#compact power rents
puckettrents · 1 year
Puckett Rents has a vast assortment of compactors for rent, including Cat and complimentary brands like Wacker Neuson, Multiquip, and others. We have items for rent that will allow you to take on practically any project, from powerful pneumatic rollers like the Cat PS360C to hand-operated rammers and plate compactors. To know more visit https://puckettrents.com/rental/equipment/compaction/
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syoddeye · 8 months
the reward
ceo!price x reader / ~2.5k words
This can be considered the first half of part 4 of Business or Pleasure? my lil ceo!price x reader side project. Please enjoy! 🖤
Parts 1, 2, and 3
CW: hinted possessiveness, power imbalance, alcohol
The reward was never a choice. Cute, in hindsight, how you thought it was and politely declined to exit the car. 
Mr. Price squashed your resolve with one look. Both of his eyebrows raised in an expression of almost tired disbelief, mouth a firm line, and a disapproving sound pushing through it. "Hmm. You sure? Store's open just for us, y'really going to make them stay on longer?"
Sufficiently guilt-tripped, you concede.
You expect the pair of sales associates to be miffed, all tight smiles and wringing hands, for working past posted hours. They are not. Quite the opposite. It makes you wonder the true reach of the man beside you. 
John ushers you past the display of tote bags in the front of the store. 
You try to protest. "But they're the most useful type here. The others are impractical."
You try to reason. "I can use it for work. For travel. See, my laptop will fit."
You want something closer to the reliable carry-all you currently own. He clicks his tongue as if you are an unruly pet, affectionately scolding. "You're not walking out of here 'til you pick something impractical. Think of it as an indulgence."
You are left to reluctantly marvel at the rows of clutches and handbags. They sit under warm, glowing lights designed to underscore the soft luster of their leather. The kind of brand to hide the price tags, you silently make estimates as you peruse. Just one could pay two month's rent.
A sales associate sidles up when you linger too long near a pinkish-gray, compact handbag. Her voice is low and bubbly, explaining the history of the silhouette and model, the leather and detailing. She shows the optional shoulder strap, threads it over your side, and insists you look in the mirror. Feels funny using a full-body mirror for an accessory, but it does make you like it more. A nicer outfit and you could pass for a real customer.
You meet John's gaze in the reflection. Comfortably settled in one of the shop's armchairs, he smiles languorously and nods.
Before you know it, John offers a shiny metal card to the associate, and you walk out of the store with a four-digit handbag. 
In the car, it's as if nothing happened. John returns to his phone and padfolio, all business, and you sit slightly dumbfounded cradling a shopping bag. Whiplash does not even begin to cover the feeling.
He likes you, has to. Men, no matter how wealthy, do not spend this amount of money on people they do not care for. It is not your experience, at least. The gift is troubling, though. What precisely does it mean? What did drinks mean? What does his requisitioning you from Kyle mean? You've seen this show before, and it never ends well.
When the car pulls onto your street, it is fuel on the fire. Of course, John has access to employee information; you try not to dwell on the fact he shouldn't use it; there are policies against that. Clearly, he is not one for rules.
When Alex opens your door, John is on the phone, looking out his window. You make a split-second decision. You gather your things, murmur a goodbye, and then climb out of the car. Locking eyes with the bodyguard, you take advantage of his friendliness and mirror his warm energy. It works. Distracted, he does not notice the shopping bag left at the foot of your seat.
But John does. He calls your name as you attempt to distance yourself from the car, stopping you in your tracks.
"Forgetting something?"
Flustered and foiled, you retrieve the shopping bag. He smiles amusedly from his seat.
"Email me the notes. See you Monday, love."
"You're hiding something." 
"Jordan, please. I've barely touched my coffee."
"There's got to be more to it," Jordan whispers excitedly over the edge of your desk, ignoring your withering look. 
You do not lift your gaze from the packed, colorful calendar on the screen. "Like I told you over text and FaceTime, that's it. Mr. Price only needed me for notes for a partner meeting. He was impressed by the summary I wrote up for Kyle about Project Intercontinental."
As if summoned, a message pops up on screen. 
kgarrick - online
> Need to speak with you about meeting the technology directors.
What meeting? He's already met with them this quarter. Nevertheless, you stand and smooth your skirt. "Boss man needs me, talk later?"
The other woman huffs. "Yeah, yeah. Talk later."
You slip into Kyle's office and shut the door. "What's this about the tech directors?"
Kyle smiles, but it does not quite reach his eyes. He gestures to the padded lounge chair across his desk. "Please."
Pins and needles. This was not about the directors. 
"O…kay." You sink into the chair, back straight as a board. 
He takes a moment to lean forward on his desk, elbows resting on the surface, one hand rubbing the knuckles of the other. "I understand John took you to meet with Graves."
"Yes, I was under the impression you knew." The fear that Price possibly lied about that instantly surfaces.
"I knew, told him it was fine. I'm curious about your first impression.
So that's it. Kyle wants to know more about the new contractor. You relax a bit and recall the sportive, if not roguish American. "Oh. Well, he is certainly different. I am curious if his company's style will align with ours, given how–"
Kyle raises a hand to stop you, and his smile is almost pained. "No, sorry, I meant John."
Your eyes widen a little in surprise. Crossing your legs, you force your fingers to lace around a knee. "I see. Um, he's...Assertive."
It prompts a snort of laughter, seemingly breaking Kyle's odd nervousness. "Sorry, go on."
Pursing your lips a moment, you tread carefully. "Perhaps 'confident' is the better term," It isn't. It is kinder. "Strategic and intelligent." Strategic in how he basically used you and intelligent but clueless with office equipment. You think to tag on 'generous', but rather not be forced to explain.
Kyle chuckles, and his grin slowly returns to an uncertain curve. "Did he talk to you much?"
Yes and no. Yet, what was the correct response? 'Yes, Kyle, and he admitted to using me as the adult equivalent of a ring of keys to a toddler or monkey to gauge Mr. Graves's attentiveness. Oh, and this was after he described my clothing in detail over the phone to an unknown party. Did I mention the five thousand pound gift back at my flat?' Complete honesty was out of the question.
"He did not ignore me. We had a polite conversation."
"Did he say anything about me? Ask?"
You smirk. "Only that you gave him your blessing."
The spot of levity is lost on him. Your smirk fades.
Kyle almost looks worried. "And he…He didn't…"
Your face heats. What does he know? Does he know about drinks? The message? The handbag? The conversation teeters into minefield territory. You play dumb. Best to let him get out with it. "What?" 
"He didn't ask you to move over to his desk full-time?"
Relief floods your worried nerves, quelling the fretful thing in your chest. You understand now. Kyle doesn't want to lose his assistant. Your smile nearly splits your face. "No, he did not."
The man slumps some and chuckles. "Excellent. Had me worried. I don't think either of us could refuse if he asked, y'know."
That is a discomforting piece of knowledge.
"I still would," You reassure, lean forward, and tap the surface of his desk. "Now. Was that all? I don't know about you, but I've got work to do." 
He shakes his head. "No, but you tell me if he tries to snipe you, yeah?" 
The earnestness throws you, despite how accustomed you've grown to it during your tenure. It makes keeping this thing with Price a secret all the more difficult.
"Of course. Now. Message me when you decide on lunch, dates for the Mexico trip, and what you'd like to give me for my fifth anniversary since I know you've already forgotten."
"Shit. That's–?"
"Next Monday."
"Pick out something nice."
And you will. Just not Moynat nice.
The rest of Monday keeps you hellishly occupied. Your head's above water for the first time in the day, and it's nearly quitting time. Kyle's off at his last appointment, some check-in meeting on tax season preparations, when you power off your desktop. You slip on your coat, pack your bag, and discreetly slip off to the elevators. There's time to beat the evening rush.
The elevator arrives from a higher floor and for a moment, you briefly consider diving out of view. You come face-to-face with Alex and behind him, Mr. Price. Both of their faces shift for different reasons.
"Miss," Alex drawls. 
You give the bodyguard a rigid smile, then glance at your employer. 
"Going down?"
"I can–"
Alex holds the elevator doors open when they try to close, his smile warm and clueless. "C'mon in."
Price speaks when the car starts to descend. "You're not using your new bag."
Your eyes flick to Alex's back then focus on the LED panel indicating the floor. It feels inappropriate to talk about it in front of the other man, despite his presence on the 'errand'. 
"I can't."
"Something wrong with it?"
"Yes, it's too nice."
Price chuckles and Alex's shoulders shudder in a clear attempt to suppress a laugh. 
"I fail to see how that's a problem."
"Mr. Price, while my compensation is fair," You continue carefully, still avoiding looking at him. "It is not within my budget to afford luxury brands. If I turn up to the office with that nice of a bag, all of a sudden, people would talk. And besides, it's my bag, and I decided it is not for work."
You don't miss how he ignores the first part of your answer. "What's it for, then?"
Do not look at him. Oh, what you would do for the elevator to stop.
"Socializing," He repeats, elongating the word as if it's in a foreign language. "Dates?"
He has to be deliberately trying to get under your skin.
"Yes," A single word. A confirmation and a warning. 
"Go on many of those?" 
Even Alex tenses, back muscles tightening beneath his suit jacket. Your head finally snaps toward Price, who, irritatingly, wears a controlled smile.
"Yes," You answer again and push through the absurd embarrassment. "My fair share."
He hums. "Your anniversary with us is next Monday, yeah?"
The sudden change in topic does not bode well. "Yes, sir." 
"You free Friday?"
The lie is out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. "I have a date this Friday." Whatever this baffling situation is between you, it needs to stop. Should've all the way back at the malfunctioning copier. He does not need to know your 'date' is celebratory drinks with Jordan. You just need him to drop it. 
It's as if the elevator car turns into an icebox. The mirth bleeds from Price's gaze, but his smile remains. "And Saturday?"
There is a tacit warning in his tone. In the slight turn of Alex's head in your periphery. Your mouth dries, and you swallow hard.
"I'm free on Saturday."
The lights come back on in his eyes, and miraculously, the car reaches the lobby. "Wonderful to hear. Pick you up at eight."
Alex steps aside to let you out. 
"Have a good evening, miss," the bodyguard says softly as you pass before hitting the number for your office's floor to head back upstairs.
You meet eyes with Price as the doors close, and a shiver runs down your spine. It's unsettling. You can't tell if it was good or bad.
Thankfully, you do not run into Mr. Price the rest of the week. You take care not to. If Kyle suspects something from your excuses to sit out on meetings, avoiding any whiffs of the CEO, he says nothing. When you leave on Friday to meet Jordan, you take the stairs all the way down to the lobby and claim exercise. She wrinkles her nose at the idea of trekking a half hour away to a pub closer to yours, but after the first two rounds, she forgets her griping. 
And after four rounds, you forget yourself. You slip up.
Giggling, you sip your gin and tonic, poking at the lime wedge. "The bartender reminds me of the place I went to with John–" 
The way Jordan's face lights up makes you try to backpedal, but it's too late. 
Her voice slurs some, part alcohol and part explosive excitement. "Waitwaitwait. John? Like capital 'J' John? Not my John? What place? When? Whatdoyoumean?!"
Through no small amount of lovable torment, she coaxes the story out. It is heavily redacted despite your inebriation, but now she knows. And she is not known for her tight-lippedness.
"Swear on your mother, you won't breathe a word."
"I swear."
"'Cause I'll tell MacTavish you steal–"
"I swear. Now. What are you going to wear for your date?"
Only then does it hit you: you know nothing about this…'date'. If it's anything like the other places you've accompanied him, it's somewhere beyond your wallet and comprehension.
Jordan might as well sit on your shoulder, the devil. "Message him. Ask. Bet it won't matter by the end of the evening."
"Shut it, I'm not gonna message him."
Yet, on the ride home in the taxi, you do. It takes a few tries, with the drunkenness making everything fuzzy and sluggish.
johnprice - invisible
Hi, what should i wear tomorrow?
It's late. You don't expect a reply. The phone nearly launches out of your hand when he swiftly messages back.
> Something nice. I liked the green dress.
The dress from the Christmas party. He remembered. Clearly, it made an impression, given his current fascination. Before you can respond, he messages again.
> Date go poorly?
> Might want to take this to text, love. Don't want to get chewed out for misuse of company resources.
He sends his personal number like it's nothing. Asks about your 'date' like it's nothing. Infuriatingly confusing man. Still, you save his contact information and switch platforms. You swear it's the gin moving your fingers, the liquid puppeteer.
Only texting because I wouldn't want to get you in trouble sir
And my date was wonderful
Were you possessed by a flirtatious spirit between the bar and cab?
> I wouldn't be the one getting into trouble.
Price is fishing for it. You oblige him.
What if I'm the trouble
It takes two, no, three minutes for him to reply. Worrying your lip, you think you've gone and royally fucked yourself now. Pushed the envelope too far, flew too close to the sun, all the turns of phrase. Then those three dots appear. You've really done it now.
> I know just what to do with you. 
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Chestnut Stud Across the Multiverse: Mother Russia’s Finest
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Zarya would be lying if she said she didn’t have mixed feelings about this current moment and time she was experiencing right now. Standing in some luxury penthouse bedroom in an outfit that quite frankly wouldn’t look out place on a run of the mill hooker working on a street corner. Looking herself over in the mirror,she had to admit it wasn't something she was usually comfy with wearing but she couldn't help but bite her lip sensually as her own reflection. Damn if she felt and looked sexy as all hell and the thought of what she'd be doing in this room in a moments time was making her tingly in all the right places. A surge of anticipation running up along her spine as she felt her cameltoe twitch and pulse, liquid pleasure threatening to flow and run down along her powerful meaty thighs thinking of what was to commence within this room. It was all so surreal, she was the pride of her homeland,a top ranked spec ops agent for dealing with threats terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Yet here she was on behalf of a favour to a co-worker’s wife as her thoughts were broken from hearing footsteps and muffled voices drawing in closer and closer to the door. Doing her best to make herself look sexy as she did a pose like for a pinup photo shoot and flexing for a bodybuilder contest. The door opening to reveal a certain Blonde bombshell and her compact husband entering.
18:trust me babe,this anniversary gift you are just gonna love.*her tone playful,teasing and seductive eeben while sincere,as she guided Krillin to the bedroom of the penthouse suite Bulma so generously rented for them. Taking delight in his expression at what he saw before him,the sight of Zarya,one of his co-workers from the SCPD spec ops division,dressed and done up like a whore.* zarya:*clears her throat as she more or less got into character,that exotic accent of hers adding some sensual spice* Good evening to you,handsome sir. Your lovely wife has brought here to fulfill your every need and desire.*biting her lip sensually at finding herself falling so easily into character,looking him over from hesd to toe* krillin:*jaw dropped,seeing zarya all like this,unable to say anything,leaving him wide open to 18 suddenly undoing his fly as she whipped out his cock for Zarya’s viewing pleasure* zarya:*bites her lip sensually at seeing dick in the naked flesh*oh my,she told me Yiu were very well endowed but this is something else for sure…. 18:she’s all yours handsome,remember no condoms,feel free to ehr romantic and there’s plenty of lube in the drawer if you need it*giving her man a peck kn the cheek as went and parked herself on a couch a few feet away from the bed,crossing her legs as she prepared to enjoy the show set to transpire.*
shaking his head as he got over his shock, Krillin rolled his eyes as he realised that once again, his kinky wife had gone out of his way to get laid with another woman. Well he would be lying if he was asked he’d thought of zarya in such ways and said no. The woman was a phsyical work of art, okay sure there were a lot of guys who said they weren’t into muscular women. But for a guy like Krillin, the amazonian beauty in women like Zarya was Something to behold, the curves and tits and ass of a pornstar combined with the powerful physique of a classical sculpture, as he made his way over to her. Her hooker outfit soon commando as she sensually grinned,blushjng as she peeled off her panties, leaving his five foot frame face level with her smooth, pretty pussy. To which he pressed his fsceace to as he began to kiss her slit, eating her out as zarya threw back her head to moan,clutching that smooth dome of his as her 6 foot 5 muscular form began to quiver and perspire. 18 licking her lips as she knew she was in for a good time,nothing was more erotic than when her man rolled with the momentum and seize initiative. Shamelessly pleasuring herself as she stripped herself naked, looking on as Zarya laid on the bed in the nude with Krillin. The exotic foreign muscle vixen holding him upside down as she suffocated herself on his cock, deepthroating him with abandon as her lips kissed his balls and his abs, neck bulging from his length sand girth while he held her hips in his grasp as he ate and made out with her pussy. Drinking up her nectar as it dazzled his tastebuds on his tongue, and this was just the foreplay.
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Zarya:oooooh fuuuuuck me yes yes yes!! Harder!, ahn fuck me zaika!! *calling Krillin her native tonfue’s word for rabbit or or bunny,as she laid on her back on the bed. Moaning wantonly as she held Krillin atop her,his hips bucking and plowing her in the classic missionary position. Her powerful legs wrapped around his compact Herculean body as he mad her become acquainted his sexual prowess first hand. Proving the wet dreams she’d been having of her co-worker had nothing on the real deal.* 18:*licked her lips and sensually bit her lip as she juggled her tits in one hand and plowed a warrior monk dildo into her pussy. This was the sort of encounter where nothing less than just watching her man fuck a woman all day and night until that alpha male clock and those heavy balls were fully drained and emptied with satisfaction. Knowing thst zarya would be left in a sweaty heap in the remains of a bed, her holes overflowing with excess jizz. Falling in love with her man all oer again at seeing the expression on his face. The look o man who tapped into that part of his brain, a caveman who was being countered by a bitch jn heat that desired to bare his seed.*
Zarya of course made sure 18 was getting her figurative money’s worth, so glad she hadn’t had any second thoughts about when the woman approached her,requesting her to be her husband’s “anniversary gift”. One of those quirky,kinky little traditions and surprises she did for him whenever the chance and opportunity presented themselves. The 6 foot 5 Amazon riding him in ro foreard and reverse cowgirl,showing off her thicc,curvy muscular form,posing for his pleasure as she flexed her muscles. Biceps swelling,triceps rippling, as he massaged her mesty abs,hips and thighs. Which made for a delight contrast with her plump,meaty tips and ass jiggling and bouncing, her skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. Drooling as she howled with deep throated moans and gasps, especially when she found herself on her hands and knees as her horny little zaika plowed her like the butch in heat she was reduced to. Eeping in delight when he would smack her ass,leaving the red sting of his palm marks on those meat buns. But of course Krillin was a thorough compact stud whi aimed to not only wreck and stuff the muscular hottie’s womb but also her ass and that dirty mouth of hers. From facefucking her as her head hung off the edge of the bed,tomkayinf soo her prone bone as he jackhammered her glorious ass with erotic intentions. The only orgasms she could meep track and count of being his,the delicious thrill when his dick erupted with his baby batter a sensation her brain didn’t become tire of, as the 6’5” Amazon the 5 foot short king went at it all day,long into the night.
come sunrise,the cries and echoes of their grunts and moans of passion were still going on,the bed was trashed,the scent of sweat and sex in the air. 18 hugging her man from behind,kissing him as she long since cast aside voyeurism to finally join in. Her blue eyes a king delight in seeing zarya pressed up against the wall. His hands grasping her ass as she had powerful arms and megs wrapped around her stud fox short king. Tongue out,drooling as her brain was fucked to the point of briefly stuck in butch jn heat mode,pink hesrts glowing in her eyes as the cyborg knew for certain,once again another fine hot piece of ass had fallen under the Krillin effect. How sweet it is….
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
It is not 7 am anymore but top 5 books read this year? 😄
I have read 44 books so far this year and most of them were very good so I don't know how I'm supposed to pick just 5 :'''D
in reverse chronological order
this is an utterly unhinged locked room sci-fi murder mystery retelling of Hamlet in which Horatio is an AI and he and Hamlet have a deeply co-dependent and sexual relationship. This book is exactly the kind of thing tumblr would eat up with a spoon, so tumblr pls get on this. The basic plot is: a deeply depressed and suicidal Hamlet (Hayden) is working on a formula that can make one immortal. He is obsessed with beating death. Then his dad is murdered and the labs go on lockdown and more people die because *gestures* Hamlet is Hamlet even when his name is Hayden, and Horatio the AI does his best to keep Hamlet alive and also be a voice of reason except he's too biased. By happenstance I had read this Hamlet/Faust crossover fic (Hemlock & Wine) before reading this book, and in this fic Hamlet is obsessed with necromancy and Horatio is trying to save him. it set the mood nicely. 
You know how in Hamlet everyone dies and at the end Horatio is the only one alive with Hamlet dead in his arms? What if I told you in this book it's reversed?
Dark, witchy, historical fantasy - set after WW1 on a fictional island off the Yorkshire coast, very 20s glam with a dark undercurrent. Witchcraft is banned, but Annie is a witch. when her father dies she inherits his house on Crow Island and goes over there to sort that out and rents a house next to what turns out to be a Den of Iniquity, not just because of the lavish parties with illegal (magical) substances but because it's queer. Then follows a dark plot involving a blood debt and necromancy and power hungry men (well, one power hungry man) and fragile old and new relationships and dark secrets and also Annie and Emmeline get accidentally magically bonded to each other (but also are in love/lust with each other) and look, I could not stop reading. 
listen I LOVE dragon books and I've read and loved everything L.R. Lam has written so when I heard an epic dragon fantasy was coming? I WAS STOKED. this is the first in I think a trilogy and it ticks all my boxes:
sentient dragons with their own history, language, society, etc
sexy dragons?? i didn't realise i needed sexy dragons until I read Aliette de Bodard's Dominion of the Fallen trilogy or the Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman, but hey. SEXY DRAGONS
queernorm world! our second protag Arcady is nonbinary and uses any pronouns, thank u for your service L.R. Lam
very cool world building and magic system 
I can't wait for book 2
look this post will explain everything. suffice to say: pretentious college students steal priceless art.
This is a kind of historical romance but it's fantasy and it doesn't follow conventional romance novel structure (I was SO nervous it wouldn't end happily because I didn't know what to expect from the narrative I was being given, but THANK GOD IT DID). it's very fantasy of manners. it makes a lot of pointed commentary about colonialism and colourism. it's absolutely lush. I love this book a lot, it was so engaging and gripping. the characters are allowed to be flawed and assholes and complex and weak and kind - it's very similar to sprawling historical/saga books with a large cast of people with conflicting wants and needs and scheming and tragedy and love and all that, but distilled into a neat compact package focusing on three people. It's not a long book, it's quite a slim volume for what it is, but it's perfectly paced so you don't notice that you're not actually reading a 900 page family saga.
other standalones I read this year that I think are WELL worth reading:
two series I read this year that I also absolutely loved
you know this post right?
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[image id: post by worflesbian on july 4 saying 'sci fi is when women in tank tops are covered in grease and sweat and are shouting at people and racing against time to save lives' reblogged by leafcrunch on july 13 with a screenshot addition of the tag #half a jumpsuit!!! you forgot half a jumpsuit!!!!']
this is that series. it is rebels in space overthrowing an evil space empire. it's all the worst bits of imperialism and colonialism and patriarchy distilled into one evil empire and all the best bits of firefly and star wars distilled into the rebellion. there are cool scifi science bits. this would be amazing as a two season series by competent tv makers, it's very cinematic in scope, but the characters are what give this life.
this is a family saga of a kind, set in medieval Russia during a time when Russia was being Christianised. I don't know how to explain this series because it's so complex and so rich. There is a main character - Vasya - but other characters also get POV sections. the first book takes quite a while before we even get to Vasya in 'the present' so to speak, this is a trilogy that isn't afraid of taking its time to tell a story. Vasya is a witch who can see/communicate with Russian 'folklore' spirits, these spirits are fading with the coming of Christianity. There is an unhinged priest, the winter king Morozko whom Vasya has an intense relationship with, Vasya's brother (a monk, based on a real person), Vasya's sister (married to the Tsar, a real person), and just...god, I don't know. I loved everything about this trilogy, the way it humanised historical figures, the way it didn't demonise either the folklore spirits (who are allowed to be non-human beings devoid of human morality! so refreshing) or the Christians, but rather conveyed how a time of upheaval like this had to have been very scary and tumultous. an absolute treat.
I did also read the entire Charm of Magpies series by KJ Charles including the spinoffs, which I really enjoyed.
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yourpicasso25 · 1 year
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Huge Fuji progres!
Almost all the lots are in place now. This is going to be a small, compact worls, but with a lot of lots, residential or otherwise.
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A farm, the future local TV/radio station...
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Future nectary, since I was happy to learn Japan does wine making too (I am watching a lot of documentaries)
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The business district, with a TS4 convertion from @aroundthesims because it has kois on the building!
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Local beach. Two lots so you will have a Beach and a small boat port to rent a swan or two
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Construction site since Japan love to rebuild!
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Something I'm not really sure about.... What EA gave us CAW wise is mostly Chinese (sort of). This is why I have si many lots, because we're a bit short on caw usacle stuf.
Speaking of wich, once I'm done with the lot thing, it's time to put on the detais: fish, grain creators an the likes.
An there is one thing I noticed in my Japan wiewing: ALL the power lines ecerywere!!
So I have Sandy convertion tetlepgone poses and Cyclone sue set, but do you gurs know if there are ather electris poles out these?
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You realy know you're in Japan once you see thise power loses everywhere.
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ideal-rent-a-car · 6 months
Audi Q6 e-tron EV SUV is here
With growing anticipation and palpable excitement, the Ideal Rent a Car Cluj office announces that Audi has finally unveiled its new electric SUV called the Q6 e-tron. This vehicle is a triumph of technological innovation and intelligent design, while embracing a sustainable philosophy and exceptional performance. In an automotive landscape increasingly dominated by electric mobility, the Q6 e-tron stands out as an expression of Audi's commitment to the sustainable future of transport. Strategically positioned between the Q4 and Q8 e-tron models, the Q6 e-tron occupies a central place in the brand's product line, offering a powerful electric alternative to traditional SUVs. In a segment where efficiency and performance meet, this luxury compact crossover establishes itself as a true pioneer, bringing together the latest technological innovations and sophisticated aesthetics.
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newdelhicarrentals · 1 month
Rent a car in new delhi
New Delhi, the bustling capital of India, is a city that never sleeps. Its vibrant streets, rich history, and modern charm offer a unique blend of experiences. Renting a car can be a convenient way to navigate this expansive city, giving you the flexibility to visit landmarks, explore hidden gems, and travel comfortably. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to make your car rental experience in New Delhi as smooth as possible.
Why Rent a Car in New Delhi?
Renting a car in New Delhi opens up a world of possibilities. Here's why you might consider it:
1. Flexibility and Convenience
Public transport in New Delhi can be crowded and sometimes unreliable. Renting a car allows you to move freely, follow your own schedule, and visit off-the-beaten-path destinations that are not easily accessible by public transit.
2. Comfort and Privacy
A rented car provides a comfortable and private space, especially beneficial in a city known for its bustling streets and heavy traffic. You can enjoy the ride in a climate-controlled environment, perfect for escaping the heat or cold.
3. Cost-Effective for Groups
For groups or families, renting a car can be more economical than purchasing multiple tickets for public transportation or hailing taxis repeatedly.
Types of Car Rentals Available
When renting a car in New Delhi, you'll find a variety of options to suit different needs and budgets:
Economy and Compact Cars
Ideal for solo travelers or couples, these cars are cost-effective and fuel-efficient. They are easy to maneuver in busy city traffic and offer great value for money.
Luxury and Premium Vehicles
If you're looking to travel in style, luxury cars provide an elegant driving experience. Whether it's a business trip or a special occasion, premium vehicles like BMWs or Audis can add a touch of sophistication to your journey.
SUVs and 4x4s
For those planning to explore beyond the city or navigate rougher terrains, SUVs and 4x4s are a great choice. They offer ample space and power, making them suitable for more adventurous travels.
How to Choose the Right Car Rental Company
Selecting a reliable car rental company is crucial for a smooth rental experience. Here’s what to consider:
Reputation and Reviews
Look for companies with a good reputation and positive customer reviews. Online platforms like Google and TripAdvisor can provide insights into other customers' experiences.
Pricing and Hidden Costs
Compare prices across different rental companies, but be wary of hidden costs such as extra insurance fees, taxes, or mileage charges. Ensure you understand the total cost before booking.
Customer Service and Support
Choose a company known for excellent customer service. Responsive support can make a significant difference if any issues arise during your rental period.
Understanding Rental Agreements
Before signing any contract, make sure you understand the terms and conditions:
Rental Terms and Conditions
Read through the rental agreement carefully. Pay attention to the terms related to vehicle use, mileage limits, and any penalties for late returns.
Insurance Options
Most rental companies offer insurance options, including collision damage waiver (CDW) and theft protection. Ensure you know what is covered and consider purchasing additional coverage if necessary.
Fuel Policies
Understand the fuel policy of the rental company. Some require you to return the car with a full tank, while others may offer a prepaid fuel option.
Booking Your Car
Booking your rental car involves a few key steps:
Online Booking vs. In-Person Rental
Booking online is often more convenient and allows you to compare prices easily. However, if you prefer a more personal touch, visiting a rental office in person is also an option.
Required Documentation
You’ll need a valid driver’s license, a credit card, and sometimes an international driving permit (IDP) if your license is not in English. Check the requirements with your chosen rental company.
Payment Methods
Most rental companies accept major credit cards. Ensure you have a card that meets the rental company’s requirements for security deposits and payments.
Driving in New Delhi
Driving in New Delhi can be a unique experience. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Traffic Conditions
Expect heavy traffic, especially during rush hours. Plan your routes and allow extra time for travel.
Road Rules and Regulations
Familiarize yourself with local driving laws. New Delhi follows Indian traffic rules, which might differ from those in your home country.
Parking Tips
Parking can be challenging in busy areas. Look for designated parking spots and be cautious of local parking regulations to avoid fines.
Popular Destinations to Explore
Renting a car allows you to explore both well-known and lesser-known spots:
Historical Sites
Visit iconic landmarks like the Red Fort, Qutub Minar, and Humayun’s Tomb to immerse yourself in Delhi’s rich history.
Modern Attractions
Explore modern attractions such as Connaught Place, India Gate, and the Lotus Temple for a taste of contemporary Delhi.
Shopping and Dining
Discover vibrant markets like Chandni Chowk and modern malls such as DLF Mall of India. Enjoy diverse dining options ranging from street food to fine dining.
Safety and Precautions
Safety is paramount when driving in a new city. Here’s how to stay safe:
Personal Safety
Keep your belongings secure and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid traveling alone late at night in unfamiliar areas.
Vehicle Safety
Inspect the car before accepting it and ensure all necessary documents and emergency equipment are in place. Report any issues to the rental company immediately.
Returning the Car
When it’s time to return your rental car:
Inspection Process
The car will be inspected for any damage or issues. Ensure you return it in the same condition as when you picked it up.
Final Payment and Deposits
Check for any additional charges or final payments. Ensure you get a receipt for the return and any deposits paid.
Renting a car in New Delhi offers unparalleled flexibility and comfort, making your exploration of this bustling city a breeze. By choosing the right rental company, understanding rental agreements, and being aware of local driving conditions, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re in Delhi for business or pleasure, having your own vehicle allows you to explore the city on your terms.
1. Do I need an International Driving Permit (IDP) to rent a car in New Delhi?
An IDP is not mandatory if your driver’s license is in English. However, it is recommended to carry one to avoid any potential issues.
2. What is the typical cost of renting a car in New Delhi?
The cost varies based on the type of car, rental duration, and additional services. On average, economy cars start around ₹1,500 per day.
3. Can I rent a car without a credit card?
Most rental companies require a credit card for security deposits and payments. Some may accept debit cards but check with the company beforehand.
4. Are there any restrictions on where I can drive the rental car?
Rental agreements usually include restrictions on driving outside city limits or into certain areas. Check the terms of your rental agreement for specifics.
5. What should I do if I have an accident while driving a rental car?
Immediately contact local authorities and your rental company. Follow their instructions for reporting the accident and handling any insurance claims.
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I do not own a car. There is no good other form of transportation from Chicago to Indianapolis for a wedding I am attending next month. I have to rent a car. 
When I was a teenager/living with my parents, I drove SUVs because we lived in the middle of nowhere and genuinely needed the extra power to deal with snow-covered hills. Because of this, I don’t feel super comfortable driving normal cars, since they feel really close to the ground. I’ve driven normal cars, but there’s a level of discomfort and anxiety there. 
An SUV will be $11 more per day than a compact at the car rental place I’m going with. Because I’m using this for 4 days, that’s like $40 which isn’t crazy but it is extra money. 
I should just go for the SUV, right? I’m going to have to deal with nightmare highway systems around two cities, I should drive something I’m comfortable with, right?
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honourablejester · 7 months
Call of Cthulhu Character Concept: 1920s Funeral Home Dreamer
Because I just really wanted to try making a CoC investigator. I’m not sure what I intended to make initially, but browsing the occupations list gave me ‘undertaker’, and then I decided to roll for characteristics initially (I later added points on so the total would equal 460, as if for point buy), and that gave me a starting Appearance of 20, which is just above ‘ugly, possibly disfigured due to injury or at birth’, which gave me a bit of a starting seed. Then I was browsing the period names suggestion list, and saw ‘Asenath’, which I’d never heard before, and looked that up. And it’s a biblical name, but an Egyptian figure, so the name means ‘dedicated to the goddess Neith’. Which, in a Cthulhu setting, was … interesting.
So. Asenath Webber, a 34 year old assistant at her family’s funeral home in Arkham, Massachusetts, who has a troubled relationship with her brother since he permanently scarred her with embalming chemicals in an ‘accident’ as kids, and whose beloved uncle helped foster her education and interest in literature, history, and just a bit of the occult. Heh.
Call of Cthulhu Character Concept: Asenath Webber
Name: Asenath Webber
Occupation: Embalmer’s Assistant/Hearse Driver (Undertaker)
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Birthplace/Place of Residence: Arkham, Massachusetts.
Strength 50, Constitution 80, Dexterity 60, Intelligence 50, Size 50, Power 70, Appearance 20, Education 80
(I initially rolled, then brought them up to total 460 as if for point buy (my original rolled total was 435), but the initial rolls are why her appearance is in the toilet. I could have brought that up, but I figured let’s roll with it)
Hit Points: 13
Magic Points: 14
Luck: 55
Sanity: 65
Move: 8
Skills Above Base:
Brawl 35%, Drive Auto 60%, Dodge 30%, First Aid 35%, History 65%, Intimidate 50%, Language (Own, English) 80%, Language (Other, Ancient Egyptian) 11%, Library Use 50%, Occult 65%, Psychology 40%, Science (Biology) 45%, Science (Chemistry) 51%, Spot Hidden 50%
Credit Rating: 20
Wealth: Average, Spending Level $10, Cash $40 ($10 on her, $30 glove box of the hearse), Assets $1000 (rented apartment ($10/wk rent), used car ($300), refrigerator ($49))
I did look up 1920s hearses to see if there was any option for the hearse to be the part of the family business she owned, but hearses are very expensive, so not a chance. She probably does have access to it, if she wants to alienate her family altogether, but I decided she’d have her own, used but in good condition, 1920 Chevvy Coupe that she keeps at Jo’s so the family don’t know about it. She keeps it mostly for the promise that when things with her brother finally degrade past saving, she can just bug out in her own car, and then the world will be her oyster.
Personal Description: A short, compact woman with bland features once you get past the shiny, twisted burn scar on her face. She smells faintly of chemicals, and tends to be faintly off-putting at the best of times. She’s usually found in driver’s coveralls or men’s clothing, which her family tolerate because she’s generally just not seen, at least not attached to the business.
Ideology & Beliefs: There are forces at work in the world, both evil and spiritual. When you work with the dead, you realise quickly that the body is a frail, useless, damaged thing. There must be more, a breath of some vaster thing, that makes us what we are.
Significant People: Eldridge Webber, her brother, with whom she has a tense relationship, to put it mildly. Edridge is the ‘& Son’ of the Webber & Son funeral home, and will inherit it once their father dies, and has made no bones about the fact that he’ll cut her loose to survive on her own once that happens. He’s also the cause of the scarring on her face, an ‘accident’ when he was 12 and she was 8, and he’d dared her to venture into the embalming room with him. She firmly believes that if her father wasn’t as traditional and had even once considered allowing a female to inherit the business, her brother would have arranged for a much more permanent ‘accident’ for her. Eldridge focuses on the business and glad-handing clients side of the funeral home, while their father still does most of the embalming, so she’s mostly given odd jobs such as driving the hearse and assisting their father in the embalming rooms. She’s almost fine with the knowledge that as soon as the business belongs to her brother, she’ll be out on her ear.
Barnabas Webber, her uncle, who taught her and sponsored her interests despite the ire from the rest of her family. He’s the one who taught her to drive, and the one who sponsored her education so she could get her English and History degree. Now that he’s dead, relations between her and the rest of her family have cooled significantly, not that they were good to start with. He used to be the second Webber in ‘Webber, Webber & Son’, but when he died, Josiah Webber, her father, simply removed that part of the name.
Josephine Razner, a friend from college and fellow spiritualist who shares Asenath’s fascination with history and the occult. Despite Asenath’s generally off-putting demeanour, Jo was delighted by her unusual name, and Asenath’s knowledge of its origins, and they hit it off. Jo is constantly encouraging her to leave the family business altogether and strike out on her own before Eldridge forces the issue for her, but Asenath still feels that would be disloyal to the family as a whole.
Roland Bleeker, a shady sort who has dealings with her brother, and who Asenath is 90% certain is a criminal of some stripe. Both he and Eldridge have attempted several times to get Asenath to do ‘deliveries’ in the hearse that are outside of business hours, and she’s refused them, which has done her relationship with Eldridge no favours either.
Meaningful Locations: Webber & Sons Funeral Home, Arkham. The center around which her world has revolved for almost her entire life, the cause of her worst scars, and the link to her most beloved person, her deceased Uncle Barnabas.
Secondarily, Miskatonic University, the site of some of the happiest times of her life, and the place she met Jo.
Treasured Possessions: A small illustrated copy of Lord Dunsany’s ‘Gods of Pegana’, with a handwritten note on the inside cover from Uncle Barnabas: ‘Dream all the things, dear one. Never stop. Uncle B.’ *(Key Backstory Connection)
Traits: Loyal. Not a lot of people are kind to Asenath, so she will move heaven and earth for the ones that are. She loved Uncle Barnabas with her entire body and soul, and she probably would kill people (or at least find some way to make bodies vanish) for Jo. She’s also stubborn and inclined to stick to her guns in general.
Injuries & Scars: Old chemical burn scars on her right cheek and jaw, deforming her mouth slightly, from an ‘accident’ as a child with the embalming chemicals.
History: From nearly the moment she was born, Asenath Webber’s life has been tied up in the family business, the prosperous Webber & Son funeral home. A dreamy, bookish, stubborn child, she wasn’t popular with most of her family, save only her mother (until her untimely death when Asenath was four) and her Uncle Barnabas, who she utterly adored and has missed terribly these last seven years since his death. After a childhood incident involving her brother left her with permanent scars from chemical burns on her face, she was shunted into the background of family life, away from the public. As a teenager, she had started training as an embalmer, at her father’s side, but her uncle managed to secure a college education for her at Miskatonic University, arguing that it would only enhance the family’s reputation to be able to send her. After her brother, of course, who studied accounting and finance, as befit the heir to the business. Asenath had other interests, however, and a fanciful streak, so her studies were in literature and history. Her own name, and lifelong experience with death, bodies, and the spirituality around them, had also inclined her to more … esoteric studies, and through these she met her dear friend Josephine Razner.
Once she had her degree, however, duty demanded that she return to the funeral home and put her back into the family business. She couldn’t be publicly seen, of course, she was off-putting and inclined to scare off clients, but she found roles as assistant embalmer and, through her talent with automobiles, driver of the funeral home’s hearse. After the death of her uncle, however, and her increasingly strained relationship with her brother as their father gets frailer and the time of his inheritance gets palpably closer, Asenath is looking more and more for a way out before she’s thrown out.
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filmografo · 1 year
find the words tag!
thank you to the lovely @chauceryfairytales for tagging me <3 as always, these are all translated from pt/br > english, and from the BIRTHPLACE series! hope you enjoy :)
the way nalkita’s brain works is fascinating to me i’m sorry
BAG SUITCASE: kit struggles. (this one is actually an excerpt from the fic that started all of this!!!! :D idk if it’ll be found anywhere in the current draft.. i feel like it doesn’t have a place there. we’ll see)
The suitcase she sits on top of her bed carries exactly three casual T-shirts, three pairs of jeans, some underwear, a couple of other random items. (How weird it is, she thinks, to compact your whole life like this. Save all you own and be able to carry it around. Such an odd feeling.)
SLOWLY: from book 2 “roots in infertile soil”! dramatic bitch (non-derogatory <3)
Kit is as human as the size of her desire and this tremendous, nameless grief. She is strong as the blood that escapes her through a fingertip sliced into by a kitchen knife. Something that breaks through every barrier of skin slowly, shyly, almost. Little dark red droplets making themselves known with time. Poor-blood that slickers the hand and refuses to leave after it dries.
WINDOW: living inside a matchbox w/ jo (still no name-dropping)
The room unit she shares with her sister is one of the smallest ones available for rent and has no windows. There would be no beautiful landscape to look at, but the real reason is its location, too close to the central reactors and the scorching hot power plants. Truthfully, a window wouldn’t make any difference. Nalkita’s summer is everlasting, persistent, blazes through her every article of clothing, crawls inside the body like a vermin.
THORN FLOWER: for something less serious / heavy than kit’s internal monologue T—T ! sorryyy
“Ah, Kit!” Dia runs up to her, kisses both of her cheeks like a madman. Their lips are stained red with wine and they smell like it, too. Nalkita admires them for their drinking habits, honestly. It’s barely eleven. The roar of the crowd dies down and both of them leave the Cage, Concordia insisting on his compliments, drunk on expensive wine and the joy of seeing Kit win again. “I’ll mail you a bouquet of Gaia’s prettiest flowers! Let’s celebrate, eh?”
this is everything i have for now :3c writing has been hard these days hhhh but these games are always so much fun to participate in!!
tagging every writer friend who would like to join! i’d love to hear more about your writing/wips/projects!!! :D your words are heaven, garden, wound & mercy!
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10 Benefits of Core Drilling Machine for Borehole Drilling
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Core drilling machines offer a simple and efficient means of borehole drilling solutions. Whether you are looking to drill down into hard surfaces such as concrete, masonry, or asphalt, core drills are undoubtedly the most reliable tool for getting the job done quickly and safely. This blog post explores the key benefits of using a core drilling machine for all your borehole drilling needs - from its accuracy in providing precise results to its cost-efficiency when compared with other methods. Read on to find out how this versatile piece of technology can revolutionize your projects!
1. Quick and Accurate –
Core drilling machines are designed to provide quick and accurate results, allowing you to drill through material quickly with minimal downtime.  This is especially useful for projects that require quick turnaround times and tight tolerances.
2. Versatile –
Core drilling machines can be used on a variety of surfaces, including concrete, masonry, asphalt, wood, and even metal. This makes them suitable for a wide range of borehole drilling solutions.
3. Cost-Effective –
Core drilling machines are much more cost-effective than other methods of borehole drilling, such as traditional rotary drills. Not only do they require less energy to operate, but the overall cost for each project is significantly lower because you don’t have to rent or purchase additional tools or equipment.
4. Portable –
Unlike traditional rotary drills, core drilling machines are compact and easy to transport. This means you can take them with you wherever the job needs to be done, making it much easier to provide efficient and timely solutions for your clients.
5. Safe –
Core drilling machines are designed with safety in mind. The machine is equipped with a variety of safety features, such as an emergency stop button. This ensures that you can work confidently, knowing that all necessary safety precautions have been taken.
6. Efficient –
Core drilling machines are designed to minimize vibrations and reduce noise levels while in operation, making them much more efficient than traditional rotary drills. This efficiency translates into fewer errors and quicker overall job completion.
7. Durable –
The components of core drilling machines are designed to withstand harsh conditions and last longer than other types of borehole drilling solutions.
8. Safe –
Core drilling machines are designed with safety features in mind, meaning that they can be operated safely even by those with limited experience.
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9. Environmentally Friendly –
Core drilling machines are powered by electricity, meaning that they do not emit harmful fumes or cause air pollution. This makes them a good choice for those looking to minimize their environmental impact.
10. Convenient –
Using a core drilling machine is very convenient. With minimal setup and easy-to-use controls, the entire process is quick and straightforward, making it ideal for projects that require fast turnaround times.
As you can see, core drilling machines provide a wide range of benefits that make them ideal for borehole drilling solutions. From their accuracy and cost-efficiency to their portability and safety features, they offer an efficient and reliable way to get the job done quickly and safely. If you’re looking for an effective means of completing your borehole drilling projects, investing in a core drilling machine is worth considering.
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standardprinters12 · 19 hours
Here Is A Comprehensive Guide To The Different Types Of Desktop You Can Rent
When looking for Desktop Computers for rent in Mumbai, various types are available to suit different needs and preferences. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the different types of desktop computers you can rent:
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1. Basic Desktop Computers
Standard Office Desktops: Ideal for general office tasks such as word processing, spreadsheets, email, and internet browsing. They are typically equipped with basic processors, adequate RAM, and sufficient storage for everyday use.
Home Desktops: Suitable for home use, including schoolwork, casual gaming, streaming, and general internet use. Often feature moderate performance specifications.
2. Workstation Desktops
High-Performance Workstations: Designed for demanding tasks such as 3D rendering, video editing, CAD applications, and scientific simulations. These desktops feature powerful CPUs (often multi-core), large amounts of RAM, and high-end graphics cards.
CAD Workstations: Specifically optimized for computer-aided design (CAD) software, offering robust graphics processing units (GPUs) and substantial RAM to handle complex design projects.
3. Gaming Desktops
Entry-Level Gaming Desktops: Suitable for casual gamers, these systems feature decent CPUs and GPUs to handle popular games at moderate settings.
Mid-Range Gaming Desktops: Offer a balanced performance for most modern games, with mid-to-high-end CPUs and GPUs, along with ample RAM and storage.
High-End Gaming Desktops: Built for serious gamers, these systems feature top-of-the-line CPUs, GPUs, high-speed RAM, and often advanced cooling systems to handle the most demanding games at high settings and resolutions.
4. All-in-One Desktops
Integrated Systems: These desktops combine the monitor and computer components into a single unit, saving space and reducing cable clutter. They are suitable for both home and office environments.
Touchscreen Models: Some all-in-one desktops come with touchscreen capabilities, making them ideal for interactive applications and presentations.
5. Mini Desktops
Compact PCs: Small form-factor desktops that offer the functionality of a full-sized PC in a compact design. Ideal for limited desk space or as part of a media center setup.
Portable Desktops: Easy to transport and set up in different locations, making them suitable for temporary offices or on-the-go use.
6. Business Desktops
Enterprise-Level Desktops: Designed for business environments, these systems focus on reliability, security, and manageability. They often come with professional-grade software and hardware support.
Thin Clients: Used in a networked environment where the majority of processing is done on a server. Suitable for environments where security and centralized management are critical.
For computer On Rent In Mumbai, you can connect with us without any delay.
About Standard Print Infotech
Standard Print Infotech is one of the reputed names for different sets of computers and their accessories. To know more about different options or to rent it, you can connect with us.
Source: https://penzu.com/p/b2841afea5f4d757
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Chestnut Stud Across Multiverse: Azeroth Metrion Zint-HOLY FUCK!!
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It’d started simple enough for one Rachel Roth,or as friends took calling her, Raven,or Rae affectionately. Her and her friend Kori, aka Starfire or Star most referred to her, had come to Satan City to attend the university there. Of course the lodgements on offer were insane when it came to their prices,especially the rent but Star ever the optimist, thought it was a sign when they came across a flier offering room and board. Which had brought them on the doorstep of some blonde bombshell by the name of 18 who despite her cold looking demeanour was actually pretty chill. Kori of course simply adored their cute little angel Marron while Raven was perplexed and puzzled by 18’s choice of and taste in men when meeting the woman’s husband. A runt of a guy by the name of Krillin who apparently worked a police officer, which the goth girl found as bizarre as this whole relationship. At first anyway but it’s not like she was complaining plus the rent was decent, the place was cozy,their rooms had a good view and the distance to their campus was literal walking range. Besides it’s not like she wanted to debate Star and risk her flashing her those big emerald green puppy eyes of hers, so of course the matter was settled and the decision was made to stay.
it wasn’t too long before she and her exotic bestie found themselves settling well into a comfy enough routine. Breakfast, lunch and dinner always went down, especially when Krillin made it, proving he was quite the decent chef all things considered. 18 of course mauve been an adult woman but Raven found they shared a similar vibe wavelength and outlook on life. Her empathic abilities of course couldn’t help but pick up the absolute aura of love and romance between husband and wife coming off of Krillin and 18, it was rsther sweet in a way,reminded of the feelings of joy and confidence Star had come out of her like heat from a campfire. It made the goth babe rsther envious in a way but of course she had a feeling her empathy would bite her right in her thicc juicy ass. Lo and behold one fateful late night when it did, as she woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, careful not to disturb her roomie, when right as she was about to return to her bed, she paused in the middle of the hallway. Not because of a sound she’d heard but rather Somethjng she had sensed, felt it like how a gazelle picks up the sensation of a predator lying in wait as it stalked them, ready to pounce. The sensation of raw,primal passion and lust, coursing through her nerves as she found herself drawn towards it. Following the source like a trail of breadcrumbs to the bedroom door of Krillin and 18, unable to help herself as she stopped and looked through the opening, the door not closed completely and let out a silent gasp at what she was witnessing.
There was their landlords, both naked and going at it like horny animals, the blonde bombshell’s luscious lips letting loose with deep throated moans and cries of ectasy and sexual bliss. Her upper torso hanging off the edge of the bed,tits bouncing as her husband,his Herculean compact frame on display,flexed his muscles as he held her by the waist. Pumping and thrusting away into ehr snatch,the sound of skin slapping,nectar soaked penetration audible to the goth’s ears. Blushing as she’d cursed her psychic powers or causing her to become an unintentional voyeur, yet in awe and unable to look away, the raw passion and lust before her unlike anything she’d ever seen or felt before. The odd couple outting porn stars to shame and Raven could swear in her mother’s grave, she’d never watched or read porn before. She knew of it,certainly but this was unlike it in such ways she couldn’t begin to describe. Her hands acting of their own accord as she began to touch herself, groping her tits under her tanktop and teasing her camel toe thriugh her silky thong. Feeling her nectar flow snd run down along her thighs,silent pants and gasps escaping her lips as she watched husband and wife mate like animals in human skin, going through a veritable kama sutra of positions. Violet eyes widening at seeing the surreal length and girth of his cock. Who knew that five footer of a man was so well endowed? As she watched him bring his wife to the leak of climax,over and over again, silently cumming together with them as she fingered herself to the limit, shaking her head as she scrambled back to the room. Aghast at what she’d done and yet not feeling emote or regret. Had it been her imagination or did it seem like 18 would look her way, shooting her a wink and a smile? Like she knew she’d been there? To say Raven ha a sleepless night was an understatement but then did she get a shocker in the morning as she helped 18 with the breakfast dishes in the kitchen, soon as they were alone.
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18:-w-Enjoy the show last night? Raven:>\\\\<*shicked,she knew if she’d been drinking anything,she’d be going a spittake but found herself unable to reply or make a snarky retort* 18:-w-oh don’t worry,I won’t tell,it’s always good to know someone like you sees me and my man going at it.*sh said so matter of fsct lay,a hint of seduction in her tone as she moved to stand behind the big tittied,bootylicious goth girl,arms snaking around her waist as she caressed her stomach* Raven:*gasps as 18 bit and licked her ear,those hands teasing toeards the easiest and of her jeans and her the lining of her shirt. Making her squirm as her treacherous body reacted with sensations of arousal.* 18:-w-All I ask in return is,do yourself and me a favour. Do more than watch,I want you to have a taste of my Krillin. Fuck him,much as Yiu ant,anywhere and anytime you want. Even when I’m in the same room or not,I want details. I want to see him ruin you for other men. So be a good little goth slut snd don’t keep You or me waiting hmm?*finishing her remark by blowing air into her ear, making her moan as she pried herself off of Raven. Leaving the goth a confused,horny mess as they picked up where they left off with the dishes, neither Krillin or Kori none the wiser*
To say Raven had been a sensual mess since then was an understatement. Not helping when her brain decided to be as treacherous as the rest of her bidy and subject her to intense wet dreams. Sexual visions of Krillin and her going at it like wild beasts, suffocating her with intense facefucks,plowing her with jackhammering anal and of course,the rush of her womb being flooded with his white,hot thick cream. Not helping was when the weekend came and she and star were invited to come along a little family outing to the beach, the goth beauty knowing 18 was settting her up in a way that would ensure Raven acted on sexual impulse and do the deed with her short king husband. She was a sly one,that was for sure, not helping that Star went and got her a new bathing suit to show, as she stood there pouting and blushing adorably,her slate grey sexy self on display in a simpe, skintight black one piece swimsuit, which made a great compliment to Kori’s own white two piece bikini and a rsther simple domino pattered outfit 18 herself weas wearing. A pleasant tingle running along her spine at seeing Krillin’s reactions to them, feeling flattered yet trying to remind herself the guy was married. To a wife who was encouraging her to have sex with him. The goth babe cursing herself as she felt her thighs becoming soaked with the slickness and warmth of her arousal. Suffice to say it was mission impossible to get through ths day at th beach and not have anything happen. But of course along came Murphy’s law like the bitch it was.
it had been innocent enough,18 and Kori were busy laying and making sandcastles with Marron as Raven sat under the shade of the parasol, reading a book to distract her from her libido. When 18 caught her attention asking her to bring Krillin’s towel to him a he’d gone to use the washing showers but forget to bring it with him. Raven figured it’d be innocent enough as she nodded and picked up the towel, making her way to the shower cubicles. All but one of them were unoccupied, figuring that was the one Krillin was in by the sounds of runnin water and the steam pouring out. Making ehr way over and pulling the curtain open, assuming he was decent and in his swimshorts, only for him and herself to look at one another with wide eyes of shock and surprise to find thst no,he eas in fact naked. His cock in full frontal view as Raven stammered and stuttered an apology, somehow winding up in a struggle over a tug of war for thr towel she came to provide him with, as they wound up stumbling and falling onto the floor. Raven finding herself landing and laying stop the compact fellow,her lips pressed to his as she felt her swimsuit clad mound press against his crotch. Blushing as he became erect,his shaft hotdogging itself between her camel roe and the buns of her juicy,bubbly ass. It was in the instance of that moment Raven felt a switch in her brain. Grabbing his head as she deepened the kiss, moaning as she gave into the heat of passion.
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Raven knew she wasn’t normally so sexually impulsive or,prone to moving her libido’s erotic drum. But right here and now,she didn’t care for anything else but his short king of a stallion making her into a woman. Tits bouncing free from her swimsuit,the crotch portion moved aside as she ounces on Krillin’s cock,sitting n his lap Indian style as he pumped and thrust into her warm, wet snatch. Idly kissing each other as he squeezed and massaged her ass, eyes looking into one another as if trying to deepen a mental connection of erotic,tantric intimacy. She wasn’t sure how much time ahd lassed, quite frankly she couldn’t care less who would see or hear them right now, pausing in the midst of their rutting as they both noticed they weren’t alone. Glancing to the side to see Star standing by the shower door frame,green eyes wide and glued to them. One hand down the front of her swimsuit thong to indicate she was clearly fingering herself, biting her lip sensually as she groped and squeezed a tit with her free hand, not only liking what she saw but seeming to want to join in on the fun.
Join in she most certainly did,as as she and Raven were both naked,the shoerr water raining down on them and the lucky short king,who sat Indian style on the ground as the exotic college girl pair gave him a double team blowjob. Licking and sucking on his cock together, making out with it between their luscious lips as his groans were music to their ears. Raven had thought finding herself impulsively getting pornographic with Krillin was surreal enough but Star joining in? Well she’d be lying if she said she didn’t think she was the type or that she hadn’t thought of her sexually now and then. All that mattered was riding the momentum of pleasure that was coming down on them like a tidal wave as they gave into their desires and cast aside their inhibitions. Raven soon finding herself taking it doggy style, tits swaying as she howled and moaned, gasping when Krillin woild smack her goth ass in between jackhammering her with his godly cock. All the while Kori hugged him from behind, making out with him as they shared a sloppy kiss,hands caressing his Herculean physique with awe and tenderness before she found herself atop Krillin riding him in reverse cowgirl. Giving him a fine view of her toned sexy backside, ass jiggling as she bounced atop his cock while Raven laid beside their runt of an adonis, making out with him as he fingered her slit. The bestie duo shifting between one on onn to two on one,often one sitting in his face for him to eat out her oussy while the other rode on his cock,clasping hands together as they made out. It’d felt like hours passed before they’d finally finished and let the shower, clean and back in their swimwear as 18 shot Star and her a sly smile, making the goth babe blush as it was clear she knew what they’d done and more than approved.
It was after that little beachside shower encounter that Raven had found her and star’s co-Ed domestic life took a whole new erotic turn. Each and every chance they got,together or individually woild see them have sex with Krillin whenever they could. Sometimes it’d be something simple like Star going under the kitchen table to give him A blowjob or Raven would join him in meditation sessions which naturallt devolved into hot,sexy tantric yoga as the goth found herself addicted to this sex god in compact passage. O the times her or Star would invite themselves into a bath or shower if 18 wasn’t around. But oh whenever 18 got involved? The woman was a beast,often bringing the duo over to hers and krillin’s bedroom or bring themselves over to Star and Raven’s room to collect the “other part” of their rent. Or on occasion she’d see him by himself or have of them keep him company in bed. Either way not a moment ever went by they didn’t get naked,sweaty,deliciously sore and sticky with juices,it’s a wonder they weren’t pregnant. Yet anyway as 18 made it clear eben long after they graduated and moved out, they’d always be considered family and more than welcome in 18’s lewd antics. After all when you’d been with a man like hers, it wasn addiction ona dick you’d be crazy to think you could break off like a bad habit.
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It a protest Raven had een thinking about,as she and Star relaxed in their be, idly enjoying some snacks and quality time together. When their door opened, there stood their stud runt landlord, a relaxed caring smile on his face while 18 leaned on the doorframe. A sensual expression in her fsce as she began to undo her top,hinting snd signalling it was time for their “rent payment”. Star grinning excitedly and Raven blushjng yet smiling softly as Krillin made his way over to them. Taking his shirt off as Star moved to undo his pants whole Raven kissed him,moaning as he groped her body,so very intimately well acquainted with her at this point. Raven had never planned for a part of her college life to play out like some real life porno fantasy but quite frankly, did it really matter when it felt so good? Damn right.
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dhallplant · 1 day
Skilful Mini Digger Hire in Cornwall for Your Construction Needs
When it comes to construction, landscaping, or DIY projects, having the right equipment can make all the difference. In Cornwall, mini digger hire has become increasingly popular among homeowners, contractors, and landscapers alike. Mini diggers, or mini excavators, offer versatility, efficiency, and ease of use, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of tasks. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of  Mini digger hire Cornwall what to consider before hiring, and tips for getting the most out of your equipment.
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Why Hire a Mini Digger?
1. Versatility
Mini diggers are incredibly versatile machines. They play vital role plethora of tasks , including:
- Excavation: Perfect for digging foundations, trenches, or holes for planting.
- Landscaping: Ideal for moving soil, rocks, and other materials to shape your garden.
- Demolition: Small enough to maneuver in tight spaces while being powerful enough to tackle small structures.
- Material Handling: Use attachments to lift, move, and place materials with ease.
2. Compact Size
One of the standout features of mini diggers is their compact size. Unlike larger excavators, mini diggers can navigate narrow pathways and tight corners, making them perfect for residential properties and urban environments. This compactness means you can work efficiently without worrying about damaging existing structures or landscapes.
3. Cost-Effective Solution
Hiring a mini digger can be more cost-effective than purchasing one, especially for occasional use. Rental services in Cornwall often provide flexible hire periods, allowing you to rent for a day, week, or longer. This flexibility means you only pay for the equipment when you need it, making it a budget-friendly option for both homeowners and contractors.
4. Ease of Use
Mini diggers are designed to be user-friendly. Many models come equipped with intuitive controls that make it easy for operators of all skill levels to get the hang of them quickly. Plus, with proper training, you can maximize the machine's capabilities, making your projects more efficient.
What to Consider Before Hiring
Before you hire a mini digger in Cornwall, there are several factors to consider:
1. Project Requirements
Identify the specific tasks you need the mini digger for. The size and type of the machine you choose will depend on the project. For instance, if you need to dig deep foundations, a larger mini digger might be necessary. On the other hand, for lighter tasks, a smaller model will suffice.
2. Ground Conditions
If you’re dealing with soft or uneven ground, ensure the mini digger has suitable tracks and stability features. Some models are better equipped for challenging conditions, providing the necessary traction and support.
3. Duration of Hire
Determine how long you’ll need the mini digger. Most rental companies offer competitive rates for both short-term and long-term hires. If you expect your project to take longer than anticipated, it might be worth discussing multi-day or weekly rates with the rental company.
4. Attachments and Accessories
Many mini diggers come with various attachments that enhance their functionality. These can include buckets of different sizes, augers for drilling holes, and even grapple attachments for moving debris. Check with the rental company about the availability of attachments and ensure they meet your project needs.
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Tips for Maximizing Your Mini Digger Experience
To get the most out of your mini digger hire, consider these tips:
1. Receive Proper Training
If you’re not experienced in operating heavy machinery, consider taking a short training course. Many rental companies offer training sessions, or you can find local courses. Proper training will help you operate the machine safely and efficiently.
2. Conduct a Pre-Use Inspection
Before starting work, inspect the mini digger for any visible damage or wear. Check the fluid levels, tracks, and controls to ensure everything is in working order. Reporting any issues before you start can save time and prevent accidents.
3. Plan Your Work Area
Take some time to plan your work area before you start digging. Mark out the boundaries of your project and remove any obstacles in the way.
4. Follow Safety Protocols
Always prioritize safety when operating heavy machinery. Have to wear protective equipment, like as hard hats, gloves, and safety boots. Ensure bystanders are at a safe distance from the working area.
Mini digger hire Cornwall provide all types of site preparation & excavation needs. With their versatility, compact size, and cost-effectiveness, mini diggers are an ideal choice for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts. By considering your project requirements, choosing the right model, and following best practices, you can make the most of your mini digger hire and achieve exceptional results for your project. Whether you're tackling a small garden renovation or a larger construction job, hiring a mini digger could be the key to your success.
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southgatetravels · 2 days
Exploring Trivandrum with Self-Drive Car Rentals: A Convenient and Affordable Travel Option
Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, is known for its lush greenery, cultural landmarks, and stunning beaches. Whether you're a tourist exploring the majestic temples, a business traveler attending meetings, or a local resident planning a road trip, having the freedom to move around at your own pace makes the experience even better. One of the most convenient and affordable ways to travel in Trivandrum is through self drive car rental trivandrum.
In this blog, we will explore the benefits of renting a self-drive car in Trivandrum, popular rental options, tips for choosing the right service, and how to make the most of your self-driven journey in this vibrant city.
1. Why Choose a Self-Drive Car Rental in Trivandrum?
Self-drive car rentals have gained popularity due to the flexibility and control they offer. Renting a car without a driver gives you the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want, without the hassle of depending on taxis or public transportation. Here’s why self-drive car rentals are a great choice in Trivandrum:
Complete Freedom: With a self-drive rental, you are in control of your journey. You can explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, take detours, or stop for impromptu sightseeing, all without worrying about a driver’s schedule.
Privacy and Comfort: Renting a car for yourself allows you to enjoy your trip with full privacy, whether you're traveling solo, with family, or friends. You can relax and travel comfortably without any interruptions.
Cost-Effective: Self-drive car rentals are often more affordable than hiring a taxi for long distances or multiple days. You pay only for the car and fuel, and you can choose a vehicle that fits your budget.
Local Exploration at Your Own Pace: Trivandrum has a rich blend of attractions, from the iconic Padmanabhaswamy Temple to the serene Kovalam Beach. A self-drive car lets you explore these landmarks and discover hidden gems without being rushed.
2. Top Self-Drive Car Rental Options in Trivandrum
Trivandrum has several car rental services offering a range of vehicles suited for different preferences and travel requirements. Whether you need a compact car for city travel, an SUV for a road trip, or a luxury car for a special occasion, the choices are plenty. Here are some popular self-drive car rental options in the city:
Economy Cars: Perfect for solo travelers or small groups, economy cars like hatchbacks are fuel-efficient and easy to navigate through Trivandrum’s traffic.
SUVs and MUVs: If you’re planning a road trip to nearby hill stations or backwaters, renting an SUV or MUV offers more space, power, and comfort for a smooth ride.
Luxury Cars: For those who prefer a premium experience, luxury self-drive cars like sedans and premium SUVs provide both style and comfort. Ideal for special events or business trips.
Sedans: These are a great option for families or business travelers looking for more space and comfort than a compact car but without the size of an SUV.
Most rental services in Trivandrum offer a range of vehicles that can be booked online or through mobile apps, making the process quick and convenient.
3. What to Consider When Renting a Self-Drive Car in Trivandrum
Choosing the right self-drive car rental service is essential to ensure a hassle-free experience. Here are a few things to keep in mind when renting a car in Trivandrum:
Reputation and Reviews: Look for rental companies with positive reviews and a strong reputation for providing reliable vehicles and good customer service. Checking customer feedback online can help you make an informed decision.
Fleet Variety and Availability: Ensure the rental service offers a wide variety of cars so you can choose a vehicle that suits your travel needs and budget. Whether you're looking for a compact car, a sedan, or an SUV, having multiple options is essential.
Rental Terms and Conditions: Be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully before booking. This includes the fuel policy, mileage limits, security deposits, and insurance coverage. Make sure you’re aware of any hidden charges or fees that may apply.
Pricing: Compare prices from different rental providers to ensure you're getting the best deal. Some companies may offer discounts or special rates for longer rental periods.
Additional Features: If you need extras like GPS, child seats, or roof racks, check if the rental company provides these features and at what cost.
4. Tips for a Smooth Self-Drive Experience in Trivandrum
To make the most of your self-drive rental experience, follow these tips:
Book in Advance: During peak travel seasons, self-drive cars can be in high demand. Booking your car in advance ensures you get your preferred vehicle at the best rate.
Carry Essential Documents: Always carry your valid driver’s license, a copy of the rental agreement, and identification proof. If you're a foreign traveler, you may also need an International Driving Permit (IDP).
Inspect the Car Before Driving: Before taking the car, inspect it for any existing damage and report it to the rental company. This prevents any disputes when returning the vehicle.
Plan Your Route: Trivandrum has a mix of city roads, coastal routes, and hilly terrains. Plan your route ahead of time using a GPS or map to avoid traffic and explore the best attractions efficiently.
Obey Traffic Rules: Follow local traffic laws, and be cautious while driving, especially in busy areas. Trivandrum’s traffic can get congested, so drive carefully and defensively.
Fill Up on Fuel: Ensure you know the fuel policy of your rental company, whether it's a full-to-full or full-to-empty policy. Plan your fuel stops accordingly, especially if you're driving to remote areas.
5. Top Destinations to Explore in Trivandrum with a Self-Drive Car
Having your own vehicle allows you to explore Trivandrum and nearby destinations at your leisure. Here are some must-visit places you can easily explore with a self-drive car:
Padmanabhaswamy Temple: One of the most iconic landmarks in the city, this ancient temple is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. With your self-drive car, you can avoid the crowds and visit early in the morning or late in the evening.
Kovalam Beach: Just a short drive from the city, Kovalam Beach is famous for its golden sands, clear waters, and stunning sunsets. Take your rental car for a day trip to this popular beach destination.
Veli Tourist Village: Located on the outskirts of Trivandrum, this village offers a scenic combination of a lagoon and a beach. You can enjoy boating, picnicking, and exploring the picturesque surroundings.
Ponmudi Hills: If you love nature and adventure, a drive to Ponmudi Hills, located about 60 km from the city, is perfect. The winding roads leading to Ponmudi are best enjoyed with a self-drive car, allowing you to stop and admire the breathtaking views.
Agasthyakoodam: For nature enthusiasts and hikers, a drive to Agasthyakoodam offers a chance to experience Kerala's biodiversity. It's one of the highest peaks in the Western Ghats and offers a serene escape from the city.
6. Conclusion
Renting a self-drive car in Trivandrum is one of the best ways to explore the city and its surrounding areas at your own pace. Whether you're visiting for business or pleasure, self-drive rentals offer flexibility, convenience, and comfort, allowing you to create your own travel itinerary and experience the beauty of Kerala on your terms.
From the iconic beaches to serene hill stations and vibrant city life, Trivandrum has something for everyone, and with a rental car at your disposal, you can make the most of your journey. So the next time you’re planning a trip to Trivandrum, consider opting for a self-drive car rental and embark on a memorable adventure.
Safe travels!
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lightsounds · 2 days
Party Speaker on Rent — Elevate Your Event with Lightsounds Australia
Looking to elevate your next event with high-quality sound? Lightsounds Australia offers party speakers on rent that deliver clear, powerful audio for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a birthday party, corporate event, wedding, or just a weekend gathering, we have the perfect speaker setup to match your needs.
Our extensive range of party speakers ensures that you’ll find exactly what you need to create an immersive sound experience. From compact portable options to larger, more powerful systems, we provide the right equipment to suit both indoor and outdoor settings. Our speakers are easy to use, reliable, and come with all necessary accessories like cables and stands, ensuring a hassle-free setup.
Lightsounds Australia is committed to helping you create unforgettable events. We pride ourselves on delivering top-notch equipment and excellent customer service, ensuring your event runs smoothly. Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or hosting your first party, our team is here to offer guidance and technical support every step of the way.
Ready to Get the Party Started? For Party Speaker Rentals, Contact Lightsounds Australia Today!
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