#consummation ceremony fest
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capriccfest · 1 year ago
[New CaPri Fic] Consummation Fest Contribution - Week 1
Thrilling News! Fresh content for all you CaPri aficionados!
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Title: Veretian First Night
Pairing: Lamen
Creator: Bluehair
Rating: M
Word Count: 5.8K
Warning/Tags: Topping from the Bottom, Restraints, Drugged Sex, the furniture suffers, Rimming, Sexual Inexperience, Laurent is completely baffled, First Kiss, bitchy Laurent, Praise Kink, Assassination Attempt(s) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Prompt #: 19
Summary: So, what if, when Damen wanted to run, Laurent would have told him he knows who he is? And he needs help getting rid of a pesky drug? On his terms, of course.
🌟 Read the whole fic on AO3 here. 🌟
Don't forget to leave some love for the author, in the form of kudos and/or a comment, we know they'll be thrilled!
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moonflower-rose · 1 year ago
Baby's First Capri
I wrote a little thing for the Capri Consummation Fest (@capriccfest), my very first Captive Prince work! I'm still trying to find the Lamen vibe but I've broken the seal at last and hopefully I'll find my groove soon because I have plot bunnies and they are tenacious little bastards.
I claimed the following prompt from @captaindamianos :
Laurent's coronation and their wedding, as well as everything leading up to joining their kingdoms always involved a lot of overly complicated, sometimes downright outrageous rituals from the Veretian side. Some of them turned out to be entirely made up by Laurent, whenever Damen checks with anyone else from the Veretian side. Which has him dismissing the consummation ceremony entirely, until someone suddenly drags him off to prepare for it.
I present to you, Agape!
“Laurent.” Damen rubbed his eyes. “I can’t bake you a cake. I’m a soldier.” “You’re a king, actually,” Laurent said, opening the butter pot and sniffing the contents. “You may recall there was a whole fuss about it. Epic bloodshed, golden laurels, all the pomp and circumstance.” “Do you not recall the debacle with Charls and the rabbit?” This could not be happening. “Oh, speaking of Charls—” Damen slapped a hand on the table and the bag of sugar tumbled out of the chest and split open on the map, millions of white grains rushing to fill every crevice. The household staff were going to hate him. The kingdom of Patras would be sticky for years. “Let me guess, I have to sew my own chiton, also?” “No,” Laurent said, his voice rich with humour. He was enjoying this too much, in Damen’s opinion. “But I’ve ordered the cloth from him for my cotehardie and I have a fitting this evening. Charls will be here to check in on the tailors, hardly necessary but you know how he worries. I thought it might be nice to have a late supper with him.” Damen looked at Laurent with suspicion. “Who will be preparing the supper?” “Not you, beloved,” Laurent’s shoulders were shaking now. “No need to butter Vask.”
Let me know if you read it and enjoyed it, and if you didn't, please never tell me!
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xoverworkedandunderpaidx · 3 years ago
Drop the Genghis Khan 10 hour monologue
Okay so a few years back I somehow got really into Mongolian history and I bought literally every book that has ever been written about it - spoiler, that's not a lot of books. About 20.
I don't know exactly what first drew me to Genghis Khan - maybe that no one has EVER conquered so much of the world so quickly, and it is very unlikely that anyone ever will again. Maybe it was that quote - "I am the punishment of God," he said to hypocritical religious leaders and corrupted kings. "If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." Metal as fuck.
Genghis Khan was a feminist in his time - he outlawed the tradition of trading women and girls for livestock or land (and once challenged his superior to trial by combat for offering to pay for Genghis Khan's sister instead of observing the traditional Mongol custom of the groom to live with the bride's family for a number of years prior to marriage to prove his character), outlawed forced marriage so that women could refuse to marry any man for any reason, he outlawed the marriage of girls under 12 and the consummation of marriage under the age of 16 (this meant by law that the ger belonged to the wife and husbands/men had to invited in), he placed his daughters in positions of power and made them queens of his empire (by killing their husbands whoops), often saying that women made better leaders than men. There is a part of the Secret History of the Mongols that is missing, and this last is believed by some to be pertaining to Genghis' last will and testament re:his daughters. His four sons ended up running his empire into the ground because he never bothered to teach them to be leaders - he preferred his daughters for that. Some people think that he actually tried to leave the empire to the girls, and then the boys took care of that by removing it from history, removing their sisters from power, and starting a petty bitch fest amongst their families that ultimately destroyed the Mongol empire in arguably two generations (it's me. I argue. The empire was toast pretty much as soon as Genghis died because his successors didn't have the same roots. They had affluence and luxury and they liked that, they took the empire for their own gain and not to better the world for the less fortunate).
Genghis Khan was bisexual and you cannot change my mind. He had a wedding ceremony with his blood brother, Jamukha, who later went on to betray him and Genghis spent the rest of his life lamenting their lost love. They also shared a ger everywhere they went, so convince me otherwise.
Genghis accepted any children his wives had as his own children, even when they very obviously were not his kids. He also was chill with his wives taking lovers, though they couldn't take another husband.
He loved religion and was the original pioneer of religious freedom - seriously, no empire had done it before. He believed that ultimately everyone served the same higher being/s but in different ways, and that everyone had the right to choose what they believed and how they worshipped, so long as they didn't force their beliefs on anyone else. What he HATED were religious leaders that punished people for blasphemies and crimes that the religious leaders were themselves committing - hence the above quote. He hated hypocrisy. Whenever he sacked a city and found it's leaders wanting, he would punish them the same way they had punished their own people for the same crimes. Oh you cut off the hands of your citizens for stealing but you've been pilfering from the treasury? GUESS WHICH MOTHERFUCKER IS ABOUT TO LOSE THEIR HANDS. You're the local religious leader and you whip people for "perversions" but you're engaging in the same perversions? GET YOUR ASS INTO THE SQUARE, WE'RE HAVING A WHIPPIN'!
Mongols valued tradespeople and artists - if your entire value to a society was that you were noble, the Mongols didn't give a fuck about you aaaaannnnnndddd you were probably going to die. They weren't interested in ransoms or property. What made them so impossible to stop as they conquered was that they didn't make conquered cities their strongholds, they didn't barricade themselves in seige cities and wage slow wars - they just kept coming because they were a nomadic people used to living a life on the road, a life that most armies found unsustainable. It got to the point that political and religious leaders would just run for their lives as soon as the Mongol army hit their horizon because they knew they were royally screwed.
Mongols took in the people they conquered as their own - Genghis himself adopted a number of children, and many people in his inner circle were actually from armies and cities that he had conquered. And these people legit LOVED him. They would (and some did) die for him. I've always been so curious about what kind of person could inspire that type of love and loyalty from former enemies.
Genghis came from nothing, he didn't recruit his inner circle based on social stature or connection. He based it on bravery. Men and women, and in one instance a child that straight up took a up a knife against two bandits that tried to kidnap Ghenghis' young son. He had mad respect for people that would own their shit, people that were honest and selfless. Those were the people he recruited to help him rule his empire. As a Mongol, he believed that the most powerful currency in the world was knowledge. All records that were kept during his reign were brutally honest about him and his failures and shortcomings. "Warts and all" probably would have been one of his favourite sayings. The Secret History of the Mongols was written after his death but honoured this ideology (regarding his flaws, not so much regarding his genaealogy).
He was absolutely ruthless when it came to betrayal. If a conquered city rose up against him, he would burn it to the ground. But if you were presented as an individual before Genghis for a crime (such as theft) each judgement was based on your character and circumstances, and almost every first time offender for crimes such as theft were pardoned.
Anyway I think there's more to this but I could go one forever 😅
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dramioneasks · 5 years ago
HP FESTS: DramioneFanfictionForum (Part 3)
Sounds Like Dramione 2020:
Not fond of asking by Anonymous - M, 4 chapters - The five times Draco and Hermione cared about each other without owning up to it and what happened when they finally did.
The Scars we Share by Anonymous - E, one-shot - Those who survive war never do without any scars. Some however are invisible. Eighth year Hermione and Draco try to make a go of it, but the past doesn’t seem to want to let go.
The Magic in the Marrow by Anonymous - E, 6 chapters - Auror Inspector Malfoy is making forensic scientist Hermione Granger's life difficult.If he's not dragging her to a crime scene, he's invading her dreams.
Healing by Anonymous - M, one-shot - Returning for his final year a changed man, Draco Malfoy finds that everyone suffered and no one is alright Becoming close with Hermione Granger is healing in a way he didn’t know he needed.
fools with hearts that tried too hard by Anonymous - T, 3 chapters - For the 2020 Sounds Like Dramione Competition on the Dramione Fanfiction Forum. My prompt was "Maybe all we are is fools with hearts that tried too hard/And maybe that's just fine as long as you're here in my arms" from Maybe, I'm afraid by lovelytheband.
Loving Her Was Green by Anonymous - E, one-shot - Their secret shag sessions were a means to an end — mutually beneficial and nothing more. But when jealousy takes over, Draco Malfoy should have known better than to think it could have ever stopped there.
Ghosts That We Knew by Anonymous - T, one-shot - Malfoy keeps following Hermione around Hogwarts. She has no idea why.She traced the scar on her left arm, wondering about Horcruxes and curses, and what marks they left behind on one's soul.“Is that from – was that Aunt Bellatrix?” a voice said in her ear, and Hermione shrieked.“Fucking hell, Malfoy!”He looked sullen. “This is the dungeons, you know.”“Yes,” she agreed, trying to remember how to breathe. “If only you spent all your time here –”
Catalyst by Anonymous - E, 5 chapters - Six years after the war, Hermione has a challenging career and fulfilling friendships, and movie nights with Draco are the highlight of her week. But her impending marriage to Ron fills her with increasing anxiety.
Preying on You by Anonymous - T, one-shot - A chance meeting and Hermione finds out a long hidden secret.
Starving by Anonymous - E, 5 chapters - Hermione has everything figured out. Sex is like food. Club nights are far too expensive. And men belong in the category of 'things that are more faff than they're worth'. You know, like hair straightening charms, lingerie, and mathematical integration. This is a story about food and sex, though not at the same time. 
Why Can't We Be Three by Anonymous - E, 3 chapters - One was her unlikely best mate, the other a longtime love newly her fiance. And Hermione felt utterly barmy nestled between the two in the back of a pub, the wrong man's hand toying with the waistband of her shorts. But if her fiance didn't mind, who was she to deny that two could become three? Who was she to refuse her fiance the pleasure that she, too, so desperately craved?
Everlasting Light by Anonymous  - E, 3 chapters - no summary
Slowly, then all at once by Anonymous - M, 2 chapters - Hermione begins her training at St. Mungo’s the summer after her eighth year. She’s excited to put the past behind her—that is, until Draco Malfoy turns up in her ward and she’s forced to relive the past, if only so he can remember it. Title of the story is inspired by a line in The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
Add it up! by Anonymous - M, one-shot - Draco struggles to keep on task while on a case with Granger.
Love is a Beautiful Thing by Anonymous - T, one-shot - How can you choose when you never wanted to hurt anyone? 
How I Ended Up Inside by Anonymous - E, one-shot - no summary
Make Damn Sure by Anonymous - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy may of overcome their differences and fallen in love along the way, but with an impending betrothal on the horizon, will everything change for them? 
Lost Souls by Anonymous - T, one-shot - Broken by war and years of secrecy, Hermione and Draco struggle to find true happiness together while hiding behind double lives. 
Hold Me When I'm Here by Anonymous - M, one-shot - No longer on the wrong side of the war, Draco finds himself fighting beside unlikely allies, each day about getting through whatever way he can.Sometimes, that way is her.
Guilt by Anonymous - E, one-shot - Getting a nanny in would work wonders.
Deflower Draco 2020:
Mind and Body by sarena - E, 5 chapters -  Hermione tilted her head, taking a step back to look him up and down. “Draco Malfoy, is this your first time?” He winced reflexively but he tried to cover it up immediately by shaking his head. “Of course not,” he scoffed.
Something Deeper by kmd0107 - E, one-shot - Draco and Hermione have to consummate their marriage bond. Draco may have left out one not-so-tiny detail.
Something Unexpected by GaeilgeRua - E, one-shot - Hermione learns that the rumours about her new husband may have been exaggerated a bit. It’s a good thing that the Slytherin Sex God and the Gryffindor Princess work so well together now.
A Stellar Collision by Somandalicious - E, one-shot - They were a white dwarf and a neutron star hurling through space and time on an elliptical trajectory with catastrophic consequences. 
Prick the Virgin by Klawdee - M, one-shot - 7th year Au, in which, Hermione (not the Head Girl, but knows a bit about head or at least several different slang words for it) asks Draco for his virginity, but NOT that virginity, and yet she gets both, that is if either really exist at all... Canon divergence - Voldy Moldy didn’t return 4th year or in this fic…at all… -Diggory was the only Hogwarts Champion…but also not in this fic… -Umbridge did teach 5th year but was chased out early due to out of control rise underage rituals…hinted at but not elaborated on… - it’s AU; Sargent and really…there is no plot, what plot? Inspired by an incorrect (as I’ve soon learned doing some minor research) tumblr post assumption on what “Virgin Blood actually” means, and I ran with it anyways. Some humour, or at least some attempts at humour. I know my confidence is staggering, hopefully you give it a go anyhow, and humour me.
In the Twist of a Curl by SlytherinHermione - E, one-shot - There she goes again. Draco couldn’t help but to watch, mesmerized as she took a long strand of her hair, and followed its curled path around her finger.He felt turned around, twisted upside down, and he couldn’t really stop himself from falling.
Waking The Dragon by Lilithmorningstar69 - E, one-shot - Draco Malfoy had very few choices, despite being a spoilt brat, as a pureblood and only living heir to the Malfoys, he is expected to uphold some antiquated traditions. That is until he sees an unexpected pair in a very compromised position.
still got you all over me by HawthorneWhisperer - M, one-shot - “Earl Grey,” a deep voice said, and it was like walking straight through a ghost. Her stomach plunged, her veins turned icy cold, and she made herself count to three before turning around.It was worse than a ghost. It was him, warm and in the flesh, cheeks slightly flushed from the summer heat outside. Draco hadn’t noticed her yet, too busy paying for his tea, and she inched toward the door. If she could just scoot past the cluster of witches waiting in line, she might be able to—“Granger?” the barista asked. Dammit. Draco’s face went several shades paler. She gave up trying to sneak out and sheepishly wended her way to the counter. Hermione accepted her cup with a meek smile and nodded to Draco like this wasn’t the worst thing that had happened to her in years. It had been seven years since she had last seen him, standing alone in front of the lake. Everyone else had been crowded into groups, surrounded by their families and loved ones, but Draco was alone. No one had come to his commencement ceremony, not even his mother.
The Infidelity Clause by melanoradrood - E, one-shot - "It ends with infidelity," he said carefully. "If one of us were to have sexual relations with another, then the contract is broken."Draco's future has been written in ink and magic since he was a child, but now that he faces it, a marital contract, he knows that there's only one way out... but the consequences of breaking such a contract are... permanent.Hermione rather likes the sound of them.Written for Deflower Draco Fest 2021
Not Your Average Sex God by GracefulLioness - E, one-shot - Draco's in love. And that's isn't even the most embarrassing thing he's confessing tonight.
Until You by BiscuitsForPotter - E, one-shot - After a potions accident at fifteen, Draco must resign himself to living with an affliction for which there is no cure. Written for the 2021 Deflower Draco Fest.
The Bowtruckles and the Beasts by PurpleSugarQuills - E, one-shot - Molly Weasley brandished a copy of The Bowtruckles and the Beasts in one hand and a ripe, yellow banana in the other. Hermione could only blink, moments away from receiving The Talk from her ex-boyfriend’s mother.This was, as so many things tended to be, all Ginny Weasley’s fault.And eighth-year fic for Deflower Draco Fest
Fortuitous timing by emotionalsupporthufflepuff - E, one-shot - Rumor has it that Draco Malfoy is a skilled and generous lover.He may have started that rumor himself...But when Hermione Granger wants to find out for herself, will it result in another disastrous event for Draco, or is his luck finally turning around?
This fest is ongoing.
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pwchronicle · 6 years ago
Game Changer Wrestling “Crime Wave” Live Show Report April 25th in Philadelphia, PA
This GCW card was my first live show since WrestleMania Week, when I attended eight live events that weren’t WWE-affiliated, most of which I recapped on both my Twitter and that of Last Word on Pro Wrestling. Attending just one event this time (as opposed to three on that Thursday and two each on Friday and Saturday) was more my thing. The presence of some standout names and my inability to get an Avengers ticket for last night made the decision to go even easier.
This event was held in a smaller venue than White Eagle Hall. It’s called the Voltage Lounge, and though it also has a stage, balconies, and a bar, they’re all within a smaller space. The ring used was barely able to fit, with one side coming up against the bar, and half of another side coming up against the set of stairs to lead to the balcony area. This was announced as a sell-out too (though I noticed some empty seats in my area), so the place was packed, and my view from my fourth row stage seat was kind of obscured. It would have been better to stand up, though I’m pretty tall and it would have been rude to those behind me, so I split my time between sitting down and standing up in a crouched stance. Making my way up to the balcony to watch may have been a better option as well. The club was at least easy to find coming right off the Ben Franklin Bridge, with a convenient parking lot next to it.
Emil Jay was the master of ceremonies, while I recognized two of the three referees: Bryce Remsburg (coming off a memorable WrestleMania Weekend himself) and Kris Levin.
1. Facade won a “Fuck Fest” scramble match over Grim Reefer, [Pinkie] Sanchez, Wheeler Yuta, Brandon Kirk, and Kit Osborne when he pinned Kirk after hitting a Coast to Coast Dropkick. The first four wrestlers were officially announced, whereas the other two, both more regular to CZW to my knowledge, came out in what was conveyed as a surprise. Osborne said something I couldn’t make out and probably wouldn’t want to repeat, and then both he and Kirk received superkicks from the other four. The veteran Reefer was a real standout to me, though pretty much everyone here contributed here to a fun, fast-paced opener. Reefer introduced a ladder on the floor to assist in a springboard senton into the ring, but he missed.
2. Ophidian beat Gringo Loco with a meteora through a door set up on two chairs. Chikara veteran Ophidian once again took off his more traditional mask to reveal a newer mask. Ophidian was the first to use the bar surface as a platform for springboard moves, including running along the bar to launch over a corner to the floor. The action was fast and slick between these two, and I guess Ophidian figured that since he couldn’t put him away, he’d take advantage of GCW’s environment by using their usual plunder. Enjoyable match here.
3. Jimmy Lloyd beat Marko Stunt with a Gonzo Bomb. My first time seeing Stunt in person after he increased his spotlight at Joey Janela’s Lost in New York last summer. The big story here was Lloyd, after overpowering Stunt but not finding much luck otherwise, introducing a square board with open pairs of scissors taped onto it. Every time Lloyd tried throwing Stunt onto it, he kept avoiding it, reversing them into pin attempts. The teases turned around when Lloyd was on his knees over the board of scissors, with Stunt using a chair in an attempt to smash Lloyd into the scissors, but Lloyd moved, causing Stunt to just smash the scissors with the chair and wreck the contraption. Lloyd then salvaged one pair of scissors. Stunt avoided getting stabbed with them and having his hair cut before Lloyd was able to hit him in the head with them and jab them in a little, resulting in Stunt getting slightly busted open.
4. Mance Warner won a match. I’m not going to bother mentioning who the other guy was. I try not to be shy of my thoughts on him.
Though I like Warner just fine, I had no desire to watch this match. I mostly stayed on my phone sitting down, occasionally looking up to see that it was a bloody affair.
During this match, as you probably heard, an alleged drunk driver struck the ring truck parked outside the club. His yellow Corvette was wrecked, but the the ring truck seemed to suffer little or no damage. Intermission followed this match, so myself and other people were able to go outside and see all the hoopla. A couple other cars parked behind the ring truck were unscathed, no injuries, and the driver, an older man, went to jail. The irony of police showing up outside of a wrestling show titled “Crime Wave” was not lost on people.
5. Homicide beat Colby Corino via outside forfeit. I liked the story of this match a lot, as it alluded to Homicide’s feud with Colby’s father Steve Corino in ROH, well over a decade ago. Before the match started, Homicide spoke to the camera to address Steve, vowing that he would rape Colby. Damn D! A lot of fans seemed to laugh at this, but then Homicide made himself the heel to the crowd by talking up New York over Philadelphia and dissing Bryce Harper. Once the bell rang, Colby started pummeling Homicide. Very heated exchanges, with Corino working over Homicide’s arm at times. Homicide threatened to strike Corino’s ear and bust his ear drum like he did to Steve in 2003, but Corino blocked it and struck Homicide’s ear instead, working it over. Corino nearly got a submission with the Fujiwara arm bar. Homicide got a heck of a nearfall with the Gringo Killa. Homicide then locked Corino in the STF and had it on him for several minutes before a young woman later identified as Colby’s wife got up on the apron and threw in the towel, ending the match. Homicide continued to yell at both Colby and his wife (who does not seem like a good actress based on this) on the mic, then further held him in the STF as Monsta Mack showed up at ringside in an attempt to calm down Homicide. Quite the match worth checking out.
6. Dustin Thomas beat KTB with a slingshot 450 splash. This was my first time seeing Thomas, the legless wrestler who emerged at Joey Janela’s Spring Break 3, and he is a remarkable athlete. I don’t know how long he’s been wrestling, nor how long he sees himself wrestling, but he seems to be taking advantage of the spotlight with what he can do. It should also go without saying that KTB was a consummate professional here to help showcase Thomas as well. KTB bullied him a lot, but Thomas used his upper body strength and some momentum to pull off some surprising moves, including hitting a superplex reversal and a flipping pildriver off the top on KTB. Thomas also hit his version of the 619 to lead to the finish. Thomas received standing ovations before and after the match.
7. Nick Gage (w/ Dewey Donovan) beat Conor Claxton to retain the GCW Title with the choke-breaker. At first a lot of us thought this would be a squash, as CZW regular Claxton was getting in no offense against GCW flag-waver Gage, who in a matter of minutes put Claxton through a door and cut open his forehead with a pizza slicer. Claxton finally gained control after giving Gage a Death Valley Driver onto a chair. Gage introduced a second door, but this one just would not break after three attempts. Gage finally smashed the door himself, breaking it in half and giving one of the halves to Claxton for a duel, consisting of hitting each other in the head with these hard door halves for an uncomfortable few minutes. Claxton was also backdropped from the ring into the staircase prior to the finish. Gage cut a promo afterward, rallying up his fans and claiming that not even Joey Janela could take the title from him.
8. Joey Janela beat Tony Deppen with a sit-out fireman’s carry facebuster off the top turnbuckle. A very worthy main event to the show, as they went all out in this match, using the environment to their advantage. They took their fight up on to the stage where myself and others sat, throwing each other through the chairs before leaping back to the ring. They later fought on the bar, culminating with Janela giving Deppen a package piledriver from the bar onto the edge of the ring. This was one of many big nearfalls.
After finally getting the win, Janela talked on the mic about how he has been wrestling for fourteen years, his first major injury was the one he suffered in September against Psicosis for GCW, and that he was able to return to the ring four months early. He called this match the most physically taxing match since his return, and he put over Deppen as a tremendous wrestler. He advised him to stop being such a dick to people, because he feels Deppen can definitely carry GCW if he was to get injured again, or if Nick Gage were to get injured. He then told Deppen that if he can start on the right path by shaking his hand, he can put in a few calls and get Deppen on some flights. Despite Janela’s persistance, Deppen just spit water in his face and left the ring. Janela then closed by saying he’s going to win the GCW Title from Gage next week in Asbury Park, NJ.
Another wild spectacle from GCW thanks to their roster and their fan base, and partially thanks to this intimate venue. They clearly have a strategy down with the shows they put on, they have access to real unique talent like Marko Stunt and Dustin Thomas, and I found a lot to enjoy from this event.
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witchdocto-r · 8 years ago
The Requirements to the Muslim Union
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The Muslims practice monogamy, which is only unlike common beliefs. From the Muslim matrimony, the males would be the bread earners of the house. The women stay in your home and also do the household chores. However, while in the Western society way too, education and learning many girls has revolutionized and the females step out of the home for skilled explanations. The females have their main rights to the home where they stay, and their own husband and sons are obliged to protect them and meet their own requirements. To get a Muslim Matrimony, There Are a Number of requirements to be fulfilled, that rights of wife in islam can be: 1. The option of husband or wife: the marriage suggestion usually comes out of the guy. The Muslim marriage is decided by mutual consent, the permission of both spouses must be required. The mother and father generally pick the future husband in the own brothers. When there's absolutely no impediment to the marriage, then a union arrangement has been made between the groom and also the union protector of the bride, that supplies her approval to the union. 2. The marital status: The Mosques broadly speaking require that civil union has already happening, to be able to steer clear of any possibility of litigation, but this condition is not relevant every where. The purpose is that religious relationship needs to take place ahead of the consummation of this union. If any one of the spouses is blessed, he/she has to wait for 3 weeks after the dissolution of first union in order to remarry. During the waiting time period, it needs to become verified that the lady is not pregnant with the baby of the former spouse. Otherwise, if the bride isn't pregnant, the suggestion of marriage could only take place after childbirth. 3. Combined marriages: There are certain states in Muslim matrimony that differ according to the guy or woman. An Muslim may marry a non Muslim, with the sole condition that it is the monotheistic faith that's Christian or Jewish. The union of a Muslim and also an atheist or polytheist (Buddhist, by way of illustration) is illegal. An Christian or Jewish lady, who's married to a Muslim person, stays free of charge throughout the union to practice her very own faith. On the other hand, the children born of the bunch might have to check out Islam. Muslim women, then, can just marry a Muslim. If a female selects a person who isn't Muslim, he will have to become converted into Islam to qualify to wed a Muslim girl. The boy afterward must find a religious education and learning for a number of weeks and get a certification of conversion. At that period of wedding, the couple has to look prior to the Islamic judge, and also two witnesses will be likewise required for the marriage. The apparel needed to present the bride together with dowry, including money, jewellery, expensive gifts, and at times real estate also. This step is taken to protect the continuing future of their bride. An agreement is signed up underneath the Islamic law, after which the bride and groom are declared as husband and husband. Like other communities, the Muslim matrimony also consists of wedding ceremony celebrations that move on for decades, also comprise lip-smacking fests, which savor the preferences of this invitees.
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capriccfest · 2 years ago
CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest: We Want *Your* Ideas...please?
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Fellow Fandom Friends,
with claiming less than two weeks away [!Save the Date! 24th July, 2023], we're calling for all your ideas to inspire those who plan to participate in the brand-spanking new CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest.
Submit your ideas through the Google Prompt Submission form and check out the Google Sheet with all the prompts we've already received.
You can also check out the fest rules in this post. Remember, the fest is open to all pairings and all types of artwork, so long as we can feature your contribution in the AO3 collection for everyone to gush over.
If you're currently running low on prompt ideas or are holding out with a self-prompt, we'd also appreciate a reblog to spread the word.
Robyn for the mods x
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capriccfest · 2 years ago
CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest 2023: Prompting Starts June 19th, 2023
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Woah, don't scroll past this, we've important news!
Prompt submission for the brand-spanking-new CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest kicks off tomorrow, the 19th of June 2023 at 11am GMT.
You can find a list of the rules here.
The mods team humbly asks that you share this message far and wide! We're beyond thrilled to see submissions roll in.
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capriccfest · 1 year ago
[New CaPri Fic] Consummation Fest Contribution - Week 5
Thrilling News! Fresh content for all you CaPri aficionados!
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Title: Agape
Pairing: Damen/Laurent
Creator: moonflower_rose
Rating: E
Word Count: 9.4K
Warning/Tags:  Veretian wedding customs, Veretian consummation ceremony, Ritual Public Sex, Oral Sex, Teasing (of the sexy kind), Teasing (of the non-sexual kind), Damen has an arch nemesis and his name is Fabien the manservant, Fluff, Nonsense, Mischief, Damen is naked in front of strangers more often than he would probably prefer, Fabien is about to file a workplace health and safety complaint, Kings in Love, Bodily Fluids, Kissing, a brief reappearance of Lamen, Happy Endings For All, soft, except sometimes a bit hard whomp there it is!
Prompt #: 16
Summary:  Veretian weddings are full of fuss and ceremony, to Damen's absolute lack of surprise. But, he would do anything for Laurent if it would make him happy. No matter how ridiculous.
🌟 Read the whole fic on AO3 here. 🌟
Don't forget to leave some love for the author, in the form of kudos and/or a comment, we know they'll be thrilled!
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capriccfest · 1 year ago
[New CaPri Fic] Consummation Fest Contribution - Week 4
Thrilling News! Fresh content for all you CaPri aficionados!
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Title: Transforming Tradition
Pairing: Berenger/Ancel
Creator: Flightinflame
Rating: M
Word Count: 9.5K
Warning/Tags: Marriage, Married sex, Ancel POV, Implied/referenced child abuse, canon typical warnings, true love, post canon. Warnings for mentions of past CSA, fear of dub-con - boundaries are respected, but the person they affect really does not expect them to be. Also Ancel is narrating and foul mouthed
Prompt #: 14
Summary: Ancel is happy with his life as Berenger's pet. It's Berenger who wants them to be married, while at the same time refusing to carry out the necessary ceremonies. Luckily for him, Ancel is devoted and stubborn enough to look for a solution.
🌟 Read the whole fic on AO3 here. 🌟
Don't forget to leave some love for the author, in the form of kudos and/or a comment, we know they'll be thrilled!
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capriccfest · 2 years ago
CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest: Prompting Open Now!
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The time has come to submit your prompts for the all new and exciting CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest.
You can find the prompt submission form here. So head on over and share your brilliant ideas with us; we want them all!
Prompt Submission Form
List of submitted prompts
-the mods
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capriccfest · 2 years ago
CaPri 2023 Consummation Ceremony Fest: Rules and Guidelines
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Prompting Opens: 19th June, 2023 (Closes: 21st July, 2023)
Claiming Opens: 24th July, 2023
Submissions Due: 13th October, 2023
Posting Starts: 20th October, 2023
Ah, the beauty of CaPri’s consummation ceremonies… Can you imagine Damianos’ shock over learning he’ll have to make love to Laurent in front of witnesses because of some ancient royal decree from centuries ago that the consummation of a royal marriage must be witnessed by the council? And Laurent’s complete complacency and/or amusement? The list of sarcastic taunts he intends to bait Damen with is practically endless and we’re so here for it. But Lamen aren’t the only couple the consummation fest mods would like to see. We’re open to any and all pairings…in terms of imagination, dear contributors, the sky’s the limit.
Also, and because we don’t want to curb your creative spirit in any way, we’re not limiting contributions to fics, but also accept art and/or podfics (if you have the original author’s consent). Feel free to collaborate amongst yourself, let those creative juices flow!
The Rules:
This fest is 18+ only, no exceptions will be made for any reason. Any attempt to deceive the mods will result in the instant dismissal from participating in the fest.
If you’re contributing a fic, we humbly ask for a minimum of at least 1000 words. Beyond that, the sky’s the limit.
You must have an AO3 Account to participate. The AO3 collection is available here.
Since we’re new on the fest circuit, this won’t be an anonymous fest. You’re welcome to natter away about your prompt in your favourite Discord server or amongst friends. For fic contributions, we do ask that you do not share snippets of your story publicly until your contribution has been revealed.
Your work must be created especially for the fest. This means, anything you previously published is not eligible for submission.
If you’d like to submit a podfic, please provide us with the original author’s approval to record their work.
Please note that the mods’ decision on the interpretation of the rules is final.
Prompting will begin 19th June, 2023 and run right through to the 21st July, 2023. You’re welcome to submit as many ideas as you would like…the more the merrier! You can find the prompting form here.
There’s no requirement to participate in the fest in order to be eligible for prompting; we’re a bit greedy and want all your ideas. 
If you’re the mysterious kind, the form allows for anonymous prompt contributions.
This fest is not a gift exchange, however if you’d be happy to receive a contribution based on your prompt as an AO3 gift, we ask that you indicate so in the form. Contributors, at this point, the mods team would like to take the opportunity to remind you that if you opt to gift your work to the prompter you should adhere to their wishes. That means respecting special requests and/or any squicks.
All prompts are open to all ratings. We do ask that you respect the maximum rating stated if you plan to gift your contribution to the prompter.
Self-prompting is allowed. For this you don't need to fill out the prompts form. Simply wait until we release the claims form and tell us all about it then. Do make sure to jot down your self-prompt somewhere. Those cheeky plot bunnies sure do like skipping away. If self-prompting, we still encourage you to submit prompts.
We expect claiming to start on the 24th July, 2023, likely (and providing there are no technical hiccups) from 11am GMT onwards.
Prompts will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis and can be claimed once for fic, once for art, and once for other fanworks.
We would appreciate it if you could choose three prompts when submitting your claim, with your first choice being the prompt you’d like most, though you are not required to submit three choices.
You may only claim one prompt at a time. Once you’re done and have submitted your contribution, you’re welcome to choose a second prompt. For this reason, claiming will remain open until submissions are due. Please let us know in your submission email if you’re planning to submit a second claim through the form.
We do understand that sometimes life gets in the way of fun and that this may make it impossible for you to complete your work. No judgements, we merely ask that you inform us as soon as possible.
If you decide to collaborate, e.g. fic + art, please ensure to provide us with details for all claimants in one claim form.
Once you have submitted your claim, we aim to respond within 24 hours to confirm your choice. Please respond within 72 hours to let us know that you have received our confirmation and will participate in the Captive Prince Consummation Ceremony Fest.
As previously stated, we ask for a minimum word count of 1000 words. Beyond that, you’re free to break your own personal records.
We will only accept completed works; multi-chaptered works are fine but all chapters must be uploaded at once. All submissions must be new and individual works. They cannot be a continuation of your previously published work.
Prompts are meant to inspire you, as are any additional notes provided, but as you are the creative head of your work, we suggest you set your creativity free. If you plan to gift your work to the prompter, we do ask that you take the prompter’s squicks and special requests into consideration.
Lastly, not a rule but merely an encouragement for you to dream big. As Albert Einstein once said, ‘creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.’
For written contributions, we strongly encourage you to have your work beta-read prior to submitting it.
Once you’re done creating and editing, please submit your work to the mods team.
Submissions are due by 13th October, 2023, but if you’re finished early, we encourage you to submit before that date.
The mods will create a dedicated AO3 collection for the fest.
Once you’re ready to submit your work, please complete the below header and email it to [email protected].
Your email subject line should read: Fic Submission: (Title)(Artist)
All creations must be posted directly to the AO3 Collections page here.
Please ensure that you add the fest mod account (CaPriCCFest) as co-creator when uploading your submission so that we are able to adjust the posting date. We will not make any changes to your contribution.
Please ensure that you tag your contribution correctly and include all appropriate warnings. The mods reserve the right to request that you add a missing warning tag. If you’re unsure you are welcome to contact the mods at [email protected].
E-Mail Submissions Header:
Word Count (if applicable):
Art Medium (if applicable):
Run Time (if applicable):
Prompt #:
Link to submission:
Extensions/Dropping Out:
We’re all human, so if you need an extension, or need to pull out of the fest, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know. No need to be afraid, we’re here to help. Please note that if you’re dropping out, you will not be eligible to claim another prompt for the remainder of the fest.
The mods will release fest contributions on a schedule and send out a Tumblr post from the official CaPri Consummation Fest account. If you’re on Tumblr, please consider giving us a follow to stay in the know about fest updates and posted works.
Any other questions?
Any questions you may have can be submitted directly to the mods team through the Ask Us All The Things! function on Tumblr or, if you prefer, by emailing the mods directly: [email protected]. We aim to answer as soon as we can, but do keep in mind that we are also humans with work and life commitments.
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capriccfest · 1 year ago
[New CaPri Fic] Consummation Fest Contribution - Week 2
Thrilling News! Fresh content for all you CaPri aficionados!
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Title: Your memory over me
Pairing: Jord/Aimeric
Creator: Flightinflame
Rating: M
Word Count: 2.2K
Warning/Tags: Indoctrination, past child abuse mentioned and past CSA mentioned, attempts at sex under false pretences, self harm, mention of execution and drowning
Prompt #: Self-prompt
Summary: Aimeric would do anything for the true King of Vere. It's just that when Jord looks at him with kind eyes, he feels something that he knows he shouldn't.
🌟 Read the whole fic on AO3 here. 🌟
Don't forget to leave some love for the author, in the form of kudos and/or a comment, we know they'll be thrilled!
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capriccfest · 1 year ago
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Hello fabulous fandom,
We'd humbly like to remind anyone interested in contributing to our brand new fest that we are still accepting claims. Our full list of prompts can be found here and our claim form is available here. We accept self-prompts and are open to any pairing. If you have an idea but you're not sure whether it would be acceptable for the fest, shoot us an ask or an email. We'd be happy to discuss.
Our full list of rules is available in our pinned Tumblr post, for ease of access, here's the link.
With love, the mod team
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capriccfest · 1 year ago
[New CaPri Fic] Consummation Fest Contribution - Week 5
Thrilling News! Fresh content for all you CaPri aficionados!
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Title: Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me forever
Pairing: Auguste/Jokaste; Damen/Laurent; Aleron & Auguste; Aleron/Hennike
Creator: Perdudanslespace @pijulle
Rating: M
Word Count: 4.1K
Warning/Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship; Accidental Voyeurism; Modern Era; Meeting the Parents; Parent-Child Relationship
Prompt #: 26
Summary: Auguste is desperately, totally, helplessly in love. But his parent might not like her and her - ahem - illegitimate child. Hopefully she came up with a plan, passing her ex as Auguste’s boyfriend and let the obviously incoming disaster hide her past.
🌟 Read the whole fic on AO3 here. 🌟
Don't forget to leave some love for the author, in the form of kudos and/or a comment, we know they'll be thrilled!
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capriccfest · 2 years ago
CaPri Consummation Ceremony Fest
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The day has finally come, claiming is now open.
You can find the link to the claim form here.
All submitted prompts can be checked here.
Remember, claiming is on a first-come-first-serve basis. You're also more than welcome to self-prompt.
The mods aim to respond to your claim within a day, though some delays can be expected (remember, we are only human).
If you have any questions at all, send us an ask or email, we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, happy claiming or self-prompting!
Robyn for the mods
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