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Avenul Vladușca - Munții Piatra Craiului cu Cristina Stika #Vladusca #AvenulVladusca #PiatraCraiuluiMountains #PiatraCraiului #Crai #AveneInConglomerate #piatracraiuluinationalpark #mountains #SpeoSilex #limestonemountains #conglomerat #PoliteleMartoiului #geomorphology #geomorfologie #MuntiiPiatraCraiului (la Parcul Național Piatra Craiului) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWE-D4tr0y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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2leggedshark · 16 days
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mutant-distraction · 11 months
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Bernhard Edmaier Photography
Aerial view of the Bungle Bungle Range, Western Australia.
The Bungle Bungle Range belongs to the
Purnululu National Park in the Kimberley region The beehive-shaped domes are made of some 350 million years old sandstones and conglomerats.
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Today for Monday Musings I would like to discuss the paleogeography of the Morrison Basin. There are a few things I want you to learn from this:
-How do we know what it looked like in the Late Jurassic Morrison Basin?
-How do we know it was a basin?
-There were different environments/ecosystems within this very large basin.
Okay, so first. How do we know it was a basin? Easy, the rock record only records deposition (or lack thereof). Deposition happens in areas of low relief: basins. We can extrapolate where the highlands were from fluvial deposits and where we find them (i.e. where the conglomerates vs. the sandstones vs. the mudstones are in the system). As we move downriver from the source rock, the grains in the rocks get finer. Therefore, shales are found in places where movement is minimal such as a lake bottom or ocean floor and conglomerates are found closer to the source rock where fast flowing water could still move the larger grains. Here's a very simplified sketch of this concept:
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How do we know what the land looked like? Well, we can find our answers in the rocks. In Canada, the Morrison is not used but there are equivalent rock layers: The Fernie Formation, the Morrissey Formation and the lower part of the Mist Mountain Formation. The Fernie Formation is primarily shales with a few sandstones, cherts, and limestones.
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These rocks tell us that this is where the Sundance Sea was during the last part of the Jurassic Period. The Morrissey Formation is made of conglomeratic sandstones primarily with rare beds of mudstone, siltstone and even coal. This indicates a deltaic, nearshore (littoral), beach environment. This formation shows forested rivers emptying into the Sundance Sea.
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The Mist Mountain Formation is actually Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous deposit. It is primarily shale, siltstone, sandstone, and mudstone. This formation represents fluvial channels, floodplains, deltaic, coastal plains and swamps along the Western Interior Seaway as it began to transgress back across the continent.
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As we move south into Montana and Wyoming, we can see the environment start to change a little. The base of the Morrison here is the Windy Hill Member, a limey fossiliferous sandstone indicating warm, shallow seabed not unlike the Gulf of Mexico today. This is the extent of the Sundance Sea in the late Jurassic. By this point in time, the sea was regressing off the continent heading towards northwestern Canada and the ocean.
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You can even see the white beach sand in the rock and the modern Gulf of Mexico! Neat! Following the Windy Hill in western Montana is the Swift Formation. This is also a marine deposit of primarily orangish brown, glauconitic sandstone. Commonly, it is filled with fossils. It is also shallow marine and some coastal deposits.
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Next is the Morrison Formation proper. Like down south in the more famous outcrops, the Morrison in Montana consists of variegated mudstones and sandstones with minor limestones indicating fluvial and lacustrine deposits.
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The biggest difference is that there is no clay change like on the Colorado Plateau (it doesn't become smectitic). This tells us there was no volcanic activity up north.
As we move south through Wyoming, the Morrison continues to have the typical variegated mudstone and sandstone profile, however, it has recently been noted to be mostly lacustrine (lake) deposits rather than fluvial (river). The basal Morrison in Wyoming is the Windy Hill Member (the regressive marine sequence). Perhaps the lakes were what was left after the sea retreated.
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Northern Utah and Colorado are very similar to Wyoming with slightly more fluvial rocks than lacustrine, such as at Evil Tree Bonebed (I know, shameless plug but our site is so COOL). Things also start to show the clay change from illitic to smectitic showing that volcanism is becoming prevalent.
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As we continue heading south through Colorado and Utah, more members are separated out and we see the seaonsal wet/dry cycles appear in the rock record. The Morrison down here is primarily fluvial sandstones and conglomerates and the variegated, smectitic mudstones.
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(Grand Junction Morrison Formation)
As we continue south onto the Four Corners area, we become even more arid. In fact, there was a large saline lake there not unlike the Great Salt Lake in northern Utah now. It was called Lake Too'dichi and geochemistry tells us it was very saline and contained a lot of smectitic minerals that have aided in uranium ore development in the area.
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(the Great Salt Lake from my plane home from GSA)
Lastly, in South Dakota and in the Colorado Plateau we find sand dune deposits ( Bluff and Unkpapa Sandstones) indicating small deserts forming.
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So, when we put it all together, we make a paleomap that looks something like this:
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Neat, right? You can see the retreating sea and the large river systems and the arid areas. I personally would put Lake Too'dichi on there too as it's like Great Salt Lake size but this is good enough for our purposes.
I hope you were able to learn something new and exciting about how rocks tell us about paleoenvironment and I will fossilize y'all later!
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arhitectul · 2 years
obișnuiam să ne aparținem
să fii a mea
să fiu al tău       
obișnuiam să ne spunem noapte bună
obișnuiam să ne trezim cu bună dimineața
obișnuiam să vorbim toată ziua
obișnuiam să...
ardem hârtii
fumăm iluzii
o să ne vedem când vom avea timp
dar timpul zboară
timpul e ca un conglomerat.
abia ne suportăm
abia vorbim
abia ne înțelegem
tu nu ești a mea
eu sunt doar al meu.
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romaniasweetromania · 6 months
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latribune · 7 months
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adani-news · 9 months
Adani's Investor Confidence Drives Shareholder Value and Market Growth
The principles of transparency, responsibility, and value creation at the heart of Adani Group's approach to investor engagement. The multinational corporation realizes that gaining and keeping investors' trust is more than simply making money in the near term.
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Avenul Vladușca - Munții Piatra Craiului cu Cristina Stika #Vladusca #AvenulVladusca #PiatraCraiuluiMountains #PiatraCraiului #Crai #AveneInConglomerate #piatracraiuluinationalpark #mountains #SpeoSilex #limestonemountains #conglomerat #PoliteleMartoiului #geomorphology #geomorfologie #MuntiiPiatraCraiului (la Parcul Național Piatra Craiului) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWE-D4tr0y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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2leggedshark · 16 days
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inprimalinie · 9 months
Danezii suspendă cursele prin Marea Roșie
Maersk, o companie de tip conglomerat daneză, suspendă cursele prin Marea Roșie, după atacurile Houthis asupra navelor companiei. Georgiana Arsene Maersk a adăugat că navele vor ocoli Africa în loc să treacă prin Marea Roșie. Cu o zi înainte, o rachetă a fost trasă din teritoriul yemenit controlat de rebelii houthi asupra navei de containere Maersk Gibraltar în timp ce aceasta traversa…
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blogrefelet · 1 year
S21 Era prompte encara, en unes hores aquella plaça bulliria de gent gaudint del mateix oci conglomerat i buit de tots els caps de setmana. Envellisc.
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bartholomaus · 1 year
Statul este malefic (oriunde în lume. Nu doar al nostru. Al nostru e și malefic, și imbecil în același timp).
Dacă sașii rămâneau erau o problema de guvernare pe termen lung. Țiganii nu sunt. Țiganii trăiesc pe ajutor social, adică oferit de stat. Cu alte cuvinte, statul e șeful pentru ei, fiindcă ei nu muncesc, deci nu plătesc taxe, deci nu au niciun cuvânt. Sașii sunt oameni muncitori, muncind și plătind taxe aveau un cuvant de spus și de respectat. Statul e constient că având mai mulți inteligenți care ți se opun, cu atât e mai rău.
Așa că este de ales: populație de țigani ușor de controlat sau populație de sași care își vor cere drepturile mai târziu?
Statul mereu va alege calea mai ușoară.
-- În impulsul obsesiv pentru așa-numitul „progres” (nesustenabil), alungăm cultura cu viață lungă (durabilă). Planeta suferă, noi suferim. Singurii care câștigă sunt oamenii bogați și din ce în ce mai lacomi, mai bogați. România, împreună cu multe alte țări, au încă sisteme intacte care merită păstrate, aducându-le în același timp părți mai bune ale societății moderne, de ex. asistență medicală, o salubritate mai bună, etc. Dacă peste 100 de ani, când trăim toți în mini-orășele betonate, sterile și lipsite de viață, cu mâncare procesată, plini de cancere, atunci să vadă omenirea, ceea ce am scris aici, în negura timpului… -- Nu cred ca separand fiintele umane in categorii inferioare sau superioare va aduce o rezolvare a situatiei. Din contra o inrautatire. Nu exista categorie inferioara sau superioara. Prin consecinta nici 'transilvanenii', chiar si cei plecati oriunde, nu sunt superiori nimanui. Separarile pe categorii intotdeauna vor duce la conflicte, la fel si in cazul acesta. Doar colaborarea poate aduce un rezultat. Altfel facem teoria nazista a eugeniei, a 'bunei nasteri' sau cea comunista a 'originii sanatoase' si ne intoarcem de unde am plecat. Ideea ar fi colaborarea fiintelor umane in salvarea unui oras dintr-o epoca a civilizatiei umane, pe care alte fiinte umane il lasa in paragina si pe care tot fiintele umane il pot salva. A arunca cu acuze in dreapta si stanga asupra altor fiinte umane, din diverse regiuni, nu ajuta cu nimic. -- Exact asta vor și coloniștii noștrii, să înpăcăm cu gândul și să acceptăm soarta! Oare? Suntem predestinați a nici nu să amintim adevărurile noastre istorice? Afirmația asta - ”poate atunci se redreseaza si ei”- după concepția mea e foarte naivă! Dacă transformăm țara asta într”un fel de conglomerat a ”newcomer”-ilor unde și conviețuirea tradițională de tip ardelenesc primește un șut în cur, despre asta, n-am ce să discut! În USA afară de indieni, toți locuitori sunt de origină venetică, care au importat cultura lor, din care a devenit ce a devenit. Noi ardelenii trebuie să înțelegem că aici ne întîlnim cu confruntarea a două culturii! Nu trebuie să spun mai mult, decât problema acceptării și însușirii limbilor autochtone, crezînd că ei sunt superiorii noștrii!
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cydrone-studios · 2 years
Mihail Manoilescu - Scurt rezumat al gândirii economice
Mihail Manoilescu – Scurt rezumat al gândirii economice Obiectul de studiu al ştiinţei economice, considera Manoilescu în spiritul doctrinei protecţioniste clasice, îl forma economia naţională, care era privită atât ca o sumă a forţelor de producţie, cât şi ca un conglomerat de agenţi economici individuali. Dintre forţele naţionale de producţie, locul principal îi revenea muncii, în raport cu…
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North America Bulletproof Security Glass Market Growth to be Escalated by Growing Security Concerns and Increasing Military Spending by a Significant CAGR by 2029
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Research Nester published a report titled “North America Bulletproof Security Glass Market: Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2029” which delivers detailed overview of the North America bulletproof security glass market in terms of market segmentation by end user, services, material, and by geography.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The North America bulletproof security glass market is anticipated to acquire a sizeable revenue by growing at a notable CAGR during the forecast period, i.e., 2021 – 2029, owing to the growing concerns regarding the security of the people, rising military expenditure and the intensifying usage of bullet-resistant glasses in the defense sector.
The market is segmented by end user, services and material. Based on end user, the segment for military is estimated to grab the largest share on account of the extensive usage of bulletproof glass in military installations such as exchange and secure vision windows, and the distinguished impetration power of armored glass. Furthermore, the automotive segment is also assessed to garner a significant market share ascribing to high utilization of these glasses in government, embassy, VIP and VVIP vehicles.
Download Sample of This Strategic Report: https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-87
Geographically, the North America bulletproof security glass market is segmented into two regions, the United States and Canada. The market in the U.S is expected to occupy the largest share and witness noteworthy growth over the forecast period on the back of strong presence of military and intelligence agencies, and large volumes of export and production of industrial glass in the country.
Rising Expenditure of Military Sector to Boost Market Growth
In 2019, the United States has the largest military spending in the world, amounting to about $730 billion.
U.S.A has one the strongest defense forces owing to which the demand for bulletproof glass is also high in this nation, making it the largest consumer of these glasses worldwide. Along with this, ongoing technological advancements to develop more effective weaponry and armor, in both America and Canada, is also projected to be a crucial factor to give rise to the expansion of market in North America.   
“The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry.”
However, costly installation of bulletproof glass is expected to operate as key restraint to the growth of the North America bulletproof security glass market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the North America bulletproof security glass market which includes company profiling of SCHOTT AG, Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW), Koch Industries, Inc., Apogee Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: APOG), PPG Industries, Inc. (NYSE: PPG), Total Security Solutions, RHI Magnesita GmbH (LON: RHIM), Consolidated Glass Holdings, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain (EPA: SGO), Binswanger Enterprises, LLC, and others. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the North America bulletproof security glass market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
About Research Nester
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision in order to avoid future uncertainties.
Contact for more Info:
AJ Daniel
U.S. Phone: +1 646 586 9123
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