#conditions causing weight loss and nutrition
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Which is Better for Weight Loss: Nutrition or Exercise?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. Weight loss is a complex journey aimed at achieving a healthier lifestyle by reducing excess body fat to reach a specific weight or body composition. People embark on this journey for various reasons, such as improving overall health, boosting self-esteem, or addressing medical issues.
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Let's discuss and understand the respective roles of these two factors in the process of shedding excess pounds: Nutrition:
Calorie Control: Generally weight loss depends on burning more calories than you consume. Nutrition is the key, as adjusting your diet makes it easier to control calorie intake.
Quality Matters: Diet should be proper. Eating nutrient base foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber not only supports weight loss but also promotes overall health.
Portion Control: Being mindful of portion sizes can prevent overeating, a common cause of weight gain. A balanced diet with controlled portions can help maintain a calorie deficit.
Sustainable Changes: Crash diets or extreme restrictions are often short-lived and may result in weight regain.
Hormonal Balance: Certain foods can influence hormones related to hunger and satiety, making it easier to control cravings and avoid overeating.
Now to talk about Exercise for weight managment:
Calorie Expenditure: Physical activity helps you burn calories, contributing to the calorie deficit required for weight loss. Regular exercise can increase your daily energy expenditure.
Metabolism Boost: Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. Strength training and cardio can build muscle and boost your metabolism.
Health Benefits: Exercise improved cardiovascular health, increased insulin sensitivity, and reduced stress. These benefits can indirectly support weight loss and overall well-being.
For weight loss, combining diet and exercise works best. Diet helps you lose weight initially by controlling calories, while exercise is key for keeping the weight off and staying healthy. To read more about this, please visit our Article. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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diabetes-health-corner · 7 months ago
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Is nutrition better than exercise for weight loss?
The ongoing discussion about whether nutrition or exercise holds more significance in the context of weight loss is a frequently debated topic. Let's dissect and understand the respective roles of these two factors in the process of shedding excess pounds…
Read more: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/is-nutrition-better-than-exercise-for-weight-loss/3555
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drdemonprince · 22 days ago
if sex is no big deal and just a normal thing like having dinner with someone, how do you square that with the belief that children can't consent to sex? Like idk this whole thing of "sex is a normal act like any other and we shouldn't treat it differently" makes me soo uncomfortable because i feel like it's really obviously not in a lot of situations? Otherwise what's the difference between being told by my boss to have lunch with one of our prospective clients being told by my boss to blow one of our prospective clients? :/
let's take your dinner example to its logical conclusion, because you are on to something here, but I don't think quite in the way that you think.
children are forced to eat food that they this really dislike (due to sensory issues, allergies, or just run of the mill unfamiliarity) quite regularly by their caregivers. they are also sometimes denied the right to eat because they didn't behave the way their caretakers liked, and sent to bed hungry, or barred from eating food that they can handle, and instead left to go hungry because they won't eat food they can't handle.
treatment like this causes a lot of food issues and trauma to children. It exacerbates eating disorders and erodes a child's sense of their own body autonomy. It can also cause children to have nutritional issues and a scarcity mentality around food that can be really damaging to them.
similarly, people are forced to share meals with people who they are viscerally uncomfortable around all the time too, often to extreme negative effects. employees are forced to sit down with clients who debase them or harass them. Young people in particular are forced into sharing tables with relatives who have crossed their boundaries, insulted them, abused them, bullied them, and whom they want nothing to do with. people in recovery from eating disorders are surrounded by co-workers, family members, or friends at meal times who speak about calories and weight loss and comment on their own bodies and other people's bodies in incredibly invasive and triggering ways that often make them feel way worse, and make taking care of their own bodies far more difficult.
when a powerful institution wants to exert control over other people, they also often do so using food. prisoners are given almost no control over the kind of food they eat, and are often given very low quality food that is in a disgusting condition, or that violates their own nutritional requirements or religious beliefs. patients in hospitals and in mental institutions are also subjected to such treatment, and people in poverty are expected to eat anything that they are given without complaint. It is an extension of their dehumanization to control and limit the kinds of food they're allowed to access, and how and when they are permitted to eat.
each of these experiences surrounding food can be incredibly violating and harmful. food is quite frequently a tool of control and abuse. yet it is not because there is some magical quality to food or to dinners that make them uniquely fraught with the potential for trauma. these experiences are traumatic because they involve a violation of a person's body autonomy, and a lack of social power.
sex isn't any different from dinner. we just have a series of cultural beliefs surrounding it that make the pressure involving sex something that's both a lot more acknowledged, and mostly encountered in the private realm.
Sex is treated as an almost magical thing, at once both sinister and sacrosanct, and so people are primed to see the potential for harm in it, and it is frequently used as a tool for harming people because it is so loaded, but that doesn't mean there aren't abuses involving every other mundane human activity that we simply are conditioned to ignore because doing so is so normal.
People's body autonomy surrounding food is violated traumatically all the fucking time. unfortunately because we consider dinner to be a neutral activity and sex to be this incredibly fraught and almost magical one, we ignore the massive amounts of coercion, pressure, and violation surrounding food.
your boss shouldn't be able to force you to get dinner with someone. and people are uncomfortable with discussions about body autonomy that neutralize sex, because it forces them to confront how little freedom we actually have in every facet of our lives.
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iatrophilosophos · 2 months ago
Hey I'm hearing uh. More, and more, and more buzz about GLP-1 agonists like ozempic from random ppl and healthcare providers alike and there's like a terrifying lack of lucidity abt it so I just wanna say, if you've heard some stuff and are curious:
Ozempic is a chemically-aided crash diet. That's it.
Like metformin, an older diabetes medication used off-label for weight loss, it's functioning as an appetite suppressant in this use-case. It's not magic; it's not changing how your body makes or uses fat; it just makes it less miserable to eat less. It is contraindicated by histories of disordered eating and should absolutely not be prescribed without a full screening for above-adequate food intake and nutrition *and* ongoing screening for adequate nourishment/malnutrition: this is broadly not happening.
I've also seen no indication that ozempic/GLP-1 agonists are any less likely to lead to weight cycling (w/o constant use) than a straight crash diet, or do anything meaningful to limit the known, significant health risks of weight cycling.
Nothing has changed:
The main things we know from a western scientific perspective about weight and weight loss are that 1) almost all people who lose significant weight gain it back and 2) weight cycling causes cardiovascular and metabolic health complications. Yall we aint even have strong evidence to suggest that weight loss is beneficial to health conditions associated with higher weights. This *should* point to Dr's never ever reccomending weight loss (we do know it can hurt, don't know it can help) but yknow we live in uhhhh fucking world.
We are possibly ripe for an aggressive intensification of anti-fat medical rhetoric, especially in pediatrics
Among the projections for an RFK FDA that ive gotten from folks i know in these fields is a renewed focus on childhood obseity and general military-style fitness. As the ozempic fad has already been ramping up, I'm kinda! concerned! about this being a major point of focus for the oncoming administration--i figure we're ripe for another mass diet craze associated with a wide variety of deaths anyway and that existing cultural+market inertia added to it being literally on the agenda spells some not great things. I really seriously reccomend paying extra attention to this area.
Clinics love ozempic because it's extremely popular and extremely profitable--i even know someone who's job was threatened for refusing to prescribe it. We already know that we cant trust doctors to be informed around weight or for the system to sound public alarms.
Obviously, people have the right to do whatever they want--but the disclosure just isn't there and people are being sold this stuff based on the idea it'll make them *healthier* and prevent disease. It can't and it won't.
If the claims here about weight in general are new to you, start here: (Don't love the title of the article, second the exasperation)
If you want to understand more about glp-1 agonists specifically, like, start with the Wikipedia article and do some googling it lays out the pharmacology in relatively plain language. Sry i ain't doing a buncha work to find citations ppl won't click; there's not a lot of good critical stuff out there that's actually published but it doesn't actually take a lot of reading up on critical weight science to form a critical take on the sources singing ozempics praises.
Peace, good luck, do whatever you want forever, maybe tell ur mom that this isn't any different from the disastrous weight loss fads of the 90s.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months ago
The @IsraelMOH will submit a report to the UN detailing the abuse endured by survivors of Hamas captivity. 
Read this thread. Share this thread. The world must know just how evil these Hamas psychopaths are.
1��⃣ Women, men & children who returned reported that they endured severe physical & sexual abuse such as beatings, isolation, deprivation of food and water, branding, hair-pulling & sexual assault.
Some reported that the captors sexually assaulted them or forced them to undress.
The hostages were denied medical treatment for injuries caused on and after October 7, and untreated chronic conditions. Fractures, shrapnel wounds, and burns were treated inadequately, leading to preventable complications which required additional surgeries.
The captors tortured those injured by performing painful procedures without anesthesia.
Many hostages suffered from untreated chronic conditions leading to severe medical deterioration, such as low blood pressure, bradycardia & hypothermia. 
1 hostage died from untreated complications. Several women required urgent treatment due to hypertension & hypothyroidism
Half the hostages were deliberately starved. Poor diets led to extreme hunger. They were kept in dark spaces, causing vitamin D deficiency. The average weight loss was 8-15 kg (10-17% of weight). Children lost an average of 10%. In one case a girl lost 18% of her body weight.
Poor nutrition may lead to Sarcopenia, delayed wound and fracture recovery, and a weakened immune system. Malnutrition also negatively impacted cognitive function and mental health, and as for children, it may hinder development and growth.
The captors attempted to improve some of the hostages' appearance and weight before their release exposing them to Refeeding Syndrome and electrolyte imbalances such as hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypophosphatemia, particularly among elderly hostages.
In cases with complex medical backgrounds, these electrolyte disorders can be life­threatening. Additionally, the hostages were denied essential medications and treatment for their injuries, leading to the risk of widespread metabolic disorders.
The poor quality of food & water and unsanitary conditions, led to increased morbidity among the hostages. Many suffered from diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sometimes constipation. They had limited access to showers and returned with skin infections, including Dermatitis.
Infections were detected in hospital cultures (Clostridium, Salmonella, Vibrio, Shigella, Giardia, E. coli). 
2 hostages suffered from acute case of Q fever. Some women developed Deep Venous Thrombosis due to no access to medication & lack of mobility during captivity.
The abduction of children, women, men, and the elderly from their homes is a traumatic event, often occurring after the murder of family members or close friends. In some cases, children were taken without their parents or after their parents' murder.
Hostages witnessed their homes burned and looted as well as their community members raped. 
The captives were taken to Gaza in open vehicles alongside bodies of those murdered. They endured beatings, humiliation, and verbal, physical, and sexual violence.
The captivity was designed to torture the hostages psychologically. During their time in captivity they endured family separation, immobilization, arbitrary, frequent transfers & exposure to further violence. Some witnessed the killing of other captives.
In captivity, the hostages were often subjected to solitary confinement, poor sanitation, severe medical neglect, lack of sleep, starvation, sexual abuse, violence, threats, and brainwashing through media designed to break their spirit and make them submissive.
Medical and psychosocial teams report sharp mood swings, with some showing signs of hypomania upon return, followed by extreme depression. Even those who appeared strong initially showed difficulties adjusting to reality, sometimes experiencing dissociative episodes.
Some returned hostages had paranoid anxieties, fearing retaliation against their loved ones still in captivity if they spoke about their experiences. The inability to share their trauma with therapeutic factors, which made it harder to process their trauma.
The returned hostages have been experiencing "survivor's guilt" feeling responsible for being rescued while their loved ones remain in Gaza. Some wish to return to captivity to help those left behind and cannot be rehabilitated as long as their loved ones are still there.
Many experience fear, restlessness, emotional detachment & confusion. Some afraid to leave rooms, even in the hospital's protected areas. They couldn't let go of behaviors from captivity - not eating, neglecting hygiene, hoarding food out of fear they would not have enough.
They reported severe nightmares & sleep deprivation. Some experienced derealization struggling to accept their presence in the Israeli hospital as real rather than a dream from captivity. Avoided anything that reminded them of traumatic experiences, including certain foods.
Most had no home to return to and learned upon their return of the deaths of family and friends, the destruction of their homes, and the collapse of their communities. Many found themselves without the support they once had, which has significantly hindered their recovery.
Two of the children that were held together during captivity reported that they were held bound and were beaten throughout their captivity. Signs of binding, scars, and marks consistent with trauma were found.
2 young children had burn marks on their lower limbs. One child stated that the burns were the result of a deliberate branding with a heated object. Both the child and adults who were with him described the incident as a purposeful branding event, not an accident.
One hostage described being sexually assaulted at gunpoint by a Hamas terrorist. Captors forced women of all ages to undress while others, including the captors, watched. The captors sexually assaulted them and were tied to beds while their captors stared at them.
One woman, injured during the attack, was held in a dark isolation for 30 days, bound and unable to move. She had no contact with the outside world, received an inadequate amount of food and water, and did not receive treatment for her injury. 
The men endured severe physical abuse, including continuous starvation, beatings, burns with galvanized iron (branding), hair-pulling, confinement in closed rooms with a limited amount of food and water, being held in isolation with hands and feet tied, and being denied access to the bathroom, which forced them to defecate on themselves.
These are the testimonies of those who were captive for 2 months. There are still living hostages enduring this for 450 days. 
Please share and help Bring Them Home Now. 
Ministry of Health
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macgyvermedical · 6 months ago
can you talk a little about wegovy and muonjaro for weight loss?
The answer is maybe.
If it were just the drugs themselves, I'd say absolutely. But there is a surprising amount of cultural baggage associated with these medications, and I don't really know that I can do them justice.
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So first, let's talk about weight. There's a fantastic book called "Fat Talk" by Virginia Sole-Smith, about being overweight or obese in an age that prioritizes thinness, and how diet culture in particular is a threat to young people. Another, called "Intuitive Eating" by Elyse Resch, discusses how calorie restriction- commonly cited as the "way" to lose weight along with exercise- only works once or twice, because our bodies get wise to it and want to hold onto fat.
Humans evolved to gain weight. Fat is how we store energy for times when we might not have enough to eat. And if "not having enough to eat" (whether because of famine or because of calorie restrictive dieting) happens repeatedly, we have evolved to change hormones and metabolism so we a) don't need as much food to stay alive and b) are primed to eat more food than we need when it is available.
Aren't human bodies cool?
In the medical world, there are a lot of things tied to weight. For example, statistically, being overweight or obese means you're more likely to have health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. It is unclear, though, if those problems are caused by the weight itself, or other dietary, activity, and behavior patterns that may also happen to contribute to the weight gain. Things like a sedentary lifestyle, frequent consumption of foods with low nutritional value, avoidance of medical care due to stigma, or even chronic calorie restrictive dieting.
Unfortunately, due to this statistical tie, there is a lot of effort made in the medical world to get patients to "lose weight at any cost" instead of recommending dietary, activity, and behavior changes for health reasons alone.
Culturally as well, we prioritize thinness as attractiveness. I remember in high school there was a poster in my health classroom that read "Ideal weight- or it might be hard to get a date!". There are lots of negative associations with people who carry more weight, including that they are lazy or stupid- things that have nothing to do with body size.
Now, that doesn't mean that there aren't things that could be benefits of losing weight. For example, joint and back pain can be improved with weight loss. But weight loss is probably not the end-all be-all cure-all it's touted to be.
Because it is really hard for most people to meet this standard of "lose weight at any cost", there has long been medications that purportedly help people lose weight. Most of these medications have been stimulants, which decrease appetite and make it more comfortable to engage in calorie restrictive dieting. They also increase energy, which can make it easier to exercise or tolerate more exercise than would otherwise be possible.
Before we talk about the drugs, I want to say- there are risks and benefits to all medications, including these! The discussion you should always have is what risks are you and your healthcare provider willing to tolerate for the potential positive outcome. Also, this is a discussion of the drugs when used for weight control. The same drugs used for diabetes are at different dosages and have potentially different risk/benefit comparisons.
Ozempic/Wegovy (semaglutide) and Mounjaro/Zepbound (tirzepatide) are both a type of medication called a GLP-1 agonist. GLP-1 agonists are also called incretin mimics, because they mimic a type of hormone (incretin) that tells the brain and body that it is full. This makes it easier to eat a small amount of high nutrition food and feel satisfied. They also work by increasing metabolism. Between the decreased consumption and the increased metabolism, weight is lost.
Over the course of a year and a half, tirzepatide causes about 15-20% average reduction in body weight with continued use. Over the course of about the same time, semaglutide causes an average of about 15% body weight reduction with continuous use. Say, for example, you weigh 100kg. A year and a half on one of these medications could get you down to 85kg.
The problem is, as soon as that drug is withdrawn, the body realizes it was starving, and tries to compensate. These drugs are good at getting rid of weight, but maintaining a new weight usually means staying on a lower dose of the drug perpetually. Most people regain all weight (and potentially more than they lost) within 5 years of stopping the drugs.
Some studies suggest that repeatedly regaining lost weight may be more detrimental to health than remaining overweight or obese when it comes to statistical risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other "weight-associated" illnesses.
The main side effects are GI-related. Most of these are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas/bloating, constipation, dizziness, and abdominal pain. More severe side effects include pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and gasteroparesis (paralysis of the stomach and part of the digestive tract).
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elvis1970s · 6 months ago
Fairytale, a Pointer Sisters cover, was recorded by Elvis in early 1975 and featured as an album track on Today, released in May of that year. It would remain in the live set right up to the end. This joyous version was captured in a good quality audience recording during Elvis' dinner show in Las Vegas on August 20th, 1975. He's in such great form that it's actually quite hard to believe that following the second show that night, the engagement would be abruptly cancelled (just three nights in) and Elvis would be flown back to Memphis and admitted to hospital.
United Press international (UPI) issued a syndicated report on the sudden cancellation;
“…He just got very tired and fatigued and we thought it would be best if he cut his show here short this time rather than run into complications," said Dr. Elias Ghanem, the singer's Las Vegas physician. "We can't find much wrong with him. One of the liver enzymes is elevated and what he needs is rest…”
Dr Ghanem (1939-2001) enjoyed an enviable lifestyle from his business activities and from billing a number of wealthy and undoubtedly generous Las Vegas entertainers for treatment of, amongst other things, ‘Vegas Throat’ – raspy soreness caused by a combination of the dry desert air and the air-conditioning (and passive smoking) within the hotels and casinos. He was also a proponent of the sleep diet; a regimen of weight loss that appeared to involve the patient being sedated for much of the time and consuming liquid nutrition during rare moments of consciousness. Elvis himself had availed himself of this regime on at least one occasion.
The Irish Times wrote an obituary for Dr Ghanem upon his death from renal cancer in 2001.
“…He was Elvis Presley's personal physician, as well as the doctor for Elvis's posthumous son-in-law Michael Jackson. Although his patient list also included Liberace, Bill Cosby, Ann-Margret, and Virginia Kelley (the mother of former President Bill Clinton), it was Ghanem's relationship with The King which first brought him under the spotlight of unwanted notoriety. When ABC's television programme '20-20' reported that he had supplied the drugs which essentially killed Presley, Dr Ghanem threatened to sue - but he never did…”
The article also noted that Ghanem had been the subject of an FBI investigation over billing, but never charged, and that Colonel Parker had a financial interest in Ghanem's clinic situated conveniently adjacent to the Las Vegas Hilton.
"...Ghanem expanded his practice to include a chain of clinics around Las Vegas, treating literally thousands of patients. He proposed innovative umbrella health-insurance schemes long before they came into vogue, and signed contracts with the Hotel and Casino Workers' Union, by far the largest group of workers in Nevada. The arrangement was obviously a profitable one for Ghanem, but union leader John Wilhelm, recalled that during a protracted six-year strike at the Frontier Casino, Ghanem treated every worker free of charge and delivered over a hundred babies for the striking workers..."
Following the cancellation, Elvis was flown back to Memphis where he was admitted to a private suite on the top floor of Baptist Memorial Hospital. His next professional engagement was back in Las Vegas in December making up for the cancelled shows.
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 9 months ago
I know this is hard to read, but people need to understand what is happening to the Palestinians who are still alive...and the absolute horror of human beings that Biden and Netanyahu are.
Beginning Stages The extent, type and timeline of damage you experience depends on how much you currently weigh, whether you eat insufficient food or nothing at all, your age, medical condition and many other factors. Generally, during the beginning stages, fatigue, dizziness, dry or scaly skin, and weakness occur, along with intense hunger. Your body is responding to the lack of food, which it needs for energy, by signaling your brain to do something about it. Cognitive Function Starvation causes a decrease in mental function. Like every other part of your body, your brain needs nutrients and energy to function properly. Infants who starve might never develop proper brain function. People over the ages of 2 or 3 might experience temporary poor cognitive function, but recover once they receive nourishment. Your mood likely will change as you become preoccupied by thoughts of food. You also might feel anxious, irritable, angry, withdrawn and depressed. Middle Stages Your lack of nutrition might lead to gastrointestinal disturbances, feeling cold, hypersensitivity to noise or light, water retention and decreased libido. Your immune system won't be able to produce sufficient antibodies to fight infection, so you'll get sick more often. Your gums might swell and bleed. Metabolism decreases as your body tries to conserve as much energy as possible. Weight loss occurs as your body depletes your fat stores, then begins to burn other tissues, such as muscle. These changes are reversible with proper nutrition. Final Stages Eventually, your failure to get sufficient nutrients will lead to permanent damage. Teeth decay, and bones weaken due to insufficient calcium. Your hair will fall out. Organs begin to shut down due to the lack of energy and nutrients necessary for maintenance. Heart muscles weaken, and the end result is complete system failure, or death.
When Biden built his PR stunt pier, knowing full well it was inefficient and couldn't reach many people, his goal wasn't just to look good to anyone only paying attention on the surface...his goal was to give some people just enough food to prolong their suffering, but not enough to return them to anywhere near healthy.
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pseudowho · 4 months ago
Do you perhaps know a simple diet to lose weight? My weight is at 65 and my mom is telling it to the whole village, and she'd point a camera at me whenever she's on a video call with anyone. It's really starting to get to me
CW/TW: discussion of weight, food intake, diet and weight management, nutrition, mental Vs physical wellbeing, fatphobia and fat shaming below.
The problem here isn't your weight, it's your shitty mother. I know weight is considered an issue of varying proportions culturally, too, but I'm white with a very fatphobic mother and I know how you feel.
If being shamed made people thin, there wouldn't be an overweight person on the planet.
Most importantly, you should know that you are not less of a person for being overweight, whatever your stupid fucking mother says. I will insult her 'til the cows come home.
Truth be told, exempting certain medical conditions which make weight loss harder in various ways, energy in Vs energy out really is the key.
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Also very importantly: what I do is not what I recommend you should do.
I personally count everything I eat, with a healthy mindset, because I have a medical condition that leaves me exceptionally prone to weight gain. I've chosen to manage my weight savagely for my long-term health, and that has taken some sacrifices.
I eat only breakfast and lunch. I don't eat dinner. I might have some crackers in the evening. Occasionally I 'break' and do eat a bit more, for my own sanity, but I'm not a binge eater. I take multivitamins and have my bloods checked regularly. Overall I eat under 1500kcal a day, and for a woman of my height and activity level, that's low.
And, as a natural glutton, who loves food, this takes a lot of fucking willpower. I simply have a happy life, and want to maximise my chances of living longer and healthier.
Overall, there are lots of ways you can burn more than you eat. You can simply eat the same food but with smaller portions sizes. You can replace certain meal items with filling, lower energy alternatives, like more vegetables and fruit. You can exercise more to 'burn' more of what you take in.
You can see if medical causes can be excluded; while it's common to have a condition that makes it harder to lose weight, there are very few that make it impossible to lose weight.
I know this isn't of much help to you. Ultimately your own self worth and your mental health are what matter most, and if you're altering yourself just to fit to someone else's standards, you will probably find yourself thinner but no happier at the end of it.
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Brain first. Body later. Send your mama my way, and I'll weigh her fat attitude VS my fat attitude and see who wins, huh?
-- Haitch xxx
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cottoncandysecretlair · 2 years ago
If this is such a free fucking country, why the fuck can't we apply informed consent to more things? Why the fuck do I have to beg a doctor and convince him I'm not insane just to get a medication that has a chance at helping me?
Like. I have PCOS. Spironolactone is prescribed for PCOS symptoms caused by androgens, like hair loss, hirsutism, and acne. I have PCOS and I have those symptoms. So why the fuck do I have to debate my doctor into offering it because "Oh but have you tried to lose weight? Here's nutrition guidelines, ask me again in a few months."
Like yeah. Medications have fucking risks. The estrogen in my fucking birth control puts me at a higher risk of stroke and raises my blood pressure, but going on the med that can balance my hormones and lower my blood pressure? Oooooh we gotta think about that.
And what about diagnostic shit too! Not even just medicines! Like yeah I get that you can't give an exploratory major surgery every time someone fucking asks, but why the hell can't I just walk up and just ask for an MRI scan? Or an x-ray? Fucking ultrasound? We gotta have daddy doctor's permission just to CHECK?
And what about fucking CPAP machines? My partner has sleep apnea and it's horrific to learn. You basically have to pay out of pocket for the fucking things even with insurance, but YOU HAVE TO GET A PRESCRIPTION. Okay listen. No one is going to be fucking harmed if they use a machine to help them breathe better at night, even if they don't need it like what the fuck is it gonna do that's a problem?
The claim there is "Oh but you want to be sure you get the right one because some people need extra features" and all I can think is like. Is it BETTER for someone with sleep apnea to have NOTHING AT ALL? That's like denying someone a basic rescue inhaler when there's a formulation that works better, like maybe it's best they DON'T choke.
I just. Idk. I'm not anti medical or anti science. I'm just fucking chronically ill and tired, and there's no help out there. I'm tired of having to deal with doctors making decisions that involve leaving me to suffer when I can't do anything about it.
Like. The main barrier to treatment for my longest term condition is a fucking diagnostic test. I have a muscle condition that makes it impossible for me as is, and physical therapy confirmed it was likely worsened by the pain and inflammation, and the muscle work alone wouldn't fix it.
And they could accommodate me. I've met so many people shocked that they won't, because they were accommodated. A muscle relaxer, a xanax, topical numbing, laughing gas, even putting me under are all options that others in my position have been offered. And I get denied any of those options because "it's not standard" and "you need to suck it up" over involuntary muscle spasms...
I don't care about fucking risks anymore, because is it really any less of a risk to live in pain, feel my body weaken from fatigue and dysfunction, all while there's something in my body actively causing harm to me and I have no way of even knowing how far it's spread, how serious it is, if it's harming my internal organs, anything...
Why the fuck can't I just sign a form saying I understand all the risks and then just ask for what I fucking need? I don't want to sound like I have a big head, but I've never been wrong about this shit. Every fucking issue or problem I spent years trying to convince doctors to listen and look into my concerns, and consistently when they eventually finally do, I turn out to be right. I hate it.
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diabetes-health-corner · 1 year ago
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Weight loss is a complex journey aimed at achieving a healthier lifestyle by reducing excess body fat to reach a specific weight or body composition. People embark on this journey for various reasons, such as improving overall health, boosting self-esteem, or addressing medical issues.
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fatliberation · 2 years ago
So sorry to bother you and jump on the recent bandwagon of medical questions, especially if you have already answered this before and I haven't seen it, but my doc tried to tell me that weight loss is the best/only way to reduce/reverse liver damage and high enzyme levels when they are not caused by alcohol use. I know the genetics for the condition are in my family, and I also know that weight loss as a goal/medical treatment is generally BS. Just wondering if you or the community have any resources for improving liver health that doesn't focus on weight loss. Thank you, love your blog, it means so much to me.
I did some light googling on liver health, and already I'm sure this is one of those conditions that can be improved through diet and exercise ("diet" here meaning nutrition), but since those things are so entrenched in diet culture and people can't POSSIBLY imagine uncoupling health-promoting behaviors with weight loss, the conclusion goes from "x group did ___ behavior, and in doing so, they also lost some weight" to "their weight loss is actually the thing that improved their health" rather than. y'know. the fucking health-promoting behavior. If there's one thing I know, it's that weight loss is NEVER an effective treatment. It simply does not work. Even if it does improve some conditions, it is not sustainable beyond 1 to 5 years, and sends folks into a cycle of losing and regaining, which ends up doing the body much more harm. (Prescribed weight loss (or dieting) is also the leading predictor of eating disorders, by the way). If literally any other treatment showed time and time again that it failed in 95-99% of patients, the medical world would drop it. Instead of letting data speak for itself, we have been twisting data to fit a narrative that we already believe and seek to uphold. That is not how science works. Why we haven't labeled prescribing weight-loss as medical malpractice by now is beyond me. Well, I wish I could say it's beyond me but I know exactly why.
Sorry for the rant, I'm sure you already know this. It just gets my blood boiling!! I'm sorry you're going through this, anon. And thank you so much, I'm really glad you're getting something positive out of this blog.
My advice to you is to make it clear to your doctor that you are not open to pursuing weight loss. Ask your doctor to recommend the same treatment for you as they would for a thin patient. Here's a guide for how to advocate for yourself at the doctor's office. If you receive any pushback from your doctor, find a new one.
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is ARFID related at all to digestive / stomach disorders?
oh hell yeah
firstly eds can cause digestive disorders
Gastrointestinal (GI) Issues During and After Eating Disorder Treatment
Eating Disorders and Gastrointestinal Diseases
but also if u look at the dx criteria for arfid disgestive disorders can cause or worsen arfid bc of health anxiety i assume n the fear of triggering symptoms
DSM-V Diagnostic Criteria for ARFID
An eating or feeding disturbance (e.g., apparent lack of interest in eating or food; avoidance based on the sensory characteristics of food; concern about averse consequences of eating) as manifested by persistent failure to meet appropriate nutritional and/or energy needs associated with one (or more) of the following:
Significant weight loss (or failure to achieve expected weight gain or faltering growth in children).
Significant nutritional deficiency.
Dependence on enteral feeding or oral nutritional supplements.
Marked interference with psychosocial functioning.
The disturbance is not better explained by lack of available food or by an associated culturally sanctioned practice.
The eating disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, and there is no evidence of a disturbance in the way in which one’s body weight or shape is experienced.
The eating disturbance is not attributable to a concurrent medical condition or not better explained by another mental disorder. When the eating disturbance occurs in the context of another condition or disorder, the severity of the eating disturbance exceeds that routinely associated with the condition or disorder and warrants additional clinical attention.
arfid is highly comorbid w ocd bc of fear of contamination n catching a illness n fear of triggering a digestive disorder episode would work the same way but instead of triggering a phobia or obsession n compulsions its reflux/ibs/food allergies/dysphagia/indigestion/nausea/pain/etc some other negative consequence to eating that wants to be avoided
like it goes beyond just following a restrictive elimination style diet ur doc gave u to control n manage symptoms to see what trigger foods to avoid n goes into phobic n neurotic territory were u want a lot of control over how ur food is prepped eating food made by someone other then urself makes u nervous n maybe u avoid that altogether or u would rather starve/skip a meal that isnt prepped by u just bc it makes u too nervous to eat it u need to know its safe n that it wont trigger a episode n if u cant guarantee that u just avoid it all together or eat just a lil n hope its not enough to trigger a episode
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ivftreatmentindia123 · 3 months ago
What is PCOS? | What is PCOD?
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PCOD and PCOS: Causes
PCOD and PCOS causes are unidentified. It is a condition that impacts a female's ovaries. PCOS women produce a high amount of androgen hormones compared to PCOD women.
Let's understand separately.
What is PCOS?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that affects the reproductive age. In addition, high amounts of hormones like androgen and testosterone can lead to irregular periods. It is also one of the causes that disturb ovulation of eggs. As a result, difficulty in ovulation can lead to infertility in the future. Some of the symptoms of PCOS are abnormal hair growth, acne, and cyst in the ovaries. Furthermore, some of the diseases that stay for a longer time are heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The exact cause of PCOS is still unidentified, but these symptoms can be cured with several lifestyle changes, medication, and surgical treatment.
Sometimes, PCOS and PCOD can not be identified at the initial stage, so here are some of the common symptoms that impact ovulation and can be the reason for infertility.
Abnormal periods
Skipped menstrual period.
Abnormal increment in male hormones like androgen and testosterone.
Cyst developed in the ovaries.
What is PCOD?
Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is a condition where ovaries develop immature or slightly mature eggs. Sometimes, these eggs are unable to ovulate and become cysts over time. However, PCOD does not impact fertility. PCOD can be treated with some lifestyle changes or medications. It is believed that PCOD can take place due to poor lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, obesity, or stress. Fortunately, PCOD is not a condition that creates serious complications. Women with this condition can experience symptoms ranging from light to extreme. Nevertheless, these symptoms can be treated.
Some of the researchers have introduced it as an environmental and genetic cause. For example, some of the common causes include:
Poor nutrition or unhealthy diet
Inactive physical health
Excessive intake of medicine and supplements
Hormone disrupting medicine
After reading a brief introduction about PCOD and PCOS. Now, come to analyze the cause of PCOS and PCOD.
Causes of PCOS and PCOD
The actual cause of PCOS/PCOD is unclear till now. Here are factors that will help to understand the related causes of PCOS/PCOD:
Can a woman pregnant with PCOD
Yes, having PCOD does not affect fertility, and women can get pregnant with this condition. However, it just needs some attention to maintain a healthy life routine, and some medication can help to treat PCOD.
Suggested treatment to cure PCOS/PCOD
PCOS and PCOD treatment treat the condition of abnormal periods, hirsutism, acne, pimples, infertility and obesity. In addition, the doctors plan the treatment according to the needs of the body and medical condition. The treatment plan starts with changes in lifestyle, diet plan and some hormone balancing medication. Specifically, lifestyle changes focus on issues like weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet. Moreover, balanced and protein diets help to maintain the body weight that leads to functioning the menstrual cycle properly.
Some of the common and effective treatment include:
Treatment for infertility with medication and injections.
Activation of ovulation with oral medicine and injections help the quality and quantity of eggs.
Reducing extreme forms of hair growth.
Improve the cycles of periods with medication. It also treats the imbalance of hormone and Insulin resistance.
Treatment for pimples and acne.
IVF treatment with PCOS/PCOD
Couples are facing infertility worldwide. Sometimes, the cause of infertility is clear, but sometimes it remains unidentified. If the couple is unable to conceive naturally and the female partner may have conditions like PCOS and PCOD, then conceiving a child through IVF is the only way. In fact, IVF treatment in India is one of the most cost-effective treatments compared to Western countries. Moreover, connecting with a medical health advisor will make the journey easier. If you are planning to get IVF treatment, IVF treatment in India is one of the best platforms to connect. The team of IVF treatment India will plan your complete journey hassle-free, according to your time and need. Ultimately, the best fertility clinics for IVF and the best IVF specialists are two of the main key factors of the IVF treatment India team.
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congorx · 3 months ago
Thyroid: A Comprehensive Guide
The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ located at the base of the neck, is a powerhouse for regulating essential bodily functions like metabolism, energy levels, and hormone balance. Unlike temporary health concerns such as diarrhea, thyroid conditions often require long-term care and attention to maintain overall health.
This blog explores the thyroid's role, common disorders, symptoms, causes, treatments, and tips for keeping it healthy.
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What is the Thyroid Gland?
The thyroid gland produces two primary hormones:
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)
These hormones regulate metabolism, which influences energy use, body temperature, and weight. The gland's activity is managed by the pituitary gland through thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), ensuring proper hormone levels are maintained.
Common Thyroid Disorders
Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)
What Happens? Insufficient hormone production slows the body’s metabolism.
Weight gain
Hair thinning
Dry skin
Sensitivity to cold
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune condition)
Iodine deficiency
Thyroid surgery or radiation therapy
Synthetic hormone replacement (e.g., Levothyroxine)
Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid)
What Happens? Excessive hormone production speeds up metabolism.
Weight loss
Excessive sweating
Graves' disease (an autoimmune disorder)
Thyroid nodules
Overconsumption of iodine
Antithyroid medications
Radioactive iodine therapy
Surgery in severe cases
Thyroid Nodules and Cancer
Nodules: Lumps in the thyroid that may cause imbalances or indicate cancer.
Cancer: Rare but treatable with early detection. Symptoms include a persistent lump in the neck or difficulty swallowing.
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Tips for Maintaining Thyroid Health
Balanced Nutrition:
Eat iodine-rich foods like fish, dairy, and iodized salt.
Include selenium (e.g., Brazil nuts) and zinc (e.g., nuts, seeds) in your diet.
Regular Checkups:
Monitor hormone levels if you have a family history or symptoms.
Stay Active:
Exercise reduces stress and helps regulate metabolism.
Stress Management:
Techniques like yoga or meditation can improve hormonal balance.
Avoid Self-Medication:
Excess iodine or unprescribed supplements can worsen thyroid issues.
When to Seek Medical Attention
If you experience symptoms like persistent fatigue, weight changes, or swelling in the neck, consult a doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing complications such as heart disease, infertility, or severe metabolic imbalances. Your thyroid’s health is essential for your overall well-being. Addressing thyroid concerns early can significantly improve your quality of life.
For more expert advice on thyroid health and personalized consultations, visit CongoRx. Learn more about thyroid care and related conditions, or explore our blogs like diarrhea causes and symptoms.
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drnishargpatel · 5 months ago
Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Ulcerative Colitis
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A chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the colon (large intestine) and the rectum is called ulcerative colitis (UC). Many individuals get treatment to deal with their side effects, this medical condition can have lasting effects that affects many pieces of a person's life. The long term effects of the condition will be discussed in this article, with possible risk and the management techniques.
Effects of Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation over time in the colon causes long-term damage, which is one of the main concerns related to ulcerative colitis.
Risk of Colorectal Cancer: People who experienced UC for longer than 8 to 10 years are more likely to develop colorectal cancer due to ongoing inflammation of the colon.
Tissue Scarring: Prolonged inflammation can result in colon tissue scarring, which can lead to problems like strictures (colon constriction) and restrictive symptoms.
Severe Flare-ups: As UC progresses, a person's colon may enlarge rapidly and more frequently. This can result in challenges including toxic megacolon, a potentially fatal illness.
Effects on the Digestive Systems
Ulcerative colitis can cause major, long lasting changes to the digestive system.
Nutritional Deficiencies: Iron, calcium, and a lack of vitamin D can result from impaired nutrient caused by steady irritation and recurrent diarrhea.
Dehydration: UC patients frequently struggle with dehydration, especially during flare-ups, which can be set on by tireless diarrhea.
Changes in Bowel Function: Many UC patients could require a medical surgery to remove all or a part of their colon, which will modify their capacity to pass stool. The body's ability to control the digestion of water and supplements might be affected by this.
Systemic Health Improvement
Ulcerative colitis doesn't just affect the colon; it can also affect different regions of the body.
Joint pain (Joint Irritation): A great deal of people with UC experience joint inflammation, which brings side effects like joint inflammation.
Skin Conditions: UC can lead to skin issues like difficult red bumps known as erythema nodosum and ulcerative skin lesions called pyoderma gangrenosum.
Inflammation of the eye, like in uveitis and episcleritis, is more common in patients with ulcerative colitis.
Impact on the Brain and Heart
A constant sickness, for example, UC can negatively affect one's mental health.
Stress and Tension: Dealing with a condition with painful and unpleasant side effects that is unstable brings higher pressure and nervousness.
Depression: There is a higher possibility of creating depression because of the chronic nature of ulcerative colitis (UC) as well as expected limitations on everyday activity and interaction with others.
Body Image Issues: Certain people may have issues with their body image because of weight loss, actual look of their condition, or medical surgery, (for example, a colectomy or the requirement for a stoma).
Perspectives Affecting Quality of Life
An individual's personal satisfaction can be affected by UC in various areas of day to day existence.
Physical Restrictions: Exhaustion, continuous bowel movements, and pain during eruptions can cause limitations on actual work and create some issues for social or professional commitments.
Dietary Limitations: To control their side effects, many people with UC should stick to diets that reject explicit things that could cause eruptions.
Surgical Results: A colonoscopy, or the expulsion of the colon, might be important for specific UC patients at some point. This procedure can change a patient's bowel designs and require long lasting modifications.
Extended-Term Care and Therapy
Ulcerative colitis cannot be cured, long-term care can greatly enhance results.
Medication: Immunosuppressants, biologics, and anti-inflammatory meds are habitually used to reduce inflammation and treat side effects for an extended timeframe.
Continuous Monitoring: To follow the course of the condition and identify any possible issues, like colorectal disease, from the beginning, patients should have routine colonoscopies and other diagnostic testing.
Way of life Changes: Reducing pressure, eating a balanced diet, practising habitually, and stopping smoking are great ways of working on the side effects of ulcerative colitis (UC) and reducing its eruptions.
Don't forget to read our next article on''Ulcerative Colitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Key Factors."
There is something else to ulcerative colitis besides eruptions and side effect the board; it is a persistent sickness. Dr Nisarg patel best gastroenterologist in sids hospital surat, will give you the best advice and cure for your IBD issue. Patients and medical care experts can make better designs for decreasing complexities, upgrading personal satisfaction, and deflecting risks by having a better understanding of the disease's drawn out effects. Living with ulcerative colitis can be figured out how to consider a satisfying existence with the right care, checking, and lifestyle changes.
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