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diplomaticfields-blog · 8 years ago
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I once blackmailed a professor into resigning quietly after he made an unwanted pass at an acquaintance of mine. 
My mother made me work while in school for my undergrad so I worked at a bed and breakfast. 
I have an allergy to mushrooms. 
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omegaperturbatus · 8 years ago
do it for the vine || david & curt (flashback)
[bare feet hammer against the ground, the blond rapidly slipping through an adjacent door within the never-ending and winding hallway which brings him to a forked juncture. Fist clutching onto a prized procurement, the contents are roughly tucked into his pocket, a green eye peering through the ajar entrance for a better view of his chasers - black uniforms flit by, voices raising with the suggestion to ‘split up’ bringing little reprieve. The mutant doesn’t know how much time he has remaining without surveillance, the concluding part of his plan now falling apart into ribbons as his heart maintains its quickening pace.
          Tick tick tick, think think think--- Something lingers within his periphery, head whipping around to peer into the dull surroundings contrasting significantly from the brightly lit corridor. David’s jaw tenses, teeth grinding against one another before quietly muttering]
                    Someone in here?
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victoriousxhand-blog · 8 years ago
ready or not, here i come (you can’t hide) || victoria & curt
   When Norman had first informed Victoria that he wanted her to find and arrange a meeting with Curt Connors, she’d been excited to hear that he wanted the man scared. It’s been several years since her last time doing a job for Norman Osborn, and in that time, she’s had more than her fill of catching flies with honey. She relishes this new opportunity to indulge her mean streak. 
       When it’s finally time (she’ll only admit to herself that she’s a little giddy with excitement), Victoria wonders how best to go about intimidating the young researcher. She vaguely remembers him: brilliant but a bit withdrawn. Quiet and almost meek. Definitely the awkward scientist type.
      It’s fair to say, she thinks, that an unexpected phone call from an unknown phone number would throw him off his guard...
        She dials his number from her car, watching him from behind tinted glass as the line rings.
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                “Good afternoon, Dr. Connors.”
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cosmicjive · 7 years ago
“No, hell no. I was real clear that it was 100% a one time thing.”
If there’s one thing you sure as hell don’t need in life, it’s for a space lizard to get the wrong idea about how into him you are.
“I got space friends, but they ain’t here and they ain’t lizards.” Even if he had somehow brought a space lizard, it’s not like he’d tell the guy because Terrans seem to like cutting things up and calling it science if he remembers right.
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The joy of knowing something clever science Terrans don’t know is written plainly across Peter’s face.
“Oh yeah. There were a few Ravagers who had like…lizard-y faces. And there’s a planet of space lizards. Actually, there was this dude there who was totally into me but they eat space bugs. Which is fine, as long as you don’t think too hard about where - actually, you don’t wanna know that.”
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It’ll probably occur to him a bit later on that the guy might just be yanking his chain, but, right now, the sheer implication of extraterrestrial reptilian life forms by itself is too good for Curt to care.
               “You didn’t happen to… bring any of them back here, did you? To earth?”
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cmongrrl-blog · 9 years ago
“Wouldn’t have expected to see you here. How’s it going, Curt?”
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starkprotocol · 9 years ago
[12 layers of security, physical and digital. That’s how many boundaries Tony has to get through at Galenus Labs to gain access to the “vault” where the sample of Extremis is kept, tired features growing increasingly irate as each member of staff asks him for additional verification. A swipe of an ID card here, a piercing retinal scan there... A time of sheer frustration that sees the man peering at his watch and tapping at his phone, unbridled indignation as he utters in annoyance]
                    You know who I am.
[the sentence met with hands on hips from the security guards, a shake of their head as they (purposefully?) keep him waiting, noting the jittery behaviour with unease before letting him pass to enter the enclosed area. Safety goggles required to be worn regardless of the vial being heavily encased. It’s with a sigh of relief that Tony enters the room, quickening footsteps darting across only to dishearteningly find--- ]
                                                                        Where the fuck is it?!
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lew-d · 9 years ago
Darcy’s on her way... out, she has no idea where, really. Her family is staying at a hotel, so it’s not like she has any particular reason to feel crowded, but she does. She feels smothered, like there’s not enough oxygen around to pull into her lungs, so she heads out.
She’s walking aimlessly down some street or another when she catches what she thinks might be a familiar silhouette...
Enough people shift out of her way that she can approach him. She’s researched him since the first time they met. She thinks that’s him...
“Dr. Connors? --Uh. Curt?”
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brucegbanner · 9 years ago
three scientists and a lab | Bruce & Curt & Jemma
@connorcourtesy , @agent-biochem 
They’ve gone all out for Extremis - they being Tony and Harry, who’ve created a private lab nestled in the Bronx specifically for this project. It seems a little preposterous until you realize the superhuman finagling of personalities and egos that would be required for anything less. It’s a substantial space (you’d think there’d be a hundred people working here, by the size of it), gleaming with it’s newness. The array of machines that are scattered through the space are emblazoned with the Oscorp logo, while the holographic projectors and quantum processors at every intersection sport the sleek SI emblem.  An odd melding of the two ferociously competitive (and previously isolated) companies, and Bruce imagines that’s where the name engraved in the simple metal banner above the entrance came from - Galenus Labs, very decidedly not one nor the other. 
There’s a small sea of minions milling about, and he’s pleased that most of their eyes don’t linger for longer than a moment. A few token greetings are exchanged before he heads to the work space designated for the lead scientists, in the back and removed. It’s separated from the main area by means of a natural, slight bottle neck in the layout, and Bruce prefers the additional privacy it creates. The setup of the interactive SI interface is familiar enough that he can slide right into the data and reports, immersing himself in catching up with the most current analysis’ and testing results. 
It’s the first time he’s working in this capacity since the Skrull invasion, and he sinks into the familiarity of the role with ease and a laser focus, the bustle of the lab coats dying until the only thing on his mind is they’re going to fix this little over-heating and subsequent combustion problem. 
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victoriousxhand-blog · 8 years ago
What are some of your immediate or long term goals?
Immediate goals:
Contact Curt Connors
Restore Oscorp’s Goblin files
Vet the current board
Retrieve the Goblin mask
Find where Goblin/Norman stashed his medicine
Long term goals:
Make Norman take his goddamn medicine
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