#congrats on never having struggled in your life i guess
kabutone · 11 months
hate people that have no trauma but decide to be judgmental of people that do. like jesus christ how about you go through something that pushes you to attempting suicide and then you can give your opinion on how people react to trauma
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
Requests are allowed right? If so I like to request at least 1 wholesome I guess… please
Yandere game show host x winning contestant reader
(Naming the host jack)
I have tried and failed to write this for few days, THE STRUGGLE
I have never watched a game show, bear with me, I made the yandere male by accident do forgive me I will watch brother bear as a reward for writing this, I hope you will like it Yandere male game show host x gn winning contestant reader
There are no warnings needed this is pretty chill.
Requests are open
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You can’t believe you are doing this.
Game shows were not really your thing actually, but your life was missing something. A little bit of excitement and maybe love. It sounds embarrassing, and maybe it is but you don’t really care.
The theme was a slasher movie, but that didn’t tell you much really.
You even met the host, Jack, and you two talked for hours. Jack being Jck didn’t give you a lot of spoilers because “It would ruin the surprise”. Man, all you wanted was to mentally get ready for what’s about to come really. When you voiced out your worries, Jack hugged you and told you that everything will be fine and he will make sure nothing happens to you. It made you feel better, you smiled and hugged him back. Man you miss him. You look in the mirror, they took the theme seriously, you look like you just crawled out of the 80s. You liked the golf sweater especially, no one will notice if you happen to ‘borrow’ it. The turquoise, green and purple mixed really nicely and the material wasn’t itchy. To go with that you had bell pants.  When you made sure everything was in place you headed to the door that would lead you to where the game would be taking place. It was still quite empty, it wasn’t surprising since there were still a few minutes of free time left, so like a good person you were. You decided to check the place out.
It was a singular room, black and small. It surprised you honestly. How would you all be able to even do anything here? Then you noticed the door, damn you curiosity, you are sure as hell going in. The door led you through a long corridor and when you finally got to the end of it, no surprise, you saw another door. It somehow felt like this whole corridor was sentient and made you want to consider your choices but curiosity once again won and you opened the door and ended up outside. It was nighttime, and the only source of light was the full moon. Talk about the atmosphere, you continued onward, at this point you are starting to think that you might have wandered off the set. Checking the watch to make sure you still had time to go back you looked around, you couldn’t see the building, nor the door. You were surrounded by the forest and night. It was eerie and almost calming. For a moment you felt like the world stood still, well that was before a rustle came from behind you. Oh hell nah, you aren’t checking it out, you think before walking in the direction from which the sound came from. That’s called being a hypocrite. When you finally go close enough you are pretty sure you saw a person looming in the shadows of the trees. Man is that a knife? Oh holy shit it’s a machete. That had you worried for a second. Wait, a machete? Your smirk fell as the person raised it in the air. Ah man is that the part you die in? You turn around and start running in the direction you were going previously. The person behind you ran after you. At least he is not fucking around. You try your best to lose him and after a while you did. You also almost ran into a lamp, but that’s besides the point. You even found a small cabin and when you got into it you saw 5 other people sitting in a circle looking at you like you were crazy. You were sweaty, trying to catch your breath, pointing in the direction of the woods. “We know, congrats on getting away” someone said, you looked in the direction of the voice to see a young man, with that black outfit he just blended into the darkness. One of the people in the circle actually made an effort and got up to hug you, you didn’t have energy to hug her back. “Yeah, congrats on winning the first round or well two, haha.” she smiled apologetically. “I’m guessing you didn’t expect the chase, give me a sec I will grab a sleeping bag for you. You thanked her, you sat on the ground since your legs refused to stand any longer, someone even joined you and a familiar scent of perfume hit your noise. “Jack..?” “Sup, be quieter please” “You shouldn’t be here” You whisper yelled at him. He only chuckled at that.
“I found a cool spot you wanna see?” he asked, but then dragged you away anyway. You didn’t even have a chance to respond to him.
Soon you found yourself outside, Jack dragging you away from the cabin until you found a clearing. “Here you can lay on the grass” He let go of your hand and laid on the patch of short grass and patted the spot next to him. You did the same. “What the fuck dude”  you groaned.
“I know right? He is terrifying” “You shouldn’t even be here you are the motherfucking hooost, what have you gotten me into??” “A game show- Ow” You kicked him.
“Why the fuck are you in here and why did you drag me HERE” “Because this is the dead spot, plus I wanted to talk to you”
“Sure you did”  You stare at the sky, eyes slowly focusing on the dark. You are finally, once again, met with the beauty that comes during night. You are even able to see stars.
“Sorry for the scare y/n, but hey you will be seeing more of me” he hummed
“How so?”
“Well, you told me how scared you were so I will come by now and then to make sure you are okay and well, oh and congrats on winning the rounds by the way, I knew you could do it”
“Thanks, I almost pissed myself”
He cackled and you joined in,
“Dead spot?”
“Yeah, the hunter won’t come here and there is no cameras, you can chill here if everything gets overwhelming”
“Thanks Jack, after this is over I am beating you up”
“I hope so”
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planetpiastri · 2 years
#1 with rooster bay bee <3
tell me why i've never in my life been more scared to write a blurb LMAO i hope i did him justice<33
1. losing something and the other picks it up and calls after them
word count - 1.5k
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You couldn’t remember the last time you’d seen the Hard Deck this packed. As you and your best friend tried to squirm your way through the crowd, you felt an unusual wave of claustrophobia press in on you from the proximity of everyone around.
“Is Penny having an event or something?” you called over your shoulder, struggling to be heard over the crowd.
“Not that I remember,” your friend called back. “Must be a new wave of aviators—I guess there’s a mission coming up or something.”
You nodded in reply, trying to squeeze between two burly sailors, but they didn’t even notice you. As you stumbled back, your friend steadied you and said, “Listen, this place is a zoo. I’m gonna go try and find us a table—or even just a chair to share. You get us drinks. Sound good?”
You nodded, more frustrated than anything, and tried again to squeeze past the sailors. This time they did see you, and quickly shifted out of the way with some gallant, mumbled apologies. After what felt like ages, you finally arrived at the shiny, lacquered surface of the bar, slamming your palms down and claiming a space there. One of the guys next to you jumped at the sudden sound, doing a double-take, but you didn’t spare him a glance.
“Penny!” you yelped, flagging her down as she ran past. “What the hell is going on?”
You could tell it was busy because Penny had her hair pulled back with an untidy claw clip. Loose strands fell all around her face, and she was flushed, but smiling. Recognizing you, she quickly grabbed two bottles of you and your friend’s favorite beers and started to uncap them, saying, “TOPGUN called back a bunch of graduates, and they just succeeded in their mission with zero casualties. Seems like everybody and their Uncle Sam wants to buy them a congratulatory beer.”
You bit back a snarky retort, always mindful of the sign over Penny’s shoulder—specifically, the warning against disrespecting the navy. Instead, you said, “Well, cheers to that. I’ll have to give one of them a pat on the back.”
“I’ll take that pat,” said a voice next to you, and when Penny threw her head back and laughed, you knew you’d somehow been set up.
Bracing yourself, you turned to face the aviator next to you, and when you saw his face, all you said was, “Oh.”
He was tall and strong, and his brown hair was carefully trimmed and styled—all typical signs of an active-duty aviator. Even the mustache on his upper lip was pretty standard fare with navy men, though you had to admit you hadn’t seen it on anyone younger than your father in…ever, actually. But the thing that really made this man stand out was his clothes. He was wearing a basic white tank top tucked into a pair of blue jeans, with an extremely loud and obnoxious floral Hawaiian shirt worn on top. In all your time hanging around Fightertown and the Hard Deck, you’d never seen a detachment where ‘island tourist chic’ was part of the uniform.
If you’d been able to pull it together quicker, you’d have said something smart and impressive and witty, like, “Nice kit, lieutenant.” But he was looking at you with gentle brown eyes and a look on his face that left you dizzy, like the worst kind of cliche. And the last thing you’d said was, “Oh.”
Which was apt.
After another long moment where you were incapable of doing much else than stare dumbly at the pilot next to you, he broke into a smile—of course that just made him more gorgeous—and chuckled. “So I guess that’s a ‘no’ on the back-pat?”
“Congrats,” you said dumbly, and you watched as your hand, seemingly operating separate from the rest of you, reached out and clapped him soundly on the shoulder. He laughed again, and your face burned. You half hoped the floor of the Hard Deck would open up and swallow you right there.
You glanced back towards Penny, hoping for a lifeline, but of course she’d moved on to serve someone else.
“I haven’t seen you here before,” said the pilot, leaning closer to make himself heard over the crowd in the bar. You tried to play it cool and act like his proximity wasn’t sending excited chills up and down your spine.
“Then you must not come by very often,” you shot back, grinning. “I’m in here all the time.”
He wrinkled his nose like he was embarrassed, and it was your turn to chuckle, taking a drink from one of the beers Penny had given you. The pilot reached into his pocket and deftly pulled out a credit card, holding it between two fingers. He said, “I feel like that’s a fumble on my part. Can I buy your drinks?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Penny starting to walk back towards the two of you. Moving quickly, you set down the beer, grabbed your wallet, and scrambled for your own card, saying, “I’m perfectly capable. Thanks, though.”
You immediately regretted it when you saw his face fall incrementally. Great. He totally thought you’d just rejected him. And you had just rejected him. Ugh, this was not going well.
Penny took your card and then was gone again. Wanting to hurry up and escape this awkward interaction with this very attractive aviator, you shoved your wallet back into your pocket and picked up both beers with one hand, reaching out to take your card back when Penny returned. 
“My friend is over there,” you said, gesturing vaguely in a direction. “I should probably get going. Nice to meet you, though. And congrats on the mission.”
“Yeah,” he said with a nod, looking distracted. “Thanks.”
As you started to worm your way back through the crowd, you fought the urge to smack yourself on the forehead. How could he possibly have talked about fumbling? You were the one who had just fumbled! You had half a mind to turn back around, push back through the crowd, and forcefully introduce yourself, but something told you that’d just make it worse.
Oh, well. A few more beers and the handsome stranger in the Hawaiian shirt would be long forgotten.
You spotted your friend sitting out on the back deck and waved with your free hand, squeezing out the double doors at the back of the bar and stepping out onto the wooden boards. You opened your mouth to start talking about the flirting catastrophe at the bar, but realized your friend’s eyes were focused on something behind you.
Then you heard your name being called.
Oh, you have got to be kidding. 
You turned around just as the pilot from the bar squeezed out the doors and jogged lightly towards you, his Hawaiian shirt flapping gently. He stopped in front of you, his cheeks the slightest bit pink, and held out his hand. Glancing down, you saw your ID.
“What—?” you said, bewildered.
“It fell out of your wallet,” he explained, a little breathless. “When you were rushing to reject me.”
“Oh my god,” you whispered, putting your free hand in front of your face as white-hot embarrassment flashed through your upper body. In spite of it, you couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I just figured you’d need it.”
“Thank you so much,” you sighed, taking it from him gratefully and tucking it into your pocket. “Listen, about the bar—”
“It’s really okay,” he interrupted. “I shouldn’t have been so pushy. You were just trying to get a drink, it was busy and loud. I get it. I don’t want to be just another guy—whoa, what are you doing?”
You stepped close and reached right into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out his phone and holding it towards him. “Open,” you ordered.
He did as you said and stammered, “What—uh—I mean—what are you—what’s going on?”
“I’m putting my number in your phone,” you said, hoping you sounded cooler than you felt. “This way we can talk somewhere that isn’t an overcrowded navy bar.”
“Like…a coffee shop or something?” he asked, his voice almost hopeful.
You smiled shyly. “Something like that. Here.” You handed him his phone back. “Use that so we can get a do-over.”
“Okay,” he said, really grinning now. “Okay, great. Cool. Awesome. I’ll call you.”
“You better,” you said.
He started to walk back towards the bar, looking down at the phone in his hand. He waved as he went and said, “See you later!”
“I didn’t catch your name!” you realized suddenly.
He shook his head, a teasing glint in his eye. “I didn’t give it.”
You bit your lip to keep from smiling too much and finally turned away, walking back to your friend with the beers that had seemed so important not that long ago. They watched you with a knowing smile, and when you sat down at the table, they asked coyly, “Who was that?”
“I don’t know,” you said honestly, taking a long drink. “But I think I’m gonna enjoy finding out.”
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castiologist · 5 months
buck 3.75
853 words
Summary: Buck goes to a bar to work out how he’s going to come out to the team, and runs into some old friends.
So. Tommy’s going to be his date to the wedding. Which is cool, great. There’s just the small fact that literally everyone in his life is going to be there and therefore know that he’s dating a man.
Which is fine. He’s not ashamed. He doesn’t want to lie about it.
Buck 4.0, he’s decided, is going to be Openly Bisexual and Proud Buck. It’s just that he’s not sure he’s quite there yet.
He wants to tell Hen and Chim before the wedding, but every time he tries to say it, he freezes. It just never feels like the right time. Which is stupid, because he knows they’re not gonna have a problem with it. He’s just struggling to let go of that mask that he’s always worn, unknowingly up till now, because he’s worried about how people will see him without it.
Buck’s one beer deep into his thoughts when he catches something moving out of the corner of his eye. Something coppery-orange and shiny.
He turns his head and accidentally makes eye contact with Taylor Kelly at the other end of the bar.
She’s seen him now, and knows he’s seen her, so it feels rude not to go over and say hi.
“Taylor, hi,” he says. “I, uhh, heard about your book. Congrats.”
Taylor grins. “I guess I should thank you. You helped write a lot of it.”
“Well, you’re welcome. Not sure I’d say I’m happy to help, but… I’m glad it worked out well for you.” He didn’t come over here to start an argument with her. After all, she was right. He knew who she was when he started dating her.
“Thank you,” Taylor says. She hesitates before adding, “I should probably tell you, I’m actually here with my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Buck says. Taylor’s looking at him - not with trepidation, exactly, but like he’s some ongoing event she’s reporting on and she’s not sure what’s going to happen next. He scrambles to correct. “I mean that’s… that’s great, I was just surprised, did you… were you aware of this? While we were dating?”
Buck’s not sure why it even matters to him. Taylor’s looking at him with narrowed eyes, even more on guard now. However, like with any disaster happening right in front of her, her instinct is always to stick around and find out more.
“You mean being into girls? I guess I was always a little aware of it, I just never really thought of it as a concrete possibility before. Until her.”
“Right, that’s great,” he says. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be… I mean, I think it’s cool. I’m, uhh, kind of in the same boat.”
Taylor’s eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”
“Yeah, I’m actually going on a first, date tomorrow, with a… a guy.”
Any tips? he considers asking for a fleeting second. Whether it’s for dating men or being bisexual in general, he’s not sure. Maybe both?
“Huh. Well, congratulations.” She raises her glass to him, takes a sip, before cocking her head at him. “You know, I did always wonder a little about you and Eddie.”
“Eddie? I’m not… I mean, Eddie’s straight, I’m not dating Eddie.”
“No?” She flashes her shark-like grin. “Well then, who’s the lucky guy?”
“Tommy. He used to work at the 118 with Chim and Hen, he’s a pilot in air operations now.”
“Huh,” Taylor says, “I guess we have that in common.”
It’s only then that he clocks the figure approaching them, coming up behind Taylor and slinging an arm around her.
“Hi Buck,” says Lucy Donato. “How you been?”
“Lucy, hi,” he says. “I’m uhh, I’m pretty good.” Buck 4.0, he thinks about adding, even though it would probably be meaningless to both of them.
“Well, I guess we sort of have you to thank for this,” Lucy says, tilting her head towards Taylor. She beckons the bartender. “So have one on me.”
He orders a bourbon before returning to his original seat, trying to process what just happened.
It’s weird, but they kind of work together, Taylor and Lucy. He watches them leave together a little while later; Lucy casually helping Taylor into her jacket and wrapping an arm around to hold her waist as they walk out. They just seem so normal, and happy. And look, he’s been friends with Hen for years now, it’s not that he’s never been around gay couples before. But Hen has always been Hen. To him, she’s been into girls as long as she’s existed. It’s as much a fact about her as it is about him. Taylor and Lucy? That’s new, and different.
But Taylor Kelly is still the same bold, irrepressible Taylor Kelly he’s always known. He doesn’t see her differently, he thinks. He just sees her more. And now she sees him more too, and he likes that. Makes him feel like the gap between the person everyone in his life knows and this new version of himself is smaller than it seems.
He finishes his drink and pays his tab. He’s still a little nervous, but also feels a little more ready.
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askbensolo · 4 months
Hey Ben!
I first found your blog when i was 13 years old and i just turned 18! I’ve been watching (or rather reading) as you’ve grown, and I’d like to say that you seem to have turned out to be a pretty great person. Even though I hadn’t faced the same challenges as you, it was really comforting to know that i was not alone with personal struggles, and just how hard growing up is. Thank you for being you and sharing that with so many people! I head off to university when my planet transitions to fall, and since you’re out of school now do you have and recommendations for college/university? It seems like such a daunting change, but you seemed to have handled it well. (I mean you did graduate so that’s a pretty big success!) Again I’m super proud of you!
Im glad that you’re getting back in contact with Fannie! You should totally invite her on a day out (go to a park, hang out in a market, etc.) I think those are great ways to better connect with someone if they feel a little distant. (plus that could be a perfect opportunity to ask her if she would like to move in with you)!
Thanks! Stay Awesome Ben!
Hey anon! Congrats on becoming an adult! It’s okay if you don’t feel like one yet, haha—Force knows I didn’t when I was eighteen. I’m glad I could share my growing-up experiences with you and everyone! And I'm glad you think I'm a decent guy. I try. Well, usually.
Congrats on getting into university! Oh, what? You're asking me for advice? Well, yeah, I guess I did graduate, heh. Sure, I'll give it a go.
Don’t freak out about not knowing how to do stuff—like not knowing how to buy groceries, or sign a lease, or navigate local speeder lanes, or apply for a job, or any of that. I used to not know how to do any of that. I was freaked out. But somehow, I learned. And now it’s no big deal. Older students and the holonet are your friends when it comes to figuring that stuff out!
For the love of the Force: take care of yourself. Whoever was taking care of you when you were a kid isn’t there anymore. The seven-year-old in you is gonna think that means you can eat ice cream for dinner and stay up till 2am every night. Don’t. Do. That. You’re gonna need to be your own mom now. Or, you can pretend my mom, the OG Space Mom™, lives in your head and lovingly judges your life choices.
Question the things you’ve been taught. And when professors tell you to question the things you’ve been taught, question their questioning too. But don't question things forever. You need to decide what you believe about things, 'cause otherwise someone else is gonna decide for you.
You don't have to choose certain classes (or even an entire major!) just because they line up with your interests. For example—I tried taking a poetry class. Hated it. I didn't like having my creativity cramped by assignments, and I didn't learn anything I didn't already know or couldn't learn on my own.
Don’t feel pressured to date in college. I didn't date anyone (yeah, I know, you're so surprised). Sometimes I felt like I was being left behind, 'cause I saw so many of my friends get into relationships...but, I saw some nasty breakups, too. Things happen when (and if!) they're meant to happen, so there's no need to stress about it. You know?
Try new stuff! Yeah, it sounds cliche. But I let my roommate drag me to the gym when I was a squishy noodly boi, and now lifting's my thing. You never know what you might be into!
Always keep the big picture in mind. Sure, it may feel like the end of the galaxy when you flunk an exam or fail a class. But do you really think you’re gonna care about that when you’re like, fifty? Nah bro. Keep it chill. And sometimes that even means dropping out of a minor or an honors program, if you look into the future and realize it won't really make a difference.
Don't do deathsticks. If anyone offers you deathsticks tell them to go home and rethink their life.
That's all the advice I can currently think of, though I'm always happy to share more from my infinite (not really) stores of wisdom! And thanks for your advice, too—those totally sound like things Fannie would be into.
Thanks for reaching out! You're gonna do great at college, little buddy!
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sisterofficerlucychen · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @queseraone & @thisnightissparkling089 for tagging me! ♡
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
the rookie
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Congrats, Boot! 
all along there was some invisible string 
They Don't Know That We Know They Know We Know 
Technically You Still Owe Me A Date
This Love 
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to but i’m not always the best at it but i always go back and look at my comments because they mean more than i can say ♡  especially on a bad day or when i’m struggling with muse to write, they always put a smile on my face and help me find my way back to writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's not done but maybe I'll Look After You, it's still at a pretty angsty point but nowhere near peak angst yet hehe ― lucy's in a life or death situation and it's a sad time for everyone so far as she's remains in limbo with jackson guiding her and everyone else is just worried about her surviving and also worried about tim.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hold on to the memories (they will hold on to you) ― i don't want to give away the ending because it's just straight up fluff but essentially it's 5 different pov's of watching tim and lucy + 1 time no one did ♡
8. Do you get hate on fics?
omg no, never. everyone is so sweet and supportive and just so nice????? ♡♡♡
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*cue this is me trying* i have dabbled in it at least once but nothing i'd say is v smutty?? i'm trying though, i have a wip that will lead to that but it's not easy to write??? the regular kind?? idk lmao.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope, that's too confusing for my brain to keep up.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
no but it sounds cool
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not yet but pls holler at me 👀
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
chenford ♡ (huge surprise, right?)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Look At This Photograph, i haven't abandoned it but trying to figure out this third chapter that's back when tim got his uniform ripped off has been super tricky
16. What are your writing strengths?
i want to say maybe finding the right emotion in a fic? i think i'm pretty good at keeping the flow of the emotion throughout?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
coming up with summaries to describe the one-shot/chapter and knowing how to end a darn story. also, titles. titles are really hard lmao. but on a serious note, sometimes i second guess my writing or the idea too much that i get stuck and won't write it anymore
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
sounds cool. i'd be open to trying it depending on the context? it would very much be limited to spanish though lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i want to say gossip girl?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i wanna say i have a few but gonna go with my latest one because i'm really proud of it and it's a missing 2x11 scene in the hospital and y'all know that is my jam. anyway, it's called Halo lol
thanks for tagging me, besties! ♡ tagging @sylvies-chen @ameliagiovanna0 @makeitastrength @timandlucy & anyone else who would like to do it (it's almost midnight and i know i'm likely forgetting a friend or two).
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biomegasin · 11 months
Tw angry and preachy rant
If I wasn’t already fully disillusioned w the American left…. People posting infographics all day and then vaguely calling people out for not posting infographics has me fully depressed. Like congrats on doing the most passive thing possible as far removed from taking any real action or making politics part of your day to day life which is the only way to ever actually make change happen -.- and I will b preachy and on a high horse abt it bc I work manual labor full time have like 10 hobbies and crippling unmedicated psychotic delusional anxiety and depression and yet take time once a week to organize readings actions etc w fellow Amerikans across the left spectrum trying to fucking absolve myself for this country’s crimes. It just speaks to the fact that we r soooo isolated and soooo afraid of leaving our comfy ‘alt’ bubbles never having to work w people whose only interests in common are anger and liberation. Like I think we r taught to sedate that in favor of being an individualist which leads to people believing posting from the comfort of your home is actually going to do anything…. Like maybe inform some of your followers potentially change a mind or two? That’s good but. The people yelling terrorist in the streets at Palestinians im marching w don’t follow me on insta. The only thing that could ever enlighten the American public is large amounts of people banding together in the real world and making noise in the real world, consistently. People making all out posts about those being silent right now r have been silent in the past and will b silent posting selfies and coffee pics on insta again soon I’m sure. If u call urself a leftist Politics should be a apart of your daily life even when there isn’t a 70 yr long genocidal crisis coming to a head and if it isn’t you should feel guilty you aren’t struggling to uphold the legacy of the struggle of the black panthers and Maoists who were cointelpro’d in this country FR. But yeah I’m not posting on my FUCKING instagram story lmao. I guess that’s to say I think there are specific resources that specific people can post that are helpful. It’s just honestly kind of sickening to see what average progressive American thinks passes as political engagement
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
When did Peter and Charlotte share their first kiss?
I was rereading The Runaways and it got my thinking about them 💕
Thank you for the ask and asking about Peter and Charlotte! Also super-congrats on your first ever fanfic, I am so proud of you!
So, confession time: I've always imagined their first kiss happening after they left Maria because if it happened before, Jasper would certainly have known. However, I hadn't really thought about the schematics of it all much until you sent in this ask.
You sent me on a spiral which over a couple hours of obsessive typing led to this: A bonus chapter for Runaways. I hope you'll enjoy it and my version of Peter and Charlotte's first kiss :-)
Land of the Free
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Read this on AO3, FF.net or here on Tumblr. Reviews and comments are warmly welcomed!
Summary: Peter's PoV of the first days after their escape from the South. Word Count: 2'245 Trigger Warnings: none Rating: PG
I had always enjoyed running. As a kid, when the others quickly tired out or got bored playing catch, I couldn’t get enough of it. I was running up and down the street, chasing whatever fantastical creatures my mind envisioned just for the sake of it. Later, after father died and my brothers joined up, running became my safe haven, a momentary escape from the daily struggle. It had always been about the experience, the feeling of freedom for me, never about the destination.
Things changed after I turned.
Discovering what my legs were now capable of had been exhilarating at first, but the delight disappeared quickly as the new routines set in. I was no longer chasing fairy tales; in fact, I wasn’t running anymore at all. I was hunting.
In retrospect, it wasn’t the experience that changed much. It was the destination, what lied at the end of every race. Jasper had always joked that, for someone who claimed to not particularly enjoy killing, I was a tad too good at it.
When I contemplated running away for the first time, a part of me wondered if this would bring back the old joys. After all, Charlotte and I would be breaking the proverbial chains to regain our freedom. The unfortunate truth, however, was that I had never felt this trapped before in my life.
It couldn’t have been more than half an hour since our first stop, we were still in the same forest, and every step was a struggle. We had slowed down significantly, still faster than humans but only just. I could barely think of anything but putting one leg in front of the other; if I did for more than a few seconds, I stumbled over my own feet.
Charlotte was struggling as much, if not worse, than I did. It made me sick to my stomach to know that I was the one who forced this on her. The fact that she had asked me to stop apologising, didn’t help either.
Was this really the better option? Jasper would have granted her a quick death. I doubted that whatever coven got their hands on us would provide her the same kindness…
No, I couldn’t think this way. All we had to do was make it through. She had been right, there was no point in holding a territory with a few hundred humans stretched over miles and miles of wilderness. There was a place where we could be safe. I had to believe that.
I took a breath to say something encouraging. I wasn’t quite sure, what I would have said, but it didn’t matter anyway. As soon as the air passed through my nose, venom started to pool in my mouth and my body froze.
Charlotte halted a split second later as she caught the scent as well. This was the way we were drilled; feeding without permission was certain death. But then, there was no one to give us permission anymore.
“Do we…?” Charlotte asked.
I guess so? My body dashed forward before the words could leave my lips. I was positive she understood, nevertheless.
Famished as we were, we drained the group of four in a matter of minutes. Charlotte decapitated her first victim in her eagerness, but the second one was a respectably clean kill. Almost as clean as mine, even though I had a good three years on her.
I didn’t feel a smidge of remorse, as I looked down upon our victims. Instead, a certain sense of victory lingered in the air. Maybe it was because Jasper and his moods were hundreds of miles away. Or maybe, it was because for the first time in this second existence, we had done something purely because we wanted to. This felt like an even bigger defiance than running away.
Inexplicably smiling, I wiped my hands in the grass and then turned to Charlotte. “How do you feel?”
“Like I could run for days.” She was smiling too.
“Good, because that’s what we’re going to have to do,” I answered instinctively, the true meaning of my words only slowly seeping through the euphoria that feeding had caused.
We had killed on foreign territory. If whoever claimed this land was inclined to let us pass before, they were certainly going to kill us now.
I didn’t waste another moment, took Charlotte by her hand, and picked up the pace. “Let’s go.”
We continued running for four days with little progress. Doing the exact opposite of how we knew covens typically conducted themselves meant that we had to travel during the day and hide at night. Unfortunately, the sun and little coverage made it sheer impossible to traverse outside the twilight hours.
I had lost count of how many hours we spent huddled in a cave, bush or abandoned cabin somewhere. We had stopped talking on the second day, worried about our breaths masking the life-saving misstep of someone approaching.
Charlotte had been quite imaginative, coming up with a handful of different signs to communicate the most necessary information. Go, look, stop, run, feed, I forgive you. At least that’s what I hoped she meant when she crossed her hands and affectionately placed them over her heart.
We weren’t holding hands anymore either, it was too dangerous. If someone found us, we’d need both to even have the slightest chance of clawing ourselves out of this mess. Still, sometimes at night, I’d place mine against hers, just close enough that the sides of them brushed against each other. It always elicited her a small smile. And that smile was enough to keep me going through the next day.
Finally, on the fifth day, the skies stayed clouded. We pushed forward as fast as we could, continuing our zig zag from cover to cover, still avoiding cities and populated areas. We hadn’t allowed ourselves to feed since that first mistake and although thirst was clearly bothering Charlotte again –judging from the way she frequently rubbed her throat – every time I spread my pinkie and thumb away from the rest of my fist and made a drinking motion, she just shook her head. At least the temperature was dropping, suggesting that we were headed the right way. Who knew, with another day like this, we might finally make it to the wilderness.
Charlotte’s gasp jerked me to a halt. She had already frozen a good four feet from me, and I was about to speed to her side, when I finally noticed what she had seen seconds ago. Across the field stood another figure dressed in loose rags. And he was staring right at us.
No! I cried internally. Not now, not when we’re so close.
I returned to Charlotte's side slowly, scanning the area, trying to figure out where the rest of his coven was hidden. But I couldn’t make anyone out.
Running away was the first option that crossed my mind, but it was also risky. And even though I didn’t like to entertain the thought, we were in a pretty good spot if a fight would ensue. The field was open, no-one would be able to sneak up on us.
“What do we do?” Charlotte whispered, her voice raspy due to the lack of use.
What would Jasper do? I asked myself. A foolish question, he’d fight. Obviously. But he had ten times the experience we had combined and usually a good number of newborns to offer as cannon fodder. All we had was ourselves.
“Wait and see. Maybe we’re lucky and he’s just a look-out,” I muttered. “But if another one shows up, we run. Head to the right into the corn.” Maybe we can lose them in there.
Charlotte’s eyes spoke of pure fear, but she nodded. Once more, she trusted me without second-guessing, and I hoped that her trust wasn’t misplaced.
I kept my eyes focused on the stranger as he came closer, scouring the area for backup out of their corners. There was still none. And in another strange turn of events, he seemed relaxed with a sheepish grin on his face. He even buried his hands in the pockets of his jacket, restraining himself.
He finally stopped a few feet away, nodding his head. “Hello, pleasure to meet you. It’s been a while since I’ve come across our kind.”
Charlotte and I exchanged a confused look.
“You guys come up from down south?”
His look was curious, he obviously waited for a reaction on our part. But I had no words. Nothing I had experienced in this second life had prepared me for an interaction like this.
Unsurprisingly, Charlotte was the first to retrieve her voice. “Yes. We wish to pass through to Canada peacefully.”
I kept my eyes peeled on the vampire. He didn’t react to her words, as if it was the most mundane request ever.
“There’s some beautiful stretches of nature up there,” he returned. “Though I wouldn’t recommend heading too far up north. It can be quite a hassle to feed.”
“You’ve been?”
“A few years back. I prefer good old Great Plains these days.”
I had enough of talking in riddles. The stranger didn’t seem hostile and while I wanted to believe it, reality had told me otherwise. If we were intruding on his land, I’d rather know it right now than spend another few minutes on platitudes. “How far does your territory stretch?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Son, they call this the ‘Land of the Free’ for a reason. There are no territories here, every man is free to go where they please.”
“No coven lays claim to these lands then?” Charlotte chimed in, surprise lacing her voice.
“No. Why would they? Seems rather boring to hunker down when you can have it all.”
I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing. “What about the cities? Certainly, there are covens there.”
“Not as far as I know.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Though I did hear about a permanent residence somewhere up in Denali once. Maybe you’ll come across them if you head north.”
I felt Charlotte’s hand find mine. Her eyes spoke of disbelief, just as much as mine must have.
“You two certainly are a funny bunch,” the stranger said. “Are all the vampire’s down south like that?”
I ignored his question, still wrapping my mind about what he was implying. “So, there are no territories up here? We can feed wherever we want?”
“Of course! There’s plenty for everyone. What did you think?” Now it was the other vampire that seemed confused.
Could this be? Had Jasper lied to us? Was the tale of world-spanning wars for territory just that; a nightmarish tale to keep us all in line?
“Please excuse our questions, it isn’t like this where we come from. What you’re describing is a foreign concept to us,” Charlotte intervened, now a charming smile on her face.
I prayed internally, that she hadn’t placed too much trust in the other vampire’s words. But even now, he didn’t seem threatening. Curious mostly.
“It isn’t? Well, I’ve never been down past Santa Fe, but it definitely is this way up here.”
Jasper wouldn’t have lied, I concluded. More likely, he didn’t know better himself. Maybe even Maria didn’t. I had never questioned the ‘why?’ of the wars before, but the strangers’ words rang true. It’s not like there was a lack of humans on this planet. And as I started to entertain the reality he was painting, I felt the weight, that had been resting on my shoulders ever since I’d called out for Charlotte to run, starting to crumble.
I didn’t catch the rest of the conversation she had with the other vampire. My mind was spinning, trying to readjust to a completely new view of the world; to the fact that maybe, I hadn’t doomed but actually freed her. Freed us.
When my rabid thoughts finally settled down and I consciously returned to her, the stranger was gone, and Charlotte was standing in front of me with the biggest smile I’d ever been graced with.
“We’re free,” she whispered, tasting each word. The idea must have been as strange to her, as it was to me.
“We’re free,” I agreed.
“Free!” she echoed, this time with more vigour as she jumped up to wrap her arms around my neck. Holding her felt like the most extraordinary and natural thing all at once. And somehow, I couldn’t help but start laughing. It wasn’t long before Charlotte giggled against my neck as well and I was spinning in place. I didn’t know why I did it, it just felt right.
Just as right as it felt to push my lips against hers at the first chance I got.
When we finally tumbled into the grass, I’d made the first new discovery about this life in four years: vampires could get dizzy. And boy, did it feel good.
Charlotte was laughing next to me, pulling bushels of grass from the ground and throwing it in the air above us until there was nothing but dirt left on either side of her. I watched her silently, with a big grin on my face and a heart so light it felt like it could pop out of my chest and fly away any second.
This was the feeling I had been hoping for, the one that running had given me in a previous life.
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msommers · 1 year
know, for bad, companions, and exit for riya, meredith and jorina!
here i am days late bc of my brain simply not working // oc asks: relationships edition
Know: How well does your OC know themself—their wants, their goals, their motivations? Do they engage in any sort of self-reflection? Is there anything about themself they willfully ignore?
RIYA — she would love to return to the days when the only self-reflection she took part in was looking into the mirror, because she's been looking inside quite often recently and is becoming increasingly aware of how much she was willing to ignore just to stay in her happy little bubble. she used to have very clear, simple desires and goals that drove her each day, and now she has no idea where she's going, how she should be feeling, or what to do about either of those things. she's in her "fucked around, found out. now i'm lost and hurting" era
MEREDITH — for being a big political player, she’s kind of an open book. her motivations and goals are clear, always have been and always will be. she has a solid grasp on who she is and hasn't had a reason yet to hide away any part of herself. even the grief and rage that still linger years down the line are things she never ignored, just turned into motivators.
JORINA — ignored many parts of herself for the better part of a decade just to ensure she was able to provide for her family without any distractions getting in the way. probably only started some soul-searching after the crush on aleksi developed because that kickstarted the "wait, do i actually have and want desires and interests outside of working???" thoughts. absolutely dreadful times for her, digging into her own brain like that. wouldn't recommend
For Bad: Is there anyone who had an undeniable negative impact on your OC’s life? How did your OC deal with that change? Have they been able to move on?
RIYA — victor’s murderer i guess lmfao nobody else has had a specifically negative impact on her, but that person really took an entire sledge hammer to her heart and life so congrats to them. hand wave to the vigilant campaign so far to answer how she’s handling the changes and moving on
MEREDITH — the obvious but still worth saying answer here is rendon howe. my guy left layers of lasting trauma and struggles with trust/rage/faith, things that meredith is still trying to handle a decade into the future. there's also a level of paranoia that he so kindly gifted her. i think she's moved on as far as one can after such horrid events, y'know. the vengeance was claimed, the healing was done, and the crippling sorrow only creeps in on rare occasions. something about her relationship with nathaniel definitely helped bandage some lingering wounds, but i'm not gonna dive down that rabbit hole rn.
JORINA — i mean. also rendon howe because of the alienage "purge", but that wasn't just the single offender. i've talked So Much about how jorina dealt with those changes (becoming the provider of the family, losing her childhood, ignoring her grief/desires/etc for years) so i'm not gonna do it again, but yikes. it took her a long time but she does begin to move on during her time with the inquisition! it's a horrible journey of having to finally let in the grief of all that she lost and shoved down for so long, but it's a necessary one.
Companions: Is your OC part of an adventuring group? A band of travelers? A guild, a team, a crew? What's the group dynamic, and how does your OC feel about their companions?
RIYA — your favorite no wisdom mage of the warden squad. riya’s currently in the middle of having some very mixed feelings about the grey warden order as a whole, but enjoys her little assigned group well enough for how much time she's had with them so far. despite my goofs about a certain dynamic within the group, i do think she likes them all. they are so far removed from the usual type of cast she'd have around her, but the circumstances are just right to allow for that kind of thing to not matter a single bit and to encourage her getting to know them. this would get annoyingly long if i went into detail about each member but i'll say her strongest feelings are for cian and leo, though undoubtedly that'll evolve given time with the other two members.
MEREDITH — oh, the origins crew. a handful of the people there knew they were only working together out of necessity, while she genuinely grew to adore and respect others. meredith wasn't afraid to show her judgement of those who argued her morals, acts of good, and main goals, which led to a few strained dynamics. too lazy to run down everybody, but: she would have banished oghren if he wasn't good at killing things. :// funniest positive relationship she built was with zevran because who would've thought the uncompromising honorable noble would take a liking to the whole assassin who tried to take her out?? insanity. this doubles as a note for myself but i need to revisit the game to determine meredith's dynamic with wynne, because since solidifying her character more i don't know if the strong focus on her noble rights/responsibilities would earn her approval lol
JORINA — hey i'm gonna keep it so real and say yeah, she was part of a specific inquisition scouting squad for a while, but nobody except aleksi has any detail at all. literally none of them. they're faceless goons just there to toss into situations for relationship moments. group dynamic is that everyone wanted to shake aleksi's hand for being the one brave enough to start befriending jorina first because it helped her ease off of being such a hardass with the stern expression and rigorous schedule.
Exit: Has your OC ever had someone important leave their life in a way that was unremarkable, unintentional, or clumsy? How do they feel about it? Is there any chance they'll meet again?
RIYA — i don’t think so, no. the closest could maybe fall to her brother, sebastian, in how he left the family home for the chantry (unremarkable in the way that they all knew it was coming, it wasn’t a big deal for anybody except daddy loren who would’ve still been upset about his kid lmao), but he would still show up on the rare occasion. riya hardly cared, he had turned into a preaching prat that really harshed the vibes every time he was around and she preferred her other brothers anyhow. they used to get along back when they were both directionless and envious of the other brothers, but that’s a hard feeling to remember after all he’s said to and about riya. always a chance of meeting again, i suppose 🤷
MEREDITH — someone important? ser gilmore might be the closest to this in the way that his death was unremarkable to most, he was just another unfortunate soul to die at the hands of howe's treachery (in a more personal way, she feels, after learning of his abduction and torture). she allowed herself the small hope that perhaps he’d made it out once she’d fled highever, but that became gnawing guilt after discovering his fate. their bond had been strong, and she'd spent so long picturing what it'd be like to have him at her side in the future, but then that future came and all she had left of him was feelings of heartache and longing. super not gonna see him again after what happened lol
JORINA — can’t think of anybody on this one. probably unnamed members of the inquisition who don’t matter to her story, just people who decided to dip because it got too difficult or frightening to be a part of that.
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black-cat-2 · 1 year
Appreciation post :)
I genuinely hope, those who are supposed to find this made it here. The others… welcome and congrats as you found my Tumblr account? Anyway. Today I got buried under a wave of appreciating emotions and got the urge to the get some stuff off my chest. And since I’m both terrible at expressing my feelings vocally and still want to make things clear for ya guys, I’m gonna be a cheesy little shit here cause I don’t wanna spam my Instagram story :)
Let’s start with Loreen. You have no idea how much I appreciate my friendship with you. Like, I honestly have a great time finally being able to meet up with you, more or less spontaneously. For so long our friendship built and grew and manifested mainly through texting cause we didn’t quite had the opportunities to actually hang out. To be honest, there was a time I was a bit scared that if we met up someday, our carefree light chatter wouldn’t get out cause I tend to retreat into my shell when actually meeting up with someone “for the first time”. God, I’m so relieved that didn’t happen when we finally made it. Anyway, I love your mom friend kind of way, the way you can randomly introduce me to new music that still kinda fits my style. The way you just make me… happy to make it a bit shorter :)
Stephanie! Your turn. Back in the day I would have never thought that our friendship would grow so much. No idea how, but I somehow am completely involved in your life and at the same time I don’t have the feeling that I’m some kind of intruder. And that means something cause I’m an overthinker… Please, never get me wrong when I tell you to stop playing the wingwoman - I do appreciate your efforts. The way you are just, well, you is weirdly reminding me of a sister and bestie combo, not gonna lie. You have that… warmth surrounding you that has me comfortable and relaxed around you. Also, to be honest, I have no idea how I earned that spot in your Instagram bio <3
Last but definitively not least, Michael. I’m sorry you had to scroll so much down to reach your spot in this. Guess I’m just an annoying little shit again ;) you’re my longest friend and definitively one of the most important people in my life. You’ve been there for me, no matter what each of us went through. Highs and lows. And you sure as hell earned your spot as the straight girl’s gay best friend. I know you’re struggling mentally with a lot, also about what kind of role you play in people’s lives. I never mentioned it that openly but since I get the struggle in that apartment I gladly assure you. No matter what. Even if I may have multiple best friends. You are my only male best friend. Only you. You remember when I talked in my story about physical touch and mentioned that I still respect boundaries? That was for you. Cause I know you’re not really comfortable with touch. That’s why I tend to instead go for quality time with you instead. No matter our banter and insulting each other, luv ya hubby :)
You guys are basically like a second family. One I could choose for myself. One that both supports me and kicks my ass if necessary. Each one of you has a big role in my life and holds an even bigger part of my heart. And to bring this to an end, I appreciate you guys. So much. And I couldn’t imagine being without you anymore. <3
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ciaoteamo · 2 years
(A/N): alexa, play I Love My Boyfriend
pairings: (Y/N) x Ran Haitani
summary: (Y/N) has had a crush on Ran for a while. He’s always been so interesting and flirtatious. She already had a boyfriend though, and she… loves him. And he loves her.
warnings: prob misspelling
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further warnings: none
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“maybe this is too much” You say to yourself as you struggle to keep sweet treats and drinks balanced in your arms. You decided to come and surprise your boyfriend and friends today by coming to their practice.
“woahh! you guys sound like you’re ready for your first gig” You hear your boyfriend, Hiro, speak with excitement.
“it’s coming along!” You hear Takemichi speak. What’s he doing here? You haven’t seen him in forever.
You decide to stop you’re eavesdropping, and slowly push the heavy studio door open.
“(Y/N)?” Hiro hurried from his seat and collected some of the items with a peck on your cheek. “hi honey” You smile.
“(Y/N)!” “Hey (Y/N)!” Voices speak out. You take your tule to wave at everyone and they thank you for the snacks.
The door to the studio opens and you turn attention toward it. Ran’s tall, slim body stood in the bright doorway.
“what a lovely surprise..” He smiles and tilts his head.
“long time no see, Haitani” You grin. He comes toward you and holds you in a warm and firm embrace. You were hesitant you comply, simply because… he’s never hugged you before. Why now?
Still, you held onto his back and inhaled his scent. “i missed you” He spoke into your ear. You felt like you were on cloud 9.
“(Y/N)!” Hiro says and you jolt.
You let go and turn towards the table. “you brought mochi?!” He turns to you with a smile. You could almost see his eyes sparkle. You nod and he brings you into a hug.
“i love you so so much” He chuckles and you laugh.
“i know baby” You pat his back and he stands up right. It didn’t feel the same as when you hugged ran.
“how was the café today?” He asks.
“really busy” You reach to pick off a bit of fuzz on the shoulder of his navy blue suit. He always looked good when he was dressed up. You wondered if Ran could pull of a suit.
“that’s a good thing right? work now, relax later” He shrugs. You simply nod and he head back towards the table.
“work now, relax later?” Ran’s repeats. “heard that one enough”
“yeah… but i guess it’s true” You shrug.
“how do you know?” He asks.
“what do you mean? if you work, you’ll be able to live in comfort” You frown.
“but no one can see the future, and not everyone has that ending.” He starts. “i mean look at me, i’m in a band that no one knows about, hoping to get to the top” He chuckles.
“i’d say you’re pretty well known” You raise an eyebrow.
“hey, call it advertisement” He says. People knew him for sleeping around, never being in a relationship, doing petty crimes, things like that. Stereotypical drummer boy. Maybe that’s why you liked him.
“is it worth it?” You ask.
“is working worth the relaxing?“ He counters, staring at you with his violet eyes. You feel your heart skip a beat. Still having a crush on this guy whilst talking about people he sleeps with. Congrats on reaching a new low (Y/N).
“regardless, you’re supposed to do things that’ll secure you a good life in the future” You state. It’s how the world was supposed to work. Get money, find love, live your last years laid back.
“tomorrow isn’t promised though. if you were to die tomorrow, would you be happy about… happy with… the outcome of your life?” He asks seriously.
The way he looked at you, it was like he was trying to say 1000 things at once. All with a simple glance.
“of course, i have my café and Hiroshi!”
“but, is that enough?” He pressed. What was he getting at?
“i’m-” You start
“(Y/N)! no one told me you were coming today”
Rindou walks into the room with a bright smile.
“hey dodo” You smile and hug him. After that, you were slowly migrated towards everyone else in the room. There were a few new people you had to meet and converse with.
However, you kept catching Ran looking at you from across the room, eating your pastries. You’ve liked him for a long time, but you couldn’t see yourself dating him.
He doesn’t have a proper job, sleeps around, commits crimes, and looks like type of guy people should be afraid of.
But, maybe that was why you like him. Because, despite what he does and looks like, his personality was the opposite to you. He was a change of pace from Hiro.
The last sentence between the two of you replayed in your head as the words of the woman currently talking, flew right over your head.
But, Is That Enough?
You don’t remember how you were going to answer that. It should be enough. It’s more than enough for many people.
But, is it enough for you.
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(A/N): making another one for Rindou, same concept, different scenario. Te amo 🤎
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 2 years
Woo, first time not an anonymous ask, let's go
Looked through the fanfic question list
Sorry if it is too many, feel free to pick and choose if it is
6, 7, 8, 9, 25, 31, 33, 34
Have a great rest of your day!! ^-^ 💜
Congrats on that! Coming off of anon can be scary.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
That's a good one. Probably just mannerisms and building a space. I think I'm pretty good at it.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with the most?
Oof. Maybe ensuring that I don't leave out crucial details pertaining to the plot. My memory is a fishbowl lol.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Okay, fandom span for this one. We've got Leviathan and Belphegor from Obey Me. Then we've got Jay, Cole, and Kai from Lego Ninjago. And, of course, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael from Rise of the TMNT!
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
RIP to me. Lucifer, Mammon, and Beelzebub from Obey Me. Wu, Pixal, and Nya from Lego Ninjago. And finally, Michelangelo, April, and Cassandra from Rise of the TMNT.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
That's an easy answer. Yes! Giant yes! I think the main one would be the AUs I've though of but never written down solidly. But to answer the question, in one of my fics in OFIFotO, Luke is wandering through the haunted memory/trauma cave.
I had a thought about having him end up in Reaper territory and having an entire little side quest, but it didn't fit into the plot I constructed.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Oh my gosh I have so many. Like, a ridiculous number of them. I'll tell you about two of them though, just to save some space lmao.
Ji'kan: a 1,500 hundred year old demon, specifically a demon of curses. His hair is purple with lavender highlights and his eyes are the deepest blue.
His demon form is as follows: Jet-black scales curling up to his biceps & thighs. Short, jagged claws on both his hands and feet. Thin, dainty horns. Hair turns slightly translucent, very snake-like and streamlined, eyes glow. His skin glows with teal lightning that he controls in bright flashes at different rates.
He's from an original story idea about demons and angels that, ironically, I came up with a couple months before falling down the Obey Me rabbit hole.
In the story, he's on the demonic council, but just barely. He dreams of running a seamstress type business, and he has issues with closeness and sudden touch.
Then we've got another guy from the same universe and story.
Wren: a roughly 3,000 year old angel, specifically a Virtue. His hair is a mixture of white, silver, and gray, and his eyes are pale gray in color.
His angelic form is as follows: wingless, usually dressed in white silks. He only has his two eyes, but they glow with an ethereal power.
In the story, he's sent as a delegate to the world of demons during a council meeting, and he ends up getting lost. Ji'kan ends up saving his life.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing process?
I fluctuate wildly between writing a 10k fic in two hours or it taking two months. You might have already guessed that from my sporadic ao3 posts, but still. I love writing, but I have a very busy life that derails my attention from whatever I want to write.
I also can't write without tunes.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt your especially fond of.
This one's from my fic, I Will Only Let You Down. It's a Ninjago fic, but this scene just makes me so happy. I love it.
The crackle that grew louder the longer he sat there wasn't falling on deaf ears, and he assumed it to be his little wisps of flame, gossiping about their master's odd behavior. Fire didn't blame them, not one bit. If he thought he was being odd, surely they must have thought he had lost his mind.
After another breath, he opened his eyes, unsurprised to find a clump of little fire wisps, all piled atop one another, rolling and chattering in crackles and sparks. He offered them a small smile, opening his arms. "Come here, I know you want to."
The pile of wisps jumped into action, at least a dozen little flames flying around him and snuggling against him, continuously chattering and nuzzling him. Fire laughed, stroking each and every one, giving them physical reassurance that he was okay.
They were adorable, honestly, and a great mood booster. He needed that pick me up after his dream. Getting to his feet, Fire rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, letting his wisps dance and cheer around him.
Curious, he nudged one of them with his pointer finger. "Is there something you need me for?"
The wisps swirled in delight, and all at once the dozen flames dashed away, burning down the halls and leaving Fire to chase after them. He rolled his eyes, but followed anyway, eager to see what they needed. The wisps had been nothing but helpful so far, and he could only assume they would continue to be.
The wisps burst into sparks in front of his temple's entry way, exploding in colorful swaths of reds and oranges, shooting off into different directions. All but the little wisp that had comforted him earlier, before his nap.
It hovered in front of the closed doors, looking almost sheepish. Fire snorted, poking it gently, making it crackle rhythmically, like it was laughing. "Go catch up, flare."
The wisp brightened, twirling around his fingers before it dashed away, leaving a streak of yellow after it. Hm. Maybe it liked being called flare.
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
this was the first semester i was balancing work with school (long story, but ive been in college for three semesters total and i’ve never had a job before) PLUS i gained a social life for the first time in like. literal years and obv i wanted to maintain that too so ya boy was struggling. then towards the end of the semester i had two people really dear to me in the hospital for surgery (they’re both okay now and recovering, no worries there but it was Very Stressful), went through a really bad almost breakup w my Person (known em for 7+ years so it was Rough. still working on that front but it’s a bit better now). the stress nightmares and sleep paralysis i’ve had??? bare minimum sleep for over a month.
in celebration i’m gonna go drink some sparkling grape juice and play animal crossing. maybe take a sleep paralysis free nap but we shall see <3
Wooo!! Congrats on passing your classes! (except that one but psh we don't talk about that one) I'm super proud of you!!! 🎉🎉🌈🖤
Sounds like you've had a rough year but you made it through! Huzzah!! I hope that you have a very relaxing final few weeks of 2022 and that 2023 is so much kinder and easier 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
For now, celebrate with some good food and rejuvenation time and have sweet peaceful dreams 🌈
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idyllic-ghost · 1 year
hihi my beeloved and congrats on 2k!!! you deserve all the love and support you've gotten so far and ilysm ♡♡
can i please get a fluffy blurb of yeonjun college au and 6 + 10 from your prompts list please? (yeah i'm not requesting vernon, shocking [though i might if you allow more than one request from the same person]) and ilsym again ^^
a/n: hiii xannieeee! thank you, ily! you can ofc request more than once! i'll be awaiting your vernon request <3
prompts: 6: "You can call me whatever you want" 10: "All I've ever wanted is your attention"
title: not today
pairing: student!yeonjun x student!reader
warnings: strangers to friends to almost lovers ??? food mention
word count: 820
rating: pg
Disclaimer: The scenarios and depictions in my works are fictional and do not represent real-life situations. They do not aim to reflect the complexities of any culture, city, or individual. All characters are entirely fictional, regardless of names or descriptions.
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The soft breeze coming from the open window in the library made you close your eyes for a moment. It had been long since you took a break from looking at the screen, and your eyes stung when your eyelids closed. You rubbed your eyes and sat back in the armchair. When you opened your eyes you were met with the eyes of none other than Choi Yeonjun. His face was right in front of yours, so close that your noses were almost touching. You let out a yelp and went to push his face away from you with your hand. Unsure of how he had managed gotten so close without you noticing, you wondered if maybe you needed a break.
"Ouch- don't touch my glasses with your greasy fingers!" he complained with fake annoyance laced in his tone and a pout sitting adorably on his lips.
"Don't come so close to my face, then!" you retorted.
Yeonjun sighed and sat down in the chair opposite of yours. He didn't look at you, keeping up his facade of irritation. With a sigh, you closed your laptop and put it aside before reaching your hand into your bag. You pulled out a pastry you had bought for him earlier and threw it to him. The plastic rustled as Yeonjun struggled to catch it.
"Do you always have to dress up?" you asked. "You're making me look bad."
You looked between the two of you. While you were wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, Yeonjun was dressed up in a blue button-up, silver earrings reflecting the light of the lamp hanging above you, and his hair was perfectly styled in an effortless way - he was the type of person who would spend hours trying to make his hair look like adorable bedhead.
"I want to look good, is that a crime?" He opened the plastic and started eating the pastry. "But if you want me to dress down then I guess that's what I'll do."
His words reminded you of the first time you met. It was your first, and only, class together. You were paired up for a project, and you were attempting to find your partner. It wasn't difficult, he stood out like a sore thumb with his edgy style - and the fact that he didn't have a partner yet also helped.
"Are you... Wenjun?" You had already forgotten his name, and said the closest thing you could think of.
"No... but you can call me whatever you want," he said with a grin.
His attitude toward you had always stayed the same since then. A sort of "I believe this person can do no wrong" belief mixed with "I'm annoyed as soon as this person speaks" attitude. All of it made you grow fond of him very quickly. It certainly didn't help that he had his charming moments as well.
"Are you even listening to me?" Yeonjun waved his hand in front of your face. "You should be studying, why are you spacing out."
"It's your fault, you know?" you huffed.
Yeonjun mocked your tone and picked up a book from his bag. You watched as he tried to eat while reading. It was probably not allowed to eat in the library, but you would disregard the rules for him any day. Of course, you'd never tell him that. Yeonjun had asked you out before, at the end of your final project together. However, you had rejected him - he didn't seem genuine, but maybe that was your insecurities talking because he ended up sticking around. You didn't even have any classes together anymore, but he still made time for you somehow. During one of these hangouts is when he told you that he had been interested in you since the first time he saw you, and that he could barely focus in some classes. You had always sat in front of him, so you couldn't catch him staring. Nevertheless, he was drunk when he told you this - and prodding about it at a later time led you to a dead end.
The two of you remained friends. Just friends. Very close friends. Friends who would cuddle sometimes, and maybe get drunk together and kiss - but then "forget" about it the next day. You were just having fun, but moments like this made your longing even worse. Tired from studying all day, you just wanted to curl up beside him and let him play with your hair.
"You're staring again," Yeonjun interrupted your thoughts as he looked up from his book, "Not that I mind. You know that all I've ever wanted is your attention."
He was always so honest about it, but anyone else would see this as friends, semi-flirty, banter. You rolled your eyes at him and picked up your computer again. One day you'd probably end up together, but not today.
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for your visual senses ^^^^^
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mari-the-bimbo · 3 years
HEYYY MARI 😍💗 CONGRATS ON 2000!!! 💗✨💗✨ Your blog always makes me smile and I’m in love with your Megumi series 💗🥰
I would like to request some more Megumi, Head of the Zenin Clan! I assume he’s probably pretty busy since he’s in such a powerful position and so he hasn’t been spending that much time with Reader lately. So we get a bit sad and worried that maybe he doesn’t like us anymore 🤣💔 But when Megumi realizes what’s going on he does his best to show us that he still loves us more than anything else 💗😍
Thank you babe 💗🥰
Rich bf! Megumi: when he hasn’t been spending time with you
A/N: AHH yesss thank you for this prompt Winter! I was struggling with ideas for rich bf series. Hope you enjoy! <3
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Megumi isn’t the Head of the Zenin Clan for nothing, he is a sharp, observant man who could realise things quick.
Especially when it comes to the love of his life. You.
He noticed your glum mood lately, how you spoke less, and how you no longer came into his office to pester him. He misses that.
So as you lay in your bed, nearly asleep, you were surprised when you felt the bed dip slightly next to you, you noticed Megumi sitting next to your lying figure but you pretended to be asleep, not wanting to disturb him.
You felt Megumi’s pale large hand rest against your waist, caressing the area admiringly, before dipping his finger underneath your dress to raise it, making your breath hitch, you bit your lips as you felt him place a kiss against your thighs. Shit, he definitely knows you’re awake now.
“Meet me in my office” he whispered in your ear before leaving your bedroom once again.
You sighed as he left the room. It’s now or never I guess.
You slowly got up from your bed, shivering in your silk sleeping dress as you walked through the long, marble corridors until you reached Megumi’s office.
You took in a deep breath before entering.
You sighed as you watched your boyfriend scribble on some bills, adding up the totals in his office.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” Megumi asks immediately, without even looking up.
“don’t you like me anymore?” You asked cautiously, worried to even hear the answer.
You heard his pen drop, and as you looked up at him, you were surprised to see the shocked, taken aback look on his handsome face.
“..I know you’ve been busy, but I feel like you don’t seem to enjoy my company anymore” you said, holding back tears. “Megumi have you lost interest in m-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence” Megumi firmly ordered.
He relaxed his face and sighed as he saw your conflicted look. He manspreads on his office chair, then he pat his lap, “c’mere” he mutters quietly, encouraging you to come and sit on his lap.
You slowly make you way over to him as his dark eyes watches you like a hawk, and sat down on his lap, looking up at him to see him already staring back.
“How could even say such a thing my love?” He says, his voice softening much more “you’re my favourite thing in the whole world, the reason I’m working so hard is so you can live like the Princess you are” he adds, his long pale finger trailing down your cheeks.
“I’ve missed you” you admit, making him sigh once more, “I’m sorry baby” he apologises coddling your smaller figure into his broad chest.
He lets you rest against his chest for a bit as he finishes his papers, his warmth bringing you comfort, he even summons his demon dogs to cuddle up with you too, so that you were surrounded with warmth.
“We can go shopping tomorrow, and you can buy whatever you want, okay?” Megumi whispers in your ear after a while, making you nod, smiling to yourself as you feel him then press kisses against your bare cleavage that was adorned with a gold necklace with Megumi’s name on it.
He rings a buzzer, making a maid enter the office, bowing to you both.
“Prepare a bath for Y/N please” Megumi orders.
The maid nods her head in acknowledgment, “would my lady like me to help her bathe?” The maid asks.
But before you could answer, Megumi voice booms through the luxury office,
“No. I’ll help her bathe”
You know what that means.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
UBI would just be giving people handouts, though. Like, "congrats your alive you get money" doesn't provide the best incentive to work? We're going to have a lot of freeloaders if we do that.
First of all, I think it's pretty obvious from my other posts that you and I are not going to agree about this, so I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Second of all, I... don't.... see.... what's....wrong with a government fundamentally providing basic financial support to its citizens??? There are plenty of people who CAN'T work for one reason or another and who struggle all their lives on extremely meager levels of support that the ableist state has decided they can (very grudgingly) be allowed to have, despite their terrible sin of not being able to join the workforce. Besides, the "UBI will make those lazy freeloaders not work!!!" is a) capitalist propaganda and b) not even true. Finland is one of the countries to have completed a UBI trial and guess what! People who received it were actually more likely to be in work after the trial ended!
Interestingly, the final results of Finland’s program, released this spring, found that a basic income actually had a positive impact on employment. People on the basic income were more likely to be employed than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant, albeit small.
This coincided with a strong uptick in mental health, positive social support, and other quality-of-life indicators. The people in the Finnish trial received €560 a month, which is obviously not enough to replace work-related income, but which DID provide enough extra funding to help fill critical gaps and provide more peace of mind. Besides, humans are naturally industrious and like doing things?? And are usually happy to work and find ways to occupy themselves, and the idea that they only "deserve" to survive or have their basic needs met if they're working long hours at a job that they probably hate is, again, capitalistic propaganda nonsense (not to mention, has strong undercurrents of social Darwinism, eugenics, and other questionable social philosophies).
In a world that is so wildly economically unjust, where a tiny handful of people control an incredibly disproportionate amount of wealth and so many people suffer with so little, you're simply never going to convince me, ever, that making more effort to financially meet their basic needs is a bad thing. For God's sake, giving them five hundred extra bucks a month, if we're replicating the Finland conditions, is hardly going to create a culture of "freeloaders." Why is that worse than forcing them to work multiple jobs for shit wages and still struggling? Why is their "production" the only important thing about them? Why is this the metric you've chosen to complain about in what is, as noted, an entirely theoretical program that is decades away from being politically feasible in America, if ever, and yet has been experimented and implemented in successful democratic-socialist societies that are, gasp, NOT AMERICA?
In short, as it has been put before and is still the best way to say it: I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people. Because, as noted, of all the outrageous economic injustices that currently exist in this world, it's extremely confusing to me that this is the one you would choose to complain about. And in closing: any UBI program in America would be funded, a la Social Security and Medicare, with taxpayer money. So that is YOUR MONEY to start with (and that of everyone who has ever paid a single penny in federal or state tax for any reason, which is almost every single American citizen over the age of 18). It's not "giving handouts" to distribute it back to poor people, rather than continuing to jigger the system so rich people pay nothing into it at all and are allowed to reap insane profits. And the idea that all other working people are your enemy and if they get anything, there will be less for you, is a deliberate technique used to keep you blaming each other, and not seriously questioning the grotesque accumulation of those at the very top. Because yeah. Uh. I think they can absolutely afford to fucking share.
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