#connect her to lilith...
Possible interesting connections between Lucifer and Papa Legba
In Dahomean mythology, Legba is the youngest son of Mawu-Lisa - the Supreme Being; in other words, God. The Supreme Being Mawu-Lisa spoiled him and made him chief of the gods for his unparalleled musical talent. However, conflict arose between Legba and Mawu-Lisa, causing the youngest son to turn against his God. Legba was also punished by Mawu-Lisa, where he was turned invisible and made forever vodun for defying God’s wishes by giving humans magic. 
Lucifer is (albeit, inconsistently) described as “the Divine Musician”, depending on how you interpret passages from the Book of Ezekiel. He was one of the most beautiful and closest “sons” to God, but he too famously turned against God. But unlike Legba, this conflict was far more grave and his punishment much more severe. 
Potentially worth noting, the key passage specifically connects Lucifer to “tabrets” and “pipes”. Tabrets are instruments that are beaten/struck (like drums), while pipes are wind instruments (like flutes). In other words, Lucifer was probably not just the divine musician, but master of instruments similar to the drums and flutes mastered by Legba. 
In Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer Morningstar wasn’t an angel who attempted to dethrone God out of mere pride; rather, he is described as a “dreamer” who was cruelly punished for giving humans free will. Parallels can be drawn between this and the Legba of Dahomean mythology, who was mistreated by God and later punished for giving humans magic. The fictional Lucifer Morningstar and the real-life Papa Legba both fill these interesting roles, as those who crossed over from the divine to give gifts to humanity.
This is another reason I think “Big Papa”  makes for an interesting character. The “Divine Musicians” - Legba and Lucifer - fit well into this musical-themed show that draws from different world religions.
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ya-kiri · 3 months
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The Demon Haunt has given me a new appreciation for Lilim.😊
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cringefailvox · 7 months
i'm a "roo owns alastor's soul" truther and i'll keep working on that assumption until proven otherwise
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kuravix · 1 year
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A promotional music video was made for volume 106's release, potentially revealing the Vegapunk satellites colour schemes!
(Link here, the song is a bop!)
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boilingrain · 1 year
Hey have you ever thought about how the existence of the grimwalkers that Belos made (and how there were so many of them) most likely contributed to the Collector not really knowing/understanding how death works
Every time Belos would "break" a grimwalker, he'd just "fix" them (by that, I mean he'd just make a new one)
And yeah, WE know that the grimwalkers weren't all the same (despite all being clones of the same dude), but the Collector probably didn't know that.
And if Belos referred to all/some (or at least, more than just Hunter) of the grimwalkers as being his nephew(s?), then it's not too much of a stretch to assume that the Collector may have thought they *were* all the same
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Interviewer: Hello everyone! Today we brought in a rather unique person here! Let’s welcome in model, Lilith.
Lilith: Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here today.
I: No, it’s our pleasure. It’s not everyday we see someone like you!
L: Oh you jest, surely I can’t be that interesting. I’m no different from those on Alien Stage after all.
I: I didn’t expect one of the highest ranking models to be so humble as you! You’re surely to be a once in a lifetime phenomenon. I must say, your guardia-
L: Hm? My guardian? Surely you mean my father correct?
I: Ah yes, I’m sorry for that. You look so much like a human, I forget you aren’t. I suppose that’s your magic.
L: I suppose so. My father was quite dedicated when creating me. I have him to thank for getting me this far.
I: What an intelligent man, his name is Dottore correct? Perhaps we should interview him eventually, haha
L: I don’t think he’d enjoy that, sir.
I: Ah-, well um, Anyways, we have some questions for you today, if you don’t mind answering some of them?
L: I don’t see why not, after all this is an interview.
I: Starting us off, You seem quite invested in this season of Alien Stage, have any reason why?
L: Oh, I’ve always been interested in Alien Stage, it being my favorite show ever. I even have all the merch. With how round with Aurien being taken away from that strange creature, this season so far might be my favorite. My bets are on Sai!
I: How interesting, do you have any other thoughts on this season?
L: These contestants are quite intriguing I must say. I haven’t seen a season this interesting since season 35. I still think Milo should’ve won but I rest my case.
I: Sorry to disappoint, but some fans have asked, outside of Alien Stage, what are your other likes and dislikes?
L: Ah, that’s a shame, I enjoy speaking about Alien Stage. Well that’s no worries, I suppose it would be writing. Well, not writing per se, but writing letters. I enjoy communication as it was in it’s golden era. And perhaps partially as when I’m not modelling, my father doesn’t allow me out. He loves me too much to be hurt.
I: Writing letters huh? How charming from a girl such as yourself.
L: I enjoy it so, in fact I heard the 40th class of Anakt Garden is open to outside letters. I might try something out.
I: That’s definitely going to be fun for you! However I believe you still have dislikes to cover?
L: Oh I’m sorry. If I had to say…. I dislike the rebels and unladylike behavior. Everyone, both boys and girls should keep themselves to proper behaviors.
I: Of course, I might just have to ask you to hold a class on ladylike behavior, hahaha!
L: I don’t know, it is quite ungentlemanly of you to ask a lady for something…
I: Ah. Well uh, Well how about that hair of yours? I must say, it’s gorgeous and definitely not something you see everyday! It’s always in a new and different style everytime I see it!
L: Thank you, I try to keep it nice. I actually have many different wigs. They’re all supposed to mimic human hair, but it was too difficult to attempt to get human donors for my wigs. And the ones who did donate, well their hair wasn’t…. up to standards let’s just say.
I: Oh, so what is your hair made out of?
L: It’s actually made out of thread. It’s a lot of strings all made to look and mimic human hair but it’s done it’s job, wouldn’t you say?
I: Wow! I would never have guessed!
L: Ah, I apologize but it seems I must go now. My father is here to take me back home
I: Wait! We aren’t even done with the intervie- Come back!!
-Interview End-
Sai ( @junebluues / @bittersweet-adagio ) Aurien ( @aurienneirua ) and ‘strange creature’ ( @solei-eclipse )
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hmslusitania · 1 month
The real problem with getting back into comics in such a big way is that — although there are several majorly written about ships I enjoy very much (and care about, and write myself) — I keep ending up in rarepair hell against my will
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magaprima · 8 months
"Hecate," Lilith repeated, her tone deadpan in her near-disbelief, far from expecting that of all the parentage this...seemingly random witch would have, that it would be the very goddess Zelda Spellman most recently dedicated her coven to. The same coven that protected Lilith and her son. "The Goddess of Witches is your...mother." Her eyes flickered over the girl, gauging the truth, and her blood, from a mere...visual perusal.
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"Huh," she said simply in conclusion, still studying Eleusine even as she accepted the truth. "And were you aware of this coven's...recently acquired loyalty?"
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feraecor · 7 months
Lilith's Romance Chart
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Requested by @soraeia!
Lilith is an independent, strong willed demoness with an extremely large family and a vendetta against Heaven (mainly Jehvo and mankind). Family is always her first priority, particularly her children, though her idea of their wellbeing doesn't always sit well for them. While she'll jump into bed with just about any one, a deeper meaningful relationship will take a bit more work. Seducing her is a lot easier than getting any depth from her.
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moe-broey · 10 months
Oh you know what my first thought was about Ratatoskr? Her maid outfit kinda looks like Sharena's from the anniversary art Kozaki did forever ago (the blue one)
OOOOOH WAIT!!! I actually looked for it to compare:
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They are a bit similar..... but something that stands out to me actually is how Ratatoskr's dress is ALSO strikingly similar to Lilith's
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(FEH art and Kozaki's art for her in Fates)
WHICH. Could just be general maid motif designs, plus all of them at one point being drawn by Kozaki, the overlap could just be that.
STILL ..... the resemblance to Lilith is fucking me up actually. Like. How Lilith is a dragon/half dragon like Corrin and is their half-sister. How Ratatoskr went to Askr on orders to assassinate her older brother. How the Meet the Heroes illustration is of her and Alfonse. And how she hugged him immediately upon meeting him (in the trailer), which like, is very forward! Unless. If they were Related. Still a big invasion of personal space LMFAO but honestly in that context it makes so much more sense to me.........
ALSO. DAY OF DEVOTION HENRIETTE LINES. ABOUT HER POWER SHE SWEARS TO NEVER USE AGAIN. AND the focus on Henriette in the trailer. Could Henriette not even BE from Askr? I remember vaguely Gustav having to prep to become king, which leans more towards Gustav maybe not being a part of the royal bloodline prior, but...... we really only know snippets of the Askr family history. And what we do know is a little about Grampa Askr, Gustav and The Cycle (Hel occasionally killing Askr royals off unprovoked LMFAOO). We know next to nothing about Henriette herself!!!!! If anything at all!!!!!!!
UNTIL I AM IMMEDIATELY PROVEN OTHERWISE BY THE RELEASE OF BOOK 8 I AM SO INTRIGUED BY THIS THEORY LMFAOOOO I am fully prepared to be proven wrong and to have that buff moose guy (or someone we haven't even met yet!) be her brother 🫡
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oakwolves · 1 year
Darius Deamonne hate is rooted in antiblackness idc
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primordialchoice · 10 months
I'm starting to warm up to the idea that Lilith and Adam were created as a metaphor for ying and yang. I used to dislike it back when I first read about it because it was incredibly sexist, but now that I'm older I feel I can draw new parallels that make more sense in my mind.
With Lilith being an avatar of evil and Adam being an avatar for good, the role of the forbidden tree of knowledge makes a lot more sense to me. Knowing the difference between good and evil would make for a greyer outlook on life, which Lilith might have had a tiny grasp over because she had actually struggled against her nature prior to leaving Eden. Meanwhile, Adam had to eat the fruit in order to gain sight over it, which was something that Lilith did not indulge in.
Lilith is a vessel for evil. She rounds her world view over time as she spends more time with those who have a grey outlook on life because it's easier to relate to someone with a little bit of darkness in them. This is why she is only willing to compromise when she can meet someone in the middle.
I would say that she is greyer than she started, but her natural way of being still has a dark core that would probably never change (unless she is fundamentally altered in some way, like if she were to consume the forbidden fruit)
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maletofujoshi · 3 months
i did kind of feel a bit of friction with that initial read of "marika was mad at the horny people for stuffing her people into jars so she decided to kill the horny people" because like. idk like literally i feel like that's too easy. which is maybe bad to think but like if it was literally just revenge for mistreatment and cycle of violence stuff what is this
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what is the most evocative bit of writing and environment design doing if it's as simple as revenge... same with the song of lament. "golden one, at whom were you angry?" literally doesn't work if the answer is "the people who stuffed her village in jars" because that's... eaaaaasy....
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sergeantsporks · 8 months
Assuming that Evelyn doesn't have a secret OC sister that you've never told us about, I'm laughing about at the idea of Luz being the "secret mystery guest" of the Convention episode.
I mean, who else works so perfectly for that role?!
Estranged family member? Check. Powerful magical user? Check. Would totally be down for a Witches Duel in front of a live audience? Check!
I know that Witch Switch isn't a 10/10 perfect-match-for-everything-in-canon AU, but please don't skip Convention. I know that it's not exactly the most beloved episode, but it is fairly important from a world-building prospective... XD Plus you can totally add more comedy to it by having Luz and all of her Coven Heads be there.
[You know that Luz is the type of tyrant who would absolutely insist that her highest-ranked officials do meet-and-greets with the public. Every single year. Imao.]
Right now, the episodes on my outline list says "Covention equivalent." I do want something with that sort of world building, and since Odalia and Darius are sharing canon Amity's character beats, I can't really afford to cut out Amity-heavy episodes. It's definitely not going to be a perfect match, especially since covens aren't as huge of a deal in this universe, but I do have. Some sort of plan for including something like covention. And like, once again, Evelyn's a 20 something year old operating in a world where most of the other major players have twice her age and experience, so some stuff is just. Harder to do with her. I don't know if she'd put up as impressive a display in a fight versus a coven head as Eda vs Lilith at this point in the story, especially if she doesn't have personal beef to fuel her the way Eda did.
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Have anyone thought about how Yasmine finds out about ot4?
It has been on my mind all morning and I think it would be because Cam and Ava? their dynamic is easy and comfortable that they (most probably Ava) would just forget about Yasmine being there. Like they could be visiting Cat’s Cradle, Cam, Bea and Yasmine in the kitchen having breakfast while Lilith and Ava go for a run and when they arrive Cam gives Ava a plate of food or coffee and she would give her a peck on the lips and a “thanks babe” and Yasmine would just stare at them trying to decide wtf just happened lol
camila keeps collecting kisses from her girls and at first it's just lilith and yasmine already knows she's dating lilith so it's not outrageous when lilith presses a kiss into cami's forehead. but then beatrice does it and yasmine is like 🤔🤔 but she can reasonably play it off as friendship like beatrice has done a lot of work unrepressing, maybe they're just close! and then ava fully kisses cam on the lips and yasmine is like "okay what the hell is going on?" 😭😭 poor yasmine. mother superion spits out her coffee when ava kisses cam. jillian, who already knew cause lilith was actually excited to tell her, just smiles.
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earl-grey-love · 1 year
One major change I made for my si is that this time, I accepted the canon narrative around Lilith somewhat. However, instead of making my si her reincarnations' descent, I thought what if it was her human lovers' descent instead. Like not with Lilith. But assuming they were fully healed by her actions and were allowed to live after, then they could have gone on to have children. Many, many, many generations later, there is my si.
I think the canon narrative is amazing for a found family dynamic with everyone, which is amazing, but this I think is more romantic. It can still tie in with canon with some alterations. Like Lilith's actions added some latent magic to the bloodline + she could still be watching over her lover's descendents, etc etc. I just overall prefer this personally.
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