#comuter science
renukaglobe · 4 months
Computer Science Mastery: FYJC IT + SYJC IT in a Nutshell!
Excel in Computer Science with our concise guide tailored for FYJC IT + SYJC IT students. Master programming, algorithms, and more with ease!
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liam-zor-el · 1 year
im three seconds away from quitting comuter science im not even kidding. aa
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byteofsoup · 2 years
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bug i d rew on mspaint because iam so bored in Comuter Science
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dronacharyacollege · 4 years
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Timetable | Dronacharya Group of Institutions
Description: The academic classes can begin in either online/offline or blended mode as per the prescribed protocols related to COVID-19.
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juvenileridge · 4 years
this is an extremely deep brainworm but i haven’t forgotten how y’all looked at alois, an extremely traumatized young boy that inherited his status after being a child sex slave, and said haha slut boy in short shorts 
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moodboards-for-fun · 6 years
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Bisexual with sci-fi themes for anon. This was realy fun to make, hope you like it! Let me know if you need anything changed.
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p---leia · 4 years
Need a better user name
I don't have a clue what I'm supposed to write here, so, as a creative writer, I'll do my best. I am currently working on a rom/com. One of my supporting characters is an American Manga writer who happens to be popular in Japan. I know. It's a stretch. But I'm new to Manga, and IT IS CREATIVE FICTION. Her Manga pen name is LOVEY DOVEY, so I chose that as my pen name. ROFC -- sob sob. It is already chosen. See. In my magnificent brain, I am unique. How can anyone want to use the same name that I just created. LOL Anyway, I just changed the spelling. Lovie Dovie. whut? it's taken, too.... My uniquieness doesn't seem so unique. See Self Esteem slowly going down the drain.... BUT, I quickly came up with a 'doofer'. "p---leia" Can anyone guess who that really is? I know you figured it out before I asked. But, it's irrelevant as it is a 'doofer'. What do ya'll think of Quackenbush? ShiShi? M'Wani? Dautha? Ring-around-a-rose? (I like this one as a potential 'title') Too much? Too little? I don't know if there's a word limit. I can write all night. But it's been a busy day. And I'm ready to go to sleep. I missed my nap today. LOL Something I never did until I turned oldish.
Seveny-one is looming just ahead. I still have a good thirty years ahead of me, so I have time to complete those 80+ novels and short stories on my comuter. If I could just top coming up with ideas for something new, different, fresh, and wicked funny.
Is this a place to make good friends? I am currently a fan of Korean and Chinese drama and rom/com. I fell in love with King Tut when I was 14 -- (1964); and Pharoah Hatshepsut was my role model as a woman, also when I was 14. In fact, during that time I knew more about Ancient Egyptian history, their gods, and their death rituals. At least I knew this based on what was available in a small town high school library. No computers in those days. But the Librarian liked me, and helped me find books.
I also enjoy science fiction, but mostly from before the 1960s. Venus isn't the jungle it was back then. And Mars doesn't have bi-pedal quasi-intelligent life forms. It can still be written thusly, but will it sell? I hope so because one of my earlier, set aside, novels has a thriving culture, but it's like during our age of dinosaurs. Pretty sure it can work then, but it's written with a 1950s style.
While I don't believe in UFOs and ET, I do enjoy a good sci-fi read. Good movies -- has anyone watched one lately?
I don't believe in ghosts either, but I write about them. Well, they are such interesting topics. And you can do anything with them.
I do enjoy music. I grew up with those old Southern ballads like My Darling Clementine. But I never really learned the words because the music is just so 'inviting'. For almost 70 years I listened to that song, ignored the lyrics, and totally spaced on the melody. I prefer it played soft and low on a violin in a Waltz time. But, as research for a rom/com I'm working on, I pulled it up with lyrics on youtube. That made it easier to concentrate on the words. Oh My Goodness!!! I always thought it was a sad song, but it ended with me almost literally rolling on the floor in tear filled laughter. I'm not telling ya'll. You just have to listen for yourself. If you don't hear it, then your sense of humor is more stable than mine.
Like I said, I'm almost seventy-one, so I have to watch how and where I walk. My cat and dog both think they are in the will, and I swear they intentionally wrap themselves around my feet, in an attempt to make me fall down the steps. Then there's those old shoes I won't throw away. There's nothing wrong with them except the sole is broken, and the heel catches on the grass in my yard. And sometimes when I bend over to pull weeds from the flower bed, I don't stop 'going down', and have nearly kissed the potting soil more than once. smh And that old saying "take two steps forward and three steps back" now has clear meaning to me. BUT .... just let me hear a tune from my childhood (1950s rock n roll is the best dance music). I can get up and rock n roll through a complete song without stumbling. Then there's Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov and his Flight of the BumbleBee or the Song of Scheherazade to dance a ballet with. I don't leap like I used to as a kid, but I can still do some smooth moves. When my grandkids visit, they hurry through whatever room I'm in when the music is playing.
Well, this is just a small part of what p---leia is like.
Is there anyone out there who might strike up a conversation just for a few minutes? Like I said, I'm new to this. I'm used to FB. But that is so boring. I don't think any of my friends want to learn a new language, hear a new old tune, or want to play jokes on their doctor and refuse to take their meds. (just kidding -- I'm being good -- sort of)
Oh, before I go: I am currently working on a rom/com that went all dark and scarey. So I scrapped it and started again, keeping only the romance and comedy. Wondering if anyone would care to advise if my first page/ first paragraph/ first sentence is a hook? (When I go fishing, I never catch anything with a hook. The last time I did catch a fish, I was 8 mos. pregnant with my son, (1977) and was trying to help an old lady pull her fish in from the water. I had the net and leaned over to get it, slipped in the mud and fell into the water, and caught a totally different fish!!!) So, hooks don't always work. I just need some advice on which way to go. I have Gypsy blood, and just can't always settle on one location/direction. LOL Bedtime! Goodnight, and hoping to hear from someone.
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rylie-studies · 5 years
comuter science, art, drama!!
Computer science: Who do you want to be in ten years?
In ten years, I want to be someone who’s content with where she is in life and has a balanced lifestyle. I hope that I’m someone who wakes up with a smile on her face every morning, someone who’s mindful, someone who lives in the moment as opposed to dwelling about the past or thinking too much about the future, someone who has a stable home and perhaps a family, and someone who has nurtured a positive mindset. In exactly ten years from now, I’ll be 28 years old and I’m pretty sure I’ll look back on this point in my life and laugh at myself for worrying too much, but I hope that I’ll also be grateful of my younger self for making it through and never giving up when struggles occurred. 
Art: Describe yourself using only color and nature terms. 
Green, blue, red, ocean, aquatic, cerulean, earthquake, marine, spring, sunlight, tropical, tsunami, and volcano! 
Drama: The last lie you told and why?
I told my friend I was going to go to our tennis meeting, but never showed up and it was because the internet in my school is off for a few days (including the day of the meeting which was Friday last week) and my phone goes from 100% to 0% in a matter of a minute and I couldn’t text my mother to pick me up at the right time as I don’t have data on my phone and, therefore, probably won’t be able to go home if I had went oof. 
Thank you for sending in a question, sweets! I hope your day has been well!
Subject-themed asks!!
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zubairkhalid09 · 2 years
NU Islamabad Jobs 2022 - Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer - National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences
NU Islamabad Jobs 2022 – Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer – National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences
NU Islamabad Jobs 2022 – Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer – National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Last Date To Apply 24 April 2022 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer NU Islamabad Jobs 2022 – Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer – National University of Comuter & Emerging Sciences Last Date To Apply 24…
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khan1academy · 3 years
1 Month Crash Course For Haryana Police Male SI (Exam 07/08 August 2021) by Examkityaari
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1. मोटर गाड़ियों से निकलने वाली गैस कौन सी है – कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड.
2. सोने की शुद्धता को किसमें परिभाषित किया जाता है – कैरेट.
3. सौर मंडल में कितने ग्रह हैं – 7
4. गुब्बारों को भरने के लिए किस गैस का प्रयोग किया जाता है – हाइड्रोजन.
5. वेदों में निम्न में से किसे सृष्टि रचयिता कहा गया है? – शंकराचार्य.
6. चांद पर पहुंचने वाला पहला व्यक्ति कौन था – नील आर्मस्ट्रांग.
7. भारत में हीरे की खानें कहां है – पन्ना मध्य प्रदेश.
8. श्री कृष्ण ने कौरव पांडव युद्ध के समय अर्जुन को दिया उपदेश का वर्णन कहां मिलता है – भगवत गीता
9. सती प्रथा का अंत करने के लिए किस भारतीय नेता ने प्रयत्न किए – राजा राममोहन राय.
10. हमारा राष्ट्रीय गीत कौन सा है – वंदे मातरम.
11. राष्ट्रीय गान को गाने में अधिकतम कितना समय लगता है – 52 सेकंड.
12. कार्नवालिस द्वारा स्थाई बंदोबस्त की पद्धति कब लागू की गई – 1780 मैं
13. साइमन कमीशन कब भारत आया – 1928.
14. जलियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड कब हुआ – 13 अप्रैल 1919 में
15. अजंता की गुफाएं किस राज्य में स्थित है – महाराष्ट्र.
16. भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन कब शुरू हुआ – 8 अगस्त 1942
17. आजाद हिंद फौज की स्थापना किसने की – सुभाष चंद्र बोस
18. दिल्ली चलो का नारा किसने दिया था – सुभाष चंद्र बोस.
19. भाखड़ा नांगल परियोजना किस नदी पर है – सतलुज.
20. हीराकुंड बांध किस राज्य में स्थित है – उड़ीसा.
21. भारत की प्रथम नदी घाटी परियोजना कौन सी थी – दामोदर घाटी परियोजना.
22. विश्व की सबसे लंबी नदी कौन सी है – नील नदी
23. अशोक ने किस धर्म को अपना लिया था – बौद्ध धर्म.
24. धामी गोली कांड कब हुआ – 16 जुलाई 1939 में
25. भारत का संविधान कब लागू हुआ – 26 जनवरी 1950 में.
26. भारत की संविधान का संरक्षण कौन है – उच्चतम न्यायालय.
27. राष्ट्रीय महिला आयोग अधिनियम किस वर्ष संसद द्वारा पारित किया गया – 1990 में.
28. छोटा नागपुर पठार की सबसे ऊंची चोटी है – पारसनाथ.
29. भारत में अभ्रक का सर्वाधिक उत्पादन कौन से राज्य से होता है – झारखंड.
30. मदर टेरेसा का जन्म कहां हुआ – अल्बानिया.
31. भारतीय सशस्त्र सेनाओं का प्रमुख सेनापति कौन होता है? – राष्ट्रपति.
32. सौर ऊर्जा किससे प्राप्त होती है- सूर्य.
33. ऐसा कौन सा देश दूसरी सबसे बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था बना जबकि पहले नंबर पर अमेरिका है? – चीन
34. कारक के कितने भेद हैं – 8
35. अंतरिक्ष की दूरी नापने के लिए कौन सी सही इकाई है – प्रकाश वर्ष.
36. ड्राई आइस क्या होता है – ठोस कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड.
37. खाना पकाने वाली LPG गैस किसका मिश्रण है – प्रोपेन एवं ब्यूटेन का.
38. विद्युत बल्ब में भरी जाती है – नाइट्रोजन गैस.
39. किस साल को स्टैंडर्ड सेल कहते हैं- कैडमियम सेल.
40. किस मच्छर के काटने से डेंगू ज्वर आता है – एंडीज.
41. जल का आपेक्षिक घनत्व अधिकतम होता है – 4 डिग्री सेल्सियस पर.
42. नील क्रांति का संबंध किससे है – मत्स्य उत्पादन से.
43. सफेद क्रांति का संबंध किससे है – दूध उत्पादन से.
44. कौन सा राज्य मसाला उत्पादन के लिए प्रसिद्ध है – केरल.
45. क्षेत्रफल में भारत का सबसे बड़ा राज्य कौन है – राजस्थान.
46. गुब्बारों में स्वयं उड़ने वाली कौन सी गैस भरी जाती है – हीलियम.
47. प्राथमिक रंग कौन से हैं – लाल हरा नीला.
48. वह यंत्र जो रासायनिक ऊर्जा को विद्युत ऊर्जा में परिवर्तित कर देता है क्या कहलाता है – बैटरी.
49. एलेग्जेंडर फ्लेमिंग ने क्या खोजा था – पेनिसिलिन.
50. सूर्य एक क्या है – तारा.
1 Month Crash Course For Haryana Police Male SI (Exam 07/08 August 2021) by Examkityaari
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rocketwerks · 6 years
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Broad Street Station
AKA Science Museum of Virginia 2500 West Broad Street Built, 1919 Architect,  John Russell Pope VDHR 127-0226
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May 2018
A massive neoclassical temple from the Golden Age of Railroads.
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(LOC) — John Russell Pope, rocking his best Howard Roark look
Richmond's Broad Street Station ranks among the Commonwealth's most distinguished and ambitious works of architecture. The design for this monumental edifice was provided by John Russell Pope, one of the most prominent architects of his day, whose work includes the designs for such nationally famous landmarks as the Jefferson Memorial and the National Gallery of Art.
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[OHFYH] — 1926
Completed in 1919, after a construction period of two years, Broad Street Station was among the last of the great rail terminals to be built in what has been termed the "Golden Age of Railroads."
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(VDHR) — 1971 nomination photo
Pope's monumental design symbolizes the importance that train travel once had in America. Neoclassical in form, the station is dominated by a vast, domed, central waiting room, flanked by two wings, and a long projection or concourse on the rear from which access to the tracks is obtained. A passenger enters the static via a hexa-style-in-antis, Roman Doric portico surmounted by a full entablature and a parapet. The interior of the portico has a coffered, barrel vaulted ceiling. Crowning the central portion of the building is a saucer shaped, copper dome, supported on a low octagonal drum with large lunettes on its four greater sides. The three-storied wings are separated by simple pilasters into three bays on their front and rear facades and six bays on their sides. There are cast-iron and glass canopies supported by ornamental brackets around the first fl'or level of each of the wings for passenger unloading. The entablature and a slight parapet continue around the wings and into the long, rear concourse.
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(Bluffton University)
In June, 1951, a section of the massive dome slipped because of lightening damage. One hundred twenty feet of a concrete ledge surrounding the dome collapsed and loosened the tile covering of the dome. This necessitated the removal of the rest of the tile, and a replacement with copper sheathing.
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May 2018
Unlike many stations of its era, Broad Street does not have one large train shed, but rather, a series of covered platforms below the concourse supported by cast-iron Ionic columns. The placement of the station on a promontory of land created an ideal position for the tracks at the base of the slope.
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May 2018
Entrance to the station can also be had from the one-story east west axis, which crosses the longitudinal axis just behind the main lobby. At the intersection, there is a square hall with a high, flat, coffered ceiling. Four Ionic, granite columns demarcate this passage on the northern and southern sides.
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(Bluffton University)
The interior of the station has a long axis running north - south, crossed by a shorter east-west axis. From the portico, one enters an expansive, octagonal-shaped space which serves as the main waiting room. On each of the four larger sides of the octagon is an arch. Two of the arches are supported by two Ionic columns, and two are blocked in with granite and decorated with Ionic pilasters. The soffits of the arches are lined with  rosetted coffers. Above each of the arches is a large lunette, underlined by a dentiled cornice which circumscribes the room.
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The four smaller angles of the octagon have semi-circular niches, lined with rosetted coffers, leading to smaller waiting and baggage rooms. The dome arches 94 feet over this whole section, which contains the ticket counter and mahogany benches for waiting passengers.
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[CRVA] — former Byrd Street Station — 1940s
Broad Street Station replaces two earlier stations that served the historic Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad. When its immediate predecessor, located between Byrd, Canal, Seventh, and Eighth Streets, became too crowded to handle both comuter and long distance passengers, it was decided to reroute the larger passenger trains to the west end of town and erect a new terminal to serve them. The grounds of the Hermitage Country Club were chosen as the site of Pope's neo-classic edifice.
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Although the volume of traffic through the station has greatly dwindled in recent years, Broad Street Station still serves the trains of the R.F. &P. and the Seaboard Coast Line Railroads, and also houses the central offices of the R.F.&P. Despite its decline as a major transportation center the station remains a monument of civic and commercial pride expressei through architecture. (VDHR)
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(Photographs by Roger Puta) — 1969
So wrote Elizabeth Cheek for the Department of Historic Resources in 1971, and the decline was clearly the writing on the wall. Amtrak moved all passenger train operations to the new Staples Mill Road station in November 1975, and Broad Street Station was sold to the Commonwealth the following year.
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May 2018
Fortunately that was not the end of the story. The same month it was sold, the former station became the new location of the Science Museum of Virginia, and the train kept on rolling. Governor Mills Godwin unveiled the museum's first permanent exhibit gallery in 1977, and in 1983 Ethyl Corporation helped fund the addition of The Dome, an OMNIMAX theatre and planitarium.
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May 2018
Today, the Science Museum is a worthy steward of this handsome building, expanding exhibit space in 2013, and adding an SR-71 Blackbird in 2016. Alas, the fly in the ointment is the ruined view from Broad Street, courtesy the insidious Tree Architecture Conspiracy.
(Broad Street Station is part of the Atlas RVA Project)
[CRVA] Celebrate Richmond. Elizabeth Dementi, Wayne Dementi, Corrine Hudgins. 1999.
[OHFYH] One Hundred Fifty Years of History Along the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad. William E. Griffin, Jr. 1984.
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stefandeepmusic · 4 years
Why Apple Products Use 30 Year Old Software
Why Apple Products Use 30 Year Old Software
[ad_1] Steve Jobs left Apple in 1985. And used $12 million of his own money to start a new computer company called NeXT. With NeXT Steve Jobs could regain the control he lost at Apple. Unfortunately, NeXT’s computers were expensive and never found massive success. But the NeXTSTEP operating system, built on top of UNIX, was used as the foundation for Mac OS X. 18 years and 14 versions later…
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djbeyondearth · 5 years
silenczstorm just followed us, bringing us up to 25 followers on Twitch! Thank you so much silenczstorm! Want to be like silenczstorm and get nightly new live mixes & free music to power your day? Go to https://ift.tt/2znpksL
silenczstorm started following me on Twitch! I'm New to the whole twitch. I'm getting back into WoW... so please do not judge if i suck! For the Horde !<3Trying out COD right now. Nintendo: Animal Crossing/ Harvest Moon all day.Studying Comuter Science Age 26. Creative. Love The Magic World. My current follower count: 25
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alloy-alloy-blog · 7 years
Work Sheet - Weeks One and Two
The worksheets for each week on the project will be printed off after compleation and all kept together in one folder and are also to be saved onto a memory stick so that no information is allowed to fo missing.
The first week and second week papers were compleated and added to the folder and a small summery of both will be added below;
Week ones worksheet was more or less just establishing how the group would operate and when the meeting would be taking place. We decided that because of the issue of comuting for on member of the group that it would be easier to meet up after the classes and then of course make time during the media enterprise classes to make sure that all of the tasks have been compleated for the week. Our group has had a few set backs due to changes to groups and ideas but now we have settled on an idea.
We also had to set up a blog and we decided on tumblr because it is an easy to use platform and it was the best option for both members of the group.
Week twos worksheet and class was about brand identity and how the brand name is essential to the buisness.
Googles definition of a brand was:
'A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name'
For this task we chose the company Apple. We said that the name was easy to remember bacause apple is such a mundane word and it not complicated to remember bcause the word can be found in childrens picture books when it comes to teaching them the alphabet.
Apple was also an interesting case study because there are very strong apinions for and against the brand. Because the morals of the company are questionable because of the workers rights however they are also assosiated with the cutting edge of technology and were the pioneers of computer science/engineering. They also have a fugured head in Steve Jobs and even though he has passed away he still have a big infuence on how the comany is seen.
Finally we also had to give some thought to the way that our comany name was percieved and how memorable it would be.
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khan1academy · 3 years
1 Month Crash Course For Haryana Police Male SI (Exam 07/08 August 2021) by Examkityaari
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3. Politely
8. Hindi Handwritten Notes
9.English Handwriting
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boysngreatness · 8 years
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