#constantly getting dragged into eachother's personal bullshit
teatitty · 2 years
Look I understand everyone’s need to write their versions of some of the canon cases but there’s a wealth of things you could just make up outside of them. There’s so many cases Watson has never written down (as he himself has mentioned multiple times!) + if you look at the “timeline” of the cases you can see a shitton of years where nothing was documented especially pre-Sign of Four! 
Basically what I’m saying is we need more fics about Watson, Holmes and Lestrade being a silly goofy trio getting ridiculous situations and events. We know Lestrade has stayed over and slept on their sofa before for a case so have they ever hung out outside of one? Does he gossip with Watson about the agony column in the newspaper? Bicker with Holmes over composers and horror novels? 
Do Holmes and Watson know his wife. Did they have to deal with Lestrade’s courting and pining and soft romantic sighs. I’m choosing to believe they did because it’s funny
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what the hell -
how she came to be
pairing: euphoria characters x black!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs, and slight violence.
a/n: well…i’ve been missing for a minute. my mental health is absolutely shit rn :/ so sorry about that, but this is the backstory to what the hell! I’m taking this series off my taglist because this chapter is finished, however I will be keeping the current taglist for the sequel. i hope you enjoy babies.
words: 948 + not proofread
part one | part two | part three | part four
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what? what? what? what the hell?
dinner was over long ago. you had teased your your dad all day long about his new love interest, but now he was grilling into you.
after teasing you about how he knew Elliot was gonna cause problems he took a long look at you.
he hated you had went through the biggest amount of bullshit via everyone.
“not saying Rue’s right at all, but we see who’s actually admitting their wrong.” Ali told you before pushing your shoulder and laughing.
when you pushed back he looked shocked.
“you’re heavy handed like your damn granny. she used to hit me like that when i was in trouble.” he teased while smiling.
you hadn’t always seen his smile.
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you had grown up in the area. your mom, before she up and left one day, had enrolled you in the same daycare Rue and Lexi were in. your first day your mom watched you cry as she had to walk away, but when she came to get you, you didn’t want to go home.
she arrived to see Leslie and Suze trying to coax all three of you to stop crying and to let eachother go.
“i’m Angela.” she would introduce herself to the other moms as Lexi screamed in the background gripping you and Rue’s backpacks.
the rest was history.
endless play dates, weekend trips, bike rides around the neighborhood as Rue’s father trailed you in his car.
it was nice.
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you never knew your dad.
you used to clutch into the seatbelt and onto Lexi’s hand while Cassie’s dad drove you all home from school.
him alone made you question wanting a father.
Rue’s dad though? he was nice and always treated you with love and care. you loved spending time with him before he had gotten sick.
it wasn’t until your mom said she was going out with a friend named Laurie and she never returned that you were were alone for the first time.
sure you had been left alone with Mrs. Marie and you spent time with her grandson Fez, but those times your mom would come back.
coming in the door yelling, waking up the sleeping baby you had been clutching and Fez who was draped over your shoulders in a deep sleep, she’d grab your arm and yank you out of the home. Mrs. O’Neil looking at you in sorrow as you were dragged away.
Fez would tell you at school a bit before he had to drop out that his grandmother constantly said she wished she had taken you. that she would’ve been a better mother.
she had stopped going to Marie and next thing you knew she was staying out late with a Laurie.
this was a new thing, yet each time she came back. this time though? she had been gone for days.
days had gone by and the only voices you had heard were baby bird chirping. each night alone got worse and worse and the little food that was in the house was basically gone.
you only had one person who could help you at this point, but you didn’t know if he would.
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you knew your dads name and he was the only person you could think of to get you out of the lonely house.
the yellow pages were worn as you looked for his name and number in a phone book. Facebook was no use. it wasn’t until you rummaged through your moms drawers that you noticed some notes and one in particular had the name of your father on it.
Ali Muhammad, or Martin as your mom would say, was perfectly jotted down on a absent mindlessly written note your mom had crumbled up in her drawer. it was hidden beneath a few pens, bags with loose pills, and random white residue.
you ran to the phone and dialed as quickly as you could, your little fingers struggling to keep up with your hurried movements.
“h-hello?” a groggy voice answered.
you didn’t remember much other than telling him your name and your mothers through your own sobs and his frantic “okay”s.
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life had changed.
Rue’s dad got sick, Lexi’s dad left, you gained a father in your life, and Marie had fallen sick.
everyone was crumbling at that time, but you were thriving and it’s as very apparent.
Ali didn’t tell you about his previous life of being married and having other children till you were older. you were 11 when you first found him, he didn’t want to scare you off.
you weren’t mad when you found out, taken aback but mad or scared wasn’t something you felt.
at 16, about to turn 17 that month, he became Rue’s mentor.
you all know the rest.
so it led you to now.
“daddy do i look pretty?” you said pushing at your stomach before picking at your your hair in the mirror.
“you look good.” he said laughing behind you in the mirror. he always thought it was so funny how you looked at yourself the same way each day and asked him the same question.
you rolled your eyes and gave him a side hug before grabbing your purse.
“byeeee. i’m going to help Lex for the play tonighttttt. don’t stay up, i’ll text you my plans.” you hollered over your shoulder at your dad.
Ali waved before going back to his phone call with Leslie.
“you wanna go to dinner? the kids are gone.”
“i’d love too.”
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y/n: i’m about to go do the makeup :p
fez: at least they won’t look ugly. this shit about to pop off
y/n: and i will laugh at them all
taglist: @jeyramarie @lainjupi @whitejuliana1204 @theeblackbarbiesworld @leawxlker @spilvy @xxloveralways14 @colbysbrocks @euphoruya @lselnerys @thecraziestcrayon @capswife @pookiedookie06 @alainabooks143 @smashleywow @nichmeddar @jackierose902109 @euphoricfeminine @nintendhoe08 @nunya7394 @leebodeckersgoodgirl @crystallizedth0t
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charmixpower · 2 years
What about the boys on social media?
Has an Instagram. Its mostly dead aside from the most occasional of dog pics. Sky is a little scared of ending up with bad press after how often his parents beat having a good image into his head. He's also one of those people who post text to Instagram, bc it's his only social media
Sky has media training, but due to hiding his identity for most of his life never actually put this into practice. He has an edge, and had a naturally calmish slightly charismatic personality so he gets along fine with being on Tv, it just takes some getting use to. He ends up on tv and in magazines anytime he steps outside because Prince of Eraylon who's dating the Dragon Flame Princess of Domino, is the fucking headline of century and everyone knows it. He accepts this as a part of life and tries not to do anything stupid when the cameras can see him
Stella's Instagram is a couples Instagram. Who do you think posts all those pictures of Stella to her Instagram? Yes her but she's too busy posing you see. He also posts an obscene amount of pictures of himself along side Stella. For the bisexual audience. He has a private Twitter just to see all the bullshit that goes down, without getting involved
Brandon, as Sky's stand in for multiple years, has both media training and a lot of experience with the media. He's used to Eraylon standards so he often comes off as overly formal, but very respectful kind and charming, and he's essentially the old media's darling. So many think pieces about how chivalry isn't dead because Brandon, completely unaware that he still flirts around for fun (with Stella's permission of course). The media paint Stella and Brandon as a yin yang couple, when a quick look at their dual Instagram would disprove this very quickly. Brandon has no clue how he ended up in this scenario
Oh sure he has social media. Their all privated and completely fucking empty because holy shit FUCK that. He doesn't need reporters talking about his most recent likes on Twitter ok? He has some alt accounts but social media is very stressful and he rather not
Bold of anyone to assume he'd end up on Tv lest he was fucking dragged. He does NOT want to deal with the whole magical dimension making fun of his stutter ok? He already has like 3 older brothers, and 2 younger ones that do that for him. He is good on the teasing. Though he'll do email interviews, these tend to get long and rambly tho
Once he realized that fame was slowly coming their way he deleted all his old social media. No body needs to see what 13 year old Riven was tweeting. Aside from that he has a Twitter where he mostly just talks about Musa or posts pictures of Musa. Riven is a private person, but also likes attention. The dichotomy of man. He wants to be acknowledged in his field by his peers, not be a public personality. He's every Musa stan's dream bc he posts pictures of her and just spouts off random facts about her constantly. They also tweet at eachother constantly! Not to mention his therapist has done an amazing job at convincing him not to argue with idiots on Twitter, he still subtweets them but still. He rarely posts about himself, when he does it's mostly complaining that he accidentally fucked something up or about how cute he thinks fairy animals/pixies/fairy pets/selkies ect are for like multiple posts straight
Riven is not intentionally on TV. Ever. The idea of that many people watching his every move, after s1, makes his skin crawl. He appreciates the reporting on his achievements in his field and with the Winx, and passively seeths about the reporting on his past fuck ups, but you won't catch him doing an interview unless it's with Musa
Helia has never quite given a shit about social media. Unfortunately Twitter is made for fighting people and Helia is 80% unhinged violence by volume. Constantly in Twitter arguments, so many fucking sub tweets, and throwing enough shade to sap Stella's enegry. He also posts his art/poetry in-between absolutely fucking destroying the poor idiot who called Flora the most useless of the Winx Club
He's fine on Tv. Helia has an ever present confidence in literally everything he does (really Helia is never caught slipping in the earlier seasons), and he's already well spoken. He handles being on tv with the grace of someone who met many different royal families as a child. He'd probably be interviewed more if he wasn't so short/blunt in person, which makes him kinda a shit conversationalist. He's better at interviewing someone, writing an essay at someone, instead of answering any question in detail lol. Sometimes an interviewer will catch him on something he's passionate about and he'll talk for an hour straight
He has a Twitter, he's also a nightmare. He's not like....mean or starting shit for no reason, he just tweets like a man in his 40s. You get inspirational quotes, accidentally qoute tweeting, shit blurry photos of Aisha. No one quite knows if he's fucking with them or is really that bad with technology.....Nabu is still trying to figure out how to change his header. Nabu is the unproblematic fav of the guys in the Winx world, his Twitter is beloved for him being infectiously positive while completely not understanding what the fuck is going on
Nabu is much better in person than he is online. He kinda falls into the same role as Brandon. Media training form a very conservative planet making him come off as ultra respectful and polite, but unlike Brandon, Nabu is unlikely to end up in a scandal lmao. He handles just about all in person appreances for or with Aisha because he knows she hates him, and is the master of talking a lot and saying fucking nothing. (Brandon can also do this because he was required to make small talk for so many years, but it comes to Nabu naturally). He also deals with hostile media presences the best bc he doesn't really react to them and he also can absolutely gut someone while staying calm and looking reasonable..... Someone tried to shame Aisha for not wanting to give up her freedom and her verbally annihilated them for her <3, bc he knows that she stuggles with public speaking
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elmundodeflor · 3 years
Okay so the idea for this headcanon came up at the levihan server (iloveyall💖). I may or may not write a whole oneshot about it later😏😏
But for now I'll just leave this here:
I work at an international company that sells home furniture and accesories. Our offices have this huuuge long table were most of us work together and just chat non-stop lmao. Our boss is pretty cool and laid back. He has his own prívate office at the same floor we're all in, but he's always nearby and sometimes even sits with us. Soo, I just thought it would be funny to imagine the Survey Corps in this scenario.
-Erwin would obviously be the chill nice boss. He always wears neat impeccable shirts and is always on time. He salutes everyone with a smile and a polite "good morning" as soon as he arrives and knows every single employee: from the cleaning staff to the new interns. They all adore him. He's smart and charming and that usually gets the company new interesting deals. Though he's often busy with meetings he always makes sure to take some time off to grab lunch with the rest of the group and catch up.
-Hanji works as a computer engineer at the developement department. She's an "organized mess", as she likes to call herself. Her desk is always a wreck with papers scattered everywhere but somehow she manages to find everything she needs to, much to everyone's surprise. She's ALWAYS late. ALWAYS. It doesn't matter how many times Erwin patiently warns her about it, she still shows up breathless with the typical "you have no idea what happened to me on my way here" type of stories, each crazier than the last. She's brilliant at her job tho, so Erwin let's it slide. She also always comes up with the most over-the-top conversation topics ever. She'd be probably typing something in her computer and randomly ask "what if in an alternative universe there were giant humans with no genitals walking the face of earth, threatening our very existence?". Then everyone would look at eachother like "ah shit here we go again".
-Moblit is her newly hired assistant and always gets dragged into her usual mess. His first day at the office Hanji asked him for coffee and he almost freaks out, standing there completely frozen in front of the Nespresso machine up until Levi came to the rescue and told him how she liked it: strong with no milk and little sugar. From then on he started picking up on him and Hanji's weird but unique dynamic. The way they interacted and even constantly teased each other over the smallest of things made him realize how close they actually were. Sometimes he was tempted to ask Hanji if her and Levi were a thing, but he never did out of respect.
-Levi's the stock manager. He's incredibly organized and has the most clear-easy-to-understand Excel files. Erwin trusts him the most and sometimes even sends him on meetings to get new deals with clients when he can't go. He always arrives ten minutes before everyone else and makes himself some tea, often coffee for Hanji too. He sits right in front of her at the big table and usually calls her out on her bullshit. "Hey, Four Eyes, stop leaving those sticky notes on my desk!", "Aw, c'mon! I know you love them", she laughs in response. The notes are nothing special, they're silly, even. Hanji writes things like "I wonder what would Erwin look like without those huge-ass brows covering half his face" or "don't you think Mike and Nanaba would be cute together?". Levi secretly adores the little messages he gets and finds them funny.
-Mike works at the sales department. Believe me, he could sell ANYTHING. He's charming and convincing and the clients instantly fall for him. Once he even sold a bright green couch that nobody in the entire company thought any sane person would buy. That day they all went out for drinks after office to celebrate. Restaurant bill was on Erwin, and so most of them got completely wasted to the point where Levi had to literally drag them out of the bar. He usually visits Nanaba's office at the finances department with the most lame excuses, just to see her. Everyone in the office shamelessly ships them, even Erwin.
-Eren, Jean, Armin, Sasha, Annie, Connie and Historia work at costumer service. Armin and Historia are extremely polite and sweet and well-spoken, the rest of them are just awfully awkward and usually make the clients shake their heads in confussion. Levi one time tried to instruct them, but turned out he was even more socially awkward than the kids, so they just left the task up to Mike.
Okayy this got a little longer than I expected but hopefully y'all had fun reading itt! let me know if you'll want a full fic or something, I promise I'll work on itt😀
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whiskeyontwitch · 5 years
Going to start a little thread called “Thank you Seán” to start spreading some more positivity!
Hope you’re able to join in ☺️
*clears throat*
Hey Seán!
I just want to say thank you for being such an inspiration and real example for so many people on this world. Over the years I have followed you (not in a stalker way 😅) I have had the pleasure to watch you create such an amazing community that I am constantly inspired by.
Yes, there are some toxic/negative people within this, but let’s be fair, with 23 MILLION people, you going to get some “bad eggs” and negativity will always appear louder as it’s so much easier for people to be negative. But the quieter positivity from within the community will always be stronger and run deeper in our hearts.
Now, the following is what you’ve done for me, personally;
1 - I’ve been lucky enough to of had the chance to actually meet you with (my now fiancée) Emily. I also have it on good authority that when you heard from some cool people that I was outside, you made the effort to come out and say hello to me and Emily and hang out. (Which you were under no obligation to do!)
2 - Through your community, I have been able to get to know some incredibly cool people. Some of which I have even met personally (more than once) and can truly call some of my closest friends. This couldn’t have happened without you!
3 - If I had never watched your “My Setup Tour!” video, I would have never had the inspiration to go “Fuck, maybe I could do this too!” and start building an amazing community of my own! ( Which I constantly feel like I don’t deserve btw 😅)
4 - If it wasn’t for your interview video with Arin, I would have never of given myself that kick up the ass to start actually doing my little podcast. Through this, I have had the chance to speak to some incredibly cool people and I feel like I have created something I am truly proud of.
5 (Finally) - You have given Me and Emily hours of entertainment throughout the past few years of living together. Your videos have become a massive part of our daily routine and some of my favourite moments of the day are where me and Em have some food, some good fucking wine and just watch a bunch of your videos.
I really hope a bunch of people will do something like this for you too, because there are going to be arseholes out there who are trying to drag you down, force their own bullshit opinions onto you, tell you to go back to the old you because they don’t like that you’ve grown as a person and they simply haven’t.
But I know there are countless amounts of people in this community that love how you’ve grown as a person and are proud of what you have done with what you’ve built. It’s time we start flooding this Tumblr with positivity, to the point where the noise negative people are making is simply drowned out by the overwhelming amount of love and support the rest of the community has for you and eachother.
Keep on being the very best you can be and we will be with you, every single step of the fucking way 🤘🏻
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
I am curious about your take on something. So Taekook probably hate the idea of Taekook, right? If Jk and Jimin are together (as I beleive they are) then the very idea of taekook has to be like sooo weird for everyone, especially when it results in hate directed at Jimin. So why don't Taekook agree to like NEVER LAY HANDS ON ONE ANOTHER in public. I know they shouldnt have to. They like skinship and all. And no one is going cray cray over jinkook or jihope etc. But its an easy fix? Maybe not?
Tradshippers... Haha.
The gag being Tuktukkers say the same thing about Jimin and Jikook all the time- if V is his soulmate and friend, shouldn't he keep his hands off JK? Shouldn't he respect the sanctity of his friends' relationship? Doesn't he care that his actions with JK hurt Tae? That he is wrecking another man's home, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Heard it all before. Not particularly impressed by that level of rudimentary mental adroitness- at all. It all flows from insecurities and or the shipper's dissatisfaction with how these people in reality interact with one another because that often tend to be in disharmony with their shipping fantasies about their OTP.
The shipping community in general is a fantasy bubble. Haven't done much research on its demographics but from my observation, it seems the younger demographic can't seem to detach fantasy from reality while the much 'adult' population'- perhaps, for fear of having their reality warped or their hearts broken, are too engrossed in reality as such tend to approach shipping with quizical glares at best, cynicism, skepticism and what I like to call a false sense of logic- at worst.
Then of course, there are those in between.
But one thing they all seem to have in common is their emotional response to the demystification of their fantasies. Like any fantasy, people tend to lash out at or carry resentment towards anything or anyone that threatens their false sense of safety built around their fantasy.
For Taekookers they tend to lash out at Jimin or even Jokers because they threaten their sense of ship safety. Jokers do the same with JK more so than Tae, but Tae too nevertheless.
Taekook, Jinkook and the other ships Jikooker's are threatened by are viewed as threats and looked upon with disdain and resentment only because they ruin the fantasy of Jikook for them and nothing else.
And if that's not the case, then these people are too invested in someone else's relationship and lack both personal and emotional boundaries- it's their relationship not ours.
You can't sit in your homes, behind the screens and pilot someone else's relationship or point out what is wrong with their relationship and feel strongly about it to the point you start demanding and dictating how they should relate with eachother or their friends- that's entitlement and borderline toxicity which is scary, not gonna lie.
Jikook and Vmin equally ruin the fantasy of Taekook for their shippers. And they look to Jimin as the grinch and killjoy, hence lash out against him without reservation.
In a perfect shipping alternate universe, Taekook or Jikook would be couples within a group where it's glaringly clear that they are couples and as such no other ship would compete or interact with them in a way that raises questions about the general perception of them as a couple unit within the group or threaten their status as such. But this is reality. Not fantasy. And it just doesn't work that way.
Most of these conversational topics you raise are about how people want their OTP to behave rather than how their OTP actually behave towards one another.
It's especially disconcerting when their disapproval of an interaction stems from them 'wrongly' labeling or interpreting that interaction as 'intimate' and or romantic and proceed to go on an emotionally charged rant on behalf of their OTP calling for them to instill boundaries.
Maybe Tae is not instilling boundaries for JK with Jimin because he doesn't have the right to? Because he is not in a relationship with either Kook or Jimin?
Maybe Jimin is not telling Tae and Kook to keep the skinship off cameras because he is not bothered by the 'hate he receives' because of their interactions?
Tae kook have been interacting on our screens for 7 good years. You think if Jimin found their interactions as problematic or disrespectful to his relationship with Kook that he wouldn't have nipped that in the bud?
Have you not seen him react a countless time to when he is uncomfortable with an interaction that crosses his limits or boundaries? It should tell you he doesn't have a problem with Tae Kook at all.
He only has a problem when an interaction crosses the line. Same with JK. And if due to his ideosyncracy he can't stomach an interaction, he averts his eyes. I don't think he would want them to stop interacting all together. If he did that would be problematic because they are all friends and he doesn't own Kook or vice versa.
Also the statement that Tae Kook need to keep their skinship off camera because Jimin receives a lot of hate because of it is a non sequitur. Tae kook is not the reason Jimin recieves a lot of hate in the fandom. Jikook is.
Taekook doesn't hurt Jimin, Jikook does. People lash out at Jimin because of his interactions with JK not because of JK's interaction with with Tae.
So the solution would not be for Tae and Kook to keep their skinship off camera, it would be for JK and Jimin to not interact on camera at all. I mean if we are being honest.
And all those who claim JK isn't protecting Jimin because his interactions with Tae is what fuels the passions of Tuktukkers towards Jimin, think again...
JK puts up boundaries with Tae as it is. Out of all BTS, they are the two who have openly admitted to having 'drifted apart' over the years- I wonder why. When Tae spoke about wanting JK to treat him as a friend rather than hyung, JK told him he couldn't do that because that would have led to a lot of fights between them. What other boundaries do y'all expect him to put up again?
Dude rarely nurtures his relationship outside Jimin within the group- responding to texts a whole year later and what not.
And even with this, Jimin recieves a lot of backlash regardless. I think we need to stop justifying hate. There is no justification for hate. No excuse is excuse enough for the traumatization of another human being.
JK equally gets dragged for filth in these shipping streets. Tuktukkers hate him as much as they hate Jimin because of his interactions with Jimin. Tae stans hate him. Jimin stans hate him. He is neither here nor there. He got called a pig, sissy, and all kinds of derogatory names when he pulled away at KBS when Tae wanted to hold his hands.
Jokers, PJM jokers drag him for filth in their gcs and shit and equally hates on him because to him he doesn't love Jimin enough or at all. Especially, when he doesn't interact with JM in a way that pleases them.
The problem is Jikook. Both Jimin and JK will have their peace of mind if they didn't interact at all and kept their relationship private. The best way for JK to protect his boyfriend from all this bullshit is to keep a safe distance from him and act like he doesn't know him or never met him- because that is how Kpop idols usually protect their relationships.
And yet, and YET, when he does just that y'all jump on his neck on every turn, screaming Jk hates Jimin and doesn't love him. I gotta ask-
People just like to ruin beautiful things, don't they?
And while we are at it, let me address this Ask I got a few days ago claiming if JK loves Jimin then it doesn't make sense for him to want to act so loud with Jimin or express his feelings for him in a way that out's their relationship because that can hurt Jimin and bring him a lot of hate...
You think Jimin openly loving on JK doesn't bring JK a lot of hate too? Damn. It's the double standards for me. Lmho.
Listen, JM has a duty to protect JK just as much as JK has a duty to protect JM. By your logic, if Jimin loves Jk then he equally needs to stop doting on him in public because his love causes JK as much pain as JK's love causes Jimin- but Jimin can't stay away now can he?
Jimin had to ask JK permission to express himself the way that he does with him- on their Log when he asked JK if he was ok with him saying he loved him on camera. Jk had a need to keep their relationship private, Jimin had a need to keep it open and clearly didn't want to hide their relationship. But they have since outgrown their old selves. Their wants and their needs have changed- if you pay attention to JK's lyrics in recent times.
Their dynamics keep flipping. And they are constantly negotiating their needs, from my perspective anyway- let them do them. Y'all didn't seem to have a problem when in their earlier dynamics Jimin was the one pushing for them to be open with their relationship. JK eventually gave up his need to hide their relationship didn't he? And overtime he became comfortable expressing affection for Jimin openly.
Yet, suddenly when JK wants the same thing in their relationship y'all claim he is being unreasonable and unfair towards Jimin? Huh?
Granted, he over does it sometimes. Yes. Lol.
But you can't hold Jikook to different standards. They are both human and their feelings for eachother are equally valid. Their needs from eachother are valid in the same weight.
If Jimin gets to show the whole world just how much he loves JK and because of that many people are convinced Jimin loves JK more than JK loves him- even if half of the time he is using fanservice as a cover or even his persona as a cover, then why can't JK equally use his art or whatever means he prefers as a cover to show the world just how much he loves Jimin?
...Even if half of the time he is borderline outing him and getting him in trouble? Lol. That's just the love if you ask me. Hehehe.
Chilee JK, you make it hard to defend you sometimes! Lol. Just don't out your man. How hard is that!😭🤭
Seriously though, you don't think he wants people to see he loves Jimin too? Damn, y'all be reading Jimin wrong. Because Jimin loves it when JK shows the world he loves him... Did you see his face after Rosebowl? Why do you think JK keeps cutting it close? Dude is gunning for the points. Lmho. Jikook speak eachother's love language. Let that sink in.
If JK is pushing against the glass closet it's because he is convinced that that is something Jimin wants but is afraid to go after and he is the fearless one among the two. Y'all just be fighting the wrong battles. Lmho.
Jikook is asserting themselves against eachother. They are pushing eachother's boundaries and I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing.
You can't claim JK doesn't love Jimin and in the same breath condemn and disapprove of the ways he expresses himself and his love for Jimin- I think you need to free JK now!
Between Tuktukkers and certain Jokers, I don't know who is worse- Nevermind, I'm not a fan tradshippers in general.
JK is there to please his man not shippers and the way I see it Jimin looks like a satisfied customer to me.
If you are dissatisfied with Jikook, there are a countless other ships in BTS. Get on one. See how that goes. Lol.
Where were we, Anon?
Oh right, Tae Kook. Lol.
I think we need to learn to hold the right people accountable for their actions. The problem is not Tae Kook, or Jikook or any other ship. The problem is with the toxic shippers who use them as an excuse to perpetuate unfathomable hurt towards the boys and towards others.
I think Tuktukkers need to develop a better attitude towards Jikook. Jikooker's need to do the same about Tae Kook or Jin Kook.
Personally, I would rather Jikook kept their relationship private but I also understand their need to take advantage of the glass closet- secrets are hard to hide. They get heavy before they get easy.
And Jimin loves to be loved. He loves when you show him off. It's part of his love language. You can't date him and Keep him a secret- and still we question why JK doesn't want to hide him.
If y'all don't want to ship Jikook that's fine. I'll ship them myself.😒
Whatever decisions they are making, I support it wholeheartedly. I support them with every fiber of my being.
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serendipitous-posts · 4 years
Doctor Who Q&A!
Who is your Doctor?
Matt Smith! Funny story about him actually-he was the first doctor I ever watched-it was Time of the Angels, but at the time I watched that episode, Matt Smith’s run was over. I went back and watched Nine and Ten, and then rewatched Eleven before hitting Twelve up. Eleven has always had a special place in my heart
Your favourite Doctor?
Funnily enough, Twelve. He faintly edges out Eleven in this regard. I think I just really enjoy his humour, dry and sarcastic, and the character arc of wondering whether he’s a good person or not really spoke to me. Yeah, stinky eyebrow man wins in this regard
Least favourite Doctor?
Either Nine or Thirteen? I found Nine to be somewhat boring, I liked his humour, but most of the time was spent setting up his backstory, or that weird romance thing with Rose, and since romance has never interested me, except in certain areas *shrugs*
Thirteen isn’t anything to do with Jodie Whittaker, it’s just that the best moments of Doctor Who are when the Doctor is sad, or vulnerable or angry. The Oncoming Storm is a big part of it all. And it seems that she never really has the oppurtunity to be emotional in this yet. That’s the scriptwriters fault, not hers, and I’m happy they’re starting to change it with the new season.
Best regeneration?
Oh god, that’s actually a tie between Ten, Eleven and Twelve for me
Ten dies alone and it is awful. His last lines brought me to tears, and there’s something so sad about him being killed protecting one of his friends. 
Eleven had me sobbing. Out of the three, he’s the only one who met this whole thing with acceptance, and he’s the only one to not be alone when it happens. His was the nicest out of the three, but because he was MY Doctor, I was bawling like a baby. When Amy appeared I  b r  o k e
Twelve is heartbreakingly realistic. He’s not resisting change like Ten is, he just wants to rest, for once. Like Ten, he dies alone, with only memories to comfort him, and I remember tearing up when he told Thirteen what he told Clara
Who is the most human Doctor?
Either Ten or Twelve. Both of them are conflicted about their morality and whether they should do the right thing or not, both of them try and fail and try again. Twelve is just the one to realise he’s not good or bad, he’s an idiot.
Best Companion?
Donna Noble or Amy Pond and Rory. 
I am a sex repulsed ace-aro, this means I would rather stick my hand in a woodchipper than be in a relationship with someone. Platonic friendships and family have always been my bread and butter and these three are perfect for the Doctor.
Donna Noble? Bold, sassy, determined. Her mom is constantly putting her down, and yet she’s the saviour of the Universe. She doesn’t hesitate to call Ten out on his bullshit, and her departure hurt me on so many levels. I have loved her ever since Pompeii, and I will decry the erasure of her character as unfair until the end of bloody time
Amy Pond and Rory. I’m putting these two together, because I only really started to like Amy when Rory came in. I love their character arcs, growing and changing. Their relationship is also fun to watch, once you get over the drama. I like relationships like Chandler and Monica, natural, fun to watch, not Ross and Rachel, dragged out, on and off again, and after a brief buffer period, these two sorted out their differences and their banter was amazing to watch. Also, the fact that they’re the Doctor’s in laws? They are the epitome of found family and I am LOVING IT
Shoutout to Martha Jones btw, runner up as always. I wish we got to see more of her when she WASN’T enamoured with the Doctor, watching her call him out in the Poison Sky was magnificent.
Worst Companion?
The Companions relationships with the Doctor are the most important thing in the show; what they think of him, how much they trust him, what extent are their feelings towards them, and to me, none was quite as boring as Rose and the Doctor.
I HATE will they-wont they plots, and that basically sums up their entire run together, getting jealous of eachothers partners, vaguely alluding towards their attraction to eachother, but not saying it, it drained all of the fun out of Rose. Her making out with a clone of the Doctor, in front of the Doctor was the final thing for me.
And while I’m all for the return of a Companion, she seems to linger throughout Ten’s run. I can understand why for Martha’s; that was her entire character arc after all, learning to expect better of yourself, but she didn’t need to be there for Donna’s; they very easily could have thought of another way to create DoctorDonna. Her presence was everywhere throughout David Tennants run, and I found it annoying
Favourite Doctor Who Ships?
River Song with Eleven, Twelve or Thirteen. As I said, banter and comedy is how you establish a good relationship, it shows how relaxed two people are together, and River with whichever Doctor she’s with at the time always has this flirty back and forth going on between them. They’re very open about their attraction to eachother, and I love it. Also, Thirteen and River because if you don’t think Thirteen is a raging pansexual then I have news for you.
Amy and Rory for the reasons I listed above; they sort through their issues, have good repartee and are a very enjoyable couple to watch
(I briefly shipped Eleven x Amy x Rory before I found out they were in laws, so shoutout to that.)
Least Favourite Doctor Who Ships?
Rose x Doctor. It would have been fine if they ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING WITH IT INSTEAD OF JUST HINTING AT IT
Martha x Doctor. Martha’s whole arc is about learning that the Doctor is treating her badly and that she doesn’t need him. To go back to him would invalidate that whole thing
Controversial Thought?
I know a lot of people hate Clara, but to be honest, I’m more apathetic/warm towards her. I loved her relationship with Twelve, and how she was almost a caretaker towards him. She starts to act like the Doctor after a while, but then that’s what the Companions DO, they become more versatile, more able to handle tough situations. I’m not happy how they made her immortal and gave her her own TARDIS, but other than that, I’m pretty mild towards her
Best Two-Parter Episode?
Heaven Sent and Hell Bent. It was one of those episodes, ones that are genuinely, deeply horrifying. I got chills when I realised how long the Doctor had been trapped in the Confession Dial. I wasn’t really happy with how the brought Clara back from the dead, but I was okay with it, because watching her read the High Command the riot act for how they treated the Doctor was so, so worth it
Best Doctor/companion pairing?
Ten and Donna. Loved their brother-sister duo relationship
If Two Doctors could meet, who would you choose?
Thirteen and Four would be fun; they have similar energy and scarves after all. Think that would be fun to see. Thirteen and Twelve would also have a nice energy between them I think. Maybe throw in some height jokes.
If any Companions could meet, who would you choose?
Donna and Amy would probably end up flirting with each other. But, at the same time, I think Donna may help Amy come away from her hero worship of the Doctor. 
Martha and Rory would bond over how they sometimes feel like third wheelers and probably share medical knowledge. Martha and Clara would be fun, caring for the Doctor’s health.
If any Companions could meet any Doctor, which would you choose?
Martha meets Twelve. Twelve is actively trying to figure out whether he’s a good person, and I can see him trying to make amends for the way he’s treated her.
Thirteen meets Amy and Rory. She probably wouldn’t tell them who she is, but she would be so excited to see them again
Donna meets Nine. They would spend the entire time snarking at eachother
The Fam meets Ten. He would be so overwhelmed when he sees how many people are joining him right now
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The Hamilsquad have just started their first year of high school and they are waiting for your questions!
Alexander Hamilton
Aaron Burr
Elizabeth Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
John Laurens
Marquis De Lafayette
Hercules Mulligan
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Maria Reynolds
George Washington
Martha Washington
Charles Lee
Samuel Seabury
George Fredrick (King George)
Theodosia Bartow
James Reynolds
Maria and James Reynolds -> Siblings
Lafayette and Jefferson -> Cousins
Madison and Mulligan -> Cousins
Martha and George Washington -> Married + Adoptive parents of Alex
The Dormitory System
Hamilton , Burr, Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan, Jefferson, Madison, Lee, Seabury, George Fredrick and James Reynolds all share one dorm house since they’re boys in the same class.
Maria Reynolds, Theodosia, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy all share one dorm house since they’re girls in the same class.
The two dorm houses are next to eachother connected by a hallway since everyone is in the same class.
The boys dorm is looked after by George Washington who is the class’s teacher.
The girls dorm is looked after by MArtha Washington who is also the school’s librarian.
Get to know the characters!!!
Alex -> Alex is the adopted and only son of the Washingtons. He‘s the youngest and shortest in his class being 14 years old, a year younger than everyone else. He has a serious coffee addiction and is a workaholic. He majors in Social studies. Alex does refer to Washington as dad in the dormitory but he hates it when Washington refers to him as son during school hours and often refers to him as sir. He is Disney’s number one fan and even has a few posters in his room. His favorite movie is the little mermaid. Alex doesn’t like reaching out but he trusts only Aaron enough to tell him everything. However, one thing Alex hadn’t told Aaron about yet is his mental health and his depression and suicidal thoughts. He has mental breakdowns regularly and tends to self-harm sometimes. He also hadn’t told anyone about his severe fear of storms. Alex is in the boys dorm room 8.
Aaron -> Aaron is the oldest in his class and he’s basically the dad of the group. He’s the most if not only responsible person in the class and always gets Alex and his friends out of trouble. He can seem like a party pooper who doesn’t talk much at first but once you get to know him he’s a lot of fun. He has his own little library in his room since he’s such a bookworm. Surprising, Aaron is a big fan of Sherlock Holmes and has a collection of all the books in his library. Aaron knows everything about Alex, probably enough to socially destroy the boy but he would never do that. He’s in boys dorm room 9.
Eliza -> Eliza is the mom of the group. She is the second most responsible person after Aaron. Everyone confides in her in everything except Alex who only confides in Aaron. She’s the one who makes the cakes and snacks for everyone when watching a movie and the only one who goes grocery shopping besides Theodosia who often helps her with shopping. She is a saint but can be a badass when she needs to be. She is in girls dorm room 1.
Angelica -> Angelica’s one of the popular kids in school. Being a Schuyler and a sassy badass got her in the top charts of popularity. She may not like organizing things at parties or gatherings like Eliza but she’s the one who throws parties and buys all the necessary stuff for the group. She may seem intimidating at first but she’s pretty chill once you get to know her. If you mess with her sisters, she will make you regret the second you came into existence. She’s in girls dorm room 3.
Peggy -> Peggy’s just Peggy. She’s the ball of sunshine in the group. She always knows how to make everyone laugh even at the most stressful times. She’s Maria’s and Alex’s bestie and is the one who drags them to all the parties. She has a sweet tooth. Peggy’s probably the second loudest person in the friend group after Herc. She’s in girls dorm room 2.
John -> John’s one of the kindest people in the friend group. He’s the one who brings the group together and separates the group during fights. He is OBSESSED with turtles and ocean life and even has a pet turtle in his room which is kinda breaking the rule of no pets in the dormitory. He’s the one who keeps up with Alex’s bullshit most of the time. He’s in boys dorm room 11.
Lafayette -> Laf is the most fashionable person in the group. He keeps up with all the latest fashion trends and is the one who takes the group out shopping for clothes for hours. He and Thomas choose Alex’s clothes for parties and gatherings since Alex has no sense of fashion whatsoever. He’s also the one who would change the channel to some french show which only he, Alex and Thomas would be able to watch and fully understand. He’s the only one who eats dinner when it’s Thomas’s turn to cook. He’s in boys dorm room 7.
Herc -> Herc is the loudest person in the friend’s group. He’s the one who carries Alex to bed when he accidentally falls asleep while working. He’s pretty irresponsible and has broken multiple bones while doing stupid stuff. He’s probably the hardest to handle for Aaron when he’s tryna control the group. Surprisingly, he likes tailoring and is the one who fixes the groups clothes when the accidentally rip them while doing stupid stuff. He often uses Alex as a model for his clothes which Alex surprisingly doesn’t mind much. He’s in boys dorm room 3.
Thomas -> Thomas is the sassiest person in the group. He LOVES Magenta and Mac & cheese. His favorite class is Social studies since he gets to debate with Alex and beat his ass verbally, though Alex always crosses the line in those debates. His best friend is James M who is always sick and Thomas always ends up taking care of him. Thomas doesn’t really hate Alex as a person but he does hate him with a passion whenever they’re talking about their political opinions. However, when they’re not doing that he discovered that Alex can be a pretty cool guy, mostly when him and Laf are picking out clothes for him. His favorite thing to do is tease Alex about his height and age. Thomas is in boys dorm room 12.
James M -> James is the sick boy of the group. He is ALWAYS sick. If anyone ever needs tissues, he’s the first person they ask. He can be a handful at times when he’s very sick and he does feel guilty for needing to constantly rely on everyone but the others don’t really mind. He’s a good listener and problem solver making him the second person Alex confides in. Even though Thomas and Alex are enemies, James is actually a pretty good friend with Alex and agrees with him on a lot of political opinions. Overall, he’s a kind and gentle sick smol bean though he is a little taller and older than Alex. He’s in boys dorm room 4.
Maria -> Maria is the most chill person in the group. She’s the one who’ll stay calm when everyone else is panicking and running around like maniacs because there’s a cockroach around and Alex is screaming louder than JD when he screamed “VERONICA!!!” (That was specific...). She’s also one of the most fashionable in the group. She’s the one who’s seen every single movie on Netflix and would recommend movies to the group and set up everything to watch the movies. She’s in girls dorm room 5.
James R -> He’s the big brother figure to Alex. He’s always competing with Aaron over who’s a better big brother to Alex. He somehow always manages to say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. He loves embarrassing Alex with a passion. He’s the guy who’d get everyone smoothies even if they didn’t want them. He’s quite protective of Alex and is the one who calls him to make sure he’s safe when he’s been out for too long. He’s in boys dorm room 6.
Charles -> Charles is probably the most normal person in the group. He’s just a chill dog lover. He dislikes John for many reasons, one being that he could keep his pet turtle in his room while Charles couldn’t keep his dog and instead had to leave him outside the house in the backyard. He can be seen as a coward at first but he just likes being careful and playing it safe. He’s in boys dorm room 1.
Samuel -> Samuel is the nerd in the group. He’s pretty shy and quiet. He has a passion for plants and nature. He also loves the galaxy and stars and even has a telescope in his room to stare at the sky. He’s also really good at writing and poetry. He doesn’t like Alex much because of his very rude nature. Samuel is the most polite and approachable person in the group. He’s in boys dorm room 2.
George -> George is the formal guy in the group. He LOVES throwing tea parties and gets really mad whenever people refuse to attend them. He views himself as the king of the high school and likes keeping Samuel by his side as his royal, loyal subject. He comes from a very wealthy British household which explains his bratty selfish attitude most of the time. However, deep inside he’s actually a good guy. He also has a brand-new black Mercedes-Benz g63 which he got as a gift for his birthday which he can SOMEHOW drive very well. He’s in boys dorm room 5.
Theodosia -> Theodosia is the big sister of the group. She’s the one who helps Aaron and Eliza in keeping everyone under control. She’s a sweetheart and is very soft-spoken and smart. She’s probably the genius of the group since she tends to get the highest grades in class which Alex fails to do since he exceeds the writing limit all the time which gets him to lose marks. She’s in girls dorm room 4.
Martha -> Martha is the school’s librarian. She is also Alex’s adoptive mother. She really kind and soft-spoken. She often takes care of the group and sees them all as her children. She’s also the one who calms down George when he’s too stressed from having to deal with the group.
Washington -> Washington is in no doubt the fatherly-figure to everyone in the group. He is also Alex’s adoptive father. He always calls Alex “Son” and feels really happy and proud when Alex calls him “dad”. He is definitely a bit of a doting father towards Alex and loves him dearly. He HATES Alex’s workaholic habits and have tried multiple times to stop him from overworking himself. He’s also such a worrywart when it comes to Alex. He has a few suspicions about Alex’s mental health but hadn’t talked to him about it yet.
Marcel -> Marcel is a pretty chill guy. He was raised in Britain and moved to New York to continue his studies. He is also the boys housekeeper and the class Vice President. He can be really inappropriate at times and make the most inappropriate disgusting jokes. He’s dream is to graduate college and join the police and become a police officer. He’s quite strict when it comes to breaking the law but can let some things slide to have fun with the group. He’s in boys dorm room 10.
Allyn -> Allyn (MEH) is the president of the class. She’s the total opposite of Marcel since she’s pretty goofy and cheeky and all around weird. She likes staying in her room with the lights turned off under the blanket binge watching musicals and drawing. Her favorite subject is Art. Even though she’s the class president, Eliza is not surprisingly better at doing that job than her. She sometimes randomly looks straight at the camera and says stuff making everyone else confused and seriously concerned for her mental health. Beware, if wild Allyn is found feed her some cookies and slowly retreat to safety. If she starts screaming, run. Do not make eye contact with a wild Allyn or your life will be in danger. She’s in girls dorm room 6.
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dancing-cockroaches · 6 years
What did your therapist do to piss you off like this?
oohhh boy that sure is a story… (and it’s psychiatrist. i’m so far on the waiting list for one therapist, 11 people in front of me. probably going to look for a different therapist with a shorter list) but i’ll TRY to make it as short as possible.
6 years ago when i was 14, i had a very shitty psychiatrist. but since i was a minor and didn’t know any better, and my mom was desperate to get me better, we didn’t know any better. it’s not something a parent is taught or even prepared for, how to deal with a mentally unstable child. he also was the head of the entire children’s psych unit at the local hospital, so to most that strike the thought of “he must be good at what he does”
anyway, when i was 14 he switched me from ativan to xanax so quickly i had my first seizure. keep in mind, when i was 14 i was not even fully aware of what either of those medications were. i didn’t even know these drugs were abused, or had any sort of recreational use, whatever. i didn’t know the danger to any drugs. unstable minors were barely spoken to or listened to, especially me for being pretty much marked as delusional. i was pulled from district and put in a school for pretty much the mentally disturbed.
after my seizure, it went totally downhill. i was never the same. I was put on 10+ medications that were constantly switched out, upped to the max dose, etc. I’d be on several antipsychotics, antidepressants, sedatives, and more, all at once. In that mish mosh of bullshit included Lithium and depakote as some point. The medications known to fuck you up. 
i was completely unrecognizable. i spoke in a monotone voice, had disorganized and thought blocking speech patterns. i was either catatonic or had freak outs in school that led me to be dragged down to the ALR (alternative learning room, aka a calm down room. one of the schools it was just a padded room with a mat) by two safety team members. i loved ripping things up, throwing things.
then, after graduating high school, i just… stopped taking all my medications. i’m still not the same, and never will be. i will never be able to drive. i no longer have convulsive seizures, but everything has effected my brain in a way where i have nonstop brain fog and derealization-type feeling. i have possible occipital neuralgia. i have pretty much lots of cognitive and neurological issues at this point.
i even had a neurologist diagnose me with static encephalopathy. never came up with my new neurologist so far. 
but it’s angering. how if that psychiatrist never became so careless, turned me into a catatonic husk of a person, which i wouldn’t describe myself as human at that point. i was just.. a living creature. i have no detailed memories of high school, just foggy memories as if it happened over 10 years ago (even senior year. i graduated 2 years ago). almost every aspect of me is affected. if he wasn’t so careless, maybe i wouldn’t be in this state.
do i regret it? no, but i’m angry. i’m content with my life, but that’s mostly because this is the only kind of life i know so i cant really imagine it any other way. i’m angry that only my primary doctor will admit that the doctor fucked up, even my new psychiatrist covered his ass. they all just protect eachother, can’t admit to mistakes. she even got every medical record from my old psych’s office. she acted like “oh, no big deal”. just so angering that they can’t just say “oh, yeah they fucked up” instead of shrugging and pushing off the subject just to say “nothing we can do because we don’t know what’s wrong” 
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lickmychopstick · 7 years
A day to be be grateful
Documenting some stuff that really brought me back to life this past week because I found myself so close to drowning in self deprecating thoughts more times than I’m comfortable with.
1. One of the cooks, an older Hispanic man, whose second language is English, always greets me with “Hello princess” like a father would a daughter. And everyday we greet each other with a good long hug. A kind of hug that most people don’t give. He is one of the people I think of when I feel I might not make it through work for whatever bullshit reason that day. I’ve heard he sometimes falls asleep while standing and always sleeps during his lunch break because he works three jobs, never complains, always smiles. Not exaggerating here. We’ve worked together for a few years but haven’t had many full conversations. Just mainly observe eachother in passing and make good small talk. Well this week he greets me with the usual “hello princess” as I’m putting some cups in the wash. He then turns and asks my coworker something in Spanish. They exchange words that I can’t make out due to the kitchen music always being so loud. Coworker walks away and he turns back to me and says, in a very thick accent, somewhat struggling, “You know you are beautiful? I mean your (long pause) soul? Not just looks, but inside. Some people are outside. But you are beautiful inside. You can just know with some people.” He smiles and laughs as he pulls the trash out of the can. That part was kind of symbolic right?
I was shocked by this comment. It came out of nowhere. I said thank you, laughed and hugged him because his English sounded so funny clashing with such an intense concept. Plus I can be very nervous with compliments like that. Like whoa I’m just a simple struggling soul here. Let’s not get carried away. But I felt like a big weight had been lifted off me in that moment. Like I was trapped under that enormous bag of trash I had thrown on myself.
2. A coworker I hang out with sometimes, but am not super close to, invited me out to a comedy show to support her cousin. I like comedy shows, but mostly the idea of supporting cousins and their crafts. If you know me you get this. So I drove her home and it was kinda quiet and she goes, “hey you’re one person that would really affect me if you left work.” I asked why and she’s goes “I dunno, y’know. You’re Laura and everyone loves Laura.” I tried to act cool, nonchalant. I say, “Well duh you’re right about that part. But aw thank you.” but inside I was honestly melting at the idea anyone I wasn’t close to at work would say that to me. What did I even do though? Still don’t know.
3. An old coworker messaged me today and said that I was inspiring. First time anyone has ever used that adjective to describe me. A simple thank you and heart emoji couldn’t do a drop of justice to how grateful I was. I told someone recently through a poem that my goal is to inspire. To me my success and wealth is determined by how many people I’ve inspired in one way or another to follow their heart and what brings them the most bliss during this short life.
4. Participated in a project/photoshoot for breast cancer survivors. The first was a girl was diagnosed with breast cancer at 22. She’s 24 now and gorgeous. She’s already done so much to put her story out there and be vulnerable to others. But when she saw the pictures of herself she started crying. Seeing how strong she looked she said she couldn’t wait to let her dad see her in this heroic light. That it might bring him up at least a little bit from the PTSD she believes he now has from seeing her going through cancer. It was one of the more humbling moments of my life.
When I am at my worst and ready to throw away all the money I’ve earned, this body I’ve dragged out of bed everyday, and surrender my mind to negativity, it’s those people that have kept me intact. The things that get me through are the people that have kept me whole. The people that are close to me and supportive and have inspired me not to give up and just take a leap of faith in myself. The strangers I encounter that take the time to be authentic with me. I’ve experienced so much scrutiny about the path I’ve taken in life from the people I love and spent most of my life having very little faith and confidence in myself because of that. But I knew deep down inside settling wasn’t an option. It’s really tough sometimes. I remember feeling the most anxious and depressed when I was doing what was expected of me. When others seemed the most happy and proud of me. I would cry a lot and stop doing it. I felt I had found myself many times between those parts of my life but others, mainly family, had me feeling constantly guilty about what I love to do. Like it wouldn’t amount to anything. But now even though I don’t make a ton of money, I wake up feeling so good and happy most days. Like if I died tomorrow I would’ve died complete because I did what I wanted. It’s a feeling you can’t get trying to make others proud of you.
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icecoldsnxrt-blog · 8 years
Also I’m sorry to Olicity shippers just ignore this little post
But why the fuck is Arrow once again forcing them back together.....yes they’re a fan favorite, no I personally don’t ship it, but what really bugs me isn’t that they might end up together, it’s the way it’s happening. They’re forcing it again, and again, and again, and again, and breaking them up again, and again, and again, and again.
I understand relationships aren’t perfect but there’s a point when it becomes stupid, redundant and just.....not believable. There’s on again off again and there’s lets constantly break eachothers hearts and then ignore that that happened to get back together so we can break eachothers hearts again.
The way the characters have developed and exist screams that this is beyond out of character for both of them. This isn’t just they have the hots for eachother and keep ending up in bed together, this is a flat out they’re acting like they don’t understand basic simple human emotion. Felicity is constantly running away and ends up with another guy for a few months to have oliver kill them or have them break up just so she can run back into Olivers arms.......and you really expect me to believe this is natural and the way things happen in real life?
Not to mention that she flat out admitted she’s used to him IGNORING HER and TREATING HER LIKE SHE IS ALWAYS WRONG.
If it was someone that was actually flat out abusive and an abusive relationship aspect i’d see it but it isn’t. This is a mishmash of so many things that makes no fucking sense.
fuck sorry had to get that out of my system........Olicity makes ZERO sense and just constantly shoves Felicity into the role of “I need Oliver” or into the role of abuse victim.....and it honestly drags her down in a way that upsets me. 
She’s a strong, beautiful, wonderful character stop making her an “I need Oliver or I’ll die” girl every few episodes just to flip a romance switch.....
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