#completely misunderstanding that everybody is gonna be disabled some day
kinnoth · 1 year
Disclaimer that I am not a weeb but like
Every time some news story comes out about how "wow, Japanese sports fans clean up after themselves in foreign stadium!" Or "wow, Japanese people took to the streets with their own cleaning supplies after earthquake!" etc etc there is inevitably a bunch of Americans who are like "wah, we could never have that in our country bc we're shit :("
And it's like my brothers in Christ, American culture reviles the idea of service work, in any capacity. You're the people who regard cleaners and caretakers to be the lowest rung of our society. You're the "haha you're so dumb you're gonna be a garbage man when you grow up" people. You're the "leave the mess, it's the waiter's job to clean it up" people. You're the "I am definitely ambulatory but it's my nurse's job to take care of me so it's my right to shit my pants" people.
You're the "I won't wear a mask; it's not my problem if I get strangers sick" people
Like you know who would absolutely have a menty b if we brought the idea of collective caretaking to this country? Fucking you guys.
In Japan, they have their kids do custodial duty every day after school to promote the idea that the school is the student body's ownership and responsibility.
Try handing a broom to baby Timmy and watch Timmy's mommy and daddy immediately pull him out of school because how dare you denigrate my child like this and treat him like some sort of disgusting janitor, oh my god, don't you know my children are above doing such things like caring for a collective space? Don't you know that only people we treat like shit clean up after other people? Are you implying that my Timmy is someone we should treat like shit?
Like rah rah individualism, whatever, but damn, reap it fellas, reap that sow
(This is also, ironically, why mothers are oftentimes the least respected members of a household, because who cleans up after you? Not me, I'm not your mom)
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