#congrats Crystal Tower you're gonna have a lotta people there at the find for an unspecified amount of time
crystal-verse · 1 year
Light dances on her blade's edge, and she, too, dances -- battle a dance, a movement, a thrumming in her blood. A'mehka'ahma dances as she fights, snarl on her lips and ears pinned against her head, and with the wrath of a beast she takes every blow thrown at her and fights further still.
She is a Warrior, a fighter, a tank -- she fights and she draws enemy blows and demands attention that her comrades may be safer, may be free to attack without fear of retribution. She takes every hit and still demands more, if only for her friends and her dear cousin to be safe from harm.
At her side -- Sae'pheli'ehva, lance in hand with a grin stretched across his face, crystal eye alight with bloodlust and battle-frenzy, every bit an enemy to be feared as the dragons that Dragoons are known for killing. At her back -- the Ishgardian Astrologian, cackling as he draws and plays his cards, twisting this way and that, horns and jewelry glinting in the light, claws and teeth tearing into anything that dare get close. At her other side -- the Gridanian bard, her Wildwood teachings long since abandoned in favor of seeing the world as it is and not as how she was taught, song carrying through the air as the battle rages on.
It is not the first dungeon they have fought in and it will not be the last. Regardless of it all, A'mehka'ahma thrives. She fights. She wins. And when the time comes that she must fight again she will throw herself into the thick of it, all over again. (They fight Titan soon. A'mehka'ahma and 'pheli and the others, the various other adventurers she's befriended. She can only hope things will go well.)
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