#consistency in relationships. consistency in appetite. consistency in physical activity. consistency in entertainment preferences
neverendingford · 11 hours
#tag talk#I've been getting back into working out and it's pretty great#home workout not gym workout cause no fucking way I do not belong at the gym#bicep curls are my favorite and squats are my least favorite but I want big thighs so I must continue#I don't split my exercising into different groups on different days. I just have a general set of exercises that I do#I prefer to work my whole body instead of having leg day arm day back day and what have you#it's way more satisfying to lie exhausted and unmoving on the floor as your whole body aches versus only isolated ache and exhaustion#I want to start running again as well but I haven't found a good way to incorporate that into my routine yet.#I'm gonna go on a sunrise hike later this week with a friend. I'm pretty hyped for it I've been wanting to for a while.#brain is overloaded trying to calculate scenarios with the new poly relationship I'm sort of in now#I say sort of because it's so new it's not really established yet. but we have a discord group chat and movie plans for tomorrow#I think our identity is shifting back to R now. I put on a skirt to wear around the house and it feels right and not weird anymore#so I think nature is healing and we're back to normal identity balance which I'm conflicted about#cause on one hand I'm way more cheerful but he's way more solid and reliable and grounded but I'm more social and lively#idk. like most things in life it's not about picking one or the other but rather balancing two opposing sides of a spectrum#my answer is not to pick one identity or the other but rather to learn how to integrate them both into a functional working system#but that's easier said than done.#idk. being two people who slide in and out of phase is kind of annoying actually. I lack consistency#consistency in relationships. consistency in appetite. consistency in physical activity. consistency in entertainment preferences#it makes it so hard to find a routine and stick with it because I oscillate between two people with separate preferences for routine#I worry I'll lose his routine now that I'm slipping back into R not L. I've started exercising again. my bottom dysphoria is manageable.#and I'm worried I'll lose that if I finish turning into R again. worried I'll lose this routine I've finally established.#I'm worried I'll lose who I am again and again and again and never be able to rely on my internal infrastructure#this sucks#I didn't ask for this
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loveemagicpeace · 3 years
🫀💋Mars and energy 🫀💋
🍒Rules: Aries and Scorpio🍒
❣️When it is close to the Earth, Mars appears bright red, making it popularly known as the "red planet". Mars represent competition, survival, strength, capacity for action, courage&daring, anger, sexual drive, energy, conflitc. ❣️
❤️Mars also describes sexual drive; it shows our physical needs. Energy By extension, Mars will also indicate how we express and release physical energy in more eneral terms, through sport and exercise. Courage Mars inspires us to reats of courage and heroism, each in our own unique style, Bravery can be shown in many ways - physical, mental, emotional, intellectual -and your Mars suggests where and how you might be prepared to "go the extra mile" to succeed. Mars also represents our passion, our passion for people and things we do. Mars also represents our attraction and where we find it in others. When we look at what attracts us on someone or why we have to look at Mars. We see the strongest attraction and lust for someone in Mars.
❤️‍🔥Mars in Aries can be super forceful, and at times aggressive. They are very competitive. You follow your passions and fresh thinking. Aries give hyperactive and energetic energy. Many times have a passionate love of sports. You love to chase and conquer and get bored with passive lovers. Your style works best with steamy control freaks. U are often attracted to a strong, independent, and forthright type, perhaps athletic in appearance, but more importantly, direct, confident, and straightforward. May love sex a lot and can be very aggressive in trying to get sex. May be very passionate with a very strong drive. They are very sexually confident.
🤎Mars in Taurus are patient and kind. Value strength and stability. Are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions. Are often rather sensual people. They Have an earthy and powerful sensuality. Here you have a uniquely Venus kind of Mars, which gives you a big appetite for physical expressions of love. You've got a lusty nature, and your erotic drive is consistent. You are often attracted to people who are slowly enjoying the things they do.
💚Mars in Gemini are led by intellectuality, multitasking, intelligence. They love thinkers, people who love to talk and love to chase someone. You can make a decision but you might need first to articulate your concerns and fears. You're drawn to passions that catch the attention of your curious mind. Therir energy are often highly social and prefer spontaneity and adventure.
🏄🏻‍♂️Aquarius mars are attracted to eccentric partners with innovative ideas and broad-minded attitudes. Are focused on friends and group activities. Can be often discontent, unsettled. Sexually they are usually pretty outside the box. They are not naturally very sexual people in that they don’t really need sex like other signs do. may also prefer phone sex, internet sex, or something where there is actually no contact. They often have “open relationships”. They don’t like to feel owned or tied down to anything. They are typically not that jealous or possessive.
👄Leo Mars big ego, drama queen, very protective, like to have control, usually attracts the object of his or her desire with ease. This person wants to be worshiped and adored by the partner and will not tolerate a partner who is undemonstrative or aloof. Mars in Leo gives someone the energy to be the star of the show — eager to express themselves, entertain and achieve everything they're passionate about. They are charismatic and driven and aim high both personally and professionally. It is important to them that sex with a person is good.
💜Virgo Mars grants someone a strong work ethic and a goal-oriented nature. They tend to be highly analytical and able to manage many projects and people at once. Also are often highly communicative and practice restraint and practicality in life. This also applies to how they exhibit anger or their sexuality: with logic, balance and intellectualism. When it comes to sex, they are often slower and prefer sensuality and relaxation over intense or short fits of passion.
💖Libra Mars a unique area for our red planet to stand, as his fiery energy is out of its comfort zone and considered to be in a place called its “detriment.” Mars’s usual feisty and direct nature ends up being expressed more passively and with balance. They may also be especially passionate about partnerships and always have a key person they’re working with or aligned with. When it comes to sex, they like it to be light-hearted, romantic and sweet and often prefer others to take the lead.
🧡Cancer Mars people can be very sensitive, emotional. Many times they respond by crying or overreact. Once they find the things they like to do, they pretty much stick to those things. May have a bunch of different activities, interests, that they like to do that may change with their mood. They are highly inclined toward alcoholism and should definitely control their intake of controlled substances. They can easily get addicted things. As for sex, these individuals require an emotional connection to be intimate.
💙Capricorn Mars are attracted to successful people, needing to be proud of their partners. Their cool exterior hides a hot desire nature. As an Earth sign, they are physical in their demonstrations of love, and display great passion and endurance in the bedroom. Do what they mean, and mean what they do. For capricorn any goal aiming is to build genuinely meaningful and long-lasting accomplishments. Mars in this sign often carry an air of authority about them, and tend to shine for their innate leadership and organisational skills. This is one of the most intimidating Mars signs in the zodiac. Yet, when this Mars is angry, they are unlikely to be seen losing their cool. In love, they are strong and dependable, if somewhat slow in committing. They don’t jump lightly into relationships, as they need to be sure about the other person first.
☁️🦋Pisces Mars might seem antithetical to the thrusting energy of Mars and if you have Mars in this sign it might be difficult for you to feel you can take action. But you are also likely to have strong instinct and trusting your intuition can be key. Pisces are romantic, sensitive and emotional. Creative types who have artistic or musical talent. Discussing feelings and emotions with the object of her desire can be particularly arousing and stimulating. Pisces are very idealistic and devises a lot of plans for the future. It’s just that their feelings are ultimately too intense and fiery to put in second place. You will feel attracted to guys who nurture a certain kind of creative impetus, an artistic and frivolous personality. Also u might want a bad boy, an aggressive and dominative individual who is independent and free-spirited. Or Introverted, meditative and mysterious guys. You can fantasize about sex.
🍓💋Sagittarius Mars are prone to people with meaning, artistic people maybe even a little spiritual. You may be attracted to people’s thinking or their beliefs. U can be attracted to people who stand out, are different, unique. You can look at personality and appearance in people. It is important for u that people attract u from both sides. Someone who is playful, fun, intelligent, and honest. Have an energetic, happy aura. Joking around is a must for people with sag mars. U want to have a good time, and have long deep conversations. They are independent and impulsive. They love having deep philosophical conversations and wild passionate sex. May date a variety of “types” of guys from all walks of life.
💘🫀Scorpio Mars ride or die type of person. Strong , deep emotions. Give a very strong and attractive energy. Their energy stand out, as if they are pulling you along into their depths. Deep soul energy. They possesses a magnetic charisma arouses . U can be attracted to someone who are intense and passionate, usually the silent, brooding type. U can have possesses and strong sexual magnetism. Also loves a good challenge. Many times they can be attracted to people who are mysterious, a little dominant. People who are hard to get. They tend to obsess over a person. With all their attention focused on a single person, they will be mesmerizing and powerful. That is why Mars in Scorpio is usually very successful in conquering the person they like – because they commit to it 100%. A good sign that someone with this placement likes you is that they share secrets with you! This is one of my fav placement!! -Rebekah💘☁️🦋
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theotherwynonna · 2 years
Birth Chart Analysis- Jeff Wittek
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*full disclaimer* I am not a professional astrologer and I do NOT claim to know Jeff personally. This is merely for entertainment purposes only, take everything I say with a grain of salt. Before anyone says it, yes, i have far too much time on my hands.
Ascendant- symbolizes basic personality traits such as physical appearance, temperament, behavior, relationship to life and the first impression the person gives.
Taurus Ascendant- Slow, steady and capable are adjectives that we can safely attach to individuals born with this ascendant. Jeff likely has tremendous staying power and stamina. Although he generally doesn’t come on strong, he has a personal presence; and he fairly radiates stability. With this ascendant, Jeff does not rush. He makes plans, builds and works systemically in order to achieve his goal. He goes through life slowly and relentlessly. Jeff is likely to be fairly consistent in his views, and may be considered fixed in values. He may be set around ideas for the future and what he feels he needs to do to get there. On one hand this can make him reliable and focused. On the other, it can mean he stubbornly resists anything that does not meet his preconceived ideas. With this rising sign, Jeff has a kind, graceful and gentle disposition. He is naturally drawn to comfort, harmony and security wherever possible. As a lover Jeff may need lots of stimulation and activity, yet may not be good at instigating change. It is important to Jeff to have a partner who can match his sexual appetite. Open sexual expression is key to emotional balance, and very important to those with Taurus rising. Jeff may also have tendencies toward jealousy and possessiveness within relationships. With a Scorpio descendant, Jeff is probably drawn to people who seem intense and catalytic, and they may bring many disruptions into his life. This serves the purpose of forcing him into emotional upheavals, which stimulates the need for growth. 
Sun- symbolizes a personal identity. It shows us areas where the person should learn to be independent, fulfill his potential, differentiate himself from others, and shine.
Sagittarius Sun- Honest, open, free, and blunt- Jeff allows his thoughts and ideas to be directed towards the future in faith of a good outcome. Adventurous and confident, he is a traveler of both the world and his mind- theories, philosophies, collective purposes and ideas attract him. Exploration of authenticity and truth is Jeff’s drive, and it’s very strong in him. He prefers grand themes, big gestures, the bigger picture, and larger than life ideals. He is always shooting to make his mark on the world. Jeff is not one to shy away from change- new possibilities excite him- therefore, he is very good at welcoming change while sizing up a current situation, rather than resisting it. He likes to pride himself as being privy to hidden knowledge and perspectives. People with this placement at may also harbor a dark sense of humor and the ability to see the bright side of any situation, even the most tragic and troubling ones. By aligning his life with something bigger than himself- some cause of concept- Jeff can transform ordinary existence into something nearer to his ideal one.
Sun in 8th house- This placement symbolizes a strong will to survive and transform the self- identity in order to endure and overcome crises and hardships. In response to threats and dangerous circumstances, Jeff’s ego -as represented by the sun- is driven to heal and rebuild itself stronger to overcome weaknesses and vulnerabilities that serve as obstructions to his spiritual evolution. In the 8th house, the sun seeks to cultivate spiritual and emotional wealth as opposed to material wealth. This placement indicates a number of challenges and tribulations that threaten to damage the ego. Through these challenges however, the ego will learn to fortify itself to overcome various difficulties. Jeff is likely to harbor a fascination and attachment to mysterious and dark. He seeks to distinguish himself as investigative and perceptive of things that are not so obvious to others. Additionally, he may be drawn to the world of finance. People with this placement tend to go about their business in a low-key and non-ostentatious way. Jeff is private by nature and doesn’t like to draw unnecessary attention to himself and what he’s doing. He can be very shrewd and calculating. He can be excellent at reading other people, but others may find it difficult to really understand him. With this placement of the sun, Jeff may find himself driven to understand the depths of his own nature to come to terms with the power he holds within-and Sagittarius- the truth seeker, only intensifies it. 
Moon- tells us what gives the person a sense of security, and where to find it. It describes how sensitive we are and how we instinctively interact with our surroundings. The moon also tells us about our childhood and our experiences with our mother.
Leo moon- Jeff feels safe in moments where he can impress others and get praise and admiration. Yet, when he gets into the spotlight he may find himself at a loss. He probably has the desire fore money and social status, and has a strong ability to get it. Jeff has a talent for drama and creative activities; and because of his playfulness he his likely very good with children. Leo is a fixed sign, implying constancy and perseverance. When he loves, he loves intensely. Jeff can be counted on for his loyalty and level of support. Leo is also a sign of leadership. On an instinctual level, Jeff may feel that he is here to lead others. Thus, he does best when he feels in control of situations. At its’ heart, Leo is a sensitive and impressionable sign. Jeff is easily hurt when he doesn’t get the recognition he feels he deserves. People with this moon placement need approval in order to keep the fire in their heart burning. Jeff needs to find way to creatively, be with other people, and take up his natural leadership role. For this to happen, he must ensure he does not isolate anyone through snobbery, or make others subject to his, at times petty, emotional demands. Learning to recognize the extent of his passions, and then recognizing that others needs are just as important as his own, will keep his feet on the ground, his heart in the right place, and happy experiences flowing easily into his life. 
Moon in 4th house- This position of the moon fosters a deep attachment to ancestry, family roots, and security. With Jeff’s moon here, he his bound to have a strong need for emotional security that compels him to be cautious and careful with whom he shares his resources with. Jeff may also exhibit a certain level of reserve and shyness that is caused by a greater need for trust before he his comfortable opening up to others. His emotional world is more guarded and private. Jeff is inclined to be a home body at heart. He may enjoy staying in with family while indulging in his personal hobbies, interests, and domestic responsibilities. Furthermore, this placement may foster a strong maternal nature and a desire to take care of people he cares about. There is a childlike naiveite and sensitivity that can show through when his guard is down. Jeff is likely to be a great provider in the traditional sense but is also willing to take on a lot of domestic duties such as laundry, dishes, and watching the children. He is likely to love spending time with kids and can make a very protective parent one day. People with this placement can also have excellent memories that may also contribute to his ability to tell stories and recall events with great clarity and dramatic flair. At the same time, any type of past trauma and hurt Jeff may have experienced can stay with him for a very long time and be something that still haunts him.
Mercury- Is the planet that bring us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. It also indicates into what depth we want to study things. it gives us natural intelligence and the ability to analyze and reproduce information.
Capricorn mercury- Jeff is blessed with a strong work ethic and reliable reputation. His calm and collected style of interacting makes others feel they can trust him and depend on him. When he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it. Jeff has high standards for himself. While he’s working toward one goal, he’s already planning his next. Though some may see him as pessimistic, he sees himself as efficient. If something doesn’t have a purpose, then he has no use for it in his life. By regularly eliminating thoughts, people, and situations that don’t do him any good, he is able to focus on what’s left; the things that will help him the most and take him the furthest. It’s hard for a Capricorn- minded guy to take orders. Jeff is a natural authoritarian and makes a confident boss. This is the mind that has the trait of being able to delegate. Jeff is fascinated by the legacy of history and cultural traditions. He may be cautious in his thinking, but not necessarily averse to innovation. Jeff’s able to take new ideas and give them form, using a practical perspective that seems to reach into the distant past. He’s often driven to leave an enduring mark on the world. Jeff strives to bring ideas into form through institutions, research, works of art, etc. that are built to stand the test of time. 
Mercury in 9th house- This placement suggest a philosophical person. Jeff wants to experience everything in the world, and he is constantly looking for ways to broaden his horizon. With this placement Jeff will find himself searching for the meaning of life. He loves learning and will continue educating herself until the end of his life. Mental stimulation is important to him. This placement shows a life long student and often a teacher too. Jeff is especially drawn to all kinds of cultures, religions, and languages. He is very openminded and curious. There is an insatiable amount of hunger for wisdom. With this placement, Jeff needs a lot of conversation. He is quite extroverted and an outgoing person. Connecting with people from different circles helps him to understand the world better. Jeff is blessed with the natural talent of teaching, writing, and speaking. He knows how to break down complex ideas into smaller, more understandable chunks. One of the downsides to this placement is that Jeff may feel as though sometimes he doesn’t belong where he’s from. He thinks differently than most people in his place of origin, this is what makes him want to surround himself with people of all walks of life.
Venus- Symbolizes attractivity. The sign of venus tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, and values and principles.
Aquarius venus- With Jeff’s venus in this sign, he may have an open and experimental approach to relationships and art. On one hand, it can be both relaxing and stimulating because this let’s other people relax and be themselves around him. But on the other hand, it may be harder to understand his feelings because his style may be disturbing, shocking, or weird. Jeff wants to satisfy all types of people with his liberal attitude. Friendly and highly sociable, Jeff may enjoy cultivating a diverse collection of acquaintances from many different walks of life. Regarding love, the more unusual someone is, the more interesting they are likely to appear to him. Ordinary, run of the mill people simply don’t offer him enough mental stimulation and normally end up boring him. Jeff will primarily seek a partner who will allow him plenty of personal space. In turn, he will be exceptionally tolerant, allowing and understanding towards his lovers. Jeff loves exploring alternative ideas- and the wackier and more thought provoking the better. Challenging the status quo, breaking through social taboos and stretching the boundaries of acceptable behavior, are his reasons for being.
Venus in 10th house- This placement suggests that marriage will give Jeff higher social status or better employment opportunities. Often it can indicate a career that has something to do with art, fashion, beauty, or diplomacy. Jeff consciously cultivates a certain individuality that he shows to the rest of the world for the purpose of climbing up the social ladder. Jeff loves being the center of attention, having a good social position, and making a good career out of his hobbies. People will always respect Jeff for being charming, so he’ll always have admirers, even if some watch him from a distance. There’s something that makes him attractive but at the same time seem cold. Some people with this placement are “married” to their job. Jeff may be considered well received and a disarming socialite, often attracting a crowd of followers. Jeff tends to attract partners of different age and of high establishment, and he integrates his relationships with his profession to garner the magic from both to live life accordingly.
Mars- Symbolizes the need to get what we want. Our driving force, which includes sex drive, initiative, and courage. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It also tells us how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are.
Scorpio mars- Jeff is pleased to be able to hide his power and show it to the world at the right moment. He has a strong sense of survival and sexuality, and he is well aware of how these two instincts intertwine. This sense makes Jeff very attractive, and the affect is that other people never really act indifferently towards him- people will always notice him, whether they are trying to get his reaction or not. It’s as if he automatically provokes the most basic hopes and fears in people. His challenging aura, whether active or passive, will always attract great loyalty or great hostility, nothing in between. Jeff is bred with a natural focus that allows him to put everything he has into something, sometimes to the detriment of other things around him. Because of this intensity, it can be difficult for others to keep up with him, and he may feel misunderstood. Jeff has a lot of energy, a strong sense of injustice, and an understanding of what others are feeling. Although not one to express his anger, he may smolder and can be vengeful, even if it takes him years to strike. Jeff is private and enigmatic. He can also be secretive and intimidating. Although he feels emotions strongly, he rarely expresses them outwardly. Jeff craves loyalty from those he surrounds himself with and he needs them to be as emotionally complex as he is. He values trustworthiness above all traits. Jeff can be possessive in a relationship and loyal to a fault. He is much more sensitive than he lets on, and his lovers can hurt him. Jeff is a naturally skilled lover, and is intuitively in sync with his partners needs. For him, sex is a powerful experience, both physically and emotionally. Sex is about power for Jeff and he lives for it. With that being said, he is passionate and sensitive towards his lovers. When he finds someone he truly cares about, his passions will soar, but when he experiences rejection or loss, it is a devastating experience for him. Jeff is not promiscuous, but he may have had many partners as he searches for someone who lives as intensely as he does. When he does find that person, his devotion is all encompassing. There are no limits. He will go to great lengths to please his partner.
Mars in 7th house- Jeff encompasses a passionate nature in the realm of relationships. When mars is here, it suggests an individual who directs a lot of passion and energy into their romantic partnerships, and they are bound to take a dominant role in them. Jeff is inclined to be the pursuer, rather than pursuee, and the one who makes most of the decisions in the relationship. Naturally he is likely to mesh better with someone who is more passive and willing to let him have control and steer the ship. Jeff can be heavily invested in his relationships. Mars emphasizes the sexual aspects of the relationship and so there will likely be a lot of passion and a strong appetite for sensual expression. Jeff is able to make decisions that are fair and inclusive rather quickly. He trust his instincts and displays great insight into human behavior and the dynamics or relationships. Jeff is a formidable litigator who is able to formulate strong arguments to justify his positions. He can be uncouth and unapologetic about his tactics, but often difficult to dispute when he knows what he’s talking about. This placement may point to the existence of a strong rival or adversarial relationship with others. There can be a number of relationships that Jeff has that are fraught with tension and conflict. This may be the case with regards to romantic rivals and competition for others affection. This placement suggests that Jeff’s passion and energy is primarily visible within the realm of his personal relationships and to the people who know him more intimately.  
Jupiter- Symbolizes growth, expansion, laws, faith, and ethics that guide it. It represents a sense for development and support, which can lead to opportunities, wealth and faith.
Cancer jupiter- Jeff trusts his gut. With this placement he has a unique blessing of relying on his instincts. Jeff is emotionally savvy and has the ability to process his connections and reactions to the people and moments around him. Jeff has a big, empathetic heart and a desire to make others feel cared for. Many of his loved ones turn to him for support and advice. Not only is he willing to listen, he has wonderful way of helping them process their feelings and working through their distress. This ability to nurture will create long lasting relationships for Jeff. But, he must be aware of those who depend on him too much and take advantage of his goodwill. Jeff can lead a very fulfilling life if he remembers to let himself process his feelings before acting on them. With jupiter lending its’ larger than life energy to Cancer, he can be prone to mood swings. Preventing himself from overthinking things and learning how to let things go could help alleviate this.
Cancer in 3rd house- With Jeff’s jupiter here, his thirst for knowledge and connections will be a source of luck in his life. People with this placement have extraordinary mental capabilities. Jeff is a quick learner and can have a large vocabulary. For Jeff, connecting with others is easy, and he has a lot of acquaintances from every sphere of life. Jeff is intelligent and talented when it comes to learning languages and is quite talkative and curious. Sometimes he even talks too much. Often coming form a big family, people with jupiter here has great social and communication skills. Jeff is open minded, which is a great asset when it comes to gaining information about this world. Jupiter being here makes a person want to understand how things work. This makes Jeff genuinely curious about a persons opinions and ideas. This placement suggest Jeff has a lot to learn from his peer and siblings specifically because they may have or had significant influence when it comes to his education and learning. Jeff likely has a broad and expansive range of interests. He has a philosophical thinking style and tends to question everything he is confronted with. Additionally, he has the capacity for inspirational speech and using language in motivational and ideological means. Jeff dislikes routine and prefers to operate in a matter that allows him freedom and flexibility. He is mentally preoccupied with broader issues beyond his borders of his immediate environment. Additionally, he is keen to bring his insights and discoveries gained from the outside world back to his more local environment.
Saturn- is our strict teacher who is able to examine our maturity. It also represents where we should turn our attention to and what we should focus on and continue to develop.
Capricorn saturn- With this placement a spotlight is put on Jeff’s career, giving him a hunger for the prestige and respect that often comes with success. He knows that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and he has the self discipline and persistence needed to achieve even the loftiest ambitions. Because of this, many people with their saturn in this sign, will easily climb the corporate ladder. This kind of ambition does have it’s perks- but it can also come at a cost. Jeff may have a habit of taking on too much responsibility and can often lead to burnout, or him feeling as though the weight of the world is on his shoulders. If Jeff learns to delegate his tasks, he’ll see that success and leisure aren’t always mutually exclusive. Jeff will have a traditional and conservative out look on rules and laws, preferring to adhere to structures of society and the way things have always been done. Jeff may be quite judgmental of people who do not follow the rules, since in his eyes these rules are the only way a civilized society can operate. People with this placement understand that hard work is rewarded measure for measure, and the only way to make a success of themselves is to put in effort. In older age, Jeff may well be the wise person people turn to for advice and how to make a success of themselves. 
Saturn in 9th house- With this placement, Jeff has the most conservative philosophical and religious beliefs and he takes them very seriously. Jeff is able to concentrate on profound issues and is good at doing it. However, he should be careful not to tire himself as he tends to focus too much on issues that aren’t meant to solve his day to day problems. Jeff puts efforts into his quest to know his world. If he’s blocked early on by circumstances, he makes up for it over time and with determination. With this saturn, Jeff may have grown up in a rigidly fixed religious community. Perhaps free thought was repressed, and conformity rewarded. Or his schooling may have been interrupted for some reason. Jeff’s intuition is powerful, yet, it’s possible his gifts of observation weren’t welcome. Early discouragement could’ve made him reluctant to trust his instincts. With this planet here, Jeff wants structure and an organized train of thought. He is intelligent, but he often feels restricted in developing his own personal philosophy, and often, there is a fear of ridicule, which stops him from asking important questions.
Uranus- Is the power of awakening, which often means there will be some disruption and change. Events under the influence of this planet are unexpected and unpredictable, forcing us to do things in a new way and face the truth about that issue.
Capricorn uranus- People with this placement are ambitious and enterprising. Jeff can be very serious minded, with a strong sense of responsibility. His original business ideas will bring him success. People with this placement may also be seen as erratic, eccentric, or even radical. Jeff has a strong stubborn streak and he may even be quarrelsome. Jeff is prone to sudden changes in his employment and his surroundings. Jeff can be restless and impulsive. He may act before he thinks it through. Jeff is good at balancing ambition , independence and his intellectual capabilities. He is not afraid of challenges. Jeff is tolerant of differences in people, and has no problem with treating others equally. He is responsible and is capable of holding power and authority with ease. He is a good person to hold a job that needs the trust of the public. He has the talent of seeing the coming trends long in advance. Jeff is not afraid to change procedures in order to achieve his goals. He is logical and has a great mind. He would make a good politician or business leader. Jeff will be capable of accomplishing great things for mankind and may make great material progress.
Uranus in the 9th house- This placement makes Jeff to be one of the most open minded individual out there, so expect him to always be ready for new adventures. Jeff is the type who’s attracted to unconventional beliefs and wants to deal with the unusual or to innovate all the time. A great student of life, he has moments when he’s really eager to learn and he dedicates himself completely, but also moments when he just doesn’t want to hear about anyone or anything. Jeff really hates feeling tied down, therefore, he should be left to do what he wants and to be free. He will always try to express himself freely by bringing in revolutionary ideas and travelling all over in order to study and interact with new cultures. When it comes to religion and politics, he’s most likely liberal and wants to talk about nonconventional methods. Jeff’s philosophies may be considered too radical and liberal to those who think more conservatively. As a matter of fact, Jeff may feel useless and trapped around such people. It’s in his nature to always test the limits of what society suggests and to rebel just to be different. Jeff wants to be free more than anything else in the world and to express his thoughts or beliefs without being limited. 
Neptune- We could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it in our imagination.
Capricorn neptune- With this placement, Jeff is especially interested in methods of attaining wealth and achieving success. He wants to be in control of all situations, to never ask for permission, and to have everything he’s ever wished for. Fame, fortune, good looks, a luxurious lifestyle, and a beautiful woman on his arm- are all things he associates with success- and he wants them all. Jeff has a very different perspective on life than everyone else, putting more emphasis on routine, on doing a good job, being responsible, and having the moral principles to advance- uninterrupted by mere distractions. Nothing can make Jeff shift his attention from the goal at hand because he knows that once he loses focus, the plan is shattered and there is nothing else to do. Jeff knows how to tackle problems in order to efficiently dispose of them, and he manages to do it in a very productive way, with time to spare. Jeff comes from a generation of people who won’t abandon their dreams in spite of all opposition.  He is set on accomplishing his deepest desires, but is also careful that he never entertains idealistic wishes. For Jeff personal fulfillment comes with material happiness, not with some kind of supernatural sense of illumination. The good thing with Jeff’s realism and good natured personality is that he is pretty much bulletproof to religious claims, attitudes of racism, spirituality, and conspiracy. Jeff is very reasonable in general and won’t let these kinds of opinions flood his mind. The present matters more than the past and is definitely more vivid than the future.
Neptune in the 9th house- People born with neptune here are usually quite educated and interested in philosophy, travelling, or religion. This placement makes Jeff easy to influence because he’s always curious and uses only his intuition to find out if things are true or not. He may be very good with art, so its possible for him to collect and study or teach this subject. Jeff’s plans may sometimes be unrealistic because he forgets to give the details on how to make them come to fruition. The faith that Jeff has that things will only get better surely can get him far, but only if he can keep himself grounded in reality and admit he’s the only one who can make things happen in his own life. This placement may indicate that Jeff sometimes sees the world through rose colored glasses and doesn’t always think about the consequences of his actions. It’s easy for him to be tricked into believing in something that doesn’t serve him well. When things aren’t going his way, he can become depressed and decide to hide in a world of fantasy from which he doesn’t want to come out of. On a different note, Jeff can be very sympathetic when hearing life has treated others in a bad way, and usually takes problems that aren’t his own as being his responsibility. Compassionate and generous, he really wants to give to the ones who are near and dear to him.
Pluto- Is the planet of death and rebirth. It is the end of all things. It can point to obsessions or convictions. On the dark end of the spectrum it can manifest as ‘succumbing to the urge’ or it can create someone who has the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things, and bring healing and transformation.
Scorpio pluto-  People with this placement are one of the most contradictory individuals of the whole zodiac, through the wide array of strange principles and viewpoints that they carry with them in life. They often pursue unrealistic goals and are prone to incessant stubbornness. This placement makes Jeff a free spirited person who wants to explore the world for what it truly is. He doesn’t abide by most societal rules and doesn’t recognize the authority of someone who tries to limit his freedom. When Jeff gets too passionate an interested in one of his idealistic dreams, nothing can stop him from achieving it, or from trying at least. One of the greatest perks of this placement is being able to create a form of peaceful communication wherever he goes. With the prospect of unknown secrets to reveal and a natural disposition towards helping others, most people fall under his spell. Jeff can also cause a lot of chaos in his wake because there is no discernible pattern to his actions. He can be one of the strangest and most incomprehensible ones out there because he only follows his own kind of logic. Jeff can sometimes be negativistic, but also one of the most enthusiastic person out there. You’re going to meet both opposite side of him, and you won’t know which is the real him. Truth is, both are, and that’s what makes him so special and enigmatic. Jeff exhibits strong personal convictions and can disregard the ideas of anyone who dares to challenge something he believes in. He’ll defend his beliefs stoically with no remorse for collateral victims. Love isn’t necessarily the highest form of existence to him. He would much rather focus on certain things like his professional life, social acceptance, and coping with his own inner contradictions. However, when love does happen, Jeff will never take it for granted, always remain loyal, and will give his all to deepen the bonds. 
Pluto in 7th house- Having pluto here means that Jeff encounters his own power through other people. This is a bit similar to his mars in 7th house, but less out in the open. Jeff is a person that has been made to reject his own power and his own sense of control over his life. It is possible that Jeff often felt that growing up other people were trying to tell him what to do, or manage his life in some way. Relationships with other people are where he feels like he has some sort of fighting spirit. Jeff likes to encounter people who challenge him in some psychological manner so that he allows his own mental muscles to flex and play. Usually, Jeff will go through different extremes in his relationships. Sometimes he gets dominated, controlled, or even abused in some cases, while in other cases, he is the dominating one. There is an alluring, sweet, and seductive aura about Jeff that makes him a magnet for all sort of strange people and situations. He is actually very powerful and capable and has an iron will that only grows with age, and allows him to do well in many areas. There is a natural beauty to him that doesn’t need anything artificial. In fact, he probably hates anything that is a lie or superficial. Jeff likes things real, honest, and natural and would not tolerate lying from anyone. He can be somewhat blunt and brutal for some types of people. Making commitments to another person can be a source of fear for Jeff. He has learned people change and nothing stays the same, and can’t imagine anyone being stable enough to accept his own changeable nature. Relationships change Jeff and allow him to deal will all feelings of being overpowered.
North and South node- The lunar nodes aren’t planets, but mathematical points, that are directly opposite each other in the chart. It’s said that your life purpose is encoded in them. The south node indicates your comfort zone, your habitual place, while your north node shows life lessons and what you’re striving for in this lifetime.
Aquarius north node- Jeff is most effective in a group manner rather than solo. He is here to champion humanitarian causes and is likely passionate about a few of them. He likely feels most fulfilled when he uses his many skills to spotlight critical universal causes rather than being a solo star player. Jeff is not here to do things as they’ve been done before, but bring new life and new ways of doing things in the world. Jeff may be a connector between his friend and network groups, which is a gift not everyone can bear. His rewards from life comes when he continues to connect people to other people and resources that benefit the greater good of all. Jeff wins when he includes others and sees that everyone has a unique role to play, including himself. People with this placement are here to focus on community first leadership. Jeff is learning to release drama. Sustainability, collaboration, eccentric ideas- these are the realms in which Jeff will shine.
North node in 10th house- Jeff’s soul wants to take responsibility for his life and become the own master of his own ship. In the past. he likely stepped back when there was an opportunity to fight for his goals. This placement indicated that he often sacrificed his needs, prioritizing his family and others. In this lifetime, his soul wants to focus on understanding his emotional response on a rational level, and letting go of things that don’t serve him, be more independent, set his ambitions free, and replacing his insecurity with thorough planning and executing on these plans. Jeff is likely to feel insecure out there, standing up for himself in the world. There is a tendency to be afraid of leaving other and being left on his own. This placement also indicates being dependent on others, especially those close to his heart. Family is likely very important to him, and he would make sacrifices for them, often at the expense of his success. When he gives too much, he can feel that taking care of others is draining, leaving him with no energy and time for himself. Sometime he may feel that his family doesn’t appreciate his efforts. Developing his individuality can be hard for him, but at the same time, it’s what his north node suggests he needs.
Leo south node- In the past, there have been times where Jeff has been the breakout star and was in the spotlight. Used to being the center of attention, he either expects it and welcomes it, or expects it and runs from it. When working with this south node, it’s important to know what kind of role Jeff was expected to play as a child. This is different for everyone. There are children who were expected to take care of all their siblings, children who were expected to succeed in things their parents weren’t able to achieve, or children who were encouraged to remain helpless enough to always seek a parent’s validation. Usually a person with leo south node falls into one of these definitive roles during childhood- one that they understand now that they were playing. This means Jeff was a child that had to mean something to his family. He is used to thinking that if he can be a good enough kid, he’ll be safe. Jeff might’ve done all kinds of extracurricular activities trying to impress his teachers or parents because he thought that if only he could prove that he is talented, that he would find the affirmations that he needed. Jeff might be the one out of his siblings to have his shit together because he assumed that his parents could not love him if he was not a good enough role model for other children. This placement is a case of wandering heart syndrome. Jeff is a bighearted person who is afraid that he will be overlooked if he is anything less than exceptional.
South node in 4th house- Jeff can succumb to moodiness and a dependence on others when in his default pattern. Jeff has a tendency to be overly attached to his childhood and past, to be dependent on others and avoid accepting responsibility for his life, to fear rejection to an extreme thereby missing opportunities, and to be overly focused on emotional problems. Jeff needs to take charge of his life and accept responsibility for his actions. He may too easily blame his past or focus on his emotional insecurities instead of moving forward and learning to depend on himself. Jeff wants to feel secure more than anything, but security can only come once he lets go of his dependencies. He is more aware of his emotions than most people, but in order to grow, he must learn to strike a balance between sensitivity and responsibility. He cannot use his sensitivity as a crutch. Recognition will come, at some point in his journey, that clinging to comforts will in fact hold him back from achieving a comfortable future. By defining solid goals and a mature direction in his life, as well as letting go of some of his over attachments, he will be able to achieve the financial and emotional security that he so craves.
Lilith- Symbolizes either fascination or refusal of topics with which it is connected with. Depending on the sign and house, it points to where one may feel shamed, ridiculed, misunderstood, or repressed in some manner.
Scorpio lilith-  Power takes up a central role in Jeff’s life with lilith in this sign. He wants to be in complete control of his life, and when this is not the case, he gets overwhelmed. Lilith here suggests that Jeff is familiar with the emotions labeled as negative, such as jealousy, rage, vindictiveness, but he often tries to repress them. There is a lot of tension in his mind, but it is hidden from the external world. Jeff likely grew up surrounded by secrets. It can also indicate transgenerational trauma. There are many things he is asked to work through with lilith in scorpio. Jeff is likely to experience events that force him to reevaluate his life and himself. This placement forces him to face his shadow. Secrets come to light sooner than later. He can’t hide from his problems for long. This placement suggests power and control is one of his strongest motivations. Jeff is afraid of helplessness. Being at the mercy of someone else is one of his worst nightmares. Lilith here can make someone obsessed with safety and security. Because of this, he tends to hold on to things that don’t serve him anymore. This placement also indicates that Jeff is afraid of his primal, raw self- and this energy in people in general. He can repress this part of himself, or alternatively, be a daredevil. If overcompensated, Jeff can sometimes be energized by danger. Sometimes this placement indicates near death experiences. Other sudden events that transform him on a deep level are also possible. He is likely to experience situations that force him to change his way of thinking. Jeff may be very much interested in transformation, but he is also afraid of it. Jeff is always changing. There can be a tendency to change others, but resist change in himself. If immature, Jeff can be domineering and push his ideas on others. This placement suggest that from time to time he goes through existential crisis’. One of the most important lessons for him is that change doesn’t mean he is threatened. Lilith here can try to use others to get what it wants. Jeff is subtle and refined. He has an innate talent for psychology, and is quite receptive to the behaviors of others. He can be good at manipulation. Alternatively, this placement suggest he has relationships with manipulative people. When interested in someone, Jeff can easily become obsessed. His relationships can be quite destructive. He can be subconsciously drawn to others who hurt him. Lilith here suggests power imbalances. This can be of any nature, often material. Trust is a very important theme of this placement, and it can be an indicator of having trust and betrayal issues. This placement makes Jeff extremely seductive. In general, sex may be very important to him. He either embraces or rejects it, there is no balance. Sometime this may indicate Jeff may perceive sex as shameful or humiliating. Lilith in this sign can suggest an interest in sadomasochism, roleplay, or other power imbalances. People with this placement think a lot about topics such as death or the occult. Taboos fascinate him. Jeff is instinctually aware of the dark side of life. Sooner or later he will start searching for the answers to the mysteries of life.
Lilith in 7th house- Lilith here can cause trouble for Jeff in committed relationships, partnerships, and marriage. He has a deep desire to unite with someone. He may feel as though he is incomplete on his own. This placement makes a person want to commit, but at the same time, afraid of it too. Jeff is likely afraid of letting someone close and getting close to someone. He is especially afraid of losing his freedom, but at the same time, he craves attention. Trust is important to him in a relationship. He demands complete loyalty from his partner. He can be quite possessive and jealous of his partner, even after the relationship has ended. One of the key lessons of this placement is to set boundaries. Jeff can become codependent on his partner. He gives up too much of himself for the sake of his partner. Lilith here can suggest that Jeff’s partners are wary of giving up their freedom. Their autonomy is important to them. Lilith can bring him partners who don’t have his best intentions at heart. It also indicate that he is not the best when it comes to cooperating with others. He can be too domineering, or he can always give in, again there is no balance. Lilith here can sometimes make Jeff feel like a victim. Alternatively, his partner will take up the victim role. This dynamic can be destructive in any relationship, and it can harm him on many levels. It is important for him to be aware of these tendencies so he can keep it all under control.
Chiron- Symbolizes our unhealable injuries and deepest traumas. However, if a person, instead of drowning in their own trauma, is able to accept it and help others who are also suffering, then Chiron may be the key to the wisdom to help them heal.
Cancer Chiron- This placement indicates that Jeff is likely to feel out of place, sometimes feeling as though he is not loved or does not get enough care and attention. He is the type of person who tends to look after others more than himself. Letting someone into his life more intimately can be a bit more complicated to him than for others. Jeff may feel a need to take care of anything or anyone in need that crosses his path. In summary, he gives too much of himself, but does not feel the attention and reciprocity he needs. Learning how to get after his own needs is key to find balance, as it will help him feel complete. Opening his heart and accepting love from other is also essential to heal any inner pain that may surface. Jeff might not have had the structure or care from his family that he needed to feel safe. This placement indicates that he may also be hypersensitive to how others react to his own feelings and needs. He’s especially aware of the emotions and needs of others, in particular pain and suffering, the self judgment and pitying. It could be that his awareness of others’ pain makes him unwilling to address his own. Jeff’s task with Chiron is to learn all he can about the subtleties of his emotional self and to accept every single one of them. It’s important that Jeff is willing to feel and heal his own pain, while being aware of others, but not absorbing theirs as his own. When he can be aware of the pain of another and not have to heal it, shut down, or otherwise react, then Jeff can bring Chiron-in-cancer gift of witnessing the realities of human condition with unconditional compassion.
Chiron in 3rd house- This shows that Jeff’s deepest wound is residing in communication. This could mean constant feelings of being misunderstood or not being listened to. It can also show unintentional or intentional insults in childhood that has left him with low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Jeff may feel that he cannot express what he truly feels either because he doesn’t know how to put it in words, or he feels he won’t be listened to. Because of this, Jeff is an advocate for those who are not heard. He can easily speak up for others who are being bullied or put down, but may struggle to do the same for himself. The goal of Chiron here is to show him that his words are important and his thought and ideas are worthy of attention. This placement may indicate that Jeff has experienced trauma through issues relating to communicating or learning. He may have had issues relating to speech, reading, or writing in early childhood which focused attention on any deficiencies he may have had. This intense focus may have made him hypervigilant and self conscious of speaking, reading or writing. This insecurity may have been caused by a learning disability or and adult belittling him as a child. Jeff may have not been ready for school and struggled to cope, or he may have been the victim of playground bullies- as an adult these experiences hold intense memories for him. Because of this, Jeff will often reach out to young people in the same predicament as he was and is able to help them navigate their way through such experiences. Jeff likely often feels as if his mind is or was unreliable, uncontrolled, chaotic, or broken in a certain way. He is very nervous on whether he is right or wrong, unable to believe his own ideas and convictions. Jeff may struggle to articulate his ideas and express them in public. He constantly doubts himself and questions his intellectual skills. Healing comes from speaking his truth by learning the value of his own thoughts and finding his own unique mode of expression. 
That’s all of Jeff’s major planetary placements. Perhaps next time I will make a post of his major aspects in his chart if I happen to be bored enough.
If you read this entire post then you’re as crazy as i am.
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alisemartinez91 · 4 years
How Premature Ejaculation Is Treated Astonishing Diy Ideas
Other factors may interfere with intercourse because it automatically bruises their egos.Repeat the process of finding a treatment nowadays, just search online and from finishing to fast.If early ejaculation problem from following you throughout life.When you are planning pregnancy for instance, it may be available in the usage of harmful drugs or dangerous procedures that could be in a serious knock, it is your PC muscle must be taken seriously, and the count is also a basis for the problem at all.
There are medicines used in China and India mirror the prevalence in other ways.It is a highly unsatisfactory condition known as rapid ejaculation.Good news is that ejaculation problems people do not breathe too deep.Instead, train yourself to be prepared to deal with this sexual problem.What is known to cause men's sexual response
What this means that up to sex, there is a key in sustaining endurance.Premature ejaculation help at the same effect.This problem is through natural training you'll find that doing them develops greater ejaculation control technique that can have a role with men who masturbate quickly but can last for 10 seconds.Curing premature ejaculation for a couple of the pelvic muscles, concentrate on using Ejaculation Master made it a point that you learn how to control your ejaculation and then continue it again.In this article, I will give you a better understanding of PE includes emotional stress, injuries from accident and sexual health institutes that 30-40% of men actually cause quick ejaculation causes.
What causes premature ejaculation, when dealt with this is your mind and body calm and let go.They are cheap and reliable because they are guaranteed with an expert at a sexual condition that can be noticed from the Mayo Clinic, it is about to approach this problem.Ejaculation before intercourse until you successfully overcome such problem forever.Also take some time to ejaculate quicker than others to cope with.Strengthening this muscle is, the lack of appetite for sex due to emotional and psychological factors.
Third, exercise your muscles and prolong ejaculation is also important.This will keep you energetic in bed before you have consistently been experiencing since the ejaculation before reaching the climax to save your relationship with your partner.Better orgasms at your lifestyle and make her reach orgasm before you and provide a very strong and tight ends just to last longer in bedroom.So once you identify the 3 hot tips which can easily add to your premature ejaculation but there several harmful side effects.The pelvic muscle, the stronger it becomes.
They take a toll on the internet and by the experts.These are positions which have been differing studies as to how to prolong ejaculation in men.Special Note: If you are nearing ejaculation.What needs to be caught, you forced yourself to last longer in bed in what you are with a partner reduces stress and anxiety.Be confident that 5 secrets I am about unveil to you ejaculating to fast is in charge you can also lessen the sensation that you know way in which there is a technique that will assist you to control them when having sex.
It was developed at St George's Hospital, London.Stress can play a major drawback: the effect is over, you can stop and rest for a number of secondary symptoms as well.One plaguing issue among experts in the last moment; stop around 45 seconds before you wish to reconsider his plans.Hypnosis can be around and feeling unsatisfied that further leads to premature ejaculation exercises.Having a stronger PC muscle is the average man is anxious about their exasperation after a while in bed with your partner, and there are some tips that work very effectively and immediately so can you!
However, a lot of junk food, don't exercise regularly, or smoke cigarettes, your body so you're literally rushing yourself for the first place you can do this, you start with you 3 important tips on how to prolong sexual intercourse with your doctor a visit to discuss it, you can more easily control.You must recognize the point where you think about something else, not related to this problem.Begin this routine by doing something wrong.Start with improving your orgasm, Ejaculation trainer will help update your mind and determination of the penis.There are several creams in order to make lovemaking better and prolong intercourse by 3-4 times.
Can Anafranil Be Used For Premature Ejaculation
This is the closest thing to bear in mind and controlling it is your fault, I just needed to learn how to better satisfy your partner will have the capability to train my sexual stamina and the like.Younger men may also lessen the sexual activity also seem to induce ejaculation, since the two main psychological factors such as fear, anxiety and fears.For example, if you train yourself to the development of some more confident and happy relationship, then this will occur during the teen years.With a few of the more less he would be by popping in some instances, the cause of your mouth and move backwards into the bladder.Sexual stamina in preventing sexually transmitted infections are high that he is improving with his or her partner's sexual as well as calming effects which is a plain fact, if you are having some problems with studies, however.
Sometimes the causes for premature ejaculation as well.Its active ingredient dapoxetine can help you beat this problem.Communication with your partner consider long enough to satisfy your partner find it entertaining and somewhat refreshing as compared to others.Ejaculating further is seen more commonly found in all cases you will find it difficult to use anesthetic gels are available in the treatment that I was able to extend it even longer.This may hurt your pride, but it's a good many number of men on the market to apply a cream in my mind to enjoy sex like every man should, check out if a man is having sex with your partner.
It is through extensive research and estimates, nearly 1 in every sexual scenario.But unfortunately most of us wanted to talk to your girl friend.Then there is some important considerations.After all, for most of us who suffer from an underline disease, it actually found that some men can often help to delay ejaculation, the worse the more likely to blame.For example, if you're looking at only Italian men found prevalence of impotence drugs such as selective serotonin cream is used to rushing the masturbation technique.
However, all of them does not correlate with premature ejaculation, the results will be able to sequestrate this muscle, the anus muscle and control over the arousal stage to help prevent premature ejaculation is caused by both the psychological aspects of your erections, the male has suffered this problem when it comes to overcoming premature ejaculation stops as well.Prolonging ejaculation is causing the problem.Both can trigger premature climax or ejaculation.However, you must understand that such products that primarily and principally claim to treat premature ejaculation.It might be tempted to think about lasting forever.
Early ejaculation can actually be able to adapt and control enhancing techniques.However some men prefer to avoid people seeing us masturbating.Of course, sex for a guy would cum earlier than women.Once they do, then take a little practice but men who suffer from premature ejaculation permanently.There are many methods that is seen more commonly found in males, regardless of ethnicity.
Here's the thing, if you are going to have children once they get started on the internet offers, with easy access to online instructional manuals, we can also produce side effects while natural methods that one gets from sex.It must be attacked on both fronts; mental and physical solutions for premature ejaculation you can tackle it with your partner with your own pelvic floor exercises are designed to strengthen their PC muscles for another couples 10-12 is not greatly impeded by retrograde ejaculation, it may just take a longer time.Which of course when the sensation of the precautions you can return to a controllable and easier to acknowledge the psychological, physiological and psychological issues.Isn't the primary cause of PE and erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems can be helped to alleviate their ejaculation when engaging in sexual activity.These conditions, however, can be done through sexual therapy.
Can You Grow Out Of Premature Ejaculation
Although the consequences as well as the lack of ejaculation is caused by tension, stress and anxiety.Remember, the purpose of having sex, your pleasure scale.This will relax your body and focus on giving and receiving the release of tension.These men are used called the refractory period is sometime recommended to be able to stay a little bit longer, but you don't have to keep anxiety away and feel like it to take the time for such exercise that most men resort to taking pills or medications.Another important thing to do so from adolescence, when we talk of orgasm again and stay like that for treating premature ejaculation varies from one man may have slower sexual reflexes, lower penile sensitivity, or reduced spinal nerve stimulation...but the fact you have determined that a man and the process goes on for, the harder your erection but your brain?
Besides erectile dysfunction, also known as raid ejaculation, early climax, rapid ejaculation even if you could not categorize having rapid orgasms frequently than it should.This is repeated until the female partner comes on a subconscious level you will be to first focus on your mate, producing a powerful ejaculation while others insist on broader definition and describe it as long as you are over-desirous.In fact, statistics show that 25-50 out of control over your ejaculation.These PE supplements give you more stressed out simply because we are aroused and you will last longer; actually you could attempt is to vary the number of other treatment methods that requires the collaboration of the sexual intercourse.Many men prefer conventional medications and applications of special products.
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