#consider it your debt repaid [ARIA ; WISHLIST]
lightlorn · 4 years
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aria talks a good game about wanting to go home and settle down once thedas can stay saved for longer than ten minutes, but her choice of love interests has never lent themselves towards this cause. her ship-based endgames run from ‘heading north to the imperium to take direct action against elvhen slavery’ to ‘leading a commune of mages who prefer keeping a wide berth from the society that isolated them to begin with’ to ‘we’re old friends who keep clashing in battle but like in a sexy philosophical soulmates kind of way.’ 
so frankly i think it’s going to be hilarious if aria ever does net a love interest who is going to lead her into a peaceful retirement on some patch of land somewhere with the mabari and a few kids underfoot. i would honestly love to develop a ship that ends with ‘and aria retired to the countryside and never got dragged into other people’s bullshit again. she was happy and at peace and taught her kids to hunt and to always tell wardens to kiss your ass. she was desperately in love with her spouse to the day she died of natural causes unrelated to her service in the blight. historians still love to discourse about her in the ages since.’
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lightlorn · 5 years
tag dump o1: aria mahariel // character.
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