#connor kenway x gn!reader
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holyeaglecupcakesposts · 4 months ago
Use his audio to help him get the care he needs he's badly injured. So, if you can, share and donate if you can.
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defectivevillain · 3 months ago
a fateful encounter
pairing: Ratonhnake:ton/Reader (can be platonic or romantic)
reader's race & gender are ambiguous; no pronouns or physical descriptors used.
summary: There’s a sound behind you—a startled inhale of breath. You whip around, only to find a man staring at Lee’s corpse in disbelief. His eyes are shining with some complex emotion as he scrutinizes the body, evidently looking for signs of life. “He’s dead.” You say, your voice sounding a bit raspy. The man takes a step closer and the dim light illuminates his form, revealing brown skin splattered with blood, warm brown eyes, and a hulking form with unnaturally broad shoulders.
Ratonhnhaké:ton finally corners Charles Lee, only to realize someone else has found him first.
word count: 2k | ao3 version
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warnings: canon-typical violence, death
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author's notes: The reader’s race and gender are ambiguous; no pronouns or physical descriptors are used.
Huge shoutout to @connorhasabigtip, who was nice enough to beta read the fic I wanted to surprise her with. LOLL. Love u <3333 Any remaining mistakes are mine — I've only skimmed playthroughs of this game.
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Charles Lee is a difficult man to track down. You’ve been pursuing him for at least a year now—watching him from the shadows, learning of his whereabouts through hushed conversations in the dead of night. Despite his reputation, he is exceedingly slippery. But, finally, after all this time, you’ve finally found him. 
You’ve prided yourself on your abilities and, while Lee is a Templar himself, his skills are no match for yours—not when your stealth gives you the first blow. From there, it’s an increasingly desperate fight: as Lee fights for his life and you fight to spill his blood across the ground. When you finally get him down to the ground, you are quick to stab him through the heart. He has tried to speak several times now throughout your fight, but you haven't given him so much as a moment of your attention. There is nothing worthwhile for him to say, after all. His words are about as valuable to you as the gravel scattered across the ground. 
You crouch over him now, watching the life leave his eyes. He twitches and attempts to grab your knife, which only spurs you to lodge it even deeper in his chest. Blood splatters across his chest and marks your knife, your skin. There is nothing except a hollow satisfaction running through your veins as he promptly slumps on the ground. 
You push yourself to your feet and stare down at him, several different emotions running through you all at once. Your knife is still lodged in his chest; after a moment’s contemplation, you yank it out and hold it in a tight grip. Lee’s blood drips down the glittering blade, coloring the ground below a muted crimson. 
There’s a sound behind you—a startled inhale of breath. You whip around, only to find a man staring at Lee’s corpse in disbelief. His eyes are shining with some complex emotion as he scrutinizes the body, evidently looking for signs of life. 
“He’s dead.” You say, your voice sounding a bit raspy. The man takes a step closer and the dim light illuminates his form, revealing brown skin splattered with blood, warm brown eyes, and a hulking form with unnaturally broad shoulders. You feel yourself taking a small step back before you can stop yourself. He’s wearing the uniform of an Assassin. 
“How?” He asks. He’s staring right at the wound in Lee’s chest, yet it’s as if he isn’t really seeing it at all. 
You stare at the man for a moment. “I killed him.” You thought that would be obvious by now, given the bloody knife in your hand and your proximity to his corpse. Then again, this man doesn’t look to be in the best condition: he’s staggering on his feet and bleeding in several different places. It seems to take him several moments to process your answer; once he does, he’s kneeling down and checking Lee’s pulse. It’s a futile effort: the vacant gloss over his eyes is enough of an indicator. 
“He’s dead.” The man restates, as if needing to utter it aloud. You watch in worried bewilderment as he blinks dazedly, before falling to the ground. He manages to catch himself from completely colliding with the floor, but he looks almost entirely out of it. There’s a sheen of sweat over his skin and you have to wonder if one of his wounds is infected. You swear under your breath. You can’t just leave this guy here, next to Charles Lee’s dead body. 
Huffing in annoyance, you crouch down to get a closer look at the guy. He’s huge —with broad shoulders and a figure that must be at least halfway past six feet tall. How in the hell are you going to get him out of here? You have a small safehouse nearby, fortunately—but it’ll be difficult to get him there. Taking a slow breath, you manage to pull the guy up and get him into an awkward position where his arm’s slung around your shoulders. He seems a little delirious, but conscious enough to not drag his feet and at least attempt to walk with you. 
Indeed, the walk to your safehouse takes twice as long as normal. By the time you’re safely behind closed doors, you can just barely get the guy onto your bed before you’re grasping at your sides and breathing heavily. You’re not sure how long you spend attempting to stabilize your breathing before the man lets out a pained groan and breaks you out of your thoughts. 
Now that he’s still, you can see the sheer amount of damage that’s been done to him. There are scratches and scrapes all over his face, and several worrying bloodstains scattered across his tattered clothing. You bite the inside of your cheek, once again second-guessing your actions. You could’ve left this man where you found him, and no one would have been any wiser. What compelled you to help him? 
You shake your head before focusing on the task at hand: cleaning his wounds. After quickly treating the minor ones, you decide to concentrate on the wound at his side. It’s abundantly clear that he’ll need stitches. You can only hope he’s unconscious enough not to notice the pain. And that must be the case—either that or he’s just exhausted —because he doesn’t so much as flinch when you begin to stitch the rather nasty gash. 
By the time you’re finished, the sun has almost come up on the horizon. What should you do now? You have things to do—you can’t spend your day watching over this guy and abandoning your duties. You contemplate the thought for several moments. Honestly, you can only hope he isn’t a malicious or overly curious person, and that you won’t return to your safehouse to find it torn apart or on fire. After far too many minutes spent in deliberation, you decide to leave him to heal. With any luck, he’ll still be unconscious when you get back. You can decide what to do with him then.  
Fortunately, when you return in the late evening, your safehouse appears unharmed. Unfortunately, you’ve sustained some wounds from your mission—leaving you to walk somewhat unsteadily towards your inconspicuous cabin on the outskirts of the woods. Is the man from last night awake yet? You think you see light peeking from the curtains, but that could easily be your imagination. Your hands trembling, you manage to unlock the door and close it behind you—only for your heart to jump out of your chest as you nearly crash into the man from earlier. 
He appears a lot better, his clothing miraculously (and mysteriously) clean and his posture unburdened by injury. “You healed me. Why?” He cuts right to the chase, staring at you as if trying to discern your motivations from your facial expression. He seems slightly frustrated when you just blink at him. After a few seconds, he must sense that you’re unwilling to answer, because he sighs and abandons the question. There’s a beat of silence as he studies you, evidently noticing the tension written across your shoulders, the blood splattered across your clothes, and the dazed wariness of your gaze. 
“You seem to be doing better.” You remark, not bothering to answer his question. Maybe if you can just slip past him- 
“You healed me.” He repeats himself, making no indication that he’s even heard your prior remark. Is kindness such a foreign concept to him? You don’t have time to contemplate the question before he’s continuing to speak. “Allow me to return the favor.” 
You sigh, knowing you don’t really have a choice. You point him to your medical supplies and take a seat on your bed; meanwhile, the man grabs the supplies and returns to your side, looking at you hesitantly. His hands are extended mid-air, as if he was going to pull up your shirt before thinking better of it. Then he takes a step backwards and averts his eyes, embarrassed. 
Feeling both amused and strangely self-conscious, you tug your shirt up enough to reveal the gash stretching across your side. Your guest seems to relax, crouching down and beginning to clean it off. There’s an uncomfortable tension that settles in the air, filling the cabin with nothing but an awkward silence. 
Finally, after what feels like far too long, the man speaks. “Why did you kill Lee?” He asks, his attention honed in on your wound. Even so, it’s hard not to notice the furrow to his brows. 
“Why were you after him?” You ask instead. Neither of you seem willing to disclose too much, and this conversation is only becoming more circular by the moment. The man seems to recognize this, as his nose scrunches and he looks momentarily bothered. Then he shakes his head and begins to place some ointment on your side. 
“He was a threat to freedom,” he responds ambiguously. 
You study him for a long moment, attempting to discern his intentions. Something about his unapologetic honesty compels you to show him the same. “A spirit guided me to him.” You admit, remembering how the Isu came to you in a dream and implored you to neutralize the threat. 
“... A spirit spoke to me as well,” he admits after a beat. You watch him swallow and reach for the bandages, wrapping them around your waist and securing them tightly. His eyes wander across your form once more—as if searching for more injuries—before he finally stands up again. You didn’t realize how much his proximity was affecting you; now that there’s some distance between you, you feel as if you can breathe again. 
Still, despite your initial skepticism, this man went so far as to help you. He could’ve easily slipped out while you were away, never to be seen again. But something compelled him to stay—to heal you from your injuries, just like you helped him. “Thank you.” You say begrudgingly. He nods and you feel your curiosity returning. “What’s your name?” You blurt out before you can help yourself. 
“...Connor.” He volunteers eventually, after an inexplicable few seconds of silence. You raise a brow and he takes a slow breath, crossing his arms over his chest. “That is the name my mentor gave me.” He explains. There’s a lingering trace of frustration pulling his lips firm. 
“What’s your real name, then?” You ask. The man seems genuinely surprised that you’ve asked, as his eyes momentarily widen before he’s hiding his emotions behind a calm mask. 
He studies you for a moment. “Ratonhnhaké:ton yónkyats.” He then responds, the slightest hint of a quirk to his lips. “My name is Ratonhnhaké:ton.” He supplements. 
Somehow, you feel as if he is showing you a tremendous amount of trust by giving you his true name. “Ratonhnhaké:ton.” You repeat, mimicking his pronunciation. He nods and you feel a smile growing on your own face. You introduce yourself in response, copying the Kanien'kehá:ka greeting he used. 
His gaze is intense as he stares at you. You can only begin to wonder just what he’s thinking. 
“Thank you.” Ratonhnhaké:ton then says sincerely, after several moments of silence. He shifts his balance and crosses his arms again. 
“We’re even now.” You respond with a hesitant smile, gesturing to the bandages around your side. Ratonhnhaké:ton smiles ever so slightly in response. He turns his back, as if ready to depart. You hear yourself speaking before you can think any better of it. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?” He asks, turning around to look at you imploringly. 
For your village, for your mother. For killing Lee before you could get to him. You settle for staring at him helplessly. Ratonhnhaké:ton seems to sense your thoughts, because he nods knowingly. 
“Charles Lee is dead.” He says, with a finality in his voice that he hadn’t possessed last night. “That is all I could have hoped for.” With that parting remark, the man leaves you to your conflicted thoughts. Even as days pass and your wounds begin to fade, the memory of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s touch remains.
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thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat @always-lying-to-you
friendly reminder that i don't give permission for my writing to be shared to other sites, stolen, copied, translated, or used in any way. thanks!
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 10 months ago
Is that my shirt?
Connor Kenway / Ratonhnhaké:ton x gn reader drabble
350 words
“Connor, is that my shirt?”
He froze in his tracks; unmoving and unblinking like a deer right before it flees. “... perhaps.”
I burst out laughing, nearly doubling over with the force of it. Even after it became hard to breathe I couldn't stop. He stared at me, blinking once and totally dumbfounded as I regained a semblance of composure.
“You look like if somebody stuffed too much meat into a sausage, and it's about to pop.” I chuckle and continue “we may be similar heights, but love you are built like a barn.” I gently put my hand on his shoulder and looked at him with so much love in my eyes.
“It couldn't be helped. I had to wash the blood off my coat, It's drying now. It would have looked suspicious if I went all the way back to the homestead covered in blood.” He looks away like a kid caught in a cookie jar.
I have to hold back another fit of laughter. I don't know how it's possible for a man the size of a bear to look so cute. “I wouldn't mind if you ran around without a shirt on.” I shrugged. I adore watching the flashes of emotions that cross his normally stoic face. Features hardened by tragedy that soften for just a moment. Expressions that are for my eyes only.
“... I'll keep that in mind for next time.” I can see he's looking for an escape route. Quickly I grab his hand to keep him from running away.
“It'll be nice having my shirt smell like you for a little while.”
“What do you mean?” My question clearly took him by surprise.
“You smell like pine and iron. It never fails to put me at ease. Familiar… I miss it when you're not around.” I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders. “It'll be nice having that comfort, if only for a little while after you leave.”
I could only see a ghost of a smile on his lips, but it was there, and just for me to see.
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it would be awesome to see the reactions of Haytham, Connor, Evie, Jacob and Shay after the reader has been gone for a long time (even a couple years) and they come back after such a long time
Got you covered! (I’m gonna try and finish Headcanon requests before I start on the fics, so I’m gonna try and complete all the headcanons I currently have in my inbox)
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So this guy would need a second.
He’d be a bit starstruck, to be honest.
It would be quite formal at first, as he puts his guard up against all emotion.
Of course, you could easily break that wall down.
He’d embrace you with all the love he had, along with a tender kiss.
And vice versa, of course. 
“I’ve got to say that I never thought I would see you again.”
You’d laugh quietly, delighted to see him after who knows how long. 
“I couldn’t stay away for much longer.”
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Shay would do a double take.
Just to make sure.
“Y/N! How long has it been?!” 
With a grin, he’d hold you tightly. 
“Too long, Shay--too long.”
“Is there room for one more?”
“Always, Y/N. Always.”
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He would be tending to the horses and mucking out the stables when he hears another set of hooves trotting towards him. 
The rider would be wearing the distinctive robes that would immediately lift his heart.
It’s been a tough year.
The horse would whinny happily and head straight into Connor’s outstretched hand, who would feed him a sugar cube before quickly moving to his rider.
Grabbing your waist, he would spin you around as you dismounted.
“How was it?”
“It was good; I missed home, though. I missed you.”
“I’m glad you’re home, Y/N.”
Cue the best bear hug.
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Evie would be planning for an interception of a courier.
Upon observing her target, a shadow would have bumped into them, promptly stealing the documents she needed. 
As she went to reclaim them, the courier was none the wiser. 
You’d head down backstreets, and Evie would be quick to block your path, a knife to your throat.
“You have something that belongs to me,” she’d threaten. 
“Like your heart?”
Your smirk was more than visible under your cowl.
She’d leap off of you, laughing under her breath.
“I hate it when you do that,” she said with a relieved smile.
“It’s almost as if I never left!”
You hugged her tightly. 
“You took your time.”
“Can’t rush perfection.”
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“Lost your bottle, boys?!”
Typical Jacob was caught in a gang battle.
As the local police officers quietly turned their heads, Rooks and Blighters would start to throw hands.
Jacob would begin to chase down the borough leader, and he almost caught them...
Until someone else stuck their knife in their throat, watching them crumple to the floor. 
Jacob halted as soon as possible, slightly pissed at the fact that he had it handled.
That frustration would quickly translate to excitement once he recognised your face.
He would bound towards you, dipping his head for a kiss.
Surprised, you would stumble backwards.
“That was unexpected!”
He never realised that he would have missed your smile or your laugh as much as he did then.
“It’s good to see you, love.” 
“It’s good to see you too; should we be kissing over a dead body?”
“... Probably not.”
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gaycragula · 2 years ago
Request Info
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Fandoms I am currently in/will write for
Overwatch Will write for everyone, see the only stipulations below Tracer/Pharah- Platonic unless reader is gender neutral Winston/Hammond/Orisa- Platonic only
Mortal Kombat I've only played MK1 and MK11 so it's limited to those two games
Assassin's Creed AC 3 AC Black Flag AC Rogue AC Unity AC Syndicate AC Origins AC Odyssey
Fandoms I am not in but will still write for if requested
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Horror Icons/movies Ask!
Feel free to ask if I'll write for a game/show/movie/etc!!
I will write
FtM!Reader M!Reader GN!Reader Char x Reader x Char Char x Reader Polyamorous relationship Fluff Smut Angst i don't think im very good at it though Ask about any kinks if you're curious!
I will NOT write
F!Reader SA/Non-con Scat Pregnancy Yandere Over the top feet stuff Char x Char
I will reject the request if I am not comfortable writing it ^^
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Can I have a request of the assassins, (can you include haytham) reacting to their kid being a leader of some kid group, like they used to bully their kids but their kids eventually scared them and earned their trust so they follow their kid around doing tasks for their kid
+ [For the kid leading group can you do Haytham, Jacob, Arno, Altair, Connor and Ezio if that's alright]
(Let’s get this rollin’!)
How the Assassins React to Their Child Becoming a Leader Of a Gang (essentially)
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“What are you doing, Y/C/N?”
So he’d be confused at first.
Kids bullying his child?!
But he’d be impressed at how they handled it.
“Y/C/N, you cannot go around Masyaf striking other children.”
“You don’t understand, father!
“They struck me first!”
Of course he was satisfied at his child’s competence.
He just had to act like a parent.
Before your wrath comes to berate him.
Believe me, it’s happened once already.
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He was very happy.
And extremely proud.
“You’d be wise to show those Di Pazzis where they belong. Well done, Tesoro.”
A pat on the back for your child.
A smack around the head for him.
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Connor would really be questioning morality.
“Y/C/N, is this really the right thing to do?”
“It’s not like I’m making them jump off a cliff, papa.”
“Isn’t collecting firewood a bit… unnecessary?”
“We split it.”
“Depends on what you mean by ‘even’.”
Shocked, Connor would walk away.
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“Now, Y/C/N, that’s not how young boys/girls behave,” he’d say with you by his side, sending a disapproving glance your child’s way.
“Sorry, father.”
“Keep up the good work,” he’d whisper as you’re distracted.
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He’d be more worried for your child’s safety and well-being.
“Are you alright?”
“What were they saying?”
Your child would brush off his concerns.
“It’s alright, papa. I’m in charge now.”
Did he hear that right?
He’d definitely raise an eyebrow, but wouldn’t say anything more.
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Straight to the nearest pub.
“Raise your glasses, lads! We’ve got ourselves a confident heir to the leader of the Rooks!”
Your child, already being well known amongst the Rooks (much to your discomfort), would be congratulated, and Jacob would even propose a toast.
“To my beloved son/daughter, may your gang leading days never end!”
Cue more cheering.
Also cue a box to the ear when no one was looking.
“Stop encouraging it!”
“Well, he/she’s going to have to take my place someday.”
“Don’t even start…”
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Hi! I was wondering if you can do some head cannons for Connor, Altaïr, and Alexios reacting to their child being a really great artist??
Yes, I definitely can! (Though I can’t draw at all, so this’ll go down well) I hope you enjoy them, Anon!
How the Assassins React to their Child being a Talented Artist
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He would be searching for his ever wandering child, eventually coming into a small opening in the side of a cliff.
Not a cave, just a mouth of one.
There, he’d see sketches all over the walls in various colours, sizes, and landscapes.
They stretched to the ceiling and contained images of Gods (along with animals that associate with them), fields brimming with colourful flowers, and even portaits of their family.
It was so detailed and vibrant, Alexios couldn’t help but let out an impressed noise.
Their child, startled, dropped their painting utensils immediately.
Alexios had only one thing to say.
“I think the back door needs to be repainted.”
He’d have a proud smile on his face as their child’s eyes light up.
They gather all their things as soon as possible.
They end up painting a silhouette of Zeus, with a shadow of an eagle’s head and wings behind it.
Let’s just say it was the talk of the neighbourhood for a very long time.
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I’m going to be completely honest here.
At first, Altaïr wouldn’t really care.
He’d give a vague huff of praise, but that would be as far as he’ll go.
They sketch him.
And when they draw, they draw what they see and what it means to them.
So for Altaïr to see himself in the most accurate detail, with every single fleck in his eye accounted for and every single dot of stubble, he realises just how much they mean to him.
No one’s really cared for him before, but to see himself through another person’s eyes really opens his mind.
We know now that he will always be poking around their sketchbook with them properly, eager to see how talented they really are.
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He would be surprised for sure.
His child never looked like one to draw.
Connor originally thought that they were journaling whenever they climbed the tree in the middle of the Frontier (he’d check on them periodically, just in case).
But that wasn’t the case at all.
He’d climbed up when they were in full concentration, and they only noticed he was there once he actually spoke.
“So this is what you were doing.”
They almost fell out of the tree if it wasn’t for Connor clutching at their arm in time.
The book they were drawing in contained studies of nature; of birds, leaves, trees, and other mammals that would come crawling, scampering, or prowling about.
“This is very impressive, Y/C/N.”
They’d be extremely modest, but happy to see that their father is happy with them.
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Haytham, Shay, Arno, Connor and Edward’s SO who is not an assassin or a Templar but more of a vigalante like Batman or daredevil. How do they react to that? Just curious
(Okay; fourth time’s the charm and this time it’s on mobile… what can go wrong?)
How the Assassins React to Their S/O As A Vigilante
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He would be impressed at the fact that you work for yourself and no one else.
“I do it to save my own people from a world of greed and ruin.”
Okay, so not for no one.
How lucky he would feel to be able to have a relationship with the woman/man that will change the world.
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Will always ask to help you.
Doesn’t want you to go on especially dangerous missions without him; his attendance is a must.
Will not take no for an answer.
One time you had to leave before he could be ready to actually stop him from coming with you—you didn’t want him to be hurt.
So anxiously, he’d await your return.
Working for yourself, who would be there to give you back up?
Your return engulfed him in relief, and he would like nothing more than to cuddle.
A lot.
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Would wonder about your motives.
“What could you gain?” He’s ask.
“Freedom for those I love.”
It opens his eyes to the world around him, and soon he sees not only the well dressed, but the ones who are more in need than him.
He wants to permanently join you on your missions in order to eliminate the evil in the towns close to home.
And when they’re done, he’ll want to help you to save others further out to sea.
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Would probably try to convince you to join the brotherhood.
“What if you could do all those things, but with people around you to help?”
You’ve always entertained the thought of others aiding your liberation mission, but you’ve learned from past experiences that you work better on your own.
“Besides, I work better on my own.”
He would still be looking out for you on missions, nevertheless. He would watch over you, protective and cautious, just in case something managed to slip under your radar.
It came in handy once.
You were so immersed in one thing that you failed to hear the footsteps creeping up behind you.
Cue the Phantom Blade doing what it does best a few rooftops away.
All you saw when you turned around was a flash of blue and white, and you knew you were going to have a very thorough conversation later.
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White Noise
Prompt: The request would be the character(s) finding out there s/o has trouble being alone for a long time and sleeping alone with some comforting? Like, a day or so they're fine but after that they become in edge, talk to themselves, and maybe try and make noise so it feels like there's people there. And it's because they come from a large family and was never alone growing up. And the s/o kinda feels dumb for being like this.
A/N: I got out another one! I hope this is what you wanted, Love! I wanted to make it fit and I hope this would work out. I have one more pending request that is on its way (the most recent one :D), so stay tuned for that one! So enjoy!
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Requested by @sciencethot
“How long will you be?” You held the brown mare’s reigns firmly as Connor mounted her.
“As long is it will take.” He half shrugs before he leans down to kiss the top of your head.
“Do not worry, Y/N/N, I will be fine.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he digs his heels in, sending the horse down the path.
You watched him disappear from view further into the trees, a worried smile on your face. “Y/N,” Achilles called from the porch. “There’s game in these woods and it has your name written all over it.” He winked and walked inside. You sighed.
I guess I should get my bow, you thought.
After a hearty meal of venison stew, you bid your good-nights and headed up to your and Connor’s shared bedroom. You hoped for his safety and fast return as you crawled under the covers. The sound of Achilles hobbling around downstairs quickly sent you into a slumber, clutching a pillow to fill the irreplaceable gap.
The morning came quickly, and you continued doing your usual chores, mucking out the stables, caring for the horses, hunting for food and other household ‘To Do’s.
The evening came quickly, and you repeated last night’s prayers and blew out your lamp. Achilles retired to bed an hour or two prior, so you were in charge of turning off all the lamps. It was extremely quiet, and you quickly found it unsettling. You weren’t used to such a quiet household. Your parents had many children, and being a child with five other siblings came with its pros and cons.
For example, the silence was deafening, and all you could do is lie down and stare at the ceiling. Usually, Connor’s heartbeat lulled you to sleep.
But seeing as he wasn’t there…
Knuckles rapping on the wooden headboard, you tried to provoke some noise into the room. It was working, but you’d have to be doing it all night in order to get some sleep.
The sleepless night led to an equally horrible morning.
The days slogged on slowly, and the nights where Achilles went to bed before you were the nights plagued with insomnia. You hoped Connor would return.
You were brushing your horse in the stables when you heard commotions from the other side of the Homestead. Turning around, you beamed at the sight of a beautiful brown horse calmly trotting into view. Her rider, however, is what made you sigh in relief.
You were at his side by the time he dismounted, and he wrapped you in an embrace almost instantly. “I’ve missed you,” you whispered, pulling away to inspect his face. He had a streak of dirt along his cheek and a small cut on the side of his nose, but other than that, he seemed fine.
“I’ve missed you too. How have you been?” He bent down to give you a small kiss.
“Better now.” You took the reigns of the mare and began to lead her to the stables. “Help me unsaddle her?”
Connor smiled, following you as he stripped off his weapons belt and outer robes, hanging them on the cubicle gate. Left in his shirt and breeches, he unstrapped the saddle underneath his mare, heaving the saddle upon the fence as you began brushing her fur. You blinked as you worked, hoping to relieve the stinging of your eyes. Although Connor was occupied with feeding the horse, he noticed your behaviour.
“Y/N/N, have you been sleeping well?” He pat his mount on her snout as he watched you with concern.
“Not too badly, I guess,” you replied, barely able to suppress a yawn as you spoke.
Connor frowned. He observed the time of day. Early evening, he supposed.
“Should we retire for the night?” He was carefully pulling the bridle off of his mare and hanging it on a hook, grabbing a shovel to quickly muck out the mess.
“We’ve got too much to do first.”
“Achilles may be old, but he can look after himself for one night.”
“I need to help you out first.”
He smiled at your selflessness. “I’m fine. Let’s have a bath.”
“I’ll collect the water, then.”
“I’ll warm up the coal.”
Connor took his robes and gear in his arms and stood waiting as you collected two buckets and closed the gate to the cubicle. He moved up to the Homestead while you went to the water pump around the back.
With the water heated and ready, the two of you emptied the buckets into the tin tub. You both stripped and slowly took opposite sides of the tub. Connor went straight to wash his face. “Let me; you don’t want to get dirt in that cut.” You grabbed a flannel (and his face) and slowly rubbed the dirt away from the small wound. “Infections aren’t nice.”
As you concentrated, Connor studied the tiredness in your eyes. “You really didn’t sleep well, did you?” His hands caught your fingers undoing his braid.
“It was too quiet.” Your cheeks flushed with heat as you tried to laugh off the embarrassment. “I’m just not used to sleeping in a silent house.”
“Why is that?” His face relaxed as he realised that it wasn’t as concerning as he originally thought it was.
“Being the second oldest in a small house with five siblings was not the most orderly situation growing up. There was always a commotion going on, and I just grew up to sleep with the noise. Now I suppose I can’t sleep without any.”
You tilted his head back as you poured water from a jug over his loosened hair. Hands coated with oils, you began to massage his scalp. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hair down for once. “You could have told me; I would have tried to help,” he said softly.
“I was embarrassed about it.”
He took your hands in his and pressed his forehead against yours. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about; I love you. I will not judge you.”
Your heart warmed, and you froze while Connor took any excess oils off of your hands into his, turning to your hair.
“I love you too, Connor.”
You exchanged stories as you both helped to bathe each other. The laughs were soft, and the smiles were warm.
After you both dressed in nightwear (you wore one of Connor’s extra big shirts and underwear, while he just wore a pair of clean breeches), the bathtub was drained and you crawled into bed. Connor rolled in after you, gathering you into his arms. You rested your head on his chest, instantly relaxing at the strong thumps of his heart.
Connor tucked the new braid you plaited behind his ear. “I don’t want you to suffer when I’m not at the Homestead. If there’s anything I can do…” he looked down, expecting a response, but huffed a silent laugh once he realised that you were already asleep.
Kissing the top of your head, he whispered a quiet, loving, “Goodnight.”
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Hello, how about head cannons of how the assassins would react to their child being cheeky/talking back? Thank you and have a good day :3 xx
(Ughhh I have to rewrite it alll!!! :()
Sure I can, Love! This is such a good idea oml.
(Also, because there are just so many assassins now, please specify which ones you prefer when requesting HCs so I don’t accidentally miss out your F/O xx)
How The Assassins React to their Child Talking Back
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Surprised at first.
Secretly proud of the sass.
“Who told you how to say that?”
“… Mater/Pater…”
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Smirks at the bravery of her child.
“You dare defy a misthios?!”
She’d gather them up in her arms and start a play fight.
“On a more serious note, be respectful your parents.”
“Sorry, mater.”
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“Where did this come from?”
Would be slightly concerned at the unusual behaviour.
“Are you alright, Y/C/N?”
“Leave me alone, Papo.”
He would frown but oblige.
“Talk to me when you’re ready.”
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“Do not argue with me, Y/C/N.”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do!”
“You watch your tone and respect your elders; do I make myself clear?”
He would take no shit.
Absolutely none.
And that’s probably all that can be said.
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“Tesoro, what’s the matter?”
He’d probably ask you for advice.
“They’re growing up Ezio; they’re probably fine.”
You wanted him to keep an eye on them though.
Just in case.
It was shocking the first few times, but after that he would stand up to their snark and bite back with his own.
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“What are you saying?”
Connor would be so confused at how his initially quiet child is now suddenly becoming very… cheeky.
“No, you cannot.”
“Y/C/N, I said no.”
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“Now, lad/lass, don’t you try that with me.”
He could handle the voracious stomping around.
He couldn’t handle the biting words though.
They definitely had your sass, that much was for sure.
They accidentally swore in front of him once.
“It’s fine when I’m not around, but when I am, I do not want to hear any of that.”
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He would find you straight away.
“Y/N, there’s something wrong with Y/C/N.”
You laughed after he told you what they had said.
“They’re being cheeky, Arno; don’t take it too seriously.”
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“Um, did I hear that right?”
He would bite back.
Not one to just sit and take it, expect to find two people complaining at each other (hint: it’s Jacob and Y/C/N).
“Listen to me; it’s rude to talk like that.”
“Just because I speak like that, doesn’t mean you should.”
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Evie’s child? Snarky?
Maybe a slight remark, but that would be shut down right away.
“Don’t even think about acting like your uncle.”
“Sorry, mother.”
(Oh my lord I’m sorry these are so terrible! I’ve probably hit my mark for writing today. I hope you enjoy it anyways though xx)
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How does Haytham, Connor, Edward, Arno and Evie react to their kid waking them up because they had a nightmare (I just found your blog and I love it!)
Aww thank you so much! (I’ve finally got around to opening my inbox again!!) Here we go, then (thanks for specifying!)...
Imagine the ages as you wish, by the way, I never really had set ages in my mind.
“Papa/Father/Mama/Mother, I can’t sleep...”
Haytham (GN!Reader)
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“What is bothering you, Y/C/N?”
“I had a bad dream...”
Haytham would rarely spend time in bed, choosing instead to sit at his desk and do some paperwork.
“Would you like to elaborate on that, young man/lady?”
“I was lost, and I couldn’t find you. I was really scared.”
They would be sitting in his lap in the dim candlelight, calmly resting their head on his rising and falling chest as he would tell them fantastical stories in a gentle hum, and would keep cradling them in his arms until long after they fall asleep, finishing the must finish paperwork first.
Connor (F!Reader)
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There was a sudden weight on his chest.
His eyes snapped open, momentarily alarmed.
“What’s the matter, Y/C/N?” 
He would rub their back soothingly as they climb onto him, tears staining his shirt.
“Don’t cry, darling.”
You would have stirred by this time, ears pricking at the sounds of distress.
“They found us, Papa; they hurt you and M-M...”
Connor sat up to properly hold Y/C/N as they broke down into more terrified sobs. 
“It’s alright, it’s alright...”
Kissing them upon their head, Connor wrapped an arm around you as they calmed down slowly.
“They aren’t real, Y/C/N; you’re alright now.”
“Konoronkwa, Y/C/N. We’re all safe here.”
“Konoronkwa, Papa, Mama.”
Edward (GN!Reader)
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Edward startled at the sound and bounded towards the source. 
Y/C/N sat up straight at the sound of the door flying open.
“You alright, lad/lass?”
Embarrassed, they nodded. “Just fine, Father.”
He furrowed his brows, tying his hair back.
“Is there anything you’d want to talk about?”
They’d smile dismissively, but Edward wouldn’t let it go.
“What were you dreaming about?”
“I can’t remember, Father. Goodnight.”
They wouldn’t want to stay on their own for long. 
Lantern in hand, they crept into your shared bedroom, slowly climbing between you and Edward.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Edward would mumble quietly (as to not wake you).
“In the morning, please.”
With an affirming kiss on the head, Edward left it at that.
Arno (F!Reader)
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Arno heard footsteps walking down the hall, and watched as light moved past his bedroom.
He checked over your sleeping form before grabbing his pistol out of the holster on his dresser, quietly pulling down the hammer.
As he stalked the noise, he quickly recognised the familiar sniffling of his daughter/son.
He hid the pistol behind his back instantly.
He caught them watching out of the window. 
“Y/C/N? Is everything alright?”
“I saw people die, Papa.”
Arno picked them up to sit them on his hip.
They pointed to their head, and Arno kissed them there.
“It wasn’t real. It was just a dream.”
“I was scared, because Mama was dead.”
Arno hid how his muscles seemed to tense.
“Mama’s upstairs, cheri.”
Arno walked to the kitchen.
“We’ll see her in a minute, but for now, how about a warm drink?”
Evie (GN!Reader)
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There were a few polite knocks on the bedroom door.
Y/C/N came into view, rubbing their bloodshot eyes.
“I don’t want to die, Mother.”
And with that, the waterworks started again.
Evie quickly opened her arms to allow them to release their emotions.
Cue a very long and deep conversation about religion, reality, and faith.
“Don’t be embarrassed; Uncle Jacob had that thought as a child-- Now it’s almost as if he’s asking for it.”
They slept with you and Evie that night, clinging as tightly as the day they were born.
“If you still worry, I have a few books on the matter that you might find comfort in reading.”
“If they’re murder mysteries...”
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kiatheinsomniac · 3 years ago
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞���❥  queue name: resting in the café theatre
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。・:*˚:✧。 encyclopaedia, the realms, the myths
masterlist of posts
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la’ahad
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ altaïr ibn-la’ahad
five times you almost kissed and one time that you did
cinnamon and lavender 
dry your eyes | ko-fi reward
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。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  ezio auditore
undercover escape
come to bed
rooftop confessions
Ezio as a jealous lover headcanons
the party
when the party’s over
away from the parties
seeing you in a tank top and shorts headcanons
Ezio comforting your insecurity
innocence and experience  | smut
5 times you almost kissed and the time that you did
feeling good | smut
feeling good II | smut
gods au: Ezio
gods au: Ezio II | smut
gods au: Ezio III 
yandere! Ezio headcanons
I know that face (strange though it seems)
branches of the brotherhood
a welcoming embrace
consequences of an affair 
that four-letter acronym  | modern AU, dad! Ezio, daughter! Reader)
If you need me, I’ll be there 
I hate knowing that you’re hurt and there’s nothing I can do
Ezio meets a hijabi! reader | headcanons
show my face?  | gn! reader
more than earned it | smut
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。・:*˚:✧。 connor kenway | ratonhnhaké:ton, haytham kenway
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  connor kenway | ratonhnhaké:ton
first times | smut
sub! Connor | headcanons, smut
I don’t ever want to leave this cave  | smut
homestead skillsets 
Connor with a musical s/o | headcanons
rut | wolf hybrid! Connor, smut
day’s hunt | ko-fi reward
breaking down walls
of sailors, of mer | lunar raffle, mermaid! reader
this life is mine | smut
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  haytham kenway
coming home late
yandere, romantic! Haytham | headcanons
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。・:*˚:✧。 edward kenway, james kidd | mary read, 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  edward kenway
thine honour 
the cruise  | smut
gods au: Edward
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  james kidd | mary read
just the two of us
just go back to sleep, I promise to be here when you wake up
just go back to sleep II
what a day
the diver  | mermaid! reader
you can keep it down | smut
a siren’s song | smut, x oc
a siren’s song II | smut, x oc
little boat | ko-fi reward
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。・:*˚:✧。 shay cormac
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  shay cormac
the precursor scholar  | Egyptian! reader
reuniting with daughter! reader | headcanons, angst
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。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  arno dorian
caring for you while you’re sick headcanons
modern au work headcanons
gods au: Arno
soulmate au
versailles tryst | smut
Arno x musketeer! Reader
bonne anniversaire
moments like this | smut
cuddles & forehead kisses
nightmares & music boxes | smut
seeing you in a tank top and shorts headcanons
yandere! Arno headcanons
so much for an early night  | smut
I never stopped loving you
no one’s ever touched me like this  | smut
Arno with a modern s/o  | headcanons
I promise to be here when you wake up
gods au: Arno II
je ne parle pas français
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。・:*˚:✧。 evie frye, jacob frye
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  evie frye
Evie slowly falling for another female assassin  | headcanons
you’ve stolen my heart
12 red tulips | ko-fi reward
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  jacob frye
ransom | pirate! au
the type of person he’d hate  | headcanons
spontaneity  | smut
yandere Jacob drabble
Jacob with a tall s/o | headcanons
always on my mind
Jacob with an s/o who’s struggling with anorexia  | headcanons/ tw: mentions of ED but only in a sense of comforting + supporting recovery
Jacob with a cold s/o who’s only tender around him  | headcanons
meeting in the Schoolyard
being the big spoon with Jacob | headcanons
Jacob with a goth s/o  | headcanons
deep breaths honey, you’re okay now, you’re safe  | daughter! reader
tea and cake
Jacob with an s/o who has depression  | headcanons/ tw: mentions of depression but only in the sense of supporting recovery
night thoughts 
warming up on a rainy day | smut
bonfire night | ko-fi reward
marry me? (broken as I am) | smut
upon thames | ko-fi reward
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。・:*˚:✧。 alexios of sparta, kassandra of sparta
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  alexios of sparta
Acteon  | smut
how he shows affection  | headcanons
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  kassandra of sparta
can’t take my eyes off you
sweet treats part I
sweet treats part II | smut
nervous Kassandra w/ an oblivious crush headcanons
breathless at a misthios’ hand | smut
a weapon and her heart | Deimos! Kass, smut
seashells | ko-fi reward
scarred kisses
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。・:*˚:✧。 eivor varinsdottir, eivor varinsson, basim ibn ishaq
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  basim ibn ishaq
basim with eivor’s cousin! reader | headcanons 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  eivor varinsdottir
hunt gone wrong
the red scarf
second chance | modern! au, ft. Kassandra)
flirting with a shy s/o  | headcanons
‘take me instead’ 
fire and chamomile 
sleepy cuddles 
the shield-maiden and the selkie | au
the woman in red | au
deep breaths honey, you’re okay now, you’re safe 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  eivor varinsson
under his eyes | smut
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highschool au featuring various assassin’s creed characters
vampire au! ezio auditore x reader
ezio auditore x reader
a collaborative event with @itseivwhore​
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☾ ⋆゚like my work? why not: 
∘ buy me a coffee? ∘ join my taglist ∘ consider following/reblogging
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years ago
What are your current requests , so far ? And what are you enjoying writing the most write now and what request are you looking foward to writing the most ?
In terms of requests:
♡ I'm currently working on a dark! Finrod x Reader (and I'm throwing in references to Crimson Peak bc I could watch that film a million times)
♡ how the Assassins feel about having a Templar s/o headcanons
♡ the Castlevania boys with an Arab (west-Asian) s/o headcanons
♡ Melkor with a naive, virgin reader (I'm a slut for loss of virginity fics yes it's bc I'm a virgin stfu)
♡ yandere! Orodreth x Turin's sister! Reader
♡ Ezio Auditore x gn, masked! Reader
♡ Alucard x dhampir! Reader
♡ Connor Kenway x Reader smut
♡ Maedhros x human! Reader smut (age gap, size kink and I am so excited to get to this one sjdgfajshgf - I like my smut kinky <33)
♡ Mairon/ Annatar x Reader smut with some of the best prompts the asker could have possibly chosen, I love you for that
♡ Eivor Varinsdottir x mythical creature! Reader - I think you've all picked up on how much I love putting folkloric elements in that suit Eivor's background and time period
♡ the Assassins with an s/o who's afraid to love where they confess to her and help her through her commitment issues headcanons
I'm really looking forward to the Melkor, Maedhros and Mairon smuts and I'm currently really enjoying writing this dark Finrod request! I'm trying to keep these contrasts between his "ray of sunshine" personality and these dark things he's doing hehe. I've taken the request a little further than the anon asked because I'm itching to write a confrontation hehe <33
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kiatheinsomniac · 3 years ago
Thought I'd announce my WIPs <3
Faramir x reader (NSFW)
Ezio Auditore x reader
Modern! boyfriend! Alucard (headcanons)
Alucard x reader
Jacob Frye x reader (headcanons)
Ezio, hijabi! reader (headcanons)
Jacob Frye x reader
Alucard x sick! reader
SDV Elliott x reader
Celegorm x Thingol's daughter! reader
Evie Frye x assassin! reader
Female! Eivor x reader
sub! Connor Kenway | Ratonhnhaké:ton x reader (NSFW)
God! Arno x devoted! reader
Assassins/ Templars x Latina/ Hispanic! reader (headcanons)
Assassins have a nightmare where reader dies (headcanons)
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Assassins x touch starved! reader (headcanons)
Thingol x human! reader (NSFW)
Brother Day x reader
Caranthir x reader (NSFW)
Thranduil x reader
Assassins' s/o says they love them for the first time (headcanons)
Assassins accidentally make the reader cry (headcanons)
Aragorn x reader
Striga, Morana x gn! reader
Maglor x reader (NSFW)
Connor Kenway | Ratonhnhaké:ton x reader
Sauron x reader
Sauron x reader
Sauron x reader
Nasana x reader
NSFW alphabet with Alois
NSFW Alois headcanons
Takeshi x reader
Takeshi (reply)
setting up commissions
13 NSFW oneshots (collab)
assassins creed Halloween AU (collab)
setting up commissions
creating a fem! sea monster OC
Behind a Winery
Sweeter Than Poetry & Modern Things
Unwoven Fate
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