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Segunda confra da firma, mêo. Tô bebendo guaraná Kuat e comendo bolo de festa de aniversário de criança em prato dos Transformers.
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amigosss estou numa confra da minha turma de psico e simplesmente cinema já bebi tudo que eu podia
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2023 teve
muitas fotos dos looks no espelho, vinhos, selfies maquiadas, bm com a vovó, bts no cinema, recife, jaboatão, cabo, amigos, praias, viagens, muitas fotos, cinema, renner, bk, campo no sol, campo na chuva, pagoblack, reencontro das amigas, dias com a vovó, assembleia na congregação nova, foto de perfil, idosos inspiradores, muito campo, muitas fotos no campo, doente, mingau porque eu sou uma bebê, mimi e malu, malu banguela, cartas com a amiga, praia, andar de bici na praia, matar as saudades dele, ficar com mais saudades ainda dele, icaraí com os amigos, bm com a vovó e a mamis, mais campo, lindos lugares no campo, aula de inglês para crianças, merenda no papai com enzo, campo, reforma na escola, meu primeiro girassol, cover legião, comidas gostosas, crianças, batismo de alguém querido, bons momentos juntas, luau, ru com a jam, campo com minha pessoa amada, muito bolo com minha colegas favs, reencontros, vovó aqui no finde, vovó com a vovó, perebinha e vó, celebração e muita família, meu primeiro óculos de grau, mamis no campo, cinema para assistir animação de novo, keroros, despedidas, elaboração de provas, festa na escola, presentes, poranga, avon, praia, bk, cinema, meu primeiro discurso na jardim, dia da família, lanches do orador, estágio na cch, aluno fav, reencontro dos keroros com a deusa, mais despedidas, mais fotos no campo, mais fotos de looks no espelho, fotos da formatura, exposição van gogh, vovó fazendo minha ecobag, congresso nas duas partes, lasanha, amigas queridas, alice, filme no são luiz na estreia, vinho nas taças do mickey e da minnie, viagem, praia de redonda, mossoró, thermas, piscinas de águas quentes, primos amados, família feliz, congragación española norte, barbie, mamis de rosa, predicación en la bm, benfica com a jamis, visita gabriel, reunião de pioneiros, meu primeiro trabalho de carteira assinada, café no habbibs, campos animaoos, assinar de pioneira, levar a vovó no médico, tercinho conhecendo dan, diploma digital, mel, congresso na itamaraty, reunião eer, mais campo, açaí com sorvete, presente pro tercinho, despedida definitiva, minha primeira festa dos pioneiros, vovó combinando pijama com roupa de cama, casamento do pai, asamblea, nova mochilinha, mais campo, mais lanche do orador, cinema com os primos lindos, a ótima sensação de usar a roupa a primeira vez e se sentir linda, colação de grau com vovó e família, mansão abandonada, predicación con la minnie, feira auê com vovó, enzo, mamis, tia juliana, lia, cesta de gostosuras, almoço delicioso no coco bambu, mais campo, casamento tio renato e joana, homenagem alunos kumon, manutenção, cabelo horrível com bigudinho, assembleia, lasanha, amigos amados, confra, copos disney, piscina, sextou, gin, inventário, minha prineira reunião anual, bodas dos amigos, mais campo e estudos também.
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confra do escritório foi taoooo bom, cantei “ceu azul” do chorão e toda vez que eu errava eu olhava pro cantor e ele me ajudava kkkkkk
e agora eu quero namorar um músico e cantar e olhando pra ele
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Feliz. Confra da firma. Ganhadora de prêmio.
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Ai gente juro, eu reclamei muito qnd troquei de chefe no estágio anterior, mas queimei minha língua bonito viu
Ela me chamou pra uma confra mesmo que eu não esteja mais estagiando lá, fora tudo que ela fez por mim/me deu
Fica a lição sobre primeiras impressões para a baby do futuro
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Silvinho Santos e Dj Kaú Gomes serão as atrações musicais da Confra dos Jornalistas, que acontece no próximo sábado (07/12), no Clube da OAB O evento é destinado somente a profissionais de imprensa (EVITE CONSTRANGIMENTO), acontece sábado quem vem, (07/12), no Clube da OAB/RO Com uma expectativa da presença de mais 400 profissionais, a 12ª edição da Festa dos Jornalistas, uma confraternização…
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London, 07 de Outubro do Ano 1 - Segunda - Doc - 25 anos.
06:00 - Acordo e corro. 07:00 - Volto, tomo banho e me arrumo. 07:55 - Tomo café no hosp, na confra:
08:30 - Começamos a trabalhar. 12:30 - Almoço na salinha:
13:00 - Volto ao trabalho. 16:00 - Faço um lanche rápido com Anne e Parti, com fofoca:
16:15 - Volto. 17:00 - Saio do trabalho. 17:10 - Visito um museu para relaxar e aprender: Moco Museum London
17:50 - Passo no mercado: Sainsbury's Local
18:30 - Chego em casa, tomo banho e me arrumo. 19:20 - Carl me busca. 19:45 - Aniversário de Emma:
22:30 - Voltamos para casa e dormimos.
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cheguei agora do churrasco de confra do volei ! me diverti muito
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Sumi um pouco porque tava uma loucura esse fim de período e eu tava ficando meio mal com alguns posts. Mas não parei de tentar e teve muita confra então mais mantive o peso do que perdi
Enfim estou com 87kg uhuuuu já foram 7kg perdidos e eu to em choque porque eu to pensando muito de 1 em 1kg, de 200g em 200g e quando eu olho já perdi 7, ai to muito feliz
Vou passar 4 dias fora viajando sem minha balança e vai ser um desafio, mas vai me manter mais na linha
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"Gente o que vocês esperam que tenha na próx confra? O que poderíamos fazer diferente"
Por mim, poderia nem ter!!!
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End of semester be like:
Acordei de 10h, bati com um aleatório do snap. Fui pro RU e todos meus objetivos do dia eram:
1. Arrumar a casa e lavar banheiro e roupa
2. Cortar cabelo
3. Fazer prova de DH
4. Confra do cna
O que acontece? Diana pergunta se temos aula hoje, SIMPLESMENTE não inclui meu trabalho como atividades do dia. Mas, já cancelei hehe.
Help, I'm totally out of the wreck
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2024 teve
pregação na espanhola, pinacoteca com a vovó, muitas poses, amizades de anos, o melhor cover do coldplay da vida, reunião em sinais, tardezinha do pagoblack, a oportunidade de me despedir de uma pessoa incrível, estreitar os laços com amizades maduras, reunião de pios, poder rever meu amigo mais amado, reafirmar uma nova amizade, madrugar assistindo a série da minha história fav, acordar com os olhos todos inchados porque me acabei de chorar vendo o final da série, vovó combinando as meias com o pijama, minha primeira pré-assembleia, comer muito o bolo de maracujá da dona Liduína, ficar no carrinho com meu quarteto fantástico, fazer um café pra vó, reunião especial, vovó aceitou ir pra celebração, assembleia com o melhor vestido do ano, muito campo nas quartas, jamelão, conhecer meu amor, o melhor cover do artic monkeys da vida, feira auê, desabafos, fofocas, samba, flores pro princeso, assistir o guinho no cinema, ver o tanquinho do jungkook no meio do iguatemi, fofocas, nossa primeira fotinha, mais campo, pereba se recuperou, meu primeiro concerto foi incrível, beira mar, karaokê, sorvete derretido, sua foto fav, ruffles na reunião, portinari, fim de tarde na bm, cinema, visitar a casa do pai com a vovó, dar presente barulhento pro Enzo, visitar a amiga querida, rir muito da tia Cleide, assistir os improváveis ao vivo, bastante beijo, mundo pixar, presentes, escola de pios, muita comida boa, cozumel, cascavel, cinema, role histórico, praia, férias, congresso, médico, muito congresso, muito campo, muito almoço na ruthinha, muita comida da naza, lago, Malu, Enzo, passar o dia na vovó com quem amo, finalmente o meu congresso, flores vermelhas pra vovó, almoço com a Pepe, resolver problemas em casa, casamento do tio, café pra Pepe, conhecer novos lugares culturais na melhor companhia, muitos pubs, escolher nosso fav, muito carrinho, amiga começou a namorar, planetário, o melhor role ever: levar meu amor no parque de diversões pela primeira vez, confra do trabalho, cesta de dia dos profes, fazer surpresa pra prima formanda, almoçar em família, viajar pra sp, conhecer betel, casar minha amiga mais antiga, muitos roles culturais, conhecer o masp, expo, rever meu amigo mais uma vez, conhecer a namorada dele, ir na praia, tomar caldo, sair com os amigos, apresentar eles, assembleia, conhecer a família dele, cantar no karaokê com a Ruth, errar todas as músicas, ver a Dodó realizar um sonho, assistir ela dançando balé, levar meu bem pra ver um balé pela primeira vez, ajudar um big café, assembleia, presentes dos alunos, formatura da Lia, férias, ajudar a vovó a fazer um vestido pra mim, semana da visita, muito campo, carrinho, reunião de pios, primeira viagem com o namorado, rever amigos, fazer novos, passar tempo de qualidade, relaxar, recusar festas dizendo que só fui em jeri dar uma volta na pracinha, comprar uma canga maravilhosa, tomar muito banho de lagoa, muita praia, pagode na praia, almoço gostoso, resolver rapidamente desentendimentos, escutar meu bem tocar e cantar ao vivo, tomar a última coca com rum do ano.
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BSA humbled me.
For the last 9 months, I felt nothing but shame. Despite the achievements that I post on my social media, I am nothing but a fraud.
Writing this letter while ugly crying is truly such a surprise for me. I thought I'll excel here. I thought this would come off as natural to me. I CHOSE to be here. I PRAYED to be here. But then why is it hurting me this much? Why am suffering so damn much? Maybe I became too confident. Maybe I'm not really smart, I'm just *masipag* and that's it. I don't have the brains to survive in this program. Hell, 2nd semester and I'm already failing. 1st sem wasn't a breeze, though. I remember not having the energy to even wake up in the morning to attend classes. I felt doomed. It wasn't like when I was still in UB, where I felt excited to go to school. But here in DLSL? I dreaded it. There were moments where I could rather die than attend Confras and Finacre. The irony is, this institution was my dream school. This course was my dream course. I prayed for this. I really did. At 13, all I can think about is "De La Salle Lipa". I took pride in being a "Lasallian" and a "BSA student" just for those two to be the things that I hated most about myself. I couldn't see myself doing this for another 3 years. Hell, I just want this to be over with. It's so hard. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Am I dumb? Am I really *that* dumb? Or is it the course? Is it the school? Is it the professor? Is it the lack of support system? Or is it just me?
Or maybe because I kept comparing DLSL with UB? Is it because I miss UB? I miss my home? It's just so weird. I hated UB with my whole guts but now I crave it. I wish I could just crawl back into it and cry and let the ambiance hug me and nurture me and tell me its okay. Is it my friends? Do I miss them? I mean, I have friends in DLSL but it isn't really a factor that I wanna even consider. Is it the competition? Fuck, it's like competing with 10000x Roberts in here. It is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually draining to even breathe in here. I don't like it here anymore. I wanna go home. But I'm scared of the judgment. I don't wanna be labeled as a failure.
I've been crying a lot for the past few weeks. I don't know if it's because of my period or because of my grades- could be both though. It's my first time experiencing scoring 29/60 in an exam. A fucking exam. And my quizzes are flunking out too. A 32/45 on a quiz? Fuck that. Fuck me. Fuck everything. Why is it so hard to be just as good as I was in high school? I know I'm not dumb. I'm not stupid. I may have gotten a bit lazy, but that couldn't have been it. I'm not dumb. It hurts how I have to repeat that multiple times a day. I'm so dumb. I'm so fucking dumb I hate myself.
I remember crying about not having 1 point to be considered "With Highest Honors", and now look at where I am. I'm begging to pass. *Pass*. All that in one semester. Last semester, I had second honors. Wow, right? I even assured myself that I might just survive in this program, that I might even do better than I thought I would. But fuck that. I'm failing. Do you even understand how embarassing that is? From being the top in your class, to being a mid in class? I'm just pretending that I have my shit together, but in reality, I do not.
I've reached a new low, where I wish I could just wake up and I'm 40 years old and I'm suddenly halfway through life and I only have a few years left until I die. Yes. That's a new low. I thought that the worst it could be is not seeing yourself 5-10 years from now. Turns out it could be worse. Sometimes, I find myself hoping that I'll get sick, or I could get caught in the accident so I can be confined and finally have the time to rest. Yes, it was that bad. For the first time in years, I silently prayed that I could seriously just die. Come on, let's end it. What's the point? It was that bad. I need help more than ever but I don't know how to ask for it. Hell, I don't even know what to do right now.
No, it wasn't because of the heavy workload. It was more of the emotional and mental fatigue. Unlike in UB where I'm bombarded with tasks, here you are bombarded with self-hatred, and jealousy, and confusion, and 99% of the time, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just good at acting like I know what I'm doing.
It was painful to wake up every morning, realizing what the day is gonna be. I hated how I hated where I am right now. I know I should be grateful and stuff, but honestly, I don't wanna lie to myself right now. I hate it. I fucking hate it. Why does it have to be so hard? I wish I had a single answer to any of these questions that I have in my head. I wish I could answer even just one of them.
No, I don't regret being in accountancy. I don't regret choosing ABM. I don't regret going to DLSL. I don't regret not staying in UB even if I had the chance. Because I know that I tried. What I would regret more is if I didn't try. As much as I love to take Psychology, I just don't see myself pursuing that long-term. However, I also do not see myself pursuing accountancy. So why am I still here? I don't know. Is it the ego? Probably. I'd probably just transfer to UB if shit goes south here in DLSL. Sure, I'll miss JPIA and PFC, but it's better than studying AIS and losing a scholarship. In UB, I could still try and apply for scholarship. I might lose the scholarship for 2nd year, but hopefully, I'll be a full scholar by 3rd year to 4th year- less financial burden to my parents. It just sucks that I have to here in this position right now. It sucks. Everything sucks. Just kill me at this point.
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Global Personal Protective Equipment Market Surges to $79.83 Billion in 2030, Driven by Increasing Safety Awareness
PPE, or Personal Protective Equipment, encompasses gear designed to safeguard individuals during strenuous, hazardous, or life-threatening tasks. Given its preventative attributes, PPE has gained widespread popularity in the current scenario, particularly in response to the global upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both healthcare professionals and the general public have embraced personal protective equipment such as face shields, masks, gloves, and protective apparel to mitigate the spread of pathogenic diseases, contributing significantly to the market's expansion. Furthermore, PPE serves as a crucial shield against various injuries, chemical exposures, radiological hazards, as well as mechanical, electrical, and physical wear and tear, leading to enhanced worker productivity and efficiency.
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Moreover, beyond the aforementioned driving factor, the rapid growth in the construction industry, influenced by evolving lifestyle preferences worldwide, has fueled the demand for PPE. The increased adoption of protective equipment like helmets, gloves, and body apparel presents promising growth opportunities for the PPE industry. Additionally, the rise in per capita disposable income globally, coupled with increased investments and governmental initiatives to protect laborers in hazardous construction sites, is creating new avenues for market growth. Furthermore, substantial investments in Research and Development by industry leaders to introduce smart, cost-effective, and highly efficient personal protective equipment will unlock lucrative prospects for the market. Also, the growing environmental concerns worldwide, along with stringent conservation policies in regions like North America and Europe, have intensified the demand for sustainable products made from biodegradable materials. The development of such environmentally friendly PPE presents significant opportunities for the overall market.
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The global personal protective equipment market is segmented into the Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, the Middle East & Africa, and South America. Among the regions, North America is anticipated to dominate the personal protective equipment market during the forecast period. There’s considerable growth in this region, owing to the increasing recorded incidences of mortal fates on the construction sites. For instance, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021 a worker died every 101 minutes from work-place related injury. The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest growing region during the forecast period. Continuous development in the food & beverage along with pharmaceutical and healthcare industry in the countries like China, Japan, India etc. is offering future growth prospects for the PPE market within the region over the forecast years.
Key Market Players:
Avon Protection plc
Confra Holding
Honeywell International Inc
Japan Airlines (JAL)
MSA Safety
More Insights on this report, Speak to Our Analyst @ https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/enquiry/1015
The report provides deep insights into demand forecasts, market trends, and micro and macro indicators. In addition, this report provides insights into the factors that are driving and restraining the growth in this market. Moreover, The IGR-Growth Matrix analysis given in the report brings an insight into the investment areas that existing or new market players can consider. The report provides insights into the market using analytical tools such as Porter's five forces analysis and DRO analysis of the personal protective equipment market. Moreover, the study highlights current market trends and provides forecasts from 2023-2030. We also have highlighted future trends in the market that will affect the demand during the forecast period. Moreover, the competitive analysis given in each regional market brings an insight into the market share of the leading players.
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