate between the two. This just happens to be our dance battle night; come back tomorrow night and you’ll see the rappers go at it.”
Pressing his lips together, Namjoon joined Jackson, taking a moment to take it all in. He was finally here, and he had come on the wrong night. This was just his luck.
“You wanted rap night I take it?”
“Yeah, but it’s alright.” Shrugging, Namjoon leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees to watch the stage, smiling when the whole group got involved this time.
Raising an eyebrow, Jackson gave Namjoon a once over. He wasn’t dressed as if he was going to participate in either battle, and he didn’t look as if he came here to get his party on. All he wore was jeans, a green shirt, denim jacket and a baseball cap. Instead, he looked like he was about ready to go home. Like this was the last place that he belonged.
However, his eyes honed in on the square outline in one of the pockets of his jacket. Jackson had been around artists long enough to have an idea of what it was. “What’s with the notebook?” He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
Namjoon patted his side, relieved to feel that it was still there. “I work at the recording studio,” he explained, taking his notebook out of his pocket. “I saw the flyer a couple nights ago and finally decided to check it out.”
“What do you think so far?” Jackson stared at the notebook, spotting the worn-out corners on the cover. As Namjoon absentmindedly flipped through it, the black ink in his sprawled-out handwriting became visible for a brief second before disappearing again.
The Hybrid couldn’t take his eyes off the stage though. As he inhaled, he was able to make out the faint distinguish scent that Jackson was human and friendly, a note that he mentally marked up in his mind. For some reason, like he felt with you, he knew he’d be able to trust Jackson.
For years he had been working on his own music project, and Yoongi - who had spent as much time helping Namjoon out and listening to it – had even encouraged Namjoon to finally put it out there. It was ready for the world to listen to, but he kept holding back. He needed to see if people would actually give a damn about what he wanted to say, to know if they were able to look beyond the tail and ears, and see him as himself. As a serious artist. Pointing at the stage, he turned to look at Jackson over his shoulder, a wolfish grin appearing on his features as he held up his notebook.
“I want to get on that stage.”
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