infernorp · 6 years
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name: mathieu reyer
age: forty
gender and pronouns: cis male, he/his
loyalty: chaney
occupation: company director of le théâtre de nuit
criminal occupation: emissary for the chaney crime organization
faceclaim: cillian murphy
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Anyone who is anyone knows exactly who you are, and how to stay on your good side. That’s something you’ve made extremely clear from when you first stepped foot into the theatre years ago; you are not one to suffer fools, even those paid extortionate amounts far above their reach and pampered within an inch of their lives. You enjoy talent and hard work, but it’s often not enough when it comes to the world of business and gold coins being exchanged every night. Those who make the cut tend to be your favourites, and you can give them anything they want with a click of your fingers. It’s those who bring in customers, the loyal people of Paris and beyond who want to see them on stage every night charming them, that you’ll give lead roles to and play favourites with. Those less fortunate may call it for what it is and complain, but what do they know, really? They’re simply bitter, you see, because they haven’t impressed you. You’ll admit it, you like when things go your way. When a show gets chosen that you’re not a fan of, everyone will know it; when your favourite soprano doesn’t get the leading role, you’ll inform the entire crew with your dulcet tones ringing through the room. You don’t need a microphone to be heard. Your voice, clear and sharp like a bell, is well enough to get the job done. It’s enough to have some of the new starts running, which is just the way that you like it. If they can’t handle it, better for them to run out the door for a nicer place that’ll coddle them than try their luck with him.
Largely for that reason, you keep alone when you’re in your day to day life. Yes, you have your followers, the ones hanging on to your every move and trying to fit his wishes, but they’re nothing more than faceless creatures you dispose of and move when you wish, like pieces on a chess board. You’re loved by those you favour, you’re hated by the rest; it works like that, and you’re fine with it. As ambassador for the Chaneys, you’re privy to a lot of information, you have a favourite trick. You like to go to bars and pretend to be as drunk as possible, not too much but enough to have everyone wishing to speak to you, and you use that charm that you’ve trained yourself to have (it doesn’t come naturally to everyone, that much is true) and find yourself overflowing with secrets people give you for nothing more than a hand sliding down your waist and the promise of something more. It bores you, really, that their first method is bog-standard seducation, but you’ll take it. What you get is much more valuable than a night of fun, isn’t it? You walk out with gold in your pocket and a jingle in your step, the mask of casual boredom still intact.
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associates: dulce vilaro, enzo durand, indira puri, narissa king, philippe chaney, raoul chaney, rhys falcon, tempest noble, veronica perez, and zhu lau
cast: baylen moreau, christine daae, fleur renard, hadley perrin, lea jammes, lisette sorelli, meg giry, odessa faust, sebastian renard, ursula braun, and xavier carmen
coworkers: erik destler, gregory renard, joseph buquet, madalene giry, michel lefevre, and yvette mercier
Your assistant director, a spirally young thing that you took one look at and thought you would bite and spit out within the first week. You certainly tried your best, shouting at them and leaving them shaking every time you made eye contact with them; you thought they would end up just walking out. However, they surprised you. They remained, their head held high and catching your eye as they walked past you, obeying every command and exceeding every expectation. You hate it, but you’ve began to slowly warm up to them, to their quiet strength and determination, to the way they catch anything you throw at them and hurl it back tenfold. It’s the first time in a long time you’ve been challenged like this, and it actually gives you a real reason to come to work every day. 'Dangerous,' you tell yourself, and you wish you could cut their glimmering eyes full of fire out of your mind.
Your stars, although they can be hit or miss recently. You don’t think much of Ubaldo, considering he likes to let himself believe that he knows more about putting on a production than someone paid to do the job, as opposed to his days spent stuffing his gut and struggling to hit notes he could ten years ago. He isn’t much at all, but he comes with Carlotta, and you can’t help but adore the woman. She’s overdramatic, glamorous, and knows her worth far too well; she’s a woman after your own heart. You’ve taken a liking to her, and therefore she gets every lead role you can give to her. You’re aware Destler wants to put forward his little songbird he’s so obviously fallen in love with, from the things he’s writing, but you’re not letting it happen so easily. Carlotta is easy to mould and manipulate, so you’ll hold on tight and keep her in the spotlight.
You don’t like either of them, and that much is quite clear to yourself, to them and to the rest of the population, probably. You aren’t much to hide your emotions when it comes to something so petty, so you’re more than happy to sneer at them openly and ignore their constant remarks. However, when it comes down to it, you don’t have anyone else to speak to when a cast member annoys you or Annabella is on your case without them running and sharing the information, so you find yourself speaking as much as you’ll allow yourself to divulge to them. That, or you find yourself speaking to your cat for hours on end at home, which you read wasn’t good for what was left of your sanity. So you make do with the two men, despite barely being able to get through a conversation without wanting to hit them both, and you can try to pretend that they’re actually normal human beings. That in a parallel universe of sorts, you could be ‘bros’, as the kids say. As awful as that sounds.
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