#consumer segment
pixiest1cks · 2 months
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i'd like to think no matter where he's at in his life, dottore likes to ramble as he works.
no matter if he's prime, or the more ill-tempered scholar from the akademiya or even omega build, dottore quietly mumbles as a habit when he's working.
some things he says aloud are just to commit certain details to memory. in the grander scheme of his plans, the details seem small-- but they hold a crucial grip on the entire project. because of this, dottore reasons that the habit holds its merits.
sometimes, he makes sarcastic remarks when something doesn't go well. short, choppy words that mostly go unheard even by those in his general vicinity. when you first worked under him, he had mumbled to himself like usual (it was second nature at that point). what he hadn't expected though, were your responses.
"stupid thing tightly screwed--"
"do you need a wrench, sir?"
before he could respond, you had one held and ready to hand to him. from then on, you would help him out here and there in his more foul moods and dottore would be lying if he said the additional assistance wasn't helpful.
the mad scientist had found an adequate assistant.
work went by smoother, toning down a good portion of his irritation. it's almost as if having someone to support you (even if it was strictly for work purposes) provided more benefits than he had originally thought. of course, he would never admit that. the most he would do is thank you here and there when you proved to be extra useful.
work continues the same for a while. the interactions grow more frequent and so his musings change from your responses. instead of talking to himself, he talks to you. he asks you for your input, for you to pass him whatever he can't reach from his other desk, he asks for you.
that is, until you're gone one day.
dottore doesn't think anything of it. he's worked alone for his whole life, what's a few days without you? but his segments have been more irritable as of late, resulting in lackluster performance as a whole not only from his segments, but his troops. the fatui are fearful of the doctor, but even more so of an irritated one. you'll turn up eventually and everything will be back to normal, he reasons.
but as the days go on, you are still nowhere to be found in the cold, desolate laboratory. he finally pauses in his work to think about where you could be.
something must've happened. something outside of his jurisdiction. it's not like it's his problem. you might've proved a useful assistant to him, but his work holds utmost priority.
yes, work. back to work.
and dottore mumbles as usual, but it's not the same.
by habit, he calls out for you to hand him something--
but you're not there.
dottore is a scholar first and foremost. all it takes to find you is a little bit of research, so he does exactly that. he finds out you've been working somewhere else, somewhere closer to home to better support your family.
well, that's no problem. he'll have his assistant back as soon as possible, no matter the cost. all he needed to know was your whereabouts.
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zestyderg · 5 months
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Ice and Fire Festelcan: People ask us why we don't relax more often. Girl the Worms.
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roychewtoy · 1 year
like yes this is one of my favourite games and shows ever. yes i love them with all my heart and they fester away in a nook in my brain. no i would not recommend them to u.
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gonguji · 9 months
since the main focus would be kabukimono , it would be fun to consider what would happen in inazuma && sumeru if scaramouche was never made.
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infinitystation · 2 years
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pwease stop using your ad block we are just a small indie company trying to make a living 🥺🥺🥺
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The obsession websites that are successful without video seem to have for adding video is baffling to me. Yes I get that it's chasing the fad and trying to get another site's market share, I get the why, but it's just bizarre to me that so many companies that are working properly will look at the absolute logistical nightmare that is adding video and decide it's worth the cost in order to burn their primary users and become known as a worse version of another website.
Just the sheer expense of the additional storage to host terabytes upon terabytes of HD video should be enough to scare off most companies with an ounce of sense, and that's only the first and most obvious headache to deal with. It only makes sense if it's the only thing you're doing, and even then it only makes sense under the right conditions.
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cherriesandcharms · 11 months
I've been relistening to wtnv and bc i can't consume media in a normal way i have been listening to it at 1.4x speed and binging as many episodes in a row as physically possible and yes i do think it's had an impact on my psyche
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abluehappyface · 1 year
I just got an idea...
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
the executive is really just not functioning today huh
#ive spent about. probably two total hours if i sum up all the intermittent segments. just staring into the distance trying to. Do Stuff idk#today's one of those days where literally nothing seems appealing even the normally very appealing stuff#and its makin the executive function kind of take a nosedive#just. right off a cliff. there it goes#hopefully it shall return but that is an indeterminate amount of time away#i need. to like. Exist™#like. eat and shower and clean my room more#but i don't really want to do anything more than just sit in the dark#i haven't eaten i really need to eat#it's just the only ready-to-eat food we have are those little uncrustable sandwich things but sugar is Not Good rn#some days i just Cannot consume anything too sweet if it has even a moderate amount of sugar i can't#and the only easily microwaveable food is.. i don't know how old it is so it is Dubious#and also we made the enchiladas kind of wrong so they're Weird and autism brain isn't happy about it#and then from there the only food i can eat is stuff i have to actively make#like pasta or ramen#and i can't do that right now#but like.... what else do i do#i need more easily microwaveable meals but either they're Just Terrible or they're super expensive for the amount of food you get#or we just don't have enough room in the freezer to store more than two microwaveable meals#so i eat them all in one day and can't get back to the store to get more#i desperately need food that i can just store for these days#but I'm not allowed to have a minifridge in my room despite how much it would help my several disabilities :/
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roguepen · 2 years
Family Tree Thingy
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Part of the family tree I’m working on. I’ve been consumed. Send help.
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egberts · 7 months
companies are delusional if they think consumers don't notice shrinkflation. less food in the package, less medicine in the jar, less whatever in the wherever, it doesn't matter where and it's almost always noticeable. like i just finished one box of medicine and we opened another allegedly identical one that we just bought and lo and behold, the four middle medicine segments were gone from the package. they took out four pills from the same sized box and sold it at the same price without any indication on the box other than the small number in the corner. ridiculous
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jcmarchi · 2 months
The AI Advantage: Reshaping Loyalty Programs and Customer Segmentation
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-ai-advantage-reshaping-loyalty-programs-and-customer-segmentation/
The AI Advantage: Reshaping Loyalty Programs and Customer Segmentation
Whether it’s online or in a store, consumers are used to being prompted to join loyalty programs when making a purchase. It’s a part of the shopping experience people have come to expect, but the mechanics behind these programs aren’t always obvious. Most loyalty programs follow the same formula — you sign up and receive the same rewards and offers as all (or most) of the other loyalty program members. For brands that structure their loyalty programs in this one-size-fits-all way, the majority of rewards are never redeemed, diminishing businesses’ return on investment.
When it comes to building loyalty and gaining repeat customers, personalization is key. More than that, good personalization is key. Loyalty increases 1.5x when brands use personalization to meet customer needs, but 50% of consumers feel that personalization is often off-target.
The best way to personalize loyalty programs and stand out? By implementing AI and integrating it within all stages of the customer journey. With optimized AI, restaurants, e-commerce, and retail brands can uplevel programs through personalization and segmentation, leading to higher reward redemption rates and more engaged customers.
Fixing segmentation and connecting customer data
The key to any type of brand marketing and loyalty is effective segmentation. In most cases, brands segment customers by characteristics like age, geographic location, income, etc., using these data points to inform promotion. And, oftentimes, segmentation is based only on one of these factors.
AI helps businesses predict customer preferences and behavior patterns outside of just the classic demographic categories, suggesting the most relevant promotions to run (and to which customers). Plus, there’s no limitation on how many variables you can use for segmentation – allowing marketers to differentiate groups into hundreds unique subsets. Each customer can ultimately be their own segment, and as a result, receive an optimal experience and reward that makes sense for their own preferences. If a customer frequently purchases a particular product, AI can recommend promotions related to that category, increasing the likelihood of engagement and redemption.
If a coffee brand wants to increase afternoon sales, they might push a buy one, get one after 2pm promotion to loyalty members of a certain age. While this might result in some reward redemptions, this approach isn’t truly personalized and won’t change behaviors, or encourage additional afternoon coffee runs. Not only can segmentation allow companies to give you something they already know you like, but also make predictions on new products you may like based on past preferences – beneficial for both the consumer and the business alike.
AI allows companies to compile large amounts of customer data from multiple channels (for example, in-person purchases, online shopping, and social media engagement), and then analyze and activate personalized promotions. So instead of pushing a BOGO promotion to all customers after 2pm, the same coffee shop can target customers more likely to redeem.
Building scalability and adaptability into rewards
With plug-and-play rewards programs, there’s often a dip in participation and reward redemption after the initial reward because these programs lack personalization and are repetitive. Imagine having a rewards program that adapts and evolves with each customer interaction. This is where AI can play a transformative role.
With AI, brands can create scalable loyalty programs that aren’t just tailored to individual customers, but are also adaptable over time. This adds major value for brands because a promotion that results in major sales one day is not guaranteed to perform well in the future – seasonality, customer trends, new options could all impact customer behavior. A loyalty program with integrated AI can continually learn and refine which promotions are most effective by analyzing redemption rates, customer purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic data. By leveraging insights based on these metrics, brand loyalty programs can automatically tailor and send personalized promotions to the right customers – and equally importantly, they can do so at the right time.
Ultimately, incorporating AI into loyalty programs allows brands to create dynamic, personalized experiences that foster deeper customer engagement and loyalty, ensuring that their investments in these programs yield the highest possible returns.
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philomathresearch · 3 months
5 Strategies for Understanding Consumer Behavior Insights to Drive Sales Growth
Understanding consumer behavior is crucial for any business aiming to drive sales growth. By comprehensively analyzing how and why consumers make purchasing decisions, businesses can tailor their strategies to better meet customer needs, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer loyalty. In this blog, we will explore five effective strategies to gain consumer behavior insights and leverage them for sales growth.
1. Utilize Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is the process of dividing a broad consumer market into sub-groups of consumers with common needs and characteristics. This strategy allows businesses to target specific segments with tailored marketing efforts, which can result in more effective communication and increased sales.
Types of Market Segmentation:
Demographic Segmentation: Dividing the market based on variables such as age, gender, income, education, and family size.
Psychographic Segmentation: Segmenting the market based on lifestyle, values, interests, and attitudes.
Behavioral Segmentation: Dividing the market based on consumer behavior, including purchasing patterns, usage rates, and brand loyalty.
Geographic Segmentation: Segmenting the market based on geographical location, such as country, region, city, or neighborhood.
Steps to Implement Market Segmentation:
Conduct Market Research: Gather data on potential customers using surveys, interviews, and focus groups.
Identify Segmentation Criteria: Choose the variables that best represent the target market.
Segment the Market: Divide the market into distinct groups based on the selected criteria.
Analyze Each Segment: Evaluate the size, potential, and unique characteristics of each segment.
Develop Targeted Marketing Strategies: Create marketing campaigns tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each segment.
Benefits of Market Segmentation:
Improved customer satisfaction due to personalized marketing.
Increased efficiency in marketing efforts.
Enhanced ability to identify and target high-value customers.
Better allocation of marketing resources.
By understanding the specific needs and preferences of different market segments, businesses can develop targeted marketing strategies that resonate with consumers, leading to higher engagement and sales.
2. Leverage Data Analytics
Data analytics involves the process of examining large sets of data to uncover patterns, correlations, and insights that can inform business decisions. In the context of consumer behavior, data analytics can provide valuable insights into how consumers interact with products and services, enabling businesses to make informed decisions that drive sales growth.
Types of Data Analytics:
Descriptive Analytics: Summarizes historical data to identify trends and patterns.
Diagnostic Analytics: Examines data to determine the causes of past performance.
Predictive Analytics: Uses statistical models and machine learning techniques to forecast future consumer behavior.
Prescriptive Analytics: Provides recommendations for actions based on predictive and descriptive analyses.
Steps to Implement Data Analytics:
Collect Data: Gather data from various sources, such as customer surveys, transaction records, social media, and website analytics.
Clean and Organize Data: Ensure data is accurate, complete, and formatted correctly for analysis.
Analyze Data: Use analytical tools and techniques to uncover insights and patterns.
Interpret Results: Translate analytical findings into actionable insights.
Implement Strategies: Apply insights to develop strategies that enhance customer experience and drive sales.
Benefits of Data Analytics:
Improved understanding of consumer preferences and behaviors.
Enhanced ability to predict future trends and consumer needs.
More effective marketing and sales strategies.
Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
By leveraging data analytics, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that boost sales and improve overall performance.
3. Conduct Consumer Surveys and Focus Groups
Consumer surveys and focus groups are essential tools for gathering direct feedback from customers. These methods allow businesses to understand consumer opinions, preferences, and behaviors, providing valuable insights that can inform marketing and sales strategies.
Types of Consumer Surveys:
Online Surveys: Conducted via email or web-based platforms, offering convenience and wide reach.
Telephone Surveys: Conducted over the phone, allowing for more detailed responses.
Face-to-Face Surveys: Conducted in person, providing the opportunity for in-depth interaction.
Mail Surveys: Sent through postal mail, though less common in the digital age.
Steps to Conduct Consumer Surveys:
Define Objectives: Determine the goals of the survey and what information is needed.
Design the Survey: Create questions that are clear, concise, and relevant to the objectives.
Distribute the Survey: Choose the appropriate method for reaching the target audience.
Analyze Responses: Compile and analyze the data to identify trends and insights.
Implement Findings: Use the insights to inform business decisions and strategies.
Benefits of Consumer Surveys:
Direct feedback from customers.
Insights into consumer preferences and satisfaction levels.
Identification of areas for improvement.
Focus Groups:
Focus groups involve guided discussions with a small group of consumers to gather detailed insights into their attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors. These discussions are typically moderated by a facilitator who guides the conversation to cover specific topics of interest.
Steps to Conduct Focus Groups:
Define Objectives: Determine the goals of the focus group and the information needed.
Recruit Participants: Select a diverse group of participants that represents the target market.
Design the Discussion Guide: Create a list of topics and questions to be covered.
Conduct the Focus Group: Facilitate the discussion, encouraging open and honest feedback.
Analyze Findings: Review and analyze the discussion to identify key insights.
Implement Strategies: Apply the insights to develop marketing and sales strategies.
Benefits of Focus Groups:
In-depth understanding of consumer attitudes and behaviors.
Opportunity to explore complex topics in detail.
Immediate feedback on products, services, and marketing concepts.
By conducting consumer surveys and focus groups, businesses can gather valuable feedback directly from their customers, providing insights that can be used to improve products, services, and marketing strategies, ultimately driving sales growth.
4. Monitor Social Media and Online Reviews
Social media and online reviews are powerful sources of consumer insights. By monitoring these platforms, businesses can gain real-time feedback on their products and services, understand consumer sentiment, and identify emerging trends.
Strategies for Monitoring Social Media:
Social Listening: Use social listening tools to track mentions of the brand, products, and relevant keywords across social media platforms.
Engage with Customers: Respond to comments, questions, and complaints to build relationships and gather feedback.
Analyze Sentiment: Evaluate the tone and sentiment of social media mentions to understand how consumers feel about the brand.
Steps to Monitor Online Reviews:
Identify Review Platforms: Determine which platforms are most relevant to the industry, such as Yelp, Google Reviews, or industry-specific sites.
Monitor Reviews: Regularly check these platforms for new reviews.
Analyze Feedback: Look for common themes, trends, and areas of concern.
Respond to Reviews: Address negative reviews promptly and professionally, and thank customers for positive feedback.
Implement Changes: Use the insights gained from reviews to make improvements to products, services, and customer experiences.
Benefits of Monitoring Social Media and Online Reviews:
Real-time feedback from customers.
Insights into consumer sentiment and brand perception.
Identification of potential issues before they escalate.
Opportunities to engage with customers and build loyalty.
By actively monitoring social media and online reviews, businesses can stay attuned to consumer opinions and behaviors, allowing them to make timely adjustments and improvements that enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales growth.
5. Implement Customer Journey Mapping
Customer journey mapping is the process of creating a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase. This strategy helps businesses understand the customer experience, identify pain points, and uncover opportunities to improve the journey, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.
Steps to Create a Customer Journey Map:
Define Objectives: Determine the goals of the journey mapping exercise and what insights are needed.
Identify Customer Personas: Develop detailed profiles of typical customers, including their needs, preferences, and behaviors.
Map the Journey Stages: Outline the key stages of the customer journey, such as awareness, consideration, purchase, and post-purchase.
Gather Data: Collect data on customer interactions at each stage, using surveys, interviews, analytics, and other sources.
Visualize the Journey: Create a visual representation of the journey, highlighting key touchpoints and pain points.
Analyze and Improve: Review the journey map to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance the customer experience.
Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping:
Comprehensive understanding of the customer experience.
Identification of pain points and areas for improvement.
Enhanced ability to align marketing and sales efforts with customer needs.
Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
By implementing customer journey mapping, businesses can gain a holistic view of the customer experience, allowing them to make targeted improvements that enhance satisfaction and drive sales growth.
Understanding consumer behavior is essential for driving sales growth. By utilizing market segmentation, leveraging data analytics, conducting consumer surveys and focus groups, monitoring social media and online reviews, and implementing customer journey mapping, businesses can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and behaviors. These insights enable businesses to develop targeted marketing and sales strategies that meet customer needs, enhance satisfaction, and ultimately boost sales.
Embracing these strategies will not only provide a deeper understanding of consumer behavior but also equip businesses with the tools needed to stay competitive in an ever-evolving market. By continually analyzing and adapting to consumer insights, businesses can foster long-term relationships with their customers and achieve sustained sales growth.
1. What is market segmentation and why is it important for understanding consumer behavior?
Market segmentation is the process of dividing a broad consumer market into sub-groups of consumers with common needs and characteristics. It is important because it allows businesses to target specific segments with tailored marketing efforts, resulting in more effective communication and increased sales.
2. What types of market segmentation can businesses use?
Businesses can use several types of market segmentation:
Demographic Segmentation: Based on variables like age, gender, income, education, and family size.
Psychographic Segmentation: Based on lifestyle, values, interests, and attitudes.
Behavioral Segmentation: Based on purchasing patterns, usage rates, and brand loyalty.
Geographic Segmentation: Based on geographical location, such as country, region, city, or neighborhood.
3. How does data analytics help in understanding consumer behavior?
Data analytics involves examining large sets of data to uncover patterns, correlations, and insights. It helps businesses understand how consumers interact with products and services, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive sales growth. Types of data analytics include descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.
4. What are the steps to implement data analytics in a business?
Steps to implement data analytics include:
Collecting data from various sources.
Cleaning and organizing the data.
Analyzing the data using analytical tools and techniques.
Interpreting the results to gain actionable insights.
Implementing strategies based on these insights.
5. Why are consumer surveys and focus groups valuable for understanding consumer behavior?
Consumer surveys and focus groups provide direct feedback from customers, offering insights into their opinions, preferences, and behaviors. This feedback helps businesses understand customer needs and improve products, services, and marketing strategies.
6. What are the different types of consumer surveys?
Different types of consumer surveys include:
Online Surveys: Conducted via email or web-based platforms.
Telephone Surveys: Conducted over the phone for more detailed responses.
Face-to-Face Surveys: Conducted in person for in-depth interaction.
Mail Surveys: Sent through postal mail.
7. How can businesses effectively conduct focus groups?
To conduct focus groups, businesses should:
Define objectives for the focus group.
Recruit a diverse group of participants.
Design a discussion guide with specific topics and questions.
Facilitate the discussion to encourage open and honest feedback.
Analyze the findings to identify key insights.
Apply the insights to develop marketing and sales strategies.
8. What role do social media and online reviews play in understanding consumer behavior?
Social media and online reviews provide real-time feedback on products and services, helping businesses understand consumer sentiment and identify emerging trends. Monitoring these platforms allows businesses to address issues promptly and engage with customers.
9. What strategies can businesses use to monitor social media effectively?
Businesses can use the following strategies to monitor social media:
Social Listening: Track mentions of the brand and relevant keywords.
Engaging with Customers: Respond to comments, questions, and complaints.
Analyzing Sentiment: Evaluate the tone and sentiment of social media mentions.
10. How can businesses monitor and analyze online reviews?
To monitor and analyze online reviews, businesses should:
Identify relevant review platforms.
Regularly check these platforms for new reviews.
Analyze the feedback to identify common themes and trends.
Respond to reviews professionally.
Use insights from reviews to improve products and services.
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xpbrandai · 4 months
AI’s Role in Redefining Corporate Strategy: Insights from Xp
Corporate strategy has never been more critical. Companies must navigate an array of challenges, from shifting consumer preferences and global competition to technological disruptions and regulatory changes. In this environment, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in redefining corporate strategy has become increasingly pronounced. Leveraging AI-driven insights, companies can gain a competitive edge, anticipate market trends, and make informed decisions that drive long-term success. In this blog, we’ll explore the transformative impact of AI on corporate strategy and draw insights from Xp.
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cohoai · 4 months
Micro Segmentation Marketing - Coho Ai
What are the four micro-segmentation variables?
The Four Micro-Segmentation Variables
Micro-segmentation is a more advanced form of segmentation that groups small numbers of customers into extremely precise segments based on various factors. The four key micro-segmentation variables are:
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Demographic Segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education, and family size. Demographic segmentation helps in understanding who the customers are, enabling marketers to create messages that resonate with different demographic groups.
Psychographic Segmentation: Psychographic segmentation focuses on dividing the market based on psychological and lifestyle characteristics. It takes into account factors such as personality traits, values, interests, attitudes, and opinions. Psychographic segmentation helps in understanding the motivations and preferences of customers, allowing marketers to tailor their messaging and offerings accordingly.
Behavioral Segmentation: Behavioral segmentation divides the market based on customer behavior, including their purchasing patterns, usage habits, brand loyalty, and response to marketing stimuli. By analyzing customer behavior, marketers can identify different segments and develop targeted marketing strategies to effectively engage and retain customers.
Geographic Segmentation: Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market based on geographic factors such as location, climate, population density, and cultural preferences. This type of segmentation helps in understanding the specific needs and preferences of customers in different regions, allowing marketers to customize their offerings and marketing messages accordingly.
These four micro-segmentation variables provide marketers with a more detailed understanding of their customers, enabling them to create personalized marketing strategies that maximize the effectiveness of their interactions with each customer segment.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Another thing that happened tonight is I incinerated a weed brownie for no reason 👍🏻
#i’ve been freezing a lot of my edibles because my tolerance is somewhere in hell#my friend once described it as ‘ellen; every time you get high it’s like the first time. it’s like brand new to you’#she wasn’t wrong#SO i’ve been freezing weed brownies. this is fine. but then they’re frozen. shocking i know#so microwaving them for like 20 seconds is enough to get them soft enough to eat#so why did i leave one in the microwave for a full minute and just walk off. 😭#my microwave microwaves stuff for 1 minute by default if you don’t change it. and i didn’t. because i’m DUMB#i was working on autopilot and forgot i had a brownie and not leftovers#i wish i could tell you i noticed immediately but we all know i didn’t. i only noticed when smoke POURED out the microwave at 50 seconds#managed to avoid setting off my smoke detector through sheer luck. or maybe it’s just broken. god knows#anyway i ate the least burnt bit of the brownie but most of it i just had to toss because it was charcoal#it was literally ON FIRE#every day i ask why. why is this my life#i think i’m going to exclusively get gummies now because i can’t keep living like this#or like… how long do baked goods just last at room temp. a week? two?#i’ll be real i don’t think it’s a good idea for me to consume a 360mg cake in a week but i’m willing to give it a shot anyway#if you see me on the news don’t worry about it#personal#(i feel the need to clarify right now that it was only like 1/3rd of a brownie that i burnt#i’ve been cutting them into little bits and freezing them so i can thaw just smaller segments at will#and thereby have a lower dose so that i don’t end up on the news#so it’s not like i paid an egregious amount of money for a weed brownie and then set the whole thing on fire#it was a pretty negligible amount of brownie all told. but it was still upsetting)
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