#congrats youre Aware of Lois Lane!!!!!
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i think we need to take the word misogyny away from some people
shipping superbat is not misogynistic and lois lane is not being erased or unnecessarily hated on for “getting in the way of superbat”
people just wanna seem like they’re above others for not enjoying something popular but instead of saying “i don’t like this because it’s popular and i’m a loser who hates when people have more fun than me” they sling the word misogyny around and use the oppression and mistreatment of women to win a one sided argument
#been into superbat for around 10 years#even tho i didn’t become a hardcore fan until a few years ago#never once have i seen people hating on lois or wishing bad on her#or even writing her as clark’s ‘toxic ex’#are there people that don’t like her? yeah. but it’s not happening the extent people claim.#they wanna act like they’re morally superior for not shipping superbet and then use ‘it’s lois erasure’ to make themselves seem smart#please show me where lois has been erased from her source material OR pop culture.#in favor of superbat#the answer is never.#she is still one of the most iconic characters in superhero media#and the blueprint for the ‘superhero’s girlfriend’ trope#if you’ve ever read a story where the hero keeps his identity a secret from his girlfriend…#congrats youre Aware of Lois Lane!!!!!#almost everything you see in superhero media. especially romantic plot lines. can be traced back to Lois and Clark#there’s typos but idgafffff
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Dude- do you have any idea??? You spent most of your time writing/rambling/talking/blogging about Batman and Lois Lane than the fans themselves.... CONGRATS!!!!! We really have to give a big round of applause to all those critics and haters out there- the way they spend their precious time to make sure that their point is heard is priceless! Lots of love for all those pics that you posted of them, you do us all such a great help. We couldn't have come across them even if I had searched the whole of internet. Thanks for spreading your knowledge of the comics. It's so good to see that you take a lot of time to read them (even with Lois and Bruce in it) and share such beautiful snapshots and art....YOU ARE A GENIUS!
Thank you! I already knew that, by the way.
I wish I could stop dedicating my precious time to Batso and Lane, only DC doesn't let me, with their bias towards them.
Plus, Batso fans and Lork fans keep coming to my blog, just like yourself are doing now, with this type of questionings and I, being the gentleman I am, have to respond in kind.
I want a peaceful, calm existence far from the world's annoying noise, but the noise is continuous and exasperating.
Besides, there are so many pathetic things about those two characters, begging my to point them out and...quite frankly, I can't resist. If you think my comments are helping your cause, think again, or you are not reading what I'm posting at all.
Think of it this way: Let's put an example...call it Donald Trump. What would you do? Ignore him? Follow him blindly? Sentient beings would try to expose all the shit he does so others can be aware and avoid him like the plague. According to your line of thought, those folks are helping his cause, because they pay attention to him.
The fact that the rest of the World do not listen it's not our fault. We warned them, but we can't control what the idiots do.
(About me posting images you can't find, the explanation is simple: my memory isn't eidetic, but I tend to remember very well when I see an image and I can find it later when I need it. It's my curse to bear: I've been burdened with glorious purpose)
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Since you watched it, what are your thoughts on the Superman & Lois Pilot?
Oookay! I have thoughts!
Let’s start with the thing I knew before the pilot: Tyler Hoechlin is the perfect cast for Clark Kent and Superman. He is just... *chef’s kiss* on both parts. I adore the way he plays Clark, he might very well be my favorite iteration of the character at this point.
Other things I knew before going in that had... set me against the show, but that the pilot actually smoothed out well would be two things in particular.
One of them is that when the casting knews were announced that they cast a black man to play Luthor, and voices were loud that he’d play Lex Luthor, that... really turned me off the show. For one, because... continuity. Lex Luthor isn’t exactly a minor character on Supergirl, he’s been on and around for a long time, very prominently. So for the Superman show to recast him, that’d just be wild and throw the Very White other Luthors from Supergirl kind of... off. And, much more importantly than continuity - there are very few characters that you can’t racebend, because if you do, you completely miss the point of these characters. That point being; they’re walking, takling privilege. Lex Luthor represents pure, raw privilege, he’s that straight white man with a billion dollars and no care in the world, so the thought of this show missing that point so fundamentally really had me wary.
Now, after the pilot, I’m pretty convinced that he is not actually Lex Luthor, that he is... either from a parallel Earth, or a descendant from the future, or heck just a fanboy of Lex who took the name. But going in, the way they released those casting news was not exactly... reassuring.
Same thing goes for the boys. I was beyond pissed when Crisis retconned Clark’s baby away and the show announced two teenage boys as the cast, because in universe, Clark was completely thrown by suddenly having boys, plural, and by them being teenagers. And if this had been one of those horrendous “babies don’t add to plot, let’s speed age them” tropes that come at the cost of the parent(s) not getting to raise their child(ren), that’d have really frustrated me. And while it is not actually adressed in canon as to how Clark remembers this new timeline, he does, so... I am appeased by the fact that Clark did get to raise his children.
Let’s talk about those boys!
Not impressed. Not impressed at all so far. However, it has only been one episode, so I... really do hope they actually become... uh... characters... during the season and not just three tropes in a trenchcoat (Jonathan = cheerful jock himbo, Jordan = angsty angry emo boy). They’re really the two most archetypical Teen Boy Tropes imaginable, if Jordan turns out to be a geek and nerd now too, then congrats, we got a Teen Boy Bingo. So yeah, that’s... They’re not fleshed out, they really are just adults picking teen stereotypes and combining them together. I hope they become more over the course of this season though.
But while we’re on the boys, let’s talk ages. Because goodness did this retcon screw them all over. Tyler Hoechlin is 33 years old, looking... not a day over 30. And he now has two 15 year old sons. But Lois is not his teenage sweetheart, he was 20+ when he came to the Daily Planet and even just met her, then they had to fall in love, get married, and only then have the kids. So Clark Kent ought to be around 40 years old. And I am just... not buying Tyler being that old yet, boy looks too young for that. Sure, I’ve been told that “Kryptonians age slower”, but that doesn’t change the whacky visual or make it better and let’s be very, very clear, this was not a result of “Kryptonians age slower, a canon we are aware of and are employing here”, this is a result of “we decided to retcon Clark and Lois’ first born child, which was supposed to be a baby at this point in their lives, into 15 year olds because teenagers add more to the plot uuuh so now the age gap between the kids and the parents is a bit whacky ooops”.
Which, I’d also like to point out about Samuel Lane and his daughter. Dylan Walsh is exactly 18 years older than Bitsie and... he kept himself young too... Visually, the age gap between them looks more like 10 to 15, at max. And it’s kind of weird considering how “old” Martha was - quotation marks, because her age does fit having a 40 year old son, but if you consider her age in relation to Lois’ dad, who ought to be her generation, it seems startling. Especially if you consider that Samuel Lane has already been a character on Supergirl! And while the man may have only been 4 years older than Dylan, Glenn Morshower looks aged. So, that’s... that’s a recast where they should have taken either an actor who is older or at least looks older.
While we are on this topic though - the recast of a character we already knew from Supergirl - I am... rather peeved by the lack of acknowledgment of Supergirl.
I fully understand that Melissa couldn’t drop by during Martha’s funeral scene (though in universe no one can convince me that Kara would have missed the funeral of Clark’s mother), it’s the complete lack of Kara in the “here’s what happened so far in Clark’s life” montage at the beginning. The one that literally started with Clark landing on Earth and covered all of the big parts of his life; they should have and could have taken archive footage of Clark and Kara and included just... one line... of voice-over about how Clark turned out to not be the last and that his cousin has landed on Earth years after him and by now became Supergirl. And that’s it. That’s all the acknowledgment I would have needed, but I really would have needed it, because without Supergirl this show would not exist, this version of Clark and this version of Lois would not exist.
Even in the greater scheme of them wanting to distance themselves more from the Arrowverse - which I fully understand considering the torn-up state the Arrowverse has been in ever since Arrow ended - Supergirl is the one show they should not fully distance themselves from.
That brings me to my hope of seeing other characters from Supergirl, that had been taken from the Superman canon to begin with, on this show in he future. Lex Luthor has to appear at least, because seriously he’s Superman’s villain, not Supergirl’s. I really... I really need James Olsen to at least guest-star, because James is Clark’s best friend and if he didn’t appear on the Superman show at all, that’d be... frustrating, to be quite frank.
Other than those. Lana. Not really done a lot so far, but nice to see her again. I liked how when they brought up the fact that Lana’s husband was jealous of Clark, there was zero jealousy on Lois’ side.
Which brings me to my favorite part of the show so far, about which I did make a whole separate post already, but it bears mentioning here again - Clark and Lois’ relationship. Mutual love, respect and communication. Amazing. First time I am actually liking this ship and considering the ship is literally the title of this show, that’s a blessing. The fact that even in this one hour pilot they already managed to establish their dynamic and marriage so well has me very hopeful about that part of writing on the show!
Now, lastly, the actual plot. To which I can’t say much, because... I don’t know much yet? I do love the family moving back to Smallville and Clark and Lois teaming up to uncover some mystery in Smallville. I hope it’ll be well-written and I hope we will continue seeing Clark and Lois as equals in it.
I do also hope to maybe see other characters I’m familiar with from Smallville.
But so far, I am really digging this show a lot and am looking forward to more!
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Hi! 💙🌹 Hope you're doing well. How's the power reading going? I hope it's not too boring. I once had to read my professor's book because he made it required for the course (kind of self promotion-y) 😐. Anyway, no I've not read the Cursed Child, but yikes...It sounds bad based on your description. I couldn't even get through the first chapter of My Immortal. 💀That's the goth, er uniquely written, fanfic, where the girl loves Draco, right? I haven't read much HP fanfiction though. (Pt 1).
I actually don’t think I’ve read any. No, I read one short one I think, but it was for a crack ship, so I’ll not mention it. ❤🗡 Anyway, yeah. I don’t really like the extra things JK is doing. I feel like the additional school is kind of pointless…I would prefer she just deepen the history of Hogwarts etc. or better yet, maybe just stop adding stuff? I like Harry Potter, so I don’t want it to become distorted. 😅 Probably an unpopular opinion. Idk. I had class today, it was boring. (Pt 2) I don’t know how your semester is going, but at this point (bc we’re almost finished) there’s a lot of wasted time. I hate wasting time. My professor only spent 25 minutes on salient content and wasted the rest. Also, he let people present late–I’ll stop.😥 I hope you and your puppy had a nice day. It’s almost time for the SuperCorp centric episode! I’m excited, especially after that sneak peek/extended trailer. Lena has to know imo. She’s made wayyyy to many Knowing comments/looks. 💙 (Part 3 Hmm, I would be a bit disappointed at this point if she didn’t know. She’s way to bright to not know. Do you think she knows? If Maggie figured it out, so should Lena. 😐 Hope you have a fabulous day and night. 💙🌹😊😄 (End) [Hmm, FMK (if you’re okay with fuck, mary, kill or french? Idk. Whatever you’re comfortable with: Kate Foster *cough* too hot, hot damn, Red K! Kara, she’d have a bit of a soft spot for you, Alex Danvers, before the DEO, so she’s more of a party girl/irresponsible). 😄
Hey!! 🌹 I haven’t started reading (shame) but I did write the article I had to for Monday and I’m pretty proud of that because I was really thinking I couldn’t do it, but then I sat down and wrote it in like two hours. My semester ends in june/july so we’re in the middle of it and starting to prepare for the big group project, and I only have two classes, so it’s kind of random for me, not really rushed or anything and I only have the cool classes without much to do, so I feel like I’m not really a student, it’s kind of like when you take like a language class after school. I hate wasting time but more in the sense of I don’t like when there isn’t class because a bunch of people decided to have a party or when the end of the class becomes a filler wasted hour because everyone decided to leave to go drinking. Since my classes are at night, this happens a lot, especially on Friday. Next month I’ll have morning classes on Saturdays, those are the worst.
My immortal is the greatest thing ever written because it’s the worst thing every written. Does that make sense? It’s ridiculous and hilarious and really really bad. So it’s amazing. It’s that thing that I think everyone should read to know what’s the worst thing someone could possibly write, it’s good to have that comparison. and when you write it’s good to have that in your head like ‘this is terrible, but at least it’s not My Immortal’ and then you keep that in mind to not do that, like you work as much as you can to not make another version of it. Yet it’s kind of brilliant because it’s so bad there are articles to this day, actual journalists, people who get paid to write and analyze stuff, debating if it was made on purpose to be the worst thing ever written and if the author is a character herself, or if it’s for real and the girl is just that brain damaged as to have a love triangle between her self-insert and Draco and Harry “Vampire” Potter and at the same time her self-insert with Draco and Satan/Voldemort who is not the same person as Tom Riddle. So it’s kind of epic.
I haven’t read many HP fics, although I did start my fic reading life with them, but I haven’t read anything since my first year of highschool so like 6 years I guess. I do like a good HP AU though. I also don’t like JK making all that shit. I would be happy with just what she was doing with Pottermore, developing the Hogwarts universe and shit. Like eventually release a book of the history of wizards and all, like George RR Martin with ‘A World of Ice and Fire’ she could have written some of the books that are mentioned as the Hogwarts reading throughout the series, or short stories of the Marauders adventures and even their kids adventures like Rick Riordan did with the Demigod Diaries. That would have been better than whatever it is she’s doing.
Lena has to know. Someone finds out, so I really think it’s Lena, there’s only Snapper and Lena to find out now, and Snapper knowing brings nothing to the story, and Lena has scenes at the DEO and with Kara and her trusty sidekick so it’s kind of logical if she does know, not to mention she’s brilliant and close with Kara and Supergirl, which is how Lois Lane finds out in all versions, she’s close with both personas and she just puts things together. Kara is Lena’s best friend (and only friend in the city since no one wants to get close to a Luthor, especially now) and Supergirl is always around saving her and giving her speeches and all shit, so it’d make sense if she knew. she is a genius after all, and she had that alien detector (I think that could come into play) and Kara is a terrible liar. Maggie knowing still rubs me the wrong way, to be honest, to me it reads a bit like an offense to the 79 years of Superman and Super mythology. The glasses aren’t dumb and the glasses are also not the reason why people don’t know, the show was trying to be a bit self-aware and funny and have Maggie be smart and a good detective, but to me the way they did it was wrong and bashing on what Jerry Shuster and Joe Siegel created. They could have made her joke about the glasses with Kara, tease her about it, but just tell Alex that she found out because of Alex’s relationship with Kara/Supergirl.
Lena is someone who could help a lot, the DEO and Kara, by knowing it. I think it could be good for their friendship if she knew, I feel like they both need that friendship, outside of their line of work (and family crap) but not too far from it. And her quips are too good for her not to know, let’s be real here.
What are your thoughts on this?
She looks SOOOO GOOD in the trailer, I’m… ugh, I love her, she’s so pretty *cries* also she’s wearing so much blue (in this trailer they are going to the conference and she’s wearing a blue jacket and in the photos of the conference she’s wearing a blue dress) that I’m a little offended no one made a parallel/comparison with her looks and Cat telling Kara to dive. just saying.
oh god, that fmk is hard because none of them are really my type, like personality wise, I’m not really into that whole wild aggression not caring for anything and anyone above feelings kind of thing they all have. I love Kate, like a plus congrats to her parents for making all that but I wouldn’t date her, so definitely fuck. Although we don’t really know much about Kate, so I could be wrong on that, but she’s too… intense in most of the ep so. Party girl! Alex has room for a redemption and getting better so maybe marry, unless I can take away the redK from Kara then it’s definitely Kara to marry. I’m not gonna say I’d kill Alex or Kara, so…. okay. FMK Morgana, Lena and Kate (take that)
Devil puppy and I hope you have a fantastic day or night 💙 (I don’t really have time to get emojis rn, sorry. heart and flower are copied from you *wink*)
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