#conflicted if i wanted to tag this or not... shrugs. why not. not too bothered by it tbh. feel free to leave criticism btw
dadbots · 3 months
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(6/29/24) an attempted Leon Kennedy sketch... W.I.P
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emoreemadden · 2 months
hii! it’s been a while <3 anyways here’s a request from a friend.
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Outline: Gojo doesn’t want to be your friend anymore and tells you straight to your face. Unfortunately, you take it the wrong way.
Content Warnings: fluff kinda?, angst ish???, miscommunication trope 😭 idk not many tags or warnings for this one. lmk if i missed anything
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, fem!reader
A/N: i was supposed to finish this WAYYYYYY sooner 😭 my bad… word count: 1815
Gojo Satoru. An enigma for sure.
You both have been best friends for longer than you remember. Well, maybe best friends is the wrong term. You said you were best friends, but it didn’t feel that way. At least not to you.
Every time you saw Gojo, your heart would flutter. Perhaps it was normal, you didn’t know. All you knew was that you had some kind of feelings for him.
You just wished he felt the same.
“What’s wrong?” Gojo had noticed you’d been acting different recently. He puts a hand on your shoulder. “You’re being weird.”
You shrug at him, trying to act normal. Even though you’ve always felt this way about him, you’ve only just now stopped bothering to hide it.
“I don’t know.” Your eyes flit to the ground. “Just tired, I guess.”
And Gojo, being the nice guy that he is, pulls you into a hug. It shouldn’t make you feel this way, like there’s butterflies in your stomach. But it does.
You’re conflicted between wanting to cry and wanting to hug him until you two became one.
“You should get some rest.” He suggests, pulling away and flashing you one of his cheery grins.
“I’ll try my best.” You smile back, though it’s not very passionate.
Gojo pats your head. There’s a pitiful look on his face. “Are you still down for lunch tomorrow?” He asks. Always so considerate, yet he’s never realized how you feel about him.
“Yeah, sure.” You try to up the dosage of your weary smile. “You still working on that surprise?” You ask. Gojo’s been planning this for weeks, teasing you about his “lunch date surprise.”
He grins cheekily. “‘Course I am.” His slender fingers fidget with his sleeves. “What kind of friend would I be to go back on my word?”
The word taunts you like a bully, but you push the thought away. It’s all you’ll ever be, anyways. Friends.
You chuckle when you snap back to reality. “A pretty shitty one, I’d say.”
“Language, young lady.” He teases. You open your mouth to say something, but his phone rings.
“Sorry, I gotta go.” He gives you an apologetic look. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Be prepared!” He looks giddy.
“Yep.” You reply tightly. “Bye, ‘Toru.” You wave as he walks away.
“Do I buy her flowers or something?” Gojo says to Suguru over the phone.
“You’ve been thinking about this for weeks. Why has it only occured to you now to get her flowers?” Suguru replies, and Gojo can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
“Well I don’t normally confess to my best friend-” Geto tuts before he can continue.
Gojo sighs. “Okay, girl best friend. Better?” He asks.
“No, but continue anyways.” There’s an awkward pause on Gojo’s part.
“I’m nervous.” Gojo finally admits. “I’m like, really nervous.”
Suguru chuckles. “Gojo Satoru, the strongest Sorcerer there is, is nervous to confess to a girl.” He says, his laugh getting louder. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh shut up, would you?” And Geto only laughs harder, his chuckle turning into full blown howling.
“Fuck off!” And with that, the call clicks off. Gojo sighs, shoving his phone in his pocket and falling back onto his bed.
“I’m screwed.”
You sit at the cafe Gojo had invited you too weeks prior, sighing as you stare at the clock.
“Where is he..?” You mutter to yourself.
Suddenly, as if on cue, he strides in as giddy as ever, looking around for a minute before spotting you and grinning.
“There you are!” He says as he sits down at the table with you. He’s sweating slightly, like he’s anxious.
You smile back at him, and immediately it feels like there’s a thorny rose in your belly, poking you from the inside. “Hey ‘Toru.”
He beams at you. “Did I keep you waiting long?” He asks, giving you an apologetic look for being a few minutes late.
You shake your head. “It’s alright. Now would you please tell me what your little surprise is?”
“Well I can’t give it away so easily!” He pouts playfully. “You haven’t even ordered.” He notes the empty table.
You sigh, before flagging down a waitress. “Can I please get two iced coffees?”
The waiter notes down your order and runs off, leaving you to stare at Satoru expectantly. “Yes I have.”
He tuts, rolling his eyes. “We’ll get to the surprise later. For now, tell me how your day is going.”
So you do. You two talk for a few minutes, and you practically forget about the surprise, until he reminds you.
“Alright, I’ll tell you your surprise now.” He says after the waitress leaves with Gojo’s order of a tiramisu cake and two spoons.
You perk up, curious to find out what he’s been alluding to for so long.
He takes a deep breath. “I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
You can almost hear the sound of your heart crunching as he steps on it with his words.
“What?” You squeak, tears forming in your eyes.
Gojo stares at you, confused. “Didn’t you hear me?”
You swallow thickly, feeling bile rise in your throat. “But… why?” You feel your tears rolling down your cheeks.
Gojo is alarmed, staring at your crying face. “Why are you crying? Do you… not feel the same?”
You shake your head feverishly, about to open your mouth, but the waitress places down your cake before you can speak.
Gojo looks down at the cake and then back up at you, his expression dimming.
“So you want to be friends?” He asks, sounding heartbroken himself.
You nod, confused. “I thought you did too!” Your chest swells with hurt.
Gojo seems completely distraught. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out. “…No.” He finally says, looking down at the ground.
You stand up from the table with your purse, placing down a few bills before sniffling, trying to wipe your eyes. “I’m going home.” You mumble, turning to leave.
Gojo just stares at you walk away, feeling his spirit burn. “Oh.” He whispers, looking down at the cake on the table.
You hop in your car, tears streaming down your face rapidly as you grip the steering wheel tightly. Your head collapses against the wheel and your body convulses as you sob, shaking like crazy.
You knew Gojo would never feel the same way about you as you did with him, but you thought you’d at least always be friends.
You whimper as you curl up into a ball in the driver's seat, too upset to drive.
Meanwhile, Gojo is inside the cafe, eating the cake silently while he stares at the second spoon.
He’s so confused. He had a sneaking suspicion that you’d reject his love for you, but he didn’t expect you to do it so heartlessly. You cried, for god’s sake! He hadn’t predicted for you to be so opposed to the idea of being more than friends with him.
He feels his heart clench when he remembers your face after he confessed. He sighs, finishing his desert before leaving the cafe defeatedly, his hands in his pockets as he walks home.
The second he opens his door, he collapses against it, sliding to his knees and curling into a ball. He thinks for a moment, before calling up Suguru.
“Have you done it yet? What did she say?” Is the first thing that comes out of Geto’s mouth when he picks up. The reminder of the whole debacle just makes Gojo even more sorrowful than he already was.
“She rejected me.” Gojo says solemnly. The air falls silent for a few moments.
Geto is the first to break the silence. “What did you say?” He finally asks.
Gojo sighs. “I said I didn’t want to be friends anymore.” He replies.
A beat of silence passes.
“And?” Geto urges.
Gojo, confused, replies. “And what?”
“And then what did you say?” He asks.
Still extremely confused, Gojo pauses. “…Nothing.” He says, a hint of uncertainty in his answer.
Geto, with a loud sigh, rolls his eyes. “Are you dumb?” He asks.
“Huh? What’d I do?!” Gojo frowns.
“You goddamn idiot, she probably thought you meant you didn’t want to be friends at all!” Suguru slaps his forehead, which is heard from Gojo’s end of the line.
“Because I don’t!” Gojo protests, now even more confused.
Suguru heaves with annoyance. “She thought you didn’t like her anymore, dumbass.”
Another beat of silence.
A wave of realization hits Gojo. “Oh, fuck.” Is all he says before hanging up and hopping to his feet, running out the door to go find you.
Luckily, on his run to your house, Satoru sees your car still parked outside of the cafe. Panting like a madman, he walks up to it and knocks on your passenger door window, startling you back into your surroundings.
Your eyes widen when you see Satoru awkwardly waving at you through your window. Your eyes are puffy and red from crying, which he notices.
He taps your window, as if to say ‘open up!”
You sniffle as you roll it down, rubbing your eyes.
“Hey, I think you misinterpreted what I said back there.” He gestures to the cafe, his sentence broken up by loud, heavy breaths.
“Why are you so tired?” You ask in return.
“I ran here.” He replies, giving you a lazy grin before he continues with his explanation.
“When I said I didn’t want to be friends anymore, I meant because I want to be more than friends.” He begins, poking his head through your open window to get a little closer to you.
“I really, really like you.” He confesses, a light blush tinting his cheeks. “And I don’t want to be friends. I want to be your boyfriend.”
You stare at him for a few seconds, before letting out a breathy laugh. “Of course you screwed up like that.” You mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose as you smile.
He ignored your little jab. “So? What do you say?” He asks. “Please don’t reject me, I ran all the way here.” He begs.
You laugh again, rubbing your red eyes and unlocking your car door. “I don’t want to be friends either, Satoru.”
His eyes light up at your statement and he immediately throws the door open, fitting himself into the passenger seat before he turns to face you.
“Really, you mean it?” He asks excitedly, looking at you with hopeful eyes. “You don’t?”
You smile. “Not at all.”
And with your confirmation, he grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss, gently wiping your past tears as he does so.
He pulls back for a second to grin at you. “Thank god, because I was not ready to run all the way back home.” He jokes before going back to kissing you.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Tag list: @sh-tposter2021 @casmosmoon @hoesindifferentshows @daffodildelight @stuckinaoaktree @this-is-music @good-so @farleyis @starksdaughter20
Part 1
It has been a couple of days since your confession and Hobie was conflicted on whether he should rip the preverbal bandaid off and tell you of his secret identity, and possibly putting you at risk for potentially dangerous circumstances in the future, or keep you in the dark for a little while longer until he felt brave enough with himself and his situation to come forward; After all personal relationships -whether platonic or romantic- and Spider-Man never went well together. It was a sacrifice placed upon the shoulders of all variations who were chosen to dawn the mask of Spider-Man.
For if the legacy of being Spider-Man was a death sentence to those who are close, Hobie doesn’t want you death to be treated as his ‘canon event’ or whatever hand fisted bullshit excuse Miguel was trying to ram down everyone’s throats in order to justify in allowing a loved one of theirs to die. Hobie refuses that being the case and due to his righteous mistrust of Miguel, he kept your name out of his mouth unless it was within the presence of the few he could trust; Miles, Pavitr and Gwen.
‘So they have a crush on you.’ Pavitr began.
‘And you have a crush on them.’ Miles jumped in.
‘Ain’t no point in hiding it.’ Hobie cooly replied because why should he bother hiding the obvious.
‘So…what’re you going to do about it?’ Gwen finishes and Hobie only shrugs in response, ‘dunno.’
Pavitr made an face of exaggerated shock and looks over at Miles and Gwen, who were already expecting this reaction from him as they exchanged looks with him, before looking back at Hobie. ‘Dunno, the person you like has expressed that they like you too-‘ ‘-it wasn’t me they were talking to Pav, it was Spider-Man, clear difference. No need to rom-com it.’ Pavitr waved his comment away and continues on his tangent, ‘they like you, you like them and your response to all that is; Dunno?!’ Hobie -again- shrugs. He really didn’t know what to do, yes the feelings between you two were mutual but that didn’t mean he was going to risk your safety over them; no matter how deeply he feels them to the point where the mere idea of you being put at risk because of him acting out of his selfishness in having you, made him physically hurt.
Hobie would rather enact upon his selfishness in a way that meant letting you go and moving on to someone who wasn’t going to be putting your life in constant danger, whilst also getting to shamelessly cling onto some part of you in the process; even if that meant just being your friend, even though he already knew that wasn’t what you wanted. ‘What do you want me to do Pavitr?’ Hobie began, ‘Go up to them and be like ‘remember the talk you had with Spider-Man up on the roof? Yeah that was me and no I’m not having a laugh because I like you too.’ He made a face at this, ‘nah I’d rather them call me a nonce for the rest of my life, well that is if they still want me in their life afterwards for lying to them this entire time.’ He murmurs the last part to himself mostly and it was silent for a while as he, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles sat on what has been said.
The later three shared a look between them as Hobie looked at a picture of the two of you that he kept within the pockets of his vest, smiling softly to himself as the echos of your laughter ran in his head like a melody he could set his soul adrift to on his most sleepless of nights. It was obvious to Gwen, Pavitr and Miles that Hobie held you close to his chest, right where his heart is; Gwen in particular was aware of how much of an impact you had on Hobie from the times she spent at his place and it was obvious as to where it was that you touched as Hobie made it apparent to keep it that way. You’ve made a home for yourself within Hobie’s heart and she knew that he’d fight to keep you in his life.
‘Hobie,’ he lifted his eyes to meet theirs, ‘would you rather be afraid to tell them who you are for the rest of your life, or tell them while you still have the chance because from what you’ve already told us about y/n, they wouldn’t hate you or call you a nonce, whatever that is.’ Miles mumbled under his breath as Hobie raised his brows, ‘has it crossed your mind at all that you might just overthinking all this? Not to say the fear ain’t real, what I’m trying to get at is this; you should pursue what makes you happiest, regardless of the fears you may have because in the end isn’t it better to have love and lost then to have never have loved at all?’
Hobie mulled on Miles’ advice once he got back to his reality before finding himself standing on that very same rooftop where his conflict began, looking down as he clutched his mask between both hands in contempt, so much so that he didn’t even hear your voice call out to him until you were right next to him. ‘Hobie? Everything alright?’ He had told you prior to meet up on the rooftop of some abandoned apartment complex that you were more then camisole with at this point, but the way he said it made you feel as though there was something eating away at your best friend and you weren’t about to let him go through anything alone without you.
Upon realising how close you were to him, Hobie was slick enough to hide his mask behind his back when he addressed you, stuffing it into his back pocket so that you wouldn’t get overly curious as to his hand placement but then again you were always as observant as him when he noticed the way your eyes lingered, like you already knew what this was about; to which Hobie wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for it would make this situation a lot easier for you to process what you already knew. ‘Yeah, everything’s cool, why is it that you think somethings up?’ The raise of your brows only told Hobie that you weren’t buying it, ‘oh I think there is but it looks to me that you need a little prompting.’ and without missing a beat your hand was halfway to reaching for his back pocket when he caught your wrist, holding it there as he looked at you incredulously. ‘The hell was that for knobhead.’
You shrugged, ‘like I said, you needed prompting otherwise you wouldn’t be defending whatever’s in your back pocket so adamantly as you are now.’ You were smart, Hobie had to give you that as he lets go of your wrist and decides to quit the unnecessary prolonging and pulled out the mask from his back pocket, chucking it into your awaiting hands as he then sat himself near to the edge with his back facing you so he couldn’t see the look upon your face when you say, ‘so this is what you were hiding from me…I knew Spider-Man felt too familiar and now I know why.’ He heard your footsteps get closer before stopping all together as you sat yourself next to him.
You were both silent but it was a silence loud enough to dampen out anything else in that moment and Hobie didn’t know where this silence would lead to, and neither did you as you were now realising that you had confessed your feelings to your best friend without knowing it; which was already enough to take in but for that friend to also be spider-man was a whole other thing to unpack. Where you mad that he didn’t tell you? No, not even in the slightest but you were more worried then you could ever be mad, after all you just found out your crush and best friend was spider-man for fuck sakes so of course you’d be more worried for his well being. ‘Here,’ you tell him, holding out his mask for him to take, ‘you can have it back.’ Hobie did as you asked and took his mask back, but before it was fully in his grasp you yanked it away from his reach, causing him to look at you.
‘Give it.’ He tells you straightforwardly but you stood your ground as you pressed a finger to your cheek, ‘not until you tell me something first; did you know I had a crush on you prior.’ Hobie shrugs. ‘No, honestly it wasn’t until but you admitted that you liked me that somethings started to make sense.’ You hummed, content with his answer but you weren’t through quite yet. ‘Do you…feel the same.’ You once again asked but this time your voice wasn’t as steady and strong, it was fearful and hesitant; something Hobie never wants you to be when near him.
‘Of course I do, I thought I made it obvious when I personally dealt with those who chatted shit about you behind you back, I thought it was obvious that when I let you into my heart, that there would be no way that I was letting you go but with this,’ he gestured to the mask in your outstretched hand, ‘made it all the more harder for me to do that without putting you in danger; I was hiding this other life from you to protect you but you were always too observant for your own good but it’s one of the many things I love about you.’ Hobie admits, happy he finally got it off of his chest. After hearing all that, you gave him back his mask and rested your head against his shoulder, murmuring, ‘your such a hassle.’
Hobie smiled for what felt like the first time in a long while throughout this whole situation and slugged his arm over your shoulder before resting his head on top of yours, ‘yeah but I’m your hassle.’ He says before pressing a kiss to your head, feeling you as you snuggle into his side, smiling to yourself, ‘how unfortunate.’ You say half heartedly as Hobie joins in, ‘yeah, poor you.’
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creepling · 1 year
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disguised lessons - stepbro! j. slaughter / 1k
well um... i just wrote that on a whim. idk what came over me. i am truly rotted in the brain. so enjoy, i guess?
tags: smut - MDNI. fem!reader. stepbro!johnny. reader loses virginity. ment of pantie sniffing and masturbating. johnny is a manipulative lil shit. praise. oral (m receiving). cowgirl. stomach bulge. possessive. degrading by the end. unprotective sex. hints at an age gap.
Johnny knew the consequences that came with Nancy marrying another man. He’ll disappear like the rest of him, without a trace. But this time, the package came with a cute little step-sister. Naive as they come, you try not to take too much space in the household. When Daddy wasn’t home, Nancy scorned you and made it known you weren’t part of the family. Johnny, however, seemed to enjoy your company. He wanted it a little too much for a step-brother.
Having an older brother after years of being a sheltered-only child was exciting. And his behaviour did not stick out as abnormal but conflicted with your consciousness. Johnny liked touching you. Touch you wherever he wanted. Grazing the small of your back, tuck your hair behind your ear. He teased your blushing. He discovered that you were easy to carry and made it routine to pick you up. To feel your thighs around his waist, your timid hands grip his shoulders for support. He’d chuckle at your whines to put you down.
When he started to get adventurous, he’d test the limits when Nancy and your dad weren’t around—becoming the man of the house when they left for work—snooping in your room when you’re downstairs making lunch, smelling your clothes and beating off to your scent. Going around the house shirtless in the Texan heat, clocking your desperate urge not to feed your eyes on him, making your conflicts worse by lingering in your bedroom, leaning over your bed, the stretch of his abdomen clouding your mind. It was only a matter of time before Johnny would the fuck the slut out of his step-sister.
It all started when you both had the house to yourself for the night. You lay across your bed reading a book. You wondered if he would make his daily trip inside, your stomach tender and topsy. He didn’t bother knocking, causing you to shift as the door creaks open. Johnny walks in. Just wanted to check up on ya. You couldn’t help but smile. He took his regular spot on your bed, spreading along the bottom, holding himself up with his strong arm. Muscles flexing. Your face grows hot.
I’ve been meanin’ to ask ya something, Johnny ponders, his hands fidgeting with the bed throw. Are you a virgin?
You were shocked, slapping your hand on his shoulder. Why would you ask me that?
I’ll take that as a yes, Johnny smirked. All you could do was look dumbfounded. 
That’s a shame. Guys your age don’t want a virgin girl. They want them nasty. Trust me, I’d know. I was that age once. Johnny shrugged, trying to hide his smirk at your disappointment.
That can’t be true. Daddy says guys want respectable girls to marry.
Well, your Daddy don’t know everything. Johnny said, his eyes lingering over your body. But I could teach you a few things since I'm your step-brother. Your breath hitches as he moves closer to you, cupping your chin. I could teach you how to fuck properly. How to suck off a guy. How to ride him. It could come in real’ handy when you find that special someone. 
Bewitched by his stare, you follow his gaze as you kneel on the bed, watching as Johnny stands up and unbuckles his jeans. It ain’t as scary once you try it, Johnny soothes, patting your head.
Your lips were timid around his tip, moaning surprisingly as he bucks his hips, his cock stuffing your tiny mouth. It’s good to keep eye contact, Johnny grunts, guiding your head for your doe-like stare to fixate on his lustrous gaze. Yeah, that’s it, good girl. Once your mouth salivated, Johnny eased his length inside, holding your head in place. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears streaming. You choke as his tip licks the back of your throat. Yet, you didn’t want to protest, feeling your cunt pulsing at the deep groans escaping Johnny’s mouth. You like my cock, don’t ya lil sis? You might not want another cock after mine.
He taught you all the techniques. How to swirl your tongue around his shaft, open your throat to take him all in, and massage his balls. Giving the puppy-dog eyes that drive him mad. He could feel himself growing close to a climax, so he pulled out of your swollen mouth and picked you up in his arms. How’s about time I show you how to fuck good, ay girl?
You cradled his lap, his hands exploring your body, lurching his lips around your nipples. He holds you in place as you whimper, squirming as he attacks your sensitivity. Positioning his cock under your dripping cunt, Johnny guides your hips to sink on his length. His eyes glazed as he watched the shock on your face.
Johnny, it hurts- You protest, but his hands are keeping you firmly in place. Your legs shake, whining at the pain of his cock filling you.
It’s okay, darlin’. You’ll get used to it, Johnny says, caressing your cheek. There, it’ll soon go away. You’ll enjoy it, I promise.
You soon get used to his length, the pain washing away. It began to feel like a pleasurable ache, the knot in your stomach gradually coming undone. You look down at Johnny’s immersive hands on your waist, guiding your hips to grind down into him. Your back arches, and you sigh a moan, easing yourself into it.
That’s it, you’re doing good. Keeping doing that, Johnny reassures. He leans back and lets you take full reign, gazing at the perky breasts pressed together, your hands on his chest. You move in places to feel comfortable, running your walls up and down his cock, moaning as his length pumps into you. He felt so good, and you felt ashamed to enjoy it. Your step-brother’s cock fits inside you so perfectly, and he looks at you in a way you desire to be looked at.
Johnny was in bliss, his fingers pressing against your stomach, feeling the bulge of his cock inside you. It drove him crazy, seeing his innocent little step-sister riding his cock. You’re a natural, He breathed out. Keep riding me like that, and I’ll make it a habit.
And he did make it a habit. Every single day. Giving you daily step-brother lessons on how to fuck good. How someone should fuck you, pleasure you into oblivion. Encouraging you to lean into your lustrous instinct and become available to him. It became more than just pleasing your future man and more about how to pleasure him.
No other guy’s cock will be better than your big brother’s, Johnny would grunt into your ear, bending you over the bed and drilling into you. He fucked you anywhere he pleased, in the bed, in the shower, on the couch. Johnny couldn’t contain himself around you. He liked it when you were home alone, so you could be as loud as you wanted. The more you gave yourself to him, the more he gave into his rough instincts. His praise turned degrading, and his thrusts fucked you into becoming a slut for his cock. Look at you, desperate for stepbro's cock, Johnny teased you. You give him into him every time. That’s what good step-sisters are for, right? Who knew you were such a little whore? God, ain’t I glad I came into your room. I would’ve missed out on this nice little pussy.
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domripley · 10 months
Business Meeting
Pairing: Maddy Hayes x Reader
Warnings/Tags: Spoilers, Set before The Marine 6, Mentions Kidnapping, Spanking, Punishment, Cockwarming, Ruined Orgasm, Aftercare, Maddy isn’t nice but uh that’s canon akjsjs, Mentions Murder, Daddy Kink, Angst
Summary: After saying something about her father, Maddy takes you up to her room to teach you a lesson.
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You hated when Maddy had you come along to her meetings - they lasted hours, and all you wanted to do was try to spend a nice evening with her. Thankfully for you, she usually made it up to you soon after. However, lately, she had been in a sour mood due to her father being on trial for the murder of a few cops. He was guilty, and everyone knew it, but that wasn't good enough for both her brother, Oscar and her. The meeting tonight was about what they were going to do to try and get her father out of the trial.
So as Maddy had you set up the snack table that was behind you. You couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle. “Maddy, can I please leave after I’m done setting up with you? I'll spend the night tonight, I just…don't really want to be a part of this." you admit, hoping she’d let you.
“You’re needed for this since you're going to be helping us," she sighed, and you knew she didn't even turn to look at you.
"I just...wish it didn't involve kidnapping that poor girl. What if it doesn't work? What if she ends up getting away and finds help?"
"She usually runs in the woods every morning, this is going to work."
You dropped it at that, deciding it was for the best, however Maddy didn't respond, and you could tell it made her upset. You weren't even in her father's gang, so you didn't think you should even be involved with their plan. Not wanting to get anyone hurt, you knew that you were going to have to turn her in. Of course you loved her, but you were conflicted. All of your thoughts left your mind when you felt her wrap her arms around you.
You zoned out halfway through her meeting, not caring what anyone had to say. Maddy hadn't noticed until she looked over at you, looking down into your lap. She had a rule of no phones during it - just in case someone were to listen in on their meetings.
"Baby, get off your phone," she whispered as her brother went on about strategy.
Looking over at her, you rolled your eyes at her. Were you doing this to rile her up into fucking you sooner? Yes. She loved when you were a brat, and so why not be one now? Maddy kept her eyes locked on you as your smile turned into a smirk. You knew you were playing with fire, but it was definitely worth it.
"I don't think I will, this meeting's boring," you said, watching as she clenched her jaw. "My phone is the only thing keeping me up."
Maddy gave you a look that you knew all too well - she was giving you a warning that you had struck a nerve with her and you were now on thin ice. If this was how you were going to get her to forget about the meeting.
“Plus you know I really don’t want to be here, having to hear Oscar talk about this girl that you shouldn’t even be using for leverage. It’s not a good plan.” you shrugged, going back to looking at your phone.
You didn’t bother looking at Maddy to know that you had crossed a line, and when she grabbed your phone you knew you were going to regret that. Slamming your phone against the table, Maddy stood up once everyone was looking at her. “Oscar, take over the meeting, (Your Name) and I have to go talk about a few things.”
Oscar nodded, watching as Maddy grabbed your hand, and pulled you out of the room before you could even protest. Having the meetings in her basement had its benefits, especially when she could easily take you to her bedroom where no one dared to go up to.
Once inside of her bedroom, Maddy slammed the door shut behind her. "Maddy…" you trailed off, trying to study the look on her face. To your surprise, she seemed to calm down faster than you had expected.
“Is this your little way of telling me you need to be fucked? Because maybe I shouldn’t even give you what you want. That’ll teach you a lesson.” she stated, unbuckling her belt buckle. “But then that would be punishing me for your behavior.”
“I-I’m sorry if I offended you, I just wasn’t thinking. Please-“ you admit, which was true. You knew how Maddy could get, and by saying what you did was a big risk. One that you were regretting you took.
“Please what? I can’t really blame you though, every single time your cunt gets wet, your brain shuts off. Isn’t that right, princess?” she asked, sitting down on her bed as she signaled for you to lay down across her lap. You did as you were instructed, but before you could even touch her thighs, she stopped you. “Pants off.”
You pulled them off as quickly as you could before laying across her lap. She took her sweet time, lifting your shirt to the middle of your back as she trailed her fingers back down to your elastic of your panties. You wanted her to hurry up, especially since her employees weren’t going to be leaving until the dead of night. They definitely were going to catch on sooner or later.
"Now, (Your Name), how many spanks do you deserve?" she asked, pulling out the pocket knife that was in her pocket.
Cutting your panties off if you - Maddy chuckled at the small gasp that left you. "Bad girls don't deserve panties, now answer my question."
“Ten, D-Daddy,” you whined, trying to stay as still as you could. You knew she hated when you weren’t still, and you were in enough trouble.
“Mm, alright. Maybe then I'll fuck you. Don't forget to count, or I will start over and ten more."
Maddy rubbed your ass, and you tried to prepare yourself for the first spank. When it finally came, you let out a loud cry. “One.” As fast as that one came, the second one came quickly after. “Two.” You cried out, wishing that she wouldn’t take her time with this. The next three spanks came, spaces out but not too far from each other.
The sixth spank came harder than the others, and you tried your best stay still. Focusing on what was to come after your punishment began to help you out. “Six.” Maddy chuckled, rubbing the pad of her thumb against your asshole. You let out a whimper, grinding against her thighs the best you could - fuck her rules, you thought to yourself. Thankfully, Maddy didn’t seem to mind so much this time around.
“Seven, eight. Daddy please,” you whined, unsure of what you were begging for, but you needed her more than ever.
“What is it, whore? Your pretty little cunt’s all wet, making a mess of my jeans.”
You could tell she was teasing you, not giving into what you need so easily. She could do this for hours, but since she did have a meeting she wasn’t able to. You both knew that. Spanking you twice as hard, you let out cry as your knees buckled, only being held up by her thighs.
“You’re doing so good, two more and then Daddy’ll fuck ya. Color?”
The first night she had fucked you - before you knew what she was involved with, she went over a color system with you. No matter how angry or upset at you she was, she never ignored it.
“Green, Daddy.”
You jumped at the feeling of her hand crashing down against your left thigh. You had been expecting the spanks to only be on your ass, but you really didn’t mind. “Nine.” You gritted your teeth as she ran her nails against your raw ass.
The last spank was against your right thigh, but it had hurt much more than the last. Before you could say something, Maddy pushed you down to your knees. “Get my cock out.” she instructed, and you moved quickly to unbuckle her belt. You tried to contain your smile as you pulled it through the loops, you were getting what you wanted. Maddy would never admit it - but she loved giving you what you wanted, even if you were a brat towards her.
Once the belt was on the ground, you unzipped her jeans, pulling them down to her knees after she stood up to help you out. Sitting back down onto the bed, she pulled the toy out of the boxer briefs she had been wearing. “Kiss my cock, slut.” You took the base in your hand, kissing the tip of the toy, you looked up at her before you wrapped your lips around it. Gripping your hair, Maddy pulled you off of her strap.
“I didn’t say you could do that. No, I want you on my cock now, you’re already soaked so it’ll be easy.” she snapped, watching as you stood up.
She moved all the way up on the bed so her back was against the headboard. You followed her, quickly straddling her hips. Maddy held the toy still as you sunk down onto it, gasping at the stretch, you held onto the headboard. Moving at a slow pace to get used to the feeling, you knew Maddy was going to make you do all of the work. Not that you minded.
“You like Daddy’s cock, baby? Come on, fuck it harder,” she urged, bringing her right hand up to wrap around your throat. Holding you in place, she began to fuck up into you. “Fine, have Daddy do all the work.”
You were about to give her a bratty response, but as her hand left your throat and made its way to your clit, the words left your head. You loved when she fucked you like this, causing you to forget about her fellow mob members down below you.
“Daddy, please, I’m already close!”
Maddy fucked you harder, helping you get over the edge. You came with a cry, only to whimper as she halted both her movements and yours. “Wha-“
“Bad girls don’t get to come. Now sit still on my cock, and maybe after I catch up on what I’m missing in the meeting I’ll give you what you want.”
Maddy held you in her arms as you started to tear up - the pressure of your orgasm being ruined and having to sit still we’re becoming too much. Noticing this, Maddy wiped them away, kissing your forehead. “You’re such a good girl sitting so still. I’m so proud of ya.” she praised as you whimpered against her skin.
“Th-Thank you, Daddy,” you whispered, closing your eyes as you tried your best to focus on her hand rubbing your hair.
“Let’s get you cleaned up so we can get back to the meeting.”
Maddy helped you off of the toy, smiling as you let out a whine. “Let me kiss it better.” At first you had thought she meant your head, knowing how much her kissing you made you feel. Instead, she pulled you to the edge of the bed as she got off. Gently pushing your legs apart, she got down on one knee, and you weren’t sure what she was doing. Maddy leaned in, and kissed your clit softly before she got back to her feet. Looking at her with wide eyes as you watched her lick her lips.
“You can stay up here if you want, but I need to know that you’re fully on board with this plan.”
You took a deep breath, “Of course I am.”
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
declan/kate: apocalypse au?
Christmas sneaks up on her without warning. In her defense, she hasn’t celebrated it-or done much of anything to keep track of the days-for the better part of five years. Since her last group of survivors had been killed around her and her brother had turned, since she’d struck out on her own, she’d stopped marking the days and hours. 
But of course, here at the Sanctuary, they celebrate. She’s not sure why she’s surprised; they’ve celebrated everything from birthdays to Thanksgiving, so of course they’d go all out for Christmas. Everything is abuzz with laughter and singing, stringing up lights and hanging handmade decorations from a tattered fake tree. 
Kate can feel eyes on her now and then, waiting for her to jump into the merriment, but she can’t bring herself to do so. Logically, she knows that the sound barrier Henry and Tesla built will keep their festivities from drawing the zombies’ attentions, but still, every nerve ending in her body is on edge, bracing to flee at a moment’s notice. 
Her gaze flickers from entry point to entry point, watching for unfamiliar figures with lifeless eyes and ragged skin. 
When Ashley begs out of her patrol shift, pale and feverish, Kate jumps at the chance to cover. The others are skeptical, to say the least; clearly, they haven’t forgotten who she was only a few short months ago, or the way she tried to steal their supplies. And she understands-truly-but there’s a prickle of hurt all the same. 
Even Magnus seems conflicted, for all that she’s been warm and welcoming to Kate. She looks to Will, the two of them caught in a silent conversation, and Kate tries not to squirm. 
It’s Declan who steps up, his trusty ax in hand. “I’ll go with her,” he says, and Magnus smiles, relaxing. Clearly, she’s reached a verdict. 
“Excellent idea. Thank you.” To Kate she adds, pointedly, “Both of you.” 
Kate nods shortly, a bit bothered that they think she needs a babysitter, but mostly relieved to be getting out of there. The music is giving her a headache, and the compound seems entirely too small. Together, she and Declan make their way out of the space, to just outside of the sound barrier. 
It’s surreal, how abruptly the noise cuts off. Any hurt fades to the back of Kate’s mind, replaced by sheer relief. Those creatures won’t be able to find them after all.
… Them. Huh. How long has it been since she’s worried about anyone but herself? 
“So, why’d you tag along?” She asks, careful to keep her voice low, taking up the patrol path. “Don’t trust me to do this on my own?” 
Declan falls into step beside her easily. “If I didn’t trust you, I’d have advised Magnus not to send you,” he points out, and irritatingly, he has a point. Declan is one of the few people in the world who actually has Magnus’ ear; he rarely tries to advise her, but when he does, she tends to at least listen. 
“Then what?”
He shrugs. “It’s Christmas.” 
As if it’s that simple. Maybe for him it is; near as she can tell, he’s been part of this community for almost as long as it’s been around, just after the first zombie outbreak. He hasn’t had to spend any time alone, struggling to survive without anyone else to help him. So holidays and routines and all the values Kate’s having to relearn from scratch are probably as deeply ingrained in him as ever. 
Still, she at least remembers the cheesy movies. “And no one should be alone at Christmas?” She asks dryly, even as she’s half aware that she’s pushing him away. She doesn’t even want to, exactly, but she doesn’t remember how to do this, and-
“I’d rather spend it with you than anyone else.” He doesn’t even miss a step, the jerk, as if he hasn’t just-as if-
Her feet lock in place, mind going absolutely blank, and she has to force herself to swallow, to take another step. She can’t afford to get distracted from the patrol, after all; if anything happened to the people in the Sanctuary on her watch, she’d be devastated. (He’d rather spend Christmas with her than anyone? Really?) 
“Why?” She blurts, and it’s a stupid question, but-but-she’s out of practice. So sue her. 
He does stop, finally, and studies her face for a long moment. Whatever he sees makes him grin, and then he has the nerve to resume his trek, not even bothering to explain. How dare he? (She’s definitely not smiling in spite of herself.)
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xiaosenthusiast · 2 years
22. we didn’t work out
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“god i cant believe im actually doing this.”
you parked in the parking lot and turned your car off.
“maybe i shouldn’t go..it’s not too late to turn back now, right?”
too late, you made a mistake by parking right in front of the pizza place.
xiao was waiting outside for you and he noticed your car the second you parked.
he walked over and knocked on your window. “my friend’s already inside you can go ahead, i have to get going.”
you rolled your eyes when he wasn’t looking and got out of your car.
no way. you? rolling your eyes at something xiao said? the world must be ending.
his eyes widened when you stepped out, you looked nice. in the deepest part of his mind he asked himself, ‘why’d she dress so nicely.. she’s only meeting someone.’
he would never admit it, but he was a little jealous. just a tiny little bit. it wasn’t enough to bother him but in the pit of his stomach he knew he was.
“so who am i meeting?”
“what? oh, he’s inside just go ahead and walk in.”
“okay…bye xiao.”
you waved at him and walked into the pizza place.
you looked around and immediately were surprised to see who you were meeting. you walked over to him and he simply looked at you, no shock or anything.
“i thought you were with lu-”
“we didn’t work out.”
“what?! how? why?”
“well…she’s moving to sumeru. i’m moving to mondstadt. she doesn’t want to have a long distance relationship, which honestly is fine with me. so we just decided to end things.”
“it makes sense but i thought you guys would be that one couple…y’know the highschool sweethearts.”
it went quiet for a moment but then a question popped into your brain.
“do you want a long distance relationship?”
he thought about it for a minute and then shrugged.
“i don’t know…i’m not exactly in a rush to get with anyone. but if it happens, it happens. i would be fine with a long distance relationship.”
you nodded at his answer and just smiled at him, then you started talking about lighter subjects and overall had a good time.
extra !
you offered to give him a ride, but he politely declined as he had gone in his own car.
honestly, you and albedo had lots to talk about. you were surprised you were able to talk to him so easily. but you were still stuck on whether it not it was okay to pursue him, he was lumine’s ex, after all.
overall you were conflicted, and you knew you had to talk to one person about it.
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a/n a lot of u knew exactly what xiao’s plan was 😰…it really took away the element of surprise☹️
taglist ! @mikctp @fvrose @kayleigh-reuthlr @xxgenderenvyxx @ferumie @sxiaoul @whats-humanity-lol @skatercashew @kuni-kuzushii @plinkuro @5sos-wdw @sunizome @dollpoetwriting @unknown-kitsxne @me1lif1u0us @yohoo-tehee @g6nyyyu @luvvmeilin @ioverjn @vocalukas @hey-comrade-hold-stil @meisuuu @themusingsofmany @layla240
if ur blog is in bold, that means i cannot tag u due to ur project settings ! if u change ur name lmk :]
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Possessive ↠ John Shelby
━ “gonna show you who you belong too.”
request ━ Could it be where the reader has been john’s girlfriend for forever and when michael joins the family he gets flirty with her and it really bothers john. He gets possessive one day he fucks her in his office and michael comes into the betting shop and sees them in john’s office and he and john make eye contact and john keeps going with a cocky look on his face
summary ━ john sees how comfortable michael is getting around y/n who is oblivious to his flirting. john makes sure michael knows who she’s with.
warnings ━ smut, fluff, jealousy, john being possessive, fingering, oral (f receiving), public sex (kinda)
a/n ━ love writing for john
word count ━ 3k
tags ━ @peakascum
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John Shelby let out an angry sigh as he watched his girlfriend of 3 years talk to his cousin Michael. Michael just came back to the family a few weeks ago and he was already cozying up to Y/N.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her with other guys, it was the guys he didn’t trust. Now that didn’t mean he thought Michael was going to kill his girlfriend just might try to have sex with her. It usually happens when any guy talks to Y/N but this isn’t any guy. It’s his cousin.
John watched as Y/N giggled at something Michael said. Seeing her laughing would’ve brought a smile to his face if it were him doing it. He knows he should be happy that she’s having a good time. But John can’t help how possessive he feels when it comes to her.
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist Johnny boy,” Arthur chuckled as he clasped his shoulder coming to sit on the bar stool next to his.
“Michael isn’t going to try anything he knows she’s your girlfriend,” Tommy said coldly, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He pulled it between his lips and let out a puff of smoke.
“He better not,” John snaps, taking a drink of the gin on the table. John doesn’t want to admit it but he’s jealous. Y/N should be laughing with him, not Micheal. He should be making the smile that graced her lips.
John continues to stare at Y/N and Michael as she says something that makes him let a smile come to his lips. John rolls his eyes grinding his teeth together, ignoring every bone in his body to go and beat the shit out of Michael.
“John,” Tommy snapped at the younger Shelby. John looked at Thomas who was sitting on the other side of his stool. “Stop staring, you're lookin’ like a stalker,” He advised.
“Pretty sure that’s the look he always gives Y/N,” Arthur teases with a smirk.
“No, only when she’s talking to another man,” Tommy corrected a tiny smirk gracing his lips as well.
“Fuck off,” John grumbled rolling his eyes at his older brothers.
“You don't have to worry about anything John, that girl is in love with you,” Tommy explains in a sharp tone. Tommy knew that John got jealous easily and he has to keep reminding him that Y/N is in love with him.
Before John could say anything else, Y/N walked up to them with her coat on looking at John. She gave him a smile and placed the palm of her hand in Johns. She gave him a comforting squeeze.
“You ready to go,” Y/N asks, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“You say goodbye to Michael,” John asked with a venomous tone in his voice which Y/N missed.
“Yes,” She answered with a smile.
“Let’s go love,” John sighed, getting up, finishing his drink before getting his coat on while Y/N bid her goodbyes to Arthur and Tommy.
On the way home Y/N and John didn’t talk which made Y/N slightly worried. John usually is pretty chatty when they walk home but that’s not the case here.
She tried grabbing his hand, and holding trying to comfort him. But that didn’t do anything as he snatched his hand away from her.
Y/N sighed as a frown graced her lips. She was confused and saddened by John's movements and silence.
Once they got home John went to the bathroom to get ready for bed not even mumbling a word to Y/N. She got ready for bed in the bedroom getting in her nightgown. She got a drink of water from the kitchen giving John some space before going back up stairs.
When she returned to the room she saw John sitting on the bed smoking a cigarette.
“Those are gonna kill you someday,” Y/N comments as she gets into bed. She slips under the cover leaning her arm on her pillow looking at John.
“M’not dead yet,” John smirks as he brings Y/N closer. She leans her head on his bare chest, drawing shapes on his upper chest.
“Don’t wanna lose you,” She whispers as John butts out the cigarette leaning down to give Y/N a kiss on the lips.
“Can’t get rid of me that easy love,” John smirked, brushing some of her hair behind her ear.
“Shame,” Y/N teases her lips brushing against his as she brings him in for another kiss.
Y/N gets up to straddle him while kissing him. His hands go to her hips and he massages them as they continue to make out.
They part, needing to breathe and once she’s caught her breath, Y/N leans in to kiss John's neck leaving hickeys in her trail. She begins to suck on his sweet spot.
She grabs his hand and leads it up the nightgown and to the inside of her thigh.
“I don’t want you hanging out with Michael anymore,” John blurts out as she continues to kiss his neck.
She pulls back and looks at him in disbelief. “Can’t this wait,” She says rubbing her hands up and down his chest.
“I don’t like the way he looks at you,” John interrupts her affections as he grabs her hands and puts them around his neck.
“Don’t you trust me,” Y/N asks, moving on his lap so she could stare at him.
“Of course I do,” John reassures. He doesn’t want her to think that he doesn’t trust her but he can’t help the way he feels.
“Then what’s the problem,” Y/N snaps as John rolls his eyes, Y/N was always stubborn and that’s one of the many qualities that he loved about her.
“Love,” He begins to say but she rolls off his body and turns away from. “Come on sweetheart talk to me,” He tried to pull her to his chest wanting to comfort her.
“I don’t know what the problem is,” Y/N whispers, turning around to look.
“I just want you all to myself,” John teases, trying to make her laugh or at least crack a smile. But she didn’t.
“Just because you don’t like the stuff I do doesn't mean I can’t talk to Michael about it,” She snaps turning around.
“Love-,” John whispers but is interrupted by her. He was trying to pull her into a hug to comfort her but she pulled away.
“No obviously you don’t trust me so why would I want to cuddle with you,” She explains closing her eyes trying to go to sleep. John sighs before turning on his other side.
The two lie in silence as they’re both pulled into sleep.
The next morning when John woke up he turned around to see that Y/N was gone from the bed. He sighed, running his hand through his hair frustrations running through his blood.
John got up to go to the bathroom before getting changed to go to work. Y/N must be there since she works there as his secretary.
Once John got to work he saw Y/N sitting at her desk working on something. He walked over to her and thought that she would look up when she heard him walking, but she didn’t.
“Love?” John questions, eyebrow furrowing.
“What,” Y/N snapped, not looking up from her desk.
“You weren’t in bed this morning I got worried,” John firmly says leaning his hands on the desks as she finally looks up at him.
“I wanted to get to work early,” Y/N flatly says shrugging her shoulders. “I’m sorry I should’ve told you,” She says crossing her arms over her chest.
John rolls her eyes at the attitude radiating from Y/N moving to his office where he sits down in the chair.
He runs his hand over his face and pinches the bridge of his nose. In reality John feels bad for trying to control her life he just feels so protective of her.
To get his mind off of her John starts to work for the day as Y/N worlds outside his office. The office was loud but John and Y/N were quiet to engorged in the work.
When dinner rolls around everyone goes to the Garrison for some drinks just leaving Y/N and John all alone.
For the past hours, Y/N has been sneaking looks at John to see what he’s doing. Whenever she got up she looked to see what he was doing. He either was working or joking around with his brothers.
Y/N doesn’t understand why John didn’t want her to be friends with Michael. He was his cousin and she would never do anything with him. Michael just shares the same interest with her.
But that doesn’t mean she is romantically or sexually interested. Sure he’s a good looking guy but he isn’t John.
She walked up to the door and knocked on the side of the wall getting his attention.
“What’s wrong love,” John asks, his eyes full of confusion.
“I just wanted to solve this conflict between us,” Y/N says walking in the office slowly. “I know you mean well, but when you say crap like that it makes me feel like you don’t trust me,” She sits on the edge of the desk in front of him.
“Love this isn’t you this is me,” John states grabbing her hands. “Whenever you’re with him, it makes me feel like you like him better love.”
“I would never think that I don’t like anyone better than you,” Y/N squeezes his hands in reassurance. John smirks and stands up as he slides Y/N over so she’s sitting in front of him.
“Even better than Michael,” John asks in a whisper. She can feel a shiver go down her spine as he asks the question.
“Much better,” She whispers. John finally closes the space between them by kissing her. She wraps her arms around his neck as his hands go to her thighs.
The dress she was wearing was getting rode up from him standing. His hands were moving up and down her thighs giving them a squeeze every once and awhile. Meanwhile his lips traveled to her neck and started kissing and sucking her neck.
John's thumb rubs against her panties which were already damp from the teasing. His thumb sought out her clit and began to rub the nub hard.
“John,” Y/N moans leaning her head back as he bites her neck.
“Who makes you feel this way love,” John smirks and bits her ear. His hands slide her underwear off and throws them across the room. His fingers return to her core and drags his fingers through her folds. “Come on, answer the question,” He probes, wanting an answer.
John slips a finger inside making Y/N whimper as she leans her head on his shoulder. He slowly slides his finger in and out, also curling his finger to hit her g spot.
“You do Johnny,” Y/N whimpers, wanting him to go faster. She tries to meet his slow thrusts but his other hand holds her down.
“Hmmm,” John hummus moving his finger faster and adding a second one. She moans and clenches around his fingers. “I’m glad to hear that love,” He whispers in her ear as he continues to finger her. His thumb returns to her clit and rubs fastly.
His fingers start to go faster as John chases her orgasm. His thumb doing figure eights on her which sends sparks to her core.
“You gonna cum,” John asks, his tone breathy as he whispers in her ears. Y/N whines as he stops his pace but she’s still clenching around him.
“Yes please,” Y/N begs now knowing he won’t start his movements until she answers his questions.
“Good girl,” John whispers as he starts his movements again. His fingers curl to meet her g spot while his thumb returns to her clit. Only this time he’s going faster than he did before.
“John,” Y/N moans loudly as his fingers haven’t slowed down his pace. She could feel it. She could feel her orgasm about to come. Y/N kept clenching around his fingers.
“Cum,” John demands and just one swipe of his thumb against her clit made her spasm around John's fingers.
“John,” She moans loudly as she clenches around his fingers and for a second she could almost see stars. Her breathing calms down after her orgasm dies down and she rests her head on his shoulder.
“That feel good love,” John asks with a smirk after a few seconds.
“Definitely,” Y/N breaths out as she calms down. “Okay your turn now,” She says with a smirk about to get on her two feet before John kept her on the desk.
“No love tonight’s all about you,” John's word goes straight to her core.
“But-,” Y/N tries to say but is interrupted. All she wanted to do was pleasure him like he did to her.
“Come on love I just want to pleasure you,” John digs down on the chair and puts his hands on her thighs. She clenches even though John hasn’t done anything to her again.
She nods and lets him spread her legs as he moves his chair closer to the table. John starts to kiss the inside of her thigh. As he’s peppering kisses on her thigh Y/N lets
“Johnny,” Y/N whines as he keeps biting and kissing her thighs. He smirks and kisses her clutching making her whimper. He starts to lap at her clit as she starts to feel that spark in her stomach again.
“John,” She moans as she tugs on his hair. He brings his tongue to her folds and drags it back to her clit where he gives the nub a harsh suck. “Oh god,” She moans loudly, wrapping legs around his neck.
John continues to suck on her clit leaving only to breath and then starts to lap at the sensitive nub. She can feel it start to come.
“John I’m about to cum,” Y/N warns as she tugs on his hair. John nods and continues to suck on the nub not caring. And only a few seconds she spasms around nothing as she tugs on his hair even harder. The orgasm goes through her.
Y/N lets out a happy sigh as John removes himself from her core loving the way she moaned for him.
“Hope that felt good love,” John says with a smirk as he stands up to kiss her straight after. Y/N lets out a surprised noise before kissing him back. She notes to herself that she can taste herself on his lips as he slips his tongue between her lips.
She brings her hands to his trousers and begins to unbuckle his belt. John chuckles against her lips.
“You sure you can take another darling,” John asks with a smirk. She nods as she pulls down his pants and boxers just enough so she can grab his hard on. “God darling I almost forgot the hard grip you got,” He smiles as she drags her hand down his cock.
John removes her hand from his cock and drags his tip along her wet folds which make her whine and John let out a groan.
“You ready sweetheart,” John asks as he pauses in front of her entrance.
“Yes please,” Y/N pleads, dragging her hands down his chest. John nods before finally entering her with a hard thrust.
Y/N lets out a loud moan as he pulls out and slams in hard hitting her g spot. She moans John's name like a prayer as he continues at a fast rate.
For him it’s hard since he’s been hard ever since she came into his office. With her clenching around him didn’t help either.
“That feel good,” John whispers as he grabs Y/N’s thigh and hoists it to his waist and his other arm goes across her back to keep her from falling on the desk. He keeps his pace at a hard rate. “Answer the question love,” He demands groaning in between when she clenches around him.
“Yes it feels so good,” She moans as his thumb drags along her clit. She brings her arms around his neck as he continues to thrust himself inside her.
“Hey John- oh my god I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Y/N heard Michaels voice come through the doorway. Just great she thinks.
Y/N would think he would stop thrusting and pull his pants up but that’s not what he did at all. He kept thrusting inside her making her let out tiny moans.
“What’s the question,” John demands as he continues to fuck Y/N on the desk while looking in Michaels direction with his cocky look on his face. Michael is visibly uncomfortable.
“Tommy wanted to know when you’d be at the Garrison,” Michael asks, clearing his throat avoiding eye contact and looking around the room
“Soon,” John promises as Y/N can feel herself about to cum and he brings his thumb back to her clit and starts massaging it fastly.
Michael nods and almost runs out as John goes faster filled with confidence.
“John,” Y/N moans loudly as he thrusts harder than before. She leans her neck back as she clenches right around him which makes him groan into her neck.
He continues to fuck her to get his orgasm and when he does he moans loudly into her ear and lets out his load inside her.
“John why’d you do that,” Y/N shoves his shoulder and winces as he pulls out of her sensitive pussy.
“You didn’t seem to mind,” John smirks pulling his boxers and trousers up and doing up his belt. Y/N rolls her eyes as John hands her, her underwear. She gets up putting them on and smoothing her dress out.
“Don’t forget Johnny you’re the only one I want.”
“I think half of Birmingham heard that love.”
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munsnz · 3 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐢𝐢. — 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠?
Tags: @itsnottilly
Summary : after the troubling interrogation, Y/N sets back off, possibly created contact with an ex-friend, a bully, a douche bag. Learning the conflict and grudges, tension is brought to them.
Navigation — Mixtape
“Y/N, Y/N. Y/N!” A shout flickered the girl back to the futile, cold office, accompanied by the principal, chief, and the officer, who seemed slightly worried about the girl who seemed to have dozed off into the abundance of memories and thoughts overflowing her own emotions, a sense of guilt welling up on her, “Are you listening?”
Her eyes blinked, watching the concerned adults, who were looking back at her. She shakes her head, her brittle hair moving from side to side, trying her best to hold back tears, not wanting to know of the possibilities of Will not being safe. Remembering a bit of the event that carried on last night, she spoke forward, “I-I only remember leaving early, since I had to be home by six. Will was with the party, so I don’t know much from there.”
Callahan cleared his throat, taking the seat next to her, “Do you know what street he usually takes to go home?”
”Mirkwood,” Y/N fixes her jacket, watching her dad rolls his eyes, remembering the fuss the party made while they interrogated them about a few hours ago. She looks around, the diplomas displayed on the back, tears slightly welled up in her E/C eyes, feeling a pit in her stomach, “I-I’m sorry. Is there any way I could help?”
She snapped.
Heavy streams of tears dropped onto her pale cheeks, now one of her responsibilities of whom she had promised to take care of was gone. If she should’ve stayed a little longer, just an hour more, she could’ve prevented it. It’s all her fault, all her fault. No wonder she was a failure, maybe those dorks from years ago were right. It was all her fault her mom ever divorced Hopper. It’s everything, all her fault-
“Y/N,” A large hand rubbed her back up and down, making her try to feel better, the girl that had her hands buried into her face, looked up to see her dad, sitting beside her, “You just have to keep a brave face, and no investigating okay?”
Her heavy eyes drift towards the bearded man, watching her sternly beside her, she frantically nods. Later then, she provided a bit more information about Will and his family, now that she’s been with them for five years now. Ever since that broad decision was made, it would become one of the most treasured moments in her life, the strong bond brought them together.
Excused from the staff, she strolled back to the hallway, barging through her cluttered backpack to try to find a fresh pack of cigarettes, but none were to be found. She sighed loudly, to swing her backpack to its default position and pacing along the hallway. The realization kept hitting her, her eyes burned, while she quivered, biting her lip. That same feeling inside the principal’s office, the guilt. What was there to be guilty about anyways?
“Oh, won’t you look who it is!” A cocky tone appeared from afar, Y/N gave no shit to turn to the voice but instead continue watching the shiny floor, reflecting the lights above, “I guess Hopper is weeping for her mommy. Oh right, she doesn’t have one.”
Furious at the remark, her eyes darted across to find a brunette, with ‘perfect’ hair, leaning against the metal lockers. Steve fucking Harrington. This boy had it all against the girl, ever since those harsh words being repeated over and over, like a broken cassette, threw her into the lowest state. Y/N’s expressions turned bitter, her nose wrinkled, and pursed her lips, “Stop acting like you’re ten, Steve.”
”I see you’ve been listening,” He raises his eyebrows, snarlingly commenting, shifting his hands to his pockets in his khaki jeans.
“So?” Y/N spoke back, slowing her pace down to be able to talk to him although feeling like the need to ignore back again. Why was she going to bother her time with him?
Oh right.
Steve, her old friend. Accidental friends after he was helping his mom bringing in the groceries on a cool December day, back in her elementary school years. After the kind offering Y/N gave during a small ride around town, it evolved to an odd friendship, one to which Y/N had been too attached. Steve might have found it odd that a girl, a girl, like Y/N Hopper would be around him so much. Clingy, was the word he gave her, was it offensive?
But due to stereotypical construct, you would’ve guessed everyone calling them annoying names, couple names, like two romantics although they were only like, twelve. From “When are you going to marry her?” and the “Where’s your girlfriend?” Honestly, no one else was surprised by Y/N’s small reoccurring crush on him. Stuck like glue, Steve didn’t like this bubbly, excited Y/N anymore, she was pushy. Sick of the repetitive comments to him and meeting new friends, who were dickheads in the girl’s eyes, he wanted to push her away, she was annoying, bratty, and clingy. He listened to those kids, these kids that Steve considered ‘friends’ were total assholes, persuading him to become sort of like them. Only the beginning of the 6th grade. They were stupid, naive, reckless, are what other parents claimed to be, couldn’t they move on.
To this day, she still reckons why she ever told Steve, why was she so dependent on someone with who she’d only been friends for months? Why Steve? Why out of all the friends she supposedly had, why him? It seemed like an utter dependency she had for him, she even knows she must’ve scared him off for being well..... her. Y/N was young, it was one mistake to tell a secret to someone you somewhat knew would tell everyone, right?
”Can I tell you a secret Steve?” Y/N crossed her legs in front of him, playing with her fingers nervously. Awaiting for a bit of truth to be let out. As everyone has supposedly known, Y/N had a supposed mother and sister who were alive, and together. Everyone believed that the Hopper’s were the happy family, her sister was alive along with her mom that was still with them. Truth was, Sarah was dead, Diane divorced Jim when the girl was eleven years old. A broken family, from papers to fighting for custody, it was all crumbled to pieces, unlike close and tight-knit families.
Steve looked up from the ground to meet the girl’s eyes. He slowly shuffled closer to her, “Yeah okay tell me.”
Y/N breathed in and out, before leaning into his left ear, “I don’t have a sister nor a mommy.”
”What?” His chocolate eyes widened, scooting away from her, getting up rapidly to avoid contact, “That’s weird! Everybody has a mom! You’re a freak!”
Frazzled, Y/N sat still, watching him running away, feeling a bit hurt due to his reaction. She thought maybe she trusted him with her life although he didn’t feel the same, she thought that he could’ve been more supportive. What if he was right? Anyways, it was ok, it was his first reaction, it’s normal, right?
Nope, it wasn’t. After finding such intimate information about this girl he wanted to get rid of due to popularity, he set off to tell every single kid at school. Maybe this was for the best, he would get her out of the way to focus on his supposed friends. Creating such influence in the school, he somehow got ahold of everyone to turn their backs on Y/N. Oh, what entirety of hurtful words that they targeted poor Y/N with. Everyone excluded her, the freak, weirdo, dumb girl that didn’t have parents and a dead sister. Everybody no longer liked the lonely Y/N, just a bit of trust would be one to ruin a life. It consequently grew worse, it wasn’t even verbal teasing, it became physical. Steve being stupid and reckless had ruined her life, and for what? Just getting rid of her. Realize, how the effect of one's words to make a benefit can create a rumble over people, they were young and stupid..... can’t that be a proper excuse to move on?
Everyone knows Y/N. Y/N Hopper, the stubborn, tired and selfless girl who held grudges against everyone. They all knew she wasn’t going to move on anytime soon. Subtle changes to herself and her personality, she became quiet, reserved yet so outspoken about her opinions. Everyone seemed to have moved on, back into high school, more mature and old enough to hold responsibilities, but Y/N. A slow hatred burned inside her, even though it was years back, everyone liked Steve. That stayed the same for sure, he was more prissy and above it all, unlike Y/N. It may have seemed like........ they never knew each other. Strange, maybe it was better that they stayed apart.
Gallantly watching her feet stay still under her, she looked back at him cheekily smiling as if nothing had happened. Why did he forget everything? “Shouldn’t you be in class, since when has the Y/N Hopper been so rebellious?”
”I was called to the office,” Y/N mumbled, shrugging her shoulders, trying to drift off into the narrow hallway, “What about you?”
”Thought I could skip, Mrs. Wyatt doesn’t do shit.”
Without spatting anything back, the annoyance of the school bell rang for the third period, students piled out of the classrooms in the crowded hallway. Girls and boys trudged along the place, like birds migrating to their destinations automatically, it may seem like a normal fall day in town, but it would be a life changing experience for some. No one knew Will Byers, why would they care anyways?
Before Steve could look back at the girl, she disappeared into thin air, never to be seen for now, back to the boring classes, but with a small change of Will’s disappearance. One disappearance that could change the whole fate of small-town Hawkins, Indiana.
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dracosaurusrex · 4 years
Fireworks. (Draco x Reader)
Summary: In which Draco turns to his best friend, Y/N, for help with his first kiss.
Genre: Fluff; Childhood friends-to-lovers
Wordcount: 1.5k
A/N: I wrote this as soon as I finished my assignments. It’s not perfect, it was rushed, but the temptation was real and there’s most likely going to be a second part. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it for what it’s worth XD
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Coming into Hogwarts for the first three years was defined by many things: An introduction to different magical subjects, the development of house pride, as well the strong encouragement to focus on passing exams and working hard to get good marks. However, wizarding children are not exempt from the rites of passage that were associated with their teenage years. That’s right. They were not exempt from the natural pull of attraction between two individuals, the resultant blooming crushes, which from there can go many different ways. Fourth year was exceptionally characteristic of that. 
While you couldn’t be bothered--you were very much occupied with your studies--a certain Slytherin prince was.
“I can’t believe this, Y/N! It’s absolutely ridiculous!” The blonde boy furiously proclaims as he steps into your room. The sudden slam of the door jolts your senses as the focus you had on your homework immediately disintegrates. You pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes, refraining from letting out a string of foul words.
“What is it now, Draco?” You ask with a hint of annoyance. Your best friend of eleven years flops onto your bed. His arms and legs spread into a starfish shape, while a disturbed expression covers his face. You turn yourself in your chair to face him with an expectant gaze.
“Theodore and Blaise got their first kiss already,” He reveals. You pause for a moment to allow your brain to process what he said. However, a snicker leaves your lips, creating a juxtaposition to his deepening frown.
“You think that’s funny do you? Don’t you see my issue?” You felt bad. He was so obviously conflicted. 
“No, I’m afraid I do not.” He rolls his eyes.
“Don’t you think you’re being a little too...I don’t know...dramatic?” You lifted your hand over your mouth to cover the smile that was threatening to come out.
“Dramatic? Y/N, word spread saying that even Potter got his first. Potter for Merlin sake! Out of all people!” 
“Draco, I know for a fact that that isn’t true. Besides, why does that even matter to you? You never seemed to have a problem with it before.”
“I don’t want to be a lip virgin anymore!” You really didn’t want to laugh. As his best friend, you truly wanted to provide comfort, but his responses have been making it really difficult to do so. The sound of your laugh prompted a groan of frustration from the boy.
“Draco, you’re precious, and I love you so.”
“Yea, well, I can’t say I feel the same way about you right now.” He wriggled in your grasp as you squeezed his arm. 
“Oh come on. I meant no harm, you know that.” Silence overcame you both, allowing you to calm down and settle into the seriousness of his matter.
“Okay, well why don’t we try to make it happen?” His eyebrow quirked at you while you got lost in thought, thinking of a possible plan.
“Do you like anybody?” You finally inquire.
“No.” The firmness in his tone makes you palm your face. The scenario that you’ve come up with shatters into a million pieces in your mind
“Draco, how are we supposed to set this up if you don’t have someone you like?” He shrugged.
“Why does that matter? Can’t I just kiss a random girl I’m attracted to?” You smack his arm.
“Your mother didn’t raise you that way, git.”
“Well I don’t see you kissing anybody! How would you do it?”
“Unlike you, I’m not desperate! Plus, I overhear the girls say that they want their first to be special. It’s supposed to feel like fireworks.” The boy slumps his shoulders, feeling discouraged over your statement. More silence ensues as you take a seat beside him, but his mind is anything but quiet. As your words resound in his thoughts, an idea begins to emerge.
“Hey, Y/N. You say that girls want it to be special, right?” He spoke with a softened tone, which contrasted greatly to the frantic one from earlier on. You nod in response.
“Don’t you think it would be pretty unspecial if the other person sucked at kissing?” 
“I suppose so. I think whether it sucks or not depends on how much either party is attracted to each other.” 
“I want to be good at it.” His straightforwardness makes you choke on your saliva. In turn, he rolls his eyes and pats your back.
“I’m sorry to break it to you, but I highly doubt that anyone is considered ‘good’ for their first kiss.”
“What if I practiced?” You were about to refute his suggestion until realization began to settle in.
“Draco Malfoy, what is going through that idiotic mind of yours?” Suddenly his eyes, which were once glazed with frustration, look into yours with earnest. You knew exactly what he was thinking.
“No, Draco.”
“Come on, Y/N! We’re best friends, and you did say that a first kiss is supposed to feel like fireworks. I bet we won’t even feel fireworks since we’d only be practicing, so surely that doesn’t count as our first kiss, right?” As much as you wanted to refute, the boy had cunningly twisted your words, leaving you at a loss. He was right, though. The both of you had grown up together, and you were so comfortable with one another that something as simple as a kiss shouldn’t be able to destroy you. Right? Additionally, if fireworks was the actual requirement for a proper first kiss, then any ones that occur before that shouldn’t count. How bad could it be really?
You bit your lip for a moment while Draco looked at you expectantly. When you glanced up to meet his familiar silver eyes, you felt your heart thump. This doesn’t mean anything, so it won’t count. You thought.
“Fine.” Relief filled his features as he scooted closer to you. You could feel your heart rate increasing exponentially when his breath softly brushes against your skin. It’s clear to you that in the spur of the moment, there wasn’t much going on in his head except for the fact that this was merely a practice run.
“How do we do this?” The temptation to smack his face was so strong, but you held yourself back. You sighed instead.
“I think I remember them saying that they like it when you do this.” With your voice soft, you grab his hands and plant them on your cheeks. 
“Like this?” He asks. You release a small, ‘mhm’ as you let go of your hold. His grip induces your head to tilt upward, however you do your best to look at anything and everything except his eyes. 
“What next?” 
“Next, you lean in closer.” The boy stiffly lowers his head, and the warmth of his breath is more apparent now.
“You got to lean in much closer than that, Malfoy.” The sight of your lips reduces him into mush, making him realize that this moment meant more to him than what he had initially planned. Nevertheless, he attempts to close the distance even more.
“Can you, uh, close your eyes?” You take heed to his request. When he ensures that they were shut, he proceeds to lower himself to the point that his lips were practically a hair’s width away from yours. The suspense has your pulse beating against your ears. Nothing in your entire life had prepared you for that very moment.
Suddenly, the fireworks that you didn’t expect to feel erupted within your chest the instant that his lips are on yours. He moves slowly, motions are a bit clumsy, but the feeling remains all the same. It was when you recall that the boy kissing you was indeed your best friend that you knew something was about to change. With your eyes closed, and his hands still on your cheeks, you engrained the feel of his lips in your mind, oblivious to the fact that he was doing the same. It was way better than you had expected it to be--than how you wanted it to be--and you weren’t sure it was because it’s your first time also or if it was because it was him who you were sharing the moment with. Whatever it was, the need for more only increased when he parted from you.
You look into his eyes. They convey an expression that you can’t discern.
“Oh shit.” The words mindlessly spill from your mouth, but Draco’s gaze remains the same. Your face was so warm, you were certain that he had felt too.
“I think,” He starts. His eyes trail from your y/e/c orbs to your lips, “I need more practice.” 
The boy starts leaning in once more. This time, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and caresses your neck before placing a long, yet single kiss on you. Silence fills you both when you separate. The hand that was rested on your neck is placed on his lap, while yours remain on your sides.
“Was it good?” He asks. You bit your lip, thinking about what effect your next response will have on your friendship.
“I think we need more practice.”
Part 2
A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading! I want to try my best to milk out any ideas despite my tight schedule. Writing is an escape, and creates balance in my life. With that being said, I hope you liked it. Feedback is very much appreciated!
@beiahadid @hahee154hq @mushi98 @stretchyice @dracosathenaeum @dreaming-about-fanfictions @saby06143 @rottenhexrt @littlethie @amithatemo 
If you’d like to be tagged, there’s link to a form on my masterlist :3
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mskimkaty · 4 years
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Fluff, smut
wc: 5k
synopsis: One thing led to another, and you didn’t meant to fuck up, majorly.
warnings: smut, smut with plot, unprotected sex, manhandling, swearing. 
"Come on. I promise you it will be fun." You rolled your eyes for god knows how many times as you scan through your biology book. You have an essay due tomorrow and you're idiotic of a brother is asking you to come party tomorrow Friday night.
"Oppa, Really. I have so many papers piling up, and I can't afford to slack off. Ask Taeyong or Johnny Oppa or someone! I know for a fact that you have tons of friends, why are you bothering me?" You brush the strands that poke on your forehead and continued with what you're doing, you're one blunt girl but your brother isn't having any of it today. You heard your Doyoung lets out a sigh and you almost dance in victory assuming that he's gonna kiss your head goodbye and let you have the peace you deserve.
"They are going! Don't you want to come? Everyone's coming including your friends." He pleaded once more and your eyes instantly shoot up at him.
Did they just bail on you on a Friday night? You asked yourself— Maybe, They did.
You continued typing on your laptop while scanning the book placed on your right side. "I don't know, Oppa. I have tons to do. But I'll let you k— fine! I'll come! Okay!" You surrender once You saw that he won't back down from talking and You just need your own sweet peaceful time back. Finally, Doyoung kisses the side of your head "It's a deal, Here is your fav, caramel macchiato," He hands you the drink with a shit-grinning smile that makes him a look like a bunny beading you goodbye before reminding you that's it's a settled deal.
Seriously, he won't last a second with you once he spots his brothers from his damn frat house. You decided to call Seulgi and ask if they really are coming and that imbecile brother of yours, practically lied to your face without blinking. But since it's a Friday night, Seulgi decides to ask the others to come.
On Friday night, the others basically made you a living doll, pampering you here and there, applying cosmetics, and choosing an outfit for you.
"You can't do that, Sooyoung-ah! Y/N's very conservative in that area!" Joohyun shouted at Sooyoung for choosing a black off-shoulder that clings on your shapes like a second skin and deeps lowly in your chest area, the material is thick enough to keep you from the cold air but it leaves you with bare shoulders—still, you don't think it's a good idea, It was already getting cold. "Yeah, that's my main purpose. She has the biggest boobs in this room, why not be proud and parade it? Yah, don't be embarrassed by God's gift, a lot of women want big boobs, especially someone like yours, It's not small but it's not that big to look awkward either, plus, women pay loads of money to have that kind of boobs," She stated.
"I can't believe we're talking about my body parts," you muster all the courage not to punch this Unnie for blabbing nonsense but everyone agreed, either way. "Please don't let me wear that," You begged, already hating the idea. "Unnie, that's too low, just one accidental pull and-" you were cut off from talking when Wendy smirks at you. "Who's going to pull your top? Unless if you're going to have a productive night and let someone pull it down, then yes, definitely. You're going to parade your boobs,"
She's in the fashion department together with Sooyoung and nothing or no one is stopping the two of them when it comes to deciding someone's attire and their opinions are always validated especially when it comes to clothes.
"You gotta be kidding me!" You move out of Sooyoung's hold when Seulgi showed you a nipple tape. "Yah! Kim Y/n! stop acting like a Goddamn pre-schooler and use this already!" Sooyoung Shouted grabbing your arms again and caging you using her arms around your neck.
Fuck your life.
Fuck growing up as a conservative chick, it was hard when you grew up with two older brothers, basically growing up wearing varsity shorts and not the colorful skirts like a normal girl would do. You did go with that off-shoulder top pairing it with a white tennis skirt. Totally parading your cleavage and shoulders not to mention the lack of shorts for protection under your skirt making you want to turn back and walk your way out of this goddamn house. "Hey, look guys I have big boobs." Written in your forehead. Seriously, they won't let you live a peaceful life.
Upon arriving at your brother's frat house, you heard someone whistle "If it isn't our baby Y/n!" Yuta hollered when they spotted Sooyoung and you walking in the foyer towards the inside of the house. It was already packed, empty vodka and beer bottles are already scattered at the side of the kitchen, there was a huge container at the center island that contains different kinds of beers placed in a stack of ice cubes. Your mouth watered. You wouldn't mind a good cold beer.
"Cut it out Yuta, She's not a baby anymore," Seulgi retorted already chugging her second bottle down her throat "I know! It's just that it's my first time seeing her with a skirt and not her brother's pants on." Yuta received dirty glances from the others and a hard punch from Jungwoo who hugged you— his baby sister protectively. You felt Jungwoo's knuckles hit you on your head and you pout your lip at him, "Yah, what are you wearing?" he asks you,
"I know I look ridiculous," you say as you rolled your eyes at him. Jungwoo doesn't think that you looked ridiculous, it's just that, he wasn't used to seeing you wearing girl clothes and not the usual ones where he and Doyoung don't need to protect you from prying eyes around.
"Fuck you, That's my sister you're talking about." Doyoung gives him a playful nudge and Yuta only smiles wickedly like a perverted mad man, you were used to him, though. He was just being himself and teasing you. You were thankful, for hyping you up, so you felt a little confident as you grab for a beer after Donghyuck gives you your first shot of tequila for the night, your throat instantly heats up as you take the liquid in, the night is long.
"Yeah, I'll remember this you fucking moron," you joked, probably ignoring him for the rest of the evening, jokingly. "So this is the famous Phi kappa house," Wendy says looking around, spotting Eunwoo in the process from the living room walking towards your group with Jaehyun in tow, walking behind him while holding a beer in his hand and his phone in the other.
You actually don't know him that very well since you're still a freshman, and you just heard he's from the Architecture department, one of your brother's new frat brothers, Sooyoung mounted that Jaehyun was in an exchange program and was originally from the states, you see him for a few times around campus but that was that. You never greeted each other, unlike the others, or even acknowledge one another.
You scan the living room where everyone is getting wasted from every corner of the house. "Where's Johnny by the way?" Irene asked no one in particular scanning the area. "Getting laid," Eunwoo said pulling Wendy to sit on his lap. There was a brief emotion in her eyes that you can't decipher but you ignore it anyway.
"But Mark said he's with him, though?" Seulgi commented while Eunwoo only shrugged. Yuta and Donghyuck handed each one of you your drinks. Another strong scent of vodka makes it way up to your nostrils, your head spins just by smelling it, Sooyoung grimace at the smell, "This is basically; Vodka with a drop of juice in it."
"Watch out, Noona. The Juice is probably for color only." He whispers and she winces more. "Who the fuck even mixed this?" She asks as she took a sip at her drink. Jaehyun laughs at her.
"Jung fucking Jaehyun!! you little shit," She hollered. "Sorry, Noona." he winks at her and you watch the both of them in the sides. You wished socializing was that easy. You hate how awkward you get sometimes.
"Y/n's not good at drinking." You heard your older brother says and you look at him. "It's fine, let the girl cut some slack besides we have tons of people in the group to take care of her later," Johnny says after suddenly appearing at your side with Mark hugging you. "My favorite human being- Girl, What the fuck are you wearing?!" Mark's hands stayed on your waist and Jungwoo watched as Jaehyun's eyes linger on where Mark's hands was placed around you, he only smiled wickedly as he watches his Hyung chug on his bear problematically.
You gather the courage to drink the vodka in just one gulp. The strong taste leaving a trace in your mouth down your throat. It leaves a cool sensation but at the same time drawing a burning line down your throat. You accidentally made a weird sound and you sounded like a drowning piranha. The others only looked at each other and then bursting out laughing after registering the weird sound you made. Donghyuck hugged you after shouting "My Noona, so cute!!" at the top of his lungs while hugging you tightly.
The night went by, the sound booming in the house as you jam to it in the corner with Jungwoo, Mark, and Donghyuck, Jaehyun tagging along. Sipping in your vodka now and then.
"I'm going out, it's too suffocating in here," I blurted clumsily. As I start to walk, you felt Mark's hands in your arms. "Why?" you asked.
"You're drunk. You don't really think I will let you go on your own. In a party- looking like that." Mark says protectively. "Come with me then." You asked. Mark looked in front feeling conflicted, you followed his gaze and you saw him eyeing a girl who was basically eye-fucking him in return. "Suit yourself." You turn to Donghyuck who were busily conversing with another girl in the side. "I can't believe you choose to get your dick wet first rather than keeping your best friend company." you turn to Jaehyun who was looking at you. "I'll come with you, I was thinking of getting a smoke either way," Jungwoo says.
You clumsily withdraw from Mark's grip. "Fine, I'll take my boring of a brother with me then." Mark nodded seemingly unaffected and Jaehyun only laughs at him as he shakes his head.
You decided to hang in the garden area. "Wait- hey," you turned to face him "Just a minute," Jaehyun leaves his bottle behind before grabbing his leather jacket. You stop mid-sentence a big what the hell is written on your face. "You're not my brother. Where the hell is my brother?" you asked your eyes unfocused. Jaehyun put his jacket on, his bubbly facade was completely gone as he turns to you.
"Well, for starters, you drag me here," Jung Jaehyun says "Oh- my bad. You can go back if you'd like." you sit on one of the chairs in the garden. Closing your eyes in the process waiting for him to walk away but you hear the clang of metal and a chair being dragged instead. You opened your eyes knowingly. Jaehyun, sitting in front of you.
"Well, fresh air isn't that bad, either," like you, Jaehyun closes his eyes for a moment, basking in the silence with the soft bass booming in the background "But it's your party, you should go back, Oppa." you watch him for a second but decides to close your eyes again, the fatigue drowning into your body suddenly, hearing you call him that does wonders inside of him, you honestly don't mind calling him that even though you both weren't in terms to have that kind of relationship yet but you consider all your brother's friends who are much older than you a close friend already.
Jaehyun was wearing his usual black t-shirt with his denim ripped jeans, with his white clean snickers making a sound as he tapped on the floor probably jamming to the music from the house. He always wears black shirts, If not black you sometimes see him wearing white, he was so basic when it comes to his clothes but still looks good that it's maddening. Not that you're checking him out on a daily basis, you had eyes, and you always see him everywhere.
"It's my house, but not my party." He says as you continued drinking from the cup you were holding, you tried offering him the cup you were holding and he reached out for it, you watched the way his Adam's apple move in fascination.
You blinked the thoughts away. The drink making you feel hot, "So why did you transfer here?" you tried making small talks just to ignore the unwanted thoughts about him. He smiled and cocks his head to the side, his smile becoming faint as he stares at your drunken state. you can barely keep your eyes open but still sip from the same cup the both of you were sharing.
"Okay, that's enough." He blurted messily. Even he can't form the right words to say. "Enough with the drinking." He added.
"Are you trying to babysit me?" you asked. Dumbfounded. You laughed at the idea. "You haven't answered my question, though." you sit with your legs crossed and you put your forearms on your knees leaning closer to him, Jaehyun sees the deep in your top, your cleavage showing more than intended, skin glistening under the lights, he moved his eyes away from your form, mentally cursing.
"I just needed the scholarship and the University offered one so I took it." He says, that made you confused for a second, "I thought your family is loaded?" you asked. "Were comfortable," he answered you. Disbelief was written on your face "Isn't that what super-rich Asian kids answer with that type of questions?" he laughs at you. "Both my sisters are also a scholar back at home, I had to be a little competitive, it runs in the family."
"They do?" you asked. He shifted his gaze everywhere but you. For some reason you wanted his attention on you, there was a sudden change in his demeanor as the mood between the both of you change,  "You're making this hard for me." He says with finality. You tilt Your head to the side. "Then, aren't you going to do something about it ?" you asked laughing. You stood up walking back to the house. He's head moving as his eyes study every move you make, you back up and turn to face him,
"Y/n, I don’t do one night stand,"  He blurted his lips forming a tight line after, Jaehyun walks to you, grabbing you by the waist, you grab at the back of his neck, taking your time and looking at his lips with the same want he gives. "Then, this is our day one."  you say your last words before pulling him for a kiss.
Kissing Jaehyun felt- wet, You felt his arms circle your waist as he hoists you up to cradle him, making you break the kiss. "Won’t you regret this in the morning?" He manages to ask before you dig to taste his lips again. "I still think you’re drunk and will probably regret this in the morning,” He blurted out, you pulled him again lips meeting, “But oppa, that’s not the problem right now, and I really think we should think about that tomorrow.” you convinced him, Jaehyun was having the last bit of patience and he just want to take you to his room and fuck your brain senseless.
This kind of confidence is new to you, though, this wasn't your first time getting laid, it wasn't like you do this normally, either. You still remembered your first time, it was during your senior year, there was this one guy who acts like he swept you off of your feet but doesn't even last 5 minutes into the sex, his dick wasn't small per se, but it wasn't that big either, though, you can't really tell, it's not like you have seen lots of different male sex to compare, you remember it had hurt, and just, hurt in general. He sucked at sex and only minded his own release, penetrating you without getting you wet first. Your mind came back to Jaehyun when he sucks at the skin below your right ear and you shivered at the pleasure. You don't even understand the logic of you kissing Jung Jaehyun when you're not that close. What would Doyoung and Jungwoo think? or how would they even react? "What are you thinking?" Jaehyun broke the kiss once again, feeling that you're somehow distracted. His thumb draws small circles at the inside of your thighs and you cling to him as he walks through the back door to the basement of the house where it was exclusive for the members only. and I'm kissing him.  
Once inside, he put you down, "Just thinking of my brothers," you answered. "Please don't tell me you're going to back out and leave me hot and bothered."
"Of course not." you pull him back down and attached your lips to his, Jaehyun broke the kiss once again and lead you to the stairs up to his room, the lack of people made you look at him questioningly but he just pulls at your hand, Jaehyun opened the door to his room, shoving you against it and kissing you desperately. You moaned at the pain shooting at your back, something flashed in his eyes; realizing how manhandling affects you.
He broke the kiss and study your reaction. "You can't keep doing this to me." He manages to say. You were so ready and wet for him, and he's not even doing anything to you besides kissing you. Jaehyun lowered his head on your neck just where your weak spot is and a soft moan escape from your lips.
You pushed him back as you kiss him, backing up until the both of you fell to the mattress of his bed with you straddling him. Tonight was supposed to be just a normal girl's night out. But, here you are making out with Jung Jaehyun, both of your brother's best mate.
You are so fucked up.
Jaehyun lowered his head and attached his lips to your neck, lapping on it just where your weak spot is as a soft moan escapes from your lips. Jaehyun, he can't even control his urges at this point anymore, seems like keeping his hands off of you would be a problem in the future, the heat in his lower body was already rising as he kissed your slightly parted lips. Your body was a victim of him, your sight getting blurry at the intensity of his kisses. Jaehyun run little kisses down your skin, removing your top in one go, as much as he thinks you look fucking good on it, he wants nothing to do with it.
Jaehyun's breath hitched when he saw your bare chest. You mentally pat your head for going against the nipple tape, it would be fucking embarrassing to get rid of it in this situation. He grabs your breast causing you to flinch, a sigh-like moan escaping your lips, His fingers painlessly kneaded the mounds of your breasts, distorting them erotically in his palm.
Jaehyun find your scent sweet, he was marking you inside his head,
He was hooked with intense possessiveness and desire, palming you through your undies, making you ark your back against the bed and rubbing your heat against his hands for much better friction, you were so, so close. The heat in your core being unbearable.
"You keep surprising me with how dirty you are," he murmured against your ears when he realized you were  just wearing your undies without a protective shorts. Jaehyun played with the hem of your panties before ripping them off you. "Let's keep the skirt, I want to fuck you in it."
"You're fucking unbelievable, Oppa. What am I going to wear later?" you ask while heaving, waiting for his next move that he'll do. Jaehyun took one breast into his mouth and sucked on it, his tongue lapped around your stiff bud, biting it lightly before repeating, something hot flowed from your already wet core, making the two of you stop at your ministration, "fuck, fuck, fuck." you chant like a mantra.
Jaehyun couldn't believe that you're coming just from that. Your body was so responsive that the idea got him rock hard in instant. You turn away when Jaehyun strips from his clothes, embarrassed to see him naked so suddenly, his cock springing up, your mouth watering at the sight, Jaehyun grabs at your ankles when you come down from your high, you turning limp but doesn't protest, spreading you apart and positioning his self between your legs. Then, an overwhelming force suddenly pierced through you in one go, moaning at the delicious stretch you felt with being filled by his cock.
You were a moaning mess by now, Your pupils dilated, choosing to breathe as Jaehyun rams at you anomalistically, you felt dizzy by the sudden intense pleasure of being overstimulated, your sensitive walls squeezed tight as if rejecting him,
Jaehyun growled against your skin, "Fuck, baby, loosen up, You're too tight."
One more thrust and Jaehyun already got you spasming around him, Jaehyun grunted lowly. "How obscene, I just put it in and your body likes it so much." your face heat up in embarrassment, body tightening on him causing him to let out a suppressed groan as he comes undone inside you.
You smirk at him, watching his expression as you flex your thighs around him, prolonging his orgasm, his eyes trembled holding down your forearm above your head, "You like it, Oppa?" you asked smugly at him, tired, and being over-stimulated also by him. "How fun," you wrapped your legs around his waist and tightly squeezed where your lower abdomens met.
"Y/n," He growled, seeing your eyes sparkling with mischievousness, Jaehyun's lips curved oddly, deciding to play the game you were playing, he smirked and grab at your thighs, pulling them apart, he pulled out and rammed back inside, hard. You screamed at the pleasure, you know it was the beginning of a fierce-long night of sex that's seemed to never end. Jaehyun's hard erect cock penetrating endlessly through you, tormenting at the same time pleasuring you.
you screamed against him, forgetting the party going downstairs and ignoring the phone chiming down the floor with all the worried text messages from your brothers and Unnies. Halfway through, the two of you lost your senses with how good the fuck is, you falling asleep as fatigue runs through your body after Jaehyun manages to pull four more orgasms in you.
Rays of the sun coming from the outside sipping through the curtained window were hot against your skin, making you come to your senses. You look at the unfamiliar vicinity, every piece of furniture was unfamiliar to you. A big flat-screen television hangs on the wall in front of the bed. You look down to see your clothes lying together with an unknown shirt and pants on the ground.
You moved slightly. Groaning because of the pain you felt. Horror strikes your face when you registered that someone's arm was draped in your bare stomach.
Holy fucking shit
You lifted your head to see someone sleeping beside you. A mop of brown hair greeted you, thinking hard to remember the past events of last night. Flashbacks of last night start to flood in your memory and you mentally slap your face. You wanted to scream your heart out in pure panic and stupidity but that wouldn't be a nice idea. Instead, you slowly lift his arm, got out of the bed, and pick your clothes up, Horrified at your ripped undies.
you ran to the bathroom as quietly as possible. Turning the faucet on as you see your reflection in the mirror. Red marks were all over your neck and chest. What the hell did you do last night? No, why did you do that last night?!
You quickly get dressed. You need to get the hell out of here before he wakes up and asks you questions even you don't know how to answer yourself, worst being rejected straight up and be doomed for the rest of your college life.
You left. Hopefully, without leaving any traces behind. When you got home Wendy was watching the television. Upon entering, she bombards you with questions, asking why you can't be contacted only then you remembered you don't have your phone with you. fuck, way to go on not leaving any traces behind. You borrowed her phone and tried to dial your number.
"Hello?" a man's voice answered the call and you instantly cut the call off. You know it's him. How can you forget the voice of the man screaming your name against your eras last night?
You change into more comfortable clothes after taking a long cold shower, if only you can remove every trace of what happened last night, the evidence is all over your body. It's already 3 in the afternoon, your headache isn't helping with the situation, and you self-pity yourself in your room.
You cried because of your stupidity. Goddamn that alcohol, You swear to never drink again. You heard a knock on your door. Wendy's head pocking from outside. "Can I come inside?" you manage to say a small yes.
"What happened to you?" She asked. You tried to form a suitable lie inside your head but Wendy bit you to it. "The last time I saw you last night was when you were dragging Jaehyun outside and you two never come back inside, again."
in fact, you did, using the back door.
You know you can easily dodge the question but Instead, the guilt it you out of humiliation. "Unnie, can we not talk about this?" you cried. Wendy left after consulting you once more, you were grateful that she didn't push you to talk about it.
The nect day, Jungwoo visited your apartment handing you, your phone back. "Jaehyun Hyung give this to me, says it was yours." you waited for him to ask you questions about your whereabouts but he didn't, still he didn’t let the opportunity slide to make fun of you and Jaehyun.
On Monday you were at a café near the University's entrance when you felt someone sit next to you, you look up from your book to see who it was and after hours and hours of hiding from that person; here he is sitting next to you.
He dared not to look at you, voluntarily pack your things, ready to escape when you heard him say "You know we need to talk things through." you looked at him in horror. Why can't he just let this slide? why does he care so much? I've been ignoring his calls, He probably put his contact number on your phone before Jungwoo came and returned it to you.
"Can we just pretend that it never happened?" you blurted. "That was a one-night thing. We were both drunk. Can't you just let it be? Just thank me for it. I won't add from all the girls you banged and probably want's your support or want something from you." you harshly retort.
"What?" he asked you frowning, both of you looked at each other before he breaks contact and looks away. instantly turning a bright shade of pink. "Just, forget it." you blurted and walk off.
You vented all your anger in your classes, putting all your focus on every subject, by the time you were done with your last subject, you spotted Jung Jaehyun outside your class waiting, both hands in his jean pockets, his hair looks like he'd been running his fingers on it all day, his white t-shirt was clinging to his body, his orange ID lace tells him from the architect department.
You lowered your head, hugging your books closer in your chest, trying your best to walk past him without him seeing you. "Y/n." warm hands grab your left arm, you jolted from his touch as if you were electrified. You reacted by moving away from him, giving him more space than you intended, Jaehyun on the other hand looks angry. This reaction made him think that you were disgusted with what happened between you two, when you're really not, Halting from your steps you stood face to face with him.
"Oppa, what are you doing?" you asked, looking around as he attempts to hold your arm again but you panicked when you saw some curious eyes on both of you and the last thing you wanted was for the student body's attention on you. You jerk from his touch "I told you to drop this." you whispered, walking away from him but being the tall guy that he is, it made no effort for him to walk up beside you. You fasten your pace but to no avail, was useless to him.
"We need to talk," he said as he drags you to the gym, both of them entered the locker room where the lights were off only the lights coming from the outside were your source to see his face.
His face turns into a frown. "Stop taking me as a joke," he blurted. If he thinks you're taking this or him as a joke, he was wrong. You just want this to never happen and you don't want to be one of those girls on the lists that he victimized, you beg to defer. plus, talk about being scared of the rejection, you don't want it happening to you to the point that you started pushing him away.
"Why? Do you think this is a joke for me? I won't waste my time searching or even waiting for you if I think of this as a joke." shocked was evident on your face and he attempts to touch you. "Don't !" I squealed, putting my hands in the air across his face to stop him. "You know, I told you I don’t do one night stand with just anybody.” he says, you racked your head searching for a specific moment and then you remember how you practically throw yourself at him even going to the lengths of saying that night was your first day as a couple. 
"I feel disgusted by myself don't you know that? you want to talk? Fine, I don't want to be rejected, honestly, I'm saving my face from the humiliation, we had sex," you hysterically said. "Just because we were both drunk!"
you breathed some air in your lungs, a dumbfounded Jaehyun in front of you. "Don't look at me like that."
"You don't understand," he said seriously. “Im not taking no as an answer, you brought this up on your ownself.”
"What? don't understand what?" you asked. you ran your fingers through your hair, seriously getting tired of this. both of you were just running in circles. you couldn’t believe Jaehyun was like this, like a lost puppy, looking like a lost puppy, "If you think I don't understand the situation, then don't you think you should elaborate it more for me?" you asked. You both locked eyes, he's obviously thinking, finding the right words to talk you into this. He put his hands in his pockets. "This is different, at least for me," was the only thing he said.
"I don't believe you. and I don't need you to be responsible," you said. "Oppa, Just please forget it," you turn around and walk once again ready to leave him as a handgrip your arm but this time pulling you back harshly to be faced by him again.
You felt yourself collide with his rock hard body, his lips on yours as you tried to focus your eyes on him, you accidentally drop all the books that you have when you felt him put his other hand on the back of your neck, kissing you deeply and pulling you incredibly close, leaving no air to pass through you and him. Stuck in the same position, you did not dare to move.
He reached for your face and deepen the kiss. "What the hell-" you pushed him away but for some reason, your energy leaves the soul out of you.
He slightly nibbles at your lower lip and you automatically responded with the same urge his giving you, knowing this is wrong and that you should probably stop this, but your mind and body won't cooperate and you suddenly remembered the sensation he makes you feel back then, thinking about the situation, kissing in a dark place with only the two of you making lewd noises made you wet down there. A soft moan escapes your lips as his fingers slightly gaze at your skin just underneath your blouse.
"We both know what we want. And obviously, your body doesn't lie," he said, eyes the darkest shade as he gazes down on you with a smirk on his lips.
"Is this how you get to bed girls? because you totally got me."
"No, I'm telling you, I want you. In every way possible."
yeah, short fic for my bub so what :(((
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Summary: You and Chris fight hard, but at least making up is always fun.
Pairings: Chris Evans x Black!Reader
Warnings: Smut, daddy skink, swearing, sex in public
(A/N: Okay so yes. I watched Insecure and decided having sex on a ferris wheel sounded kind of hot. Sue me. Also a little bit of a toxic relationship because I also love Euphoria.)
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The original plan for today was simple. Hang out with your girls, have fun at this music festival, and then go to a diner afterward because you knew you’d be drunk and starving by the end of the night. Except like usual you were thinking about Chris and the stupid fight the two of you were having. It was like you couldn’t really have fun.
He’d gotten mad when he saw the outfit you’d picked for the occasion. The butterfly covered bralette and matching skirt was kind of revealing, but that was the point. He didn’t want “other men to see what was his,” or some shit like that. God, he could be so possessive. 
Of course, you wore it. You’d already bought it specifically for the occasion. With his credit card, you might add. You weren’t going to change in one minute just because he told you to. Except for your friend Amanda had already tagged you in a picture which he’d clearly seen since he’d been texting you almost non-stop all pissed off that you’d disobeyed him. 
Sometimes he irritated you so much. Like, yeah you wouldn’t trade him for the world, but did he have to be such an ass about it. Then it was conflicting because apart of you kind of liked it. Your big mean Daddy putting you in your place. Maybe that’s why he treated you like that. He knew that deep down you had a thing for it. Except right now all you wanted to do was sulk as you argued with him back and forth through your messages.
Yet despite this, you still felt so needy for him. Like all you wanted was for him to hold you. Maybe give you kisses and tell you that you looked good. It was so annoying how desperate you felt for him. Aside from all the fighting, he was a really good boyfriend. He was perfectly affectionate, amazing in bed, wanted to actually have a future with you, and made sure you had everything you’ve ever wanted. He took care of you well.
There were times when the negative thoughts reared their ugly heads. Like your friends. It seemed they only saw bad. Like how he was gone a lot, but like it’s for work and you got to travel with him all the time which was fun. Or the fighting. Which okay, fair enough. 
Sometimes it kind of just seemed like they were jealous. Like how’d you manage to snag Captain America of all people. Or why you put up with the things you did. Maybe when they find a boyfriend with a big dick and a bank account to match they’d understand. 
Until then your friends' opinions didn’t really mean anything to you. It’s not like you ever asked them for it anyway. They weren’t complaining when he’d pay for the spa trips or even the VIP passes to this thing, though. They loved him then.
You took a sip of the beer Shannon had just handed you. This is going to sound so dumb, but like, the taste of it was making you think of him. It reminded you of those times he’d come home from work and you’d have dinner waiting like the good little girlfriend you are. After you’d curl up on the couch. He’d pretty much down his beer as you unwinded, pressed into his side. 
Then at some point, he’d kiss you. It would start out all sweet and nice. He’d end up saying something funny and you’d giggle. He always said he loved your laugh. Then he’d pull you onto his lap, making you straddle him. 
Your kiss would turn deeper. Hungry. Like if you didn’t kiss him right now, you might float away. Your tongues would caress while you had your arms wrapped around his neck. You’d feel his bulge grow pressing against your usually covered pussy. 
That’s when you’d started grinding your hips because even the friction from his thickness was enough to get you close. He’d usually start out with his hands on your tits because even though he claimed to be an ass guy he always told you how much he loved your boobs. Then he’d pull you away to pull off your top bringing you back into him by putting his hand around your neck. Since you’d rather die than wear a bra at home, your naked body would be pressed against him even though he was still clothed. 
As his lips would begin to trail down your body, his hands would rest against your ass. Squeezing it, smacking it, helping you grind into him. Then he’d do this thing where he lifted you up to lay you down. His lips still on yours as he moved kept moving against you.
Then you’d finally get naked and he’d fuck you right there not even bothering to go to the room. His dick hitting every spot all at once because of how damn thick he was. He was the first man to fuck you right. Maybe that’s why you were so crazy about him.
In those moments afterward, you’d have to stop yourself. You could taste the soft ‘I love you’ that you wanted to say so badly on your tongue. It didn’t feel right saying it without knowing if he’d say it back to you. You weren’t sure if he would.
You swayed back and forth to the music, singing along. Amanda was twerking while Shannon and Kim were pretty similar to how you were. If you weren’t one second away from showing everyone your panties with how tiny your skirt was you’d probably be right next to her. 
Night had fallen and everything looked beautiful. The way the desert looked with the stage lit. The way they’d light up the ferris wheel. It was all so amazing. Yet your mind kept drifting. He hadn’t texted you back in a few hours which was weird for him when the two of you were fighting. 
You’d walked away from the group to throw away the beer bottle you didn’t feel like holding. Before you could turn around, you felt a hand on your waist and groaned because why the fuck do guys do that. Until you looked up seeing the blue eyes of your handsome boyfriend. 
Your breath hitched in your throat. Like it usually does because he was so fucking beautiful it wasn’t like you could help it. “Ch- Chris? What are you doing here?” For some reason, it felt like you’d gotten caught red-headed.
He shrugged. His hair was covered by the blue cap he was wearing, but it was so unmistakably him that you were surprised you weren’t being rushed by fangirls. “I missed you,” he replied.
You tilted your head to the side feeling all melty now from the simple phrase. “I missed you, too.” 
He pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face in your hair. “Can we talk? Somewhere private.” 
You chuckled. “I don’t think we can really be anywhere private right now.” You glanced over at your friends who were rolling their eyes and such at the sight of him. Except for Shannon that is. She was really the only one on Team Chris. 
“The ferris wheel,” he suggested, looking up at the giant contraption. 
You scrunched up your nose. Just because you thought it was pretty didn’t mean you actually liked them. And, he knew that because every time you went to Disneyland you’d skip over it. “I don’t do ferris wheels.”
“I know, but just this once,” he said. “Just so we can talk.”
It was hard saying no to that face so you found yourself nodding. “Okay. Let me tell them I’ll be right back.”
Being Chris Evans he got to skip to the front of the line. The carriage was one of those enclosed ones. Similar to California Adventure’s, but of course not as big. Poor Chris looked squished on his side. At least it didn’t swing. 
You looked out the window. You were barely off the ground. Neither of you said anything. It was a little quieter here, but not much by much. A part of you wanted to go over there and take a seat on his lap as you went further.
“So,” he started, finally breaking the silence after you were a quarter of the way off the ground. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry... you know for all the fighting.”
You weren’t really expecting that. Your eyes met his and you wanted to swoon, but you needed to keep your composure. “Why are we like this?” You asked. 
“I don’t want it to be,” he said. “I know this is going to sound fucking crazy, but I drove all the way here because at some point I realized that you’re more important than losing you over me not liking your outfit, which you look really cute by the way.”
You smiled. “You really think so?”
“You always do. You’re gorgeous, Honey. I’m so fucking sorry if I... if I make you feel like I don’t care because I do.” He took a deep breath. “I guess what I’m trying to say to you is that I love you, Y/N.”
“Really?” Your heart felt like it was going to explode. 
“I have since we met I think.”
“I love you, too,” you said. Leaning forward so you could kiss him. The inside of the carriage was dark so no one could really see into it, but then again people were probably watching it like a hawk just trying to catch a glimpse. He’d grabbed onto your hips like he did when the two of you were on the couch making it, making you straddle his lap. It honestly felt like you might as well be at home with how damn comfy he is. 
“I’m sorry, Baby,” he said. His hands rested on your ass he started kissing your neck. “I don’t ever want to lose you.” 
“You won’t,” you replied. He lifted up your bralette so he could kiss down your chest, taking a nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around. You moaned feeling his dick hardening underneath you.
You reached between both of you to palm him in his jeans. He groaned as you rubbed him. You need to be quick because your carriage was moving again and clearly it couldn’t just end in a makeout session. Not with the way he was kissing you and you couldn’t leave your poor boyfriend all hard with blue balls. 
You unzipped his pants and smiled when his dick popped out. “Oh, Daddy,” you cooed. 
“That’s my girl,” he whispered in your ear. “Always ready for me, huh?”
“Always,” you repeated before kissing him again.
He pulled your panties to the side as he lifted your hips up to inch you down his length. He felt so fucking good inside of you. “That’s it, Honey. Ride me.”
“Yes,” you mewled. He filled you up so perfectly. You were so fucking full. It never made any sense just how good it always felt. As you bounced up and down his length you could feel your slick dripping out to cover him.
His balls were slapping against your ass every time you went down and for some reason, it felt so damn good. You bit your lip trying to keep yourself from crying out again. Even though you were sure no one could hear you, you still didn’t want to get too loud.
He’d grabbed your hips. Making you tilt back so he could leave hot open-mouthed kisses trailing from your neck to your collarbone to your breasts. You threw your head back trying to keep your noises in your throat. You were holding yourself up with your hands on his knees.
“That’s it, Baby. I know you wanna cum for me.” He grabbed you, bringing your forehead to his. One of his hands squeezed your neck with just enough pressure. 
Your pussy was clenching around him your insides fluttering as you felt yourself getting there. “Fuck, Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you whined. Your orgasm was so close you could fucking taste it.
“That’s it. That’s my good girl,” he whispered in your ear. “Cum for me.”
You pressed your face into his t-shirt as you reached your breaking point. You moved your hips harder trying to ride out your orgasm. The way you were moving triggered him to start spilling inside of you. “Fuck,” he cursed, his grip going to your ass again so hard you kind of knew you were going to bruise.
“Yes, Daddy. Yes.” Tears welled up in your eyes as you started to come down from your high. 
You laid your head on his chest as he leaned down to kiss the top of your head. Your body was shaking and you wanted to calm down by the time you had to get out of the carriage. You looked out the window again. That whole time at the top had been spent fucking and it was almost time for you to compose yourself.
“We probably aren’t the first ones to do this today, huh,” he wondered out loud.
You chuckled, putting your chin on his chest and looking up at him. “Probably not.”
He rubbed your ass sweetly not even realizing before how tender your body was now. He sat back with his eyes closed. “Is it bad that I could sleep like this?”
“No. I think I could, too,” you replied, feeling your eyes all droopy.
You finally got up before the ferris wheel reached the ground to make yourselves presentable. You sat back in his lap melting into him until it was at a complete stop. 
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too.”
He smiled all sweet before placing a kiss on your lips. You guys were always fighting and making up and as much as you’d say it was water under the bridge, this was the first time it really felt like it. You couldn’t wait to see how things would be from now on. He was your person.
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rhenuvee · 4 years
The Cute Guy (Fred Weasley x reader)
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Request: Could you do a cute after the war Fred Weasley imagine where the reader is applying to work at the Weasleys’ wizard wheezes. And slowly Fred falls in love with her.
*I realized I’m an idiot for not doing this sooner so tell me if you’d like to be tagged in my future fics. I write for 3 fandoms so please specify which one!*
Announcement: In case you did not see what I put in the request guidelines, school is starting September 14th for me. You can still send in requests, but I will be a lot slower with requests. 
Fred remembered the day he hired you to work for Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. It was a couple of weeks after he and George decided to reopen the shop. He saw how invested you seemed in the products and how your happy-go-lucky personality would bring a pleasant type of energy to customers. That would’ve been his genuine answer.
But now with his head in a daydream as you talked with a customer, he wasn’t sure that was the only thing that made him hire you. He saw how your bright smile lit up the room and how contagious your laugh was. He saw how pretty you looked even in just a uniform you wore to work everyday.
The shop was doing pretty well today, no complaints or accidents. However Fred could feel something not right at the corner of his eye. 
He turned to see his twin in a very exaggerated manner, resting his chin in his hands propped up on his elbows. Fred deadpanned knowing George was trying to copy him, obviously in a very dramatic way.
“Stop doing that you prat, you’re scaring the people.” said Fred pushing George. He scoffed in return of his twin’s pathetic insult.
“Me? Look at yourself.” said George pointing at Fred. The older twin grumbled, he was seriously conflicted. Each day he hid it, it seemed like his feelings for you grew more. 
“Why don’t you just ask them out?” asked George coolly as if it was the easiest thing in the whole world. Fred rubbed his temple in frustration.
“Yeah, and why don’t I step on a nail while I’m at it?”
“Good idea, tell me when you do so I can take a photograph.” Fred was about to get mad at his twin’s ignorance, but laughed dryly at his response with him instead.
“Look mate, if you don’t make your move, someone else will. You’re going to be all miserable and gloomy that your bird was taken. And I won’t be in the mood to deal with you.” explained George. Fred was annoyed at his brother for making fun of him, but also because he was right. Merlin, what was he going to do.
Meanwhile, you were at the front of the shop fixing up the love potions display and Ginny had just walked in. You became friends with her after being introduced when you were hired.
“Hey (y/n)!” her cheerful voice rang in the store. 
“Oh hi Ginny.” you said smiling and looking up from the stand.
“Want to grab lunch with me at that restaurant nearby?” she said grabbing your hand already leading you out of the shop. You partially stayed glued in place.
“Um, maybe I should ask Fred and George before going...” you said in their direction. It was kind of weird saying their names from your mouth. For the first week you called them Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley, but then you realized how old that must’ve made them feel after they told you about it. They were your bosses, you thought you had to address them formally!
“Who cares about them- she can go right?” asked Ginny quickly turning to her older twin brothers. Both turned their heads in sync and suddenly you felt warm knowing their gaze was on you.
“Of course love, we told you last time already.” said Fred almost out of impulse. You were busy blushing at the term of endearment to notice Ginny and George smirking and looking at Fred. 
“Okay, let’s go then.” said Ginny smiling. You waved to the twins before heading out to lunch with Ginny. George did nothing but grin and click his tongue. Fred’s expression was nothing but confusion, however George knew what he was implying about the nickname he called you. 
“So tell me, what’s new in your life?” asked Ginny then taking a bite out of her sandwich. 
“I’m a very boring person Ginny, you know that.” you said sighing and sipping your drink. It seemed like a spark was lit in Ginny as you could feel like she jumped in her seat a little. 
“What about that cute guy you always talk about?” she teased. You facepalmed. Ever since that one time you went out with her and drank a little too much firewhiskey, you blurted out a bunch of randomness, and the cute guy was one of them. You have now learned to try and handle your liquor better.
“Oh god... you’re not still on about that are you?” you asked half serious and half pretending to be nonchalant so she could move on. 
“I am.” she replied bluntly. You rolled your eyes.
She wasn’t entirely wrong. Unfortunately, the cute guy was none other than one of your bosses- Fred Weasley. Thank Merlin you didn’t say his name directly that night. But even so, you didn’t know what to do with yourself. 
You applied to work at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes because you genuinely loved their shop and admired how they brought smiles to people’s faces, even in dark times. And you knew the owners were the Weasley twins- but you did not know that getting a closer look at Fred would cause your knees to become jelly, or your eyes to look anywhere but his chocolate brown ones. And thus, it lead to him secretly being called ‘the cute guy’ by none other than your drunk self.
You snuck a look back at the shop which you could see from the restaurant window and sighed. Would a relationship with your boss be weird? Of course it would! I mean, you were the same age, yes- but why would he go for an employee? With looks as good as his and his charming personality he probably had lots of girls lining up for him.
“Oh my god...” said Ginny, which snapped you back from staring too long at the shop. 
“Do you like my brother?” she asked almost frantically. Uh oh, she was onto you. You had to think of a a witty response to divert her from this conversation.
“You have... a lot of brothers Ginny.” you said trying to sound as normal as possible. 
“I’m talking about Fred!” she said. She was close to stuttering out the phrase since she was so excited. You flushed red knowing she was right.
“Se he’s the cute guy! Oh this is great!” she clapped cheerfully.
“Don’t put words into my mouth.” you said turning your head away from her. In this moment you felt regret for the firewhiskey in the first place.
“Oh don’t be like that (y/n), besides he fancies you.” she said with a sly smirk. 
“My own boss? Fancies me? You really learned from their pranking don’t you?” you asked putting emphasis. Fred fancying you was something you only thought about. She rolled her eyes again.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the way he looks at you.” she said. You did not. Thinking that Fred looked at you like you were special would’ve been a dream come true. You kept your mouth shut this time, you wanted to hear more.
“Ever since he’s hired you, he’s been giving you goo goo eyes, like in that one muggle movie where those ladies fangirl over that arrogant villain guy.” she explains. You were confused, and you needed to get out of this talk.
“Goo goo- fangirl- arrogant vill- ah just, you know what? You’re wrong, and you know it.” you said shaking your head. Ginny just shrugged.
“Well next time go see for yourself.” she said.
You didn’t bother to follow Ginny’s instruction, however you couldn’t help to make ‘goo goo’ eyes yourself. He looked really good in a suit- he wore a different one everyday, and he looked good regardless of how flashy the colour of it was. 
Time flew by and you were exhausted, just one more hour and the shop will close and you can go home to your nice and comfy bed. Just a moment after a customer left, Fred came out of his office and went to the entrance door and locked it. You were puzzled, we were closing early?
“(Y/n).” he said looking at you and walking to where you were. You didn’t know what to think he was going to say, were you in trouble? You weren’t sure. George wasn’t with him.
“We’re gonna close early just tonight.” he said. God, seeing him really up close was making it hard for you to not check him out. His hair, messy as always, but somehow managed to look good. His eyes were dark and warm, a contrast to his freckles which highlighted his face. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why?” you said softly. 
“Well you see, George and I, we...” he paused mid sentence. Little did you know they had a plan. George told Fred for both of them to have dinner with you so that he could get some type of courage to sort of deal with his feelings. George did not mind being a third wheel, not that he think you’d notice anyway. And you were a good employee so the reason was not completely a lie.
“We wanted- we thought...” he managed to get out. This was not like him at all. It was like he was rushing to say something but couldn’t. 
“Merlin- (y/n) would you like to have dinner with me?” he said. Fred decided to just get it out. You were shocked, your eyes widened, and a slight pink tinted your cheeks. 
“You know what, just forget-”
“I’d love to.” you said fighting a grin appearing on your face. Fred on the other hand did not hold back and had a huge smile. 
“Then could I...” he trailed off. You were backed up against a shelf as his hand went to your waist. He was hesitant because at this point you both knew what was about to happen. The look in your eyes and the little nod you gave was enough for him to crash his lips onto you.
It took a little while for your mind to process what was happening- you and Fred were kissing. You let your eyes flutter shut and you kiss him back, Your hands move up to his shoulders. Even with his suit you could feel his toned muscles underneath. 
“Evening.” said a smooth voice from behind. You both pulled away with faces flushed and breathing fast and looked behind Fred. You saw George leaning on the table on his elbows... except he was being very dramatic about it purposely sticking his hips way out to the side.
You both were speechless, I mean what were you supposed to say when your boss’s twin just caught you kissing Fred? After a minute of silence-
“Well, guess I’m not invited to dinner anymore.” said George sighing. 
“No wait George, you can come too.” you replied quickly. George whistled and shook his head.
“Always too kind for your own good (y/n), no wonder my less attractive twin fancies you.” teases George. You and Fred both blush in embarrassment. 
“You guys go ahead, I’m not willing to be a third wheel, I think I’ll throw up before we even start eating.” 
“I’ll throw up!” George repeated, and then saluted and headed back into his office. Your eyesight lingered in George’s direction for a bit before turning back to Fred, your hands still on his shoulders.
“You fancy me...?” you said asking for confirmation. 
“Yeah I do, quite hard not to if you ask me, walking around the shop looking like you do.” he said smirking. Oh, he was complimenting you. You covered your wide smile with your hand.
“And you..?” he asked back.
“Oh- yeah I do, I think I have since that day I had too much firewhiskey and called you the cute guy-” you instantly shut your mouth now knowing what spilled out. The look in Fred’s eyes were getting more mischievous. The was no way he wasn’t about to get cocky at what you just said,
“The cute guy?” he teased rubbing his large hand up and down your sides and bring you slightly closer. You covered your face in embarrassment.
“I think the word you’re looking for is handsome, love.” he said with a grin. Oh god, he would never let you hear the end of this.
“Oh stop embarrassing me will you?” you said shooing him away. 
“To be fair, I think you’re pretty cute yourself...” he said tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. It was almost like he was about to lean in again.
“-but you’re going to have to tell me more about that cute guy, darling.” he said leading you out to door to dinner. You shook your head at him, he was a troublemaker for sure. What did you get yourself into?
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jean-kayak · 4 years
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Summary: A heated argument makes him accidentally confess his feelings
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x black!gn!reader
Warnings: a HUGE amount of angst, but don’t worry there’s a happy ending, brief mentions of alcohol consumption, one (1) bad chem joke, and a lot of tears
Word Count: 2,629
A/N: Um, you could say this is to make up for the Gojou angst I wrote earlier lolol, and I wanted to write for Kuroo cause I hadn’t written a fic for him yet and this is what came out of it
Tags: @her-majesty-kiara​, @iwascrybaby​​
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​​Kuroo groans when he hears his doorbell ring, wondering who's bothering him during his one-person movie night, and he haphazardly gets off the couch, pausing the movie before he walks to the door.
The annoyed, apathetic look on his face is quickly wiped off when he sees you standing on his porch, eyes red. He sighs, wordlessly stepping to the side to let you in, softly closing the door as he follows you back into the living room.
He sits back in his spot with a heavy sigh, and you follow, but you don't sit right next to him, which is normal behavior whenever you come to him like this. He throws an arm over the couch as you sniffle, your eyes on your lap. "So, what was it this time?"
He hates how he has to add that every time you show up at his door. He's lost count, and he hates that too. You wipe at your eye before you shrug. "He broke it off," is all you say, your voice not loud but not quiet either.
And he hates how it seems like you've just come to terms with this situation. Every time there's a new boyfriend, there's a new issue. Sometimes he wants to grab you by your shoulders and shake you, hoping that it'll make you see that it doesn't have to be this way for you.
Kuroo sighs again. "I'm sorry," he responds. "You wanna go get something to eat?"
You scoff as you shake your head, finally looking at him. "Go ahead and say it," you suddenly speak up, and it makes Kuroo frown at you.
"What are you talking about?" he asks, raising his eyebrows at your sudden outburst and change in demeanor.
"I can hear it in your voice, Kuroo. Just go ahead and say it." The anger in your voice, makes him sit up.
"What are you going about? I--"
"Just say I told you so and get it over with." He falls silent for a few seconds. He guesses after the same event happening over and over again, he got worse at hiding his true feelings. "You sound like that every single time. God, it's so annoying."
Now it's his turn to scoff. "I'm sorry? I've been telling you for a while now that they weren't good enough for you," he argues, your words rubbing him in the completely wrong way.
"And how are you supposed to know that? You've never liked any guy that I've dated, and it's like you just wait for me to get my heart broken just so you can rub it in my face that you were right."
"That sounds like a you problem, y/n. You think I'd do that to hurt you? You think I'd lie to you?" His voice is starting to rise, and he's never liked doing that, but you're pissing him off. How you let yourself get treated is pissing him off.
"God, you are such an asshole," you spit before you're standing, and he's quick to follow, grabbing your wrist.
"I'm the asshole? Oh, that's fucking rich." You snatch your wrist out of his grip before turning to face him.
"What is it, Kuroo?" you start, your voice now matching his. "Why is it that every single guy isn't good enough for me? Are you sure you're not trying to tell me that it's the other way around?"
He clenches his jaw. He has to choose his next words carefully before this hellhole of an argument really blows over. But he doesn't know what to say, and his silence spurs you on.
"If you thought I was that bad of a person to be dating then why would you let me go out with them anyway?" He feels the anger bubbling violently in his chest, the cap on the lid about to bust. "You just wanted me to think lowly of myself?"
"Because I FUCKING LOVE YOU, and I know that I could treat you better than any of those guys combined!" he screams, his voice booming through the house, making you flinch violently.
And he's trying to calm himself down, realizing what he said. The fucking cat that he's been trying to keep in the bag just leaped out with flying colors. He looks at you, your face completely different than it was before his accidental confession.
The silence is literally making his ears ring as he looks down at the floor. "Get out." He stops you when he knows you're about to say something.
"Get the fuck out." He doesn't look up. He can't. But he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to lose you, but he just did. He couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut and now he's paying the price.
"Fine," he hears you say, the words bitter. And he hears your footsteps moving towards the door, and the door opening.
And he jumps when he hears it slam.
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He lays in his bed for days. The pillows and sheets are stained with tears, his head pounding from the consistent crying. The more he replays the scene in his head, the harder he cries.
He could barely reach for his phone without crying because usually, the first thing he does when he reaches for his phone is think of you. He gets stupid drunk, but that only makes him cry worse, his headache making his head feel like it's being split open.
He wants to smash everything that has any memories of you tainted on it, but every time he goes to shatter a picture frame, he can't let it go.
How could you ever think about yourself that way? About him? The last thing he ever wanted you to think was that he thought you weren't good enough. But his annoyance was winning out.
He was tired of you boasting about a new guy you were potentially about to go on a date with. How you would tell him about all the dates you went on. And then you would come to him, crying because they broke your heart.
He was tired of being the guy that helps you fix your broken heart instead of being the one that got to hold it.
And he ruined it all. He had just been fucking content with being your friend then none of this would be happening. He wouldnt've lost the person he loved the most.
He wanted to call you his so bad. He wanted you to be the first thing to wake up to and the last thing to see before he went to sleep. He wanted to kiss you under the mistletoe like in those stupid cliche Christmas movies.
He wanted to dance with you in the kitchen, no music playing, just the two of you, relishing in each other's touch. He wanted to get down on one knee and tell you everything that he loved about you. That he had been in love with you from the moment he met you. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but having the privilege of calling you his.
You were so close to him. Yet so, so far away.
But he put up with it. He watched you in a happy relationship, hoping it would get him to get over you. But it failed. No matter what he did, what he tried. It hurt to see you in a relationship, and it hurt to see you crying due to the relationship crumbling.
He calls Kenma, barely able to retell the story because of how bad his voice is breaking, the tears falling all over again as his body heaves with sobs. But he's never seen Kenma come over to his house so fast.
Kenma stays for nearly the whole day, Kuroo spending nearly two and half of the hours convincing Kenma that it was completely fine for him to go home.
He felt empty. Like his body had been hollowed out. He cleaned up his house, the gloomy feeling settling over him only lifting slightly, but he was proud of himself for making progress. Slowly but surely.
He pretty sure things are starting to go back to "normal." The word having a different meaning now that you're no longer here.
He's scrolling through his phone deciding on whether he should cook or get take out when the noise against his door makes his whole body freeze. He tells himself that he was imagining it, that it was nothing, but he can't stop himself from walking into the living room to make sure he told himself right.
He nearly drops his phone when he hears the familiar knock. The only one that you use. He finds himself conflicted, not knowing whether to run to the door and throw it open and hugging you or running to his room and not coming out until your gone.
You knock again, and he feels like his legs are going to give out as he slowly walks towards it. He stands in front of it, not making a move to unlock it, but picturing you standing on the other side.
"Open the door, Kuroo," you say, your voice muffled, but he can hear it clear as day, and he hasn't heard your voice in so long that it makes him realize how much his heart still aches, and it almost makes him open the door.
He knows that once his eyes land on you, he'll cry. He knows it.
"Please." And he feels himself crack. Might as well get this over with and finally move on.
His hands are shaking like crazy as he slowly unlocks the door, pausing for a moment before he turns the knob. He's not looking at you when he fully opens the door, opting to look at the floor. He's not ready, he doesn't think he'll ever be.
The tension is so thick he feels like he can't breathe. Or that could be because he's trying to keep himself calm. He brings himself to look at you, and he never thought in a million years that he would struggle with looking at you. Not when he's been doing it for so long.
He feels the tears forming before he even gets to your face. He sighs heavily when he finally meets your eyes, yours looking just as puffy and swollen as his were.
He doesn't know what to say or feel. He wants to say so much, but he can't. He doesn't want a repeat of last time.
"You can't love me."
He feels his barely mended heart fall apart again. He scoffs painfully as he wipes the tears that start falling, turning back around to walk into the house, and he has the urge to stop you when he hears you walk in behind him, closing the door.
"You can't love me," he slows to a stop when he hears your voice break. "Because." Your voice is wavering, and you stop again, letting out a quick sob. "Because I love you."
Kuroo feels his whole world shift as he feels more tears flood into his eyes. He pushes away that small moment of hope, huffing as he wipes his face. "y/n--"
"That's not how this works," you cut him off, but he doesn't turn around. "I'm the one that always falls and never gets caught."
Your lips are quivering so bad that the words are barely coming out. Kuroo slowly turns around, seeing that you have tears streaming down your face. He's looking for the lie, waiting for the part when he wakes up.
You take a careful step forward, and Kuroo doesn't have it in him to stop you. "It's--"
"I'll catch you." There's pain etched on both of your faces, but your eyes widen slightly in shock. "God, y/n, I will always catch you. I--"
He steps closer to you, and he reaches out to touch you, but he stops himself, not sure if it's the right move. "I can't believe you thought I would ever think that way about you."
"I know, and I'm so fucking sorry. I was upset, and I took it out on you. I didn't mean any of it," you explain, your sentence wavering off towards the end. "I was just--nothing ever worked out for me, and I thought that you would never feel the same, so I--"
You can't help it this time, not even biting your lip can muffle your cries, and Kuroo's pulling you into his chest, and you nearly cry as hard as you did on that awful day, and Kuroo holds you like you'll slip away from him at any moment as more tears fall down his face.
Your hands are holding on tight to his shirt that he feels it might rip, but he doesn't care. The only thing that he cares about is that he finally has you back in his arms.
"I'm sorry," he breathes, resting his face in your hair, and you lift your head up.
"You shouldn't be apologizing. I--"
"I said things that I shouldn't have said too," he says, cupping your face in his hands, rubbing over some of the dried tear tracks staining your brown skin. "I swear I didn't mean it."
You sniffle loudly as you bring your hands up to wipe the tears off of his face. "I love you, Tetsurou." The sound of his name sounds amazing coming from you, and he feels his heart swell as he smiles widely, feeling tears brimming his eyes again.
"And I love you." He does. With every single thing in his body. You huff softly as his finger rubs over your cheek. "Can I kiss you?"
You nod quickly, and he chuckles softly on the outside, but on the inside, he's bouncing off the walls. He doesn't delay any longer, moving in to connect his lips with yours. He feels a shock shoot up his spine, further fueling his love for you.
This is what he imagined. What he's been dreaming of, and it's happening. And he's not in the middle of a dream, even though that's what it feels like. His arms wrap around your waist as he deepens the kiss, pulling you closer to him, not even wanting an inch of space between the both of you.
He hopes that everything confession he's thought about making is being transferred through, wanting you to understand that he loves you to the next universe and back. He reluctantly pulls away, both of your lungs screaming for air, and he leans his head to rest against your forehead.
"Marry me," he breathes, and you huff softly as you look at him.
He nods eagerly. "Yes."
"Are you serious?" you ask, chuckling in disbelief as you move a hand to play with the strands of hair at the nape of his neck.
"As serious as inhaling hydrochloric acid," he jokes quickly, smiling when you laugh. "I'll do all of the formal stuff later. Just please say yes."
You laugh a little louder this time, and he can't help the pang of his heart at the sight, the sounding even more beautiful than music. "Yes, Tetsurou, I'll marry you."
If he thought he was already happy about his feelings being reciprocated, he was definitely through the roof happy now. He plants his lips back on yours, pulling you into an even deeper kiss, and he sighs in content.
He brings you into a hug, huffing in disbelief that you're actually standing here, that you want to marry him. And that your arms feel like home. Like paradise.
He doesn't even care how long it took.
All that matters is that he can finally call you his.
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winter-fox-queen · 3 years
Kisses Like Wine Part 5
Warnings:  Cursing, some not very nice dealings to not very nice people, angst.
Summary:  Despite his best efforts, you catch up to the Thief…but the consequences are far from what you hoped for.
That bastard had no right to look that good in a red velvet coat.
There he was, in his own private box, watching the opera like like he was the king of the world, opera glasses looking fragile and delicate in his hand.
Concentrate.  He’s here for the same reason you are.  And you are damned well going to beat him to his prize.
Her brother had come through.  Found out who owned the auction house — I’d managed to find out about the discrete, underground auctions when I worked at Gambrel’s.  I found out that the couple would be here tonight, all I had to do was see if I could find a way to get their key card fir the suite at the hotel they were staying at.  Apparently they did not live in Rome, and only came in when they had things to sell.
They were older than I imagined.  The woman looking elegant and patrician, her husband looked like a oversized fire hydrant.  Their body language was not what I expected.  They seemed to like each other very much, a fondness of many years together That made me a little envious. I’d followed them from the hotel, managed to see where he put the key card. I’d been careful…I heard whispering of how they made their money, and if it as true they where Not to be Messed With.
So, of course, I was planning on messing with them.
I snuck into a seat not too far behind them, but hopefully out of the path of The Theif’s gaze, and tried to be patient.  I would move during intermission.  Then I would have a whole half an opera and late dinner to break in and get what I wanted.
I glanced back up at the thief.  He was too beautiful, and I liked looking at him far too much.  His question about why I wanted the star was bothering me.  What was the point?  I followed him because he told me to.  Because I couldn’t stop thinking about him.  Because I hoped if I retrieved the star I’d be…more equal.  More accepted?  I probably have about as much of my family’s love and acceptance I was probably going to get, but the idea of being the hero was alluring.
Maybe even as alluring as the Thief.
I was pretty angry with him, honestly.  I knew he drugged me, I felt slightly drunk and out of it for a moment, enough disorientation to give him a chance to flee.  It was stupid, probably, to be disappointed.  If a tiger bites you, do you yell at it?  Or do you accept that you shouldn’t have petted it in the first place?
Intermission.  Finally.  I followed them at a pace.  I actually wanted to see if he would approach them first.  So I hid.  Followed, pretended to join a group and nod wisely until they noticed me and I muttered apologies and moved on.  The place was a crush of people drinking, talking, discussing the opera.  Perfect.
There.  Flash of deep velvet.  He was moving nonchalantly, as if he had nothing to do, closing in along her right side, away from her husband…so I did something awful.  I pushed the elegant woman right into his arms.  The Thief had two choices, let her fall, or catch her.
He caught her.
I went in, dipped into the man’s pocket, grabbed the wallet and left, letting the jostling of other people and his distraction with a very handsome man holding his wife cover up my actions.
I extracted the key card, turned the wallet in at the bar, and left quickly.
It was all so smooth.  I felt fairly cocky.  It was all so simple.
Until I got to the safe.  I found it fine.  There were only so many places to look.  But I sat there, cross legged, my tight, elegant dress pushed up so I could sit comfortably on the floor, and realized I was completely out of my element.  I fiddled with the edge of my latex glove and worried.
“It’s not in there.”
I squeaked.  Like a damned mouse.  I turned and hurled a shoe at him, and he ducked.
He smirked at me.
“How did you get in?”
“She had a keycard in her purse…thank you for throwing her into my arms.  That made things so much easier.”
I stood.  “You are so…insufferable.  Yes.  Don’t you dare look hurt, you know you are.   Now.  How do you know it’s not in there?  There’s no where else it could be.”
He leaned against the low dresser and shrugged.
“Fine.”  I shooed him away and returned my attention to the safe.
“I’m telling you, you are wasting your time.”
“Why should I believe you?  You who love to drug me, lie to me…”
“I don’t love that at all.”  He had the nerve to sound actually hurt rather than the fake hurt of earlier.
“So either tell me where you think the diamond is, or open the damned safe.”
He smirked at me.  “They aren’t going to put a million dollar jewel in a hotel safe…but they might put something less expensive looking in there.”  He got out his phone and started playing with the screen.  The safe made a sound.  I knelt and opened it.
“Well?”  He asked.
“You had an app on your phone to open a hotel safe?”
“Absolutely.  Hotel safes are worthless, might as well keep your valuables in a locked drawer under some tampons.”
I caught the dig, glared at him. “Everyone’s a comedian. I have an iPad, and a slip of paper.” A slip of paper wrapped around a USB key.
He held out his hand, and I gave him the iPad.
“No, that’s useless…I want the paper.”
I smiled and pushed it down into my bodice.
He stepped closer to be, his eyes dark.  “Do you think I am above retrieving that?”
I looked up into his eyes.  They were almost completely black, and I shivered.  I was filled with the need to feel those large hands, cupping my breasts, stroking my skin.  I cleared my throat and said, “The play ended forty five minutes ago.  They probably got to Francesco’s for their reservation about ten minutes after that…the place right across the street from the opera house.  That means that we probably only have a half an hour left before they get here, so I suggest…”
The elevator dinged.  We looked at the still closed door.
“There are three rooms on this floor,” I said softly.
“Not booked.”  He threw the iPad back into the safe and closed it.  I ran to the window.
“No ledge,” I shot him a panicked look.
The coat closet.  They might use that.  The Bathroom.  They would definitely use that. The bedroom…sneak under the bed, and wait?
He grabbed my waist swept us behind the door as it opened.  He sprayed something in their faces and they fell before they were even truly across the thresh hold.
“Now what?  If they come to they’ll know…”
“And they’ll change the code you are so obligingly keeping for me in your bosom.  So…we must get them ready for bed.”  He grabbed the man by the wrists and pulled him the rest of the way in, as I shut the door.
“I don’t…”
He looked me in the eye.  “If you woke up naked in your husband’s arms, would you say you didn’t remember how you got there?”
“That’s…that’s horrifying on so many levels.  I mean…she does not look like a woman who would be happy with strangers seeing her naked.”
“I don’t want to see other of them nude, but unfortunately someone interfered with my plans and now we have to improvise and hope for the best.”
I started to help him.  “I cannot believe this is the first plan you came up with.”
He shot me an annoyed look.  So, we improvised.
A short time later we were back on the sidewalk again. “I am going to feel horrible about that for the rest of my life,” I informed him as the cool night air hit my face again.
“We were as polite and gentle as possible.  And, in truth, neither of them will ever find themselves guests at a cocktail party in heaven.”  He turned to me.  “Now, as for you…”
“No.  No you don’t.  You don’t get to come close enough to drug me or seduce me.  Ever.  You want the USB, you have to follow me to the warehouse.”
He walked a circle around me.  “You are not dressed for the occasion.”
I followed him the best I could.  I could feel the bite of the USB under my right breast.  “I can adapt.”
“You can.  You do.  I am impressed with you,” he said in his most satin voice.
“Stop it.”  There was a plea edging my words.
“What is your price?” He said, so close his breath ghosted over my bare shoulder.  I stepped away quickly, turned.  He raised his hands, all innocence.
“You won’t pay it.  Now stop this…stop this seduction garbage.  You don’t want me.  You want the damned USB.”
“I’ll pay.  Oh, I’ll pay.  My first honest transaction in years.  Now.  The price?”
I shook my head, I felt overwhelmed.  Conflicting hopes and thoughts churning away inside of me, and I couldn’t tell anyone.
“The Star.  For your family.  Will that give you what you want?”
“What else can I have?”
He gave an expansive shrug, haloed in the yellow street lamp like a Renaissance saint.  “What do you want?”
“What about you?  Are you on the table?”
He stopped.  “No.”
“But you told me to come find you.”
He looked away.  I felt like I’d stolen all his lines, and now there he was, naked and exposed on the stage.
“And you did.”  His face closed like an iron door.  “Good job.”
I’d misread him. I thought I’d understood this wild chase, but I’d been fool. What did I expect? I didn’t even know his name. “I don’t want anything from you, then.”  I said, and I pulled the USB out of my bodice.  It caught, it was not a smooth motion, it was awkward and I felt stupid, my grand gesture of throwing it at him ruined.  It bounced off him and fell in the street.  “I’m tired of you.  You’re no better than my family.”  I didn’t look up to see how the words hit, I just kept walking.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Alexander “Lex” Luthor x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1484 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Lex spoiling his secretary, and when it starts to become too much, the real reason for his gifts comes out
It was no secret that Lex could be dramatic.
He had been for all that time that you'd known him, making it abundantly clear that he appreciated anything that made an impact. That didn't change when it came to you, not even as his assistant.
For as long as you'd been working as his personal assistant, Lex would make a point to catch you off guard with extravagant surprises. Whether it was sending roses to your house without reason or gifting you a gold bangle on your desk after a long day of work.
Nothing was too much for you, as far as he was concerned.
However, for you, it was much too extravagant, and you'd told him that on multiple occasions. It didn't matter what you said though, because the flow of presents never ceased.
It was highly inappropriate to accept such expensive gifts from an employer, you knew that, but it didn't matter what you said or how many times you tried to send them back. Lex wouldn't take no for an answer.
At this point in your career, you still couldn't believe it.
You knew that he could be dramatic but what you didn't realize when you started was that Lex was also incredibly stubborn. Maybe you shouldn't have been surprised, given the reputation his father'd had but it would have been a lie to say you weren't.
"What is this, Mr.Luthor?" you inquired, not even bothering to knock as you entered his office with a start. Your heels clicked on the hardwood as you approached, but you didn't pay that any mind.
All you could think about was the large box you were holding in your arms, doing your best to keep from dropping it as you moved. The beforementioned box was sitting on your porch when you woke up this morning.
At first, you naturally assumed that there had been a mix up and it wasn't meant for you. No one in their right mind would send you such a large box, you were sure of it. However, when you checked the label, you saw that wasn't the case at all.
Right there on the side of the box, was your name, scribbled in messy handwriting.
You may have missed it, discarding it as some kind of mistake on any other day. Luckily, it was the same handwriting that you'd been reading and rewriting since you were an undergrad. There was no way you could physically misunderstand.
As soon as it clicked in your mind that Lex had sent this, you sighed. That, in itself, wasn't all that surprising to you. After all, knowing who'd sent it wasn't the problem. The problem resided inside the box, which when you opened it revealed a black cocktail dress. A black cocktail dress that was, most likely, more expensive than your monthly rent.
It was pushing the envelop, even for him.
You knew that you couldn't just let Lex spend that much money on you, especially with no good explanation. It just didn't make any sense, and would cause quite the uproar if the other members of the company found out.
There was no real reason for Lex to constantly try to buy you. He already paid you above minimum wage.
Frankly, there was nothing more that you could want that you didn't already have and you had to get him to stop. Money may not have meant much to Lex but it did mean a lot to you. There had to be someone else that he could spend all his money on, someone that he really cared about, for example.
You could only imagine how his father would react if he could see him now, blowing this much money on an assistant.
Lex only smiled at your intrusion into his office, grinning into his coffee cup.
He had been expecting you, albeit sooner rather than later. The male knew that as soon as he sent that package, he would be hearing from you about it. At this point, it was more than expected, as soon as you got his gifts.
However, your arrival was always welcome, even if he did wish that you would have come sooner. With a face like that, you could do anything you wanted as far as he was concerned, not that he would ever say that to you.
There was a thin line between flattery and harassment and Lex wasn't interested in crossing that. While he knew you didn't ask for his gifts, he couldn't help but send them. Speaking to you without upmost respect was a different matter entirely.
"You got my present" he beamed, getting an eyeful of the cloth hanging from your grasp now.
At your feet was the box, which you'd opened and discarded. Your focus was entirely on the black dress he'd bought, holding it out in front of you, clearly asking for an explanation. Though, Lex didn't have much of one for you.
He had went out specifically to pick it out for you, and he was sure that you would love it, just as the sales clerk at the boutique had assured him that you would. Lex just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you weren't happy about it.
At the look on his face, you sighed.
"Yes I did. Why would you send me something like this?" you wondered, gesturing the price tag forward. You still couldn't believe that he would spend so much on a dress, it was simply too expensive.
Too expensive for you, at least.
Lex seemed to forget one thing about you during all his shopping, and that was that you weren't anything more than his employee. You weren't friends, you weren't his partner, you weren't his girlfriend. There was no reason for him to shower you with so much of his wealth.
It was starting to get even more ridiculous than before.
The male seemed shocked at your comment, though you couldn't be sure if it was at the sentiment your words carried or the fact that you were asking in the first place. He'd bought it because he wanted to, of course.
However, rather than tell you that, Lex held his tongue. He knew that, while his quip was witty and clever,  it wasn't going to make you feel any better than before.
"I thought that you'd like it" he shrugged, a look on his face that was rather genuine, albeit confused. As simple as it seemed to you, Lex really didn't seem to understand what he'd done wrong.
As far as he was concerned, there was nothing wrong with a little gift giving now and then. Still, even though you understood that he meant well, you couldn't let Lex keep blowing his money so irresponsibly on you.
It was just too much.
"I do like it, but I can't accept it. You can't keep buying me all these expensive things, I'm just your assistant" you reminded, hoping that you could get through to him in some way, even if you were potentially crossing a line with your boldness.
It was rare for someone to talk to Lex like that, as he was pretty used to just getting his way and doing what he wanted all the time. However, he sat in silence for a moment or two, in quiet contemplation before speaking.
"You're fired"
Those two words left his lips rather quickly, shocking you. Naturally, you assumed that you'd gone too far and upset him in some way, but that wasn't it at all. There was no upset or malice in his voice, instead, he was smiling.
Almost as if he didn't just tell you something that you never thought you would hear.
"I'm fired? Why?"  you asked, at this point accepting the fact that you had nothing to lose if this was, in fact, that last time you would be standing here.
It didn't make any sense.
You knew that Lex had never had a better assistant than you, and likely would never have another again, so it didn't make any sense that you two were going your separate ways after all this time.
Though, before you could completely panic, Lex cleared his throat. It was a strange action knowing Lex who wasn't one for subtle gestures, but you didn't say anything for a second. It was against your nature, but you held your tongue for a second to let him explain.
It couldn't hurt.
"Because it would be a conflict of interest to ask my personal assistant to have dinner with me, but if you aren't my assistant, then there isn't a problem with my gifts, is there?" he asked, thinking through everything all at once.
He was more than a few steps ahead of you, but when you stopped to think about it, he wasn't wrong. All that meant though, was that those gifts Lex loved so much weren't going to stop anytime soon.
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