#compounded by kiss the earth that birthed you but doing this like kissing the ring
bericas · 2 years
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scott appreciation week (day 1) → a teenage boy
that's the way every day goes, every time we've no control.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Stay With Me, My Dear
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Reader’s life after Natasha’s death. 
Very Angst with lil fluff | 4.2K | mentions of death, pregnancy, child birth, grief | 
Notes: flashbacks are in bold & italic with ~.
AC: I’m thinking about Nat’s death…again. I have written something like this once before for my old blog, but this is one is more improved. Sorry for the very Angst. I miss Nat. I have a part two to this, let me know if you want it!
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“Tell my family I love them” Clint spoke in a rush to jump only to be hit by Natasha’s widow bites. “Do it yourself” she stood over him, her foot pressed heavily on his chest, “You have to look after her for me” she looked down at him, “You’ll be doing that yourself” Clint snapped back trying to squirm out from under his best friend’s foot, she zapped him once more with her bites. “Look after her” she repeated herself sternly, “and my little nectarine” she added. Clint’s eyes shot open; Natasha gave him a soft smile before taking the leap off the cliff.
Clint had never moved so fast in his life, gripping Natasha’s hand tightly as she dangled from the cliff side. “I’m not letting you leave her” he’s eyes filled with tears, using all his strength to keep them from both falling. “It’s okay” Natasha whispered, “she’ll understand in time” she adds. Clint shook his head, “this is what you’ve always wanted!” 
“Let me go” she spoke softly, giving him a soft smile that spoke a thousand words as she let go of his gripped. He saw she slipped from his hand or maybe he saw the inner peace in her eyes. Now she lay, given her life for the entire earth. 
You waited patiently in the conference room of the Avengers compound, pacing back and forth for what felt like hours. Waiting for Pepper to rush in to tell you they were back and safe, that you wife of 6 years had returned. 
~ “Natasha, do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold through sickness and health till death do you part?” 
“I do” she smiled softly, her green eyes never leaving yours as she slipped the diamond ring on your finger. 
“Y/n, do you take Natasha to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold through sickness and health till death do you part?” 
“Maybe” you winked. The guests chuckled at your playfulness. The marriage officiant looking at you for a real answer. “I do” you smiled softly and slipped the ring on Natasha’s finger. 
“I now pronounce you wife and wife; you may kiss the bride” 
Natasha lent forward, “this is forever” she whispered before her lips crashed onto yours. 
The guest clapped; the photographer took photos. 
“About time!” Yelena mumbled while clapping. ~
Twisting your wedding finger around your finger as your hands hovered over your barely showing baby bump. A secret only you, Natasha and the doctors knew about. “She’ll come home honey; I know she will” you whispered. 
~ “Morning mama” Nat smiled before placing a kiss on your temple, you chuckled lightly, her hand protectively resting on your stomach. “When can we tell people?” you asked with excitement she her thumb gently stroked your soft and warm skin. 
“Do we have too? I’m sure in a few months they’ll work it out” she replied. 
“Babe, our 12-week mark was last week, if you’re worried about something, it’s safe to share the news now” you explained. “I know” she kissed your cheek, “I just want to enjoy the two of you to myself a little longer” she added.
“Now how am I supposed to argue with that?” you cupped her face gently before pressing your lips against hers. ~
The clock ticked louder with every passing second. “Surely they’re back by now” your brows frown as you looked towards the door. Your heart skipped a beat when the handle moved, “finally!” you sighed with relief. Expecting to see Pepper walk in, your smile grew in hopes that the plan worked, and the team were able to get everybody back from Thano’s snap.
Your smiled turned to a confused look when Clint stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Your heartbeat started to race; his eyes were glued to his feet as he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Clint?” you spoke softly, he lifted his head slowly and tried his best to you a soft smile, but his eyes spoke more than his lips did. 
“Clint” you repeated yourself with a slightly stern tone. Your biggest worry about his mission slowly became more and more real as the silence in the room deepened. “Where is she?” you asked. 
“I” he paused for a moment, “I couldn’t stop her” he spoke. Your heart sunk at his words, your eyes moved to the door behind him as you huffed in reply, “don’t lie to me, Clint. If she’s just pulling another one of her jokes, this one is sick” 
“I wish it was” he watched as you tried to not believe his words, ignoring the tears in your eyes, the anger of grief building up. “She wouldn’t leave me” your glassy eyes looked at him, “she wouldn’t!”
Clint took the small steps closer to you, slowly bring his hand to your stomach, “she loved you both” he whispered. You heart sunk deeper; he knew. You shook your heard, “No!” you broke. The tears found their own way out of your eyes, Clint wrapped his arms around you tightly to stop you from falling to your knees as you cried harder into his hold. “No” you said over and over. He didn’t dare to let you go until Pepper knocked softly on the door, letting herself into the room. Her own eyes red from the news. 
“T-Tony needs you” she placed a soft hand on his shoulder. You gripped Clint tighter, not wanting to let go of the once person who saw the last moments of your wife. “I’ll take care of her” Pepper added. Clint nodded slowly, his grip became loose, your body naturally wanting to be on the ground he guided you down to your knees. “She can’t be gone” you looked at him, his special suit damp from your tears. He didn’t have any words; Pepper quickly took your numb body into her own arms. It was then that Clint hated the position Natasha had put him in. 
As the weeks went on, you locked yourself in the shared room you and Natasha had at the compound, her side of the bed untouched, her clothing left as was, her jewellery starting to collect dust. Clint was the only one who knew you were pregnant; he was worried when you shut everybody around you out. Even when the team went off to defeat Thano’s, you remained in the dark room that still smelt of her perfume. You could still hear her voice, the feel of her touch whenever she wrapped her arms around you, the sound of her laugh when you told her a crappy joke, she was still here but missing.
Clint brought you healthy foods and any vitamins you needed and always made sure you had fresh water on the bedside table. You only ate because of the baby, you only spelt because of the baby, you only did what you had too because of the baby. 
“It’s a nice day today, we should go for a walk” Clint sat down on the end of your big, lonely bed. Your eyes were glued to the photo of Nat in a frame on your bedside table, you shook your head and snuggled into the pillow Nat would lay her head at night, the smell of her shampoo still lingering. “Come on, I know you don’t want too but some sunshine and fresh air might help” Clint encouraged. 
“Help?” you huffed, “the sun and fresh air isn’t going to bring her back!” you shuffled into a seat position. “I know she told you to look after me, but I…we don’t need that” 
Like Natasha, you were stubborn at times. Maybe that’s why you both worked so well together, being able to pull each other out of the suborn behaviour.
“Y/n it’s been 6 weeks, I think you know Natasha wouldn’t allow you to be like this for this long” Clint spoke, “you have to get up, you have to live again” he adds. His words feel knifes ripping your heart out. “How am I supposed to live again?” your eyes teared up once more, “We had plans, we had a future and now it’s just” you stopped yourself, unable to continue, making it reality. 
“What would you want Natasha to do if the tables were turned? Would you want her locked up in a room, barely eating or sleeping? Missing important appointments? Closing everybody out? Y/n, she loved you, I’ve never known her to love anybody or anything as much as she loved you. I know she wouldn’t want this for you, but you know Natasha…she already made up her mind before I had a chance” 
The mention of her name made your heartbreak more, tears slowly ran down your cheeks as you twisted the wedding ring once again. 
“Wanda misses you, we all do” he spoke to break the silence. You felt guilty that you hadn’t seen Wanda since her return, she’d just lost vision and felt the same way you did but you still couldn’t bare yourself to face anybody, you felt selfish.
“H-how is she?” you asked. 
“She’s in the same boat as you, she could use her best friend” Clint replied with hopes this might help the two of you grief together. “You ha-haven’t told anybody, right?” you sobbed uncontrollably, “About the little bell pepper? No, that’s yours and Nat’s news” 
A broken smile tugged at your lips when he mentions the vegetable, you’d been keeping track of the baby’s growth on a popular app, you remembered how much Natasha loved checking it daily and getting excited each time the baby was the size of something different. 
~ “How’s mama and our little kidney bean?” Natasha asked once the compound kitchen was clear, leaving a kiss on your lips. “Kidney bean?” you chuckled. “Yeah, at 8 weeks they’re about the size of a kidney bean right now” her eyes full of excitement. ~
If anybody asked you 15 years ago if you wanted children, the answer was also no. You were career focus before meeting joining the Avengers. You weren’t exactly an Avenger, but Tony paid you well to deal with things outside the Avengers, like news reporters, administration duties, and other small like jobs around the compound. It was only meant to be a temporarily job until you saved enough money to start your own business but then you met Natasha. The famous Black Widow, the woman most feared but not you. 
She felt like home, she was home. She opened your mind to the idea of so many different things and seeing her with Clint’s children made your heart move and you knew then, one Christmas lunch at the Barton’s while Natasha was holding baby Nathaniel that all those comments about “you’ll find somebody you want to have kids with” were true. You had found the person you wanted to do everything with, the person to have a family with. 
“I miss her so much, I keep expecting her to walk through that door in her suit and throwing her bag on the floor” you wiped your tears, “I don’t know if I can do this without her Clint…it wasn’t supposed to be like this” 
“You can” Clint softly smiled, “you’re a lot stronger than you think and you’re silly to think that we would let you do this alone. You and Natasha are family, so is that little baby. You’re not alone” he assures you. Your eyes flickered to the photo of Nat again, Clint was right, if you were Natasha there’s no way you’d allow her to be this stubborn. 
By 24 weeks you were comfortable to tell everybody around you, hiding your bump by wearing Natasha’s oversized sweaters was a good idea to you. You’d planned to tell everybody at over a family lunch.
~ “Natty!” you smiled as she walks through the door. “Somebody missed me” she chuckled, hugging you tightly. “I have news” you smirked, “close your eyes” you added. 
Natasha sat on the end of the bed with her eyes closed, quickly and excitingly you grabbed the new-born shirt and placed it on her lap. “Okay open” you smiled widely again. Natasha looked down at her lap, a small t-shirt reading “Mommy’s cutie” started back at her. “Baby” she spoke ever so softly before looking up at you, “We’re having a baby?” she asked just to confirm it for sure. You nodded, “yes darling” you walked up and stood between her legs and wrapped your arms around the back of her neck, “All is well so far” you smiled. Nat didn’t waste any time as she pulled you down and kissed you deeply. “I love you both so much” she smiled against your lips. ~
It wasn’t easy adjusting to the snap but eventually you and Natasha agreed that it was time to start living once again. With that, you both started to plan a future together, both settling on looking at a home to buy while the talk of children stole the conversation. You had a list of houses for sale that the two of you loved saved on your laptop, the two of you looked online almost every night before bed. Natasha had the laptop sitting on her lap while you snuggled into her side. 
~ “I love the feature wall!” you pointed out as Natasha flicked through photos of a 4-bedroom house, “and that kitchen is big enough my goodness!” you gasp. “Yeah?” Natasha chuckled, “you a want a big kitchen?” she asked. “Uhm, duh?! Somebody has to cook for us and it’s not going to be you” you replied with a chuckle. 
“What’s wrong with my cooking?” Nat cocked an eyebrow, “oh nothing honey” you kissed her cheek, “I just don’t feel like peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner” you joked causing her to laugh and close the laptop before attacking you with kisses, “nothing wrong with my sandwiches, you don’t complain at 1:30am after a few drinks” she teased. ~
“Y/n” Clint’s voice broke your memory flash back. “Huh?” you looked over your shoulder and saw him standing by your door, “yeah, sorry. Just having a moment” you replied, your right hand gently rubbing over your hidden baby bump. 
“There’s somebody here to see you” he spoke. “Who?” you frowned with confusion. 
“Yelena” he replied. Your heart felt like it broke once more. You’d only met Yelena four times before the snap. Each time you could see how much Natasha loved her even if they teased each other endlessly. When Nat couldn’t get in contact with Yelena after the snap it took a toll on her, and she only let it show whenever she was a lone or alone with you. 
“Sh-she’s here?” you spoke with a surprised tone. “She’s downstairs, do you want me to send her up?” he asked earning a light nod. Once Clint left the room, you looked back to the photo of Nat on your bedside table just for a moment, you couldn’t look too long, or you broke down in tears. 
It wasn’t long until you heard the sound of combat boots walking towards your room from the hall, your eyes dropped to your bump, rubbing gently with a soft smile, “time to meet auntie Yelena, little cantaloupe”. You took a deep breath in before turning to greet Yelena. Your heart broke at the sight of her, you could see she didn’t take the news well. Nobody did. The two of you looked at each other in silence for a moment before you spoke. 
“You’re okay” 
Yelena nodded, “I came as soon as I heard” she lowered her head. Yelena wasn’t one for hugs, especially from people she barely knew but all you wanted to do was hug her tightly so you closed the gap between the two of you, “I’m glad you’re here” you watched her slowly lift her head, “She wasn’t the same with you…she tried to find you, contact you but we couldn’t find you and nobody had heard from you so we guessed you were gone with the snap” you explained, “She always spoke about you, Yelena” you added as tears filled her eyes, “I loved her so much” she broke. 
“And she loved you” you wrapped your arms around her and hugged her tightly, surprised when she didn’t push you away but instead clung to you. “I loved her so much” she repeated, your own tears now making their daily route down your cheeks.
You held Yelena until her crying became silence sobs, she pulled away and wiped her tears. “How are you?” she asked once she was about to pull words together again. “I’m working on it” you replied honestly, “I miss her so much, sometimes I still feel her around me” your right hand hovered over your stomach, hesitatingly wanting to rub your bump for comfort but didn’t want to scare Yelena without telling her first. “I have to tell you something” you looked at her, she nodded for you to go ahead, “is everything okay? Do you need anything?” she asked. “No but thank you…uhm” you paused; a memory of how excited Nat was to tell Yelena waved into your mind before you could speak once more. 
Slowly you took a seat at the end of your bed, “what is it Y/n?” Yelena asked before sitting beside you, your eyes glued to your feet as you took a deep breath in. 
“I’m pregnant” 
Yelena’s eyes widened; her brows frowned slightly. You saw her confusion and spoke before she could. “We did it via a donor… I didn’t cheat on her” you confirmed. 
“I’m going to be an Auntie?” a faint smiled tugged on Yelena’s lips. She became excited but tried to hide it, you smiled softly at her and nodded. “Did Nat know?” she asked. 
“Yeah, I was 14 weeks when sh- “You couldn’t bring yourself to say it, Yelena just nodded as single tear rolled down her face, “what are you now?” she asked. “I’m currently 24 weeks” your hand finally coming to rest on the bump. “And Melina and Alexei, have you told them?” 
“I haven’t, I was about to tell everybody today over lunch. Clint, Natasha, my doctor, and myself were the only ones who knew, Nat told Clint before it everything happened”
“You have to tell them, before the others, right?” 
“I don’t have a way of contacting them”
Yelena pulled out her phone and quickly pulled up Melina’s contact. “Is FaceTime, okay?” she asked before you gave her a nod. 
6 weeks later and your grief was still just as strong and painful, but you had the love and support of everybody around you to keep you going. Each time your app told you the baby grew and was now the size of some different fruit or vegetable, you couldn’t help but looked to the photo on your bedside table and tell Nat. 
“They’re about the size of a broccoli now” you smiled softly at the photo. You wondered how Nat would’ve been by now, would she be throwing different names at you, or would she be the type to buy the baby clothing whenever she found something cute, all these wonders you were robbed of. 
Packing Natasha’s things was one of the hardest things you’ve ever done. You weren’t getting rid of them or donating them, but you decided it was time to buy a home even if you truly didn’t believe it was time but when would it be time? You made an offer on a house that Natasha loved, and you often found her revisiting the listing when she was alone, the seller couldn’t resist your offer and accepted withing a few days. 
Clint, Tony, and Steve offered their working hands to help do any touch ups or renovations which you took their offer kindly. Natasha mentioned if this was the house, you’d both buy that she wanted to open the living room up more but knocking out one of the walls to let more sunlight in. Wanda helped decorate the home to a liking that felt comfortable and like Natasha was there, you didn’t want to ever feel like she never existed. 
Photos of her in frames hang proudly on the walls, her clothing was hung up in the wardrobe of the master bedroom, her jewellery and perfume sat out on the dresser exactly how it was back at the compound, her side of the bed stay made for her to come home to like it always ways when she left for missions. 
You worked on the nursery, painting the walls in a light nectarine colour as it was the last fruit you were Natasha call the unborn child. A photo of you and Nat hung on the wall above the baby’s crib with a Black Widow plushie waiting for the tiny human to cuddle, a gift from Yelena. Wanda made a mobile for the crib that had photos of the team, Yelena, Melina & Alexei, Natasha, and your close family members on it to show the baby how big their family was. 
Yelena also moved into the home. She needed a place to live, and you didn’t want to be alone, the pair of you still grieving deeply over Natasha that it helped the two of you cope. Plus, Yelena secretly just wanted to be around once the baby was born. 
At 38 weeks you were over being pregnant, your back ached, your bladder was a joke at this point, your feet and ankles were swollen, you could never get comfortable, and your clothing was frustrating annoyed you. For a while now you had no choice but to wear maternity clothing and you hated it. 
Yelena’s excitement grew just as much as yours was, and you couldn’t help but think the baby was the perfect distraction from the pain left in your heart. The first 14 weeks of your pregnancy was shortly lived, the only time the baby had with their mother and the giddy conversations you loved having with Natasha didn’t last a chance. You chose not to know the gender of the baby until they were born, it gave you something extra to get excited about. Yelena was slightly frustrated as she just wanted to know if she was going to have a niece or nephew. 
At night when you couldn’t sleep because it didn’t matter what position you were in, you were never comfortable, you found yourself running through baby names as you twisted the wedding ring on your finger that was never taken off. You wondered which names Natasha would’ve liked or which names she’d suggest, you wondered if she would be all over you and your bump, stroking her hand over your swollen stomach as you tried to sleep, or she would talk to the baby so they could get used to her voice. All these thoughts eventually ended up with you in tears, crying silently to yourself. 
The team have given you everything you needed for when the baby arrived, an endless supply of nappies and wipes filled up one of the spare rooms. You were sure you’d never have to spend a penny on clothing for the baby, everybody else had seem to have done that for you. 
When your water broke Yelena rushed you to the hospital, you were excited to finally meet the baby, but your heart still ached for Natasha. She should’ve been here holding your hand, coaching you through the contractions, whispering sweet nothings to you as you screamed at her in pain. 
“Alright mama, one more push and your baby will be here” the midwife smiled. Nobody had called you mama but Natasha and suddenly a sense of warmth washed over you, the same feeling Natasha gave you whenever you were nervous or having a small anxiety attack. 
“You’ve got this Y/n” Yelena smiled. 
One last push and the overwhelming cry of your baby filled the room. Tears of joy rolled down your cheek as you closed your eyes and whispered “they’re here baby” for Natasha. 
“Congratulations mama it’s a beautiful, healthy baby girl” the midwife handed the bundle of joy into your warms. 
Yelena took a step back and let you have a moment with your daughter. 
“Hi baby” you whispered, instantly placing a small kiss on her little forehead. 
Later that night while you were resting, Yelena rocked the baby to sleep in her arms, quickly growing protective over the little girl that filled her heart with a love and joy she never knew existed. 
You woke up and smiled to yourself at the sight. 
“I’m going to need your help Lena” you whispered not to wake the baby who was yet to be named. “Of course, anything you need” she softly spoke back. “No, I mean, I’m going to need your help in teaching her everything there is to know about Nat. I need her to know everything, she will know who her mother is” you explained. Yelena nodded, “like I was ever going to let her forget” she joked, “isn’t that right mini-Romanoff” she looked down at your daughter in her arms. 
You smiled at the nickname Yelena gave her, “I was thinking maybe Daniella Natalia Romanoff, Dani for short” you spoked. Already set that if you were to have a girl that her middle name would be related to Natasha. “I never got to discuss names with Nat” you added. 
“Dani Romanoff” Yelena smiled before carefully handing you the sleeping baby. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @parkerdaramitzzzz 
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Bored after staying on Asgard your entire life, you decide to sneak on earth. But what happens when Steve falls irrevocably in love with you, the Queen of Asgard, wife of Loki.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: yandere, obsession, death, violence, cursing, manipulation. If you find any of this triggering, please DNI. Also inform me if I left something out.  
ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇᴛᴀ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, ᴀʟʟ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ
As you know my previous account got deleted and therefore I have to post this again... Hope you guys like it!
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You sat reading a book in the ethereal gardens of the Palace, with your back pressed against a tree. Loki had brought that book from Midgard. You loved reading, and Loki always got you books from all over the nine realms. That’s how you had bonded in the very beginning.
As you read the book, you had a feeling you already knew what was going to happen, as if you had already read it. So, you closed it and stared at the grand garden before you. Filled with plethora of flowers, the sweet smell diffusing in the air, the palette of colors pleasing the eye.
“Do you need something?” Your maid asked. You shook your head, “I don’t, and even if I needed something I would take it myself.” You gave her a smile at that.
You were the daughter of a common farmer; you were independent since your birth. You had a habit of doing everything by yourself and even despite it being years since marrying Loki, you still couldn’t quite get adjusted to maids. They weren’t servants for you, they were your friends. Your humility and intelligent was something Loki had fallen head over heels for.
The entire Asgard was happy and wonderfully surprised when Loki had announced that he would be marrying you. A common girl with barely any powers was marrying the God of Mischief and the king of Asgard; that had generated quite the rumors, some even thought it was one of his pranks. Even you were worried, but Loki had chased all your worries away.
Despite Thor being the elder brother, Loki had been crowned as the king. Though Thor was powerful and had immense strength, he neither wished to be the king, nor did he have the time to be one. He was rather busy with Midgard and thus Loki had taken the mantle.
When it came to you, even despite being the God of Lies, Loki never lied. He was the best husband you could ask for. Taking your opinions in consideration, asking for your help, cherishing you, loving you more than anybody else. He didn’t rule Asgard alone, no, he ruled Asgard alongside you.
You had changed him; from the selfish Loki whose heart was filled with vengeance, you had made him into a noble and beloved king. But still he never stopped pulling pranks on you, and you took it just as lightly. He was still very mischievous at his heart and you had accepted him with all he brought along.
There was just one thing he didn’t allow: you visiting Earth. And that was only because he was worried for you. The people of Midgard had not taken his attack lightly, and they were still very much furious. Though they were now on good terms, he didn’t want anything to happen to you. You were his everything.
And visiting Earth at least once was one of the only things you wanted. Literally everyone had been to Midgard except you. Even Loki and definitely Thor frequented Midgard, but not you. Once a month you both used to come to that topic and he would brush you off, promising you to take somewhere else. And that maybe fueled your need to go to Midgard even more.
“What are you thinking about, my love?” When you heard his sweet yet authoritative voice, you smiled softly. Lost in thoughts you hadn’t even noticed he was sitting beside you. You inhaled deeply, “I was thinking about the forbidden fruit. I was thinking what would go wrong if I went to Midgard. Just once Loki, just once. That’s the only thing I ask of. I’ve heard the Earth is circular, unlike Asgard!” You asked giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
“Now my beloved, how many times, huh? How many times do I have to list the reasons why you shouldn’t visit Midgard. I won't be able to live if something happens to you. I will go insane, there won’t be a point in living.” He gently took your chin between his fingers and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.  
“I know Loki, I love you too. But aren’t your relations with Earth better now? And Thor goes there all the time and so do you! And I have powers Loki!” You had the powers of making anyone reveal the truth. You were a rarity; a commoner with powers. Your ability to extract truth was really an ace at your side while ruling Asgard.
“We don’t know if someone is holding any grudge. I can’t risk it. Ask me anything, I will search the entire universe for it and bring it upon your feet. Just not Earth. Now I don’t want to ruin such a perfect day by arguing with you.” Before you could speak further, he shut you with a kiss.
As you both laid in each other embrace, you got lost in the abyss of his eyes. “Oh Loki, do you know how much I love you?” With eyes full of mischief, “Well you do know a certain way to show your love, my beloved wife.” He quipped.
Today Thor was leaving for Midgard. And at the same time, you had made your plans to sneak. You had started wondering if Loki had a mistress there, well what else could be his reason for not permitting you to visit Earth.
One part of the plan was already in action. You had shared your concerns with Heimdall. He had been awfully quiet but when you had pleaded and asked of it as a favor for his Queen, he had agreed. On the condition that you would return within 3 days, or else he would pull you back to Asgard. You had happily agreed.
The plan was simple, while he would transport Thor, you would go too, you just had to stand close enough to Thor. All excited, you got ready in the best of your clothes. You knew they didn’t dress like this on Midgard, but you had an impression to make as the Queen of Asgard.
The dark green silk robe complimented your emerald wedding ring; you wore button earrings and connected them to your hair clip with chains. You let your hair down but not without braiding few locks of hair; your right index and ring fingers were adorned with your best rings. You wanted to wear your crown, but decided it would be too much for Midgardians; after all you were going there for vacation, you had no plans of ruling earth.
Not many were there to say goodbye to Thor, the Prince travelled very frequently. You were glad that today neither Loki nor the warriors were there. “Goodbye Thor, have a safe journey!” You said as you stood a little too close to him. It was your signal for Heimdall to transport you to Midgard. “Thank you, sister...” before Thor could complete his sentence, you were both sucked into the wormhole.
It was a.... cool experience to say at least. To be honest, you had no idea. You had kept your eyes closed through half of the journey, and you had probably screamed your throat dry. You did travel through the Bifrost at times but Loki always held you tight. Today though you were spinning all by yourself in the rainbow tunnel. Thank the Norns, it was over faster that you expected.
As Thor landed gracefully in the Avengers compound, you landed straight on your ass and skidded halfway across, bruising you elbow and knuckles.
Thor’s voice boomed aloud, as you tried to get up rubbing your aching ass, “Oh dear Sister! Are you alright?” He said as he helped you get up, “Well, Heimdall didn’t tell me how to land.” You tried to lighten the mood.
“There must have been some mistake. Don’t worry I’ll call Heimdall to send you back.” He said softly while rubbing your elbow as he began praying to Heimdall.
“Uhh, well Thor, that’s not needed. And this... this wasn’t an accident at all. I kind of made a deal with Heimdall and he sent me here...” Thor’s eyes widened with shock and what you thought was anger. You had never ever seen Thor get angry at you, ever. And you were truly scared now.
Thor and you were best of friends. It was as if you two were siblings, not Thor and Loki. As you looked at him now, you knew you had truly screwed up. You knew your decision would anger Loki, but his anger you could handle. You weren’t quite sure about it with respect to Thor.
“You did what? You aren’t supposed to be here! You are going back to Asgard before anyone sees you.” He held you by your elbow and it hurt like hell. “But Thor,...” you tried pleading. Maybe you had not guessed the extent of your family’s anger correctly and you knew you were going to pay for it badly.
“I wasn’t asking you.” He said in an impersonal tone. “You need to understand this is for your own good.” You were tired of listening to the same thing over and over again for so many years. And you finally snapped.
“Tell me the truth Thor! I know that’s not the only reason, why don’t you people want me to come here? Does... does Loki have a mistress here? Huh? I’m so sick of listening to you people give me all kinds of stupid reasons to keep me away from here! You know, if maybe you had not reinforced the fact that I’m not allowed to visit Midgard again and again, then maybe I wouldn’t be so obsessed with coming here.” You couldn’t hold your tears back.
“It’s not what you are thinking, trust me sister, Loki only loves you. But we need to go now and don’t use your powers on me.” You snatched your hand away from him. He was correct in guessing your intentions, you were going to use your powers on him to make him say the truth. But his anger held you back. After all, he was your family, and this visit to earth was just three days long.
“There’s one catch; you can’t take me back. I told you, I’ve made a deal with Heimdall. It includes that He won’t open the Bifrost for me to leave Earth until the evening of the third day!”
The Avengers were all gathered in the briefing room. Thor was coming back and they needed to discuss an important upcoming mission. As Steve stood telling everyone about the mission, they could hear the tell-tale noise of the rainbow tunnel as they called it.
Tony yawned loudly and stood up from his chair, he was least bit interested in the meeting and just wanted to get out. “Thor is here. We should go meet him.” He said stretching. Steve rolled his eyes, while Nat and Clint got up.
“We can continue, Thor knows where to come.” Steve interjected. “I guess Tony is right on this one.” Wanda said shrugging. Before they could continue, they heard the noise of Thor and a lady arguing. Her voice was vaguely familiar.
“Let’s go!” Tony said excitedly as he hoped to get a little more spice on this dull day. Reluctantly even Steve joined the entire group as they walked outside. Thor was facing them and from his gestures even they knew he was truly angry. The lady had her back to them, her golden magic swirling around her hand, showing her anger and annoyance at Thor. She was dressed in the finest fabric.  
Thor stood still and suddenly stopped fighting as he saw literally all of the Avengers looking at the two of them with keen interest. You saw his stunned and somewhat worried expression, so before he could stop you whipped your head around.
The moment you turned, Steve’s heart stopped in his chest. He couldn’t believe his eyes. This was not true; this couldn’t be true. You were just like in his dreams, if not more beautiful. Your eyes pulled him in like sirens calls. Your voice a sweet balm on his heartache. You looked like a goddess, and he was sure you were one. But, how could you possibly be here? So very real, standing in front of him in all your grace, just as if to taunt him.
You tilted your head in confusion, all of them, literally all of them were staring at you as if they had seen a dead person walk out of the grave. “Uh, well, you must be the Avengers I’ve heard so much about! It was rude of us to fight out here, and I apologize for the commotion. Let me introduce myself, I’m Y/N, The Queen of Asgard and the wife of the beloved King Loki.”
As you said the words, all of the Avengers’ eyes widened with confusion, as fear and anger gripped their hearts.
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crue-sixx · 5 years
Title: Oracle
Fandom: The Dirt (CastxMadison)
Summary: Madison is a soldier with psychic powers.  She and another woman, Katie escape the Compound that they were forced to live in since childhood to find help for the younger prisoners, and split up.  Madison stumbles to New Orleans where the Dirt is currently being filmed.  There she meets a male with psychic powers-a rarity.
Note: All caps are telepathic messages
A/N: Happy birthday @crue-sixx!  Used her name with permission for this imagine!  (Katie is me)
Throughout history, there have been people with psychic abilities that vary in occurrence and strength.  Most people who have them don't even know they do and go their whole lives without so much as a peep from their abilities but others have used them to their advantage.  For a time they were called witches and hunted down and slaughtered in the name of various gods.  Some were seen as gods themselves, and they used their power to dominate the masses into unquestioned obedience.
However, when the witch hunts came around most of those with psychic abilities had died out-some cases entire bloodlines were snuffed out.  In the present day, roughly about 20% of the population  have psychic abilities, the most common among them being telekinesis or telepathic.  98% of those with abilities are women.  Some of the more uncommon abilities are an elemental power-fire. water, earth and air.  The rarest of abilities was precognition, those who possess this kind of power were once revered and called oracles.
In today's world, those with abilities are captured and exploited for the personal gain of people in power.  Madison and Katie were such psychic soldiers, Madison having telepathic powers and Katie with telekinesis.  They were sisters, biologically and mentally.  Katie was the older one, and after her birth the Ghost Division (a top secret organization that pulls off assassinations and influence the decisions made by politicians) kept a close eye on the family to see if they would produce another person with an ability.
When they did, baby Madison was whisked away in the night.  The retrieval unit left a trail of corpses in their wake, as was expected the mother and father put up a valiant effort to protect the child. From birth, Madison and Katie were pumped full of drugs in an attempt to make their abilities stronger, or even able to wield dual abilities.  They were separated for most of the day, having been put with other prisoners who shared their abilities.  The only time they were allowed contact was during mealtimes.
The Ghost Compound was a refurbished prison, with 24/7 audio/visual surveillance and everything automatic.  Like a smart house, everything could be remotely controlled from an outside source.  Even the rings on their fingers could be triggered at anytime.  The rings were more like shackles, if they were to try to take them off, then an electric shock would go off.  It was during lunch one day that it was found out what would happen if someone were to cut off their finger.
A young girl of about 12 had taken her steak knife and started to chop off the finger, but right before the blade hit the skin the ring let out a piercing scream and a second later the poor girl was convulsing on the floor with a pink foamy mixture of blood and saliva oozing from her mouth.  When she stopped convulsing, an announcement went over the intercom "That is what happens when you defy my authority.  Defiance equals death.  Remember that, my Beauties, and we'll get on just fine".  Madison and Katie just stared at the dead girl, who was now being taken away to the incinerator to be disposed of.
Of course the younger inmates were terrified and kept eating as if nothing happened.  Madison locked eyes with Katie and sent a telepathic message- CANT KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS.  Katie nodded, her being unable to send a message back.  She then extended her fingers on the hand the ring was on and with her other hand she motioned to a knife.  Madison gulped, knowing full well what her sister meant.
They were planning an escape for sometime now, and the events at lunch just made them more aware as to the importance of their situation.  Madison would send telepathic messages to Katie, and she'd just shake or nod her head- the walls had eyes and ears.  Any spoken or written word would be their downfall.  Katie had made the camera in her cell burst so recording couldn't be completed.  They had to act fast, since that would surely sound the alarm.
They met in the recreation yard, Madison able to get away with the pretense of getting sick in the bathroom-the only places in the whole compound that didn't have audio or visual recording.  She had gotten a tape recorder and set it on play, the sounds of vomiting echoing through the cells.  They each had an axe that used by a fireman to cut through burning wood to save people's lives.
Katie held out the hand that had a ring on it and with only a moment of hesitation,  Madison swung the axe and the thing came off.  Katie let out a scream of pain, and Madison held out her own hand, and Katie cut it off as well.  Blood was getting everywhere, so Katie tore her shirt to make temporary bandages for the both of them. 
"I'm going to lift us over the wall" Katie said, the blood loss already getting to her.  She pulled Madison close to her and they lifted up and over, landing on their knees.
"Katie" Madison said "stick to the plan...you go one way and I'll go another..." she helped her older sister up and touched their foreheads together.  WE HAVE TO GET HELP FOR THE OTHERS.  GOOD LUCK, SIS.  LOVE YOU.
"I love you too" Katie kissed Madison's forehead and ran off in one direction.  Madison wasn't worried about Katie at all-she was a tough woman who knew how to use her abilities to protect herself.
Madison went off in the opposite direction, the alarms from the compound could be heard for miles.  She had to slow down, her loss of blood  getting to her.  She was able to make it to New Orleans when she just couldn't keep moving anymore.  She plopped down next to a dumpster in an alley and drifted off to sleep, her mind opening and sending psychic SOS signals in hopes that someone would be able to hear them.
Filming had wrapped up for the day, and they all were dog tired.  Daniel and Douglas were leading the way to the bar that was next door to where they lived for the duration of filming when Daniel felt a tickle in his head.  He ignored it at first, but soon became more invested when the tickle turned into words.
He looked around confused, Coleson and Iwan giving him funny looks.  "Did you lose somethin'?" Coleson asked.
"I don't think so..." Daniel said, but as he walked nearer to the source he heard the voice in his head louder.
He turned into the alley and was surprised to see a young woman covered in dirt and leaves slumped against the wall, her hand wrapped up in a bloody bandage. The others followed him and Douglas exclaimed "Bloody Hell!  Is she alive?!"
Daniel reached down and felt a very weak pulse and without hesitation he lifted her up and said "Yeah, but just barely..." the hospital was a five minute walk, but he made it there in less than three minutes, shouting that he needed help for his friend.  A nurse quickly got her into an operating room, while the recording technician talked to Daniel.
"Sir how is this woman related to you?"
"She's not" he answered "I just found her like that" he suddenly had so much nervous energy that he tapped his foot while sitting.
"So you don't even know her name?"
MADISON L/N.  His head twitched.
"Madison L/N" he said confidently, but surprised at himself.
"Right, and how about her medical history?"
He said all the relevant information as you were subconsciously feeding it to him directly in his mind.  When the tech asked about insurance policies for you, you sent a message to her. 
"Insurance is not needed" the tech repeated out loud, and shook her head.  She suddenly felt tired and excused herself to get a cup of coffee.  He was directed to her room and she had been cleaned up and a proper bandage had been applied to her stump.
"Madison" he brushed her hair from her eyes "How do I know so much about you?"  you couldn't even send a telepathic message to him, the drugs the hospital had given you had completely blocked your ability to reach into people's minds had kicked in, sending you into a dreamless sleep.
Over the next few days, he'd called every few hours or so while he was filming to check on her, and was dismayed when the staff had told him she hadn't woken up yet. They had replaced the blood she lost, and her body naturally helped the healing process.  It was the middle of the next week that she finally woke up, the first person she saw was a rather strapping young man with a stubbly beard.  "Madison?" he asked in a thick Australian accent.
"Yeah" she responded and sat up "Who're you?" she was still groggy from the drugs so she couldn't just pull his name from his memory, not that she wanted to do that anyway.  She used her ability sparingly and when she had to.
"I'm Daniel Webber" he said as he sat himself closer to her "I'm an actor from Australia in New Orleans for a film I'm working on" he put a gentle hand on her good one and asked "How do I know so much about you?  I've never even met you before..."
She contemplated telling him the truth, but it sounded so farfetched that she'd probably end up in the psych ward. and the Ghost Division could easily find and recapture her there.  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" she looked up at him, those big doe eyes catching him off guard and making his heart skip a beat.  In that same moment, it seemed that he had left his body and was in a totally different scene-he was on a beach and a small gathering of his friends and as he turned to face a person coming up to him, he was back in his body at the hospital.
"Daniel?" she asked "Are you okay?" she was shaking him lightly, him being cold to the touch.
He blinked and color came back to his skin "What the fuck was that?"
"What was what?" she asked him confused "You went catatonic for a full minute there!"
"It felt like an out of body experience" his whole body shook, as if his mind was getting re-acclimated to the physical shell.
Her eyes widened as she said "You're a pre-cog..."  a person with the precognition ability was a very rare sight.  A male pre-cog was rarer still.  These were among the beings that people in ancient times thought of as gods.
"A what?" he asked dumbfounded.
"Erm" she started "We can go into that a different time" you looked up into the hallway and saw two guards from the Compound ask the charge nurse something at the desk.  She could tell they were from the Compound by the caged bird tattoos on their hands.  "We gotta get out of here..." she jumped from the bed and looked them right in the eye.
She grabbed Daniel's hand and bolted from the room, the rest of the patients and staff in a panic when the guards drew their weapons and began firing.  She threw him behind a desk for cover as she tried to reach into their minds and have them shoot each other, but the drugs were still in her system.  "What the Hell is happening, Madison?!" he shouted over the bullets hitting the wall behind them.
"I'm a psychic with telepathic abilities that ra.n away from a government facility and these men are here to take me back" she said quickly, he didn't believe her at the time but accepted the explanation for the time being.  Just then, the elevator pinged, and Douglas, Coleson and Iwan stepped out into the hallway.  They had heard Madison had been showing signs of waking up, so they bought her a bouquet of flowers.  They walked right into a war zone and the vase that Iwan was carrying had dropped to the floor, shattering.
They all ducked for cover, they all demanding an explanation.  She rolled her eyes and relayed what she had just said, them not believing her either but accepting it just like Daniel.  The adrenaline had purged the drugs from her body and she sent a message to each guard simultaneously.
The gaurds turned and shot each other in the leg.  Madison went over to one of them and asked "Where's my sister?"
He spat in her face and snarled "I'm not talking!"
She sighed and invaded his thoughts.  He gasped as he felt her pull the memory from his mind.  He didn't know where Katie was, she looked over to the other guard and did the same to him-nobody knew where she was.  She were both relieved and concerned.  She couldn't let the higher command know where she was so she completely wiped their minds, leaving them living vegetables.
The four men stared at you in shocked amazement.  "Time to go" she said as she left the battlefield.  "You could stay if you want, but I'm calling deuces" you turned to run, but Daniel grabbed her arm.
"Please don't run off!" the other three looked at him like he had just committed a murder.
"Since they know I'm in the city, they'll keep coming after me, and that puts you and your loved ones in danger" she took her arm back "I am NOT willing to risk innocent lives..."
"Then please stay with-" he was about to say 'me' but quickly changed it to "us".  The others protested that it was dangerous to let such a person like her live with them, her even joining in.  He pleaded "Please..." he felt like he had to protect her.
They all threw up their hands in defeat and she not so graciously accepted his offer.  She would have to stay cooped up in his room with him.  "So I basically traded one prison for another" she pouted, to which his heart skipped another beat.
"Very well" he sighed contentedly "You can sleep in my bed, while I take the floor..."
"We can share the bed" she said "It must be uncomfortable on the floor" Coleson, Iwan and Douglas giggled while seeing Daniel blush.
"It would be ungentlemanly of me to share a bed with a lady that I'm not in a romantic relationship with..."
She didn't want to displace him from his sleeping area but he was insistant so she reluctantly agreed with "So long as you don't try anything funny..."
A few more peaceful weeks passed, without so much as a word from or about Katie, and Madison was getting worried.  One day after filming, Daniel came into his room and she felt a somber air about him.  "You okay?" she asked, gently touching his shoulder.
"Yeah" he gave a sad smile "Just filmed the Skylar bits today..." she had known about the little girl who had died from various publications, and from what Daniel had told her about the actress portraying her she dominated that role.
"I see" she touched her forehead with his and sent a calming message to him.  YOU DID GOOD, SLEEP NOW.  His eyes grew tired and he laid down on the bed.  She turned to sleep on the floor when he objected.
"Come sleep in the bed with me" he asked her "Just until I get a sound sleep going?" he sounded like a frightened child and in some ways he was.  He had had more visions of the future, and she had slowly been teaching him how to make them stop so they wouldn't interrupt anything important.
She awkwardly cuddled into his arm, her stump brushing the skin on his chest. After a moment of silence he sleepily asked "Hey Mads?"
"Yes?" she answered
"Wanna date me?"
She looked at him "Date?  Like romantically?" she had never had such experience with dating or relationships.  She didn't know the first thing about dating.
"Yea you goof" he laughed "I want to take you out sometime.  Can't keep you locked up here like Rapunzel forever" he closed the gap between them and she could smell his cologne- a smokey wood scent.  She loved it.
"Where do you want to take me?" she asked, but he was softly snoring.  She smiled and kissed his cheek "Sweet dreams, Daniel" she settled into the crook of his arm and fell asleep as well.
Over the next few weeks, she had tried to reach out to Katie, but she got no response still.  Her and Daniel were now officially boyfriend/girlfriend and they were taking things slow.  It was on a Tuesday that Katie showed up from out of nowhere.  "Katie!" she flung her arms around her sister and sent WERE YOU ABLE TO FIND HELP?
"No" Katie replied "I tried the local authorities in Baton Rouge, but they thought I was crazy and locked me up in a mental ward.  Some guards from the Compound came and tried to take me back, but they ended up with various sharp objects in their bodies" she smiled at Madison.
Daniel was excited to meet Madison's sister, she had told him so much about her with so much regard.  "Hello!  I'm Daneil, Mads' boyfriend!"
Katie raised an eyebrow at Madison "Boyfriend?  Has he been treating you well?"
"More than well" she answered "he's a pre-cog" Katie stared at him and had so many questions it wasn't even funny.
"So hearing your voice in his head triggered his ability?" she asked.
"Yes" Daniel answered "Madison's been teaching me how to control it.  She has me imagine a lockbox, and if I keep it closed I can't see what the future holds" he squeezed her hand for reassurance, her returning the gesture.
"So you guys were attacked here too?" Katie asked, not being able to resist the chance to hear the story.  After the story was told, Daniel pulled Katie aside and asked.
"Are they going to keep coming after Madison?  And you?"
"Until they have us back" she answered honestly "or we're dead."
He was almost about to cry at that, he took a moment to collect himself and asked "Is there anything I can do to help you two?"
"Since you're a pre-cog, you can stick close to her and can see an attack before it happens" Katie suggested "Your visions are only POSSIBLE outcomes,  they can be changed" he thought a moment and asked a very important question.
"Hey, ask my sister" Katie smiled at him.
Madison came in their bedroom later that evening, rose petals making a path to the bed.  She giggled, her loving that sensation that she never got to experience as a child.  "Daniel?  What is all this?"
"Mads" he gulped, he was nervous and down on one knee "I've loved you since the first time I heard you in my head...and since I know you better I want to keep you safe...will you be my wife?" he showed a silver band with a diamond on it.  She looked at the thing with awe.
"Are you sure?  I've explained that with me around it'll be dangerous..." he stood up and shushed her with a finger. 
"I know what the dangers are" he softly kissed her, his stubble tickling her "I accept them, just as I accept you and your sister.  I want to keep you safe, and if it means that I have to give my own life to save you...so be it..."
Madison was breath taken, only her sister had shown this much concern when they were growing up.  On more than one occasion, Katie had taken punishments at the Compound for the stupid things  she did.  "Yes, Daniel" she finally said "I'll marry you..."
It was a small beach affair, Katie helping Madison into a bridal gown.  The men managed to get some rental tuxes last minute and they had raided the bar of all their booze.  They had "borrowed" a priest to officiate, despite not having filling out the forms needed to make the marriage legal.  Jeff Tremaine had walked Madison down the aisle, while Katie stayed in the back on alert.  Thankfully nothing out of the ordinary happened.
The vows were said, the rings placed on the fingers and the new Mr. and Mrs. Webber were introduced.  The reception almost everyone got hammered, save for the bride and groom.  Even Katie eased up and was using her telekinesis to make people fly.  The newlyweds stayed sober because they wanted to be able to be in control of their love making later.
When they finally had some alone time, he pulled his new wife into the honeymoon suite of the hotel they booked.  He kissed her gently at first, but grew hungrier with his kisses.  He undid the dress in the back and she let it fall to the ground.  She was totally nude in front of him, this being their first time together.  "Fuck..." he sighed, his erection growing at the mere sight of her.
After their love making they were sticky and glistening with sweat.  They both were panting when he asked "What the fuck was that?"
"What?" she groaned into his clavicle, planting a soft kiss on it.
"I've had sex before, great sex but what we just did I've never felt anything like that before.  It was like I was feeling your pleasure as well as my own..."
She giggled "Sorry, that was me.  I can't control my ability when I can't concentrate.  You made me feel so good, that I just let go" he played with her hair out of affection.
"Does that mean its always going to be like that when we make love?" he looked down at her.
"Only if you want me to" she answered.
"If it brings me closer to you, then I want it like that all the time" he cuddled with her "I love you, Madison" and interlocked his fingers with hers.
"I love you too, Daniel" she returned the feeling.
"What about them trying to take you and Katie?" he turned serious.
"Bring 'em on" she said boldly "We can take 'em" with that they turned out the light and slipped into a peaceful sleep.
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ledonggcui · 6 years
Poetry Suite A Quartet of Love and Death in the Cloud
Poetry Suite
 A Quartet of Love and Death in the Cloud
 1 Cloud
 Clouds is of solitude that clutters
Around the night of Whole Darkness
Something is revealed a scar in the Fog
Weeping thorns are ambitious
They are transmitted over in the Air
Yellow wailing of peasant women showers purple
On the earth…
Ripples of lights expand
 Solitude is not a lonely piece of Cloud in holes of smiles
Not in my pants
Facial expressions stopped our Love and Pains of Shadow
Often -----------
 It appears to be the sorrow of your Childhood
Flushed and floating over the Lake of Paradise
Bouts of laughs strokes the Body
Now they are gone with the Wind and Cloud
 Sinking underneath…
 Blue rolls over
Lightening strikes by
 Physical draught blows towards
- @ eyes
- fair plaits shine through
- pale
you have become
 Beauty in the Castle of Vampires
 Ghosts trains carry the Emptiness into our Platform
That was the twightlights of a Morning
 Don is Goo
 Closer and closer together///
This is Now
Understanding experiences of the Spaces and
Physical magnetic fields of a snail’s pace
Urgent is our Homo Sapien’s certain qualities
Tragedies yell at the yellow killing Moon.
Urgent is the telepathic trio
Shouting and screaming and hollering
Towards the Mountains of Fountain and Pines
Our intimacy spun around an endless black holy
Your high heels are blogged
The paradise is occasional
The Tables in the house of No. 8 … …
It meant ------- being disturbed up
Inside out
Inside on
In between…
 In the cherry Blossom
- there was your lust longing
- so
- we split
The birth of Darkness we shared the Same Emotion
Smile of bitterness are the Waves of blood and flesh
The bridges has splint and sprint
Good-bye! Chives have been chopped up
Both of you in triumph and the hands that stroke through
Hills and mountains in glory, which are
Darting up up up
The morning light is not on the Fence
Though when evening approaches,
K is agitated
The fire is pure until now
Occasional coincidence no more in the Front
Frame is the portraiture in the Paint
 i stomp into the maze of an animal-licking disaster
that is the overall impression
in the dream, desire upsets the satisfaction of a finding that
means losing someone or something or somehow for good
madness has bid us farewells for a while
publishing is recording in the dark
our sight-seeings were simulated vision synchronize
even when we were young
when we ate and shit
 fear needs not attack us, amputate us and ambush us
that is why i am looking forward to the vacuum
limbo of no-time, non-space
there will be no tortures on the other side
though that is only an image of a maze
 i enter your oval and the navel in the morning
a cave that shelter from the shower
the tangible flesh burs-ted into flames
possession is not important here
love is not important here
memory is not important here
trains of abstract thoughts wield themselves onto our vision
that is still abstract in the dim lights
a vision that is a curve becomes the cave
conceives the poetic emotion in motion
harbouring our ambiguous
the morning was grey
 Moments of decaying firefly is over the other side of the
At the aft a swift jump is a
Rendevouz means that Nothing’s non-action
Common news together with the Sea Wind blows over
Let’s be romantic! Years toils and peasants coils are buried in the Earth
Only the banal rodents screech occasionally ugly
In a perverse high, there was a longing for the Amour of Vertigo and Delusion
The artificial sun-light is saturated in the Sunset
Smearing the Floats
Then on this side of the Otherness…
Cloud rolls by
   a blind leads a blind: the end of the age of innocence
orange haze...in the distance
groan is a daze
yet the dark cloud meshes the pleasure of words
it is a misread dead misconception
 conceivably, boredom wrinkles
they do not snore
when you listen to the void
glaringly, you are in a trance
are we together?
 matrix array
a maze
you and me are a craze
the significance of the well in the desert of h-division
is nowhere
you turn around and see
 is it dead out there?
underneath the moan of the moon
dots of tinkles sacrifice our pleasure of inferno
with the crater of volcano
your megalithic compound is
  ritual of deities - shaving
 hair grows: the longer, the slower; the shorter, the faster
white noise comes again, a mushroom cloud
let's reason the reasons
when someone is lynched
 hands, thousands of hands shout: ' name Anita Buddha
mantra thinks
image stinks
as future comes as a hole not as a whore
 then slow motion is shot backwards
yes, man and woman have a history of shaving: right NOW
- regenerate and degenerate -
by a sex metaphor
we interpret the same texts
- those talking asses
 bomb catches up with our Brahman
some say woman is cloned from an egg
no, tomb is womb, they reckon
some try to clap their hands with one hand
no reasons, no
but the ritual of shaving in both sexes, the hair
 now is a hole with a whole
intentions segment to five portraits of communist revolution
- splintered shaving heads are somewhere
the talking asses, understand?
 don't you mind that you don't have a mind but hair?
   claustrophobia 2
 god's testicles were slashed and stashed away upstairs
we are packed like sardines into a night
train travels in vain: clicking and clanking to the black and red
no, a dystopia
three monkeys were conceived in a giant leap
industrial revolution turn us into pollution
people still rant about abortion and castration
 I saw your face and I bump into a grimace
kill that dog.  It will not bark
lock up those monkeys. They will not rebel
in this animal farm, I am dragged behind
the black psychic of a schooner of some queer beer
It make the nation opening up
god is alive
 having acted out to kill a MP
people start to believe a 'bad trip'
constitutional wisdom is equal to black
that is white and that is black
fallen angels are being tempted by underground
propaganda, that is:
100% beef topside mince $4.49 a kilo
chicken wings $4.99 a kilo
lamb legs $4.99 a kilo
BBQ thick sausage $1.99 a kilo
lean round steak $5.99 a kilo
tender bone steak $7.99 a kilo
corned silverside $5.99 a kilo
sirloin steak $5.99 a kilo
rump steak $5.99 a kilo
scotch fillet $9.99 a kilo
 - human intestines stir-fried with a bit of red wind -
I shouted
Intellectuals are flayed
Nine peasants are roasted
As my soul is cheap in Glebe morgue
 2 Wonky
 mattress filth lies a mannequin
wonky laugh is however a phone number
Cadillac turns the other way into heaven/hell;
shoes hanging loose with laces disturbingly fragmented
supermarket shaver kissing a pair of knickers
dream represses a loft; Scared
only too used to be scared the Ugly
mind the deviant Decadence, someone thought
no conflicts, no tragedy
absurd-um and residue of genome ...
1838 J. Hogg wed and shed his romantic crime
'ruse of reason'...
all youngsters suspected and yet looked up to
their god-father
backwards toward the Self
other side is pointed by the lay-out of point-out;
just a pair of Reebok
high-tech is now and nay
simulacrum presents the House of Disturbance and Dis-Esriture
system fails and shut down: still files are in the Network
oblivion + ignorance = wonky
 skeletons are arranged in a yellow rape seeds field
retch your souls out !
growth and embrace stand still in the centre of a square
subtle reactionaries rush towards/away the deinstitution
 mimic smiles are zipped up on the slits of a bald head
fuck you ! you fucking dentist
as well as the liberty of a tooth
it can not undo the knot of a square abattoir
as crimson creeps in
  Patchy rains drops onto your
Corny lips
She is being panicked
The Trains of Memo-ria has run in the Mountains of
Fragmented Recollections of Hers
Inferiority and suicidal lying-down over the rails for the Trains
It has ascended over some Skills of hers
She has no sensible and sensitive passions
Only beastly-like
Only too soft for being purry cat
The self-doubt on the Podium of Monument is pretty vacant
Between the Red Walls the black remembrance and shade
Uphold themselves
The madness of yours and mine twirls high over the Autumn Leaves
They seem to be decadent and listless
There are diagnostics and symmetry
But sighs of Eminence
The ring bells of the Waif Waist starts to tumble and tinkle…
   Poetic weirdness is stuck into the navel of a half crescent
Pollen blows wild
A cross
Blizzard! Stunned! By your paranoid
Numbed by your endless crimson tails
I am being tickled by your Fat bums
Flicking are you in the Flame
A 3-D picture switch to a 2-dimensional flat tron
Back and forth……
That’s it
The euphoria submerged into the dust storm of
Our desert.
Yet the whirlpool of those spirals regenerate our
Very Mirage
Disturbed is the sound that drills with our twenty-one grams of Hearts
Unbearably light and low………
   In the Dark of the Hearts
 wisteria melts its colour in the snow
avanlanch is not for the maniac
I squint from the dark
I see the rattling plastic bags in the caravan
I am not sure of the Together of your hippodrome
on the other side;
is just a war memorial
a view with
an Attitude
in a radical flight
Wings grow later after the delivery
still fledgling
as that is not a farewell because
we have not met yet.
 rainbow testifies itself in the valley
as night approaches
what we need is a dialogue
under the blue winter sky
BEFORE it get ugly
Just when the cloud draws a sketch of Innocence and Indolence
In the dark of the hearts
  Sick colours are manipulated off a Space
Whiteness stabs into a concept called Love
Violence twists the Flesh of a Child
It swallows the flagrance of the Breast Myth
Milk full-cream stalks our Flirts
 Screams are sick on the Hospital beds
Screech is a dagger
Through the Room unfettered
 The yellow fluids frightens the Horse tails
Copper’s baton.whistles.pistols
Kiss’s women mop up the Red dreams
 Chaos expands
Ambiguity sink in the sands
Repressing the Hell of flirting
It tells…
    Smoked lives
Nothing new will happen
Some scattered thoughts of the No.! vision from the
Atlantis is 101
Navy man smothers the young kisses of Fear
Over herself,, monitored,, is
Money substitutes of Credits and Debts is
H/er story
A strings of histories attaches to the Kite with
Five wings of rings, which is the Olympia Uprising,
Something is left and someone is reigning
Bland is the streamline of convey belt
Bitter cave of naves
Are shone in a beam
    Speaks aloud spoken
- the endless wait…
with me sitting back of the Hill
protruding into the Blackness of a swan
Estuary ~
The down-trodden and mentally disturbed youth;
Ready for a Ride into the heaven of cells of hundreds of
Years confinement with the Megalithic
Monument in the Memoria of this Lonely Planets of a
Anchored for the Karma Tantra Mundra and Yantra
It is telling something somehow in Silence
Decline and reclines of Postures are those Demons’ Dances
 Spelt under the Sky we try to tell a
Story; psychic group are weary of the
Glances of those strangers
It is hard to guess –
All is too quick for a lonely gunman
   The grim cloud destroy the angst-driven alcoholic
Only temporary
Transitory is the soft light mix a Fix of noisy Uneasiness
The hue is an happy face
The saturation is a skirt
Is our future a Dream?
A girl opposite to the Chord is expecting
The prelude which is the Impulse
Suddenly the Bats glide in the Night of Phantom of
I woke up
In fright I saw an Embroidery Silk Shoe
Please do not frown
The guilt has turned into the Water Organic
 Ripples is expanding in Virtuality
In Memoria, your facet is in love with the Distance?
Of a Poetic Decease that is
Vomiting the Sorrow of Longevity
Vomiting the Yesteryear’s Shadow
Plus the menstrual blood and filth
It is not the refusal of Hate
The forms and shapes of cloud on the edge of the Sky and You
Has vapoured a red stain in the Idea
I saw you are stripped naked streaking among the Walker and Talkers
In the marble cold Square
- as Shadows of ghosts are stalking you
- since the Law is slightly different to the Morality
 Then the emotional clashes mutate into the Tumour in the Brains
    The lanterns burst in flames
Up to the starry sky;
Wasted, tasted…
The memories of us, now and then
It’s only 40.41.42 and 43 years
Smothered are your constant stares of Emptiness
Smirks and sleeps of a visionary Image of destitude Mist
Are gone with the Wind
It flies high
As we swam down the tide
As it was drizzling.
    The method of slow discovery
 I did not know why before…
The only bliss
Day in and day out…
Mistresses squeal on the Industrial Debris
The Medieval Myth somewhat has wrecked itself
Into a Rubble
Crumble and tumble so far
Night in and night out
People are gossiping the Bottom Line Murder and its Compulsion…
The Doom has its end
Currently ---
We are against the Waves of Raves of indifference
We are against the meaningless freeze of Existence
We are against ---
Life is but a course of action and no-action and non-action…
They again start to brag about the Ruse of Reason and the cause-and-effect
 Trains hisses and fizzes in the Metalicaland
The invisible melody is triste of Sorrow and Pieta
Standing is the Constructed Pile Driver Machine
In far and wide footling lands in the Nightmares of Drum beats of
Now, the Images of a dark night has set in
Cobalt moonlight chaser the Drizzles of
Universe and the Meditation of Tranquility
 I am longing for…
 But It is only a course of certain kind
A Trip of hearts’ journey!
    The shopping spree is stronger than the Digital Desire
People are shrieking
The pollen floats over the soil of Fences
They have a running nose
The spring’s storm is a telephone buzz vanishing in the
Voltage current of the Trams
They are vocalising
We don’t need anything
As the Cat is tasting the cans from the Supermarket
 The bones downstairs connects with my Hands
There is an Entrance Door of a scene of
That was not a reason
Indulgence is not a justifying season
 Breathing hard…
Puffs of some cuffs
 The finger-nails of Positive and Negative are reduced to
Only the dialectic pierce is tender
Dancing full moon is fictitious seven strings
The chord is wonderful
However, their Fear and Threats, still…
Then we are all posing a gesture of Danger
 Life is sweet who would wish to die?
It is the raindrops hitting the Iceberg of the Antarctica
Smile is doubt
Sometimes they need calamity
Of being Calm
Fearless flames unite our Tenderness
The realistic tradition is no infinity
The transaction monetary is not telling a Story
It is but a course
   The shrunk gum of Teeth shone the Sunny craze
In the telephone rings
Sturdy shade is short
In the Sky of Sorrow
Illustrating our Rings of Survivals
The moustache and goatees don’t intent to argue with
Emptiness and Blankness
We met in between the Paranoid’s Rant, Slap-across-the-Faces and photos
Languages stresses your Rouge’n’Noir
When my field of Hearts is being irrigated
 Fallacy is a Medusa shakily drifting around and around
Our regrets are the early experiences and courses of Production
 3 Rant
A free-verse rant like the freckled digits of yesteryear
 The vials of your jelly, across the deck of the insidious creases
Into the hearts of your ac/dc melody
The position is upset
Down the north by south-west, that is our feet direction
While we are wasted in our heads
In the sky !
The polar magnetics attract each other as if in the
Classroom of experimental in the School
Since the steam engine and electric theories were powered
Propelled and sailed Like the dark varrukers Anarchy
Without tanks, fishes and the bullets I bitten
A belt a pistol and the graveyard’s hierarchy
The skins and records
On the turn-tables spin over since the Summer of a four
Not because we are born for the Facts of Roots
Something is pretty dry
Something is moistened
Something is deep underground,
  Thick dark hair expose your Hands of Azalea Red
Butterflies flutter the Sweet Life
Only the Past of Mountains hook up the Soul
You said, my stares are a bit sore
Your perfume is smelt like a font of Phantom
Your belongings is smelt  here  and  Now
I said something
You said,,
 Withered sunflowers project over the Earth
Is the mad woman
In elongated limps mermaids by the Sea
Shells breathe
Is proportioned to the Flirt
Rifle points to the Vagina of the Girdle
That is a Desert Scenery
In vague.,
 Woke up in the sirens of ambulance and Lullabies
The chords complete are curvaceous
Re-constructed sounds creates another 17
Discordant notes actions of Thoughts are another Praise Song
Beauty is unified and pulled
Beauty is not important here
    This is the monologue of a clown
Olympic committee is holding a conference in Sydney
Utopia has a Gang of Five and its members
The extreme confession owns a Past
Today the weather is nice, very nice
The forecast does not predict that of tomorrow
The theory is grey; the pure is takes of some film shots
Please drink the running water after you wash your hands
It is difficult to find the Water in the desert
Although the running water is bleached,
We can release ourselves in the W.C. of the cinema
The discourse of the Power represent a few Buddha statues, bodisattvas and Dories
The operas have got its tune and beat; vacant and lonely
Criterion, critic plus the footnote and commentary are superb.
Colourful environment is beneficial to the Personal Hygiene
Times has changed and men and women are equal
Aunt Guo has just opened an Auto repair Shop
The technicians are busy working
I gave the Car to the boss to relax
Step forward a bit…
Many problems can not be solved straight away
Returning to the Grassland is not impossible
Equality is always centred ; central is -
Anyhow this is a simple fact.
  Until now we chatted
There is a polluted river
Talk is cheap
Words’ goal is one.
The beast in the cage tears apart the rod
For the sake of Love and Scold
Where is the Ideal and Passion?
Lets start to mention the Fear
The smashed guitar openly announces in full mouth
This is not an unreplaced melody
Her throat was slit with a steel wire.
Gimme pleasure
  Vanishing faces of red and green
The lies on the Side
Drifting away from the Shore
Of my floating mortal coil
Snoozes in the copulation of Flesh and Death
Being here and now
Redenvouz in the Other Space
I touched your lips
The facial is gone in the Morning
Another is the trouble of another
It is just a mistake
Blinking melancholy of Lips
Kissing the stairway to the Vain Hope
My wishes are dirt cheap
   With you, in the Square
 Heat wobbles through your swathe of Memory
Groan,purring and growl smut the Dark
Edge that eats up the 69 poses
Waves no longer imitate the mechanic
There were no Love lotion in your
night in, night out...
day by day...
Ambient embraces
Shout us a fairy tale of Floss
The nymphs swim and slither over
my Ocean
 day in, night out...
We are together longing for the throbs of
Negation of a Non-space
Serpent's colours and shapes
Mark and reveal the Images
Phenomenon, which are
Heat will be with us tonight
In your square
   A Phantom in the Creek
 Ye! The Phantom  is at the arm's length
In my Spright the elf of Anna coles
Haunts the Bits and Bytes of the I.T.
A superhighway of Desires
Indolence is the 18 years old with a Top Gun
Crashed and smashed into the buffalo
Over the rocks of the Solitude
 Yes! The Phantom is looming in the masquerade
With mercy, melancholy and magarain
A tongue licks fast on the Brim
The cloud of your forlorn eyes
Emotions of a 1967 erotica
Simply twists and turns
Only a U-turn recalls the Pieta, Vanitas and Las Vagas
 Yeah! The Phantom is away on the window of the Desert
Our sorrow casts a shadow of Grimace
Over the Psyche, in the name of the Death, Poesy
Nights vapours the flies that
Sneak into our smell
Indolence is a sad washing machine
  no no no
in the trenches of the gunshot wounds
remembrance is the domestic civil war
the parade of Woman's Red Brigade march into
the catwalks of Light Blue sore
such was the dialogue of Freedom Village
 mayhem it was
 Still reek of the disfigured and burned soldiers
Piled in the Square parade
Flag sings in  the Plastic Flowers of dolls
Still aligned to the Meridian of the Zodiac for sure
Time froze till
A romp with the spectators
Is too much of a goose
Gliding into your Oblivion
 Tragedy it was
 Backward glances+flashbacks+demigod status
approximately equals the Sorrow
Of the Nuclear Mushroom cloud flirting
Yes it is true that love can not be borrowed
 Armour it was !
 no no no
in the trenches of the gunshot wounds
remembrance is the domestic civil war
the parade of Woman's Red Brigade march into
the catwalks of Light Blue sore
such was the dialogue of Freedom Village
 mayhem it was
 Still reek of the disfigured and burned soldiers
Piled in the Square parade
Flag sings in  the Plastic Flowers of dolls
Still aligned to the Meridian of the Zodiac for sure
Time froze till
A romp with the spectators
Is too much of a goose
Gliding into your Oblivion
 Tragedy it was
 Backward glances+flashbacks+demigod status
approximately equals the Sorrow
Of the Nuclear Mushroom cloud flirting
Yes it is true that love can not be borrowed
 Armour it was !
  untitled 171108
 means of engaging with human rights status quo by willingly taking over the
good intentions of neo-liberal state
it has increasingly withdrawn the focus strictly on art's content
to fill the gaps left with reasons why a number of co-ordinated donations
and freedom cultural and its destruction of its collections of
a collective concern
human rights struggles long after its occurence, its maintenance
it has been a collaboration's goal
successes thus depends on a concentrated
respects for different intents
and psyche, immersive drones of two-pieces
themselves, their own benefits
and recordings
the project really took off
what has been documented here is only scrapings
applicable to Spanish Magic and other factors
either in abundance or sadly
it zeros in on the process
not something more Spanish magic
lo-fi duo win over the sinks to heil spirits
and the missing links
rock the horse in 2008
80's might not have stood a chance
only time will tell.
 to discover the tactics is to rediscover 465 of disused railway yards
of darling harbour and the sound of Sounds
unpoliced and unregulated in a way
the textures are shared
neoliberal going there
and traction of each in the glosses
 an incredible band and a lots of bands
  You say, I say
 to pixy
 mermaids swim against
the wind in the sky
along the ocean road of pains
ages of expectation lie by your side
 slithering was your scarlet impressed
writhe-ring flowers had me arrested
waiting is a mind game
my heart sadden timid and tame
 dance dance to the bass beats
our imaginations perform best feats
wicked are those sublime fairies
submarine seewees twist my beings hairy
 wisteria creeps up your heart of walls
wedges squeeze your very angle of falls
my love cream molten away
be a smooth operator, you say
be a smooth operator, I say
  YOU vibrate to the beats of a solo act
my kunadili is risen to the
swirls of an Union
twirls of the Ruptures
surrendering the surrendered
 I can feel your Cosmic Dance
Returned to the loop of a Resonance
Rotated to the Total Embrace of Succulence
Peach-flowers have been
In bloom
In the fields of
 In the steam there is a tune
A melody swishing in the mountains of Love
Pieta and Melancholy and
Your face
 YOU vibrate to the feats of our Imagination
In this mortal coil
An act without audience
In silence
Heart against heart
Heavy pounding and thudding provoke the Providence
Of a taste
 I can not yell that I LOVE YOU
Because you are so far away in the Gaze
I can not yell that I LOVE YOU dream-lover
Because you are so close in the Glaze
 So its resonated again over again in our Cosmic
Dance of a trance
 4 Seals
 Seals of our six’n’sevens are stamped onto our vulnerable skins
Love is evolving
All we need is evoling Love
Objective in a subjunctive mood
Installed is the Object Love that circulates around
Such are your poses, your stains and pains
The florescent tubes brighten and dim the horns of the
Colourful ghosts runs
Thus, the rashes of our Spectrum rant in the Concrete Boxes
Thus, the innuendo of our Love is rejected, refused and gagged
   Smouldering is our Love
Smoke is far away
It is destructive no more, you say
Come on
Groan and grunt were 12 years ago
Mystery was coming
Artery I felt and your veins I witnessed
 Smouldering was the Past in present tense
Future is now and
Our futuristic worries smother a Thought
Mother tongue was arbitrary
So a spirit translates itself in the Court of Poetic Justice
After all it wasn’t a crime being a Smooth Co-ordinator
   As we approached the Fed Square not Time Square nor the Red Square,
Fifteen degree
The funny fanny wedges away like the balloons of Orlando
So I looked back and saw a Wolf; Mum is talking again to me
Wicked laughs echoed in a Six_Dimensional Seascape
So I looked back over again
Nothing but a cat was teasing, purring and tantalizing the crowd
And the Rising Cobra
Music was mesmerising around us
They were pretty clicky
Then we tried hard to be nitty-gritty
The moon would not tell us all
Only the toad in the sugar-cane field illuminated
 having acted out to kill a mp
people start to believe a 'bad trip'
constitutional wisdom is equal to black
that is white and that is black
fallen angels are being tempted by underground
propaganda, that is:
100% beef topside mince $4.49 a kilo
chicken wings $4.99 a kilo
lamb legs $4.99 a kilo
BBQ thick sausage $1.99 a kilo
lean round steak $5.99 a kilo
tender bone steak $7.99 a kilo
corned silverside $5.99 a kilo
sirloin steak $5.99 a kilo
rump steak $5.99 a kilo
scotch fillet $9.99 a kilo
 - human intestines stir-fried with a bit of red wine -
I shouted
Intellectuals are flayed
Nine peasants are roasted
As my soul is cheap in Glebe morgue
  Since the trumpets and trombones were blown……
 Feeling are the wings clipped as the sea-gals glide across the Y river
We went up to the balcony of the lounge
Thursday Thursday nights were the darkness of silence
After the underground had the times changed in the wind
In the names of the tainted Love
Uneasiness jumps jams and jinxes at the intersection of
A path:
Our hearts of wails remorse and wrinkles of a hidden Angst
Pumped 70 times per minute
When you rode the pony
When you were young
When we showered off the aftermath of responsibilities well-beings
And crises
 It is called…
It is called…
In the vicinity of our Brittle Dreams which are scaffolding a
Framework of the futuristic noisy tantrum
It was called as
The wind, trumpets and trombones were blown…
  I screamed into the Void
and discovered the Real you
Reflected in the constant reminder of
a longing for the Future
 Your Uranus curve girdles our special dimension
In the Cyberspace without your portraiture of a
Concrete is the music
Yet the trip is beyond our Galaxy
Resonance is the sound without feelings
In the mist of our evening twilight
Here comes the rain again.
Here comes the rain again !
 In the darkness of some aesthetic of Saxophone,
Surfaces of sensualities and shapes of Danger's
Freedom looms around
We will set free again
In the wildness of some kooky memories of Spoken words spoken,
Fog of uncertainties now and then...
Being affected has no reasons at all.
  In our slumbers there once was a story
Not to be told
Your yellow smileys are coming as a grimace of
The pace of walking into the Unknown
A ghostly spectrum of mists in the early evenings
Looming in the Distance
 Smile is your face of Flowers longing for the Radiance
Oh! Something is in the way
Our experimental stares are timid
 The dark cloud dissolve some entities of elves
As I fainted over and over on the ground
Why don't we dance to the wild beats ourselves
Because last night I went up there but never found
Your moon-lit face was sunken in the tainted mirth
As I've been waiting for a tantalizing kiss
Yet what I am left is dull and plain piss
Maybe you know too well the ecstasy of pains of birth
As a sprinkle of morning dew will cleanse off painted filth
Since the congealed blood scarlet evokes to my lost mind
- Loneliness of longings and belongs within it dwells
With elf, nymph and pixy flying low
Advertising something special and spectacular for sell
Love's shadow of lust tilts from toe to toe
Ah! the purple haze shrouds your beguiling souls!
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2libras · 5 years
NDN Homopoetics
1. I hoard dirt in my ears; months later, I pull out a summer dress. The dress is not a dress to be worn but to be hung, like a flag on a wobbly pole that is noticed only when crowded in the mouths of those near it. The dress is not a dress to be worn but to be hung, like an NDN condemned to death by the judiciary of historical ignorance, an enactment of white fellowship and care. We all bear the dress, not as an article of clothing, but as an ontological imprint. To bear is not to wear, of course. To bear and to birth, however, are from the same neighborhood of experience. It is there, in the neighborhood of experience, that my childhood home is nowhere to be found. And so, my childhood home could be anything, even a dress made out of dirt. 
 2. Boy becomes a 3-D printing of a man. It brings me comfort to think of my gender as a farmer’s field already rototilled, already cleaned up. I become less of who I am by the second. Look at the branches growing from my teeth! Then there’s the mare, tipsy on me, grazing to no end. If I were to speak, I’d sound like a cracked windshield, typo-ridden. These 206 lonely bones have each gained a type of consciousness; they pretend not to harbor hard feelings about me, my ungodly molecularity. What can I say about my shadow? It loves the unlit street more than it does me. Sometimes a body is that which happens to you. Everyday, dime-sized holes proliferate on my flesh, as if I were trying to free myself from myself. I will go on like this forever: with the earth ringing in my chest. 
 3. I am a body of knowledge, not one of chemical compounds. Which is to say that I live as ideas do. This is the fate of NDNs. It is on the rez that one can hear sentences speak as though in a chorus. To tear the page is to tear our world apart. What shame to be a sentence on its knees! The day I obtained my driver’s license, I followed a cumulus cloud through a maze of dirt roads until it evaporated. Forty minutes. That was all it took. I bore witness. It did not ask this of me, but I wanted to keep watch of the dying everywhere, so I could figure out how to care for a bleeding sentence. 
4. What to an NDN is the intrinsic goodness of mankind? Maybe justice is a lover who regurgitates the English language so it comes back sweeter. Canada, why are your elevators filled with mud water? What is it about a palm that makes a country feel like a garden? I dug and dug. I pulled out a bouquet of skyscrapers. I kissed each window softly. Is this not what an NDN does in a poem?
0 notes
bomb-cyclone · 4 years
NDN homopoetics
Billy-Rae Belcourt, 2019
I hoard dirt in my ears; months later, I pull out a summer dress. The dress is not a dress to be worn but to be hung, like a flag on a wobbly pole that is noticed only when crowded in the mouths of those near it. The dress is not a dress to be worn but to be hung, like an NDN condemned to death by the judiciary of historical ignorance, an enactment of white fellowship and care. We all bear the dress, not as an article of clothing, but as an ontological imprint. To bear is not to wear, of course. To bear and to birth, however, are from the same neighborhood of experience. It is there, in the neighborhood of experience, that my childhood home is nowhere to be found. And so, my childhood home could be anything, even a dress made out of dirt.
Boy becomes a 3-D printing of a man. It brings me comfort to think of my gender as a farmer’s field already rototilled, already cleaned up. I become less of who I am by the second. Look at the branches growing from my teeth! Then there’s the mare, tipsy on me, grazing to no end. If I were to speak, I’d sound like a cracked windshield, typo-ridden. These 206 lonely bones have each gained a type of consciousness; they pretend not to harbor hard feelings about me, my ungodly molecularity. What can I say about my shadow? It loves the unlit street more than it does me. Sometimes a body is that which happens to you. Everyday, dime-sized holes proliferate on my flesh, as if I were trying to free myself from myself. I will go on like this forever: with the earth ringing in my chest.
I am a body of knowledge, not one of chemical compounds. Which is to say that I live as ideas do. This is the fate of NDNs. It is on the rez that one can hear sentences speak as though in a chorus. To tear the page is to tear our world apart. What shame to be a sentence on its knees! The day I obtained my driver’s license, I followed a cumulus cloud through a maze of dirt roads until it evaporated. Forty minutes. That was all it took. I bore witness. It did not ask this of me, but I wanted to keep watch of the dying everywhere, so I could figure out how to care for a bleeding sentence.
What to an NDN is the intrinsic goodness of mankind? Maybe justice is a lover who regurgitates the English language so it comes back sweeter. Canada, why are your elevators filled with mud water? What is it about a palm that makes a country feel like a garden? I dug and dug. I pulled out a bouquet of skyscrapers. I kissed each window softly. Is this not what an NDN does in a poem?
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