#congrats to hestia for gaining a little brother
sntoot · 2 years
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designs for my azem (with color!)
more info under the cut bc i ramble
their name is hestia! and they may have been an experiment for creation magicks early in life (looks lovingly at the raids for confirming my suspicions that creation magic could absolutely be misused on people). so their hair n eyes r supposed to be weird, their hair specifically supposed to give you the idea of fire-head [gender redacted], and their eyes are supposed to be iridescent as opposed to the usual glow ancients have. they would really rather everyone behaved normally about it and didnt bring it up though
they dont have any memories from before they were found abandoned as a child, and due to the amount of strange things wrong with them, venat/azem ended up taking them in as she investigated, which turned into an apprenticeship and then got them the position of azem. venat never found out where exactly they came from, but she is certain of is that someone did experiments on them and that they are much happier as her adoptee and azem than digging into their past.
they almost always glamour over their actual convocation mask with a regular one bc they dont want to intimidate anyone by being azem (emet-selch has long since given up on complaining about it). if they are in a place like elpis where they need their hood down and their mask off, they cover up their hair with a scarf and wear their mask anyways until they get told to take it off. its both because of how strange they look but also because their aether is warped in a way to draw in other people’s aether (which is mostly just annoying in that it makes people think they have a gravity to their presence). but the amount gets worse when they get people’s direct attention and dont get a chance to mitigate, and in some cases it ends badly because people have differing reactions to being drawn to them
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