#connor probably wouldn’t dress up then if someone asked what his costume was he’d say something like ‘suicidal’
spirirsstuff · 1 year
wait it’s october shit gotta think about what my blorbos would wear for halloween
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hoenursey · 4 years
here it is, y’all, the nurseydex theatre kid au i never finished (and probably won’t ever). if any of y’all remember, this was going to be the othello au lol !! whoops.
God hated him, obviously. That much was apparent. God hated him or did not exist, because no loving god would do this to him. No loving god would have him, fingers wrapped delicately and squeezing ever so slightly at one (1) William J. Poindexter’s slim neck, and no loving god would force him to have his blocking so that he needed a knee wedged between Will’s thighs and his other hand pinning his wrist to the bed, and there was absolutely, positively no loving god that would have Will gazing up at him, pupils blown wide as a half erection tented the silk nightgown he was in, in the middle of Samwell College’s black box theatre.
There was just no way in hell, Derek reasoned, as Will swallowed and he felt the bob of his throat run down, down, down the center of his palm. A loving god would open up the floor and fucking eat him, just let him die right then and there.
“Will, you should be thrashing!” Monetta yelled, and Derek flinched, then forced himself to relax and slowly pulled back.
It happened like this.
“We have no backup for Desdemona,” Monetta spat. “Who fucking– who changes their major now? Who drops a class in the middle of the fucking semester? Can you even do that?” She whirled around, eyes wild, and Derek backed up slightly. Monet could be kind of… wild, sometimes, when she got going.
“It’s rhetorical!”
Everyone in the theatre flinched.
“I need a backup. I need one now. I don’t care if it’s a fucking dog. If the dog can act, I don’t give a shit. I just need a fucking actor. Find someone who’s got chemistry with Derek and I will fucking kiss you.”
“I’d prefer it not be a dog,” he said hesitantly, and Monetta turned her head in his direction. Only her head, and a single, mad-looking eye focused on him.
“But you know what? I, uh. Can work with that. A dog, I mean. Anything. The show must go on.”
Monetta’s head turned back, and he breathed a quiet sigh of relief.
“Hey, what about Will?”
Nevermind, he thought to himself bitterly. He turned a flat look on Chris, who was smiling cheerfully, as usual, a wrench in his hand.
“Who?” Monetta asked. Her brow was creased, the script she’d been waving still dangling from her long fingers.
“He–” Derek tried to say, but then Monetta threw the script at him as Chris said, “He’s the one who’s been helping Larissa with sets! Me, Will, and Derek had our freshman humanities course together!”
“What does he look like?”
“Red hair, freckle-y,” Mandy called from the rafters.
“Mega freckle-y,” Jenny confirmed. “And he’s, like, p good at acting. He’s got a great voice, loud and, like, strong and stuff? Super pale, kind of angry just like as a person. He’s a little awkward but like once you get him comfortable it’s fine. We had 1302 together; actually, it was Othello, so he already knows the lines! He’s super rad!”
Monetta turned to him, and he gave her an uncomfortable look. “Please tell me you can work with him. Derek. Please. We really, really, really don’t have time to do another open casting call, and frankly all the non-actors in here suck. Please. We have three. months. Tell me you don’t have any problems with him.”
“He’s an asshole,” Derek grumbled. “A rude asshole who thinks i'm irresponsible and laughs at me when I fall–”
“But can you work with him on stage?”
Derek sighed softly as Monetta turned the closest thing she had to puppy dog eyes on him.
“You’re helping with my calc work,” he said tiredly, and she beamed at him. “Call him up, Chris. See if we can get him here by tomorrow.”
It happened like this: Monetta took one look at William Poindexter and fell in love with him. He monologued for her and she looked ready to propose. They found a costume (after damn near an hour of sizing and shaping and pinning and honestly, his ass was just unfair) and she had their children’s names picked out.
“Thank you so much for this. I’m so sorry we had to call you in so late, and this is so–”
“It’s, um, not a problem?” he said, almost a question, smile curving his pink lips, because of course he had an uncomfortably endearing smile.
“Monetta, one problem,” Caitlin Farmer said muffledly. They looked down at her where she was hemming the bottoms of Will’s pants, a few pins tucked between her lips.
“Yes, Caitlin?” Monetta asked, voice tense. Caitlin pulled the pins from her mouth and handed them to Derek, saying lightly, “Hold these, please?”
“Uh, we don’t have any period clothes for this. The sleep scene, where Othello kills Desdemona? We only have women’s robes and gowns, and I know costuming gets cumulative grades on like accuracy. It won’t be so bad if the rest of the costuming is good, but we’re hella underprepared and I know they don’t want to make an entire new outfit this late in the show.”
“What do you have?” Will asked. Monetta, Caitlin, and Derek all looked at him, surprised– he hadn’t really said much outside of a few words confirming or agreeing with whatever they said.
“Just… silk nightgowns. That’s it. The little strappy shift ones? You probably don’t want to wear those, i’m sorry–”
“It’s-- uh, don't worry about it,” he interrupted gently. “A few weeks in a shift dress isn’t going to kill me. Besides, i’m already gay and, uh, sort of out, so like, what's the worst they can say to me?” Derek’s brain went blank. Will was gay? Will was gay? Was he single? Why did he care?
“Sorry, what?” he asked, blinking at Monetta.
“I said, go get ready for practice. We’ve gotta get your blocking down.”
“O-okay,” he managed.
“And I want you and Will to practice outside of this period! Go hang out, get dinner in the dining hall together! You’re supposed to be married, okay?”
Shit. Fucking shit fuck shit– “Okay, Monetta. Dinner, dining hall, practice. I’ve got it. I can hear perfectly clearly.”
“But does your brain work? I doubt you sometimes.”
It happened like this: they started having dinner together, and then lunch together, and then breakfast, and then Derek was sitting with the engineering majors and Will was sitting with the poetry kids and they were both sitting with the theatre kids. It happened like this: they bickered, and Derek flirted, and Will snarked, and they practiced until they were dead on their feet.
It happened like this: they hadn’t practiced kissing by themselves, just line work, because they didn’t really have the space to do blocking anyways. Or that was what he told himself, anyways, because he kept thinking about how much he wanted to, and he poured over the kissing scenes in private: how he’d kiss him, how delicately or firmly it would be done, and how most of all there wouldn’t be much more effort to pretend that he was madly in love with him, because of course he had to fall in love with anyone who smiled at him.
It happened like this: Monetta needed them to practice the kissing scenes in rehearsal.
“You’re both single, right?” she asked idly as she checked over the set backgrounds, Derek scanning over his blocking notecards from on top of one of their desks.
“You and Will. Single?”
“Well... I am,” Derek said slowly. “But I wouldn't know about Poindexter. He's never mentioned a partner though, and it doesn't seem like his style to not, like, say anything. Want me to ask?”
“Sorry, I had to drop off some supplies to the culinary lab,” Will called, the door slamming behind him, and they turned to look at him.
“Will,” Monetta hedged, “You’re single, right?”
He paused, looking at her curiously, then nodded a little jerkily, shrugging off his bag and jacket. Nursey tried not to stare at the way his shoulders filled out the tight red “Samwell Computing” shirt (gay, gay, gay, his brain was chanting, gay, gay, stop thinking about how broad his shoulders are, gay). “Far as I know.”
“Great,” Monetta said, relieved. “Sorry, just… last time, we accidentally caused a few breakups? And chairs got thrown. I really don't wanna see that happen again.”
Will chuckled softly, flexing his wrists a little and then pushing up onto the stage with his hands, rolling into a standing position neatly. Derek was dying. “Well, no angry, uh, boyfriends here. Or girlfriends.”
“Fantastic,” she murmured. “I’d hate for you to have a chair thrown at your head, we really don’t have the time to find another Desdemona.”
“You know you’re supposed to care about other people’s well-being, right?” Jenny called down from above the stage, where she was fixing up some of the lighting that had fallen earlier. Mandy nodded in agreement.
Monetta took a moment to consider it, face thoughtful, and then shrugged, pivoting on her foot and walking away from Will and Derek.
“No time for that either! Everyone get dressed, we’ve got a lot of work to do today and some people still aren’t off book.”
“It’s literally just act two,” Connor said irritably from the fourth row, though he still stood to move backstage. “That’s it. Excuse me for not memorizing every single one of Iago’s stupid little asides--”
March smacked him on the back of the head and he yelped, indignant. “What was that for?”
“You don’t have to get insulted four times a week for a month, Wisnewski,” she grumbled, “So can it.”
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lala-ladybug · 3 years
Healing Hands: Chapter 2
I promise I’m not this fast at writing, I’ve just had the first few chapters laying around for a while lmao. Reblogs are appreciated!!
Jasonette Sword Art Online AU
Read here on AO3
Tag list: @iloontjeboontje 
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Chapter 2: u guys r moding my night :(
There was chaos in the Wayne Manor. This was nothing unusual, of course, and today it even seemed to be surprisingly tame. But it was chaos nonetheless.
Timothy Drake-Wayne careened down the spiral staircase, catching himself with a well-timed front flip handspring, and skidded to a halt in the kitchen. Alfred briefly paused to look up from where he was preparing dough for a batch of homemade pasta, then offered the boy a smile and a greeting.
“Good evening, Master Drake. Dinner won’t be ready for another half-hour, I’m afraid.” Tim had opened his mouth to reply when a growl echoed from the nearby ballroom.
Jason Todd-Wayne sprinted into the kitchen brandishing a nerf gun. “There you are, replacement. You won’t get away with beating me this time.” He pulled back the reloader of the play-gun, making a threatening click ring through the kitchen.
“I’m afraid you are both late to the party,” Alfred calmly announced as he mixed ingredients together. “Miss Cain has been here for the past five minutes.”
Cass Cain-Wayne indeed poked her head out from where she had been perched beneath the bar. She gave her brothers a shit-eating grin and wiggled her fingers as way of a cheeky greeting.
Tim gave a groan as he and Jason begrudgingly handed some money over to their sister. “She cheats.” Cass stuck her tongue out at that. “Besides, racing you here was just an excuse to get my mind off waiting for midnight.”
“And because Alfred is the only one polite enough to actually listen to you rave about that stupid game,” Jason scoffed, sitting down at the bar to watch Alfred work.
“--thought I heard voices in the kitchen, oh there you are, little wing!” Dick Grayson-Wayne’s cheery voice came from the foyer, increasing in pitch as he spotted Jason and swept him up into a tight hug.
Barbara Gordon wheeled herself in not too long after, chuckling at the squirming Jason and delighted older brother.
Meanwhile Tim, who had taken offense to Jason’s insinuation, was reassuring Alfred that if he wanted the boys to leave him be he only ever had to ask. “It’s just that I’m so excited for the launch tonight, and you know B is too busy to hear about it.”
Jason had finally muscled his way out of Dick’s embrace as the latter’s attention focused on his youngest brother. “What launch are you talking about?” Dick asked, giving Cass a side hug.
“Oh, tonight is the release of this new VRMMORPG game called Mindscape!” Tim practically bounced as Dick came over to give him his hug too.
Dick gave Barbara a confused glance. “I know some of those words,” he nodded slowly. “So what’s got you so excited? Video games come out all the time.”
Tim rolled his eyes as he sat down beside Jason on the barstools. “Well yeah, but this game has groundbreaking virtual reality tech. Supposedly, the textures took five years and a team of almost 1000 artists.”
Jason put Tim into a headlock and said casually, “I’m surprised you haven’t heard replacement talking about this yet. He kinda won’t shut up about it.”
Cass nodded her head in solemn agreement while Tim struggled to get out of Jason’s grasp.
“Such are the woes of moving out.” Dick shrugged. “Sounds crash though, got room for one more?”
Tim finally shoved Jason off. “I actually bought enough passes that we can all play if you want,” he gave each of his siblings the biggest puppy-dog eyes he could manage.
Barbara snorted even as Dick pumped his fist in the air beside her. She wheeled herself up to the bar to pinch Jason, who was poised to jab his fingers into Tim’s sides. Jason yelped and glared at her as she said, “Sorry Timmy, I’d rather let someone else be the guinea pig for this new kind of tech. Besides, Dad will worry if I let myself get sucked into pouring too many hours into this.”
“Papa Gordon is a force to be reckoned with,” Dick attested earnestly. “Jay?” he prompted.
“Absolutely not,” Jason answered immediately. Tim was quick to protest. “But why? We could spend more time together! It’ll be good team-building.” Jason’s face soured at that.
Dick leaned in and stage-whispered, “Do I have to tell B to force you into family bonding? You know he’ll make you do it.”
Cass covered her silently laughing mouth with one hand as Jason threw his hands up in the air. “Fine, don’t get Bruce involved. I’ll play your stupid game,” he finally relented. Tim grinned at his win, then cast a hopeful look at Cass.
She pulled a face and signed No thank you. Better things to do than watch VR pornos.
Tim’s face blushed profusely as he opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by Jason’s cackling. Even Alfred cracked a smile while he rolled the dough onto the ravioli press.
Once Jason quieted down, Tim crossed his arms and said, “Suit yourself. Looks like it’ll be no-girls-allowed anyway.”
“Guess we’d better tell Cassie that, Timbo,” Dick wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, which Tim elected to ignore.
“Speaking of suits,” Alfred said while seamlessly spreading filling in the ravioli and placing another sheet on top of the press, “aren’t you boys going to miss the premiere if it is indeed at midnight?”
Tim looked imploringly at the two girls. “You wouldn’t be willing to trade shifts for your favorite brother, would you?”
* * *
Wally West strolled out of the zeta tube and into the Justice League’s satellite, known to himself and the other heroes as The Watchtower. He was dressed in a casual NASA t-shirt and jeans, slurping a smoothie, and playing a game on his phone.
The sound of someone clearing their throat made him look up. He was greeted with the sight of his old team, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Rocket, Zatanna, and Artemis, waiting impatiently. They were dressed in full hero attire-- he didn’t even realize Artemis still had her costume-- and looked to him expectantly.
“Hey guys, what’s poppin’?” Wally grinned and gave his friends a lazy chin jerk.
“‘What’s poppin’?’ Babe, are you serious? You told us to meet here ASAP for an emergency. So you can tell us what exactly is ‘poppin’.” Ah yes, his Spitfire. Artemis Crock still wasn’t afraid to give him a piece of her mind. But this time it looked like everyone else was on her side too, as they nodded in agreement with her emphatic air quotes.
“Oh, uh yeah, Mindscape is coming out tonight!” He set his smoothie down on the table. “I got us all passes and I’m super stoked for the launch. It’s got this super cool new VR tech that’s basically being released for the first time ever. I got the equipment through my internship, so we’re all set! You guys are totally coming right?” He made finger guns at his increasingly exasperated friends.
Artemis facepalmed. Kaldur’ahm raised his eyebrows in that I’m disappointed in you but I’m not going to say it way of his and said, “Wally, with you and Artemis retired from the life, understand that we took this to be a literal emergency and rushed to your aid. Do not abuse our good intentions.”
“Seriously West, I have a lot on my plate right now!” Rochelle Ervin was also, apparently, a little upset with him. “You could’ve said it was about a dumb game.”
The speedster tried to do damage control with some lighthearted humor. “Hey guys, stay whelmed. I get it, I probably should have given a few more deets about this very-much-not-dumb game, but do you know how many candy bars I had to eat to win these passes?”
“This is why you’ve been spending so much on junk food?” Oh, he was in big trouble with Artemis now. “You probably didn’t have to eat all of them, babe.”
M’gann M’orzz, Connor Kent, and Zatanna Zatara looked similarly annoyed. Well, the girls did. Connor just looked like his usual brand of annoyed, which was honestly a small victory.
“So...” Wally felt a little sheepish now, “who wants in?”
The rest of the group exchanged a look. Artemis was the first to speak up. “Well, you’ve already invested too much of our money in this to turn back now.” She walked up to him and poked a finger at his chest. “But you owe me so many dinners for this.”
He grinned triumphantly. “Deal!”
Rochelle spoke up next. “Me and my plate don’t need any more helpings, thank you very much. I’ll see y’all at the next team reunion!” She flew out through the zeta tube.
Kaldur clapped him on the shoulder. “If you need any assistance, I will be there. But for now I am running Atlantis in Aquaman’s stead while he is off-world, and I must return to my duties.” He then bid the rest of the team farewell and stepped through the zeta tube.
“Haha, he said ‘duties.’” Wally said once he’d left, then winced as Artemis smacked his arm lightly. Lightly for her. Rubbing his arm, he looked imploringly at his other friends.
M’gann and Conner looked deep in a telepathic conversation, which was just awkwardly intense eye contact for onlookers. Zatanna crossed her arms and sighed, “Fine, why not. I didn’t have plans for the weekend anyway. Lead the way to your chocolate factory, Charlie.”
Connor, having caught the tail end of the conversation, looked confused at the reference. He shrugged and said, “I’m in, could be fun.”
M’gann gave her friends an apologetic smile. “Sorry guys, my uncle needs help back on Mars. There’s tensions between the white and green martians again, and he really needs me there to get it under control.”
She gave Connor a peck on the cheek and left to board the nearby Bioship.
“And then there were four,” Wally said with a smile. “Now let’s go make you guys some avatars!”
* * *
Bart Allen could hardly contain his excitement. Scratch that, he couldn’t contain his excitement! “Bouncing off the walls” may be an exaggeration for most people, but he was not most people. Being the grandson of The Flash certainly had its perks, and being able to literally bounce off the walls was one of them.
The cause of his excitement, his friends Timothy Drake-Wayne and Wally West, had just called to ask if Bart wanted extra passes to the premiere of the biggest video game of the decade. And uh, yeah duh he wanted them! He already had one he’d bought for himself, but bringing four extra friends? So totally crash.
He opened up his phone and pulled up the group chat titled Badass Babes.
CrashBandicoot: hey bitchez n babez (u kno who u r), u ready 4 the best videogame of the yr to drop?!
BlueMenace: ese, do you HAVE to type like that?
WonderBabe: yea it’s super annoying
CrashBandicoot: gtta go fast babez
CrashBandicoot: now answer the question
GreenMenace: oh i heard about that! mindscape, right? isn’t it some vr game
CrashBandicoot: yes! nd i got extra tix, so come ovr to cave
GirlBoss: No can do, got research tomorrow!
MaleWife: you always have research bae. sorry little speedster, gotta drive the lady to work
CrashBandicoot: u guys r moding my night :(
BlueMenace: totally not a word but I’ve got you cariño, be there in an hour
WonderBabe: ah what the heck, I’ve got nothing better to do
GreenMenace: always down to whoop ur ass in video games
CrashBandicoot: u wish
CrashBandicoot: roy?
Ginger1 is typing...
WonderBabe: it’ll be fun! more ~mingling~ with kids our age
Ginger2: Hold on, give him some time
Ginger1 is typing...
BlueMenace: Roy, I can pick you up on my way in if you want
Ginger1 has stopped typing.
Ginger2: Um, he says he’ll meet you guys there
Ginger2: He may have destroyed his phone with his “non-typing” hand
GreenMenace: pog
WonderBabe: see u guys soon!
Bart pumped his fist, then ran at top speed to his boyfriend Jaime’s house, where it looked like he was doing homework. Seriously, on a Friday night? Bart had absolutely no qualms about whisking him into his arms and making for the nearest zeta tube.
“Woah Bart, I said I needed an hour!” Jaime protested.
Bart rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but you definitely don’t have anything due tonight, and we have to make your character online before the launch!”
Jaime just looked resigned as they sped into the zeta tube. He knew what he had signed up for.
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wherepoetswentodie · 4 years
This is a thing I’m working on that will not see the light of day for ages because I feel guilty for being bad at updating and also this seems to be the only thing my brain likes to write at the minute so
Connor McKinley did not see the point in health class, virtual baby dolls (that might have been possessed by Satan himself, or at least a close friend) and going to BYU in the fall. What he was going to do, however, was go to health class, look after a virtual baby doll (that might have been possessed by Satan himself, or at least a close friend) and pretend he was going to BYU when (if) his parents asked, but actually get into the University of Michigan. 
But as he sat in health class - a class of six people, so he wasn’t sure it could even be called a class - he was beginning to think that maybe he’d prefer to be at BYU. Which may or may not have been a death sentence for him. He had never quite worked out how homophobic it really was and  hoped that he never would have to. 
“Do you think this teacher is ever going to turn up?” Nabulungi, his best friend and ‘girlfriend’ when his aunties were curious, asked. 
“I hope not,” Connor sighed, “I don’t trust babies,” 
“They’re not real babies,” 
“Somehow that makes it worse,” 
He glanced around the class, trying to remember if anyone there had ever thrown homophobic abuse his way. Chris Thomas and James Church definitely hadn’t, considering they were his best friends and Chris was practically sat in James’ lap. He looked towards the back of the room and immediately groaned, shocked that he hadn’t heard Arnold Cunningham before he’d seen him. Or maybe his best friend, and unfortunately attractive republican, Kevin Price had finally worked out how to keep him quiet. 
Connor might have actually tried to talk to him if it weren’t for the fact that his dad was the (incredibly homophobic) Governor of Utah
“Arnold Cunningham is in this class,” Connor muttered to Nabulungi who immediately brightened up and turned around to grin at him. 
“He’s cute,” she whispered. 
“No.” Connor said, “Nabulungi. No. Don’t. No. Don’t even look at me. I can’t believe - him? You think he’s cute?” 
Nabulungi rolled her eyes and suddenly had a coughing fit that sounded an awful lot like “Steve Blade,”. Connor tutted and turned back to the front of class, if not just so he could pretend that his best friend didn’t have a crush on Arnold Cunningham of all people. He thought that he’d be able to deal with her liking Kevin, and that would probably come with a healthy dosage of hate crimes for all involved. 
“You know if the teacher doesn’t turn up in 15 minutes we’re legally allowed to leave,” Arnold piped up. 
Connor rolled his eyes and Nabulungi had the nerve to laugh and turn around to talk to him. Deciding that he should try and stop her before things got too serious, Connor turned around, only to lock eyes with Kevin who was looking between Nabulungi and Arnold like he’d never seen them before. Or maybe he was just shocked that someone was actually showing interest in Arnold. Perhaps he was just glad to find someone who might take Arnold off his hands. Connor had never really understood why the two of them were friends. 
“You know Naba likes Arnold?” Connor whispered to Chris and James. 
James frowned at him, “Who do you think she was out with when she couldn’t come out with us last weekend?” 
Connor gaped at him, “Seriously? Are they - Are they dating?” 
“I hate you,” Chris said, “Do you ever listen to any of us? That was their first date!” 
“I thought she was joking,” Connor muttered, slumping in his seat and trying to block out the sounds of his best friend flirting with someone who dressed up as Luke Skywalker when he went to Comic-Con. 
God, he hoped that Nabulungi wasn’t going to start going to Comic-Con with him. He was pretty sure that he’d have to stage an intervention. A little bit like the one that she had staged for Chris after his sugar addiction had stopped being a cute personality trait and had become a genuine health concern. 
“Did you ask me to take this class because of Arnold?” Connor asked quietly. 
“No, I asked you because someone needed another class to graduate or someone won’t be tap dancing around Michigan next year,” 
“Are you going to Michigan, buddy? So’s Kevin!” Arnold said excitedly. 
Connor froze and turned around to look at Kevin, who’s eyes were also wide, “University of Michigan or Michigan State?” 
“University of Michigan,” Kevin said quietly, “You?” 
“Same,” Connor mumbled, “I’m guessing you’re not doing musical theatre?” 
“Probably economics. Or business. Or whatever else it is republicans do,” Chris said, “Oppress minorities?” 
Before Kevin could argue back, presumably to tell them that he wasn’t going to be majoring in oppressing minorities because Connor didn’t think that was a valid major (if it was, he was definitely going to the wrong university), the door opened and their teacher, Mr. Name-Connor-Couldn’t- Be -Bothered- To- Learn walked in. 
And even though Connor wasn’t going to bother to learn his name, he was thankful that he was their teacher. He was old, and retiring that year, which meant that he was long passed caring about actually teaching and would most likely pass them all without even looking over any of their work. They had basically signed up for another free period, and Connor was already planning on using this hour to work on his book and maybe even convince James to take some new headshots for him. Surely looking after a fake baby doll wasn’t going to be that hard. There was probably an off button that Connor was more than prepared to utilise. 
“Get in pairs,” the teacher grumbled at them, “I don’t care who,” 
Connor turned to Nabulungi with the intent to ask if she would grant him the honour of being the mother of his baby, just as she turned to Arnold to ask if he would be the father of her baby. He watched in horror as Arnold gleefully nodded his head and proceeded to stand behind Connor’s chair in a way that he understood meant ‘Please move’. 
“Chris,” Connor said quickly, “Wanna-” 
“No can do, buddy!” Chris said brightly, “Price needs a partner though,”  
“I hate you both,” Connor told them before sitting in the seat that Arnold had previously. 
The fact that Kevin didn’t seem all too excited about their predicament didn’t make Connor feel much better. Sure, he didn’t want to partnered with Kevin, but that was because he didn’t want to work with a raging homophobe and Kevin probably didn’t want to be partnered with him because he didn’t want to work with a raging homosexual. 
Not that Connor really thought that he was a raging homosexual, but he had long since learned that homophobic republicans (Governor Price sprang to mind), didn’t see a difference between the tiny pride pin that Connor dared pin to his jackets and the Drag Queens that worked in gay bars. It was oddly progressive, in a way. 
“Can you at least pretend to not hate me?” Kevin asked, “It’s not my fault Arnold’s dating your best friend,” 
Connor rolled his eyes, “Can you actually not hate me? It’s not my fault I’m gay,” 
Kevin glared at him for a second before he stood up to go and grab a baby off Mr. What's-His-Face’s desk. He completely bypassed the lone ginger baby in favour of one with dark hair, which Connor took as the first hate crime of the project. Perhaps he could do a second, smaller project on the side where he kept a tally of how many hate crimes Kevin committed over the next week. 
And when Mr. Name-Connor-Really-Should-Learn told them that they would have to stay over at each other's houses in an attempt to really drive home the experience of parenthood, Connor predicted that the final total of hate crimes would be a lot. 
“Sir?” Kevin said, sticking his hand in the air, “Why do we have to stay at each other's houses?” 
“Because, Callum, we don’t want to encourage single parenthood,” 
“My names Kevin,” he said impatiently, “But you’ll encourage gay parenthood?” 
“He didn’t mean it like that!” Arnold said quickly, turning around to glare furiously at his best friend, “He just - He meant...He meant from like a Mormon point of view,” 
“So still a homophobic point of view?” James asked lightly, “I’m not gonna sit and listen to him whilst he constantly attacks who I am!” 
“I wasn’t attacking you,” Kevin snapped, “I’m just - my dad would-” 
“-kill us all given the chance?” Chris said. 
“My dad wouldn’t like it if he knew!” Kevin said quickly. 
“Don’t tell him, Corey. What do you think he’s gonna do? Kill you?” Mr. Connor-Wanted-To-Say-Brown said, “You’re practically an adult, sort it out yourself,” 
Connor sighed and slumped in his chair, glaring down at his desk. He wasn’t sure what was worse; spending a week with Kevin at his own house with his homophobic parents, or spending a week with Kevin and his homophobic parents at their house. Both seemed equally as bad and a very good excuse to throw himself in front of the school bus. 
“You’re not staying at my house,” Kevin said quickly. 
“Cute that you think I want to stay there,” Connor said, “I’ll give you a ride home,” 
“I’m at swim practice after school so I’ll meet you there,” 
“I have rehearsal,” Connor said, “I’ll meet you at my car. It’s the-” 
“I know what your car is,” 
“Oh,” Connor said with a frown, “Oh. Okay. Well, I’ll...I’ll see you later,” 
“Do you think I could steal this dress once we’re done?” Nabulungi asked, twirling around in her Belle dress. 
“When are you ever gonna wear a bright yellow ball gown again?” 
Nabulungi shrugged, “Target?” 
Connor snorted and turned to stare at himself in the mirror. Playing the Beast was fun, but the costume certainly wasn’t. He blew some fur out of his mouth and turned to glower at Nabulungi, as though his quite terrible costume was all her fault. 
“I’m uncomfortable,” he said, taking the mask off and dropping it onto a chair, “It’s really annoying that I can’t turn into the Prince halfway through instead,” 
“That defeats the point of the show though. She falls in love with him when he’s a beast, not when he’s a Prince,” 
Connor scrunched his face up, “That feels illegal,”
“It’s not real,” she reminded him. 
“Never realised that, thanks,” he muttered, eyes darting around the room until they came to stop where they always did: on Steve Blade. 
When talking to any of his friends, Connor assured him that he was very much over Steve Blade and was not at all bitter about the way that everything ended. In reality, he was very much not over Steve Blade and was extremely bitter about the way everything ended. It made playing the Beast opposite his Gaston extremely easy; their fight scene never felt forced and Connor felt like he didn’t need claws to rip his head off. Spite was enough. 
Nabulungi tutted when she saw where he was looking and punched his arm. 
“No.” she said, “Stop thinking about Steve Blade!” 
“I’m not!” Connor exclaimed before very casually adding, “He text me last night,” 
“If you text him back-“ 
“I didn’t,” Connor said, lying effortlessly, “I ignored him. I’m not gonna go back to him,” 
Nabulungi huffed a little, “Good. He got what he wanted from you,”
“My virginity?” 
“Yes,” Nabulungi said bluntly. 
Connor sighed and turned away from Steve, thankful that he hadn’t done anything that suggested they had been talking for most of the previous night. Though that might have been because he was terrified of Nabulungi, Chris and James and didn’t want to get on the wrong side of them. (Again). 
Not that Connor himself wasn’t scared of his friends, sometimes. Especially where Steve Blade was concerned. Still, there was nothing quite as terrifying as an extremely irate Stage Manager in the form of Chris Thomas. The only person he hadn’t shouted at all day was James, even though he was extremely behind in his set painting duties. Connor had gotten one entrance wrong and Chris had described, in great detail, how he was gonna murder him. 
“Oh my god,” Nabulungi said in a hushed voice, “Did you know Elizabeth was still choreographing?” 
“Huh?” Connor said, “I thought someone else had taken over. Chris said she was too ill,” 
“Well, she's here,” 
Connor glanced over at the door and unintentionally winced as Chris wheeled his twin sister in. She looked worse than the last time he had seen her, and even then he had found it too difficult to look at her. 
The school had invited her back to choreograph the show (an unspoken “one last time” hanging in the air), and she had gotten through the first two weeks of rehearsal before she had to leave. Now, with only one week to go before their first performance, having her come back seemed pointless. As he thought about it, Connor realised it only seemed pointless to him because he (hopefully) had more shows in his future. It was very unlikely she had any. 
“Hey, Liz!” Connor said cheerfully as Chris wheeled her over, “How are you?” 
“Dying,” she said bluntly. 
Connor froze, immediately looking up to Chris for some help. Elizabeth laughed and rolled her eyes. 
“It was a joke,” she said, “Sort of. How are you finding the choreography?” 
“Fine,” Connor said quickly, happy to steer the conversation away from death, “Yeah, fine,” 
“‘Fine’ unless we’re talking about Tale as Old as Time,” Nabulungi said, “Which is really all he needs to do,” 
“Drop me in it, why don’t you?” Connor muttered. 
Admittedly, Connor was terrible at ballroom dancing. If he wasn’t tripping over his own feet, he was tripping over Nabulungi’s feet and if he wasn’t tripping over Nabulungi’s feet he was tripping over her dress. It only served as a reminder that he probably shouldn’t have been playing the Beast. He would have been more than happy with the ensemble, or maybe LeFou at a stretch, but Nabulungi had convinced him to audition for the lead, just because they’d probably never have a chance to play opposite each other again. 
“I prefer tap dancing,” Connor said after Nabulungi had finished explaining that the rather large bruise on her thigh was a result of Connor falling right on top of her when he had tried to pick her up. 
“Come on, then,” Elizabeth sighed, slowing getting to her feet, “I’ll help you,” 
“Uh, what are you doing?” Chris asked. 
“Teaching Connor how to dance, why?” she asked, taking Connor’s hand. 
“You can’t! The Doctor said that-“ 
“-I still have 6 months,” she reminded him, “What’s one ballroom dance going to do?” 
“Drop her, and I’ll kill you,” Chris snapped, before rushing off to snap at the poor lighting techs. 
Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the back of Chris’ head as she placed Connor’s hand on her waist and began counting him through the steps. It was a lot easier, being taught by someone who actually knew what they were doing (the new choreographer had not offered much help outside of ‘smile!’). 
“You are good at this,” she told him once the song had ended, “All you need is more confidence in yourself,” 
“I don’t think ballroom dancing is my thing,” Connor sighed, “and also not dressed like this,” 
“Dancing is your thing, Connor,” she said firmly, holding onto his arm as she, if possible, grew paler, “By the time you finish college, you’ll be top of your game,” 
Connor smiled and helped her back to her chair, hoping that Chris wasn’t going to commit a crime because he had tired her out. Not that Connor could blame him for being so overprotective; he couldn’t imagine watching his siblings slowly die, and he didn’t even like them that much. 
“You didn’t have to be here,” Connor said, sitting next to her and watching a run through of Gaston. 
“I know, but Christopher can’t say no to me anymore,” she said, “and he always drives me to McDonalds afterwards. Plus-“ she broke off suddenly, frowning, “I can hear a baby crying,” 
“Wha - oh, shit,” 
Connor jumped to his feet and hurried underneath the bleachers. He had hidden Brigham the baby underneath there in the hopes that he wouldn’t be too loud. Kevin had point blank refused to take him to swim practice, and Connor was starting to think that he would be learning what it was going to be like to be a single dad. 
“Sorry,” Connor said, awkwardly rocking the doll, “It’s my baby,” 
“Health class?” she asked. 
“Yep,” Connor said miserably, “He’s called Brigham,” 
“Who’s your partner? Naba?” 
Connor scoffed, “I wish. No, it’s Kevin Price,” 
“The Governor's son?” 
She stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter, “I’m sorry. I know it’s not funny but - oh, sweetie. Are they still doing the thing where you have to stay with your partner?” 
Connor sighed and nodded, “I’m not going over to his house. Lord knows I don’t need to meet Governor Price,” 
“So...he’s going to yours?” she asked in a small voice. 
“It’ll be fine,” Connor said hurriedly, “My parents don’t need to know,”
When Connor finally got out of rehearsal and spotted Kevin awkwardly hovering by his car, he thought that his parents probably wouldn’t be too angry if Kevin was the boy he brought home. As this thought crossed his mind, he remembered exactly who his parents were and what they expected of him. They’d probably get angry if Joseph Smith himself was the boy he brought home. 
Not that Connor would want to bring Joseph Smith home. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to deal with the whole Prophet thing. 
“How are we gonna bring him home?” Kevin asked. 
“I don’t know. He’s a doll. We’ll just put him in the back,” 
Kevin tutted, “You can’t drive a baby home like that! I’ll hold him,” 
“You know he’s not a real baby, right?” Connor asked slowly. 
“I’ve never failed a class in my life, and you’re not about to make me,” Kevin snapped, taking Brigham into his arms. 
“Alright, chill,” Connor muttered, “It’s not that deep,” 
Kevin spent the majority of the car journey to Connor’s house glowering out of the window, Brigham held tightly in his arms. If it weren’t for the fact that Kevin was also male, it might have been the closest that Connor ever got to being straight. He had lost count of the amount of couples he had seen (mainly at Church), who so obviously resented each other but had had a child together so that they could live up to the Mormon standard.
It was probably the life that Kevin was going to live, and Connor felt sorry for him until he realised that he was homophobic and suddenly couldn’t care less. 
As soon as Connor pulled up outside of his house, his mouth went dry and his palms became sweaty. This was not at all unusual, but it was even worse with Kevin being there with him. 
Taking a deep breath, Connor got out of the car and waited for Kevin to do the same. He was taking an awfully long time, holding Brigham close to his chest as he carefully got out, and Connor wasn’t sure he could last a whole week without committing a felony. Or if Kevin could last a whole week without committing a hate crime. 
“Are you gonna come in?” Kevin asked. 
Connor’s neck snapped up to face Kevin, who was standing on the front porch. 
“Get off there!” Connor hissed, lurching forward to grab his arm and yank him backwards. 
“Watch the baby!” Kevin yelled. 
“Shush!” Connor whispered, glancing up at the house and dragging Kevin around the side of the house when he saw someone inside - probably his mom - start to pull the curtains back, “Don’t yell!” 
Kevin frowned at him, “What the heck is your problem, McKinley?” 
“How long have you got?” Connor muttered. 
He walked around the back of the house to where the basement door was, quickly unlocking it and shoving Kevin through it before one of his parents made an appearance in the back garden. And he couldn’t help but curse his best friends, because it would have been beyond easier to have just moved in with Naba or Chris for a week. 
Kevin stood awkwardly in the middle of the middle room and it suddenly occurred to Connor that he was probably used to places that were more...grand. 
“Is there a reason we’re in your basement?” Kevin asked, “Are you going to murder me?” 
Connor tutted and walked over to his makeshift kitchen (a mini-fridge, kettle, toaster, microwave and mini-grill on top of his chest of drawers), beginning to make his usual after school snack of two Poptarts and a can of Redbull. If this was also occasionally his dinner, no one needed to know. 
“Do you want anything?” Connor asked. 
Kevin shook his head as he gently laid Brigham on Connor’s bed, “I brought something,” 
“You don’t trust my cooking?” 
“I follow a strict diet,” Kevin said, “I’m a swimmer, remember?” 
“Oh, yeah...” Connor muttered, dropping down onto one of the beanbags that Mr and Mrs Thomas were kind enough to donate to him, “There’s an airbed for you. I’ll blow it up later,” 
Kevin nodded and perched on the edge of Connor’s bed, his eyes darting around the room. Connor picked at his Poptart, feeling increasingly awkward. He would suggest that Kevin stay at his own house and lie to Mr. Teacher-That-Connor-Would-Probably-Never-Know-The-Name-Of, but he had a feeling that Kevin was not one to ever break the rules. 
“Why are we actually in the basement?” Kevin asked, “Shouldn’t you tell your parents your home? And that I’m here?” 
“No,” Connor said, “If it were up to them, I wouldn’t be in the house,” 
“I’m gay, they don’t like it, they moved me into the basement because it makes them feel less guilty than if they actually kicked me out,” Connor shrugged, “on the rare occasion that I do actually see them, they remind me that once I’ve left for college, that’s it. I’m out, for good,” 
Kevin stared at him, his mouth hanging open. Connor clenched his jaw and looked back down at his Poptarts, wondering if there was a worst person to have this conversation with. He didn’t even like talking about it to his friends, never mind someone he barely knew and who definitely hated him in the same way that his parents did. 
Thankfully, Brigham started wailing and Kevin was too distracted to ask Connor anymore questions.
 It was definitely going to be the longest week of his life. 
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breakingsomething · 4 years
the fall part twenty - all hallow's eve
basic summary: it's jamie's birthday, and his brothers are determined to make his day good for him. also, rhea, jackie and aaron do bad shit again. surprise, surprise.
trigger warnings: flashback, extreme distress, hypnosis
tagslist: @synonymsforzombie @spicydanhowell @skyewardlight @dreaming-of-stories-and-stars @cest-mellow @graveyardlettuce @lower-your-expectationss
"jamie, jamie, jamie! get the hell up, man!"
jamie groaned and rolled over, unfolding his arms and blinking in the sudden light. above him, he could see a blonde head, blue eyes and a big grin, along with a hand that shook his shoulder. "wakey wakey, eggs and bakey. well, pancakes and bakey. or just pancakes. we made pancakes. jamie, wake u-up!"
jamie pulled a hand from underneath the covers and flipped chase the bird before yanking his blankets over his head.
"oh, don't be like that," he heard chase scoff. suddenly the blankets were being torn off, and jamie hissed playfully, unable to hide a grin. chase laughed. "get up, lazy ass! and happy birthday! happy halloween birthday to the pumpkins!"
he left the room, leaving the door wide open. jamie rolled his eyes with a dramatic sigh despite no one being there to see it. he sat up and finally got out of bed, glancing at his phone (not that he needed to in order to know what time it was, he was always aware of the time anyway) to see it was eleven o'clock. he'd slept a full ten hours. better than usual, he thought as he pulled some clothes out of the assorted pile his brothers had put together for him from their own wardrobes. usually he only got about seven.
he brushed his hair and went downstairs, where everyone was sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast with innocent smiles. they had been talking in hushed tones but immediately went quiet when jamie came in, trying and failing to act completely natural. "ok, what's going on?" jamie sighed dramatically, swinging his hands out as he signed. "is it a special day or something?"
"happy happy birthday!" marvin cheered, pushing a huge box from underneath the kitchen table. henrik and chase followed suit with slightly smaller boxes, grinning. "you're thirty and also three now! like two birthdays in one!"
jameson couldn't help but laugh. "i don't need presents - you guys are sweet, though. please, don't do too much just for me."
"but it's your first birthday with us!" chase cried, lifting his box onto the table. "this is fudging special! also, we have to do gift unwrapping and cake cutting soon, cause i gotta go get the kids in like, half an hour. stacy's actually coming with us to take them trick or treating, how cool is that?" marvin and henrik cheered, and jamie clapped with a big grin at the delighted look on chase's face. "i know, right? oh my god, before we do birthday stuff, guess what louise is going as for halloween."
"sonic," marvin said immediately.
chase giggled, pushing his cap up further as jamie sat himself down on the seat next to him. "you'd think, huh? but no. try again."
"someone from teenage mutant ninja turtles?" henrik asked before taking a sip of his coffee. chase shook his head.
marvin blew his hair out his face. "anyone from sonic at all?"
chase grinned and nodded. "she's going as tails the fox. do you wanna know why?" the other three nodded. chase leaned back in his chair. "because she's making connor go as sonic. she wants to be tails this year because he can fly."
there was a pause before everyone laughed, henrik choking on his coffee. "dear god," he managed once he'd finished his coughing fit. "that's the first time in maybe four years she hasn't gone as sonic, correct?"
"yes!" chase wheezed, wiping tears from his eyes. "she came up to me and stacy and was like "mama, papa, i don't want to go as sonic this year" and we were internally like "finally, she's leaving her sonic obsession behind" and stacy goes "oh, so who do you want to be?" all sweetly and connor - connor fudging runs in dressed all in blue like "i'm sonic now!" swear to god i lost my mind. i'm still losing my mind, christ."
jamie listened to them chatter for a few minutes, content just to hear them talk. he'd missed a lot in his life, it seemed. maybe now was the time to catch up. just the thought made him smile.
"so jamie!" marvin said, snapping him from his thoughts. "present time! open mine last, i think you'll really like it."
"my present is probably the most pathetic," henrik said sheepishly, sliding the crinkly, rectangular package over to him. "i didn't really know what to get you and i've been - ok, i won't give excuses. i hope you like it anyway."
jamie smiled wide. "thank you, henrik. i wasn't expecting a lot anyway. honestly, i don't like receiving gifts. makes me feel strange. but you guys are too nice, you really are."
he gently undid the paper and grinned at the contents. a large stack of candles, all different scents and such. "henrik, this is great!"
henrik shrugged, trying to hold back a small smile. "i'm glad you like it. i was worried you would think it was silly."
the next present was chase's. he seemed very excited to hand over his present, practically vibrating as he passed him the large box. it rattled as jamie took it, something sliding around the top. "it's two presents in one," chase beamed, shaking hair out his face. "come on, open it!"
"give the man a second to breathe, chaser," marvin laughed as jamie rolled his eyes teasingly, deliberately making fun of chase's impatience by opening the box extremely slowly. by the time he'd opened it fully, chase was almost standing in his chair. jamie stuck his tongue out and pulled out a box of chocolate poptarts, to which he raised an eyebrow with a grin.
chase groaned. "those are just extra, look at the real present beneath! i wanna see what you think!"
it was a strange sort of ball. "it's called a moon light," chase explained. "they're so pretty! i thought you could use one for your room, even if you can't see the colours."
jamie turned it over in his hands, smiling. "it's beautiful," he signed once he'd set it down. "i love it so much, thank you."
marvin pushed his box over, grunting with the effort. "ok, so you said not to get you much, but your room was so empty and i wanted to get you something good," he said. "i think you might like this. but be careful, it's fragile."
jamie groaned. "oh, good gods," he signed before picking the box up - it was very heavy - and setting it on the table. "marvin, i don't need anything big."
"hey, it's just one thing," marvin protested. "we've barely given you anything."
"you gave me a home," jamie said without thinking. "you didn't have to do that but you did, even though you had no reason to trust me. you could have sent me away and you didn't and i honestly believe that's the best thing you could ever done for me."
he stared at the package without blinking and didn't look up at his brothers.
"oh - oh, jamie," marvin said softly. "fuck, of course we'd give you a home. you're our brother and we love you."
"yeah!" chase chipped in. "we know you're not anti, and we know you don't think like him. jackie was the fool there."
"you've never given us reason not to trust you," henrik murmured. he placed a hand on jamie's, so gently. "you're a wonderful man and we all know it. we wouldn't do all this for you if we didn't trust you, and we do. we do, ok? we love you so much."
jamie suddenly felt lucky he talked using his hands, otherwise he'd be bursting into tears. he nodded vigorously and quickly unwrapped his present, gasping softly when he saw the beautiful vinyl player inside the box. shiny and dark, with a frank sinatra vinyl at the top of the box. jamie blinked, taking it in. "marvin, it's - beautiful, thank you. this is too much, how much even was this?"
marvin grinned. "a magician never reveals his secrets."
"let's set it up in your room," henrik said excitedly, eyes shining. "oh, i love vinyls, i don't even have a player for them but i own so many and i'm sure you can borrow them -"
"ah, 'scuze me," chase interrupted, holding up both hands. "i have to leave very soon. it's saturday. let's do cake and then i'm bolting."
marvin leapt up, singing to himself as he danced round the table, and jamie snorted. "we're actually doing cake? seriously?"
"of course we are!" marvin almost shouted, digging through the fridge. "who do you think we are, james? a family that doesn't do cake? unheard of." he turned round, an enormous grin on his face as he lifts the pink cake up. "it's cake time, gentlemen!"
they cut slices of the cake, laughing and talking and complimenting marvin on the cake, which he'd apparently baked himself. jamie got the biggest slice and almost couldn't manage the full thing despite how good it was. about twenty minutes later, chase got up to leave, ruffling jamie's curls as way of saying goodbye. "see you fuckers later," he said, doing finger guns before wincing. "shit, i should stop swearing. fuck. i mean - not fuck. just - ahhh, i'll see you dorks later. adios."
"dorks? really?" henrik called after him. chase stuck his hand through the front door again to flip him off.
the rest of the day passed pretty smoothly. chase texted them a few times with updates, at one point sending pictures of the kid's fantastic costumes mixed in with heart eyed reaction images. the three other brothers went out to mcdonald's for lunch and got enough chips to fill nearly a whole tray, which was apparently enough to make chase jealous. he later sent pictures of him, connor and louise at the park with huge ice creams in hand. "gods, it's no wonder people call us childish," jamie laughed teasingly, dipping about ten chips into his own tub of ice cream at once.
"who's calling us childish?" marvin jokingly exclaimed, crossing his eyes and making an exaggerated face of anger. "give me names, i'll challenge them to a duel."
"point proven," henrik sing-songed, sticking his tongue out. "don't cross your eyes or your face will get stuck like that. james, i cannot believe you eat your chips with ice cream and genuinely believe it tastes nice. you are a disgrace to humanity."
"let's all dip our chips in ice cream to piss off henrik," marvin grinned, and he and jamie smacked their soggy chips together with a cry of "cheers!" henrik spluttered, shaking his head in disgust.
"people like you are the reason the mcdonald's ice cream machines are always broken," he scoffed, flicking some ketchup from his burger at marvin. "the employees see you coming and go "ah, scheisse, it is the magic cat bastard again, about to dip his chips in ice cream like some kind of animal. sorry, sir, machines are broke." you disgust me."
"a-w, what about me?" jamie pouted teasingly, sticking out his bottom lip.
"not you, jamie, you are a treasure and we're happy to have you here," henrik said warmly. then he made a face at marvin. "you, however -"
they were interrupted when chase sent a photo of him, stacy and the kids, chase proudly holding up a cheese and onion bake from gregg's. they then all collectively agreed he was a teasing bastard and moved on.
they bickered all the way home about what movie to watch. "it's halloween," henrik argued, smoothing his hair out his face. "we should obviously watch a nightmare before christmas."
"i think we should watch dawn of the dead just to piss chase off," marvin grinned.
"what, dawn of the dead, 2004, you mean?" henrik laughed. marvin shook his head, grimacing and widening his eyes in mock horror.
"i think chase would kill us," he giggled. "which might be funny, but it's jamie's birthday, so he should pick." they both turned to him. "what do you think?"
jamie shrugged. "i don't know. i haven't seen all that many films, even when i was with you. i did watch a few with anti, though."
"ooh, like what?" marvin asked curiously. he nearly walked into a streetlamp but managed to smoothly dodge it. "what movies did the fantastic antisepticeye have to show?"
jamie wiggled his mustache, thinking. "hot fuzz. and i watched a documentary about penguins when he was passed out once. then there was the night we were both up with nightmares and pulled an all nighter to watch a movie about chickens."
"another documentary?" henrik wondered. "anti doesn't seem like the documentary type."
jamie shook his head. "no, an animated one. it had a chicken and a - a fish and a goose and a pig? i think?"
"...charlotte's web?" henrik guessed slowly.
marvin elbowed him. "charlotte's web was about a spider, you numpty. d'you mean, uh… chicken run?"
"free birds?" henrik asked. "me and chase watched that last year with connor and louise."
"wasn't that about turkeys?" marvin giggled.
henrik rolled his eyes. "and when was there a fish in charlotte's web?"
"there was definitely a fish in charlotte's web!"
"they lived on a farm -"
dapper whistled sharply, interrupting them. "no, no. there were aliens. robot aliens. made the sky fall like jackie did."
the two went silent. then henrik spoke. "are you saying you and anti watched chicken little?"
jamie snapped his fingers. "that's the bitch!"
marvin let out a disbelieving laugh. "chicken little? the little bitch with the glasses and the goose girlfriend or something? and anti watched it with you?"
"to be fair, we were both tired and miserable and didn't really care all that much," dapper signed casually. "i think we fell asleep anyway. i just remember during the incident with jackie, i was thinking about that chicken."
there was a long pause as they crossed the street and walked past the corner shop in the direction of their flat. "i don't believe it," henrik eventually mumbled. "fucking - anti. fucking anti willingly watching chicken little with you. i can't picture it. i can't. that's literally incomprehensible to me."
by the time they got home, it was four o'clock, and they decided on ordering pizza for dinner. "i haven't eaten a single healthy food today," marvin announced, almost proudly. "i want a meat feast with barbeque sauce and stuffed crust."
"how much money do you think we have, bastard?" henrik despaired, but when he called the pizza place to ask for hawaiian for himself and plain cheese for jamie, he heard him add stuffed crust to marvin's order.
they sat down in the living room and started up the tv, the three of them snuggling up on the one couch. "you mock us for chips and ice cream, yet you eat pineapple on pizza," marvin accused, throwing his legs across jamie's.
"hawaiian pizza is perfectly respectable," henrik said lightly. "anyway, let's watch a movie. then we can set up the player in jamie's room while we wait for chase to come back."
"will we get trick or treaters?" jamie wondered. neither man saw his hands, so he whistled and repeated the question. henrik shook his head.
"we don't get them because we live in a flat," henrik said. "i suppose since we're on the bottom and therefore get two floors, we could technically try it. maybe next year."
"definitely next year," jamie agreed. "it sounds fun."
they did end up watching a nightmare before christmas while they ate their pizza. the music and animation was lovely, and henrik didn't shut up the whole time. "i absolutely love this song," he said as the oogie-boogie man appeared on screen with his dice. "i used to listen to the soundtrack of this film all the time, it always manages to fit with each character and such -"
"henrik," marvin said gently. "shush."
it was near the end of the film when someone chapped at the door. "i thought you said we didn't get trick or treaters?" jamie asked, to which marvin got up and went to go answer. jamie took henrik's hand. he hated the small part of him that was still so ridiculously afraid, especially on today of all days.
they heard the door open. "trick or treat!" came two small voices, and one familiar one. jamie and henrik laughed in relief upon hearing chase and the kids coming inside, laughing and chattering loudly. marvin peeked into the room and grinned.
"guess who's back!" he cheered. behind him, connor and louise leapt in, still wearing their costumes. everyone cheered as they posed to show them off, huge grins on their little faces. "it's sonic and tails themselves, in the flesh!"
"uncle jam, hen, marv!" the children cried, cheeks dark with cold and excitement. "look at us, we can fly and go super speed!"
"very nice!" henrik affirmed warmly, and he lifted connor onto his lap as he spun by. "come here, you ridiculous fox boy. how many sweeties did you get?"
"lots!" connor cried, and he tossed his bag from his gloved fingers onto the couch besides jamie. "dump it out, uncle jam, i wanna show off my sweets! louise - no, tails, come over here! come show your sweets. papa! where are you?"
"right here," said chase. he was laughing, and jamie realized why as he came into view; he was wearing a mask with a frankly terrifying face on it. "evening, gamers. how are we all doing?"
"what - what are you?" henrik asked in horror over the sound of marvin and jamie's laughter.
chase pulled up the mask and made a mock hurt face. "hey, i'm shadow the hedgehog! i'm being a good father by cosplaying with my kids." he lowered his voice as he shrugged his jacket off. "they made stacy go as amy."
"although technically sonic and shadow aren't friends for a long time, because shadow's really sad about maria's death and he does a lot of bad stuff that sonic doesn't like to make up for it," louise suddenly said, dropping to her knees on the floor and spilling her sweets out. "although shadow does help sonic save the world in sonic adventure 2 to try and fulfill maria's last wishes. it's not all shadow's fault, though. he was made to save maria and he failed and that really hurt him. he also got put in suspen-ded ani-ma-tion for a while, then he got used as a weapon by eggman. he's not really a bad guy. he's just had a lot of bad stuff happen to him and i love him. oh, con, i got a wispa!"
"lemme see!" connor shrieked, leaping off henrik's lap to join his sister on the floor. jamie turned to henrik and marvin with raised eyebrows, slightly taken aback and completely astonished.
"she knows a lot about sonic," chase whispered, sitting down beside them. "it's her favourite thing. one of my favourite things to do is ask her any question about it and listen to her ramble. it's so sweet. hey, lou!" louise turned round to look at him, a chocolate bar hanging out her mouth. chase grinned. "tell us some more about shadow and maria."
louise's eyes lit up. "oh! ok! well, maria was the granddaughter of this guy called gerald robotnik, who's eggman's grandfather, and gerald, kinda, he created shadow as an experiment to help maria, who was really sick…"
it was maybe ten minutes before henrik went to go make some hot chocolate for everyone, and then shouted out in surprise. "hey, what the f- what are these pumpkins doing here?"
"oh!" chase yelped, leaping to his feet. "i completely forgot! guys, guys, i said i was gonna get pumpkins for us to carve and i did! jamie, come see, we're carving pumpkins!"
and he had indeed bought pumpkins. connor and louise had each already picked one out, and jamie, henrik and marvin made a big show of arguing over the others, which really made the kids laugh. as they set up plastic bags all over the living room floor, jamie began to get really excited. he knew that he has carved a pumpkin in his introduction video that jack made, the video that had been deleted minutes after being uploaded with only anti able to recover it, but jamie didn't remember it. the weight of the pumpkin didn't feel familiar in his hands. smooth, slightly wet. the sensation was kind of awful. but jamie wasn't about to tell anyone else that. the kids were enjoying themselves, and he wasn't about to ruin that.
"now we draw faces and whatnot on them," chase said, pulling some sharpies from his pocket and tossing them in the air. "let's go, gamers. con, lou, i'll help if you need any. are you doing scary face or silly face? i can do both."
it was nearly seven o'clock now. jamie wasn't sure why, but he found something felt so off with every line he drew on the pumpkin's surface. a strange feeling of deja vu. which was ridiculous, of course. jameson hadn't ever carved a pumpkin.
"ok, now the cutting!" chase announced cheerfully. too cheerfully for the words he was saying. even in context, jamie felt sick. "louise and connor, you are absolutely not doing this part yourselves. henrik, can you - thank you, thanks. looking fantastic, jamie! how are you enjoying your carving experience?"
jamie managed to smile as he looked up, head bobbing like a doll. "good," he signed, dropping his pen. he noticed connor had gone with a scary face with gnashing teeth, and louise had gone with a cheery face with squinty eyes. "they look great, kids."
"thank you, jam-jam!" connor squealed in a silly voice, with louise repeating right after. jamie laughed silently, feeling his head spin.
"you know how to carve it, right, james?" marvin asked. jamie jumped at his voice. marvin had pulled his hair back into a bun, a sharpie behind his ear. his grin faded slightly. "are you ok? you look a little pale."
"fine," jamie signed. he picked up the knife.
he picked up the knife
he picked up the k
"come on, dapper. you just - cut right here." anti's voice, free from static. warm and irish. "you can do it, dap. i believe in you."
blood blood blood blood blood bl
"dapper - dapper, look up. come on, you useless fuck - don't - oh, don't pass out. i'm right fucking here."
blood blood blood
"hey, dap. you're doing good. keep a hold on that knife now, eh? don't let anyone sneak up on you. always be on the lookout, that's my motto."
"hey, dapper ----. look up, lift your chin."
anti's face swam into view. he looked younger. stubble on his face, shorter, less curly hair, thick gauges in his ears. a black scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. he flashed a forced smile, showing sharp fangs. "there we go. stay still and let me get these bandages on you. i'm sure you're tired, having used so much magic to keep yourself alive." he laughed hoarsely, shaking his head. "a time traveler. i can't believe ---- sent me a time traveler. ha, happy one year death anniversary to us, ----, thank you for this lovely present -"
he was more talking to himself now. dapper ---- was happy to let him. this man was kind, helping to fix up his wounds. anti - his name was anti, right? - gently wrapped the bandages round his cleaned throat. his fingers were cold. so were his eyes. dapper ---- couldn't tell what colour they were, but they looked like ice. when their eyes met, he felt a shiver go down his spine.
"look at you," anti murmured, and he smoothed dapper ----'s hair from his face. it felt nice, and he leaned into the touch. anti hummed softly. "look at you. my time traveler. so much untapped power. i think we're gonna have fun, dapper ----." he smirked. "ha, maybe i should come up with a better name. dapper's a shit name. and as funny as it would be to call you ----, i think i'd have to kill you. look up, dap-dap. ok, nevermind, that's an awful nickname. dapper it is."
he took his hands away and leaned back, studying him. they looked so alike. twins, almost. dapper ---- lifted his hands to his neck to grace the bandages, wincing. anti watched him.
"thank you," dapper ---- signed.
anti frowned. "what's that sign?" he repeated it after him, placing his hand to his chin and extending it outwards. "i don't know any bsl."
dapper tried to mouth the words, but he wasn't used to moving his mouth to form words, and he knew he looked clumsy. "thank you," he signed again, trying to make his tongue go to the right places. anti's eyes widened in understanding, and he signed it too, both of them moving in unison.
"ok, cool!" anti beamed. he made the sign again. "i should learn bsl. might come in handy, and i suppose if i have to put up with you, i might as bloody well. oh, don't look so put out, dap." anti tilted his head and his smile faded to a more genuine state, less forced. "i suppose a weapon like you is worth learning a language for."
"jamie, jamie, jamie - look up, hey. it's just me, be - be careful, drop that knife. drop that knife, james. look up. look up at me."
his hands were covered in - no, they weren't covered in blood, they weren't, they weren't. they were shaking. just shaking. pale, white hands. silver knife. dapper knew what silver looked like.
"jamie." warm and irish. not anti. of course not anti. dapper would never hear anti's voice again. "jamie. hey - chase, get the kids upstairs. pumpkin's are basically done anyway. jameson, hey, it's me. it's marvin. henrik's here too. can you look up, hon? come on, it's ok, you're ok. just us."
just them. kitten, doctor, jinx, dapper, and the gunman's children. six peas in a pod. he was going to be sick.
"fine," he signed numbly. "i'm fine. i'm fine."
once upon a time there was a scared time traveler without a voice and without a soul of his own, born into a world that wanted him dead from the beginning, a world that he came into bleeding, a world that knew the pain that was in store and tried to end it for him early, a world that was cold but contained a brother who spoke in lies and said he loved him, said he was safe, anti, i was never safe and you are a fucking fool, why did you let me save myself, why do i have to still love you?
"i want this to stop," dapper signed, jameson signed, damien signed, mustache signed, anti signed, what was his fucking name again? "i'm just tired. i'm sorry."
"that's ok," kitten - marvin - murmured softly. he touched dapper's - jameson's, jamie's - hand just slightly, grounding him. "we're here. it's ok. it's ok."
it wasn't ok. it was never ok.
that night, jamie awoke with a nightmare.
he wasn't sure what it was, just that when he sat up in bed, his heart was racing loudly in his ears and he was sweating, breathing hard like he'd been running. maybe he had, in his dream. a few minutes passed before he slipped out of bed and padded down to the kitchen to get a drink of water. he definitely needed one.
he couldn't believe he'd lost it like that. in front of the kids, as well - jamie had never been so ashamed of himself. just from holding a knife! he shook his head in disgust, balling his fists up and digging his uneven nails into his palms. it was pathetic how easily upset he was. how easy it was to become silly, naive little dapper again. some days he wondered if he was even jameson jackson at all.
he got a drink. a cup of water, then another, to soothe his pounding headache. his whole body felt slightly numb, and in the silence of the house, he could hear his slightly wheezing breaths. he drank more water. his chest felt that little bit looser.
then something crashed outside and jamie was up like a shot.
he could hear someone just outside the front door. someone scrabbling to pick something up, someone groaning and making small, pained noises. jamie's heart raced as he marched to the door, hand on the lock. he realized he wasn't armed. didn't have a knife on him like he usually did. always be on the lookout, was his motto.
well, if there was anything jamie had learned from being dapper, it was that anything could work as a weapon if you were caught off guard. he grabbed the broom that was leaning on the sideboard and threw the door open, jabbing the handle out the door to hit whatever intruder might be there. instead, he heard someone gasp loudly, and just managed to see a glitching flash of light before the person scrambled to the side of the door, just barely out of jamie's line of sight. they'd left a bag on the ground. a black and white flying tiger bag - one of jamie's favourite stores back when he was dapper. he picked it up, not looking to his left to see the intruder. he could hear them breathing. jamie peeked inside the bag, blocking everything else out as he looked.
a black sketchbook. a black sketchbook and a plastic container of greyscale markers. not only that, but there was a millie's cookies bag, containing what jamie knew to be a deluxe rainbow cookie. anti had always joked about the irony of them being his favourite. he laughed silently and opened the sketchbook to the first page. inside, scribbled in the top left corner, was the word "payback" with a small >:) face next to it.
jamie could see anti out the corner of his eye, still pressed against the wall. he didn't look at him. instead, he pulled his phone from his pocket - thank the gods he'd fallen asleep in his clothes - and quickly opened his text to speech app. there was an awkward pause while he did so, and for a moment jamie was afraid anti would bolt regardless of whether he was still there. but then it loaded and he wrote what he had to say, fingers flying across the keyboard, and held the phone up for the other man to hear.
thank you for the present. and thank you for having the sense to not try and deliver it until you thought i was asleep, even if you are a dumbass and alerted me anyway. night, anti.
anti didn't reply, of course. jamie didn't look at him. he simply closed the door and went back inside.
"evening, auggie! you're back early, i thought you were having a halloween celebration or something."
anti rolled his eyes at the sound of his roommate's voice. it was coming from the kitchen, so anti shrugged his jacket off and went straight to his room instead. carlos followed him. "hey, where you going? it's an all hallow's eve full moon, mate! come on, have a drink or something."
anti flipped him off. carlos pouted, sticking his already very pointy chin out further. he looked a lot like shaggy from scooby doo, anti thought, and tried not to laugh at the thought.
carlos held up a hand before turning and darting into the living room, coming out a moment later with a notebook and pen. "gotta keep one of these handy at all times, huh?" he laughed, snorting. anti resisted the urge to roll his eyes again, and carlos collected himself. "so. were you at a halloween party or something?"
anti frowned and began to write. no, why the fuck would i be? do i look like i go to holiday themed parties?
carlos raised his hands. "ok, ok. you left with a bag, and also you asked if we owned "wrapping paper or some fucking shit along those line, maybe even a bloody bow at the very least" earlier, so i assumed you were going to a party."
who the fuck gives presents for halloween???
carlos shrugged. "i dunno, you?"
anti sighed deeply. it's my brother's birthday, fuck's sake. can you move out my way so i can go to my room please?
"what - oh hey, no, stay and have a drink!" carlos protested, moving to block anti's way again. "come on, august, you're no fun. anyway, if it's your brother's birthday, why didn't you stay and celebrate with him? it looks like you just dropped his present and bolted."
anti snorted. basically. we're not on the best of terms. he wouldn't have wanted to see me. also, i can't drink. i'm fairly certain i've told you this.
carlos shook his hair out his face, scratching the back of his neck. "why'd you give him a present then? also, i know you can drink because you bought like, three bottles of jack daniel's a week or so ago, you're talking pish. now stop being antisocial and have fun for once."
anti's pen scribbled across the page. i have epilepsy, you bastard. also, i don't have to explain myself to you. so go away.
carlos crossed his arms. "this is my flat. you're the one who's paying to stay here. also, also, you probably shouldn't be drinking if that's a trigger for your epilepsy or whatever? that's not a good idea? why would you do that to yourself, anyway?"
because i hate myself. also, you pay to stay here too. you just paid first.
he tried to push by carlos, but the man spread his arms out to block his way, a cheeky grin on his face. anti wanted to hit him. "now now, auggie, i am not letting you spend the rest of your night being depressed in your room. you do that every night. even if you don't drink, come and sit in the living room at least! i was planning to invite some friends round if that's ok by you. it'll be fun!"
anti clenched his fists, face twitching before he calmed himself enough to write again. i'd rather sleep for twelve hours than watch you make out with your partners all night. if you aren't going to move i will fucking stab you and i am not joking.
to anti's absolute rage, carlos just laughed upon reading what he'd written. "you're funny, aug. and they have names, you know. johanna and robert. they're cool people! you might like them." he raised an eyebrow, showing his palms to the ceiling. "johanna's a firefighter, and robert collects knives. you like knives, right? i think you could be friends."
anti tried to keep ahold of his anger, but really, he was still partially in a good mood from jameson accepting his present, and he was also too tired to do much. he sank into himself, blowing the air out his cheeks. i don't want to, ok? not tonight.
carlos sighed. "i - sure. sure. but mate, you really have to stop isolating yourself. i'll admit i don't know a lot about you, but i'd like to, you know? you seem like a cool guy." he stepped aside, leaving room for anti to go into his room. then he widened his eyes, and held up a hand. "wait! let me show you what i learned." he pinched his thumb and pointer finger together in an open and closed motion in front of his face. the sign for "talk." then carlos frowned. "i, uh, forgot the sign for "later." i swear i learned it. i'm trying to learn, like, basic phrases. here, i can -" he held up his hands and signed each letter of the word "later," grinning proudly once he'd finished.
anti blinked in surprise. he wasn't even sure what to say - the fact that this man he barely knew was doing anything for him was amazing. slowly, hesitantly, he put out his pointer finger and dragged it through the air, pausing a couple of times. "later." carlos repeated after him. he smiled wide.
"cool!" he breathed, signing the full phrase. "i should definitely learn more bsl. might as well if i'm gonna be putting up with you, eh, august?" he laughed and stepped back, nearly walking into the living room doorway. "thanks. you're cool, mate."
anti just nodded. then he turned and went into the darkness of his room.
he didn't want to turn the light on. it was far too quiet, so he threw himself down on his bed and put his headphones on, staring out the window. carlos had been right - there was a full moon. a full moon on halloween. strange. that almost never happened.
anti's heart was racing and he wasn't sure why. he placed his fingers on his wrist to check his pulse, then on the area behind his ears. why was he suddenly so worked up? he almost laughed. it was always the littlest things these days. always the littlest things.
he closed his eyes and listened to the music in his ears.
kazuki kamata was an unusual woman.
anyone who knew her would tell you that. while she was kind, she was also sometimes merciless, and would do almost anything for those she cared about. she was a protector. she was fire and she was ice. no one knew where she went at nights when she left hecate. no one knew who her friends or family were. no one knew if kazuki was even her real name. some speculated she was on the run for murder. one man swore he heard a rumor that she was a world famous arsonist.
kazuki never indulged any of these rumors. she'd never needed to. people parted for her in the streets, magicians or not. people could sense her power. who would dare argue with that? no one with sense. no one ever challenged her.
until him. that skinny, green haired bastard that one of kazuki's magicians had brought in one day, the hyper irishman who apparently had no magic specialty and just did whatever the fuck he wanted. marvin mcloughlin. kazuki disliked him from the start. he was a dickhead and he didn't follow rules, he was arrogant and selfish and loud and he was an embarrassment to their organization. she couldn't count the amount of times naomi gudmundson, the poor agrokinesis girl, had come to her office to apologize for his behaviour without his knowledge. he was, to be frank, a fucking idiot. and kazuki was sick of him.
she planned to give him a notice of leave, informing him that he would no longer be welcome in their organization. it was a few days or so before she was going to do it when she found the man in the stairwell of one of their halls, curled in on himself and sobbing. kazuki had just waited to see if he'd notice her there, because what else was she supposed to do? eventually he'd glanced up, gasping at the sight of her. "i - i - miss kazuki, uh, miss kamata!" he'd spluttered, scrubbing fat tears from his splotchy red face. "i'm - i should - i'm sorry, i'll go, didn't mean to disturb -"
"it's ok," she'd said softly. to his disbelief, and her own, she'd sat down on the step next to him, wincing at the cold, hard floor under her. she shifted, trying to get comfortable. "are you alright, mr mcloughlin?"
he'd shook his head, sniffling and desperately trying to cover up his face while he wiped it off. "i'm fine," he muttered, turning away. "it's nothing, i'm ok. you should probably go. i'm sure you have important hecate work to do or some shit."
kazuki narrowed her eyes. "i'd kindly thank you not to curse like that in my presence, mcloughlin. i don't take well to such disrespect."
marvin had flushed, shoulders shooting to his ears. "sorry," he mumbled. "very sorry. i don't - i don't mean to be rude."
his face crumpled further, and he buried his face in his knees, shaking slightly. kazuki found herself softening. she knew she shouldn't. she knew she should get to her feet and leave before something happened that she would regret. but she didn't. "tell me what's wrong, mr mcloughlin," she murmured. the air around them seemed to thicken, and marvin sat up slightly, shaking his head and blinking rapidly as though it would stem the rapid flow of tears.
"had a fight with my brother and his friends," he mumbled. "it's - it's so stupid. i'm sorry, i'm - i'm really sorry!"
he gave a gasping sob and doubled over, shoulders shaking. kazuki screwed up her face. fuck, but she had no clue what to do. the kid was having a full blown panic attack from the looks of it. should she… without thinking, she stretched out a hand and touched his shoulder, warm magic flowing through her hand. "you're ok," she reassured, watching his turquoise eyes calm. "you're alright. what were you fighting about?"
he shook his head. "dumb shit. my brother's friend h-henrik, he got hurt recently and he hates me, and yet jackie - my brother - he gets mad at me when i get on at him, but he's such a p-prick and his brother used to like me b-before i met henrik but now he's - he's mad at me too, they all are. assholes." he let a hiccuping sob that sounded almost like a laugh. "i sound like such a ch-child, i'm sorry. i'm just really tired. i'm sorry. i'm always such a dick and i don't mean to, i'm just really angry all the time and i don't know why and i'm sorry, i really don't mean to be -"
he gasped, and kazuki gripped his arm tightly. "breathe," she said quietly. "you're going to pass out if you don't calm down."
"please don't kick me out!" he blurted, more tears pooling in his eyes. slit eye pupils, like a cat's. diamond shaped. kazuki had never noticed that. "please, i know you're going to kick me out of hecate and i really don't want to - to go, i - please, i promise i'll stop being an asshole and i won't pick fights with raymond and i'll -" he coughed wildly, covering his mouth. "i'm so sorry. i've b-been acting like a child. i promise you i'll be better."
and it was then that kazuki came to a quiet realization.
"you can stay," she said firmly, and marvin's face lit up. she held up a hand to stop him. "but you do have to promise that you'll be more careful of your words and actions in the future. we've had several complaints about you from other members, and if you don't change your ways i'm afraid i will have to do something about it. do you understand?"
he nodded frantically, a smile cracking his face. "yes, of course - thank you, thank you so much." he wiped his face with his sleeve again, sniffling. "i - i don't want to leave this place. it's basically been my escape from home when i'm not with naomi, and i wouldn't want to lose it. really, i… i don't mean to be a dick. i promise."
kazuki learned something that day. and what she learned was that no matter how hard she tried, she was always going to come back to love. she was always going to feel empathy, she was always going to want to comfort people who were hurting, and there was a part of her that was always going to feel so painfully human. she saw herself in this young, green haired magician. and she unfortunately grew to care about him as time passed. even once she'd discovered he'd been practicing darker magics and made him promise to stop. even once he'd left hecate. she was so human sometimes. it was nice to be reminded of that.
tonight, back in the present, she was thinking about him.
she did that sometimes. it made her wonder how things might have been if she had been different towards marvin. if she had been less cold. kazuki didn't like to be close to people. kazuki didn't want to let herself care about anyone. she thought maybe, if she stayed indifferent, she'd stop. but… she hadn't, had she? she loved marvin. he was like a dumbass child who cursed a lot and interrupted meetings and made a nuisance of himself. and she loved him. he reminded her... he reminded her of her brother who she'd lost so long ago.
she suddenly remembered his book of magic. the one he'd given to her in exchange for her help all those months ago. she still had it in her drawers in her office, right at the back of the one on the bottom. really, she shouldn't have taken it from him in the first place. "you're an idiot, kazuki," she sang to herself under her breath as she pulled the key off the chain on her neck. "you never know what you want."
the drawer was empty.
kazuki stared into it. the drawer was empty. the drawer couldn't be empty.
she stood and marched briskly out her office, heart racing but face void of emotion. she was good at that. "alana!" she snapped, and the purple haired magician who had been walking by stopped dead with wide eyes. kazuki frowned down at her. "have you seen anyone come into my office at all today?"
alana shook her head. "no, miss kamata. only you."
kazuki's heart skipped. "alana. what do you mean, only me?"
the girl looked confused. "you were here earlier, miss kamata. you told me and tony to look alive, i believe? why?"
kazuki just shook her head. she couldn't breathe all of a sudden.
"because i haven't been here all day," she murmured, far too quietly.
it seemed the past was catching up to her.
"this is perfect!" rhea cackled. she was spinning in a circle with the book clutched to her chest. "so much magic, so many spells! can you believe that air magic bitch kept it in a drawer in her office? fucking sentimental sap. shouldn't make things so easy to get to."
"ok, and was risking our fucking lives worth that stupid book?" aaron suddenly spat from the couch he was curled up on. jackie flinched. rhea did not. she stopped spinning and glared at him, eyes narrowing with venom.
"it was, actually," she said, her light tone contrasting with her ice cold expression. "jackie's brother is extremely powerful and he has basically every spell he knows in this book. is that correct, jackie?" she turned to him, and jackie took an instinctive step back. "tell your boyfriend that i'm right."
jackie… honestly wasn't sure what rhea wanted with marvin's magic. however, it had been her idea to sneak into hecate and steal it while jackie and aaron kept watch, and the plan has worked, so he supposed no losses had been made. but it seemed aaron has taken this as a personal attack. "you fucking asshole," the blonde hissed, suddenly getting to his feet. "do you have any goddamn care for anyone but yourself?"
jackie laughed nervously, raising his hands. "guys, let's not do this."
they both ignored him. "you're a selfish fucking cunt and all you want is to use us for your gain," aaron seethed, his face red with sudden anger. "we could have gotten in big trouble - breaking into a place like hecate is no fucking joke, rhea, and we're not up for playing your games anymore. tell her that, jackson!"
rhea smiled at aaron cruelly, not an ounce of warmth in her face. "i'm apparently doing a better job of protecting you two than you are," she beamed, voice strained with a thin veil of rage. "you're completely incompetent without someone to guide you. i'm trying to help you and have been from the goddamn start. you would have fucking died without me and i'm honestly starting to wish i had let you."
jackie jumped in before punches could be thrown. "guys!" he shouted, pushing them both away from each other. "you're being fucking ridiculous. rhea, explain why you needed us to get marvin's magic when we already have access to basically all his black magic spells. aaron, you…" he hesitated. "you just… calm down."
aaron spluttered while rhea sat on her couch nearest the window. "ok," she smirked, folding her legs under her. "your brother is an extremely powerful mage, jackie. and while his black magic is strong, the rest of his magic is stronger."
"nothing is stronger than black magic," aaron said through gritted teeth. jackie took his hand and ran his thumb along the back of it soothingly.
rhea cocked her head. "and that's where you're wrong. white magic can be just as powerful, if not more. see, aaron, you're like - you know how in movies there's the dumb guy who always tries to solve his problems by using brute force, and it works for a little while, but then the smart character comes in and uses their brains to solve everything?" she pointed at him with an innocent smile. "you're the dumb guy."
jackie pushed aaron back down before he could do anything he probably wouldn't regret. "let's not poke sticks right now, huh?" he said, shooting the last word at rhea. "explain what you mean, please."
she sighed. "there is no concrete line between black and white magic," she said. "and there is no actual hierarchy of magical strength. it all depends on who's controlling it, who's magic it began as, and how the spell is conducted, among many other things. it's not just "what the spell is." if it were that simple, any magician could shift as well as me, or i could bend air as well as that japanese magician." she paused to take a breath. "point is, this magic stems from a very powerful man, which would make the spells powerful. we could use these."
"and it was worth our lives?" aaron interjected smoothly.
rhea snorted. "yours, maybe."
"rhea," jackie snapped. "aaron is my boyfriend, and if you want my help, you'll have to deal with him too."
"i can fight my own bloody fights," aaron spat, pushing jackie's hand away. he glared at rhea with murder in his eyes before turning back to jackie. "and what, am i just an accessory to you? something to be dealt with? i'm a human person, jackson, and i demand respect."
rhea scoffed. "i don't know that you deserve it."
"guys," jackie protested. "aaron, just shut up -"
"you're supposed to be defending me!" aaron shouted, whirling round on him. "i'm your boyfriend, i've known you for a year now, you just met her like three weeks ago! you - don't - you're gonna trust her opinion over mine?"
jackie shook his head. "it's not like that," he said weakly. "but we need rhea on our side -"
"i don't trust her and i've made that plainly clear!" aaron despaired, grabbing jackie's shoulders without warning. "please, listen to me -"
"aaron - aaron, let go -"
"you don't believe me! i'm not just being paranoid!"
"aaron -"
"you never listen to me, you fucking asshole, i'm trying to warn you -"
"aaron, shu̸t ̸uṕ͜!"
the sudden wave of panicked magic nearly knocked him out. he staggered back, clutching his head, before he noticed what he'd done. aaron was swaying on the spot, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. jackie's heart dropped. no, no, not again, not again -
"aaron - shit, i didn't - didn't mean it," he choked out, wrapping his arms around himself. "shit -"
"oh, well done," came rhea's voice. he turned to her, vision blurred with tears, to see she'd stood up again and was now beside him, a small smile on her face. "you know, jackson, i didn't think you were the type to hypno your own boyfriend. that takes guts."
"accident," jackie sobbed. "it was an accident -"
"but you wanted to do it," she said quietly. she took his hand, and her face softened. "you wanted to hypnotize him to make him shut up. i don't blame you. you know i'm right and you feel bad because your boyfriend doesn't believe that i'm to be trusted. it must hurt. but i understand."
she pulled him into a gentle hug, facing him away from aaron so he couldn't see his face. jackie stared numbly out the living room window as rhea pat his back, speaking softly. "this is a very hard situation for you. i get it. but… you're gonna have to admit it. aaron isn't good for you. he's just holding you back."
"he's my boyfriend," jackie mumbled into her shoulder. "and he's my best friend. i love him. he's never once held me back from anything and i love him."
rhea pulled away. she studied jackie's face for a moment, expression blank. then she shrugged. "ok. well, i made you a profile on my netflix. i set your picture as the blue wally guy from black mirror because i thought it was funny. watch whatever you want, i don't judge. i'm going to my room. see you tomorrow, jackson."
she skipped out the room, jackie staring after her.
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rosyredlipstick · 8 years
sellin’ little bottles of love potion number nine pt. 2
An update thats been long delayed. Can anyone guess everyone’s outfits?  Enjoy the Conchell!
A few young girls - Hermes, he’s guessing from the curl in their hair and the mischief in their eyes - approached the counter, their own superhero costumes flashy and brightly colored.
Lacey’s cheeks flushed as red as her flowery dress. “Hey Alice.”
The Hermes girl grinned, trademark mischief glinting in her eye, and waved at Lacey from over her shoulder. Her Kamala Khan costume was surprisingly well done, and she twisted her long red scarf around her arm as she eyed Lacey with interest. Lacey, stuttering through her sentences the entire time the girls were at the counter, only grew a shade darker as Alice blew her a kiss as she left.
Stefan, an always helpful sideliner, beat his head against the counter in frustration.
Mitchell slid his hand under Stefan’s forehead, not even looking over at his mess of a brother or mess of a flirting sister. Not like he could say much considering the beginning of he and Connor’s relationship, but still.
“Lacey’s got a cruuuuush!” Sophia sang out once the girls were completely out of earshot, grinning widely behind an opened pamphlet. Piper snorted at that, filling another few bags to replace the ones taken.
“She’s perfect.” Lacey only sighed, “She’s so funny and adventurous and beautiful and I love her.”
Mitchell groaned, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t go after a Hermes kid, Lacey, they’re only trouble and surprise.”
“Aren’t you like, totally in love with Connor though?” Stefan questioned, fixing his already thin purple vest to expose more of his bare chest.
“Yeah, aren’t you like, totally in love with Connor or something?” Mitchell spun around, a grin already blooming across his face. He jumped forward, his arms already reaching around the other boy’s neck. “Connor! You’re here!”
“Of course I’m here.” His hands went around Mitchell’s waist, pulling him in tight for a hug. “I kind of run the place, in case you haven’t heard.”
Mitchell grinned, playfully pushing him away. He immediately contradicted his action by pulling the other boy close right after.
“And you are…” Connor nodded approvingly, “Peter Pan. I approve.”
“Travis said you would.” Mitchell agreed, his wrists still hanging off the other boy’s neck. “And Captain America. Never knew I was so patriotic until this moment.”
Sebastian’s laugh was low behind him, and Mitchell had to take a moment to remind himself he was in front of his family.
“Hermes is Marvel.” Connor explained, shrugging, and they both ignored Asher’s Which is technically Disney!
“So.” Connor gave him a small grin, and Mitchell wanted to kiss it right off of him. And other things. “Sex-ed booth? In the camp store? And you’re getting away with it?”
“You bet your hot ass we are!” Stefan grinned, flicking a pack of lube over at them. Piper rolled her eyes at him - mostly affectionate - and caught Connor’s eye. She was smoothing one of the dental dam packets over the counter before slipping it into one of the bags, speaking clearly.
“Some kids live at camp their whole lives.” Piper shrugged, “It’s important that they - including others who don’t have access to this kind of education - are informed.”
“You get a lil’ gift bag.” Lacey informed him, “Absolutely full of condoms. Want one?”
“Sure.” Connor shrugged, “Got any red, white, and blue?”
Lacey peeked inside one of the bags, “I got neon pink and a few glow in the dark ones in here.”
“Perfect.” Connor grinned, “I’m sure my company will be very pleased.”
Mitchell let out a wobbly sigh, digging his tongue into his cheek to keep his comments to himself.
“Maybe we should get out of here.” He grinned, letting his allure affect the other boy. Not that he needed to use much, no, but it was always fun to see the other boy’s cheeks redden and glow at the use.
Connor was nodding before Mitchell could finish his sentence, “Yes. Yes. I completely, totally, a thousand percent agree.”
“Do you wanna -”
One of the older Hermes girls jogged up to the both of them, breathing heavily and calling their attention towards her. “Connor! We’ve been looking for you everywhere! Something’s totally wrong with the chocolate fountains, and the cotton candy machine is jamming up, not to mention….”
Connor, under his hands, was only growing tenser with each of her words. Mitchell sighed, pecking the other boy softly on the cheek, hiding his disappointment carefully. His thumb swept over the other boy’s cheek, smoothing out the regretful frown on Connor’s face. “Go. We’ll catch up later.”
Connor shot him a grateful, but sorry, look. “I’ll be right back, I promise.”
“Go, save the party of the year.” Mitchell gave him a soft smile, pulling away before he could do something ridiculous, like attach himself octopus-like to the other boy. He was feeling especially clingy today, and he didn’t even mind this fact.
He sighed, watching Connor being pulled away in the other direction by his many responsibilities.
He turned back to his siblings, annoyed by their heavy stares. “I’m gonna go mope in our cabin now.” He informed them, turning on his heel. Sure, he was being a bit petty, but hell was it bad to crave more than two minutes with his boyfriend?
He threw himself on his cot, immediately thankful for the comfortable reminder of his true home. His favorite blanket was already spread across the sheets, and he was unsure which of his siblings were to thank for that. His costume was probably getting wrinkled, and he could nearly hear Scarlett’s horrified screech at that, but he despite that he continued to curl into his sheets.
He vaguely heard someone shuffle through the door, and he prayed it was a pitiful soul who wouldn’t bother him. He wanted to wallow in quiet.
His cot began to creak under the increased weight on the side, and he felt a weight lean into his side. He resisted the urge to groan in irritation. He pried open an eyelid, only vaguely surprised to see his older sister leaning over him, a small frown in place.
“What are you doing.” She asked, her voice not even a question.
He resisted the urge to bury his face into his pillow, knowing his makeup would only swear across the fabric and his skin. “Moping. Leave me alone.”
Mitchell sighed, throwing an arm over his eyes. “I just thought we’d be able to have some alone time before the party. Just...talk. I knew he’d be busy, but I forgot how it went.” Mitchell sighed, bringing his arm back down to his side. “The tragedy of having an amazing boyfriend is having to share him with everyone else.”
It was quiet for a moment, and Mitchell vaguely hoped that Drew would take that as her queue to leave. But, as the world scarcely took his hopes to action, she only sighed and leaned in closer.
Drew pulled on his arm. “C’mon, the Hermes kids found an ice cream truck.”
Mitchell paused at that, his disappointment dashed in favor of wide eyes. He allowed himself to be pulled up, staring at her in confusion. “They...found an ice cream truck?”
Drew popped her gum at him. “Don’t ask too many questions or Chiron is obligated to take it away. Now c’mon.”
Mitchell observed her for a moment, her fluffing her faux fur spotted coat and black and white wig in the mirror, ignoring his stare.
“You've gotten better.” He told her, his voice soft but unsurprised. “You're kinder.”
Her face wrinkled into a look of disgust, her red lipstick sneering along at him. “Don't insult me.”
Her remark was essentially ruined by Sabrina’s high pitched squeal as the younger girl came crashing into Drew's side, smooching her face into Drew's heavy fur coat.
Drew’s hand came to rest on the back of Sabrina’s head automatically, along with a warning glare shot in Mitchell’s direction.
Mitchell help up his hands in surrender, turning his head to hide his wide grin that threatened to emerge.
“Let’s go, little one.” Drew balanced Sabrina on her hip, brushing her lips over the other girl’s giggling face. She shot a look towards Mitchell, “I’m talking to you as well, little one.”
Mitchell rolled his eyes, “Four months!” He blew air up into his bangs, “You’re older by four months!”
She grinned at that, mostly hidden behind Sabrina’s head. “Four months is still four months. And I am wiser than you by far more.”
He followed her out, fixing his sash on his way out. As much as he wanted to sit in his sadness a moment ago, it wasn’t really the way to spend a holiday. He should be soaking in his sibling's company, enjoying Stefan’s sass, Micah’s eye rolls and Lacey and Sophia’s shared laughter. Also, ice cream.
Sabrina was going on about the kind of ice cream she wanted - an orange creamsicle, apparently - when they paused in their tracks, a bit shocked, a bit hysterical, completely amused at the sight that met them.
Chiron stared at them, a runny ice cream drumstick dripping down his knuckles. “Children.” He stated, his voice stiff.
“Chiron.” They greeted, their voices neutral and free from emotion. All except Sabrina’s, who voice was laced with a soft giggle.
“I will be going now.” He told them, looking away from them. “I will be...going now.” He began walking away, ignoring the soft giggles that escaped from Sabrina, and half-turned towards them. “If anyone shall inquire to this event….I do not approve of the alleged thief of the truck.”
“Of course not,” Mitchell agreed smoothly. “We’re all well-aware.”
Chiron nodded his head, “Good...good.” He turned, walking slowly back to the Big House.
They managed to save their laughter until their camp leader was out of sight, and then they were gone.
Drew was giggling like Mitchell had never seen, like she always tried to hide. Sabrina, always the giggler, was beaming with this shared experience, glowing at the rare sound of her idolized sister’s loose laugh.
Mitchell snored on his laughter. “I just, this is amazing.” He shook his head, beginning to walk again. “That was perfect.”
Sabrina, still giggling, was hanging off Drew as always, and beamed when they came into the sight of their siblings. Asher, near the back of the crowd, waved at them as they drew near.
“C’mon matey, the party’s starting.” Asher cocked his head, his wig going a bit off. Mitchell cracked a smile at that, fixing it for his brother. Asher nodded in thanks, leading them both towards the increasing music, and disappeared into the crowd, probably to find his own source of ice cream. Mitchell, trusting the random Demeter boy, took a strawberry cone for himself.
He managed to find a more empty piece of land, a few of his siblings lingering around. Drew disappeared, on the search for a tub of lemon ice cream – her secret pleasure.
“Mitchell!” Piper’s voice yelled right before she was crashing into his side, her arms tight around his waist. “I didn’t get to properly say hello earlier, how are you?”
Mitchell laughed a bit, careful to keep his ice cream cone from smearing all over her. “It’s good to see you, Piper.” He told her sincerely, “It’s has been great, I love California.”
Piper pulled away, grinning as she did so. “Living in the mortal world with Sebastian, huh? How’s that going?”
Mitchell groaned playfully, “I love him, I do.” He began, Piper erupting into laughter already. “But I swear to the gods if that boy doesn’t stop flirting with every pair of legs that walks by I will shoot an arrow through him.”
A voice spoke up, interrupting the end of his sentence. “Don’t worry, I get enough arrows shoved through me to keep me happy.” Sebastian walked by, his hips a sway, his voice a breeze.
Piper started crackling over Mitchell’s groan as he covered his eyes.
“I hate you!” He called after his brother.
“See you at home, darling!” Seb shouted back, smirking, as he turned to grin at some faintly smiling Athena girl.
Mitchell sighed, rolling his eyes, and hoped to the gods his brother was being safe.
“Who’s running the booth?” Mitchell asked, changing the subject and turning back to Piper. He took a large bite of his strawberry cone. Damn, he loved ice cream, and damn did he deserve it.
“Stefan and Valentina are running it until 7, and then we’ll leave the pamphlets and gift bags on a table so we can all enjoy the party.” She swept her hair over her shoulder, making a face at a stray leaf caught in the thick locks. She sighed, “I hate wearing it loose. It just gets...everywhere.”
“Try some of Scarlett’s product.” He advised, tipping his cone at her. “Scarlett’s got the thickest hair ever; her product will keep anything from catching in it.”
She nodded, looking thoughtful. “I just might.” She smoothed the tan fabric over her legs, messing with her blue jeweled necklace for a moment.
“How’s Jason doing?” Mitchell took a bite of his cone, enjoying the taste. The cone was always his favorite part.
She nodded, lighting up with the mention of her infamous boyfriend. “He’s making good process with the minor gods cabins - he just finished the Nyx and Hemera cabins. Annabeth’s been helping design them, they look great.”
Mitchell hummed, Annabeth’s many forced Greek history lessons coming back to him. “Night and daylight, huh? They must look cool. I’ll have to stop by.”
She nodded in excitement, looking ready to continue on, before Sabrina was pulling onto the bottom of her baggy pants and giving Piper a significant look.
Piper shot him an apologetic look. “I promised to take Sabrina to one of the trick of treating events the Hermes kids set up. I’ll see you before you leave?” She asked, her voice a bit hopeful.
Mitchell nodded, “Definitely.” He said, meaning it. Piper had gotten so much better at dividing her time up with her siblings, and Mitchell was kind of stupidly proud of her.
Sabrina waved at him as she climbed onto Piper’s back, both of them wearing matching blinding grins as she raced off towards the cabins. Mitchell waved them disappear, the glow in his chest a familiar feeling around his siblings.  
He finished his ice cream and wandered around, watching and absorbing the festive around him. The Demeter cabin was helping caramelize apples, and their single booth alone was successful in filling nearly the entire camp with a heavily fragrance. Some Hermes kids were bent behind the counter he noticed, probably trying to steal some caramel for questionable purposes, and they waved at Mitchell as he passed.  
“Hey.” A voice, deep and familiar in the best ways possible, whispered in his voice, and a pair of warm arms were circling themselves around his bare waist.
A bubble of warmth immediately flared up in Mitchell’s chest. He turned, his hand coming up to cup the other boy’s cheek as it rested on his shoulder. “Hey yourself.”
Mitchell turned in the embrace, so incredibly grateful to see Connor’s face, a bit tired, grinning back at him. “You’re dirty.” He observed, tracing the trail of dirt down the other boy’s face.
Connor wiggled his eyebrows. “I’m always dirty for you, sweetheart.”
Mitchell bit down a laugh at that, grinning and delighted at his boyfriend.
“Sorry about that.” Connor tipped his forehead against the other boy’s, letting his long curls brush against Mitchell’s nose in the movement.
“You had to leave.” Mitchell shrugged, “It happens. You’ll have to make it up for me in other ways, I guess.”
“I can’t do a lot about it.” His fingers traced across Mitchell’s chest, catching on his sash. “But I can do one thing.”
He said this leaning in, brushing his lips across Mitchell’s earlobe. Mitchell’s breath hitched, his own hands coming up to twist in the Connor’s curls, and he was so incredibly thankful for the fact of their isolation. “Yeah? What can you do?” And Mitchell’s words were barely that, more breath than sound.
Connor paused for a moment, his mouth hovering dangerously close to the pale skin on Mitchell’s neck. “I can go get you some punch, that’s what I can do.”
Mitchell froze as Connor pulled away, the absence of the other boy’s heat so sudden that he shivered. “Wait, what?” He was still for a moment before a blush began to climb its way up his chest, “Connor, what?”
Connor’s only answer was his loud, trailing laughter, which, okay, wasn’t a bad answer at all.
Mitchell huffed, a little embarrassed, mostly red. He threw himself down on the nearest log, thankful the area around them was mostly deserted and pouted until Connor was back, still laughing about the entire situation.
“I hate you.” Mitchell swore, taking the colorful cup for himself. He took a hesitate sniff. Watermelon, his favorite. He tried to hide the impressed look he wanted to shoot Connor.
“It’s Watermelon.” Connor told him, a bit smug. “Your favorite.”
“Is this spiked? Mitchell asked, swishing the liquid around in his cup.
“‘Course not.” Connor answered, relaxing next to him on the log. He paused, “Why? You want some?”
Mitchell shoved his shoulder into Connor’s chest, no real force behind the movement. “You just want to get me tipsy.”
Connor raised an eyebrow, considering. “You’re very...demanding once you’ve had a few.”
Mitchell ducked his head, red climbing up his exposed chest. “Shut up.”
He laughed, giving Mitchell a look as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Hey, you’re the one who ripped my shirt last time. Just sayin’. I wouldn’t be against it.”
On queue almost, Mitchell’s cheeks burst with a flash of heat, his face no doubt an unflattering shade of tomato. He got loud when he was drunk, and apparently feisty, and neither of these were facts that Connor was never going to let him live down.
Suddenly, just as Mitchell was about to resort with something hilarious and witty, his brother was crouched in front of both of him, grinning.
Sebastian was grinning wickedly at both of them, “We’re putting together a party game to finally get Lacey and that Hermes girl together, you two in? We need warm bodies.”
“What is it with the Aphrodite and Hermes kids?” Mitchell sighed, shooting a playful look towards Connor.
“We’re irresistible.” Connor teased, standing. “Anyways, Alice has been freaking out anytime Lacey looked in her direction for the past two months, this will do us all much good.”
Sebastian smirked at that, “Almost as bad as you were, huh?”
A soft red colored Connor’s cheeks. “I wasn’t that bad.”
Mitchell groaned at that, picking himself off the log and holding out a hand for Connor to take. “You were worst hun.” Mitchell shook his head, “You threw food at me. Multiple times. Solely for attention.”
“I did no such thing and you have no proof.” Connor told him, taking Mitchell’s hand and following him. Sebastian was already few yards ahead of them, apparently bored of their banter and looking for entertainment for tonight.
“Mitchell, just in time.” Scarlett grinned dangerously, flipping her long dark curls over her shoulder. “Go on, sit. We’re about to begin.”
“What are we playing?” Mitchell asked as he pulled Connor down next to him, proud of the low amount of suspicion coming out in his voice.
Her grin was wide and low, “Seven minutes in Olympus, of course.”
They had played a few times before, of course. It worked wonders for getting their own cabin mates together in situations like this. An Aphrodite kid knew what they wanted, and wasn’t usually afraid to go after it.
Connor was snickering into his shoulder as the game began, one of the male Hermes boys getting picked on in the first round, paired with a shy looking Janus girl.
Lacey, cross-legged and wide-eyed, sat next to Sophia, both girls looking excited and whispering back and forth to each other. Mitchell watched them both with a small smile, and remembered when they first met a few years ago, and how worried Mitchell was they wouldn’t get along. Now, as best friends and sisters, Mitchell couldn’t believe he ever felt that way.
Scarlett pulled out a few decoy couples of course – although, as a rule, the couples were always thoughtful matches that they had always thought would be cute together. The Aphrodite cabin was never much for wasted opportunity. Scarlett drew their attention back, her grin wicked and wide as she swirled her hand around the pot. She always liked to make a show of things, especially like this, especially dressed in that outfit.
Scarlett held up the papers, two little scrolls pressed between her too-sharp fingernails. Her purple skirt, gold circles hanging off the fabric, swirled around her legs and bare feet as she walked, drawing out the process as much as possible. When she spoke, her voice was low and filled with glee.
“Will and Mitchell.” She read out, a devil’s grin on her face. Her dancing eyes landed on Mitchell, already rolling his eyes, and he could tell this had been a part of the plan the entire time.
Mitchell sighed, rolling his eyes. “Really Scarlett?”
“What are you talking about, I have nothing to do with the selection process.” She told him, her voice clear of any emotion, but her eyes filled to the brim with laughter. Connor, the traitor, only shook with laughter against Mitchell’s shoulder.
“I’m going to have sex with Will Solace.” Mitchell told him, unimpressed. “It will be amazing and mind-blowing and I’ll be forced to leave you for him.”
“Have fun, babe.” Connor waved, grinning. “Good luck with dealing with Nico.”
Mitchell clicked his tongue, glaring at him and Scarlett with equal emotion. He carefully avoided Nico’s eyesight though, because Mitchell was a weak, weak man.
He and Will were shoved into the now deserted camp store, the shutters down and low lighting in place.
Will, still laughing, leaned against the counter, eyeing Mitchell with amusement. “Your cabin’s doing, I assume?” He held up a condom in between two fingers, laughter in his eyes.
Mitchell huffed out a sigh suspiciously close to a laugh. “They just don’t know when to stop.”
Will took off his mask, his red suit muted in the semi-darkness. “I mean, I’m totally for it. Less STDs I have to treat, the better.”
They both laughed at that, and Mitchell his lip in a considering manner. “You wanna try and pull something?”
Will eyes were already twinkling with mischief. “What’s the plan?”
Mitchell told him quickly, a mental countdown only reminding him of their dwindling time as he explained. Will nodded, a bit excited, and tucked his mask away.
“Nico won’t believe it.” Will stated confidently, ruffling up his hair. He began undoing the zipper to expose his chest, and Mitchell thanked the gods for whatever divine intervention they granted him to experience this moment.  
Mitchell nodded, agreeing. “But the others just might.” He told Will, stripping the sash across his waist. He messed up his hair a bit, pinching color into his cheeks, and began biting down on his lip, trying to get it to swell up.
He paused, “Do you think Connor will go for it?”
Mitchell flashed him a grin, “Not unless we don’t give him a reason.” Mitchell pulled a tube out of a hidden pocket, gesturing for Will to draw in closer.
“I’m just gonna smear it a bit…” Mitchell wiped a bit of color across the other boy’s lips, Will as still and compliant as a perfect model. Mitchell grinned, admiring the blush of color across Will’s lips, and the exceptionally nice lipstick now staining both of their lips.
“You should - “ Will gestured to Mitchell’s own lips, and Mitchell nodded. He ran his hand over his lips lightly, grinning at their wit.
“Ready?” Mitchell turned their faces, and knew that if anyone walked in at that moment, they would, for all appearances, be kissing.
Will laughed, causing a whisper of hot breath to brush over Mitchell’s face. Just outside the door, he could hear them loudly counting down the time.
They were met with wolf whistles almost immediately as the door opened, and they both faked a stumble out, like they were interrupted.
His sister, eyeing and knowing, only rolled her eyes. “Next!” She called, gesturing to some poor blushing pair of girls. It wasn’t Lacey and Alice, not yet, but Mitchell could see how Scarlett’s eyes kept catching on the pair, and how her fingers combed through the papers. They would be up soon.
Will laughed, bumping their hips together. Mitchell grinned, overdramatically coy. “I’ll see you later, Solace!” He bit his lip, mostly for show and also for the brilliant fact of Will’s retreating zipper.
Mitchell turned back to his seat, enjoying the bright red that was currently covering his boyfriend’s cheeks. It was hard to make a Stoll blush. He was allowed to enjoy it when it happened, it was a fact.
“Jealous much, Stoll?” Mitchell grinned, cocking his hip out as he walked back. Almost immediately, the other boy was on him like an octopus, his hands circling around Mitchell’s waist and chest.
“I know what you’re doing.” Connor’s voice was muffled, his face buried in Mitchell’s neck. “You’re putting out of ton of your love child hormones and you’re driving me crazy.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mitchell told him, his hand coming up to rest on the back of Connor’s neck. He liked that place, where he could just tangle his fingers with the short curls at the back of his neck.
Connor huffed out a laugh, “Well, you’re shirtless and that’s basically the same thing. Did you get lucky?”
Mitchell buried his face in Connor’s neck, “Considering I’m sitting in the lap of the cutest boy in camp, I would definitely say I got lucky somewhere.”
“Second cutest. I’m the one who managed to snag an Aphrodite kid, after all.” Connor grinned up at him, “Although, you’re right. I am quite a catch.”
Mitchell hummed, resting his cheek in the other boy’s curls. They were gelled back earlier, to better fit the American Dream inspiration he supposed, but they had broken free of the product hours ago. Like the boy himself, his curls were wild and hard to contain.
And, also like the boy himself, Mitchell enjoyed them the most when they were under his hand.
There was a round of squealing laughter from the group, but neither of the boys were paying them any attention.
“When you are leaving?” Connor asked, his voice low. Mitchell noticed he did that, when he was asking questions he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Lowered his voice, because it was always harder to crack that way. It broke his heart a little every time, and Mitchell could report that it still very much did.
Mitchell brought up his other hand to trace the bright star on Connor’s chest with his fingernail. “The portal closes at midnight.”
“Oh.” He only answered, his arm coming up to circle around Mitchell’s shoulder. “I thought...I don’t know.”
Mitchell swallowed, his hand pausing to sprawl across the image on his chest. Connor’s chest rose and fell with heavy weight, and the other boy took a moment to close his eyes, tipping his head closer to the other boy.
He turned his face into Mitchell’s chest, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I could...I can always book a flight.” Mitchell spoke softly, surprising himself. He continued, “I can...I can stay for a bit.”
Connor’s arm tightened around Mitchell, unwilling to let himself hope. “Don’t you have class this week? What about your history test? And that physics project? You’ll miss too much.”
So incredibly touched that he remembered, that he thought of the silly things Mitchell would ramble on about during their Iris messages, he took a moment to bend down and press a dry kiss to the underside of Connor’s throat. He tipped down Connor’s chin, waiting until the other boy showed his brilliant, bright eyes before he spoke.
“I miss you more.” He gave the other boy a small smile. “I’ve got about a year’s worth of absences saved up, and I know for a fact Seb is staying for another few days.” He wanted to shoot a look to where his younger brother was talking up one of the twin Nike counselors - Holly, maybe? - but he didn’t want to pull away from the moment. “I’m staying.” He was sure in that moment, seeing the spark of hope ignite in the other boy’s firework eyes. Mitchell grinned, suddenly so sure of what to say. Of what to do. “I just haven't decided...” Mitchell spoke again, peeking up at him through his eyelashes, “Where am I staying tonight?”
Connor took a deep breath, and even Mitchell could tell how much hope was in that movement. He held out his hand. “I know a place.”
Mitchell grinned, taking his hand. “I look forward to getting the tour.”
“Back from your Walk of Flame, I see.” Sebastian observed, his grin as vicious as a shark. “This’ll be my...second?”
“Of the night?”
“Of course.” He dismissed, turning back to reapply his eyeliner. Looks like he was still planning on a third. Mitchell ran a hand through his greasy hair, wincing at the dried sweat on his skin.
“Walk of ‘flame’?” Valentina questioned quietly, turning to whomever nearest. There were some unnamable demigods passed out on the floor, and Mitchell was sure half of Aphrodite kids were still missing, but that was expected at this hour, on this morning. It was still dark and hardly four, anyways.
Piper sighed, “Scarlett made it up - because she looks, and I quote, ‘radiant as a damn flame’ during her after-sex walk home.”
“I...see.” She accepted quietly, turning back to massage her sore feet. She had a passed out Ron Weasley in her bed, Hogwarts robes with red hair and all, that she seemed to be tending to.
Mitchell sighed, stepping over a barely dressed Demeter boy, and ignored the lingering scent of alcohol in the air. He made his way over to the showers, wanting nothing more than lavender scented soap and steaming water.
“Where’s Sabrina?” He asked, eyeing Piper, a bit surprised she was here. With Jason, and his entirely empty cabin, he was surprised she’d appeared at all during the party.
“One of Hebe girls hosted a sleepover for the younger kids because she knew that most of the cabins would be otherwise occupied.” She grinned as she said this eyeing, no doubt, the low bruise on his neck that Connor managed to leave. She turned back to polishing the first place trophy in her lap, and Mitchell had no doubt that the trophy was passed on from sibling to siblings with the utmost care all night. “I’m surprised to see you back so early after being…otherwise occupied.”
Mitchell stuck his tongue out, not really caring for his childishness at the moment. He was tired and gross.
Asher passed over one of their fluffier towels without looking, and he’s said it before, and he’ll most definitely say it again, thank the gods for Asher.
“And he didn’t even make you breakfast?” He teased, his eyes twinkling with laughter as Mitchell tried to escape into the bathroom. He paused at that, his body freezing.
Mitchell swallowed, and considered his brother’s words. The towel, just a moment ago worshipped, slipped out of his hands and onto the floor.
“He…” Mitchell sighed, bringing back the details he’d just managed to pushed out of his mind. He gripped the doorway, leaning on it a bit too much. His voice was weak, war-torn. “He bought out a Denny’s.”
There was a pause, and Mitchell hadn’t considered how many of his siblings were eavesdropping
“He did….what?”  Lacey’s voice was quiet as she whispered to probably Sophia. Mitchell sighed again, rubbing a hand over his greasy eyes.
“I don’t know how he did it...I really, honestly don’t. But I woke up and there was an amount of food to feed a literal army, or at least the Ares cabin after a workout.” He paused, remembering the true, horrific amount of food that was spread before him only hours before. “There was...so...much...toast.” He shuttered, “Every kind of egg, laid out…”
“Why Denny’s?” Scarlett whispered, disgust screwing up her face. He hadn’t noticed her coming in, but she had apparently heard enough. Without looking, she took the golden trophy from Piper’s lap and cradled it to her chest.
Mitchell shrugged, “I just woke up and...It was everywhere.” He shuttered, “I don’t think I can ever eat breakfast food again.”
“Sounds like a Will Solace wet dream.” Sebastian observed, leaning against the wall, probably now distracted with the words ‘Will Solace wet dream’.
There was a moment of quiet. “Is there….is there any left?” Stefan held up his hands in surrender at their sharp looks, “What? I’m starving. And everyone knows the Mess Hall only serves oatmeal on Tuesdays.” He suddenly grinned, low and suggestive. “I had a hard, long night after all.”
“With that Iris kid?” Sebastian thought for a moment before nodding in approval. “Good job.”
Mitchell held his hands up, pushing the thoughts from his mind. “I’m done - I’m - I’m just gonna shower.” He told them, pulling his borrowed shirt off and turning his back to them.
There was a gasp, “Are those scratches?” Scarlett’s voice was high and absolutely filled with barely hidden glee.
Mitchell sighed, slamming the door on them, and rejoiced in his rare moment of silence. But he smiled softly at their shared bells of laughter, despite what he was feeling in that moment.
Regardless of their craziness, Mitchell wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
He paused as several wolf-whistles echoed after the slamming of his door, and briefly reconsidered.
With the heavy addition of their craziness, Mitchell would probably trade them for a case of Mountain Dew. A six pack, if desperate.
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