#consti in a nutshell
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bronzebluemind · 1 year ago
Das sollte für den zweiten Durchgang reichen. Ich geh jetzt einfach mal ganz frech davon aus *grinst*
It should be enough for the second round. I am gonna be bold and cheeky and just assume it is *grins*
Woher kommt das neue Selbstbewusstsein?
Ich hab den ganzen Winter ja nicht nichts gemacht. *proceeds to list all the things he did*
Where do you take your new-found confidence from?
Well, I did not not do anything this whole winter *proceeds to list all the things he did*
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savethedots · 3 years ago
Gender identity in s7 of DRUCK
I tried to compile all moments that could belong either to the gender identity or the body dysphoria storyline of Isi’s season. Hearing that the s7 main is non-binary (or could be) brought me back to watching live. Which I stopped doing after s4 of Druck. And yeah… it was frustrating this time around.
I started this list shortly after the final episode and it took a while (yeah, i know). I hope I got everything. I’m sorry if something is missing. This got very long…
Episode 1:
1. Isi meets Lou in the toilets. Two gnc people seeing each other for the first time. Is it a mixed toilet? Maybe, but I kinda doubt it. So, one of them is challenging the binary toilet system in the school. Maybe…
2. “Hi Lou, I’m Isi.” - an introduction with gender neutral names. Both of them never use the other’s birth name and therefore respect their choices.
3. “Is this your brother or your sister?” - a teammate of Umut thinks it’s alright to comment on Isi’s appearance and make assumptions, representing society in a nutshell with this. At first it seems like Isi doesn’t really care but then Umut makes it clear that he is effected, which gets to Isi.
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Episode 3:
4. The threesome scare. I’m not sure if this belongs here but Isi’s reaction could be caused by body dysphoria. It also could very well be, because Isi doesn’t want to get sexual with Lou, or Constantin or with both of them together. We don’t know and this is a problem, as it was NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN!!! What was the reason for it? Getting some outrage?
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Episode 4:
5. Isi removes the nail polish after Constantin wore it in an insta post to “fuck with stereotypes” - it’s probably performativ on Consti’s part (and he gets applauded by Lou), but for Isi it goes much deeper than that.
6. “Let’s try to introduce a part for men.” “Not so much hip movement.” “Like dudes in the club.” “Put your hands on my hips like I’m your date.” - the girls say all of this without realizing that Isi is uncomfortable the whole time bc they seemingly don’t identify with any of these stereotypes.
7. Isi is watching the YouTube video about gender identity. It is nice. It’s a nod to how the mains always google stuff. But again it’s a shallow treatment of this topic. It’s only one short scene that is later overshadowed by family trouble. It could‘ve been the start of something but -like a lot of other things- was never really picked up again.
8. Sascha calls their get together ‘girl‘s night’ and Isi is okay with it. Isi feels comfortable with the girls and with Sascha calling it girl’s night. They know Sascha isn’t mocking them.
9. Consti assumes that Isi only likes guys because of the way she dresses/presents. Consti has no idea that there is so much more to it and I think he doesn’t care enough to learn more about it. Again presenting society in a nutshell.
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Episode 5:
10. “You know exactly who you are?” - “Don‘t you?” - “I‘m always different.” - “I like that about you.” - “You can be everything you want.” - important convo for Isi to hear, after Isi didn’t know how to dress and and style himself and was so overwhelmed that he covered up the mirror. Isi kinda relates to Lou and her saying this and making them feel better is so important.
11. “I nearly didn‘t recognize you.“ - Isi tries to fit in by dressing like ‘one of the boys’. She does this for her brother, even tho you can see how uncomfortable she is. This is really sad. Even sadder that Umut is still mad (even if it is understandable, he is a very impressionable young teenager). In the end no one is happy with this.
12. “You don’t have to adept for anyone.” - “How would you know? I have to adept every day. Whatever I do. I don’t fit in. They want one or the other.” - honestly one of the best scenes. Sascha is like the audience that finally gets to hear how Isi feels and listens intently. Sascha/the audience cannot make it easier for Isi but it’s important that Isi knows someone is in their corner to catch them if they need it. Finally some insight! Finally some feelings! (They still do not really continue this throughoutly)
13. “Boys right. Girls left.“ - with Isi being unsure where to go but eventually deciding to ‘fit in’ with the boys and society norms before Lou ‘saves’ them and gives them an excuse to get out of the situation.
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Episode 6:
14. Mailin and Isi talk about Umut ignoring Isi. And Mailin asks about Isi playing and quitting football. Isi says that it was too “football-ish” and Mailin agrees and says she, too, had a hard time when she started training the boys. I think it is heavily implied that gender roles/expectations played a big part in both their stories.
15. Isi goes to the queer youth center with Sascha. They meet David, by chance. Isi talks to him and David mentions body dysphoria. I still don’t know why they didn’t dig deeper after this. They had a good set up. Wasn’t the show supposed to educate about important topics? They really dropped the ball with this one. This could’ve been a catalyst.
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Episode 7:
16. “Hey Umut. Your sister is here.” - the teammate at it again. And he chuckles. He thinks he’s funny. Isi makes Umut listen to him. They talk about it beautifully, touching topics of what being ‘normal’ even means, pretending to be someone you’re not and losing yourself over it. It was way too short but heartfelt and very important.
17. “Just because you think I kiss men anyway. Or whatever you made up in your head.” - “no worries. I know now how you are. You made out with Lou.” - The talk from the garage never really got solved and it is kinda picked up here. Isi still is mad at Consti’s assumptions, rightfully tho. And Consti doesn’t even listen and continues to assume stuff about Isi without ever asking. Consti still mistakes gnc clothing, gender identity and sexual orientation. He doesn’t care. He is hurt and doesn’t try to understand, not even for his friend’s sake.
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Episode 9:
18. Mr. Önder is harassing Isi and Umut by stopping them and telling Isi that he disapproves of who Isi is and how Isi presents. Again, nobody asked but this is sadly pretty accurate, nosy neighbours and all. I love (!) how Isi is very angry, at first, but then looks at Umut and sees that he is afraid. Isi changes her behaviour on the spot and exposes Mr. Önder’s double standards in a really mature way.
19. Umut and Isi talk about Zeki Müren and this may be the sweetest talk they have. Isi tells Umut about the singer and Umut compares Isi to him. It’s a beautiful end to their storyline where Umut just excepts Isi and encourages them.
20. HOLY RAINBOW NIGHT: the culmination of Isi’s journey (if you can call it that). We have Billie who is very good at creating a calming environment. Billie also shows Isi that it is okay to have no pronouns by simply showing the name tag.
21. Then we have David who introduces the idea behind the name tag: no awkwardness just enjoy the night without feeling wrong. And he, too, creates an atmosphere that feels save. At first Isi goes along like always and just bends herself for society norms. But then they look around and recognise a safe space. Unlike ep 5, where Lou came to the ‘rescue’, Isi now stands up for himself and chooses a name and pronouns that feel right. But this is all new and Isi is still unsure about it. Then David steps in: “just try it out.” Reassuring Isi again, that she is save here (that’s when I cried).
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Episode 10:
22. At the Christmas dinner we have the family discuss Mr. Önder because he came around to complain. When Isi’s parents hear the whole story, they immediately start reassuring Isi about herself and telling her, that they are proud. Then Baba Inci plays best of Zeki Müren. And all of them dance and celebrate the music (and Isi).
23. Since body dysphoria is also part of Isi story, at least in some scenes, I wanna mention Isi and Sascha’s Christmas night clip. I think it’s refreshing that the one being a bit insecure seems to be Sascha, not Isi. Isi feels save and therefore is confident in the physical part which is heartwarming. They found someone who takes them as they are. Isi CAN just be who they are. Kinda leaving body dysphoria and struggling with their gender identity as problems for the outside world, while they create this permanent safe haven, which is really beautiful.
24. As they’re preparing for the their dance performance Isi tells his friends that they only want to use Isi as a name from now on. Isi still seems precarious and tries to give their friends (and themself) an out, if they don’t take it well. But both, Kieu My and Nora, make sure that Isi knows that it isn’t an effort for them and that they will adapt for Isi, no questions asked. With this, another safe space is created. This also spilled over to Insta where Isi and their close friends now have their pronouns in their bios. This should’ve been a Clip, tho.
25. The last clip is Isi just embracing herself and enjoying it. First Isi sits in front of her mirror again. While they struggle to use the right lipstick, in the end Isi is satisfied with how they look. Later at the dance performance she is confident and you don’t see any of the struggles she had at the beginning. The new year begins for Isi surrounded by friends, finally having the strength to embrace herself.
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In conclusion:
The build-up in Isi’s journey isn’t always super clear and should’ve been a center piece of their story but it did linger there throughout the whole season. They could’ve (or should’ve!!!) done better. Still, some scenes/clips are amazing and have a special place in my heart. I’m proud of and happy for Isi, this fictional character, who struggled with their identity and got to a good place in the end. It’s what Isi deserves and what everyone else deserves, who’s struggling because society is harsh, if you don’t fit in.
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